%global _empty_manifest_terminate_build 0 Name: python-ts-ids-validator Version: 0.9.14 Release: 1 Summary: Python utility for validating IDS License: Apache-2.0 URL: https://developers.tetrascience.com Source0: https://mirrors.nju.edu.cn/pypi/web/packages/48/61/3e715408ef5ee9cd27c7f58f6c886a03f6d5553af255d0084259f42c541d/ts_ids_validator-0.9.14.tar.gz BuildArch: noarch Requires: python3-jsonref Requires: python3-jsonschema Requires: python3-pydantic Requires: python3-pydash Requires: python3-rich Requires: python3-ts-ids-es-json-generator %description # TetraScience IDS Validator ## Table of Contents - [Overview](#overview) - [Usage](#usage) - [Components](#components) - [Node](#node) - [Checker Classes](#checker-classes) - [Validator](#validator) - [List of Checker Classes](#list-of-checker-classes) - [Base Classes](#base-classes) - [Generic](#generic) - [V1](#v1) - [Writing New Checks](#writing-new-checks) - [Extending Checkers Classes](#extending-checkers-classes) - [Pattern 1](#pattern-1) - [Pattern 2](#pattern-2) - [Running Checks for Specific Nodes](#running-checks-for-specific-nodes) - [List of Checks for Validator](#list-of-checks-for-validator) - [Changelog](#changelog) - [v0.9.14](#v0914) - [v0.9.13](#v0913) - [v0.9.12](#v0912) - [v0.9.11](#v0911) - [v0.9.10](#v0910) - [v0.9.9](#v099) - [v0.9.8](#v098) - [v0.9.7](#v097) - [v0.9.6](#v096) ## Overview The TetraScience IDS Validator checks that IDS artifacts follow a set of rules which make them compatible with the Tetra Data Platform, and optionally that they are compatible with with additional IDS design conventions. The validator either passes or fails with a list of the checks which led to the failure. The validator checks these files in an IDS folder: - schema.json - elasticsearch.json - athena.json You can find the validation rules in: - [IDS Design Conventions - schema.json](https://developers.tetrascience.com/docs/ids-design-conventions-schemajson) - [IDS Design Conventions - elasticsearch.json](https://developers.tetrascience.com/docs/ids-design-conventions-elasticsearchjson) - [IDS Design Conventions - athena.json](https://developers.tetrascience.com/docs/ids-design-conventions-athenajson) ## Version v0.9.14 ## Usage ```bash poetry run python -m ids_validator --ids_dir=path/to/ids/folder ``` This will run the required checks for the `@idsConventionVersion` mentioned in `schema.json`. If `@idsConventionVersion` is missing in `schema.json` or if it is not supported by `schema_validator`, only `generic` checks will be run. ## Components ### Node - `Node: UserDict` class is an abstraction for `dict` in `schema.json` - When crawling `schema.json`, each `key-value` pair where `value` is a `dict`, is casted into `Node` type. - For each K_V pair, `Node` has following attributes - `name (default=root)`: The `key` - `data`: The `value:dict` - `path (default=root)`: The fully-qualified path for the `key` in `schema.json` - File: [ids_node.py](src/ids_node.py) ### Checker Classes - A checker class must implement `AbstractChecker` - When crawling `schema.json`, its `run()` method will be called for each node. - `run()` implements the rules/condition to be checked for validating the node. - `run()` accepts two arguments: - `node: Node`: `Node` for which we are running the checks - `context: dict` - It contains python dicts for `schema.json`, `athena.json` and `convention_version`. - It is used to supplementary data required for running complex checks. ### Validator - `Validator` class is the one that implements the crawler. - It has following attributes: - `ids: dict`: `schema.json` converted to python `dict` - `athena: dict`: `athena.json` converted to python `dict` - `checks_list`: A list of instantiated checker classes. These list of checks will be run for each node - `Validator.traverse_ids()` crawls from `Node` to `Node` in `ids:dict`, Calling `run()` for each checker in the checks_list on the node ### List of Checker Classes #### Base Classes - `AbstractChecker` - Every checker class must implement it. - File: [abstract_checker.py](src/checks/abstract_checker.py) - `RuleBasedChecker` - It is base class that allows validating `Node` against a set of `rules` - It comes in handy for implementing