perl-homedir noarch 15ba90349ed42a74423afbe7ce44cfb93f8aca438863099170a0c9ae25bc3140 Automatically setup user $HOME perl-homedir automatically create a ~/perl5 directory in user's $HOME when user login. perl-local-lib noarch 36d4b2b62ef558ffb7c7a2841b3fd515f4a02255575f90b5f8b00d49099ff039 Create and use a local lib/ for perl modules with Perl5lib This module provides a quick, convenient way of bootstrapping a user-local Perl module library located within the user's home directory. It also constructs and prints out for the user the list of environment variables using the syntax appropriate for the user's current shell (as specified by the SHELL environment variable), suitable for directly adding to one's shell configuration file. More generally, local::lib allows for the bootstrapping and usage of a directory containing Perl modules outside of Perl's @INC. This makes it easier to ship an application with an app-specific copy of a Perl module, or collection of modules. Useful in cases like when an upstream maintainer hasn't applied a patch to a module of theirs that you need for your application. perl-local-lib src 9a32f04d68bf9820d1f8643a0a4d5fcc99c4d7c45d6eeeb1efc3e4d9c0098138 Create and use a local lib/ for perl modules with Perl5lib This module provides a quick, convenient way of bootstrapping a user-local Perl module library located within the user's home directory. It also constructs and prints out for the user the list of environment variables using the syntax appropriate for the user's current shell (as specified by the SHELL environment variable), suitable for directly adding to one's shell configuration file. More generally, local::lib allows for the bootstrapping and usage of a directory containing Perl modules outside of Perl's @INC. This makes it easier to ship an application with an app-specific copy of a Perl module, or collection of modules. Useful in cases like when an upstream maintainer hasn't applied a patch to a module of theirs that you need for your application.