%global _empty_manifest_terminate_build 0 Name: python-geosnap Version: 0.11.0 Release: 1 Summary: Geospatial Neighborhood Analysis Package License: BSD URL: https://spatialucr.github.io/geosnap-guide Source0: https://mirrors.nju.edu.cn/pypi/web/packages/cb/a6/2d33f464036916ee252ba33454a0ddc299423dfc3ae02118d7a00cf96a69/geosnap-0.11.0.tar.gz BuildArch: noarch Requires: python3-numpy Requires: python3-pandas Requires: python3-geopandas Requires: python3-matplotlib Requires: python3-scikit-learn Requires: python3-seaborn Requires: python3-libpysal Requires: python3-mapclassify Requires: python3-giddy Requires: python3-xlrd Requires: python3-cenpy Requires: python3-appdirs Requires: python3-tqdm Requires: python3-quilt3 Requires: python3-pyarrow Requires: python3-contextily Requires: python3-descartes Requires: python3-scikit-plot Requires: python3-tobler Requires: python3-spopt Requires: python3-fsspec Requires: python3-s3fs Requires: python3-segregation Requires: python3-proplot Requires: python3-versioneer Requires: python3-pyproj Requires: python3-pandana Requires: python3-sphinx Requires: python3-sphinxcontrib-bibtex Requires: python3-sphinx-bootstrap-theme Requires: python3-numpydoc Requires: python3-coverage Requires: python3-coveralls Requires: python3-matplotlib Requires: python3-pytest Requires: python3-pytest-mpl Requires: python3-pytest-cov Requires: python3-hdbscan Requires: python3-twine Requires: python3-jupyter Requires: python3-descartes Requires: python3-pygraphviz Requires: python3-cenpy %description


The Geospatial Neighborhood Analysis Package

[![Continuous Integration](https://github.com/spatialucr/geosnap/actions/workflows/unittests.yml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/spatialucr/geosnap/actions/workflows/unittests.yml) [![codecov](https://codecov.io/gh/spatialucr/geosnap/branch/master/graph/badge.svg)](https://codecov.io/gh/spatialucr/geosnap) ![PyPI - Python Version](https://img.shields.io/pypi/pyversions/geosnap) ![PyPI](https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/geosnap) ![Conda (channel only)](https://img.shields.io/conda/vn/conda-forge/geosnap) ![Conda](https://img.shields.io/conda/dn/conda-forge/geosnap) ![GitHub commits since latest release (branch)](https://img.shields.io/github/commits-since/spatialucr/geosnap/latest) [![DOI](https://zenodo.org/badge/DOI/10.5281/zenodo.3526163.svg)](https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3526163) `geosnap` provides a suite of tools for exploring, modeling, and visualizing the social context and spatial extent of neighborhoods and regions over time. It brings together state-of-the-art techniques from [geodemographics](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geodemography), [regionalization](https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/earth-and-planetary-sciences/regionalism), [spatial data science](https://geographicdata.science/book), and [segregation analysis](https://github.com/pysal/segregation) to support social science research, public policy analysis, and urban planning. It provides a simple interface tailored to formal analysis of spatiotemporal urban data.

