%global _empty_manifest_terminate_build 0
Name: python-django-eventstream
Version: 4.5.1
Release: 1
Summary: Server-Sent Events for Django
License: MIT
URL: https://github.com/fanout/django-eventstream
Source0: https://mirrors.nju.edu.cn/pypi/web/packages/97/98/e3fe1e18dd01abe04c6e7eac7559a7bb6f8bc2c791d08209be2925f8ca84/django-eventstream-4.5.1.tar.gz
BuildArch: noarch
# Django EventStream
EventStream provides API endpoints for your Django application that can push data to connected clients. Data is sent using the Server-Sent Events protocol (SSE), in which data is streamed over a never-ending HTTP response.
For example, you could create an endpoint, `/events/`, that a client could connect to with a GET request:
GET /events/ HTTP/1.1
Host: api.example.com
Accept: text/event-stream
The client would receive a streaming HTTP response with content looking like this:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Connection: Transfer-Encoding
Content-Type: text/event-stream
event: message
data: {"foo": "bar"}
event: message
data: {"bar": "baz"}
* Easy to consume from browsers or native applications.
* Highly reliable. Events can be persisted to your database, so clients can recover if they get disconnected.
* Set per-user channel permissions.
* Clean API contract that could be exposed to third parties if desired.
## Requirements
This library requires either:
* [Django Channels 3](https://channels.readthedocs.io/en/latest/), for native asynchronous connection handling.
* A GRIP-compatible proxy such as [Pushpin](https://pushpin.org) or [Fanout Cloud](https://fanout.io/cloud/), for delegating the connection handling and keeping the Django app stateless.
Note that it is possible to combine the two. If the app is set up with Channels and a connection arrives through a GRIP proxy, then the handling will be delegated.
## Setup
We recommend setting up your project with Channels as this will give you the most flexibility, including being able to run standalone or with `runserver`.
Otherwise, see [Setup without Channels](#setup-without-channels).
### Setup with Channels
First, install this module and the channels module:
pip install django-eventstream channels
Add the `channels` and `django_eventstream` apps to your `settings.py`:
Add the `GripMiddleware`:
The middleware is part of [django-grip](https://github.com/fanout/django-grip), which should have been pulled in automatically as a dependency of this module.
Channels introduces an entirely separate routing system for handling async connections. You'll need to declare an [ASGI](https://channels.readthedocs.io/en/latest/asgi.html) application instead of (or in addition to) a WSGI application.
For example, create an `asgi.py` file in your Django project dir (next to `settings.py`) with an endpoint declared:
ASGI entrypoint. Configures Django and then runs the application
defined in the ASGI_APPLICATION setting.
import os
import django
from django.core.asgi import get_asgi_application
from django.urls import path, re_path
from channels.routing import ProtocolTypeRouter, URLRouter
from channels.auth import AuthMiddlewareStack
import django_eventstream
os.environ.setdefault("DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE", "server.settings")
application = ProtocolTypeRouter({
'http': URLRouter([
path('events/', AuthMiddlewareStack(
), { 'channels': ['test'] }),
re_path(r'', get_asgi_application()),
Then set `ASGI_APPLICATION` in your `settings.py` file to your project's `asgi` module:
ASGI_APPLICATION = 'your_project.asgi.application'
For more information about setting up Channels in general, see the [Channels Documentation](http://channels.readthedocs.io/en/latest/tutorial/part_1.html#integrate-the-channels-library).
That's it! If you run `python manage.py runserver`, clients will be able to connect to the `/events/` endpoint and get a stream.
To send data to clients, call `send_event`:
from django_eventstream import send_event
send_event('test', 'message', {'text': 'hello world'})
The first argument is the channel to send on, the second is the event type, and the third is the event data. The data will be JSON-encoded using `DjangoJSONEncoder`.
### Deploying with Channels
After following the instructions in the previous section, you'll be able to develop and run locally using `runserver`. However, you should not use `runserver` when deploying, and instead launch an ASGI server such as Daphne, e.g.:
daphne your_project.asgi:application
See the [Channels Documentation](https://channels.readthedocs.io/en/latest/deploying.html) for information about deployment.
