%global _empty_manifest_terminate_build 0 Name: python-drf-yasg-json-api Version: 0.9.1 Release: 1 Summary: Automated generation of real Swagger/OpenAPI 2.0 schemas for JSON API Django Rest Framework endpoints. License: BSD License URL: https://github.com/glowka/drf-yasg-json-api Source0: https://mirrors.nju.edu.cn/pypi/web/packages/94/61/47d77b088335fe509fad381edd1e839cd7afd052b075a760230c4d3fc917/drf-yasg-json-api-0.9.1.tar.gz BuildArch: noarch Requires: python3-django Requires: python3-djangorestframework Requires: python3-djangorestframework-jsonapi Requires: python3-django-filter Requires: python3-drf-yasg %description ## drf-yasg-json-api - ***drf-yasg*** meets ***JSON API*** [![build-status-image]][travis] [![coverage-status-image]][codecov] [![pypi-version]][pypi] Automated generation of Swagger/OpenAPI 2.0 ***JSON API*** specifications from Django Rest Framework endpoints. This package makes [drf-yasg Yet Another Swagger Generator](https://github.com/axnsan12/drf-yasg) and [Django REST framework JSON API](https://github.com/django-json-api/django-rest-framework-json-api) play together. #### Table of Contents <!-- START doctoc generated TOC please keep comment here to allow auto update --> <!-- DON'T EDIT THIS SECTION, INSTEAD RE-RUN doctoc TO UPDATE --> - [Compatibility](#compatibility) - [Installation](#installation) - [Quickstart](#quickstart) - [Extending drg-yasg configuration](#extending-drg-yasg-configuration) - [Renderers and parsers](#renderers-and-parsers) - [Features](#features) - [Main request/response JSON API schema support:](#main-requestresponse-json-api-schema-support) - [`data` field with `id`, `type`, `relationships`, `attributes` structure](#data-field-with-id-type-relationships-attributes-structure) - [`included` field and `include` query param](#included-field-and-include-query-param) - [`filter` query param](#filter-query-param) - [pagination](#pagination) - [Additional](#additional) - [Support for `swagger_auto_schema` decorator of `drf-yasg`](#support-for-swagger_auto_schema-decorator-of-drf-yasg) - [Stripping `write_only` fields from response and `read_only` from request](#stripping-write_only-fields-from-response-and-read_only-from-request) - [Extra `x-writeOnly` and `x-readOnly` properties](#extra-x-writeonly-and-x-readonly-properties) - [Coexistence of JSON API views with pure REST API views](#coexistence-of-json-api-views-with-pure-rest-api-views) <!-- END doctoc generated TOC please keep comment here to allow auto update --> ### Compatibility - Django REST Framework JSON API: `2.8`, `3.0`, `3.1`, `3.2`, `4.0`, `4.1`, `4.2`, `4.3`, `5.0` - Drf-yasg: `1.16`, `1.17.0`, `1.17.1`, `1.20` - Django REST Framework: `3.8`, `3.9`, `3.10`, `3.11`, `3.12`, `3.13` - Django: `2.0`, `2.1`, `2.2`, `3.0`, `3.1`, `3.2`, `4.0` - Python: `3.6`, `3.7`, `3.8`, `3.9` ### Installation ``` pip install -U drf-yasg-json-api ``` ### Quickstart First follow [drf-yasg quickstart](https://github.com/axnsan12/drf-yasg#1-quickstart), then extend the configuration in following way. #### Extending drg-yasg configuration Assuming you are using drf-yasg configuration like below (which is drf-yasg default): ``` SWAGGER_SETTINGS = { 'DEFAULT_AUTO_SCHEMA_CLASS': 'drf_yasg.inspectors.SwaggerAutoSchema', 'DEFAULT_FIELD_INSPECTORS': [ 'drf_yasg.inspectors.CamelCaseJSONFilter', 'drf_yasg.inspectors.RecursiveFieldInspector', 'drf_yasg.inspectors.ReferencingSerializerInspector', 'drf_yasg.inspectors.ChoiceFieldInspector', 'drf_yasg.inspectors.FileFieldInspector', 'drf_yasg.inspectors.DictFieldInspector', 'drf_yasg.inspectors.JSONFieldInspector', 'drf_yasg.inspectors.HiddenFieldInspector', 'drf_yasg.inspectors.RelatedFieldInspector', 'drf_yasg.inspectors.SerializerMethodFieldInspector', 