DC Transitions

## Main Features * fast, efficient tooling for standardizing data from multiple time periods into a shared geographic representation appropriate for spatiotemporal analysis * analytical methods for understanding sociospatial structure in neighborhoods, cities, and regions, using unsupervised ML from scikit-learn and spatial optimization from [PySAL](https://pysal.org) * classic and spatial analytic methods for diagnosing model fit, and locating (spatial) statistical outliers * novel techniques for understanding the evolution of neighborhoods over time, including identifying hotspots of local neighborhood change, as well as modeling and simulating neighborhood conditions into the future * quick access to [a large database](https://open.quiltdata.com/b/spatial-ucr) of commonly-used neighborhood indicators from U.S. providers including Census, EPA, LEHD, NCES, and NLCD, streamed from the cloud thanks to [quilt](https://quiltdata.com/) and the highly-performant [geoparquet](https://carto.com/blog/introducing-geoparquet-geospatial-compatibility/) file format. ## Why Understanding neighborhood context is critical for social science research, public policy analysis, and urban planning. The social meaning, formal definition, and formal operationalization of ["neighborhood"](https://www.cnu.org/publicsquare/2019/01/29/once-and-future-neighborhood) depends on the study or application, however, so neighborhood analysis and modeling requires both flexibility and adherence to a formal pipeline. Maintaining that balance is challenging for a variety of reasons: * many different physical and social data can characterize a neighborhood (e.g. its proximity to the urban core, its share of residents with a high school education, or the median price of its apartments) so there are countless ways to model neighborhoods by choosing different subsets of attributes to define them * conceptually, neighborhoods evolve through both space and time, meaning their socially-construed boundaries can shift over time, as can their demographic makeup. * geographic tabulation units change boundaries over time, meaning the raw data are aggregated to different areal units at different points in time. * the relevant dimensions of neighborhood change are fluid, as are the thresholds that define meaningful change To address those challenges, geosnap incorporates tools from the PySAL ecosystem and scikit-learn along with internal data-wrangling that helps keep inputs and outputs simple for users. It operates on long-form geodataframes and includes logic for common transformations, like harmonizing geographic boundaries over time, and standardizing variables within their time-period prior to conducting pooled geodemographic clustering. This means that while geosnap has native support for commonly-used datasets like the Longitudinal Tract Database [(LTDB)](https://www.brown.edu/academics/spatial-structures-in-social-sciences/ltdb-following-neighborhoods-over-time), or the Neighborhood Change Database [(NCDB)](https://geolytics.com/products/normalized-data/neighborhood-change-database), it can also incorporate a wide variety of datasets, at _any_ spatial resolution, as long as the user understands the implications of the interpolation process. ## Research Questions The package supports social scientists examining questions such as: - Where are the socially-homogenous districts in the city? - Have the composition of these districts or their location shifted over time? - What are the characteristics of prototypical neighborhoods in city or region X? - Have the locations of different neighborhood prototypes changed over time? e.g: - do central-city neighborhoods show signs of gentrification?(and/or does poverty appear to be suburbanizing?) - is there equitable access to fair housing in high-opportunity neighborhoods (or a dearth of resources in highly-segregated neighborhoods)? - Which neighborhoods have experienced dramatic change in several important variables? (and are they clustered together in space?) - If spatial and temporal trends hold, how might we expect neighborhoods to look in the future? - how does the region look differently if units 1,2, and 3 are changed to a different type in the current time period? - Has the region become more or less segregated over time? - at which spatial scales? - is the change statistically significant? ## Installation The recommended method for installing geosnap is with [anaconda](https://www.anaconda.com/download/). ```bash conda install -c conda-forge geosnap ``` `geosnap` is alaso available on PyPI and can be install with pip via ```bash pip install geosnap ``` ## User Guide See the [User Guide](https://spatialucr.github.io/geosnap-guide/) for a gentle introduction to using `geosnap` for neighborhood research ## API Documentation See the [API docs](https://spatialucr.github.io/geosnap/api.html) for a thorough explanation of `geosnap`'s core functionality ## Development geosnap development is hosted on [github](https://github.com/spatialucr/geosnap) To get started with the development version, clone this repository or download it manually then `cd` into the directory and run the following commands: ```bash conda env create -f environment.yml conda activate geosnap python setup.py develop ``` This will download the appropriate dependencies and install geosnap in its own conda environment. ## Bug reports To search for or report bugs, please see geosnap’s [issues](http://github.com/spatialucr/geosnap/issues) ## License information See the file “LICENSE.txt” for information on the history of this software, terms & conditions for usage, and a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES. ## Citation For a generic citation of geosnap, we recommend the following: ```latex @misc{Knaap2019, author = {Knaap, Elijah and Kang, Wei and Rey, Sergio and Wolf, Levi John and Cortes, Renan Xavier and Han, Su}, doi = {10.5281/ZENODO.3526163}, title = {{geosnap: The Geospatial Neighborhood Analysis Package}}, url = {https://zenodo.org/record/3526163}, year = {2019} } ``` If you need to cite a specific release of the package, please find the appropriate version on [Zenodo](https://zenodo.org/record/3526163) ## Funding This project is supported by NSF Award #1733705, [Neighborhoods in Space-Time Contexts](https://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward?AWD_ID=1733705\&HistoricalAwards=false) %package -n python3-geosnap Summary: Geospatial Neighborhood Analysis Package Provides: python-geosnap BuildRequires: python3-devel BuildRequires: python3-setuptools BuildRequires: python3-pip %description -n python3-geosnap


