%global _empty_manifest_terminate_build 0 Name: python-notion Version: 0.0.28 Release: 1 Summary: Unofficial Python API client for Notion.so License: MIT License URL: https://github.com/jamalex/notion-py Source0: https://mirrors.nju.edu.cn/pypi/web/packages/68/d5/f47c532d8da331b78fd3f890e2377442d414febc4156f27457a9b335074b/notion-0.0.28.tar.gz BuildArch: noarch Requires: python3-bs4 Requires: python3-cached-property Requires: python3-commonmark Requires: python3-dictdiffer Requires: python3-slugify Requires: python3-requests Requires: python3-tzlocal %description # notion-py Unofficial Python 3 client for Notion.so API v3. - Object-oriented interface (mapping database tables to Python classes/attributes) - Automatic conversion between internal Notion formats and appropriate Python objects - Local cache of data in a unified data store *(Note: disk cache now disabled by default; to enable, add `enable_caching=True` when initializing `NotionClient`)* - Real-time reactive two-way data binding (changing Python object -> live updating of Notion UI, and vice-versa) *(Note: Notion->Python automatic updating is currently broken and hence disabled by default; call `my_block.refresh()` to update, in the meantime, while monitoring is being fixed)* - Callback system for responding to changes in Notion (e.g. for triggering actions, updating another API, etc) ![](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jamalex/notion-py/master/ezgif-3-a935fdcb7415.gif) [Read more about Notion and Notion-py on Jamie's blog](https://medium.com/@jamiealexandre/introducing-notion-py-an-unofficial-python-api-wrapper-for-notion-so-603700f92369) # Usage ## Quickstart Note: the latest version of **notion-py** requires Python 3.5 or greater. `pip install notion` ```Python from notion.client import NotionClient # Obtain the `token_v2` value by inspecting your browser cookies on a logged-in (non-guest) session on Notion.so client = NotionClient(token_v2="") # Replace this URL with the URL of the page you want to edit page = client.get_block("https://www.notion.so/myorg/Test-c0d20a71c0944985ae96e661ccc99821") print("The old title is:", page.title) # Note: You can use Markdown! We convert on-the-fly to Notion's internal formatted text data structure. page.title = "The title has now changed, and has *live-updated* in the browser!" ``` ## Concepts and notes - We map tables in the Notion database into Python classes (subclassing `Record`), with each instance of a class representing a particular record. Some fields from the records (like `title` in the example above) have been mapped to model properties, allowing for easy, instantaneous read/write of the record. Other fields can be read with the `get` method, and written with the `set` method, but then you'll need to make sure to match the internal structures exactly. - The tables we currently support are **block** (via [`Block` class and its subclasses](https://github.com/jamalex/notion-py/blob/c65c9b14ed5dcd6d9326264f2e888ab343d2b831/notion/block.py#L143), corresponding to different `type` of blocks), **space** (via [`Space` class](https://github.com/jamalex/notion-py/blob/c65c9b14ed5dcd6d9326264f2e888ab343d2b831/notion/space.py#L6)), **collection** (via [`Collection` class](https://github.com/jamalex/notion-py/blob/c65c9b14ed5dcd6d9326264f2e888ab343d2b831/notion/collection.py#L91)), **collection_view** (via [`CollectionView` and subclasses](https://github.com/jamalex/notion-py/blob/c65c9b14ed5dcd6d9326264f2e888ab343d2b831/notion/collection.py#L175)), and **notion_user** (via [`User` class](https://github.com/jamalex/notion-py/blob/master/notion/user.py)). - Data for all tables are stored in a central [`RecordStore`](https://github.com/jamalex/notion-py/blob/c65c9b14ed5dcd6d9326264f2e888ab343d2b831/notion/store.py#L69), with the `Record` instances not storing state internally, but always referring to the data in the central `RecordStore`. Many API operations return updating versions of a large number of associated records, which we use to update the store, so the data in `Record` instances may sometimes update without being explicitly requested. You can also call the `refresh` method on a `Record` to trigger an update, or pass `force_update` to methods like `get`. - The API doesn't have strong validation of most data, so be careful to maintain the structures Notion is expecting. You can view the full internal structure of a record by calling `myrecord.get()` with no arguments. - When you call `client.get_block`, you can pass in either an ID, or the URL of a page. Note that pages themselves are just `blocks`, as are all the chunks of content on the page. You can get the URL for a block within a page by clicking "Copy Link" in the context menu for the block, and pass that URL into `get_block` as well. ## Updating records We keep a local cache of all data that passes through. When you reference an attribute on a `Record`, we first look to that cache to retrieve the value. If it doesn't find it, it retrieves it from the server. You can also manually refresh the data for a `Record` by calling the `refresh` method on it. By default (unless we instantiate `NotionClient` with `monitor=False`), we also [subscribe