'drf_yasg.inspectors.SimpleFieldInspector', 'drf_yasg.inspectors.StringDefaultFieldInspector', ], 'DEFAULT_FILTER_INSPECTORS': [ 'drf_yasg.inspectors.CoreAPICompatInspector', ], 'DEFAULT_PAGINATOR_INSPECTORS': [ 'drf_yasg.inspectors.DjangoRestResponsePagination', 'drf_yasg.inspectors.CoreAPICompatInspector', ], } ``` Apply following changes: ``` SWAGGER_SETTINGS = { 'DEFAULT_AUTO_SCHEMA_CLASS': 'drf_yasg_json_api.inspectors.SwaggerAutoSchema', # Overridden 'DEFAULT_FIELD_INSPECTORS': [ 'drf_yasg_json_api.inspectors.NamesFormatFilter', # Replaces CamelCaseJSONFilter 'drf_yasg.inspectors.RecursiveFieldInspector', 'drf_yasg_json_api.inspectors.XPropertiesFilter', # Added 'drf_yasg_json_api.inspectors.JSONAPISerializerSmartInspector', # Added 'drf_yasg.inspectors.ReferencingSerializerInspector', 'drf_yasg_json_api.inspectors.IntegerIDFieldInspector', # Added 'drf_yasg.inspectors.ChoiceFieldInspector', 'drf_yasg.inspectors.FileFieldInspector', 'drf_yasg.inspectors.DictFieldInspector', 'drf_yasg.inspectors.JSONFieldInspector', 'drf_yasg.inspectors.HiddenFieldInspector', 'drf_yasg_json_api.inspectors.ManyRelatedFieldInspector', # Added 'drf_yasg_json_api.inspectors.IntegerPrimaryKeyRelatedFieldInspector', # Added 'drf_yasg.inspectors.RelatedFieldInspector', 'drf_yasg.inspectors.SerializerMethodFieldInspector', 'drf_yasg.inspectors.SimpleFieldInspector', 'drf_yasg.inspectors.StringDefaultFieldInspector', ], 'DEFAULT_FILTER_INSPECTORS': [ 'drf_yasg_json_api.inspectors.DjangoFilterInspector', # Added (optional), requires django_filter 'drf_yasg.inspectors.CoreAPICompatInspector', ], 'DEFAULT_PAGINATOR_INSPECTORS': [ 'drf_yasg_json_api.inspectors.DjangoRestResponsePagination', # Added 'drf_yasg.inspectors.DjangoRestResponsePagination', 'drf_yasg.inspectors.CoreAPICompatInspector', ], } ``` #### Renderers and parsers JSON API schema of your view's response or request will be generated if you use `django-rest-framework-json-api`'s `JSONAPIRenderer` or `JSONAPIParser` respectively. But since you have already used them to *render* or *parse*, not just to *generate schema* (haven't you?), you probably only need to alter the configuration as described above. That's it! ### Features Fields and query params extraction follows Django REST framework JSON API. #### Main request/response JSON API schema support: - ##### `data` field with `id`, `type`, `relationships`, `attributes` structure Schema based on view's main serializer. It accessed through view's `get_serializer` method, *the same way `drf-yasg` does it*. Use `GenericAPIView` or `APIView` and define `get_serializer` manually. Fields and their source: - `id` – `id` field **or** other serializer field that matches the model `pk` field **or** in-the-fly generated serializer field for model `pk` - `type` – serializer's model JSON API resource name **or** view's resource name, *the same way Django REST framework JSON API does it* - `relationships` – all serializer fields of `RelatedField` and `ManyRelatedField` class - `attributes` – all other serializer fields - ##### `included` field and `include` query param Schema based on serializers defined in `included_serializer` attribute of view's main serializer where each one is treated in the same way as view's main serializer (`data` field). - ##### `filter` query param If view uses `django_filters.DjangoFilterBackend` as filter backend, schema of `filter[]` query param will be generated based on view's `filterset_fields` attribute. - ##### pagination If view uses `JsonApiPageNumberPagination` or `JsonApiLimitOffsetPagination` as `pagination_class`, schema of `links` and `meta`, consistent with those pagination types, will be generated. #### Additional ##### Support for `swagger_auto_schema` decorator