%global _empty_manifest_terminate_build 0 Name: python-vulture Version: 2.7 Release: 1 Summary: Find dead code License: MIT URL: https://github.com/jendrikseipp/vulture Source0: https://mirrors.nju.edu.cn/pypi/web/packages/de/ff/196ca63becc5faf5586202ab6e30102322adeea538bb45549d97ed38225d/vulture-2.7.tar.gz BuildArch: noarch Requires: python3-toml %description # Vulture - Find dead code ![CI:Test](https://github.com/jendrikseipp/vulture/workflows/CI/badge.svg) [![Codecov Badge](https://codecov.io/gh/jendrikseipp/vulture/branch/main/graphs/badge.svg)](https://codecov.io/gh/jendrikseipp/vulture?branch=main) Vulture finds unused code in Python programs. This is useful for cleaning up and finding errors in large code bases. If you run Vulture on both your library and test suite you can find untested code. Due to Python's dynamic nature, static code analyzers like Vulture are likely to miss some dead code. Also, code that is only called implicitly may be reported as unused. Nonetheless, Vulture can be a very helpful tool for higher code quality. ## Features * fast: uses static code analysis * tested: tests itself and has complete test coverage * complements pyflakes and has the same output syntax * sorts unused classes and functions by size with `--sort-by-size` * supports Python \>= 3.6 ## Installation $ pip install vulture ## Usage $ vulture myscript.py # or $ python3 -m vulture myscript.py $ vulture myscript.py mypackage/ $ vulture myscript.py --min-confidence 100 # Only report 100% dead code. The provided arguments may be Python files or directories. For each directory Vulture analyzes all contained \*.py files. After you have found and deleted dead code, run Vulture again, because it may discover more dead code. ## Types of unused code In addition to finding unused functions, classes, etc., Vulture can detect unreachable code. Each chunk of dead code is assigned a *confidence value* between 60% and 100%, where a value of 100% signals that it is certain that the code won't be executed. Values below 100% are *very rough* estimates (based on the type of code chunk) for how likely it is that the code is unused. | Code type | Confidence value | | ------------------- | -- | | function/method/class argument, unreachable code | 100% | | import | 90% | | attribute, class, function, method, property, variable | 60% | You can use the `--min-confidence` flag to set the minimum confidence for code to be reported as unused. Use `--min-confidence 100` to only report code that is guaranteed to be unused within the analyzed files. ## Handling false positives When Vulture incorrectly reports chunks of code as unused, you have several options for suppressing the false positives. If fixing your false positives could benefit other users as well, please file an issue report. #### Whitelists The recommended option is to add used code that is reported as unused to a Python module and add it to the list of scanned paths. To obtain such a whitelist automatically, pass `--make-whitelist` to Vulture: $ vulture mydir --make-whitelist > whitelist.py $ vulture mydir whitelist.py Note that the resulting `whitelist.py` file will contain valid Python syntax, but for Python to be able to *run* it, you will usually have to make some modifications. We collect whitelists for common Python modules and packages in `vulture/whitelists/` (pull requests are welcome). #### Ignoring files If you want to ignore a whole file or directory, use the `--exclude` parameter (e.g., `--exclude "*settings.py,*/docs/*.py,*/test_*.py,*/.venv/*.py"`). The exclude patterns are matched against absolute paths. #### Flake8 noqa comments For compatibility with [flake8](https://flake8.pycqa.org/), Vulture supports the [F401 and F841](https://flake8.pycqa.org/en/latest/user/error-codes.html) error codes for ignoring unused imports (`# noqa: F401`) and unused local variables (`# noqa: F841`). However, we recommend using whitelists instead of `noqa` comments, since `noqa` comments add visual noise to the code and make it harder to read. #### Ignoring names You can use `--ignore-names foo*,ba[rz]` to let Vulture ignore all names starting with `foo` and the names `bar` and `baz`. Additionally, the `--ignore-decorators` option can be used to ignore functions decorated with the given decorator. This is helpful for example in Flask projects, where you can use `--ignore-decorators "@app.route"` to ignore all functions with the `@app.route` decorator. We recommend using whitelists instead of `--ignore-names` or `--ignore-decorators` whenever possible, since whitelists are automatically checked for syntactic correctness when passed to Vulture and often you can even pass them to your Python interpreter and let it check that all whitelisted code actually still exists in your project. #### Marking unused variables There are situations where you can't just remove unused variables, e.g., in function signatures. The recommended solution is to use the `del` keyword as described in the [PyLint manual](http://pylint-messages.wikidot.com/messages:w0613) and on [StackOverflow](https://stackoverflow.com/a/14836005): ```python def foo(x, y): del y return x + 3 ``` Vulture will also ignore all variables that start with an underscore, so you can use `_x, y = get_pos()` to mark unused tuple assignments or function arguments, e.g., `def foo(x, _y)`. #### Minimum confidence Raise the minimum [confidence value](#types-of-unused-code) with the `--min-confidence` flag. #### Unreachable code If Vulture complains about code like `if False:`, you can use a Boolean flag `debug = False` and write `if debug:` instead. This makes the code more readable and silences Vulture. #### Forward references for type annotations See [#216](https://github.com/jendrikseipp/vulture/issues/216). For example, instead of `def foo(arg: "Sequence"): ...`, we recommend using ``` python from __future__ import annotations def foo(arg: Sequence): ... ``` if you're using Python 3.7+. ## Configuration You can also store command line arguments in `pyproject.toml` under the `tool.vulture` section. Simply remove leading dashes and replace all remaining dashes with underscores. Options given on the command line have precedence over options in `pyproject.toml`. Example Config: ``` toml [tool.vulture] exclude = ["*file*.py", "dir/"] ignore_decorators = ["@app.route", "@require_*"] ignore_names = ["visit_*", "do_*"] make_whitelist = true min_confidence = 80 paths = ["myscript.py", "mydir"] sort_by_size = true verbose = true ``` ## Version control integration You can use a [pre-commit](https://pre-commit.com/#install) hook to run Vulture before each commit. For this, install pre-commit and add the following to the `.pre-commit-config.yaml` file in your repository: ```yaml repos: - repo: https://github.com/jendrikseipp/vulture rev: 'v2.3' # or any later Vulture version hooks: - id: vulture ``` Then run `pre-commit install`. Finally, create a `pyproject.toml` file in your repository and specify all files that Vulture should check under `[tool.vulture] --> paths` (see above). ## How does it work? Vulture uses the `ast` module to build abstract syntax trees for all given files. While traversing all syntax trees it records the names of defined and used objects. Afterwards, it reports the objects which have been defined, but not used. This analysis ignores scopes and only takes object names into account. Vulture also detects