to long-polling updates](https://github.com/jamalex/notion-py/blob/master/notion/monitor.py) for any instantiated `Record`, so the local cache data for these `Records` should be automatically live-updated shortly after any data changes on the server. The long-polling happens in a background daemon thread. ## Example: Traversing the block tree ```Python for child in page.children: print(child.title) print("Parent of {} is {}".format(page.id, page.parent.id)) ``` ## Example: Adding a new node ```Python from notion.block import TodoBlock newchild = page.children.add_new(TodoBlock, title="Something to get done") newchild.checked = True ``` ## Example: Deleting nodes ```Python # soft-delete page.remove() # hard-delete page.remove(permanently=True) ``` ## Example: Create an embedded content type (iframe, video, etc) ```Python from notion.block import VideoBlock video = page.children.add_new(VideoBlock, width=200) # sets "property.source" to the URL, and "format.display_source" to the embedly-converted URL video.set_source_url("https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oHg5SJYRHA0") ``` ## Example: Create a new embedded collection view block ```Python collection = client.get_collection(COLLECTION_ID) # get an existing collection cvb = page.children.add_new(CollectionViewBlock, collection=collection) view = cvb.views.add_new(view_type="table") # Before the view can be browsed in Notion, # the filters and format options on the view should be set as desired. # # for example: # view.set("query", ...) # view.set("format.board_groups", ...) # view.set("format.board_properties", ...) ``` ## Example: Moving blocks around ```Python # move my block to after the video my_block.move_to(video, "after") # move my block to the end of otherblock's children my_block.move_to(otherblock, "last-child") # (you can also use "before" and "first-child") ``` ## Example: Subscribing to updates *(Note: Notion->Python automatic updating is currently broken and hence disabled by default; call `my_block.refresh()` to update, in the meantime, while monitoring is being fixed)* We can "watch" a `Record` so that we get a [callback](https://github.com/jamalex/notion-py/blob/master/notion/store.py) whenever it changes. Combined with the live-updating of records based on long-polling, this allows for a "reactive" design, where actions in our local application can be triggered in response to interactions with the Notion interface. ```Python # define a callback (note: all arguments are optional, just include the ones you care about) def my_callback(record, difference): print("The record's title is now:" record.title) print("Here's what was changed:") print(difference) # move my block to after the video my_block.add_callback(my_callback) ``` ## Example: Working with databases, aka "collections" (tables, boards, etc) Here's how things fit together: - Main container block: `CollectionViewBlock` (inline) / `CollectionViewPageBlock` (full-page) - `Collection` (holds the schema, and is parent to the database rows themselves) - `CollectionRowBlock` - `CollectionRowBlock` - ... (more database records) - `CollectionView` (holds filters/sort/etc about each specific view) Note: For convenience, we automatically map the database "columns" (aka properties), based on the schema defined in the `Collection`, into getter/setter attributes on the `CollectionRowBlock` instances. The attribute name is a "slugified" version of the name of the column. So if you have a column named "Estimated value", you can read and write it via `myrowblock.estimated_value`. Some basic validation may be conducted, and it will be converted into the appropriate internal format. For columns of type "Person", we expect a `User` instance, or a list of them, and for a "Relation" we expect a singular/list of instances of a subclass of `Block`. ```Python # Access a database using the URL of the database page or the inline block cv = client.get_collection_view("https://www.notion.so/myorg/8511b9fc522249f79b90768b832599cc?v=8dee2a54f6b64cb296c83328adba78e1") # List all the records with "Bob" in them for row in cv.collection.get_rows(search="Bob"): print("We estimate the value of '{}' at {}".format(row.name, row.estimated_value)) # Add a new record row = cv.collection.add_row() row.name = "Just some data" row.is_confirmed = True row.estimated_value = 399 row.files = ["https://www.birdlife.org/sites/default/files/styles/1600/public/slide.jpg"] row.person = client.current_user row.tags = ["A", "C"] row.where_to = "https://learningequality.org" # Run a filtered/sorted query using a view's default parameters result = cv.default_query().execute() for row in result: print(row) # Run an "aggregation" query aggregations = [{ "property": "estimated_value", "aggregator": "sum", "id": "total_value", }] result = cv.build_query(aggregate=aggregate_params).execute() print("Total estimated value:", result.get_aggregate("total_value")) # Run a "filtered" query (inspect network tab in browser for examples, on queryCollection calls) filter_params = { "filters": [{ "filter": { "value": { "type": "exact", "value": {"table": "notion_user", "id": client.current_user.id} }, "operator": "person_contains" }, "property": "assigned_to" }], "operator": "and" } result = cv.build_query(filter=filter_params).execute() print("Things assigned to me:", result) # Run a "sorted" query sort_params = [{ "direction": "descending", "property": "estimated_value", }] result = cv.build_query(sort=sort_params).execute() print("Sorted results, showing most valuable first:", result) ``` Note: You can combine `filter`, `aggregate`, and `sort`. See more examples of queries by setting up complex views in Notion, and then inspecting the full query: `cv.get("query2")`. You can also see [more examples in action in the smoke test runner](https://github.com/jamalex/notion-py/blob/master/notion/smoke_test.py). Run it using: ```sh python run_smoke_test.py --page [YOUR_NOTION_PAGE_URL] --token [YOUR_NOTION_TOKEN_V2] ``` ## Example: Lock/Unlock A Page ```Python from notion.client import NotionClient # Obtain the `token_v2` value by inspecting your browser cookies on a logged-in session on Notion.so client = NotionClient(token_v2="") # Replace this URL with the URL of the page or database you want to edit page = client.get_block("https://www.notion.so/myorg/Test-c0d20a71c0944985ae96e661ccc99821") # The "locked" property is available on PageBlock and CollectionViewBlock objects # Set it to True to lock the page/database page.locked = True # and False to unlock it again page.locked = False ``` ## Example: Set the current user for multi-account user ```python from notion.client import NotionClient client = NotionClient(token_v2="") # The initial current_user of a multi-account user may be an unwanted user print(client.current_user.email) # → not_the_desired@email.co.jp # Set current_user to the desired user client.set_user_by_email('desired@email.com') print(client.current_user.email) # → desired@email.com # You can also set the current_user by uid. client.set_user_by_uid('') print(client.current_user.email) # → desired@email.com ``` # _Quick plug: Learning Equality needs your support!_ If you'd like to support notion-py development, please consider [donating to my open-source nonprofit, Learning Equality](https://learningequality.org/donate/), since when I'm not working on notion-py, it probably means I'm heads-down fundraising for our global education work (bringing resources like Khan Academy to communities with no Internet). COVID has further amplified needs, with over a billion kids stuck at home, and over half of them without the connectivity they need for distance learning. You can now also [support our work via GitHub Sponsors](https://github.com/sponsors/learningequality)! # Related Projects - [md2notion](https://github.com/Cobertos/md2notion): import Markdown files to Notion - [notion-export-ics](https://github.com/evertheylen/notion-export-ics): Export Notion Databases to ICS calendar files - [notion-tqdm](https://github.com/shunyooo/notion-tqdm): Progress Bar displayed in Notion like tqdm # TODO * Cloning pages hierarchically * Debounce cache-saving? * Support inline "user" and "page" links, and reminders, in markdown conversion * Utilities to support updating/creating collection schemas * Utilities to support updating/creating collection_view queries * Support for easily managing page permissions * Websocket support for live block cache updating * "Render full page to markdown" mode * "Import page from html" mode %package -n python3-notion Summary: Unofficial Python API client for Notion.so Provides: python-notion BuildRequires: python3-devel BuildRequires: python3-setuptools BuildRequires: python3-pip %description -n python3-notion # notion-py Unofficial Python 3 client for Notion.so API v3. - Object-oriented interface (mapping database tables to Python classes/attributes) - Automatic conversion between internal Notion formats and appropriate Python objects - Local cache of data in a unified data store *(Note: disk cache now disabled by default; to enable, add `enable_caching=True` when initializing `NotionClient`)* - Real-time reactive two-way data binding (changing Python object -> live updating of Notion UI, and vice-versa) *(Note: Notion->Python automatic updating is currently broken and hence disabled by default; call `my_block.refresh()` to update, in the meantime, while monitoring is being fixed)* - Callback system for responding to changes in Notion (e.g. for triggering actions, updating another API, etc) ![](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jamalex/notion-py/master/ezgif-3-a935fdcb7415.gif) [Read more about Notion and Notion-py on Jamie's blog](https://medium.com/@jamiealexandre/introducing-notion-py-an-unofficial-python-api-wrapper-for-notion-so-603700f92369) # Usage ## Quickstart Note: the latest version of **notion-py** requires Python 3.5 or greater. `pip install notion` ```Python from notion.client import NotionClient # Obtain the `token_v2` value by inspecting your browser cookies on a logged-in (non-guest) session on Notion.so client = NotionClient(token_v2="") # Replace this URL with the URL of the page you want to edit page = client.get_block("https://www.notion.so/myorg/Test-c0d20a71c0944985ae96e661ccc99821") print("The old title is:", page.title) # Note: You can use Markdown! We convert on-the-fly to Notion's internal