of `drf-yasg` JSON API schema is also generated for success responses (statuses 2XX) defined manually using `responses` argument of `swagger_auto_schema` decorator. ##### Stripping `write_only` fields from response and `read_only` from request `drf_yasg_json_api.inspectors.InlineSerializerSmartInspector` strips fields inaccessible in request/response to provide view of fields that are **really** available to use. You can revert to traditional `drf-yasg` view of all serializer fields in both response and request by replacing this inspector with `drf_yasg_json_api.inspectors.InlineSerializerInspector` ##### Extra `x-writeOnly` and `x-readOnly` properties `drf_yasg_json_api.inspectors.XPropertiesFilter` uses: - `x-readOnly` to mark read only fields even if they are nested - `x-witeOonly` adds missing support for write only fields ### Coexistence of JSON API views with pure REST API views JSON API docs will be generated by `drf_yasg_json_api.inspectors.JSONAPISerializerInspector`, **non** JSON API views are ignored by this inspector. Pure REST API docs will be generated by `drf-yasg` inspectors – either `drf_yasg.inspectors.ReferencingSerializerInspector` or `drf_yasg.inspectors.InlineSerializerInspector` depending on which one you prefer to use. #### RecursiveField RecursiveField follows different approach from JSON API, so it cannot be used with `JSONAPISerializerInspector`, but you can still have pure REST API views that will be documented using `ReferencingSerializerInspector`. Alternatively, instead of `RecursiveField` you can use [`included_serializers`](https://github.com/django-json-api/django-rest-framework-json-api/blob/9c49b65894a38a185b34737f569785d720eccc67/docs/usage.md#included) with `self` (e.g. `included_serializers = {'related-obj': 'self'}`) to implement limited in depth recursion the JSON API way. [build-status-image]: https://secure.travis-ci.org/glowka/drf-yasg-json-api.svg?branch=master [travis]: https://travis-ci.org/glowka/drf-yasg-json-api?branch=master [coverage-status-image]: https://img.shields.io/codecov/c/github/glowka/drf-yasg-json-api/master.svg [codecov]: https://codecov.io/github/glowka/drf-yasg-json-api?branch=master [pypi-version]: https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/drf_yasg_json_api.svg [pypi]: https://pypi.org/project/drf_yasg_json_api/ %package -n python3-drf-yasg-json-api Summary: Automated generation of real Swagger/OpenAPI 2.0 schemas for JSON API Django Rest Framework endpoints. Provides: python-drf-yasg-json-api BuildRequires: python3-devel BuildRequires: python3-setuptools BuildRequires: python3-pip %description -n python3-drf-yasg-json-api ## drf-yasg-json-api - ***drf-yasg*** meets ***JSON API*** [![build-status-image]][travis] [![coverage-status-image]][codecov] [![pypi-version]][pypi] Automated generation of Swagger/OpenAPI 2.0 ***JSON API*** specifications from Django Rest Framework endpoints. This package makes [drf-yasg Yet Another Swagger Generator](https://github.com/axnsan12/drf-yasg) and [Django REST framework JSON API](https://github.com/django-json-api/django-rest-framework-json-api) play together. #### Table of Contents <!-- START doctoc generated TOC please keep comment here to allow auto update --> <!