unreachable code by looking for code after `return`, `break`, `continue` and `raise` statements, and by searching for unsatisfiable `if`- and `while`-conditions. ## Sort by size When using the `--sort-by-size` option, Vulture sorts unused code by its number of lines. This helps developers prioritize where to look for dead code first. ## Examples Consider the following Python script (`dead_code.py`): ``` python import os class Greeter: def greet(self): print("Hi") def hello_world(): message = "Hello, world!" greeter = Greeter() func_name = "greet" greet_func = getattr(greeter, func_name) greet_func() if __name__ == "__main__": hello_world() ``` Calling : $ vulture dead_code.py results in the following output: dead_code.py:1: unused import 'os' (90% confidence) dead_code.py:4: unused function 'greet' (60% confidence) dead_code.py:8: unused variable 'message' (60% confidence) Vulture correctly reports `os` and `message` as unused but it fails to detect that `greet` is actually used. The recommended method to deal with false positives like this is to create a whitelist Python file. **Preparing whitelists** In a whitelist we simulate the usage of variables, attributes, etc. For the program above, a whitelist could look as follows: ``` python # whitelist_dead_code.py from dead_code import Greeter Greeter.greet ``` Alternatively, you can pass `--make-whitelist` to Vulture and obtain an automatically generated whitelist. Passing both the original program and the whitelist to Vulture $ vulture dead_code.py whitelist_dead_code.py makes Vulture ignore the `greet` method: dead_code.py:1: unused import 'os' (90% confidence) dead_code.py:8: unused variable 'message' (60% confidence) ## Exit codes | Exit code | Description | | --------- | ------------------------------------------------------------- | | 0 | No dead code found | | 1 | Dead code found | | 1 | Invalid input (file missing, syntax error, wrong encoding) | | 2 | Invalid command line arguments | ## Similar programs - [pyflakes](https://pypi.org/project/pyflakes/) finds unused imports and unused local variables (in addition to many other programmatic errors). - [coverage](https://pypi.org/project/coverage/) finds unused code more reliably than Vulture, but requires all branches of the code to actually be run. - [uncalled](https://pypi.org/project/uncalled/) finds dead code by using the abstract syntax tree (like Vulture), regular expressions, or both. - [dead](https://pypi.org/project/dead/) finds dead code by using the abstract syntax tree (like Vulture). ## Participate Please visit to report any issues or to make pull requests. - Contributing guide: [CONTRIBUTING.md](https://github.com/jendrikseipp/vulture/blob/main/CONTRIBUTING.md) - Release notes: [CHANGELOG.md](https://github.com/jendrikseipp/vulture/blob/main/CHANGELOG.md) - Roadmap: [TODO.md](https://github.com/jendrikseipp/vulture/blob/main/TODO.md) # 2.7 (2023-01-08) * Ignore `setup_module()`, `teardown_module()`, etc. in pytest `test_*.py` files (Jendrik Seipp). * Add whitelist for `socketserver.TCPServer.allow_reuse_address` (Ben Elliston). * Clarify that `--exclude` patterns are matched against absolute paths (Jendrik Seipp, #260). * Fix example in README file (Jendrik Seipp, #272). # 2.6 (2022-09-19) * Add basic `match` statement support (kreathon, #276, #291). # 2.5 (2022-07-03) * Mark imports in `__all__` as used (kreathon, #172, #282). * Add whitelist for `pint.UnitRegistry.default_formatter` (Ben Elliston, #258). # 2.4 (2022-05-19) * Print absolute filepaths as relative again (as in version 2.1 and before) if they are below the current directory (The-Compiler, #246). * Run tests and add PyPI trove for Python 3.10 (chayim, #266). * Allow using the `del` keyword to mark unused variables (sshishov, #279). # 2.3 (2021-01-16) * Add [pre-commit](https://pre-commit.com) hook (Clément Robert, #244). # 2.2 (2021-01-15) * Only parse format strings when being used with `locals()` (jingw, #225). * Don't override paths in pyproject.toml with empty CLI paths (bcbnz, #228). * Run continuous integration tests for Python 3.9 (ju-sh, #232). * Use pathlib internally (ju-sh, #226). # 2.1 (2020-08-19) * Treat `getattr/hasattr(obj, "constant_string", ...)` as a reference to `obj.constant_string` (jingw, #219). * Fix false positives when assigning to `x.some_name` but reading via `some_name`, at the cost of potential false negatives (jingw, #221). * Allow reading options from `pyproject.toml` (Michel Albert, #164, #215). # 2.0 (2020-08-11) * Parse `# type: ...` comments if on Python 3.8+ (jingw, #220). * Bump minimum Python version to 3.6 (Jendrik Seipp, #218). The last Vulture release that supports Python 2.7 and Python 3.5 is version 1.6. * Consider all files under `test` or `tests` directories test files (Jendrik Seipp). * Ignore `logging.Logger.propagate` attribute (Jendrik Seipp). # 1.6 (2020-07-28) * Differentiate between functions and methods (Jendrik Seipp, #112, #209). * Move from Travis to GitHub actions (RJ722, #211). # 1.5 (2020-05-24) * Support flake8 "noqa" error codes F401 (unused import) and F841 (unused local variable) (RJ722, #195). * Detect unreachable code in conditional expressions (Agathiyan Bragadeesh, #178). # 1.4 (2020-03-30) * Ignore unused import statements in `__init__.py` (RJ722, #192). * Report first decorator's line number for unused decorated objects on Python 3.8+ (RJ722, #200). * Check code with black and pyupgrade. # 1.3 (2020-02-03) * Detect redundant 'if' conditions without 'else' blocks. * Add whitelist for `string.Formatter` (Joseph Bylund, #183). # 1.2 (2019-11-22) * Fix tests for Python 3.8 (#166). * Use new `Constant` AST node under Python 3.8+ (#175). * Add test for f-strings (#177). * Add whitelist for `logging` module. # 1.1 (2019-09-23) * Add `sys.excepthook` to `sys` whitelist. * Add whitelist for `ctypes` module. * Check that type annotations are parsed and type comments are ignored (thanks @kx-chen). * Support checking files with BOM under Python 2.7 (#170). # 1.0 (2018-10-23) * Add `--ignore-decorators` flag (thanks @RJ722). * Add whitelist for `threading` module (thanks @andrewhalle). # 0.29 (2018-07-31) * Add `--ignore-names` flag for ignoring names matching the given glob patterns (thanks @RJ722). # 0.28 (2018-07-05) * Add `--make-whitelist` flag for reporting output in whitelist format (thanks @RJ722). * Ignore case of `--exclude` arguments on Windows. * Add `*-test.py` to recognized test file patterns. * Add `failureException`, `longMessage` and `maxDiff` to `unittest` whitelist. * Refer to actual objects rather than their mocks in default whitelists (thanks @RJ722). * Don't import any Vulture modules in setup.py (thanks @RJ722). # 0.27 (2018-06-05) * Report `while (True): ... else: ...