formatted text data structure. page.title = "The title has now changed, and has *live-updated* in the browser!" ``` ## Concepts and notes - We map tables in the Notion database into Python classes (subclassing `Record`), with each instance of a class representing a particular record. Some fields from the records (like `title` in the example above) have been mapped to model properties, allowing for easy, instantaneous read/write of the record. Other fields can be read with the `get` method, and written with the `set` method, but then you'll need to make sure to match the internal structures exactly. - The tables we currently support are **block** (via [`Block` class and its subclasses](https://github.com/jamalex/notion-py/blob/c65c9b14ed5dcd6d9326264f2e888ab343d2b831/notion/block.py#L143), corresponding to different `type` of blocks), **space** (via [`Space` class](https://github.com/jamalex/notion-py/blob/c65c9b14ed5dcd6d9326264f2e888ab343d2b831/notion/space.py#L6)), **collection** (via [`Collection` class](https://github.com/jamalex/notion-py/blob/c65c9b14ed5dcd6d9326264f2e888ab343d2b831/notion/collection.py#L91)), **collection_view** (via [`CollectionView` and subclasses](https://github.com/jamalex/notion-py/blob/c65c9b14ed5dcd6d9326264f2e888ab343d2b831/notion/collection.py#L175)), and **notion_user** (via [`User` class](https://github.com/jamalex/notion-py/blob/master/notion/user.py)). - Data for all tables are stored in a central [`RecordStore`](https://github.com/jamalex/notion-py/blob/c65c9b14ed5dcd6d9326264f2e888ab343d2b831/notion/store.py#L69), with the `Record` instances not storing state internally, but always referring to the data in the central `RecordStore`. Many API operations return updating versions of a large number of associated records, which we use to update the store, so the data in `Record` instances may sometimes update without being explicitly requested. You can also call the `refresh` method on a `Record` to trigger an update, or pass `force_update` to methods like `get`. - The API doesn't have strong validation of most data, so be careful to maintain the structures Notion is expecting. You can view the full internal structure of a record by calling `myrecord.get()` with no arguments. - When you call `client.get_block`, you can pass in either an ID, or the URL of a page. Note that pages themselves are just `blocks`, as are all the chunks of content on the page. You can get the URL for a block within a page by clicking "Copy Link" in the context menu for the block, and pass that URL into `get_block` as well. ## Updating records We keep a local cache of all data that passes through. When you reference an attribute on a `Record`, we first look to that cache to retrieve the value. If it doesn't find it, it retrieves it from the server. You can also manually refresh the data for a `Record` by calling the `refresh` method on it. By default (unless we instantiate `NotionClient` with `monitor=False`), we also [subscribe to long-polling updates](https://github.com/jamalex/notion-py/blob/master/notion/monitor.py) for any instantiated `Record`, so the local cache data for these `Records` should be automatically live-updated shortly after any data changes on the server. The long-polling happens in a background daemon thread. ## Example: Traversing the block tree ```Python for child in page.children: print(child.title) print("Parent of {} is {}".format(page.id, page.parent.id)) ``` ## Example: Adding a new node ```Python from notion.block import TodoBlock newchild = page.children.add_new(TodoBlock, title="Something to get done") newchild.checked = True ``` ## Example: Deleting nodes ```Python # soft-delete page.remove() # hard-delete page.remove(permanently=True) ``` ## Example: Create an embedded content type (iframe, video, etc) ```Python from notion.block import VideoBlock video = page.children.add_new(VideoBlock, width=200) # sets "property.source" to the URL, and "format.display_source" to the embedly-converted URL video.set_source_url("https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oHg5SJYRHA0") ``` ## Example: Create a new embedded collection view block ```Python collection = client.get_collection(COLLECTION_ID) # get an existing collection cvb = page.children.add_new(CollectionViewBlock, collection=collection) view = cvb.views.add_new(view_type="table") # Before the view can be browsed in Notion, # the filters and format options on the view should be set as desired. # # for example: # view.set("query", ...) # view.set("format.board_groups", ...) # view.set("format.board_properties", ...) ``` ## Example: Moving blocks around ```Python # move my block to after the video my_block.move_to(video, "after") # move my block to the end of otherblock's children my_block.move_to(otherblock, "last-child") # (you can also use "before" and "first-child") ``` ## Example: Subscribing to updates *(Note: Notion->Python automatic updating is currently broken and hence disabled by default; call `my_block.refresh()` to update, in the meantime, while monitoring is being fixed)* We can "watch" a `Record` so that we get a [callback](https://github.com/jamalex/notion-py/blob/master/notion/store.py) whenever it