### Multiple instances and scaling
If you need to run multiple instances of your Django project for high availability, or need to push data from management commands, or need to be able to scale to a large number of connections, you can introduce a GRIP proxy layer (such as [Pushpin](https://pushpin.org) or [Fanout Cloud](https://fanout.io/cloud/)) into your architecture.
In your `settings.py`, set `GRIP_URL` with your proxy settings:
GRIP_URL = 'http://api.fanout.io/realm/your-realm?iss=your-realm&key=base64:your-realm-key'
Then configure the proxy to forward traffic to your project. E.g. with Fanout Cloud, set the `host:port` of your deployed project as your realm's Origin Server, and have clients connect to your realm's domain.
### Setup without Channels
It is possible to use this library with a GRIP proxy only, without setting up Channels.
First, install this module:
pip install django-eventstream
A few changes need to be made to `settings.py`.
Add the `django_eventstream` app:
Add the `GripMiddleware`:
The middleware is part of [django-grip](https://github.com/fanout/django-grip), which should have been pulled in automatically as a dependency of this module.
Set `GRIP_URL` with your Pushpin or Fanout Cloud settings:
# pushpin
GRIP_URL = 'http://localhost:5561'
# fanout cloud
GRIP_URL = 'http://api.fanout.io/realm/your-realm?iss=your-realm&key=base64:your-realm-key'
Add an endpoint in `urls.py`:
from django.urls import path, include
import django_eventstream
urlpatterns = [
path('events/', include(django_eventstream.urls), {'channels': ['test']}),
That's it! Clients can now connect to the `/events/` endpoint through the proxy and get a stream.
To send data to clients, call `send_event`:
from django_eventstream import send_event
send_event('test', 'message', {'text': 'hello world'})
The first argument is the channel to send on, the second is the event type, and the third is the event data. The data will be JSON-encoded using `DjangoJSONEncoder`.
## Local development without Channels
If you're developing locally without Channels and want to test with Fanout Cloud, we recommend using [ngrok](https://ngrok.com/) to register a public host that routes to your local instance.
As a convenience, this module comes with a Django command `runserver_ngrok` that acts like `runserver` except it additionally configures your Fanout Cloud realm to use a detected tunnel as the origin server.
From a separate shell, run `ngrok`:
ngrok http 8000
Then run the `runserver_ngrok` command:
python manage.py runserver_ngrok
You should see output like this:
Setting ngrok tunnel 4f91f84e.ngrok.io as GRIP origin
Starting development server at
Quit the server with CONTROL-C.
Note that it may take a minute or so for the changes to take effect.
Now if you make client requests to your realm's domain (e.g. `{realm-id}.fanoutcdn.com`) they will be routed to your local instance.
## Event storage
By default, events aren't persisted anywhere, so if clients get disconnected or if your server fails to send data, then clients can miss messages. For reliable delivery, you'll want to enable event storage.
First, set up the database tables:
python manage.py migrate
Then, set a storage class in `settings.py`:
EVENTSTREAM_STORAGE_CLASS = 'django_eventstream.storage.DjangoModelStorage'
That's all you need to do. When storage is enabled, events are written to the database before they are published, and they persist for 24 hours. If clients get disconnected, intermediate proxies go down, or your own server goes down or crashes at any time, even mid-publish, the stream will automatically be repaired.
To enable storage selectively by channel, implement a channel manager and override `is_channel_reliable`.
## Receiving in the browser
Include client libraries on the frontend:
Listen for data:
var es = new ReconnectingEventSource('/events/');
es.addEventListener('message', function (e) {
}, false);
es.addEventListener('stream-reset', function (e) {
// ... client fell behind, reinitialize ...
}, false);
## Authorization
Declare a channel manager class with your authorization logic:
from django_eventstream.channelmanager import DefaultChannelManager
class MyChannelManager(DefaultChannelManager):
def can_read_channel(self, user, channel):
# require auth for prefixed channels
if channel.startswith('_') and user is None:
return False
return True
Configure `settings.py` to use it:
EVENTSTREAM_CHANNELMANAGER_CLASS = 'myapp.channelmanager.MyChannelManager'
Whenever permissions change, call `channel_permission_changed`. This will cause clients to be disconnected if they lost permission to the channel.
from django_eventstream import channel_permission_changed
channel_permission_changed(user, '_mychannel')
Note: OAuth may not work with the `AuthMiddlewareStack` from Django Channels. See [this token middleware](https://gist.github.com/rluts/22e05ed8f53f97bdd02eafdf38f3d60a).
