%global _empty_manifest_terminate_build 0 Name: python-django-minio-backend Version: 3.5.0 Release: 1 Summary: The django-minio-backend provides a wrapper around the MinIO Python Library. License: MIT License | Copyright (c) 2023 Kristof Daja URL: https://github.com/theriverman/django-minio-backend Source0: https://mirrors.nju.edu.cn/pypi/web/packages/5f/42/1e837c057eeb5c0589880ac3bef085ee71873d82ee1aecd0654be72fb808/django-minio-backend-3.5.0.tar.gz BuildArch: noarch Requires: python3-Django Requires: python3-minio %description [![django-app-tests](https://github.com/theriverman/django-minio-backend/actions/workflows/django-tests.yml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/theriverman/django-minio-backend/actions/workflows/django-tests.yml) [![publish-py-dist-to-pypi](https://github.com/theriverman/django-minio-backend/actions/workflows/publish-to-pypi.yml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/theriverman/django-minio-backend/actions/workflows/publish-to-pypi.yml) [![PYPI](https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/django-minio-backend.svg)](https://pypi.python.org/pypi/django-minio-backend) # django-minio-backend The **django-minio-backend** provides a wrapper around the [MinIO Python SDK](https://docs.min.io/docs/python-client-quickstart-guide.html). See [minio/minio-py](https://github.com/minio/minio-py) for the source. ## Integration 1. Get and install the package: ```bash pip install django-minio-backend ``` 2. Add `django_minio_backend` to `INSTALLED_APPS`: ```python INSTALLED_APPS = [ # '...' 'django_minio_backend', # https://github.com/theriverman/django-minio-backend ] ``` If you would like to enable on-start consistency check, install via `DjangoMinioBackendConfig`: ```python INSTALLED_APPS = [ # '...' 'django_minio_backend.apps.DjangoMinioBackendConfig', # https://github.com/theriverman/django-minio-backend ] ``` Then add the following parameter to your settings file: ```python MINIO_CONSISTENCY_CHECK_ON_START = True ``` **Note:** The on-start consistency check equals to manually calling `python manage.py initialize_buckets`.
It is recommended to turn *off* this feature during development by setting `MINIO_CONSISTENCY_CHECK_ON_START` to `False`, because this operation can noticeably slow down Django's boot time when many buckets are configured. 3. Add the following parameters to your `settings.py`: ```python from datetime import timedelta from typing import List, Tuple MINIO_ENDPOINT = 'minio.your-company.co.uk' MINIO_EXTERNAL_ENDPOINT = "external-minio.your-company.co.uk" # Default is same as MINIO_ENDPOINT MINIO_EXTERNAL_ENDPOINT_USE_HTTPS = True # Default is same as MINIO_USE_HTTPS MINIO_REGION = 'us-east-1' # Default is set to None MINIO_ACCESS_KEY = 'yourMinioAccessKey' MINIO_SECRET_KEY = 'yourVeryS3cr3tP4ssw0rd' MINIO_USE_HTTPS = True MINIO_URL_EXPIRY_HOURS = timedelta(days=1) # Default is 7 days (longest) if not defined MINIO_CONSISTENCY_CHECK_ON_START = True MINIO_PRIVATE_BUCKETS = [ 'django-backend-dev-private', ] MINIO_PUBLIC_BUCKETS = [ 'django-backend-dev-public', ] MINIO_POLICY_HOOKS: List[Tuple[str, dict]] = [] # MINIO_MEDIA_FILES_BUCKET = 'my-media-files-bucket' # replacement for MEDIA_ROOT # MINIO_STATIC_FILES_BUCKET = 'my-static-files-bucket' # replacement for STATIC_ROOT MINIO_BUCKET_CHECK_ON_SAVE = True # Default: True // Creates bucket if missing, then save # Custom HTTP Client (OPTIONAL) import os import certifi import urllib3 timeout = timedelta(minutes=5).seconds ca_certs = os.environ.get('SSL_CERT_FILE') or certifi.where() MINIO_HTTP_CLIENT: urllib3.poolmanager.PoolManager = urllib3.PoolManager( timeout=urllib3.util.Timeout(connect=timeout, read=timeout), maxsize=10, cert_reqs='CERT_REQUIRED', ca_certs=ca_certs, retries=urllib3.Retry( total=5, backoff_factor=0.2, status_forcelist=[500, 502, 503, 504] ) ) ``` 4. Implement your own Attachment handler and integrate **django-minio-backend**: ```python from django.db import models from django_minio_backend import MinioBackend, iso_date_prefix class PrivateAttachment(models.Model): file = models.FileField(verbose_name="Object Upload", storage=MinioBackend(bucket_name='django-backend-dev-private'), upload_to=iso_date_prefix) ``` 5. Initialize the buckets & set their public policy (OPTIONAL):
This `django-admin` command creates both the private and public buckets in case one of them does not exists, and sets the *public* bucket's privacy policy from `private`(default) to `public`.