changes. Combined with the live-updating of records based on long-polling, this allows for a "reactive" design, where actions in our local application can be triggered in response to interactions with the Notion interface. ```Python # define a callback (note: all arguments are optional, just include the ones you care about) def my_callback(record, difference): print("The record's title is now:" record.title) print("Here's what was changed:") print(difference) # move my block to after the video my_block.add_callback(my_callback) ``` ## Example: Working with databases, aka "collections" (tables, boards, etc) Here's how things fit together: - Main container block: `CollectionViewBlock` (inline) / `CollectionViewPageBlock` (full-page) - `Collection` (holds the schema, and is parent to the database rows themselves) - `CollectionRowBlock` - `CollectionRowBlock` - ... (more database records) - `CollectionView` (holds filters/sort/etc about each specific view) Note: For convenience, we automatically map the database "columns" (aka properties), based on the schema defined in the `Collection`, into getter/setter attributes on the `CollectionRowBlock` instances. The attribute name is a "slugified" version of the name of the column. So if you have a column named "Estimated value", you can read and write it via `myrowblock.estimated_value`. Some basic validation may be conducted, and it will be converted into the appropriate internal format. For columns of type "Person", we expect a `User` instance, or a list of them, and for a "Relation" we expect a singular/list of instances of a subclass of `Block`. ```Python # Access a database using the URL of the database page or the inline block cv = client.get_collection_view("https://www.notion.so/myorg/8511b9fc522249f79b90768b832599cc?v=8dee2a54f6b64cb296c83328adba78e1") # List all the records with "Bob" in them for row in cv.collection.get_rows(search="Bob"): print("We estimate the value of '{}' at {}".format(row.name, row.estimated_value)) # Add a new record row = cv.collection.add_row() row.name = "Just some data" row.is_confirmed = True row.estimated_value = 399 row.files = ["https://www.birdlife.org/sites/default/files/styles/1600/public/slide.jpg"] row.person = client.current_user row.tags = ["A", "C"] row.where_to = "https://learningequality.org" # Run a filtered/sorted query using a view's default parameters result = cv.default_query().execute() for row in result: print(row) # Run an "aggregation" query aggregations = [{ "property": "estimated_value", "aggregator": "sum", "id": "total_value", }] result = cv.build_query(aggregate=aggregate_params).execute() print("Total estimated value:", result.get_aggregate("total_value")) # Run a "filtered" query (inspect network tab in browser for examples, on queryCollection calls) filter_params = { "filters": [{ "filter": { "value": { "type": "exact", "value": {"table": "notion_user", "id": client.current_user.id} }, "operator": "person_contains" }, "property": "assigned_to" }], "operator": "and" } result = cv.build_query(filter=filter_params).execute() print("Things assigned to me:", result) # Run a "sorted" query sort_params = [{ "direction": "descending", "property": "estimated_value", }] result = cv.build_query(sort=sort_params).execute() print("Sorted results, showing most valuable first:", result) ``` Note: You can combine `filter`, `aggregate`, and `sort`. See more examples of queries by setting up complex views in Notion, and then inspecting the full query: `cv.get("query2")`. You can also see [more examples in action in the smoke test runner](https://github.com/jamalex/notion-py/blob/master/notion/smoke_test.py). Run it using: ```sh python run_smoke_test.py --page [YOUR_NOTION_PAGE_URL] --token [YOUR_NOTION_TOKEN_V2] ``` ## Example: Lock/Unlock A Page ```Python from notion.client import NotionClient # Obtain the `token_v2` value by inspecting your browser cookies on a logged-in session on Notion.so client = NotionClient(token_v2="") # Replace this URL with the URL of the page or database you want to edit page = client.get_block("https://www.notion.so/myorg/Test-c0d20a71c0944985ae96e661ccc99821") # The "locked" property is available on PageBlock and CollectionViewBlock objects # Set it to True to lock the page/database page.locked = True # and False to unlock it again page.locked = False ``` ## Example: Set the current user for multi-account user ```python from notion.client import NotionClient client = NotionClient(token_v2="") # The initial current_user of a multi-account user may be an unwanted user print(client.current_user.email) # → not_the_desired@email.co.jp # Set current_user to the desired user client.set_user_by_email('desired@email.com') print(client.current_user.email) # → desired@email.com # You can also set the current_user by uid. client.set_user_by_uid('') print(client.current_user.email) # → desired@email.com ``` # _Quick plug: Learning Equality needs your support!