Project Packages
Name | Last Build Version | Last Build Submitted | Last Build Status | Automatic Build | Actions |
copr-backend | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
copr-cli | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
copr-dist-git | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
copr-frontend | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
copr-keygen | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
copr-rpmbuild | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
dist-git | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
distribution-gpg-keys | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
js-jquery-ui | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
koji | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
mock | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
mock-core-configs | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
modulemd-tools | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
mysql-connector-python | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
nosync | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
obs-signd | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
preproc | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
procenv | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
prunerepo | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
pyproject-rpm-macros | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
python3-openid | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
python-argparse-manpage | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
python-asttokens | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
python-Authlib | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
python-backoff | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
python-blessed | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
python-cachelib | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
python-CCColUtils | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
python-copr | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
python-copr-common | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
python-crudini | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
python-debtcollector | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
python-email-validator | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
python-executing | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
python-Flask-Caching | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
python-Flask-OpenID | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
python-flask-whooshee | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
python-Flask-WTF | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
python-html2text | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
python-html5-parser | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
python-ipdb | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
python-ipython | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
python-jedi | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
python-keystoneauth1 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
python-littleutils | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
python-matplotlib-inline | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
python-novaclient | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
python-openidc-client | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
python-openid-teams | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
python-oslo-concurrency | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
python-oslo-config | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
python-oslo-i18n | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
python-oslo-serialization | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
python-oslo-utils | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
python-os-service-types | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
python-parso | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
python-pickleshare | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
python-prompt-toolkit | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
python-pure-eval | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
python-py3dns | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
python-pygal | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
python-pygit2 | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
python-pyLibravatar | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
python-pytest-xdist | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
python-responses | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
python-retask | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
python-rich | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
python-rpmautospec | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
python-stack-data | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
python-templated-dictionary | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
python-WTForms | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
python-XStatic-Bootstrap-SCSS | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
python-XStatic-DataTables | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
python-XStatic-Patternfly | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
resalloc | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
rpkg | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
rpkg-macros | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
rpkg-util | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
rpm-git-tag-sort | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
tini | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
tito | - | - | not built yet | Disabled | - |
Possible build states
importing - Package sources are being imported into Copr DistGit.pending - Build is waiting in queue for a backend worker.
starting - Backend worker is trying to acquire a builder machine.
running - Build in progress.
succeeded - Successfully built.
forked - Build has been forked from another build.
skipped - This package has already been built previously.
failed - Build failed. See logs for more details.
canceled - The build has been cancelled manually.
waiting - Task is waiting for something else to finish.