The Geospatial Neighborhood Analysis Package

[![Continuous Integration](https://github.com/spatialucr/geosnap/actions/workflows/unittests.yml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/spatialucr/geosnap/actions/workflows/unittests.yml) [![codecov](https://codecov.io/gh/spatialucr/geosnap/branch/master/graph/badge.svg)](https://codecov.io/gh/spatialucr/geosnap) ![PyPI - Python Version](https://img.shields.io/pypi/pyversions/geosnap) ![PyPI](https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/geosnap) ![Conda (channel only)](https://img.shields.io/conda/vn/conda-forge/geosnap) ![Conda](https://img.shields.io/conda/dn/conda-forge/geosnap) ![GitHub commits since latest release (branch)](https://img.shields.io/github/commits-since/spatialucr/geosnap/latest) [![DOI](https://zenodo.org/badge/DOI/10.5281/zenodo.3526163.svg)](https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3526163) `geosnap` provides a suite of tools for exploring, modeling, and visualizing the social context and spatial extent of neighborhoods and regions over time. It brings together state-of-the-art techniques from [geodemographics](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geodemography), [regionalization](https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/earth-and-planetary-sciences/regionalism), [spatial data science](https://geographicdata.science/book), and [segregation analysis](https://github.com/pysal/segregation) to support social science research, public policy analysis, and urban planning. It provides a simple interface tailored to formal analysis of spatiotemporal urban data.