```bash python manage.py initialize_buckets ``` Code reference: [initialize_buckets.py](django_minio_backend/management/commands/initialize_buckets.py). ### Static Files Support **django-minio-backend** allows serving static files from MinIO. To learn more about Django static files, see [Managing static files](https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/3.2/howto/static-files/), and [STATICFILES_STORAGE](https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/3.2/ref/settings/#staticfiles-storage). To enable static files support, update your `settings.py`: ```python STATICFILES_STORAGE = 'django_minio_backend.models.MinioBackendStatic' MINIO_STATIC_FILES_BUCKET = 'my-static-files-bucket' # replacement for STATIC_ROOT # Add the value of MINIO_STATIC_FILES_BUCKET to one of the pre-configured bucket lists. eg.: # MINIO_PRIVATE_BUCKETS.append(MINIO_STATIC_FILES_BUCKET) # MINIO_PUBLIC_BUCKETS.append(MINIO_STATIC_FILES_BUCKET) ``` The value of `STATIC_URL` is ignored, but it must be defined otherwise Django will throw an error. **IMPORTANT**
The value set in `MINIO_STATIC_FILES_BUCKET` must be added either to `MINIO_PRIVATE_BUCKETS` or `MINIO_PUBLIC_BUCKETS`, otherwise **django-minio-backend** will raise an exception. This setting determines the privacy of generated file URLs which can be unsigned public or signed private. **Note:** If `MINIO_STATIC_FILES_BUCKET` is not set, the default value (`auto-generated-bucket-static-files`) will be used. Policy setting for default buckets is **private**. ### Default File Storage Support **django-minio-backend** can be configured as a default file storage. To learn more, see [DEFAULT_FILE_STORAGE](https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/3.2/ref/settings/#default-file-storage). To configure **django-minio-backend** as the default file storage, update your `settings.py`: ```python DEFAULT_FILE_STORAGE = 'django_minio_backend.models.MinioBackend' MINIO_MEDIA_FILES_BUCKET = 'my-media-files-bucket' # replacement for MEDIA_ROOT # Add the value of MINIO_STATIC_FILES_BUCKET to one of the pre-configured bucket lists. eg.: # MINIO_PRIVATE_BUCKETS.append(MINIO_STATIC_FILES_BUCKET) # MINIO_PUBLIC_BUCKETS.append(MINIO_STATIC_FILES_BUCKET) ``` The value of `MEDIA_URL` is ignored, but it must be defined otherwise Django will throw an error. **IMPORTANT**
The value set in `MINIO_MEDIA_FILES_BUCKET` must be added either to `MINIO_PRIVATE_BUCKETS` or `MINIO_PUBLIC_BUCKETS`, otherwise **django-minio-backend** will raise an exception. This setting determines the privacy of generated file URLs which can be unsigned public or signed private. **Note:** If `MINIO_MEDIA_FILES_BUCKET` is not set, the default value (`auto-generated-bucket-media-files`) will be used. Policy setting for default buckets is **private**. ### Health Check To check the connection link between Django and MinIO, use the provided `MinioBackend.is_minio_available()` method.
It returns a `MinioServerStatus` instance which can be quickly evaluated as boolean.