_ If you'd like to support notion-py development, please consider [donating to my open-source nonprofit, Learning Equality](https://learningequality.org/donate/), since when I'm not working on notion-py, it probably means I'm heads-down fundraising for our global education work (bringing resources like Khan Academy to communities with no Internet). COVID has further amplified needs, with over a billion kids stuck at home, and over half of them without the connectivity they need for distance learning. You can now also [support our work via GitHub Sponsors](https://github.com/sponsors/learningequality)! # Related Projects - [md2notion](https://github.com/Cobertos/md2notion): import Markdown files to Notion - [notion-export-ics](https://github.com/evertheylen/notion-export-ics): Export Notion Databases to ICS calendar files - [notion-tqdm](https://github.com/shunyooo/notion-tqdm): Progress Bar displayed in Notion like tqdm # TODO * Cloning pages hierarchically * Debounce cache-saving? * Support inline "user" and "page" links, and reminders, in markdown conversion * Utilities to support updating/creating collection schemas * Utilities to support updating/creating collection_view queries * Support for easily managing page permissions * Websocket support for live block cache updating * "Render full page to markdown" mode * "Import page from html" mode %package help Summary: Development documents and examples for notion Provides: python3-notion-doc %description help # notion-py Unofficial Python 3 client for Notion.so API v3. - Object-oriented interface (mapping database tables to Python classes/attributes) - Automatic conversion between internal Notion formats and appropriate Python objects - Local cache of data in a unified data store *(Note: disk cache now disabled by default; to enable, add `enable_caching=True` when initializing `NotionClient`)* - Real-time reactive two-way data binding (changing Python object -> live updating of Notion UI, and vice-versa) *(Note: Notion->Python automatic updating is currently broken and hence disabled by default; call `my_block.refresh()` to update, in the meantime, while monitoring is being fixed)* - Callback system for responding to changes in Notion (e.g. for triggering actions, updating another API, etc) ![](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jamalex/notion-py/master/ezgif-3-a935fdcb7415.gif) [Read more about Notion and Notion-py on Jamie's blog](https://medium.com/@jamiealexandre/introducing-notion-py-an-unofficial-python-api-wrapper-for-notion-so-603700f92369) # Usage ## Quickstart Note: the latest version of **notion-py** requires Python 3.5 or greater. `pip install notion` ```Python from notion.client import NotionClient # Obtain the `token_v2` value by inspecting your browser cookies on a logged-in (non-guest) session on Notion.so client = NotionClient(token_v2="") # Replace this URL with the URL of the page you want to edit page = client.get_block("https://www.notion.so/myorg/Test-c0d20a71c0944985ae96e661ccc99821") print("The old title is:", page.title) # Note: You can use Markdown! We convert on-the-fly to Notion's internal formatted text data structure. page.title = "The title has now changed, and has *live-updated* in the browser!" ``` ## Concepts and notes - We map tables in the Notion database into Python classes (subclassing `Record`), with each instance of a class representing a particular record. Some fields from the records (like `title` in the example above) have been mapped to model properties, allowing for easy, instantaneous read/write of the record. Other fields can be read with the `get` method, and written with the `set` method, but then you'll need to make sure to match the internal structures exactly. - The tables we currently support are **block** (via [`Block` class and its subclasses](https://github.com/jamalex/notion-py/blob/c65c9b14ed5dcd6d9326264f2e888ab343d2b831/notion/block.py#L143), corresponding to different `type` of blocks), **space** (via [`Space` class](https://github.com/jamalex/notion-py/blob/c65c9b14ed5dcd6d9326264f2e888ab343d2b831/notion/space.py#L6)), **collection** (via [`Collection` class](https://github.com/jamalex/notion-py/blob/c65c9b14ed5dcd6d9326264f2e888ab343d2b831/notion/collection.py#L91)), **collection_view** (via [`CollectionView` and subclasses](https://github.com/jamalex/notion-py/blob/c65c9b14ed5dcd6d9326264f2e888ab343d2b831/notion/collection.py#L175)), and **notion_user** (via [`User` class](https://github.com/jamalex/notion-py/blob/master/notion/user.py)). - Data for all tables are stored in a central [`RecordStore`](https://github.com/jamalex/notion-py/blob/c65c9b14ed5dcd6d9326264f2e888ab343d2b831/notion/store.py#L69), with the `Record` instances not storing state internally, but always referring to the data in the central `RecordStore`. Many API operations return updating versions of a large number of associated records, which we use to update the store, so the data in `Record` instances may sometimes update without being explicitly requested. You can also call the `refresh` method on a `Record` to trigger an update, or pass `force_update` to methods like `get`. - The API doesn't have strong validation of most data, so be careful to maintain the structures Notion is expecting. You can view the full internal structure of a record by calling `myrecord.get()` with no arguments. - When you call `client.get_block`, you can pass in either an ID, or the URL of a page. Note that