-- DON'T EDIT THIS SECTION, INSTEAD RE-RUN doctoc TO UPDATE --> - [Compatibility](#compatibility) - [Installation](#installation) - [Quickstart](#quickstart) - [Extending drg-yasg configuration](#extending-drg-yasg-configuration) - [Renderers and parsers](#renderers-and-parsers) - [Features](#features) - [Main request/response JSON API schema support:](#main-requestresponse-json-api-schema-support) - [`data` field with `id`, `type`, `relationships`, `attributes` structure](#data-field-with-id-type-relationships-attributes-structure) - [`included` field and `include` query param](#included-field-and-include-query-param) - [`filter` query param](#filter-query-param) - [pagination](#pagination) - [Additional](#additional) - [Support for `swagger_auto_schema` decorator of `drf-yasg`](#support-for-swagger_auto_schema-decorator-of-drf-yasg) - [Stripping `write_only` fields from response and `read_only` from request](#stripping-write_only-fields-from-response-and-read_only-from-request) - [Extra `x-writeOnly` and `x-readOnly` properties](#extra-x-writeonly-and-x-readonly-properties) - [Coexistence of JSON API views with pure REST API views](#coexistence-of-json-api-views-with-pure-rest-api-views) <!-- END doctoc generated TOC please keep comment here to allow auto update --> ### Compatibility - Django REST Framework JSON API: `2.8`, `3.0`, `3.1`, `3.2`, `4.0`, `4.1`, `4.2`, `4.3`, `5.0` - Drf-yasg: `1.16`, `1.17.0`, `1.17.1`, `1.20` - Django REST Framework: `3.8`, `3.9`, `3.10`, `3.11`, `3.12`, `3.13` - Django: `2.0`, `2.1`, `2.2`, `3.0`, `3.1`, `3.2`, `4.0` - Python: `3.6`, `3.7`, `3.8`, `3.9` ### Installation ``` pip install -U drf-yasg-json-api ``` ### Quickstart First follow [drf-yasg quickstart](https://github.com/axnsan12/drf-yasg#1-quickstart), then extend the configuration in following way. #### Extending drg-yasg configuration Assuming you are using drf-yasg configuration like below (which is drf-yasg default): ``` SWAGGER_SETTINGS = { 'DEFAULT_AUTO_SCHEMA_CLASS': 'drf_yasg.inspectors.SwaggerAutoSchema', 'DEFAULT_FIELD_INSPECTORS': [ 'drf_yasg.inspectors.CamelCaseJSONFilter', 'drf_yasg.inspectors.RecursiveFieldInspector', 'drf_yasg.inspectors.ReferencingSerializerInspector', 'drf_yasg.inspectors.ChoiceFieldInspector', 'drf_yasg.inspectors.FileFieldInspector', 'drf_yasg.inspectors.DictFieldInspector', 'drf_yasg.inspectors.JSONFieldInspector', 'drf_yasg.inspectors.HiddenFieldInspector', 'drf_yasg.inspectors.RelatedFieldInspector', 'drf_yasg.inspectors.SerializerMethodFieldInspector', 'drf_yasg.inspectors.SimpleFieldInspector', 'drf_yasg.inspectors.StringDefaultFieldInspector', ], 'DEFAULT_FILTER_INSPECTORS': [ 'drf_yasg.inspectors.CoreAPICompatInspector', ], 'DEFAULT_PAGINATOR_INSPECTORS': [ 'drf_yasg.inspectors.DjangoRestResponsePagination', 'drf_yasg.inspectors.CoreAPICompatInspector', ], } ``` Apply following changes: ``` SWAGGER_SETTINGS = { 'DEFAULT_AUTO_SCHEMA_CLASS': 'drf_yasg_json_api.inspectors.SwaggerAutoSchema', # Overridden 'DEFAULT_FIELD_INSPECTORS': [ 'drf_yasg_json_api.inspectors.NamesFormatFilter', # Replaces CamelCaseJSONFilter 'drf_yasg.inspectors.RecursiveFieldInspector', 'drf_yasg_json_api.inspectors.XPropertiesFilter', # Added 'drf_yasg_json_api.inspectors.JSONAPISerializerSmartInspector', # Added 'drf_yasg.inspectors.ReferencingSerializerInspector', 'drf_yasg_json_api.inspectors.IntegerIDFieldInspector', # Added 'drf_yasg.inspectors.ChoiceFieldInspector', 'drf_yasg.inspectors.FileFieldInspector', 'drf_yasg.inspectors.DictFieldInspector', 'drf_yasg.inspectors.JSONFieldInspector', 'drf_yasg.inspectors.HiddenFieldInspector', 'drf_yasg_json_api.inspectors.ManyRelatedFieldInspector', # Added 'drf_yasg_json_api.inspectors.IntegerPrimaryKeyRelatedFieldInspector', # Added 'drf_yasg.inspectors.RelatedFieldInspector', 'drf_yasg.inspectors.SerializerMethodFieldInspector', 'drf_yasg.inspectors.SimpleFieldInspector', 'drf_yasg.inspectors.StringDefaultFieldInspector', ], 'DEFAULT_FILTER_INSPECTORS': [ 'drf_yasg_json_api.inspectors.DjangoFilterInspector', # Added (optional), requires django_filter 'drf_yasg.inspectors.CoreAPICompatInspector', ], 'DEFAULT_PAGINATOR_INSPECTORS': [ 'drf_yasg_json_api.inspectors.DjangoRestResponsePagination', # Added 