## Routes and channel selection
The channels the client listens to are specified using Django view keyword arguments on the routes. Alternatively, if no keyword arguments are specified, then the client can select the channels on its own by providing one or more `channel` query parameters in the HTTP request.
# specify fixed list of channels
path('foo/events/', include(django_eventstream.urls), {'channels': ['foo']})
# specify a list of dynamic channels using formatting based on view keywords
path('objects//events/', include(django_eventstream.urls),
{'format-channels': ['object-{obj_id}']})
# client selects a single channel using a path component
path('events//', include(django_eventstream.urls))
# client selects one or more channels using query parameters
path('events/', include(django_eventstream.urls))
Note that if view keywords or a channel path component are used, the client cannot use query parameters to select channels.
If even more advanced channel mapping is needed, implement a channel manager and override `get_channels_for_request`.
## Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) Headers
There are settings available to set response headers `Access-Control-Allow-Origin`, `Access-Control-Allow-Credentials`, and `Access-Control-Allow-Headers`, which are `EVENTSTREAM_ALLOW_ORIGIN`, `EVENTSTREAM_ALLOW_CREDENTIALS`, and `EVENTSTREAM_ALLOW_HEADERS`, respectively.
EVENTSTREAM_ALLOW_ORIGIN = 'your-website.com'
Note that `EVENTSTREAM_ALLOW_ORIGIN` and `EVENTSTREAM_ALLOW_HEADERS` only take a single string value and do not process a list.
%package -n python3-django-eventstream
Summary: Server-Sent Events for Django
Provides: python-django-eventstream
BuildRequires: python3-devel
BuildRequires: python3-setuptools
BuildRequires: python3-pip
%description -n python3-django-eventstream
# Django EventStream
EventStream provides API endpoints for your Django application that can push data to connected clients. Data is sent using the Server-Sent Events protocol (SSE), in which data is streamed over a never-ending HTTP response.
For example, you could create an endpoint, `/events/`, that a client could connect to with a GET request:
GET /events/ HTTP/1.1
Host: api.example.com
Accept: text/event-stream
The client would receive a streaming HTTP response with content looking like this:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Connection: Transfer-Encoding
Content-Type: text/event-stream
event: message
data: {"foo": "bar"}
event: message
data: {"bar": "baz"}
* Easy to consume from browsers or native applications.
* Highly reliable. Events can be persisted to your database, so clients can recover if they get disconnected.
* Set per-user channel permissions.
* Clean API contract that could be exposed to third parties if desired.
## Requirements
This library requires either:
* [Django Channels 3](https://channels.readthedocs.io/en/latest/), for native asynchronous connection handling.
* A GRIP-compatible proxy such as [Pushpin](https://pushpin.org) or [Fanout Cloud](https://fanout.io/cloud/), for delegating the connection handling and keeping the Django app stateless.
Note that it is possible to combine the two. If the app is set up with Channels and a connection arrives through a GRIP proxy, then the handling will be delegated.
## Setup
We recommend setting up your project with Channels as this will give you the most flexibility, including being able to run standalone or with `runserver`.
Otherwise, see [Setup without Channels](#setup-without-channels).
### Setup with Channels
First, install this module and the channels module:
pip install django-eventstream channels
Add the `channels` and `django_eventstream` apps to your `settings.py`:
Add the `GripMiddleware`:
The middleware is part of [django-grip](https://github.com/fanout/django-grip), which should have been pulled in automatically as a dependency of this module.
Channels introduces an entirely separate routing system for handling async connections. You'll need to declare an [ASGI](https://channels.readthedocs.io/en/latest/asgi.html) application instead of (or in addition to) a WSGI application.