` as unreachable (thanks @RJ722). * Use `argparse` instead of `optparse`. * Whitelist Mock.return\_value and Mock.side\_effect in unittest.mock module. * Drop support for Python 2.6 and 3.3. * Improve documentation and test coverage (thanks @RJ722). # 0.26 (2017-08-28) * Detect `async` function definitions (thanks @RJ722). * Add `Item.get_report()` method (thanks @RJ722). * Move method for finding Python modules out of Vulture class. # 0.25 (2017-08-15) * Detect unsatisfiable statements containing `and`, `or` and `not`. * Use filenames and line numbers as tie-breakers when sorting by size. * Store first and last line numbers in Item objects. * Pass relevant options directly to `scavenge()` and `report()`. # 0.24 (2017-08-14) * Detect unsatisfiable `while`-conditions (thanks @RJ722). * Detect unsatisfiable `if`- and `else`-conditions (thanks @RJ722). * Handle null bytes in source code. # 0.23 (2017-08-10) * Add `--min-confidence` flag (thanks @RJ722). # 0.22 (2017-08-04) * Detect unreachable code after `return`, `break`, `continue` and `raise` (thanks @RJ722). * Parse all variable and attribute names in new format strings. * Extend ast whitelist. # 0.21 (2017-07-26) * If an unused item is defined multiple times, report it multiple times. * Make size estimates for function calls more accurate. * Create wheel files for Vulture (thanks @RJ722). # 0.20 (2017-07-26) * Report unused tuple assignments as dead code. * Report attribute names that have the same names as variables as dead code. * Let Item class inherit from `object` (thanks @RJ722). * Handle names imported as aliases like all other used variable names. * Rename Vulture.used\_vars to Vulture.used\_names. * Use function for determining which imports to ignore. * Only try to import each whitelist file once. * Store used names and used attributes in sets instead of lists. * Fix estimating the size of code containing ellipses (...). * Refactor and simplify code. # 0.19 (2017-07-20) * Don't ignore \_\_foo variable names. * Use separate methods for determining whether to ignore classes and functions. * Only try to find a whitelist for each defined import once (thanks @roivanov). * Fix finding the last child for many types of AST nodes. # 0.18 (2017-07-17) * Make --sort-by-size faster and more accurate (thanks @RJ722). # 0.17 (2017-07-17) * Add get\_unused\_code() method. * Return with exit code 1 when syntax errors are found or files can't be read. # 0.16 (2017-07-12) * Differentiate between unused classes and functions (thanks @RJ722). * Add --sort-by-size option (thanks @jackric and @RJ722). * Count imports as used if they are accessed as module attributes. # 0.15 (2017-07-04) * Automatically include whitelists based on imported modules (thanks @RJ722). * Add --version parameter (thanks @RJ722). * Add appveyor tests for testing on Windows (thanks @RJ722). # 0.14 (2017-04-06) * Add stub whitelist file for Python standard library (thanks @RJ722) * Ignore class names starting with "Test" in "test\_" files (thanks @thisch). * Ignore "test\_" functions only in "test\_" files. # 0.13 (2017-03-06) * Ignore star-imported names since we cannot detect whether they are used. * Move repository to GitHub. # 0.12 (2017-01-05) * Detect unused imports. * Use tokenize.open() on Python \>= 3.2 for reading input files, assume UTF-8 encoding on older Python versions. # 0.11 (2016-11-27) * Use the system's default encoding when reading files. * Report syntax errors instead of aborting. # 0.10 (2016-07-14) * Detect unused function and method arguments (issue #15). * Detect unused \*args and \*\*kwargs parameters. * Change license from GPL to MIT. # 0.9 (2016-06-29) * Don't flag attributes as unused if they are used as global variables in another module (thanks Florian Bruhin). * Don't consider "True" and "False" variable names. * Abort with error message when invoked on .pyc files. # 0.8.1 (2015-09-28) * Fix code for Python 3. # 0.8 (2015-09-28) * Do not flag names imported with "import as" as dead code (thanks Tom Terrace). # 0.7 (2015-09-26) * Exit with exitcode 1 if path on commandline can't be found. * Test vulture with vulture using a whitelist module for false positives. * Add tests that run vulture as a script. * Add "python setup.py test" command for running tests. * Add support for tox. * Raise test coverage to 100%. * Remove ez\_setup.py. # 0.6 (2014-09-06) * Ignore function names starting with "test\_". * Parse variable names in new format strings (e.g. "This is {x}".format(x="nice")). * Only parse alphanumeric variable names in format strings and ignore types. * Abort with exit code 1 on syntax errors. * Support installation under Windows by using setuptools (thanks Reuben Fletcher-Costin). # 0.5 (2014-05-09) * If dead code is found, exit with 1. # 0.4.1 (2013-09-17) * Only warn if a path given on the command line cannot be found. # 0.4 (2013-06-23) * Ignore unused variables starting with an underscore. * Show warning for syntax errors instead of aborting directly. * Print warning if a file cannot be found. # 0.3 (2012-03-19) * Add support for python3 * Report unused attributes * Find tuple assignments in comprehensions * Scan files given on the command line even if they don't end with .py # 0.2 (2012-03-18) * Only format nodes in verbose mode (gives 4x speedup). # 0.1 (2012-03-17) * First release. %package -n python3-vulture Summary: Find dead code Provides: python-vulture BuildRequires: python3-devel BuildRequires: python3-setuptools BuildRequires: python3-pip %description -n python3-vulture # Vulture - Find dead code ![CI:Test](https://github.com/jendrikseipp/vulture/workflows/CI/badge.svg) [![Codecov Badge](https://codecov.io/gh/jendrikseipp/vulture/branch/main/graphs/badge.svg)](https://codecov.io/gh/jendrikseipp/vulture?branch=main) Vulture finds unused code in Python programs. This is useful for cleaning up and finding errors in large code bases. If you run Vulture on both your library and test suite you can find untested code. Due to Python's dynamic nature, static code analyzers like Vulture are likely to miss some dead code. Also, code that is only called implicitly may be reported as unused. Nonetheless, Vulture can be a very helpful tool for higher code quality. ## Features * fast: uses static code analysis * tested: tests itself and has complete test coverage * complements pyflakes and has the same output syntax * sorts unused classes and functions by size with `--sort-by-size` * supports Python \>= 3.6 ## Installation $ pip install vulture ## Usage $ vulture myscript.py # or $ python3 -m vulture myscript.py $ vulture myscript.py mypackage/ $ vulture myscript.py --min-confidence 100 # Only report 100% dead code. The provided arguments may be Python files or directories. For each directory Vulture analyzes all contained \*.py files. After you have found and deleted dead code, run Vulture again, because it may discover more dead code. ## Types of unused code In addition to finding unused functions, classes, etc., Vulture can detect unreachable code. Each chunk of dead code is assigned a *confidence value* between 60% and 100%, where a value of 100% signals that it is certain that the code won't be executed. Values below 100% are *very rough* estimates (based on the type of code chunk) for how likely it is that the code is unused. | Code type | Confidence value | | ------------------- | -- | | function/method/class argument, unreachable code | 100% | | import | 90% | | attribute, class, function, method, property, variable | 60% | You can use the `--min-confidence` flag to set the minimum confidence for code to be reported as unused. Use `--min-confidence 100` to only report code that is guaranteed to be unused within the analyzed files. ## Handling false positives When Vulture incorrectly reports chunks of code as unused, you have several options for suppressing the false positives. If fixing your false positives could benefit other users as well, please file an issue report. #### Whitelists The recommended option is to add used code that is reported as unused to a Python module and