pages themselves are just `blocks`, as are all the chunks of content on the page. You can get the URL for a block within a page by clicking "Copy Link" in the context menu for the block, and pass that URL into `get_block` as well. ## Updating records We keep a local cache of all data that passes through. When you reference an attribute on a `Record`, we first look to that cache to retrieve the value. If it doesn't find it, it retrieves it from the server. You can also manually refresh the data for a `Record` by calling the `refresh` method on it. By default (unless we instantiate `NotionClient` with `monitor=False`), we also [subscribe to long-polling updates](https://github.com/jamalex/notion-py/blob/master/notion/monitor.py) for any instantiated `Record`, so the local cache data for these `Records` should be automatically live-updated shortly after any data changes on the server. The long-polling happens in a background daemon thread. ## Example: Traversing the block tree ```Python for child in page.children: print(child.title) print("Parent of {} is {}".format(page.id, page.parent.id)) ``` ## Example: Adding a new node ```Python from notion.block import TodoBlock newchild = page.children.add_new(TodoBlock, title="Something to get done") newchild.checked = True ``` ## Example: Deleting nodes ```Python # soft-delete page.remove() # hard-delete page.remove(permanently=True) ``` ## Example: Create an embedded content type (iframe, video, etc) ```Python from notion.block import VideoBlock video = page.children.add_new(VideoBlock, width=200) # sets "property.source" to the URL, and "format.display_source" to the embedly-converted URL video.set_source_url("https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oHg5SJYRHA0") ``` ## Example: Create a new embedded collection view block ```Python collection = client.get_collection(COLLECTION_ID) # get an existing collection cvb = page.children.add_new(CollectionViewBlock, collection=collection) view = cvb.views.add_new(view_type="table") # Before the view can be browsed in Notion, # the filters and format options on the view should be set as desired. # # for example: # view.set("query", ...) # view.set("format.board_groups", ...) # view.set("format.board_properties", ...) ``` ## Example: Moving blocks around ```Python # move my block to after the video my_block.move_to(video, "after") # move my block to the end of otherblock's children my_block.move_to(otherblock, "last-child") # (you can also use "before" and "first-child") ``` ## Example: Subscribing to updates *(Note: Notion->Python automatic updating is currently broken and hence disabled by default; call `my_block.refresh()` to update, in the meantime, while monitoring is being fixed)* We can "watch" a `Record` so that we get a [callback](https://github.com/jamalex/notion-py/blob/master/notion/store.py) whenever it changes. Combined with the live-updating of records based on long-polling, this allows for a "reactive" design, where actions in our local application can be triggered in response to interactions with the Notion interface. ```Python # define a callback (note: all arguments are optional, just include the ones you care about) def my_callback(record, difference): print("The record's title is now:" record.title) print("Here's what was changed:") print(difference) # move my block to after the video my_block.add_callback(my_callback) ``` ## Example: Working with databases, aka "collections" (tables, boards, etc) Here's how things fit together: - Main container block: `CollectionViewBlock` (inline) / `CollectionViewPageBlock` (full-page) - `Collection` (holds the schema, and is parent to the database rows themselves) - `CollectionRowBlock` - `CollectionRowBlock` - ... (more database records) - `CollectionView` (holds filters/sort/etc about each specific view) Note: For convenience, we automatically map the database "columns" (aka properties), based on the schema defined in the `Collection`, into getter/setter attributes on the `CollectionRowBlock` instances. The attribute name is a "slugified" version of the name of the column. So if you have a column named "Estimated value", you can read and write it via `myrowblock.estimated_value`. Some basic validation may be conducted, and it will be converted into the appropriate internal format. For columns of type "Person", we expect a `User` instance, or a list of them, and for a "Relation" we expect a singular/list of instances of a subclass of `Block`. ```Python # Access a database using the URL of the database page or the inline block cv = client.get_collection_view("https://www.notion.so/myorg/8511b9fc522249f79b90768b832599cc?v=8dee2a54f6b64cb296c83328adba78e1") # List all the records with "Bob" in them for row in cv.collection.get_rows(search="Bob"): print("We estimate the value of '{}' at {}".format(row.name, row.estimated_value)) # Add a new record row = cv.collection.add_row() row.name = "Just some data" row.is_confirmed = True row.estimated_value = 399 row.files = ["https://www.birdlife.org/sites/default/files/styles/1600/public/slide.jpg"] row.person = client.current_user row.tags = ["A", "C"] row.where_to = "https://learningequality.org" # Run a filtered/sorted