acpi src 1af58b9c44bb9ea108905b44b3bd9eb3ba240bcc79763799aced76c8c335f54b Command-line ACPI client Linux ACPI client is a small command-line program that attempts to replicate the functionality of the 'old' apm command on ACPI systems. It includes battery and thermal information. acpi x86_64 397e3108d4339d1dcecf57bece0bb64986d6c96f375c1eab795236ddc94a8ac2 Command-line ACPI client Linux ACPI client is a small command-line program that attempts to replicate the functionality of the 'old' apm command on ACPI systems. It includes battery and thermal information. acpi-debuginfo x86_64 370635380ab59163ff9678c26b7962981279bdf46c2ab9b26348392afc628c3d Debug information for package acpi This package provides debug information for package acpi. Debug information is useful when developing applications that use this package or when debugging this package. acpi-debugsource x86_64 8258f2a54bcf27740c2ed615eebc36ebb99a44b99fd8ba96c3444e3482d47d37 Debug sources for package acpi This package provides debug sources for package acpi. Debug sources are useful when developing applications that use this package or when debugging this package. dmenu src 78f22561e823bcf6a87ab9ab02d7f7717f157609f71161173332687cb0e5fc6e Generic menu for X Dynamic menu is a generic menu for X, originally designed for dwm. It manages huge amounts (up to 10.000 and more) of user defined menu items efficiently. dmenu x86_64 2931b8371b7fd40feac4777780bb2aa5f6f6f33ba83b4ac52601208d21dd26eb Generic menu for X Dynamic menu is a generic menu for X, originally designed for dwm. It manages huge amounts (up to 10.000 and more) of user defined menu items efficiently. dmenu-debuginfo x86_64 c4f4a6353e7aede85d565284d286d2ae360bc24926b60cab77d7189b10d26c6d Debug information for package dmenu This package provides debug information for package dmenu. Debug information is useful when developing applications that use this package or when debugging this package. dmenu-debugsource x86_64 03337114f51cc8caa26faf502affcc5aaa41a60e9cf00d61d56eaf3890573d2f Debug sources for package dmenu This package provides debug sources for package dmenu. Debug sources are useful when developing applications that use this package or when debugging this package. feh src 19bc199c3499455950ddf715e178f4d9b9d612f3feaaf4921c1a87c543803fb2 Fast command line image viewer using Imlib2 feh is a versatile and fast image viewer using imlib2, the premier image file handling library. feh has many features, from simple single file viewing, to multiple file modes using a slide-show or multiple windows. feh supports the creation of montages as index prints with many user-configurable options. feh x86_64 b2772c7e20025769c2e5f0bc3c73e4dec847ed28b317f5b9160c4a21188f33cc Fast command line image viewer using Imlib2 feh is a versatile and fast image viewer using imlib2, the premier image file handling library. feh has many features, from simple single file viewing, to multiple file modes using a slide-show or multiple windows. feh supports the creation of montages as index prints with many user-configurable options. feh-debuginfo x86_64 cbc164d4e16d54cafa09c9a63a3d621f809a3d2f1cbd9ac5e731ee3d931f24bd Debug information for package feh This package provides debug information for package feh. Debug information is useful when developing applications that use this package or when debugging this package. feh-debugsource x86_64 1a96acde50844e37fe4532fae50c6517878d834c76893190dbd9999a773390c7 Debug sources for package feh This package provides debug sources for package feh. Debug sources are useful when developing applications that use this package or when debugging this package. i3blocks src 0d86b7213417c6bd02c08d3e44768f2a1f50c737f82cc2c73e90db8d721f90c7 A feed generator for text based status bars A feed generator for text based status bars i3blocks executes your command lines and generates a status line from their output. Commands are scheduled at configured time intervals, upon signal reception or on clicks. The generated line is meant to be displayed by the i3 window manager through its i3bar component, as an