**Example:** ```python from django_minio_backend import MinioBackend minio_available = MinioBackend().is_minio_available() # An empty string is fine this time if minio_available: print("OK") else: print("NOK") print(minio_available.details) ``` ### Policy Hooks You can configure **django-minio-backend** to automatically execute a set of pre-defined policy hooks.
Policy hooks can be defined in `settings.py` by adding `MINIO_POLICY_HOOKS` which must be a list of tuples.
Policy hooks are automatically picked up by the `initialize_buckets` management command. For an exemplary policy, see the implementation of `def set_bucket_to_public(self)` in [django_minio_backend/models.py](django_minio_backend/models.py) or the contents of [examples/policy_hook.example.py](examples/policy_hook.example.py). ### Consistency Check On Start When enabled, the `initialize_buckets` management command gets called automatically when Django starts.
This command connects to the configured minIO server and checks if all buckets defined in `settings.py`.
In case a bucket is missing or its configuration differs, it gets created and corrected. ### Reference Implementation For a reference implementation, see [Examples](examples). ## Behaviour The following list summarises the key characteristics of **django-minio-backend**: * Bucket existence is **not** checked on a save by default. To enable this guard, set `MINIO_BUCKET_CHECK_ON_SAVE = True` in your `settings.py`. * Bucket existences are **not** checked on Django start by default. To enable this guard, set `MINIO_CONSISTENCY_CHECK_ON_START = True` in your `settings.py`. * Many configuration errors are validated through `AppConfig` but not every error can be captured there. * Files with the same name in the same bucket are **not** replaced on save by default. Django will store the newer file with an altered file name To allow replacing existing files, pass the `replace_existing=True` kwarg to `MinioBackend`. For example: `image = models.ImageField(storage=MinioBackend(bucket_name='images-public', replace_existing=True))` * Depending on your configuration, **django-minio-backend** may communicate over two kind of interfaces: internal and external. If your `settings.py` defines a different value for `MINIO_ENDPOINT` and `MINIO_EXTERNAL_ENDPOINT`, then the former will be used for internal communication between Django and MinIO, and the latter for generating URLs for users. This behaviour optimises the network communication. See **Networking** below for a thorough explanation * The uploaded object's content-type is guessed during save. If `mimetypes.guess_type` fails to determine the correct content-type, then it falls back to `application/octet-stream`. ## Networking and Docker If your Django application is running on a shared host with your MinIO instance, you should consider using the `MINIO_EXTERNAL_ENDPOINT` and `MINIO_EXTERNAL_ENDPOINT_USE_HTTPS` parameters. This way most traffic will happen internally between Django and MinIO. The external endpoint parameters are required for external pre-signed URL generation. If your Django application and MinIO instance are running on different hosts, you can omit the `MINIO_EXTERNAL_ENDPOINT` and `MINIO_EXTERNAL_ENDPOINT_USE_HTTPS` parameters, and **django-minio-backend** will default to the value of `MINIO_ENDPOINT`. Setting up and configuring custom networks in Docker is not in the scope of this document.
