Build Monitor

Warning! This is a large project with many packages and/or builds - we can not hold all the requested data on one page (as we usually do), please use the pagination buttons below the table.

Package Openeuler 24.03_lts
ros-humble-turtlebot3-msgs failed
ros-humble-turtlebot3-navigation2 failed
ros-humble-turtlebot3-node failed
ros-humble-turtlebot3-simulations failed
ros-humble-turtlebot3-teleop failed
ros-humble-turtlebot4-base failed
ros-humble-turtlebot4-bringup failed
ros-humble-turtlebot4-description failed
ros-humble-turtlebot4-desktop failed
ros-humble-turtlebot4-diagnostics failed
ros-humble-turtlebot4-msgs failed
ros-humble-turtlebot4-navigation failed
ros-humble-turtlebot4-node failed
ros-humble-turtlebot4-robot failed
ros-humble-turtlebot4-tests failed
ros-humble-turtlebot4-viz failed
ros-humble-turtlesim failed
ros-humble-turtle-tf2-cpp failed
ros-humble-turtle-tf2-py failed
ros-humble-tvm-vendor failed
ros-humble-twist-mux failed
ros-humble-twist-stamper failed
ros-humble-ublox failed
ros-humble-ublox-dgnss failed
ros-humble-ublox-dgnss-node failed
ros-humble-ublox-gps failed
ros-humble-ublox-msgs failed
ros-humble-ublox-serialization failed
ros-humble-ublox-ubx-interfaces failed
ros-humble-ublox-ubx-msgs failed
ros-humble-udp-driver failed
ros-humble-udp-msgs failed
ros-humble-uncrustify-vendor failed
ros-humble-unique-identifier-msgs failed
ros-humble-ur failed
ros-humble-ur-bringup failed
ros-humble-ur-calibration failed
ros-humble-ur-client-library failed
ros-humble-ur-controllers failed
ros-humble-ur-dashboard-msgs failed
ros-humble-ur-description failed
ros-humble-urdf failed
ros-humble-urdfdom failed
ros-humble-urdfdom-headers failed
ros-humble-urdfdom-py failed
ros-humble-urdf-parser-plugin failed
ros-humble-urdf-test failed
ros-humble-urdf-tutorial failed
ros-humble-urg-c failed
ros-humble-urg-node failed
1001 - 1050 of 1096
of 22
Possible build states importing - Package sources are being imported into Copr DistGit.
pending - Build is waiting in queue for a backend worker.
starting - Backend worker is trying to acquire a builder machine.
running - Build in progress.
succeeded - Successfully built.
forked - Build has been forked from another build.
skipped - This package has already been built previously.
failed - Build failed. See logs for more details.
canceled - The build has been cancelled manually.
waiting - Task is waiting for something else to finish.