checks for property Nodes that has predefined template - The child class inheriting `RulesBasedChecker` must define `rules` - `rules` is a `dict` that maps `Node.path` to `set of rules:dict` - The `set of rules` for a `Node.path` may contain following items: - `"type"`, `Union[List[str], str]`: defines what should be the `type` value for the `Node` - `"compatible_type"`, `ids_validator.checks.rules_checker.BackwardCompatibleType`: defines the allowable `type` values for a `Node`, matching either a `preferred` type, or one of a list of `deprecated` types which will lead to a warning. - `"min_properties"`, `List[str]`: defines minimum set of property names that must exist for the Node. More properties can exist in addition to `min_properties` - `"constrained_properties"`, `ids_validator.checks.rules_checker.PropertyConstraints`: defines the minimum properties which must be present in a `Node`'s properties, along with extra properties which may or may not be present. - `"min_required"`, `List[str]`: The required list of the `Node` must at least contain the values mentioned in `min_required` - `"required"`, `List[str]`: The required list of the `Node` must only contain values listed in `required` - Rules based checkers defined for v1 conventions can be found [here](src/checks/v1/nodes_checker.py) #### Generic - `AdditionalPropertyChecker`: [additional_property.py](src/checks/generic/additional_property.py) - `RequiredPropertiesChecker`: [required_property.py](src/checks/generic/required_property.py) - `DatacubesChecker`: [datacubes.py](src/checks/generic/datacubes.py) - `RootNodeChecker`: [root_node.py](src/checks/generic/root_node.py) - `TypeChecker`: [type_check.py](src/checks/generic/type_check.py) - `AthenaChecker`: [athena.py](src/checks/generic/athena.py) #### V1 - `V1ChildNameChecker`: [child_name.py](src/checks/v1/child_name.py) - `V1ConventionVersionChecker`: [convention_version_check.py](src/checks/v1/convention_version_check.py) - `V1SystemNodeChecker`: [nodes_checker.py](src/checks/v1/nodes_checker.py) - `V1SampleNodeChecker`: [nodes_checker.py](src/checks/v1/nodes_checker.py) - `V1UserNodeChecker`: [nodes_checker.py](src/checks/v1/nodes_checker.py) - `V1RootNodeChecker`: [root_node.py](src/checks/v1/root_node.py) - `V1SnakeCaseChecker`: [snake_case.py](src/checks/v1/snake_case.py) ### Writing New Checks - Checkers must implement `AbstractCheckers` - `run()` method implement one or more checks for the node - In case of no failure an empty list must be returned - In case of failures, it must return a list of one or more tuple - The tuple will contain two values - `log message:str`: The message to be logged when check fails - `criticality`: either `Log.CRITICAL` or `Log.WARNING` ### Extending Checkers Classes #### Pattern 1 ```python class ChildChecker(ParentChecker): def run(node: Node, context: dict): logs = [] # Implement new checks and append failure to logs # Run Parent checkers and append logs logs += super().run(node, context) return logs ``` If `check_list` passed to `Validator` contains the `ChildChecker`, then it must not contain `ParentChecker` in the same list. Doing so will cause ParentCheck to run twice and populate failures logs if any, twice. #### Pattern 2 ```python class ChildChecker(ParentChecker): def run(node: Node, context: dict): logs = [] # Implement new checks and append failure to logs # use or override helper function of the parent class return logs ``` ### Running Checks for Specific Nodes ```python class AdhocChecker(AbstractChecker): def run(node: Node, context: dict): logs = [] paths = [] # paths is a list of fully qualified path to a key in schema.json # each path must start form root # eg: root.samples # eg: root.samples.items.properties.property_name if node.path in paths: # Implement new checks and append failure to logs logs += perform_new_checks(node, context) return logs ``` ### List of Checks for Validator - `checks_dict`, defined [here](src/checks/__init__.py), maps the `type of validation` that we want to perform to the `list the of checks` needed to be run for the validation - The list off checks is actually a list of instantiated checker objects ## Changelog ## v0.9.14 - Update `samples[*]` check to optionally