For example, create an `asgi.py` file in your Django project dir (next to `settings.py`) with an endpoint declared:
ASGI entrypoint. Configures Django and then runs the application
defined in the ASGI_APPLICATION setting.
import os
import django
from django.core.asgi import get_asgi_application
from django.urls import path, re_path
from channels.routing import ProtocolTypeRouter, URLRouter
from channels.auth import AuthMiddlewareStack
import django_eventstream
os.environ.setdefault("DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE", "server.settings")
application = ProtocolTypeRouter({
'http': URLRouter([
path('events/', AuthMiddlewareStack(
), { 'channels': ['test'] }),
re_path(r'', get_asgi_application()),
Then set `ASGI_APPLICATION` in your `settings.py` file to your project's `asgi` module:
ASGI_APPLICATION = 'your_project.asgi.application'
For more information about setting up Channels in general, see the [Channels Documentation](http://channels.readthedocs.io/en/latest/tutorial/part_1.html#integrate-the-channels-library).
That's it! If you run `python manage.py runserver`, clients will be able to connect to the `/events/` endpoint and get a stream.
To send data to clients, call `send_event`:
from django_eventstream import send_event
send_event('test', 'message', {'text': 'hello world'})
The first argument is the channel to send on, the second is the event type, and the third is the event data. The data will be JSON-encoded using `DjangoJSONEncoder`.
### Deploying with Channels
After following the instructions in the previous section, you'll be able to develop and run locally using `runserver`. However, you should not use `runserver` when deploying, and instead launch an ASGI server such as Daphne, e.g.:
daphne your_project.asgi:application
See the [Channels Documentation](https://channels.readthedocs.io/en/latest/deploying.html) for information about deployment.
### Multiple instances and scaling
If you need to run multiple instances of your Django project for high availability, or need to push data from management commands, or need to be able to scale to a large number of connections, you can introduce a GRIP proxy layer (such as [Pushpin](https://pushpin.org) or [Fanout Cloud](https://fanout.io/cloud/)) into your architecture.
In your `settings.py`, set `GRIP_URL` with your proxy settings:
GRIP_URL = 'http://api.fanout.io/realm/your-realm?iss=your-realm&key=base64:your-realm-key'
Then configure the proxy to forward traffic to your project. E.g. with Fanout Cloud, set the `host:port` of your deployed project as your realm's Origin Server, and have clients connect to your realm's domain.
### Setup without Channels
It is possible to use this library with a GRIP proxy only, without setting up Channels.
First, install this module:
pip install django-eventstream
A few changes need to be made to `settings.py`.
Add the `django_eventstream` app:
Add the `GripMiddleware`:
The middleware is part of [django-grip](https://github.com/fanout/django-grip), which should have been pulled in automatically as a dependency of this module.
Set `GRIP_URL` with your Pushpin or Fanout Cloud settings:
# pushpin
GRIP_URL = 'http://localhost:5561'
# fanout cloud
GRIP_URL = 'http://api.fanout.io/realm/your-realm?iss=your-realm&key=base64:your-realm-key'
Add an endpoint in `urls.py`:
from django.urls import path, include
import django_eventstream
urlpatterns = [
path('events/', include(django_eventstream.urls), {'channels': ['test']}),
That's it! Clients can now connect to the `/events/` endpoint through the proxy and get a stream.
To send data to clients, call `send_event`:
from django_eventstream import send_event
send_event('test', 'message', {'text': 'hello world'})
The first argument is the channel to send on, the second is the event type, and the third is the event data. The data will be JSON-encoded using `DjangoJSONEncoder`.
## Local development without Channels
If you're developing locally without Channels and want to test with Fanout Cloud, we recommend using [ngrok](https://ngrok.com/) to register a public host that routes to your local instance.
As a convenience, this module comes with a Django command `runserver_ngrok` that acts like `runserver` except it additionally configures your Fanout Cloud realm to use a detected tunnel as the origin server.
From a separate shell, run `ngrok`:
ngrok http 8000
Then run the `runserver_ngrok` command:
python manage.py runserver_ngrok
You should see output like this:
Setting ngrok tunnel 4f91f84e.ngrok.io as GRIP origin
Starting development server at
Quit the server with CONTROL-C.
Note that it may take a minute or so for the changes to take effect.
Now if you make client requests to your realm's domain (e.g. `{realm-id}.fanoutcdn.com`) they will be routed to your local instance.
## Event storage
By default, events aren't persisted anywhere, so if clients get disconnected or if your server fails to send data, then clients can miss messages. For reliable delivery, you'll want to enable event storage.