DC Transitions

## Main Features * fast, efficient tooling for standardizing data from multiple time periods into a shared geographic representation appropriate for spatiotemporal analysis * analytical methods for understanding sociospatial structure in neighborhoods, cities, and regions, using unsupervised ML from scikit-learn and spatial optimization from [PySAL](https://pysal.org) * classic and spatial analytic methods for diagnosing model fit, and locating (spatial) statistical outliers * novel techniques for understanding the evolution of neighborhoods over time, including identifying hotspots of local neighborhood change, as well as modeling and simulating neighborhood conditions into the future * quick access to [a large database](https://open.quiltdata.com/b/spatial-ucr) of commonly-used neighborhood indicators from U.S. providers including Census, EPA, LEHD, NCES, and NLCD, streamed from the cloud thanks to [quilt](https://quiltdata.com/) and the highly-performant [geoparquet](https://carto.com/blog/introducing-geoparquet-geospatial-compatibility/) file format. ## Why Understanding neighborhood context is critical for social science research, public policy analysis, and urban planning. The social meaning, formal definition, and formal operationalization of ["neighborhood"](https://www.cnu.org/publicsquare/2019/01/29/once-and-future-neighborhood) depends on the study or application, however, so neighborhood analysis and modeling requires both flexibility and adherence to a formal pipeline. Maintaining that balance is challenging for a variety of reasons: * many different physical and social data can characterize a neighborhood (e.g. its proximity to the urban core, its share of residents with a high school education, or the median price of its apartments) so there are countless ways to model neighborhoods by choosing different subsets of attributes to define them * conceptually, neighborhoods evolve through both space and time, meaning their socially-construed boundaries can shift over time, as can their demographic makeup. * geographic tabulation units change boundaries over time, meaning the raw data are aggregated to different areal units at different points in time. * the relevant dimensions of neighborhood change are fluid, as are the thresholds that define meaningful change To address those challenges, geosnap incorporates tools from the PySAL ecosystem and scikit-learn along with internal data-wrangling that helps keep inputs and outputs simple for users. It operates on long-form geodataframes and includes logic for common transformations, like harmonizing geographic boundaries over time, and standardizing variables within their time-period prior to conducting pooled geodemographic clustering. This means that while geosnap has native support for commonly-used datasets like the Longitudinal Tract Database [(LTDB)](https://www.brown.edu/academics/spatial-structures-in-social-sciences/ltdb-following-neighborhoods-over-time), or the Neighborhood Change Database [(NCDB)](https://geolytics.com/products/normalized-data/neighborhood-change-database), it can also incorporate a wide variety of datasets, at _any_ spatial resolution, as long as the user understands the implications of the interpolation process. ## Research Questions The package supports social scientists examining questions such as: - Where are the socially-homogenous districts in the city? - Have the composition of these districts or their location shifted over time? - What are the characteristics of prototypical neighborhoods in city or region X? - Have the locations of different neighborhood prototypes changed over time? e.g: - do central-city neighborhoods show signs of gentrification?(and/or does poverty appear to be suburbanizing?) - is there equitable access to fair housing in high-opportunity neighborhoods (or a dearth of resources in highly-segregated neighborhoods)? - Which neighborhoods have experienced dramatic change in several important variables? (and are they clustered together in space?) - If spatial and temporal trends hold, how might we expect neighborhoods to look in the future? - how does the region look differently if units 1,2, and 3 are changed to a different type in the current time period? - Has the region become more or less segregated over time? - at which spatial scales? - is the change statistically significant? ## Installation The recommended method for installing geosnap is with [anaconda](https://www.anaconda.com/download/). ```bash conda install -c conda-forge geosnap ``` `geosnap` is alaso available on PyPI and can be install with pip via ```bash pip install geosnap ``` ## User Guide See the [User Guide](https://spatialucr.github.io/geosnap-guide/) for a gentle introduction to using `geosnap` for neighborhood research ## API Documentation See the [API docs](https://spatialucr.github.io/geosnap/api.html) for a thorough explanation of `geosnap`'s core functionality ## Development geosnap development is hosted on [github](https://github.com/spatialucr/geosnap) To get started with the development version, clone this repository or download it manually then `cd` into the directory and run the following commands: ```bash conda env create -f environment.yml conda activate geosnap python setup.py develop ``` This will download the appropriate dependencies and install geosnap in its own conda environment. ## Bug reports To search for or report bugs, please see geosnap’s [issues](http://github.com/spatialucr/geosnap/issues) ## License information See the file “LICENSE.txt” for information on the history of this software, terms & conditions for usage, and a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES. ## Citation For a generic citation of geosnap, we recommend the following: ```latex @misc{Knaap2019, author = {Knaap, Elijah and Kang, Wei and Rey, Sergio and Wolf, Levi John and Cortes, Renan Xavier and Han, Su}, doi = {10.5281/ZENODO.3526163}, title = {{geosnap: The Geospatial Neighborhood Analysis Package}}, url = {https://zenodo.org/record/3526163}, year = {2019} } ``` If you need to cite a specific release of the package, please find the appropriate version on [Zenodo](https://zenodo.org/record/3526163) ## Funding This project is supported by NSF Award #1733705, [Neighborhoods in Space-Time Contexts](https://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward?AWD_ID=1733705\&HistoricalAwards=false) %package help Summary: Development documents and examples for geosnap Provides: python3-geosnap-doc %description help