'drf_yasg.inspectors.DjangoRestResponsePagination', 'drf_yasg.inspectors.CoreAPICompatInspector', ], } ``` #### Renderers and parsers JSON API schema of your view's response or request will be generated if you use `django-rest-framework-json-api`'s `JSONAPIRenderer` or `JSONAPIParser` respectively. But since you have already used them to *render* or *parse*, not just to *generate schema* (haven't you?), you probably only need to alter the configuration as described above. That's it! ### Features Fields and query params extraction follows Django REST framework JSON API. #### Main request/response JSON API schema support: - ##### `data` field with `id`, `type`, `relationships`, `attributes` structure Schema based on view's main serializer. It accessed through view's `get_serializer` method, *the same way `drf-yasg` does it*. Use `GenericAPIView` or `APIView` and define `get_serializer` manually. Fields and their source: - `id` – `id` field **or** other serializer field that matches the model `pk` field **or** in-the-fly generated serializer field for model `pk` - `type` – serializer's model JSON API resource name **or** view's resource name, *the same way Django REST framework JSON API does it* - `relationships` – all serializer fields of `RelatedField` and `ManyRelatedField` class - `attributes` – all other serializer fields - ##### `included` field and `include` query param Schema based on serializers defined in `included_serializer` attribute of view's main serializer where each one is treated in the same way as view's main serializer (`data` field). - ##### `filter` query param If view uses `django_filters.DjangoFilterBackend` as filter backend, schema of `filter[]` query param will be generated based on view's `filterset_fields` attribute. - ##### pagination If view uses `JsonApiPageNumberPagination` or `JsonApiLimitOffsetPagination` as `pagination_class`, schema of `links` and `meta`, consistent with those pagination types, will be generated. #### Additional ##### Support for `swagger_auto_schema` decorator of `drf-yasg` JSON API schema is also generated for success responses (statuses 2XX) defined manually using `responses` argument of `swagger_auto_schema` decorator. ##### Stripping `write_only` fields from response and `read_only` from request `drf_yasg_json_api.inspectors.InlineSerializerSmartInspector` strips fields inaccessible in request/response to provide view of fields that are **really** available to use. You can revert to traditional `drf-yasg` view of all serializer fields in both response and request by replacing this inspector with `drf_yasg_json_api.inspectors.InlineSerializerInspector` ##### Extra `x-writeOnly` and `x-readOnly` properties `drf_yasg_json_api.inspectors.XPropertiesFilter` uses: - `x-readOnly` to mark read only fields even if they are nested - `x-witeOonly` adds missing support for write only fields ### Coexistence of JSON API views with pure REST API views JSON API docs will be generated by `drf_yasg_json_api.inspectors.JSONAPISerializerInspector`, **non** JSON API views are ignored by this inspector. Pure REST API docs will be generated by `drf-yasg` inspectors – either `drf_yasg.inspectors.ReferencingSerializerInspector` or `drf_yasg.inspectors.InlineSerializerInspector` depending on which one you prefer to use. #### RecursiveField RecursiveField follows different approach from JSON API, so it cannot be used with `JSONAPISerializerInspector`, but you can still have pure REST API views that will be documented using `ReferencingSerializerInspector`. Alternatively, instead of `RecursiveField` you can use [`included_serializers`](https://github.com/django-json-api/django-rest-framework-json-api/blob/9c49b65894a38a185b34737f569785d720eccc67/docs/usage.md#included) with `self` (e.g. `included_serializers = {'related-obj': 'self'}`) to implement limited in depth recursion the JSON API way. [build-status-image]: https://secure.travis-ci.org/glowka/drf-yasg-json-api.svg?branch=master [travis]: https://travis-ci.org/glowka/drf-yasg-json-api?branch=master [coverage-status-image]: https://img.shields.io/codecov/c/github/glowka/drf-yasg-json-api/master.svg [codecov]: https://codecov.io/github/glowka/drf-yasg-json-api?branch=master [pypi-version]: https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/drf_yasg_json_api.svg [pypi]: https://pypi.org/project/drf_yasg_json_api/ %package help Summary: Development documents and examples for drf-yasg-json-api Provides: python3-drf-yasg-json-api-doc %description help ## drf-yasg-json-api - ***drf-yasg*** meets ***JSON API*** [![build-status-image]][travis] [![coverage-status-image]][codecov] [![pypi-version]][pypi] Automated generation of Swagger/OpenAPI 2.0 ***JSON API*** specifications from Django Rest Framework endpoints. This package makes [drf-yasg Yet Another Swagger Generator](https://github.com/axnsan12/drf-yasg) and [Django REST framework JSON API](https://github.com/django-json-api/django-rest-framework-json-api) play together. #### Table of Contents <!-- START doctoc generated TOC please keep comment here to allow auto update --> <!-- DON'T EDIT THIS SECTION, INSTEAD RE-RUN doctoc TO UPDATE --> - [Compatibility](#compatibility) - [Installation](#installation) - [Quickstart](#quickstart) - [Extending drg-yasg configuration](#extending-drg-yasg-configuration) - [Renderers and parsers](#renderers-and-parsers) - [Features](#features) - [Main request/response JSON API schema support:](#main-requestresponse-json-api-schema-support) - [`data` field with `id`, `type`, `relationships`, `attributes` structure](#data-field-with-id-type-relationships-attributes-structure) - [`included` field and `include` query param](#included-field-and-include-query-param) - [`filter` query param](#filter-query-param) - [pagination](#pagination) - [Additional](#additional) - [Support for `swagger_auto_schema` decorator of `drf-yasg`](#support-for-swagger_auto_schema-decorator-of-drf-yasg) - [Stripping `write_only` fields from response and `read_only` from request](#stripping-write_only-fields-from-response-and-read_only-from-request) - [Extra `x-writeOnly` and `x-readOnly` properties](#extra-x-writeonly-and-x-readonly-properties) - [Coexistence of JSON API views with pure REST API views](#coexistence-of-json-api-views-with-pure-rest-api-views) <!-- END doctoc generated TOC please keep comment here to allow auto update --> ### Compatibility - Django REST Framework JSON API: `2.8`, `3.0`, `3.1`, `3.2`, `4.0`, `4.1`, `4.2`, `4.3`, `5.0` - Drf-yasg: `1.16`, `1.17.0`, `1.17.1`, `1.20` - Django REST Framework: `3.8`, `3.9`, `3.10`, `3.11`, `3.12`, `3.13` - Django: `2.0`, `2.1`, `2.2`, `3.0`, `3.1`, `3.2`, `4.0` - Python: `3.6`, `3.7`, `3.8`, `3.9` ### Installation ``` pip install -U drf-yasg-json-api ``` ### Quickstart First follow [drf-yasg quickstart](https://github.com/axnsan12/drf-yasg#1-quickstart), then extend the configuration in following way. #### Extending drg-yasg configuration Assuming you are using drf-yasg configuration like below (which is drf-yasg default): ``` SWAGGER_SETTINGS = { 'DEFAULT_AUTO_SCHEMA_CLASS': 'drf_yasg.inspectors.SwaggerAutoSchema', 'DEFAULT_FIELD_INSPECTORS': [ 'drf_yasg.inspectors.CamelCaseJSONFilter', 'drf_yasg.inspectors.RecursiveFieldInspector', 'drf_yasg.inspectors.ReferencingSerializerInspector', 'drf_yasg.inspectors.ChoiceFieldInspector', 'drf_yasg.inspectors.FileFieldInspector', 'drf_yasg.inspectors.DictFieldInspector', 'drf_yasg.inspectors.JSONFieldInspector', 