First, set up the database tables:
python manage.py migrate
Then, set a storage class in `settings.py`:
EVENTSTREAM_STORAGE_CLASS = 'django_eventstream.storage.DjangoModelStorage'
That's all you need to do. When storage is enabled, events are written to the database before they are published, and they persist for 24 hours. If clients get disconnected, intermediate proxies go down, or your own server goes down or crashes at any time, even mid-publish, the stream will automatically be repaired.
To enable storage selectively by channel, implement a channel manager and override `is_channel_reliable`.
## Receiving in the browser
Include client libraries on the frontend:
Listen for data:
var es = new ReconnectingEventSource('/events/');
es.addEventListener('message', function (e) {
}, false);
es.addEventListener('stream-reset', function (e) {
// ... client fell behind, reinitialize ...
}, false);
## Authorization
Declare a channel manager class with your authorization logic:
from django_eventstream.channelmanager import DefaultChannelManager
class MyChannelManager(DefaultChannelManager):
def can_read_channel(self, user, channel):
# require auth for prefixed channels
if channel.startswith('_') and user is None:
return False
return True
Configure `settings.py` to use it:
EVENTSTREAM_CHANNELMANAGER_CLASS = 'myapp.channelmanager.MyChannelManager'
Whenever permissions change, call `channel_permission_changed`. This will cause clients to be disconnected if they lost permission to the channel.
from django_eventstream import channel_permission_changed
channel_permission_changed(user, '_mychannel')
Note: OAuth may not work with the `AuthMiddlewareStack` from Django Channels. See [this token middleware](https://gist.github.com/rluts/22e05ed8f53f97bdd02eafdf38f3d60a).
## Routes and channel selection
The channels the client listens to are specified using Django view keyword arguments on the routes. Alternatively, if no keyword arguments are specified, then the client can select the channels on its own by providing one or more `channel` query parameters in the HTTP request.
# specify fixed list of channels
path('foo/events/', include(django_eventstream.urls), {'channels': ['foo']})
# specify a list of dynamic channels using formatting based on view keywords
path('objects//events/', include(django_eventstream.urls),
{'format-channels': ['object-{obj_id}']})
# client selects a single channel using a path component
path('events//', include(django_eventstream.urls))
# client selects one or more channels using query parameters
path('events/', include(django_eventstream.urls))
Note that if view keywords or a channel path component are used, the client cannot use query parameters to select channels.
If even more advanced channel mapping is needed, implement a channel manager and override `get_channels_for_request`.
## Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) Headers
There are settings available to set response headers `Access-Control-Allow-Origin`, `Access-Control-Allow-Credentials`, and `Access-Control-Allow-Headers`, which are `EVENTSTREAM_ALLOW_ORIGIN`, `EVENTSTREAM_ALLOW_CREDENTIALS`, and `EVENTSTREAM_ALLOW_HEADERS`, respectively.
EVENTSTREAM_ALLOW_ORIGIN = 'your-website.com'
Note that `EVENTSTREAM_ALLOW_ORIGIN` and `EVENTSTREAM_ALLOW_HEADERS` only take a single string value and do not process a list.
%package help
Summary: Development documents and examples for django-eventstream
Provides: python3-django-eventstream-doc
%description help
# Django EventStream
EventStream provides API endpoints for your Django application that can push data to connected clients. Data is sent using the Server-Sent Events protocol (SSE), in which data is streamed over a never-ending HTTP response.
For example, you could create an endpoint, `/events/`, that a client could connect to with a GET request:
GET /events/ HTTP/1.1
Host: api.example.com
Accept: text/event-stream
The client would receive a streaming HTTP response with content looking like this:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Connection: Transfer-Encoding
Content-Type: text/event-stream
event: message
data: {"foo": "bar"}
event: message
data: {"bar": "baz"}
* Easy to consume from browsers or native applications.
* Highly reliable. Events can be persisted to your database, so clients can recover if they get disconnected.
* Set per-user channel permissions.
* Clean API contract that could be exposed to third parties if desired.
## Requirements
This library requires either:
* [Django Channels 3](https://channels.readthedocs.io/en/latest/), for native asynchronous connection handling.
* A GRIP-compatible proxy such as [Pushpin](https://pushpin.org) or [Fanout Cloud](https://fanout.io/cloud/), for delegating the connection handling and keeping the Django app stateless.
Note that it is possible to combine the two. If the app is set up with Channels and a connection arrives through a GRIP proxy, then the handling will be delegated.