The Geospatial Neighborhood Analysis Package

[![Continuous Integration](https://github.com/spatialucr/geosnap/actions/workflows/unittests.yml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/spatialucr/geosnap/actions/workflows/unittests.yml) [![codecov](https://codecov.io/gh/spatialucr/geosnap/branch/master/graph/badge.svg)](https://codecov.io/gh/spatialucr/geosnap) ![PyPI - Python Version](https://img.shields.io/pypi/pyversions/geosnap) ![PyPI](https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/geosnap) ![Conda (channel only)](https://img.shields.io/conda/vn/conda-forge/geosnap) ![Conda](https://img.shields.io/conda/dn/conda-forge/geosnap) ![GitHub commits since latest release (branch)](https://img.shields.io/github/commits-since/spatialucr/geosnap/latest) [![DOI](https://zenodo.org/badge/DOI/10.5281/zenodo.3526163.svg)](https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3526163) `geosnap` provides a suite of tools for exploring, modeling, and visualizing the social context and spatial extent of neighborhoods and regions over time. It brings together state-of-the-art techniques from [geodemographics](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geodemography), [regionalization](https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/earth-and-planetary-sciences/regionalism), [spatial data science](https://geographicdata.science/book), and [segregation analysis](https://github.com/pysal/segregation) to support social science research, public policy analysis, and urban planning. It provides a simple interface tailored to formal analysis of spatiotemporal urban data.