alternative to i3status. i3blocks is meant to be highly flexible but intuitive. No library package is required, just output what your status bar expects, from your favorite programming language and your preferred format. i3blocks x86_64 91b6da166fb539ab6c768fb44eb31273f7448c8451f36fd4a7bf6e7316c2a3ce A feed generator for text based status bars A feed generator for text based status bars i3blocks executes your command lines and generates a status line from their output. Commands are scheduled at configured time intervals, upon signal reception or on clicks. The generated line is meant to be displayed by the i3 window manager through its i3bar component, as an alternative to i3status. i3blocks is meant to be highly flexible but intuitive. No library package is required, just output what your status bar expects, from your favorite programming language and your preferred format. i3blocks-contrib src c3c1eac88e3ff2a2304f21cf460babb2a37b054ffebc882891f3a1923cb3b8ec Community contributed blocklets for i3blocks. This repository contains a set of scripts (a.k.a. blocklets) for i3blocks, contributed by the community. i3blocks-contrib x86_64 6092cbb25a57594ccac0a201a5513c5de74e56ce8175e2e744586894fb60a7ee Community contributed blocklets for i3blocks. This repository contains a set of scripts (a.k.a. blocklets) for i3blocks, contributed by the community. i3blocks-contrib-debuginfo x86_64 5cd984081649ef5c632e3a5f5d8eb02ff2701db3daa17147f189a8d853df6887 Debug information for package i3blocks-contrib This package provides debug information for package i3blocks-contrib. Debug information is useful when developing applications that use this package or when debugging this package. i3blocks-contrib-debugsource x86_64 f829159d77b4dbf4010529fb9eec5b0e2c1ba104c3e84989644f9196051a7d73 Debug sources for package i3blocks-contrib This package provides debug sources for package i3blocks-contrib. Debug sources are useful when developing applications that use this package or when debugging this package. i3blocks-debuginfo x86_64 e69715f84822f0e54fe3a0b640503a4e505f6482471394274dc1bb1962f708e4 Debug information for package i3blocks This package provides debug information for package i3blocks. Debug information is useful when developing applications that use this package or when debugging this package. i3blocks-debugsource x86_64 9fbd88a9bdfc3aec6d9d96c9952e9547dc2bb8e508e9888442319a7459aa0608 Debug sources for package i3blocks This package provides debug sources for package i3blocks. Debug sources are useful when developing applications that use this package or when debugging this package. i3lock src 5050020eda61253cef65b8cd7de75de006db7b0ca7ae5f803f3a0a6d454c5575 Simple X display locker like slock i3lock is a simple screen locker like slock. After starting it, you will see a white screen (you can configure the color/an image). You can return to your screen by entering your password. Many little improvements have been made to i3lock over time: - i3lock forks, so you can combine it with an alias to suspend to RAM (run "i3lock && echo mem > /sys/power/state" to get a locked screen after waking up your computer from suspend to RAM) - You can specify either a background color or a PNG image which will be displayed while your screen is locked. - You can specify whether i3lock should bell upon a wrong password. - i3lock uses PAM and therefore is compatible with LDAP etc. On OpenBSD i3lock uses the bsd_auth(3) framework. i3lock x86_64 9e718a95ba8524d42dc337bc4f315624edbf24c9eb3f7e600ae0b244c96049d8 Simple X display locker like slock i3lock is a simple screen locker like slock. After starting it, you will see a white screen (you can configure the color/an image). You can return to your screen by entering your password. Many little improvements have been made to i3lock over time: - i3lock forks, so you can combine it with an alias to suspend to RAM (run "i3lock && echo mem > /sys/power/state" to get a locked screen after waking up your computer from suspend to RAM) - You can specify either a background color or a PNG image which will be