Name: nano Version: 8.1 Release: 1 Summary: Nano is a tiny GNU editor License: GPL-3.0-or-later URL: Source0:{name}-%{version}.tar.xz BuildRequires: file-devel gettext-devel gcc ncurses-devel sed texinfo groff Conflicts: filesystem < 3 %description Nano is a tiny GNU editor %package_help %prep %autosetup -p1 %build install -d build cd build %global _configure ../configure %configure %make_build sed -e 's/^#.*set speller.*$/set speller "hunspell"/' \ -e 's|^# \(include "/usr/share/nano/\*.nanorc"\)|\1|' \ doc/sample.nanorc >> ./nanorc %install %make_install -C build rm -rf %{buildroot}%{_infodir}/dir rm -rf %{buildroot}%{_docdir}/nano/{nano,nano.1,nanorc.5,rnano.1}.html install -d %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir} install -m 0644 build/nanorc %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/nanorc mv %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/nano/extra/* %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/nano rm -rf %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/nano/extra %find_lang %{name} %files -f %{name}.lang %doc AUTHORS %license COPYING %{_bindir}/* %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/nanorc %{_datadir}/nano %{_infodir}/* %files help %doc ChangeLog INSTALL NEWS README THANKS TODO %doc build/doc/sample.nanorc %doc doc/nano.html %{_mandir}/man*/* %{_defaultdocdir}/nano/faq.html %changelog * Thu Jul 25 2024 Funda Wang - 8.1-1 - Update to 8.1 * Mon Jun 17 2024 yaoxin - 8.0-1 - Update to 8.0 * CVE-2024-5742: Avoid privilege escalations via symlink attacks on emergency save file (boo#1226099) * By default ^F is bound to starting a forward search, and ^B to starting a backward search, while M-F and M-B repeat the search in the corresponding direction. (See the documentation if you want the old bindings back.) * Command-line option --modernbindings (-/) makes ^Q quit, ^X cut, ^C copy, ^V paste, ^Z undo, ^Y redo, ^O open a file, ^W write a file, ^R replace, ^G find again, ^D find again backwards, ^A set the mark, ^T jump to a line, ^P show the position, and ^E execute. * For easier access, M-" is bound to placing/removing an anchor, and M-' to jumping to the next anchor. * Thu Jun 13 2024 xuchenchen - 7.2-3 - Type:CVES - ID:CVE-2024-5742 - SUG:NA - DESC:fix CVE-2024-5742 * Mon May 15 2023 misaka00251 - 7.2-2 - Fix bug when build using rpmbuild * Wed Apr 19 2023 xu_ping <> - 7.2-1 - Upgrade package to 7.2 version * Mon Aug 02 2021 chenyanpanHW - 4.9.3-2 - DESC: delete -S git from %autosetup, and delete BuildRequires git * Thu Sep 10 2020 baizhonggui - 4.9.3-1 - Modify source0 * Sat May 30 2020 SimpleUpdate Robot - Update to version 4.9.3 * Fri Jan 17 2020 Lei Zhang - 4.5-2 - Remove useless nanorc config file * Tue Nov 26 2019 openEuler Buildteam - 4.5-1 - Package init