query using a view's default parameters result = cv.default_query().execute() for row in result: print(row) # Run an "aggregation" query aggregations = [{ "property": "estimated_value", "aggregator": "sum", "id": "total_value", }] result = cv.build_query(aggregate=aggregate_params).execute() print("Total estimated value:", result.get_aggregate("total_value")) # Run a "filtered" query (inspect network tab in browser for examples, on queryCollection calls) filter_params = { "filters": [{ "filter": { "value": { "type": "exact", "value": {"table": "notion_user", "id": client.current_user.id} }, "operator": "person_contains" }, "property": "assigned_to" }], "operator": "and" } result = cv.build_query(filter=filter_params).execute() print("Things assigned to me:", result) # Run a "sorted" query sort_params = [{ "direction": "descending", "property": "estimated_value", }] result = cv.build_query(sort=sort_params).execute() print("Sorted results, showing most valuable first:", result) ``` Note: You can combine `filter`, `aggregate`, and `sort`. See more examples of queries by setting up complex views in Notion, and then inspecting the full query: `cv.get("query2")`. You can also see [more examples in action in the smoke test runner](https://github.com/jamalex/notion-py/blob/master/notion/smoke_test.py). Run it using: ```sh python run_smoke_test.py --page [YOUR_NOTION_PAGE_URL] --token [YOUR_NOTION_TOKEN_V2] ``` ## Example: Lock/Unlock A Page ```Python from notion.client import NotionClient # Obtain the `token_v2` value by inspecting your browser cookies on a logged-in session on Notion.so client = NotionClient(token_v2="") # Replace this URL with the URL of the page or database you want to edit page = client.get_block("https://www.notion.so/myorg/Test-c0d20a71c0944985ae96e661ccc99821") # The "locked" property is available on PageBlock and CollectionViewBlock objects # Set it to True to lock the page/database page.locked = True # and False to unlock it again page.locked = False ``` ## Example: Set the current user for multi-account user ```python from notion.client import NotionClient client = NotionClient(token_v2="") # The initial current_user of a multi-account user may be an unwanted user print(client.current_user.email) # → not_the_desired@email.co.jp # Set current_user to the desired user client.set_user_by_email('desired@email.com') print(client.current_user.email) # → desired@email.com # You can also set the current_user by uid. client.set_user_by_uid('') print(client.current_user.email) # → desired@email.com ``` # _Quick plug: Learning Equality needs your support!_ If you'd like to support notion-py development, please consider [donating to my open-source nonprofit, Learning Equality](https://learningequality.org/donate/), since when I'm not working on notion-py, it probably means I'm heads-down fundraising for our global education work (bringing resources like Khan Academy to communities with no Internet). COVID has further amplified needs, with over a billion kids stuck at home, and over half of them without the connectivity they need for distance learning. You can now also [support our work via GitHub Sponsors](https://github.com/sponsors/learningequality)! # Related Projects - [md2notion](https://github.com/Cobertos/md2notion): import Markdown files to Notion - [notion-export-ics](https://github.com/evertheylen/notion-export-ics): Export Notion Databases to ICS calendar files - [notion-tqdm](https://github.com/shunyooo/notion-tqdm): Progress Bar displayed in Notion like tqdm # TODO * Cloning pages hierarchically * Debounce cache-saving? * Support inline "user" and "page" links, and reminders, in markdown conversion * Utilities to support updating/creating collection schemas * Utilities to support updating/creating collection_view queries * Support for easily managing page permissions * Websocket support for live block cache updating * "Render full page to markdown" mode * "Import page from html" mode %prep %autosetup -n notion-0.0.28 %build %py3_build %install %py3_install install -d -m755 %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir} if [ -d doc ]; then cp -arf doc %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi if [ -d docs ]; then cp -arf docs %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi if [ -d example ]; then cp -arf example %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi if [ -d examples ]; then cp -arf examples %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi pushd %{buildroot} if [ -d usr/lib ]; then find usr/lib -type f -printf "/%h/%f\n" >> filelist.lst fi if [ -d usr/lib64 ]; then find usr/lib64 -type f -printf "/%h/%f\n" >> filelist.lst fi if [ -d usr/bin ]; then find usr/bin -type f -printf "/%h/%f\n" >> filelist.lst fi if [ -d usr/sbin ]; then find usr/sbin -type f -printf "/%h/%f\n" >> filelist.lst fi touch doclist.lst if [ -d usr/share/man ]; then find usr/share/man -type f -printf "/%h/%f.gz\n" >> doclist.lst fi popd mv %{buildroot}/filelist.lst . mv %{buildroot}/doclist.lst . %files -n python3-notion -f filelist.lst %dir %{python3_sitelib}/* %files help -f doclist.lst %{_docdir}/* %changelog * Wed Apr 12 2023 Python_Bot - 0.0.28-1 - Package Spec generated