allow for it to contain a property `pk_samples` of type `"string"`. ## v0.9.13 - `related_files` is no longer checked against annotation fields like "description". ## v0.9.12 - Update check for `samples[*].labels[*].source.name` type: previously the type was required to be `"string"`, now it is required to be either `["string", "null"]` or `"string"`, with `"string"` leading to a deprecation warning. This change makes this `source` definition the same as `samples[*].properties[*].source` in a backward-compatible way. ## v0.9.11 - Fix bug in `AthenaChecker` to allow root level IDS properties as partition paths. - Update `TypeChecker` to catch errors related to undefined/misspelled `type` key. - Update `jsonschema` version to fix package installation error ## v0.9.10 - Modify `V1SnakeCaseChecker` to ignore checks for keys present in `definitions` object. - Add temporary allowance for `@link` in `*.properties` ## v0.9.9 - Lock `jsonschema` version in requirements.txt ## v0.9.8 - Modify `RulesChecker` to log missing and extra properties ## v0.9.7 - Allow properties with `const` values to have non-nullable `type` ## v0.9.6 - Add checker classes for generic validation - Add checker classes for v1.0.0 convention validation %package -n python3-ts-ids-validator Summary: Python utility for validating IDS Provides: python-ts-ids-validator BuildRequires: python3-devel BuildRequires: python3-setuptools BuildRequires: python3-pip %description -n python3-ts-ids-validator # TetraScience IDS Validator ## Table of Contents - [Overview](#overview) - [Usage](#usage) - [Components](#components) - [Node](#node) - [Checker Classes](#checker-classes) - [Validator](#validator) - [List of Checker Classes](#list-of-checker-classes) - [Base Classes](#base-classes) - [Generic](#generic) - [V1](#v1) - [Writing New Checks](#writing-new-checks) - [Extending Checkers Classes](#extending-checkers-classes) - [Pattern 1](#pattern-1) - [Pattern 2](#pattern-2) - [Running Checks for Specific Nodes](#running-checks-for-specific-nodes) - [List of Checks for Validator](#list-of-checks-for-validator) - [Changelog](#changelog) - [v0.9.14](#v0914) - [v0.9.13](#v0913) - [v0.9.12](#v0912) - [v0.9.11](#v0911) - [v0.9.10](#v0910) - [v0.9.9](#v099) - [v0.9.8](#v098) - [v0.9.7](#v097) - [v0.9.6](#v096) ## Overview The TetraScience IDS Validator checks that IDS artifacts follow a set of rules which make them compatible with the Tetra Data Platform, and optionally that they are compatible with with additional IDS design conventions. The validator either passes or fails with a list of the checks which led to the failure. The validator checks these files in an IDS folder: - schema.json - elasticsearch.json - athena.json You can find the validation rules in: - [IDS Design Conventions - schema.json](https://developers.tetrascience.com/docs/ids-design-conventions-schemajson) - [IDS Design Conventions - elasticsearch.json](https://developers.tetrascience.com/docs/ids-design-conventions-elasticsearchjson) - [IDS Design Conventions - athena.json](https://developers.tetrascience.com/docs/ids-design-conventions-athenajson) ## Version v0.9.14 ## Usage ```bash poetry run python -m ids_validator --ids_dir=path/to/ids/folder ``` This will run the required checks for the `@idsConventionVersion` mentioned in `schema.json`. If `@idsConventionVersion` is missing in `schema.json` or if it is not supported by `schema_validator`, only `generic` checks will be run. ## Components ### Node - `Node: UserDict` class is an abstraction for `dict` in `schema.json` - When crawling `schema.json`, each `key-value` pair where `value` is a `dict`, is casted into `Node` type. - For each K_V pair, `Node` has following attributes - `name (default=root)`: The `key` - `data`: The `value:dict` - `path (default=root)`: The fully-qualified path for the `key` in `schema.json` - File: [ids_node.py](src/ids_node.py) ### Checker Classes - A checker class must implement `AbstractChecker` - When crawling `schema.json`, its `run()` method will be called for each node. - `run()` implements the rules/condition to be checked for validating the node. - `run()` accepts two arguments: - `node: Node`: `Node` for which we are running the checks - `context: dict` - It