add it to the list of scanned paths. To obtain such a whitelist automatically, pass `--make-whitelist` to Vulture: $ vulture mydir --make-whitelist > whitelist.py $ vulture mydir whitelist.py Note that the resulting `whitelist.py` file will contain valid Python syntax, but for Python to be able to *run* it, you will usually have to make some modifications. We collect whitelists for common Python modules and packages in `vulture/whitelists/` (pull requests are welcome). #### Ignoring files If you want to ignore a whole file or directory, use the `--exclude` parameter (e.g., `--exclude "*settings.py,*/docs/*.py,*/test_*.py,*/.venv/*.py"`). The exclude patterns are matched against absolute paths. #### Flake8 noqa comments For compatibility with [flake8](https://flake8.pycqa.org/), Vulture supports the [F401 and F841](https://flake8.pycqa.org/en/latest/user/error-codes.html) error codes for ignoring unused imports (`# noqa: F401`) and unused local variables (`# noqa: F841`). However, we recommend using whitelists instead of `noqa` comments, since `noqa` comments add visual noise to the code and make it harder to read. #### Ignoring names You can use `--ignore-names foo*,ba[rz]` to let Vulture ignore all names starting with `foo` and the names `bar` and `baz`. Additionally, the `--ignore-decorators` option can be used to ignore functions decorated with the given decorator. This is helpful for example in Flask projects, where you can use `--ignore-decorators "@app.route"` to ignore all functions with the `@app.route` decorator. We recommend using whitelists instead of `--ignore-names` or `--ignore-decorators` whenever possible, since whitelists are automatically checked for syntactic correctness when passed to Vulture and often you can even pass them to your Python interpreter and let it check that all whitelisted code actually still exists in your project. #### Marking unused variables There are situations where you can't just remove unused variables, e.g., in function signatures. The recommended solution is to use the `del` keyword as described in the [PyLint manual](http://pylint-messages.wikidot.com/messages:w0613) and on [StackOverflow](https://stackoverflow.com/a/14836005): ```python def foo(x, y): del y return x + 3 ``` Vulture will also ignore all variables that start with an underscore, so you can use `_x, y = get_pos()` to mark unused tuple assignments or function arguments, e.g., `def foo(x, _y)`. #### Minimum confidence Raise the minimum [confidence value](#types-of-unused-code) with the `--min-confidence` flag. #### Unreachable code If Vulture complains about code like `if False:`, you can use a Boolean flag `debug = False` and write `if debug:` instead. This makes the code more readable and silences Vulture. #### Forward references for type annotations See [#216](https://github.com/jendrikseipp/vulture/issues/216). For example, instead of `def foo(arg: "Sequence"): ...`, we recommend using ``` python from __future__ import annotations def foo(arg: Sequence): ... ``` if you're using Python 3.7+. ## Configuration You can also store command line arguments in `pyproject.toml` under the `tool.vulture` section. Simply remove leading dashes and replace all remaining dashes with underscores. Options given on the command line have precedence over options in `pyproject.toml`. Example Config: ``` toml [tool.vulture] exclude = ["*file*.py", "dir/"] ignore_decorators = ["@app.route", "@require_*"] ignore_names = ["visit_*", "do_*"] make_whitelist = true min_confidence = 80 paths = ["myscript.py", "mydir"] sort_by_size = true verbose = true ``` ## Version control integration You can use a [pre-commit](https://pre-commit.com/#install) hook to run Vulture before each commit. For this, install pre-commit and add the following to the `.pre-commit-config.yaml` file in your repository: ```yaml repos: - repo: https://github.com/jendrikseipp/vulture rev: 'v2.3' # or any later Vulture version hooks: - id: vulture ``` Then run `pre-commit install`. Finally, create a `pyproject.toml` file in your repository and specify all files that Vulture should check under `[tool.vulture] --> paths` (see above). ## How does it work? Vulture uses the `ast` module to build abstract syntax trees for all given files. While traversing all syntax trees it records the names of defined and used objects. Afterwards, it reports the objects which have been defined, but not used. This analysis ignores scopes and only takes object names into account. Vulture also detects unreachable code by looking for code after `return`, `break`, `continue` and `raise` statements, and by searching for unsatisfiable `if`- and `while`-conditions. ## Sort by size When using the `--sort-by-size` option, Vulture sorts unused code by its number of lines. This helps developers prioritize where to look for dead code first. ## Examples Consider the following Python script (`dead_code.py`): ``` python import os class Greeter: def greet(self): print("Hi") def hello_world(): message = "Hello, world!" greeter = Greeter() func_name = "greet" greet_func = getattr(greeter, func_name) greet_func() if __name__ == "__main__": hello_world() ``` Calling : $ vulture dead_code.py results in the following output: dead_code.py:1: unused import 'os' (90% confidence) dead_code.py:4: unused function 'greet' (60% confidence) dead_code.py:8: unused variable 'message' (60% confidence) Vulture correctly reports `os` and `message` as unused but it fails to detect that `greet` is actually used. The recommended method to deal with false positives like this is to create a whitelist Python file. **Preparing whitelists** In a whitelist we simulate the usage of variables, attributes, etc. For the program above, a whitelist could look as follows: ``` python # whitelist_dead_code.py from dead_code import Greeter Greeter.greet ``` Alternatively, you can pass `--make-whitelist` to Vulture and obtain an automatically generated whitelist. Passing both the original program and the whitelist to Vulture $ vulture dead_code.py whitelist_dead_code.py makes Vulture ignore the `greet` method: dead_code.py:1: unused import 'os' (90% confidence) dead_code.py:8: unused variable 'message' (60% confidence) ## Exit codes | Exit code | Description | | --------- | ------------------------------------------------------------- | | 0 | No dead code found | | 1 | Dead code found | | 1 | Invalid input (file missing, syntax error, wrong encoding) | | 2 | Invalid command line arguments | ## Similar programs - [pyflakes](https://pypi.org/project/pyflakes/) finds unused imports and unused local variables (in addition to many other programmatic errors). - [coverage](https://pypi.org/project/coverage/) finds unused code more reliably than Vulture, but requires all branches of the code to actually be run. - [uncalled](https://pypi.org/project/uncalled/) finds dead code by using the abstract syntax tree (like Vulture), regular expressions, or both. - [dead](https://pypi.org/project/dead/) finds dead code by using the abstract syntax tree (like Vulture). ## Participate Please visit to report any issues or to make pull requests. - Contributing guide: [CONTRIBUTING.md](https://github.com/jendrikseipp/vulture/blob/main/CONTRIBUTING.md) - Release notes: [CHANGELOG.md](https://github.com/jendrikseipp/vulture/blob/main/CHANGELOG.md) - Roadmap: [TODO.md](https://github.com/jendrikseipp/vulture/blob/main/TODO.md) # 2.7 (2023-01-08) * Ignore `setup_module()`, `teardown_module()`, etc. in pytest `test_*.py` files (Jendrik Seipp). * Add whitelist for `socketserver.TCPServer.allow_reuse_address` (Ben Elliston). * Clarify that `--exclude` patterns are matched against absolute paths (Jendrik Seipp, #260). * Fix example in README file (Jendrik Seipp, #272). # 2.6 (2022-09-19) * Add basic `match` statement support (kreathon, #276, #291). # 2.5 (2022-07-03) * Mark imports in `__all__` as used (kreathon, #172, #282). * Add whitelist for `pint.UnitRegistry.default_formatter` (Ben Elliston, #258). # 2.4 (2022-05-19) * Print absolute filepaths as relative again (as in version 2.1 and before) if they are below the current directory (The-Compiler, #246). * Run tests and add PyPI trove for Python 3.10 (chayim, #266). * Allow using the `del` keyword to mark unused variables (sshishov, #279). # 2.3 (2021-01-16) * Add [pre-commit](https://pre-commit.com) hook (Clément Robert, #244). # 2.2 (2021-01-15) * Only parse format strings when being used with `locals()` (jingw, #225). * Don't override paths in pyproject.toml with empty CLI paths (bcbnz, #228). * Run continuous integration tests for Python 3.9 (ju-sh, #232). * Use pathlib internally (ju-sh, #226). # 2.1 (2020-08-19) * Treat `getattr/hasattr(obj, "constant_string", ...)` as a reference to `obj.constant_string` (jingw, #219). * Fix false positives when assigning to `x.some_name` but reading via `some_name`, at the cost of potential false negatives (jingw, #221). * Allow reading options from `pyproject.toml` (Michel Albert, #164, #215). # 2.0 (2020-08-11) * Parse `# type: ...` comments if on Python 3.8+ (jingw, #220). * Bump minimum Python version to 3.6 (Jendrik Seipp, #218). The last Vulture release that supports Python 2.7 and Python 3.5 is version 1.6. * Consider all files under `test` or `tests` directories test files (Jendrik Seipp). * Ignore `logging.Logger.propagate` attribute (Jendrik Seipp). # 1.6 (2020-07-28) * Differentiate between functions and methods (Jendrik Seipp, #112, #209). * Move from Travis to GitHub actions (RJ722, #211). # 1.5 (2020-05-24) * Support flake8 "noqa" error codes F401 (unused import) and F841 (unused local variable) (RJ722, #195). * Detect unreachable code in conditional expressions (Agathiyan Bragadeesh, #178). # 1.4 (2020-03-30) * Ignore unused import statements in `__init__.py` (RJ722, #192). * Report first decorator's line number for unused decorated objects on Python 3.8+ (RJ722, #200). * Check code with black and pyupgrade. # 1.3 (2020-02-03) * Detect redundant 'if' conditions without 'else' blocks. * Add whitelist for `string.Formatter` (Joseph Bylund, #183). # 1.2 (2019-11-22) * Fix tests for Python 3.8 (#166). * Use new `Constant` AST node under Python 3.8+ (#175). * Add test for f-strings (#177). * Add whitelist for `logging` module. # 1.1 (2019-09-23) * Add `sys.excepthook` to `sys` whitelist. * Add whitelist for `ctypes` module. * Check that type annotations are parsed and type comments are ignored (thanks @kx-chen). * Support checking files with BOM under Python 2.7 (#170). # 1.0 (2018-10-23) * Add `--ignore-decorators` flag (thanks @RJ722). * Add whitelist for `threading` module (thanks @andrewhalle). # 0.29 (2018-07-31) * Add `--ignore-names` flag for ignoring names matching the given glob patterns (thanks @RJ722). # 0.28 (2018-07-05) * Add `--make-whitelist` flag for reporting output in whitelist format (thanks @RJ722). * Ignore case of `--exclude` arguments on Windows. * Add `*-test.py` to recognized test file patterns. * Add `failureException`, `longMessage` and `maxDiff` to `unittest` whitelist. * Refer to actual objects rather than their mocks in default whitelists (thanks @RJ722). * Don't import any Vulture modules in setup.py (thanks @RJ722). # 0.27 (2018-06-05) * Report `while (True): ... else: ...` as unreachable (thanks @RJ722). * Use `argparse` instead of `optparse`. * Whitelist Mock.return\_value and Mock.side\_effect in unittest.mock module. * Drop support for Python 2.6 and 3.3. * Improve documentation and test coverage (thanks @RJ722). # 0.26 (2017-08-28) * Detect `async` function definitions (thanks @RJ722). * Add `Item.get_report()` method (thanks @RJ722). * Move method for finding Python modules out of Vulture class. # 0.25 (2017-08-15) * Detect unsatisfiable statements containing `and`, `or` and `not`. * Use filenames and line numbers as tie-breakers when sorting by size. * Store first and last line numbers in Item objects. * Pass relevant options directly to `scavenge()` and `report()`. # 0.24 (2017-08-14) * Detect unsatisfiable `while`-conditions (thanks @RJ722). * Detect unsatisfiable `if`- and `else`-conditions (thanks @RJ722). * Handle null bytes in source code. # 0.23 (2017-08-10) * Add `--min-confidence` flag (thanks @RJ722). # 0.22 (2017-08-04) * Detect unreachable code after `return`, `break`, `continue` and `raise` (thanks @RJ722). * Parse all variable and attribute names in new format strings. * Extend ast whitelist. # 0.21 (2017-07-26) * If an unused item is defined multiple times, report it multiple times. * Make size estimates for function calls more accurate. * Create wheel files for Vulture (thanks @RJ722). # 0.20 (2017-07-26) * Report unused tuple assignments as dead code. * Report attribute names that have the same names as variables as dead code. * Let Item class inherit from `object` (thanks @RJ722). * Handle names imported as aliases like all other used variable names. * Rename Vulture.used\_vars to Vulture.used\_names. * Use function for determining which imports to ignore. * Only try to import each whitelist file once. * Store used names and used attributes in sets instead of lists. * Fix estimating the size of code containing ellipses (...). * Refactor and simplify code. # 0.19 (2017-07-20) * Don't ignore \_\_foo variable names. * Use separate methods for determining whether to ignore classes and functions. * Only try to find a whitelist for each defined import once (thanks @roivanov). * Fix finding the last child for many types of AST nodes. # 0.18 (2017-07-17) * Make --sort-by-size faster and more accurate (thanks @RJ722). # 0.17 (2017-07-17) * Add get\_unused\_code() method. * Return with exit code 1 when syntax errors are found or files can't be read. # 0.16 (2017-07-12) * Differentiate between unused classes and functions (thanks @RJ722). * Add --sort-by-size option (thanks @jackric and @RJ722). * Count imports as used if they are accessed as module attributes. # 0.15 (2017-07-04) * Automatically include whitelists based on imported modules (thanks @RJ722). * Add --version parameter (thanks @RJ722). * Add appveyor tests for testing on Windows (thanks @RJ722). # 0.14 (2017-04-06) * Add stub whitelist file for Python standard library (thanks @RJ722) * Ignore class names starting with "Test" in "test\_" files (thanks @thisch). * Ignore "test\_" functions only in "test\_" files. # 0.13 (2017-03-06) * Ignore star-imported names since we cannot detect whether they are used. * Move repository to GitHub. # 0.12 (2017-01-05) * Detect unused imports. * Use tokenize.open() on Python \>= 3.2 for reading input files, assume UTF-8 encoding on older Python versions. # 0.11 (2016-11-27) * Use the system's default encoding when reading files. * Report syntax errors instead of aborting. # 0.10 (2016-07-14) * Detect unused function and method arguments (issue #15). * Detect unused \*args