'drf_yasg.inspectors.HiddenFieldInspector', 'drf_yasg.inspectors.RelatedFieldInspector', 'drf_yasg.inspectors.SerializerMethodFieldInspector', 'drf_yasg.inspectors.SimpleFieldInspector', 'drf_yasg.inspectors.StringDefaultFieldInspector', ], 'DEFAULT_FILTER_INSPECTORS': [ 'drf_yasg.inspectors.CoreAPICompatInspector', ], 'DEFAULT_PAGINATOR_INSPECTORS': [ 'drf_yasg.inspectors.DjangoRestResponsePagination', 'drf_yasg.inspectors.CoreAPICompatInspector', ], } ``` Apply following changes: ``` SWAGGER_SETTINGS = { 'DEFAULT_AUTO_SCHEMA_CLASS': 'drf_yasg_json_api.inspectors.SwaggerAutoSchema', # Overridden 'DEFAULT_FIELD_INSPECTORS': [ 'drf_yasg_json_api.inspectors.NamesFormatFilter', # Replaces CamelCaseJSONFilter 'drf_yasg.inspectors.RecursiveFieldInspector', 'drf_yasg_json_api.inspectors.XPropertiesFilter', # Added 'drf_yasg_json_api.inspectors.JSONAPISerializerSmartInspector', # Added 'drf_yasg.inspectors.ReferencingSerializerInspector', 'drf_yasg_json_api.inspectors.IntegerIDFieldInspector', # Added 'drf_yasg.inspectors.ChoiceFieldInspector', 'drf_yasg.inspectors.FileFieldInspector', 'drf_yasg.inspectors.DictFieldInspector', 'drf_yasg.inspectors.JSONFieldInspector', 'drf_yasg.inspectors.HiddenFieldInspector', 'drf_yasg_json_api.inspectors.ManyRelatedFieldInspector', # Added 'drf_yasg_json_api.inspectors.IntegerPrimaryKeyRelatedFieldInspector', # Added 'drf_yasg.inspectors.RelatedFieldInspector', 'drf_yasg.inspectors.SerializerMethodFieldInspector', 'drf_yasg.inspectors.SimpleFieldInspector', 'drf_yasg.inspectors.StringDefaultFieldInspector', ], 'DEFAULT_FILTER_INSPECTORS': [ 'drf_yasg_json_api.inspectors.DjangoFilterInspector', # Added (optional), requires django_filter 'drf_yasg.inspectors.CoreAPICompatInspector', ], 'DEFAULT_PAGINATOR_INSPECTORS': [ 'drf_yasg_json_api.inspectors.DjangoRestResponsePagination', # Added 'drf_yasg.inspectors.DjangoRestResponsePagination', 'drf_yasg.inspectors.CoreAPICompatInspector', ], } ``` #### Renderers and parsers JSON API schema of your view's response or request will be generated if you use `django-rest-framework-json-api`'s `JSONAPIRenderer` or `JSONAPIParser` respectively. But since you have already used them to *render* or *parse*, not just to *generate schema* (haven't you?), you probably only need to alter the configuration as described above. That's it! ### Features Fields and query params extraction follows Django REST framework JSON API. #### Main request/response JSON API schema support: - ##### `data` field with `id`, `type`, `relationships`, `attributes` structure Schema based on view's main serializer. It accessed through view's `get_serializer` method, *the same way `drf-yasg` does it*. Use `GenericAPIView` or `APIView` and define `get_serializer` manually. Fields and their source: - `id` – `id` field **or** other serializer field that matches the model `pk` field **or** in-the-fly generated serializer field for model `pk` - `type` – serializer's model JSON API resource name **or** view's resource name, *the same way Django REST framework JSON API does it* - `relationships` – all serializer fields of `RelatedField` and `ManyRelatedField` class - `attributes` – all other serializer fields - ##### `included` field and `include` query param Schema based on serializers defined in `included_serializer` attribute of view's main serializer where each one is treated in the same way as view's main serializer (`data` field). - ##### `filter` query param If view uses `django_filters.DjangoFilterBackend` as filter backend, schema of `filter[]` query param will be generated based on view's `filterset_fields` attribute. - ##### pagination If view uses `JsonApiPageNumberPagination` or `JsonApiLimitOffsetPagination` as `pagination_class`, schema of `links` and `meta`, consistent with those pagination types, will be generated. #### Additional ##### Support for `swagger_auto_schema` decorator of `drf-yasg` JSON API schema is also generated for success responses (statuses 2XX) defined manually using `responses` argument of `swagger_auto_schema` decorator. ##### Stripping `write_only` fields from response and `read_only` from request `drf_yasg_json_api.inspectors.InlineSerializerSmartInspector` strips fields inaccessible in request/response to provide view of fields that are **really** available to use. You can revert to traditional `drf-yasg` view of all serializer fields in both response and request by replacing this inspector with `drf_yasg_json_api.inspectors.InlineSerializerInspector` ##### Extra `x-writeOnly` and `x-readOnly` properties `drf_yasg_json_api.inspectors.XPropertiesFilter` uses: - `x-readOnly` to mark read only fields even if they are nested - `x-witeOonly` adds missing support for write only fields ### Coexistence of JSON API views with pure REST API views JSON API docs will be generated by `drf_yasg_json_api.inspectors.JSONAPISerializerInspector`, **non** JSON API views are ignored by this inspector. Pure REST API docs will be generated by `drf-yasg` inspectors – either `drf_yasg.inspectors.ReferencingSerializerInspector` or `drf_yasg.inspectors.InlineSerializerInspector` depending on which one you prefer to use. #### RecursiveField RecursiveField follows different approach from JSON API, so it cannot be used with `JSONAPISerializerInspector`, but you can still have pure REST API views that will be documented using `ReferencingSerializerInspector`. Alternatively, instead of `RecursiveField` you can use [`included_serializers`](https://github.com/django-json-api/django-rest-framework-json-api/blob/9c49b65894a38a185b34737f569785d720eccc67/docs/usage.md#included) with `self` (e.g. `included_serializers = {'related-obj': 'self'}`) to implement limited in depth recursion the JSON API way. [build-status-image]: https://secure.travis-ci.org/glowka/drf-yasg-json-api.svg?branch=master [travis]: https://travis-ci.org/glowka/drf-yasg-json-api?branch=master [coverage-status-image]: https://img.shields.io/codecov/c/github/glowka/drf-yasg-json-api/master.svg [codecov]: https://codecov.io/github/glowka/drf-yasg-json-api?branch=master [pypi-version]: https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/drf_yasg_json_api.svg [pypi]: https://pypi.org/project/drf_yasg_json_api/ %prep %autosetup -n drf-yasg-json-api-0.9.1 %build %py3_build %install %py3_install install -d -m755 %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir} if [ -d doc ]; then cp -arf doc %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi if [ -d docs ]; then cp -arf docs %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi if [ -d example ]; then cp -arf example %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi if [ -d examples ]; then cp -arf examples %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi pushd %{buildroot} if [ -d usr/lib ]; then find usr/lib -type f -printf "/%h/%f\n" >> filelist.lst fi if [ -d usr/lib64 ]; then find usr/lib64 -type f -printf "/%h/%f\n" >> filelist.lst fi if [ -d usr/bin ]; then find usr/bin -type f -printf "/%h/%f\n" >> filelist.lst fi if [ -d usr/sbin ]; then find usr/sbin -type f -printf "/%h/%f\n" >> filelist.lst fi touch doclist.lst if [ -d usr/share/man ]; then find usr/share/man -type f -printf "/%h/%f.gz\n" >> doclist.lst fi popd mv %{buildroot}/filelist.lst . mv %{buildroot}/doclist.lst . %files -n python3-drf-yasg-json-api -f filelist.lst %dir %{python3_sitelib}/* %files help -f doclist.lst %{_docdir}/* %changelog * Thu May 18 2023 Python_Bot <Python_Bot@openeuler.org> - 0.9.1-1 - Package Spec generated