contains python dicts for `schema.json`, `athena.json` and `convention_version`. - It is used to supplementary data required for running complex checks. ### Validator - `Validator` class is the one that implements the crawler. - It has following attributes: - `ids: dict`: `schema.json` converted to python `dict` - `athena: dict`: `athena.json` converted to python `dict` - `checks_list`: A list of instantiated checker classes. These list of checks will be run for each node - `Validator.traverse_ids()` crawls from `Node` to `Node` in `ids:dict`, Calling `run()` for each checker in the checks_list on the node ### List of Checker Classes #### Base Classes - `AbstractChecker` - Every checker class must implement it. - File: [abstract_checker.py](src/checks/abstract_checker.py) - `RuleBasedChecker` - It is base class that allows validating `Node` against a set of `rules` - It comes in handy for implementing checks for property Nodes that has predefined template - The child class inheriting `RulesBasedChecker` must define `rules` - `rules` is a `dict` that maps `Node.path` to `set of rules:dict` - The `set of rules` for a `Node.path` may contain following items: - `"type"`, `Union[List[str], str]`: defines what should be the `type` value for the `Node` - `"compatible_type"`, `ids_validator.checks.rules_checker.BackwardCompatibleType`: defines the allowable `type` values for a `Node`, matching either a `preferred` type, or one of a list of `deprecated` types which will lead to a warning. - `"min_properties"`, `List[str]`: defines minimum set of property names that must exist for the Node. More properties can exist in addition to `min_properties` - `"constrained_properties"`, `ids_validator.checks.rules_checker.PropertyConstraints`: defines the minimum properties which must be present in a `Node`'s properties, along with extra properties which may or may not be present. - `"min_required"`, `List[str]`: The required list of the `Node` must at least contain the values mentioned in `min_required` - `"required"`, `List[str]`: The required list of the `Node` must only contain values listed in `required` - Rules based checkers defined for v1 conventions can be found [here](src/checks/v1/nodes_checker.py) #### Generic - `AdditionalPropertyChecker`: [additional_property.py](src/checks/generic/additional_property.py) - `RequiredPropertiesChecker`: [required_property.py](src/checks/generic/required_property.py) - `DatacubesChecker`: [datacubes.py](src/checks/generic/datacubes.py) - `RootNodeChecker`: [root_node.py](src/checks/generic/root_node.py) - `TypeChecker`: [type_check.py](src/checks/generic/type_check.py) - `AthenaChecker`: [athena.py](src/checks/generic/athena.py) #### V1 - `V1ChildNameChecker`: [child_name.py](src/checks/v1/child_name.py) - `V1ConventionVersionChecker`: [convention_version_check.py](src/checks/v1/convention_version_check.py) - `V1SystemNodeChecker`: [nodes_checker.py](src/checks/v1/nodes_checker.py) - `V1SampleNodeChecker`: [nodes_checker.py](src/checks/v1/nodes_checker.py) - `V1UserNodeChecker`: [nodes_checker.py](src/checks/v1/nodes_checker.py) - `V1RootNodeChecker`: [root_node.py](src/checks/v1/root_node.py) - `V1SnakeCaseChecker`: [snake_case.py](src/checks/v1/snake_case.py) ### Writing New Checks - Checkers must implement `AbstractCheckers` - `run()` method implement one or more checks for the node - In case of no failure an empty list must be returned - In case of failures, it must return a list of one or more tuple - The tuple will contain two values - `log message:str`: The message to be logged when check fails - `criticality`: either `Log.CRITICAL` or `Log.WARNING` ### Extending Checkers Classes #### Pattern 1 ```python class ChildChecker(ParentChecker): def run(node: Node, context: dict): logs = [] # Implement new checks and append failure to logs # Run Parent checkers and append logs logs += super().run(node, context) return logs ``` If `check_list` passed to `Validator` contains the `ChildChecker`, then it must not contain `ParentChecker` in the same list. Doing so will cause ParentCheck to run twice and populate failures logs if any, twice. #### Pattern 2 ```python class ChildChecker(ParentChecker): def run(node: Node, context: dict): logs = [] # Implement new checks and append failure to logs # use or override helper function of the parent class return logs ``` ### Running Checks for Specific Nodes ```python class AdhocChecker(AbstractChecker): def run(node: Node, context: dict): logs = [] paths = [] # paths is a list of fully qualified path to a key in schema.json # each path must start form root # eg: root.samples # eg: root.samples.items.properties.property_name if node.path in paths: # Implement new checks and append failure to logs logs += perform_new_checks(node, context) return logs ``` ### List of Checks for Validator - `checks_dict`, defined [here](src/checks/__init__.py), maps the `type of validation` that we want to perform to the `list the of checks` needed to be run for the validation - The list off checks is actually a list of instantiated checker objects ## Changelog ## v0.9.14 - Update `samples[*]` check to optionally allow for it to contain a property `pk_samples` of type `"string"`. ## v0.9.13 - `related_files` is no longer checked against annotation fields like "description". ## v0.9.12 - Update check for `samples[*].labels[*].source.name` type: previously the type was required to be `"string"`, now it is required to be either `["string", "null"]` or `"string"`, with `"string"` leading to a deprecation warning. This change makes this `source` definition the same as `samples[*].properties[*].source` in a backward-compatible way. ## v0.9.11 - Fix bug in `AthenaChecker` to allow root level IDS properties as partition paths. - Update `TypeChecker` to catch errors related to undefined/misspelled `type` key. - Update `jsonschema` version to fix package installation error ## v0.9.10 - Modify `V1SnakeCaseChecker` to ignore checks for keys present in `definitions` object. - Add temporary allowance for `@link` in `*.properties` ## v0.9.9 - Lock `jsonschema` version in requirements.txt ## v0.9.8 - Modify `RulesChecker` to log missing and extra properties ## v0.9.7 - Allow properties with `const` values to have non-nullable `type` ## v0.9.6 - Add checker classes for generic validation - Add checker classes for v1.0.0 convention validation %package help Summary: Development documents and examples for ts-ids-validator Provides: python3-ts-ids-validator-doc %description help # TetraScience IDS Validator ## Table of Contents - [Overview](#overview) - [Usage](#usage) - [Components](#components) - [Node](#node) - [Checker Classes](#checker-classes) - [Validator](#validator) - [List of Checker Classes](#list-of-checker-classes) - [Base Classes](#base-classes) - [Generic](#generic) - [V1](#v1) - [Writing New Checks](#writing-new-checks) - [Extending Checkers Classes](#extending-checkers-classes) - [Pattern 1](#pattern-1) - [Pattern 2](#pattern-2) - [Running Checks for Specific Nodes](#running-checks-for-specific-nodes) - [List of Checks for Validator](#list-of-checks-for-validator) - [Changelog](#changelog) - [v0.9.14](#v0914) - [v0.9.13](#v0913) - [v0.9.12](#v0912) - [v0.9.11](#v0911) - [v0.9.10](#v0910) - [v0.9.9](#v099) - [v0.9.8](#v098) - [v0.9.7](#v097) - [v0.9.6](#v096) ## Overview The TetraScience IDS Validator checks that IDS artifacts follow a set of rules which make them compatible with the Tetra Data Platform, and optionally that they are compatible with with additional IDS design conventions. The validator either passes or fails with a list of the checks which led to the failure. The validator checks these files in an IDS folder: - schema.json - elasticsearch.json - athena.json You can find the validation rules in: - [IDS Design Conventions - schema.json](https://developers.tetrascience.com/docs/ids-design-conventions-schemajson) - [IDS Design Conventions - elasticsearch.json](https://developers.tetrascience.com/docs/ids-design-conventions-elasticsearchjson) - [IDS Design Conventions - athena.json](https://developers.tetrascience.com/docs/ids-design-conventions-athenajson) ## Version v0.9.14 ## Usage ```bash poetry run python -m ids_validator --ids_dir=path/to/ids/folder ``` This will run the required checks for the `@idsConventionVersion` mentioned in `schema.json`. If `@idsConventionVersion` is missing in `schema.json` or if it is not supported by `schema_validator`, only `generic` checks will be run. ## Components ### Node - `Node: UserDict` class is an abstraction for `dict` in `schema.json` - When crawling `schema.json`, each `key-value` pair where `value` is a `dict`, is casted into `Node` type. - For each K_V pair, `Node` has following attributes - `name (default=root)`: The `key` - `data`: The `value:dict` - `path (default=root)`: The fully-qualified path for the `key` in `schema.json` - File: [ids_node.py](src/ids_node.py) ### Checker Classes - A checker class must implement `AbstractChecker` - When crawling `schema.json`, its `run()` method will be called for each node. - `run()` implements the rules/condition to be checked for validating the node. - `run()` accepts two arguments: - `node: Node`: `Node` for which we are running the checks - `context: dict` - It contains python dicts for `schema.json`, `athena.json` and `convention_version`. - It is used to supplementary data required for running complex checks. ### Validator - `Validator` class is the one that implements the crawler. - It has following attributes: - `ids: dict`: `schema.json` converted to python `dict` - `athena: dict`: `athena.json` converted to python `dict` - `checks_list`: A list of instantiated checker classes. These list of checks will be run for each node - `Validator.traverse_ids()` crawls from `Node` to `Node` in `ids:dict`, Calling `run()` for each checker in the checks_list on the node ### List of Checker Classes #### Base Classes - `AbstractChecker` - Every checker class must implement it. - File: [abstract_checker.py](src/checks/abstract_checker.py) - `RuleBasedChecker` - It is base class that allows validating `Node` against a set of `rules` - It comes in handy for implementing checks for property Nodes that has predefined template - The child class inheriting `RulesBasedChecker` must define `rules` - `rules` is a `dict` that maps `Node.path` to `set of rules:dict` - The `set of rules` for a `Node.path` may contain following items: - `"type"`, `Union[List[str], str]`: defines what should be the `type` value for the `Node` - `"compatible_type"`, `ids_validator.checks.rules_checker.BackwardCompatibleType`: defines the allowable `type` values for a `Node`, matching either a `preferred` type, or one of a list of `deprecated` types which will lead to a warning. - `"min_properties"`, `List[str]`: defines minimum set of property names that must exist for the Node. More properties can exist in addition to `min_properties` - `"constrained_properties"`, `ids_validator.checks.rules_checker.PropertyConstraints`: defines the minimum properties which must be present in a `Node`'s properties, along with extra properties which may or may not be present. - `"min_required"`, `List[str]`: The required list of the `Node` must at least contain the values mentioned in `min_required` - `"required"`, `List[str]`: The required list of the `Node` must only contain values listed in `required` - Rules based checkers defined for v1 conventions can be found [here](src/checks/v1/nodes_checker.py) #### Generic - `AdditionalPropertyChecker`: [additional_property.py](src/checks/generic/additional_property.py) - `RequiredPropertiesChecker`: [required_property.py](src/checks/generic/required_property.py) - `DatacubesChecker`: [datacubes.py](src/checks/generic/datacubes.py) - `RootNodeChecker`: [root_node.py](src/checks/generic/root_node.py) - `TypeChecker`: [type_check.py](src/checks/generic/type_check.py) - `AthenaChecker`: [athena.py](src/checks/generic/athena.py) #### V1 - `V1ChildNameChecker`: [child_name.py](src/checks/v1/child_name.py) - `V1ConventionVersionChecker`: [convention_version_check.py](src/checks/v1/convention_version_check.py) - `V1SystemNodeChecker`: [nodes_checker.py](src/checks/v1/nodes_checker.py) - `V1SampleNodeChecker`: [nodes_checker.py](src/checks/v1/nodes_checker.py) - `V1UserNodeChecker`: [nodes_checker.py](src/checks/v1/nodes_checker.py) - `V1RootNodeChecker`: [root_node.py](src/checks/v1/root_node.py) - `V1SnakeCaseChecker`: [snake_case.py](src/checks/v1/snake_case.py) ### Writing New Checks - Checkers must implement `AbstractCheckers` - `run()` method implement one or more checks for the node - In case of no failure an empty list must