%{!?sources_gpg: %{!?dlrn:%global sources_gpg 0} } %global sources_gpg_sign 0x4c29ff0e437f3351fd82bdf47c5a3bc787dc7035 %{!?upstream_version: %global upstream_version %{version}%{?milestone}} Name: os-net-config Version: 14.2.0 Release: 1%{?dist} Summary: Host network configuration tool License: ASL 2.0 URL: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/%{name} Source0: https://tarballs.openstack.org/%{name}/%{name}-%{upstream_version}.tar.gz # Required for tarball sources verification %if 0%{?sources_gpg} == 1 Source101: https://tarballs.openstack.org/%{name}/%{name}-%{upstream_version}.tar.gz.asc Source102: https://releases.openstack.org/_static/%{sources_gpg_sign}.txt %endif Requires: initscripts Requires: iproute Requires: ethtool Requires: dhclient BuildArch: noarch # Required for tarball sources verification %if 0%{?sources_gpg} == 1 BuildRequires: /usr/bin/gpgv2 BuildRequires: openstack-macros %endif BuildRequires: git-core BuildRequires: python3-setuptools BuildRequires: python3-devel BuildRequires: python3-pbr BuildRequires: python3-sphinx BuildRequires: python3-openstackdocstheme Requires: python3-eventlet >= 0.18.2 Requires: python3-oslo-concurrency >= 3.8.0 Requires: python3-oslo-config Requires: python3-oslo-utils >= 3.20.0 Requires: python3-netaddr >= 0.7.13 Requires: python3-iso8601 >= 0.1.11 Requires: python3-six >= 1.9.0 Requires: python3-pbr >= 2.0.0 Requires: python3-jsonschema >= 2.6.0 Requires: python3-PyYAML >= 3.10 Requires: python3-anyjson >= 0.3.3 Requires: python3-pyudev >= 0.16.1 %if 0%{?rhel} > 7 || 0%{?openEuler} # RHEL8 requires a network-scripts package for ifcfg backwards compatibility Requires: network-scripts %endif %description Host network configuration tool for OpenStack. %prep # Required for tarball sources verification %if 0%{?sources_gpg} == 1 %{gpgverify} --keyring=%{SOURCE102} --signature=%{SOURCE101} --data=%{SOURCE0} %endif %autosetup -n %{name}-%{upstream_version} -S git %build %{py3_build} sphinx-build -W -b html doc/source doc/build/html # Fix hidden-file-or-dir warnings rm -fr doc/build/html/.{doctrees,buildinfo} %install %{py3_install} %files %doc README.rst %doc LICENSE %doc doc/build/html %{_bindir}/os-net-config %{_bindir}/os-net-config-sriov %{_bindir}/os-net-config-sriov-bind %{python3_sitelib}/os_net_config* %changelog * Mon Aug 16 2021 RDO 14.2.0-1 - Update to 14.2.0 * Mon Jul 19 2021 RDO 14.1.1-1 - Update to 14.1.1 * Wed May 05 2021 RDO 14.1.0-1 - Update to 14.1.0