and \*\*kwargs parameters. * Change license from GPL to MIT. # 0.9 (2016-06-29) * Don't flag attributes as unused if they are used as global variables in another module (thanks Florian Bruhin). * Don't consider "True" and "False" variable names. * Abort with error message when invoked on .pyc files. # 0.8.1 (2015-09-28) * Fix code for Python 3. # 0.8 (2015-09-28) * Do not flag names imported with "import as" as dead code (thanks Tom Terrace). # 0.7 (2015-09-26) * Exit with exitcode 1 if path on commandline can't be found. * Test vulture with vulture using a whitelist module for false positives. * Add tests that run vulture as a script. * Add "python setup.py test" command for running tests. * Add support for tox. * Raise test coverage to 100%. * Remove ez\_setup.py. # 0.6 (2014-09-06) * Ignore function names starting with "test\_". * Parse variable names in new format strings (e.g. "This is {x}".format(x="nice")). * Only parse alphanumeric variable names in format strings and ignore types. * Abort with exit code 1 on syntax errors. * Support installation under Windows by using setuptools (thanks Reuben Fletcher-Costin). # 0.5 (2014-05-09) * If dead code is found, exit with 1. # 0.4.1 (2013-09-17) * Only warn if a path given on the command line cannot be found. # 0.4 (2013-06-23) * Ignore unused variables starting with an underscore. * Show warning for syntax errors instead of aborting directly. * Print warning if a file cannot be found. # 0.3 (2012-03-19) * Add support for python3 * Report unused attributes * Find tuple assignments in comprehensions * Scan files given on the command line even if they don't end with .py # 0.2 (2012-03-18) * Only format nodes in verbose mode (gives 4x speedup). # 0.1 (2012-03-17) * First release. %package help Summary: Development documents and examples for vulture Provides: python3-vulture-doc %description help # Vulture - Find dead code ![CI:Test](https://github.com/jendrikseipp/vulture/workflows/CI/badge.svg) [![Codecov Badge](https://codecov.io/gh/jendrikseipp/vulture/branch/main/graphs/badge.svg)](https://codecov.io/gh/jendrikseipp/vulture?branch=main) Vulture finds unused code in Python programs. This is useful for cleaning up and finding errors in large code bases. If you run Vulture on both your library and test suite you can find untested code. Due to Python's dynamic nature, static code analyzers like Vulture are likely to miss some dead code. Also, code that is only called implicitly may be reported as unused. Nonetheless, Vulture can be a very helpful tool for higher code quality. ## Features * fast: uses static code analysis * tested: tests itself and has complete test coverage * complements pyflakes and has the same output syntax * sorts unused classes and functions by size with `--sort-by-size` * supports Python \>= 3.6 ## Installation $ pip install vulture ## Usage $ vulture myscript.py # or $ python3 -m vulture myscript.py $ vulture myscript.py mypackage/ $ vulture myscript.py --min-confidence 100 # Only report 100% dead code. The provided arguments may be Python files or directories. For each directory Vulture analyzes all contained \*.py files. After you have found and deleted dead code, run Vulture again, because it may discover more dead code. ## Types of unused code In addition to finding unused functions, classes, etc., Vulture can detect unreachable code. Each chunk of dead code is assigned a *confidence value* between 60% and 100%, where a value of 100% signals that it is certain that the code won't be executed. Values below 100% are *very rough* estimates (based on the type of code chunk) for how likely it is that the code is unused. | Code type | Confidence value | | ------------------- | -- | | function/method/class argument, unreachable code | 100% | | import | 90% | | attribute, class, function, method, property, variable | 60% | You can use the `--min-confidence` flag to set the minimum confidence for code to be reported as unused. Use `--min-confidence 100` to only report code that is guaranteed to be unused within the analyzed files. ## Handling false positives When Vulture incorrectly reports chunks of code as unused, you have several options for suppressing the false positives. If fixing your false positives could benefit other users as well, please file an issue report. #### Whitelists The recommended option is to add used code that is reported as unused to a Python module and add it to the list of scanned paths. To obtain such a whitelist automatically, pass `--make-whitelist` to Vulture: $ vulture mydir --make-whitelist > whitelist.py $ vulture mydir whitelist.py Note that the resulting `whitelist.py` file will contain valid Python syntax, but for Python to be able to *run* it, you will usually have to make some modifications. We collect whitelists for common Python modules and packages in `vulture/whitelists/` (pull requests are welcome). #### Ignoring files If you want to ignore a whole file or directory, use the `--exclude` parameter (e.g., `--exclude "*settings.py,*/docs/*.py,*/test_*.py,*/.venv/*.py"`). The exclude patterns are matched against absolute paths. #### Flake8 noqa comments For compatibility with [flake8](https://flake8.pycqa.org/), Vulture supports the [F401 and F841](https://flake8.pycqa.org/en/latest/user/error-codes.html) error codes for ignoring unused imports (`# noqa: F401`) and unused local variables (`# noqa: F841`). However, we recommend using whitelists instead of `noqa` comments, since `noqa` comments add visual noise to the code and make it harder to read. #### Ignoring names You can use `--ignore-names foo*,ba[rz]` to let Vulture ignore all names starting with `foo` and the names `bar` and `baz`. Additionally, the `--ignore-decorators` option can be used to ignore functions decorated with the given decorator. This is helpful for example in Flask projects, where you can use `--ignore-decorators "@app.route"` to ignore all functions with the `@app.route` decorator. We recommend using whitelists instead of `--ignore-names` or `--ignore-decorators` whenever possible, since whitelists are automatically checked for syntactic correctness when passed to Vulture and often you can even pass them to your Python interpreter and let it check that all whitelisted code actually still exists in your project. #### Marking unused variables There are situations where you can't just remove unused variables, e.g., in function signatures. The recommended solution is to use the `del` keyword as described in the [PyLint manual](http://pylint-messages.wikidot.com/messages:w0613) and on [StackOverflow](https://stackoverflow.com/a/14836005): ```python def foo(x, y): del y return x + 3 ``` Vulture will also ignore all variables that start with an underscore, so you can use `_x, y = get_pos()` to mark unused tuple assignments or function arguments, e.g., `def foo(x, _y)`. #### Minimum confidence Raise the minimum [confidence value](#types-of-unused-code) with the `--min-confidence` flag. #### Unreachable code If Vulture complains about code like `if False:`, you can use a Boolean flag `debug = False` and write `if debug:` instead. This makes the code more readable and silences Vulture. #### Forward references for type annotations See [#216](https://github.com/jendrikseipp/vulture/issues/216). For example, instead of `def foo(arg: "Sequence"): ...