displayed while your screen is locked. - You can specify whether i3lock should bell upon a wrong password. - i3lock uses PAM and therefore is compatible with LDAP etc. On OpenBSD i3lock uses the bsd_auth(3) framework. i3lock-debuginfo x86_64 d4122402ee3f75e93f0bd8182957537169b553328e37a49c002cc872ea8469de Debug information for package i3lock This package provides debug information for package i3lock. Debug information is useful when developing applications that use this package or when debugging this package. i3lock-debugsource x86_64 9b4b4273d6100c548f5422cab85428b110575cf926b65b8e7b794ef4d2ea8254 Debug sources for package i3lock This package provides debug sources for package i3lock. Debug sources are useful when developing applications that use this package or when debugging this package. i3status src ff99db6ddbccd7ba87df02e208ad9211ceb0680f18232a7ebaf683b8841110b7 Status bar generator for i3bar, dzen2, xmobar or similar programs i3status is a program for generating a status bar for i3bar, dzen2, xmobar or similar programs. It issues a small number of system calls, as one generally wants to update such status lines every second so that the bar is updated even under load. It saves a bit of energy by being more efficient than shell commands. i3status x86_64 4770be38d4e24c985c7a9dec4369d61eaa20ab7e5c8e28a32590f7fc1de3c13e Status bar generator for i3bar, dzen2, xmobar or similar programs i3status is a program for generating a status bar for i3bar, dzen2, xmobar or similar programs. It issues a small number of system calls, as one generally wants to update such status lines every second so that the bar is updated even under load. It saves a bit of energy by being more efficient than shell commands. i3status-config noarch 4edad333afd5464e92801027492c4cfc64f6464be1d0872c56cb13ce9a74d1cd Upstream configuration for i3status This is the upstream/vanilla configuration file of i3status. i3status-debuginfo x86_64 5cb948e8a3493b3400e1783ffd56487fb26c1d571f68afffe83997ff46f84cb4 Debug information for package i3status This package provides debug information for package i3status. Debug information is useful when developing applications that use this package or when debugging this package. i3status-debugsource x86_64 2b04d2c91c85cc62810a936b4d89d1a8061b6e84c415755c5cd4121cb655e370 Debug sources for package i3status This package provides debug sources for package i3status. Debug sources are useful when developing applications that use this package or when debugging this package. perl-Curses src 4a65600ba7b5cfdb70f9f41c08ae8edc6825dbb823987fb346511d07bb9602c6 Perl bindings for ncurses Perl bindings for ncurses, bringing terminal-independent character handling capabilities to Perl. perl-Curses x86_64 b09a7ce9e9d2b4e0dc7e0e1215fb66f8758e5051254a09ab5a68868e9d5c15b3 Perl bindings for ncurses Perl bindings for ncurses, bringing terminal-independent character handling capabilities to Perl. perl-Curses-debuginfo x86_64 d072ba590b7b0446890c513e0fd89bddb3f46afaed2a7f4dfb02714844d3f822 Debug information for package perl-Curses This package provides debug information for package perl-Curses. Debug information is useful when developing applications that use this package or when debugging this package. perl-Curses-debugsource x86_64 a39fd27ffc987e9c45c0740416d861fcffdb722e1d554453673688c46220bf5b Debug sources for package perl-Curses This package provides debug sources for package perl-Curses. Debug sources are useful when developing applications that use this package or when debugging this package. perl-Event src 63d243396d706029b69390b298d232642d34f423d2528e0cbf9d2c9b0a5e847c Event loop processing This extension aims to provide an simple and optimized event loop for a broad class of application. perl-Event x86_64 89a0027241d804598c0f14521645d5c6b701e5ba2fe18b079186f5ec3e86a8ac Event loop processing This extension aims to provide an simple and optimized event loop for a broad class of application. perl-Event-debuginfo x86_64 2fecb74edd5148bb2659c0619f8b196bf8e2f85ccf6739e19a880de9732f56f9 Debug information for package perl-Event This