be returned - In case of failures, it must return a list of one or more tuple - The tuple will contain two values - `log message:str`: The message to be logged when check fails - `criticality`: either `Log.CRITICAL` or `Log.WARNING` ### Extending Checkers Classes #### Pattern 1 ```python class ChildChecker(ParentChecker): def run(node: Node, context: dict): logs = [] # Implement new checks and append failure to logs # Run Parent checkers and append logs logs += super().run(node, context) return logs ``` If `check_list` passed to `Validator` contains the `ChildChecker`, then it must not contain `ParentChecker` in the same list. Doing so will cause ParentCheck to run twice and populate failures logs if any, twice. #### Pattern 2 ```python class ChildChecker(ParentChecker): def run(node: Node, context: dict): logs = [] # Implement new checks and append failure to logs # use or override helper function of the parent class return logs ``` ### Running Checks for Specific Nodes ```python class AdhocChecker(AbstractChecker): def run(node: Node, context: dict): logs = [] paths = [] # paths is a list of fully qualified path to a key in schema.json # each path must start form root # eg: root.samples # eg: root.samples.items.properties.property_name if node.path in paths: # Implement new checks and append failure to logs logs += perform_new_checks(node, context) return logs ``` ### List of Checks for Validator - `checks_dict`, defined [here](src/checks/__init__.py), maps the `type of validation` that we want to perform to the `list the of checks` needed to be run for the validation - The list off checks is actually a list of instantiated checker objects ## Changelog ## v0.9.14 - Update `samples[*]` check to optionally allow for it to contain a property `pk_samples` of type `"string"`. ## v0.9.13 - `related_files` is no longer checked against annotation fields like "description". ## v0.9.12 - Update check for `samples[*].labels[*].source.name` type: previously the type was required to be `"string"`, now it is required to be either `["string", "null"]` or `"string"`, with `"string"` leading to a deprecation warning. This change makes this `source` definition the same as `samples[*].properties[*].source` in a backward-compatible way. ## v0.9.11 - Fix bug in `AthenaChecker` to allow root level IDS properties as partition paths. - Update `TypeChecker` to catch errors related to undefined/misspelled `type` key. - Update `jsonschema` version to fix package installation error ## v0.9.10 - Modify `V1SnakeCaseChecker` to ignore checks for keys present in `definitions` object. - Add temporary allowance for `@link` in `*.properties` ## v0.9.9 - Lock `jsonschema` version in requirements.txt ## v0.9.8 - Modify `RulesChecker` to log missing and extra properties ## v0.9.7 - Allow properties with `const` values to have non-nullable `type` ## v0.9.6 - Add checker classes for generic validation - Add checker classes for v1.0.0 convention validation %prep %autosetup -n ts-ids-validator-0.9.14 %build %py3_build %install %py3_install install -d -m755 %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir} if [ -d doc ]; then cp -arf doc %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi if [ -d docs ]; then cp -arf docs %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi if [ -d example ]; then cp -arf example %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi if [ -d examples ]; then cp -arf examples %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi pushd %{buildroot} if [ -d usr/lib ]; then find usr/lib -type f -printf "/%h/%f\n" >> filelist.lst fi if [ -d usr/lib64 ]; then find usr/lib64 -type f -printf "/%h/%f\n" >> filelist.lst fi if [ -d usr/bin ]; then find usr/bin -type f -printf "/%h/%f\n" >> filelist.lst fi if [ -d usr/sbin ]; then find usr/sbin -type f -printf "/%h/%f\n" >> filelist.lst fi touch doclist.lst if [ -d usr/share/man ]; then find usr/share/man -type f -printf "/%h/%f.gz\n" >> doclist.lst fi popd mv %{buildroot}/filelist.lst . mv %{buildroot}/doclist.lst . %files -n python3-ts-ids-validator -f filelist.lst %dir %{python3_sitelib}/* %files help -f doclist.lst %{_docdir}/* %changelog * Wed May 10 2023 Python_Bot - 0.9.14-1 - Package Spec generated