## Setup
We recommend setting up your project with Channels as this will give you the most flexibility, including being able to run standalone or with `runserver`.
Otherwise, see [Setup without Channels](#setup-without-channels).
### Setup with Channels
First, install this module and the channels module:
pip install django-eventstream channels
Add the `channels` and `django_eventstream` apps to your `settings.py`:
Add the `GripMiddleware`:
The middleware is part of [django-grip](https://github.com/fanout/django-grip), which should have been pulled in automatically as a dependency of this module.
Channels introduces an entirely separate routing system for handling async connections. You'll need to declare an [ASGI](https://channels.readthedocs.io/en/latest/asgi.html) application instead of (or in addition to) a WSGI application.
For example, create an `asgi.py` file in your Django project dir (next to `settings.py`) with an endpoint declared:
ASGI entrypoint. Configures Django and then runs the application
defined in the ASGI_APPLICATION setting.
import os
import django
from django.core.asgi import get_asgi_application
from django.urls import path, re_path
from channels.routing import ProtocolTypeRouter, URLRouter
from channels.auth import AuthMiddlewareStack
import django_eventstream
os.environ.setdefault("DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE", "server.settings")
application = ProtocolTypeRouter({
'http': URLRouter([
path('events/', AuthMiddlewareStack(
), { 'channels': ['test'] }),
re_path(r'', get_asgi_application()),
Then set `ASGI_APPLICATION` in your `settings.py` file to your project's `asgi` module:
ASGI_APPLICATION = 'your_project.asgi.application'
For more information about setting up Channels in general, see the [Channels Documentation](http://channels.readthedocs.io/en/latest/tutorial/part_1.html#integrate-the-channels-library).
That's it! If you run `python manage.py runserver`, clients will be able to connect to the `/events/` endpoint and get a stream.
To send data to clients, call `send_event`:
from django_eventstream import send_event
send_event('test', 'message', {'text': 'hello world'})
The first argument is the channel to send on, the second is the event type, and the third is the event data. The data will be JSON-encoded using `DjangoJSONEncoder`.
### Deploying with Channels
After following the instructions in the previous section, you'll be able to develop and run locally using `runserver`. However, you should not use `runserver` when deploying, and instead launch an ASGI server such as Daphne, e.g.:
daphne your_project.asgi:application
See the [Channels Documentation](https://channels.readthedocs.io/en/latest/deploying.html) for information about deployment.
### Multiple instances and scaling
If you need to run multiple instances of your Django project for high availability, or need to push data from management commands, or need to be able to scale to a large number of connections, you can introduce a GRIP proxy layer (such as [Pushpin](https://pushpin.org) or [Fanout Cloud](https://fanout.io/cloud/)) into your architecture.
In your `settings.py`, set `GRIP_URL` with your proxy settings:
GRIP_URL = 'http://api.fanout.io/realm/your-realm?iss=your-realm&key=base64:your-realm-key'
Then configure the proxy to forward traffic to your project. E.g. with Fanout Cloud, set the `host:port` of your deployed project as your realm's Origin Server, and have clients connect to your realm's domain.
### Setup without Channels
It is possible to use this library with a GRIP proxy only, without setting up Channels.
First, install this module:
pip install django-eventstream
A few changes need to be made to `settings.py`.
Add the `django_eventstream` app:
Add the `GripMiddleware`:
The middleware is part of [django-grip](https://github.com/fanout/django-grip), which should have been pulled in automatically as a dependency of this module.
Set `GRIP_URL` with your Pushpin or Fanout Cloud settings:
# pushpin
GRIP_URL = 'http://localhost:5561'
# fanout cloud
GRIP_URL = 'http://api.fanout.io/realm/your-realm?iss=your-realm&key=base64:your-realm-key'
Add an endpoint in `urls.py`:
from django.urls import path, include
import django_eventstream
urlpatterns = [
path('events/', include(django_eventstream.urls), {'channels': ['test']}),
That's it! Clients can now connect to the `/events/` endpoint through the proxy and get a stream.
To send data to clients, call `send_event`:
from django_eventstream import send_event
send_event('test', 'message', {'text': 'hello world'})
The first argument is the channel to send on, the second is the event type, and the third is the event data. The data will be JSON-encoded using `DjangoJSONEncoder`.