DC Transitions

## Main Features * fast, efficient tooling for standardizing data from multiple time periods into a shared geographic representation appropriate for spatiotemporal analysis * analytical methods for understanding sociospatial structure in neighborhoods, cities, and regions, using unsupervised ML from scikit-learn and spatial optimization from [PySAL](https://pysal.org) * classic and spatial analytic methods for diagnosing model fit, and locating (spatial) statistical outliers * novel techniques for understanding the evolution of neighborhoods over time, including identifying hotspots of local neighborhood change, as well as modeling and simulating neighborhood conditions into the future * quick access to [a large database](https://open.quiltdata.com/b/spatial-ucr) of commonly-used neighborhood indicators from U.S. providers including Census, EPA, LEHD, NCES, and NLCD, streamed from the cloud thanks to [quilt](https://quiltdata.com/) and the highly-performant [geoparquet](https://carto.com/blog/introducing-geoparquet-geospatial-compatibility/) file format. ## Why Understanding neighborhood context is critical for social science research, public policy analysis, and urban planning. The social meaning, formal definition, and formal operationalization of ["neighborhood"](https://www.cnu.org/publicsquare/2019/01/29/once-and-future-neighborhood) depends on the study or application, however, so neighborhood analysis and modeling requires both flexibility and adherence to a formal pipeline. Maintaining that balance is challenging for a variety of reasons: * many different physical and social data can characterize a neighborhood (e.g. its proximity to the urban core, its share of residents with a high school education, or the median price of its apartments) so there are countless ways to model neighborhoods by choosing different subsets of attributes to define them * conceptually, neighborhoods evolve through both space and time, meaning their socially-construed boundaries can shift over time, as can their demographic makeup. * geographic tabulation units change boundaries over time, meaning the raw data are aggregated to different areal units at different points in time. * the relevant dimensions of neighborhood change are fluid, as are the thresholds that define meaningful change To address those challenges, geosnap incorporates tools from the PySAL ecosystem and scikit-learn along with internal data-wrangling that helps keep inputs and outputs simple for users. It operates on long-form geodataframes and includes logic for common transformations, like harmonizing geographic boundaries over time, and standardizing variables within their time-period prior to conducting pooled geodemographic clustering. This means that while geosnap has native support for commonly-used datasets like the Longitudinal Tract Database [(LTDB)](https://www.brown.edu/academics/spatial-structures-in-social-sciences/ltdb-following-neighborhoods-over-time), or the Neighborhood Change Database [(NCDB)](https://geolytics.com/products/normalized-data/neighborhood-change-database), it can also incorporate a wide variety of datasets, at _any_ spatial resolution, as long as the user understands the implications of the interpolation process. ## Research Questions The package supports social scientists examining questions such as: - Where are the socially-homogenous districts in the city? - Have the composition of these districts or their location shifted over time? - What are the characteristics of prototypical neighborhoods in city or region X? - Have the locations of different neighborhood prototypes changed over time? e.g: - do central-city neighborhoods show signs of gentrification?(and/or does poverty appear to be suburbanizing?) - is there equitable access to fair housing in high-opportunity neighborhoods (or a dearth of resources in highly-segregated neighborhoods)? - Which neighborhoods have experienced dramatic change in several important variables? (and are they clustered together in space?) - If spatial and temporal trends hold, how might we expect neighborhoods to look in the future? - how does the region look differently if units 1,2, and 3 are changed to a different type in the current time period? - Has the region become more or less segregated over time? - at which spatial scales? - is the change statistically significant? ## Installation The recommended method for installing geosnap is with [anaconda](https://www.anaconda.com/download/). ```bash conda install -c conda-forge geosnap ``` `geosnap` is alaso available on PyPI and can be install with pip via ```bash pip install geosnap ``` ## User Guide See the [User Guide](https://spatialucr.github.io/geosnap-guide/) for a gentle introduction to using `geosnap` for neighborhood research ## API Documentation See the [API docs](https://spatialucr.github.io/geosnap/api.html) for a thorough explanation of `geosnap`'s core functionality ## Development geosnap development is hosted on [github](https://github.com/spatialucr/geosnap) To get started with the development version, clone this repository or download it manually then `cd` into the directory and run the following commands: ```bash conda env create -f environment.yml conda activate geosnap python setup.py develop ``` This will download the appropriate dependencies and install geosnap in its own conda environment. ## Bug reports To search for or report bugs, please see geosnap’s [issues](http://github.com/spatialucr/geosnap/issues) ## License information See the file “LICENSE.txt” for information on the history of this software, terms & conditions for usage, and a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES. ## Citation For a generic citation of geosnap, we recommend the following: ```latex @misc{Knaap2019, author = {Knaap, Elijah and Kang, Wei and Rey, Sergio and Wolf, Levi John and Cortes, Renan Xavier and Han, Su}, doi = {10.5281/ZENODO.3526163}, title = {{geosnap: The Geospatial Neighborhood Analysis Package}}, url = {https://zenodo.org/record/3526163}, year = {2019} } ``` If you need to cite a specific release of the package, please find the appropriate version on [Zenodo](https://zenodo.org/record/3526163) ## Funding This project is supported by NSF Award #1733705, [Neighborhoods in Space-Time Contexts](https://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward?AWD_ID=1733705\&HistoricalAwards=false) %prep %autosetup -n geosnap-0.11.0 %build %py3_build %install %py3_install install -d -m755 %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir} if [ -d doc ]; then cp -arf doc %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi if [ -d docs ]; then cp -arf docs %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi if [ -d example ]; then cp -arf example %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi if [ -d examples ]; then cp -arf examples %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi pushd %{buildroot} if [ -d usr/lib ]; then find usr/lib -type f -printf "/%h/%f\n" >> filelist.lst fi if [ -d usr/lib64 ]; then find usr/lib64 -type f -printf "/%h/%f\n" >> filelist.lst fi if [ -d usr/bin ]; then find usr/bin -type f -printf "/%h/%f\n" >> filelist.lst fi if [ -d usr/sbin ]; then find usr/sbin -type f -printf "/%h/%f\n" >> filelist.lst fi touch doclist.lst if [ -d usr/share/man ]; then find usr/share/man -type f -printf "/%h/%f.gz\n" >> doclist.lst fi popd mv %{buildroot}/filelist.lst . mv %{buildroot}/doclist.lst . %files -n python3-geosnap -f filelist.lst %dir %{python3_sitelib}/* %files help -f doclist.lst %{_docdir}/* %changelog * Mon May 15 2023 Python_Bot - 0.11.0-1 - Package Spec generated