package provides debug information for package perl-Event. Debug information is useful when developing applications that use this package or when debugging this package. perl-Event-debugsource x86_64 b98dd56bcba99f54bdcf127581227c7d27b5d51bcfc73ab9cd3921175edaebac Debug sources for package perl-Event This package provides debug sources for package perl-Event. Debug sources are useful when developing applications that use this package or when debugging this package. perl-Event-help x86_64 c554dfce6cdedcd5f117f01525c154edc7ae891829960fa35451bd8de79ef383 Event loop processing This extension aims to provide an simple and optimized event loop for a broad class of application.This package provides help docs for perl-Event. perl-Guard src 879756a3f6d2e7216c28f34766958206451c612cbbfc8156973bbac9157fa1f0 Safe cleanup blocks This module implements so-called "guards". A guard is something (usually an object) that "guards" a resource, ensuring that it is cleaned up when expected. perl-Guard x86_64 f20d3e18d91cb9c1174cdcf937989210babdadfa40462143895bdfedb9303294 Safe cleanup blocks This module implements so-called "guards". A guard is something (usually an object) that "guards" a resource, ensuring that it is cleaned up when expected. perl-Guard-debuginfo x86_64 f0f8c65e240acb2728dd3767d96c2e82a18fa12b65825361d71224f33af859f2 Debug information for package perl-Guard This package provides debug information for package perl-Guard. Debug information is useful when developing applications that use this package or when debugging this package. perl-Guard-debugsource x86_64 504a25b9c4f1e5ce4f800fb97a640a627140f9dcc7f211de2920c9d9545cf1f2 Debug sources for package perl-Guard This package provides debug sources for package perl-Guard. Debug sources are useful when developing applications that use this package or when debugging this package. perl-Guard-help x86_64 aeb1bc8c1f66ca606ac1cba220715395401376226591305195130083757ba887 Safe cleanup blocks This module implements so-called "guards". A guard is something (usually an object) that "guards" a resource, ensuring that it is cleaned up when expected. perl-IO-Pipely noarch 95ed88dcce1d9a59f653e98ca1c9954599b22fc5088ecb1bb0fa9368cd616ec2 Portably create pipe() or pipe-like handles, one way or another IO::Pipely provides a couple functions to portably create one- and two-way pips and pipe-like socket pairs. perl-IO-Pipely src 8baa118cdde61919da154bb70732246283f869bfa536ac11031fec370be2de73 Portably create pipe() or pipe-like handles, one way or another IO::Pipely provides a couple functions to portably create one- and two-way pips and pipe-like socket pairs. perl-IO-Pipely-help noarch e7858b082e90ac3ed1f4bd73f7fd6486bff08b1d380aab24c01847eeb4e3a51c Portably create pipe() or pipe-like handles, one way or another Documents for IO::Pipely perl moudle. perl-POE noarch 408beaea4726b70c652bbee0b5891453f2b1444c50c4e08013a933b8db3d13a4 Portable multitasking and networking framework for event loops POE is a framework for cooperative, event driven multitasking in Perl. It provides a unified interface for several event loops, including select(), IO::Poll, Glib, Gtk, Tk, Wx, and Gtk2. Many of these event loop interfaces were written by others, with the help of POE::Test::Loops. perl-POE src 7e109af170335fa9f0c9c4e264dcac25658421667d8ee56609b479587d8676a1 Portable multitasking and networking framework for event loops POE is a framework for cooperative, event driven multitasking in Perl. It provides a unified interface for several event loops, including select(), IO::Poll, Glib, Gtk, Tk, Wx, and Gtk2. Many of these event loop interfaces were written by others, with the help of POE::Test::Loops. perl-POE-Test-Loops noarch c8a3f142ceab715da4ea0f184e4eefbf5d4114f7aef4e2f5ecfa711a42226949 Reusable tests for POE::Loop authors POE::Test::Loops contains one function, generate(), which will generate all the loop tests for one or more POE::Loop subclasses. The poe-gen-tests manual page also documents the POE::Test::Loops system in more detail. perl-POE-Test-Loops src