## Local development without Channels
If you're developing locally without Channels and want to test with Fanout Cloud, we recommend using [ngrok](https://ngrok.com/) to register a public host that routes to your local instance.
As a convenience, this module comes with a Django command `runserver_ngrok` that acts like `runserver` except it additionally configures your Fanout Cloud realm to use a detected tunnel as the origin server.
From a separate shell, run `ngrok`:
ngrok http 8000
Then run the `runserver_ngrok` command:
python manage.py runserver_ngrok
You should see output like this:
Setting ngrok tunnel 4f91f84e.ngrok.io as GRIP origin
Starting development server at
Quit the server with CONTROL-C.
Note that it may take a minute or so for the changes to take effect.
Now if you make client requests to your realm's domain (e.g. `{realm-id}.fanoutcdn.com`) they will be routed to your local instance.
## Event storage
By default, events aren't persisted anywhere, so if clients get disconnected or if your server fails to send data, then clients can miss messages. For reliable delivery, you'll want to enable event storage.
First, set up the database tables:
python manage.py migrate
Then, set a storage class in `settings.py`:
EVENTSTREAM_STORAGE_CLASS = 'django_eventstream.storage.DjangoModelStorage'
That's all you need to do. When storage is enabled, events are written to the database before they are published, and they persist for 24 hours. If clients get disconnected, intermediate proxies go down, or your own server goes down or crashes at any time, even mid-publish, the stream will automatically be repaired.
To enable storage selectively by channel, implement a channel manager and override `is_channel_reliable`.
## Receiving in the browser
Include client libraries on the frontend:
Listen for data:
var es = new ReconnectingEventSource('/events/');
es.addEventListener('message', function (e) {
}, false);
es.addEventListener('stream-reset', function (e) {
// ... client fell behind, reinitialize ...
}, false);
## Authorization
Declare a channel manager class with your authorization logic:
from django_eventstream.channelmanager import DefaultChannelManager
class MyChannelManager(DefaultChannelManager):
def can_read_channel(self, user, channel):
# require auth for prefixed channels
if channel.startswith('_') and user is None:
return False
return True
Configure `settings.py` to use it:
EVENTSTREAM_CHANNELMANAGER_CLASS = 'myapp.channelmanager.MyChannelManager'
Whenever permissions change, call `channel_permission_changed`. This will cause clients to be disconnected if they lost permission to the channel.
from django_eventstream import channel_permission_changed
channel_permission_changed(user, '_mychannel')
Note: OAuth may not work with the `AuthMiddlewareStack` from Django Channels. See [this token middleware](https://gist.github.com/rluts/22e05ed8f53f97bdd02eafdf38f3d60a).
## Routes and channel selection
The channels the client listens to are specified using Django view keyword arguments on the routes. Alternatively, if no keyword arguments are specified, then the client can select the channels on its own by providing one or more `channel` query parameters in the HTTP request.
# specify fixed list of channels
path('foo/events/', include(django_eventstream.urls), {'channels': ['foo']})
# specify a list of dynamic channels using formatting based on view keywords
path('objects//events/', include(django_eventstream.urls),
{'format-channels': ['object-{obj_id}']})
# client selects a single channel using a path component
path('events//', include(django_eventstream.urls))
# client selects one or more channels using query parameters
path('events/', include(django_eventstream.urls))
Note that if view keywords or a channel path component are used, the client cannot use query parameters to select channels.
If even more advanced channel mapping is needed, implement a channel manager and override `get_channels_for_request`.
## Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) Headers
There are settings available to set response headers `Access-Control-Allow-Origin`, `Access-Control-Allow-Credentials`, and `Access-Control-Allow-Headers`, which are `EVENTSTREAM_ALLOW_ORIGIN`, `EVENTSTREAM_ALLOW_CREDENTIALS`, and `EVENTSTREAM_ALLOW_HEADERS`, respectively.
EVENTSTREAM_ALLOW_ORIGIN = 'your-website.com'
Note that `EVENTSTREAM_ALLOW_ORIGIN` and `EVENTSTREAM_ALLOW_HEADERS` only take a single string value and do not process a list.
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* Fri May 05 2023 Python_Bot - 4.5.1-1
- Package Spec generated