`, we recommend using ``` python from __future__ import annotations def foo(arg: Sequence): ... ``` if you're using Python 3.7+. ## Configuration You can also store command line arguments in `pyproject.toml` under the `tool.vulture` section. Simply remove leading dashes and replace all remaining dashes with underscores. Options given on the command line have precedence over options in `pyproject.toml`. Example Config: ``` toml [tool.vulture] exclude = ["*file*.py", "dir/"] ignore_decorators = ["@app.route", "@require_*"] ignore_names = ["visit_*", "do_*"] make_whitelist = true min_confidence = 80 paths = ["myscript.py", "mydir"] sort_by_size = true verbose = true ``` ## Version control integration You can use a [pre-commit](https://pre-commit.com/#install) hook to run Vulture before each commit. For this, install pre-commit and add the following to the `.pre-commit-config.yaml` file in your repository: ```yaml repos: - repo: https://github.com/jendrikseipp/vulture rev: 'v2.3' # or any later Vulture version hooks: - id: vulture ``` Then run `pre-commit install`. Finally, create a `pyproject.toml` file in your repository and specify all files that Vulture should check under `[tool.vulture] --> paths` (see above). ## How does it work? Vulture uses the `ast` module to build abstract syntax trees for all given files. While traversing all syntax trees it records the names of defined and used objects. Afterwards, it reports the objects which have been defined, but not used. This analysis ignores scopes and only takes object names into account. Vulture also detects unreachable code by looking for code after `return`, `break`, `continue` and `raise` statements, and by searching for unsatisfiable `if`- and `while`-conditions. ## Sort by size When using the `--sort-by-size` option, Vulture sorts unused code by its number of lines. This helps developers prioritize where to look for dead code first. ## Examples Consider the following Python script (`dead_code.py`): ``` python import os class Greeter: def greet(self): print("Hi") def hello_world(): message = "Hello, world!" greeter = Greeter() func_name = "greet" greet_func = getattr(greeter, func_name) greet_func() if __name__ == "__main__": hello_world() ``` Calling : $ vulture dead_code.py results in the following output: dead_code.py:1: unused import 'os' (90% confidence) dead_code.py:4: unused function 'greet' (60% confidence) dead_code.py:8: unused variable 'message' (60% confidence) Vulture correctly reports `os` and `message` as unused but it fails to detect that `greet` is actually used. The recommended method to deal with false positives like this is to create a whitelist Python file. **Preparing whitelists** In a whitelist we simulate the usage of variables, attributes, etc. For the program above, a whitelist could look as follows: ``` python # whitelist_dead_code.py from dead_code import Greeter Greeter.greet ``` Alternatively, you can pass `--make-whitelist` to Vulture and obtain an automatically generated whitelist. Passing both the original program and the whitelist to Vulture $ vulture dead_code.py whitelist_dead_code.py makes Vulture ignore the `greet` method: dead_code.py:1: unused import 'os' (90% confidence) dead_code.py:8: unused variable 'message' (60% confidence) ## Exit codes | Exit code | Description | | --------- | ------------------------------------------------------------- | | 0 | No dead code found | | 1 | Dead code found | | 1 | Invalid input (file missing, syntax error, wrong encoding) | | 2 | Invalid command line arguments | ## Similar programs - [pyflakes](https://pypi.org/project/pyflakes/) finds unused imports and unused local variables (in addition to many other programmatic errors). - [coverage](https://pypi.org/project/coverage/) finds unused code more reliably than Vulture, but requires all branches of the code to actually be run. - [uncalled](https://pypi.org/project/uncalled/) finds dead code by using the abstract syntax tree (like Vulture), regular expressions, or both. - [dead](https://pypi.org/project/dead/) finds dead code by using the abstract syntax tree (like Vulture). ## Participate Please visit to report any issues or to make pull requests. - Contributing guide: [CONTRIBUTING.md](https://github.com/jendrikseipp/vulture/blob/main/CONTRIBUTING.md) - Release notes: [CHANGELOG.md](https://github.com/jendrikseipp/vulture/blob/main/CHANGELOG.md) - Roadmap: [TODO.md](https://github.com/jendrikseipp/vulture/blob/main/TODO.md) # 2.7 (2023-01-08) * Ignore `setup_module()`, `teardown_module()`, etc. in pytest `test_*.py` files (Jendrik Seipp). * Add whitelist for `socketserver.TCPServer.allow_reuse_address` (Ben Elliston). * Clarify that `--exclude` patterns are matched against absolute paths (Jendrik Seipp, #260). * Fix example in README file (Jendrik Seipp, #272). # 2.6 (2022-09-19) * Add basic `match` statement support (kreathon, #276, #291). # 2.5 (2022-07-03) * Mark imports in `__all__` as used (kreathon, #172, #282). * Add whitelist for `pint.UnitRegistry.default_formatter` (Ben Elliston, #258). # 2.4 (2022-05-19) * Print absolute filepaths as relative again (as in version 2.1 and before) if they are below the current directory (The-Compiler, #246). * Run tests and add PyPI trove for Python 3.10 (chayim, #266). * Allow using the `del` keyword to mark unused variables (sshishov, #279). # 2.3 (2021-01-16) * Add [pre-commit](https://pre-commit.com) hook (Clément Robert, #244). # 2.2 (2021-01-15) * Only parse format strings when being used with `locals()` (jingw, #225). * Don't override paths in pyproject.toml with empty CLI paths (bcbnz, #228). * Run continuous integration tests for Python 3.9 (ju-sh, #232). * Use pathlib internally (ju-sh, #226). # 2.1 (2020-08-19) * Treat `getattr/hasattr(obj, "constant_string", ...)` as a reference to `obj.constant_string` (jingw, #219). * Fix false positives when assigning to `x.some_name` but reading via `some_name`, at the cost of potential false negatives (jingw, #221). * Allow reading options from `pyproject.toml` (Michel Albert, #164, #215). # 2.0 (2020-08-11) * Parse `# type: ...` comments if on Python 3.8+ (jingw, #220). * Bump minimum Python version to 3.6 (Jendrik Seipp, #218). The last Vulture release that supports Python 2.7 and Python 3.5 is version 1.6. * Consider all files under `test` or `tests` directories test files (Jendrik Seipp). * Ignore `logging.Logger.propagate` attribute (Jendrik Seipp). # 1.6 (2020-07-28) * Differentiate between functions and methods (Jendrik Seipp, #112, #209). * Move from Travis to GitHub actions (RJ722, #211). # 1.5 (2020-05-24) * Support flake8 "noqa" error codes F401 (unused import) and F841 (unused local variable) (RJ722, #195). * Detect unreachable code in conditional expressions (Agathiyan Bragadeesh, #178). # 1.4 (2020-03-30) * Ignore unused import statements in `__init__.py` (RJ722, #192). * Report first decorator's line number for unused decorated objects on Python 3.8+ (RJ722, #200). * Check code with black and pyupgrade. # 1.3 (2020-02-03) * Detect redundant 'if' conditions without 'else' blocks. * Add whitelist for `string.Formatter` (Joseph Bylund, #183). # 1.2 (2019-11-22) * Fix tests for Python 3.8 (#166). * Use new `Constant` AST node under Python 3.8+ (#175). * Add test for f-strings (#177). * Add whitelist for `logging` module. # 1.1 (2019-09-23) * Add `sys.excepthook` to `sys` whitelist. * Add whitelist for `ctypes` module. * Check that type annotations are parsed and type comments are ignored (thanks @kx-chen). * Support checking files with BOM under Python 2.7 (#170). # 1.0 (2018-10-23) * Add `--ignore-decorators` flag (thanks @RJ722). * Add whitelist for `threading` module (thanks @andrewhalle). # 0.29 (2018-07-31) * Add `--ignore-names` flag for ignoring names matching the given glob patterns (thanks @RJ722). # 0.28 (2018-07-05) * Add `--make-whitelist` flag for reporting output in whitelist format (thanks @RJ722). * Ignore case of `--exclude` arguments on Windows. * Add `*-test.py` to recognized test file patterns. * Add `failureException`, `longMessage` and `maxDiff` to `unittest` whitelist. * Refer to actual objects rather than their mocks in default whitelists (thanks @RJ722). * Don't import any Vulture modules in setup.py (thanks @RJ722). # 0.27 (2018-06-05) * Report `while (True): ... else: ...