f0329ebcaebd6b8ca3be6fa00f2049a1f27578693df078cce925587ace16e670 Reusable tests for POE::Loop authors POE::Test::Loops contains one function, generate(), which will generate all the loop tests for one or more POE::Loop subclasses. The poe-gen-tests manual page also documents the POE::Test::Loops system in more detail. perl-Task-Weaken noarch 437fcd95753af48aeaf51c2db168c8d20b7260a55375c259cecfcc6523554911 Ensure that a platform has weaken support One recurring problem in modules that use Scalar::Util's weaken function is that it is not present in the pure-perl variant. perl-Task-Weaken src 7028695d225ede9bfb83cbaafd85f8eb7070be1344d2914e87489e53ec8bb039 Ensure that a platform has weaken support One recurring problem in modules that use Scalar::Util's weaken function is that it is not present in the pure-perl variant. perl-Task-Weaken-help noarch 51afe95064feb330e34eac5c30b5606046f79a77319cc50d85ba8644277c8573 Ensure that a platform has weaken support One recurring problem in modules that use Scalar::Util's weaken function is that it is not present in the pure-perl variant. perl-Test-Command noarch eb8303a2237d99f8e99709bf4b4e301ba9c1b97a3e9fd0aefe0cd3529b06aca8 Test routines for external commands Test::Command intends to bridge the gap between the well tested functions and objects you choose and their usage in your programs. By examining the exit status, terminating signal, STDOUT and STDERR of your program you can determine if it is behaving as expected. perl-Test-Command src 3886f97807fd0b7bf31d9de01857a5c45ac5973b7cacee2dd8d7b35f0f036cad Test routines for external commands Test::Command intends to bridge the gap between the well tested functions and objects you choose and their usage in your programs. By examining the exit status, terminating signal, STDOUT and STDERR of your program you can determine if it is behaving as expected. xcb-util-xrm src 66277a7a86a2f913bf02c4266d95a9ecdd051190337d35f5d498620efafccb47 XCB utility functions for the X resource manager XCB utility functions for the X resource manager. xcb-util-xrm x86_64 f7ef6e900ab7cb8ea7ac312b369c94228ac013afb26cefdd559a2aa83a930085 XCB utility functions for the X resource manager XCB utility functions for the X resource manager. xcb-util-xrm-debuginfo x86_64 f7a4804394ef4916a98a17711998a2e7cd7b0346700f56f395917f7c1252155a Debug information for package xcb-util-xrm This package provides debug information for package xcb-util-xrm. Debug information is useful when developing applications that use this package or when debugging this package. xcb-util-xrm-debugsource x86_64 862009f6d035a8e7bbcd6a29ac5673f7e125f739b328ed81bb96b0112e3b29f1 Debug sources for package xcb-util-xrm This package provides debug sources for package xcb-util-xrm. Debug sources are useful when developing applications that use this package or when debugging this package. xcb-util-xrm-devel x86_64 fea00766ae116db9a527edbcc176f5748e86449189ba1e47e9b82b028468beed Development files for xcb-util-xrm Development files for xcb-util-xrm. xcompmgr src 6a09c2b292e1d0c3a208e9dd2e640e0db14f3369f8f09abcb4a01d9a00642de4 X11 composite manager xcompmgr is a sample compositing manager for X servers supporting the XFIXES, DAMAGE, and COMPOSITE extensions. It enables basic eye-candy effects xcompmgr x86_64 ca3e3a104f65b767662ed2870b4bc04f278294f11de378a41ee3c8a03f0cbaa4 X11 composite manager xcompmgr is a sample compositing manager for X servers supporting the XFIXES, DAMAGE, and COMPOSITE extensions. It enables basic eye-candy effects xcompmgr-debuginfo x86_64 bcf2bf542af1984361604b5ccd7b06953ba4837a1b4c70b060b0209529b86cd9 Debug information for package xcompmgr This package provides debug information for package xcompmgr. Debug information is useful when developing applications that use this package or when debugging this package. xcompmgr-debugsource x86_64 d38c6547d956294db67946ec67fde00a20439b7ad825adce48941d980694c15e Debug sources for package xcompmgr This package provides debug sources for package xcompmgr. Debug sources are useful when developing applications that use this package or when debugging this package.