` as unreachable (thanks @RJ722). * Use `argparse` instead of `optparse`. * Whitelist Mock.return\_value and Mock.side\_effect in unittest.mock module. * Drop support for Python 2.6 and 3.3. * Improve documentation and test coverage (thanks @RJ722). # 0.26 (2017-08-28) * Detect `async` function definitions (thanks @RJ722). * Add `Item.get_report()` method (thanks @RJ722). * Move method for finding Python modules out of Vulture class. # 0.25 (2017-08-15) * Detect unsatisfiable statements containing `and`, `or` and `not`. * Use filenames and line numbers as tie-breakers when sorting by size. * Store first and last line numbers in Item objects. * Pass relevant options directly to `scavenge()` and `report()`. # 0.24 (2017-08-14) * Detect unsatisfiable `while`-conditions (thanks @RJ722). * Detect unsatisfiable `if`- and `else`-conditions (thanks @RJ722). * Handle null bytes in source code. # 0.23 (2017-08-10) * Add `--min-confidence` flag (thanks @RJ722). # 0.22 (2017-08-04) * Detect unreachable code after `return`, `break`, `continue` and `raise` (thanks @RJ722). * Parse all variable and attribute names in new format strings. * Extend ast whitelist. # 0.21 (2017-07-26) * If an unused item is defined multiple times, report it multiple times. * Make size estimates for function calls more accurate. * Create wheel files for Vulture (thanks @RJ722). # 0.20 (2017-07-26) * Report unused tuple assignments as dead code. * Report attribute names that have the same names as variables as dead code. * Let Item class inherit from `object` (thanks @RJ722). * Handle names imported as aliases like all other used variable names. * Rename Vulture.used\_vars to Vulture.used\_names. * Use function for determining which imports to ignore. * Only try to import each whitelist file once. * Store used names and used attributes in sets instead of lists. * Fix estimating the size of code containing ellipses (...). * Refactor and simplify code. # 0.19 (2017-07-20) * Don't ignore \_\_foo variable names. * Use separate methods for determining whether to ignore classes and functions. * Only try to find a whitelist for each defined import once (thanks @roivanov). * Fix finding the last child for many types of AST nodes. # 0.18 (2017-07-17) * Make --sort-by-size faster and more accurate (thanks @RJ722). # 0.17 (2017-07-17) * Add get\_unused\_code() method. * Return with exit code 1 when syntax errors are found or files can't be read. # 0.16 (2017-07-12) * Differentiate between unused classes and functions (thanks @RJ722). * Add --sort-by-size option (thanks @jackric and @RJ722). * Count imports as used if they are accessed as module attributes. # 0.15 (2017-07-04) * Automatically include whitelists based on imported modules (thanks @RJ722). * Add --version parameter (thanks @RJ722). * Add appveyor tests for testing on Windows (thanks @RJ722). # 0.14 (2017-04-06) * Add stub whitelist file for Python standard library (thanks @RJ722) * Ignore class names starting with "Test" in "test\_" files (thanks @thisch). * Ignore "test\_" functions only in "test\_" files. # 0.13 (2017-03-06) * Ignore star-imported names since we cannot detect whether they are used. * Move repository to GitHub. # 0.12 (2017-01-05) * Detect unused imports. * Use tokenize.open() on Python \>= 3.2 for reading input files, assume UTF-8 encoding on older Python versions. # 0.11 (2016-11-27) * Use the system's default encoding when reading files. * Report syntax errors instead of aborting. # 0.10 (2016-07-14) * Detect unused function and method arguments (issue #15). * Detect unused \*args and \*\*kwargs parameters. * Change license from GPL to MIT. # 0.9 (2016-06-29) * Don't flag attributes as unused if they are used as global variables in another module (thanks Florian Bruhin). * Don't consider "True" and "False" variable names. * Abort with error message when invoked on .pyc files. # 0.8.1 (2015-09-28) * Fix code for Python 3. # 0.8 (2015-09-28) * Do not flag names imported with "import as" as dead code (thanks Tom Terrace). # 0.7 (2015-09-26) * Exit with exitcode 1 if path on commandline can't be found. * Test vulture with vulture using a whitelist module for false positives. * Add tests that run vulture as a script. * Add "python setup.py test" command for running tests. * Add support for tox. * Raise test coverage to 100%. * Remove ez\_setup.py. # 0.6 (2014-09-06) * Ignore function names starting with "test\_". * Parse variable names in new format strings (e.g. "This is {x}".format(x="nice")). * Only parse alphanumeric variable names in format strings and ignore types. * Abort with exit code 1 on syntax errors. * Support installation under Windows by using setuptools (thanks Reuben Fletcher-Costin). # 0.5 (2014-05-09) * If dead code is found, exit with 1. # 0.4.1 (2013-09-17) * Only warn if a path given on the command line cannot be found. # 0.4 (2013-06-23) * Ignore unused variables starting with an underscore. * Show warning for syntax errors instead of aborting directly. * Print warning if a file cannot be found. # 0.3 (2012-03-19) * Add support for python3 * Report unused attributes * Find tuple assignments in comprehensions * Scan files given on the command line even if they don't end with .py # 0.2 (2012-03-18) * Only format nodes in verbose mode (gives 4x speedup). # 0.1 (2012-03-17) * First release. %prep %autosetup -n vulture-2.7 %build %py3_build %install %py3_install install -d -m755 %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir} if [ -d doc ]; then cp -arf doc %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi if [ -d docs ]; then cp -arf docs %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi if [ -d example ]; then cp -arf example %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi if [ -d examples ]; then cp -arf examples %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi pushd %{buildroot} if [ -d usr/lib ]; then find usr/lib -type f -printf "/%h/%f\n" >> filelist.lst fi if [ -d usr/lib64 ]; then find usr/lib64 -type f -printf "/%h/%f\n" >> filelist.lst fi if [ -d usr/bin ]; then find usr/bin -type f -printf "/%h/%f\n" >> filelist.lst fi if [ -d usr/sbin ]; then find usr/sbin -type f -printf "/%h/%f\n" >> filelist.lst fi touch doclist.lst if [ -d usr/share/man ]; then find usr/share/man -type f -printf "/%h/%f.gz\n" >> doclist.lst fi popd mv %{buildroot}/filelist.lst . mv %{buildroot}/doclist.lst . %files -n python3-vulture -f filelist.lst %dir %{python3_sitelib}/* %files help -f doclist.lst %{_docdir}/* %changelog * Thu Mar 09 2023 Python_Bot - 2.7-1 - Package Spec generated