To learn more about Docker networking, see [Networking overview](https://docs.docker.com/network/) and [Networking in Compose](https://docs.docker.com/compose/networking/). See [README.Docker.md](README.Docker.md) for a real-life Docker Compose demonstration. ## Compatibility * Django 2.2 or later * Python 3.8.0 or later * MinIO SDK 7.0.2 or later ## Contribution Please find the details in [CONTRIBUTE.md](CONTRIBUTE.md) ## Copyright * theriverman/django-minio-backend licensed under the MIT License * minio/minio-py is licensed under the Apache License 2.0 %package -n python3-django-minio-backend Summary: The django-minio-backend provides a wrapper around the MinIO Python Library. Provides: python-django-minio-backend BuildRequires: python3-devel BuildRequires: python3-setuptools BuildRequires: python3-pip %description -n python3-django-minio-backend [![django-app-tests](https://github.com/theriverman/django-minio-backend/actions/workflows/django-tests.yml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/theriverman/django-minio-backend/actions/workflows/django-tests.yml) [![publish-py-dist-to-pypi](https://github.com/theriverman/django-minio-backend/actions/workflows/publish-to-pypi.yml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/theriverman/django-minio-backend/actions/workflows/publish-to-pypi.yml) [![PYPI](https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/django-minio-backend.svg)](https://pypi.python.org/pypi/django-minio-backend) # django-minio-backend The **django-minio-backend** provides a wrapper around the [MinIO Python SDK](https://docs.min.io/docs/python-client-quickstart-guide.html). See [minio/minio-py](https://github.com/minio/minio-py) for the source. ## Integration 1. Get and install the package: ```bash pip install django-minio-backend ``` 2. Add `django_minio_backend` to `INSTALLED_APPS`: ```python INSTALLED_APPS = [ # '...' 'django_minio_backend', # https://github.com/theriverman/django-minio-backend ] ``` If you would like to enable on-start consistency check, install via `DjangoMinioBackendConfig`: ```python INSTALLED_APPS = [ # '...' 'django_minio_backend.apps.DjangoMinioBackendConfig', # https://github.com/theriverman/django-minio-backend ] ``` Then add the following parameter to your settings file: ```python MINIO_CONSISTENCY_CHECK_ON_START = True ``` **Note:** The on-start consistency check equals to manually calling `python manage.py initialize_buckets`.
It is recommended to turn *off* this feature during development by setting `MINIO_CONSISTENCY_CHECK_ON_START` to `False`, because this operation can noticeably slow down Django's boot time when many buckets are configured. 3. Add the following parameters to your `settings.py`: ```python from datetime import timedelta from typing import List, Tuple MINIO_ENDPOINT = 'minio.your-company.co.uk' MINIO_EXTERNAL_ENDPOINT = "external-minio.your-company.co.uk" # Default is same as MINIO_ENDPOINT MINIO_EXTERNAL_ENDPOINT_USE_HTTPS = True # Default is same as MINIO_USE_HTTPS MINIO_REGION = 'us-east-1' # Default is set to None MINIO_ACCESS_KEY = 'yourMinioAccessKey' MINIO_SECRET_KEY = 'yourVeryS3cr3tP4ssw0rd' MINIO_USE_HTTPS = True MINIO_URL_EXPIRY_HOURS = timedelta(days=1) # Default is 7 days (longest) if not defined MINIO_CONSISTENCY_CHECK_ON_START = True MINIO_PRIVATE_BUCKETS = [ 'django-backend-dev-private', ] MINIO_PUBLIC_BUCKETS = [ 'django-backend-dev-public', ] MINIO_POLICY_HOOKS: List[Tuple[str, dict]] = [] # MINIO_MEDIA_FILES_BUCKET = 'my-media-files-bucket' # replacement for MEDIA_ROOT # MINIO_STATIC_FILES_BUCKET = 'my-static-files-bucket' # replacement for STATIC_ROOT MINIO_BUCKET_CHECK_ON_SAVE = True # Default: True // Creates bucket if missing, then save # Custom HTTP Client (OPTIONAL) import os import certifi import urllib3 timeout = timedelta(minutes=5).seconds ca_certs = os.environ.get('SSL_CERT_FILE') or certifi.where() MINIO_HTTP_CLIENT: urllib3.poolmanager.PoolManager = urllib3.PoolManager( timeout=urllib3.util.Timeout(connect=timeout, read=timeout), maxsize=10, cert_reqs='CERT_REQUIRED', ca_certs=ca_certs, retries=urllib3.Retry( total=5, backoff_factor=0.2, status_forcelist=[500, 502, 503, 504] ) ) ``` 4. Implement your own Attachment handler and integrate **django-minio-backend**: ```python from django.db import models from django_minio_backend import MinioBackend, iso_date_prefix class PrivateAttachment(models.Model): file = models.FileField(verbose_name="Object Upload", storage=MinioBackend(bucket_name='django-backend-dev-private'), upload_to=iso_date_prefix) ``` 5. Initialize the buckets & set their public policy (OPTIONAL):
This `django-admin` command creates both the private and public buckets in case one of them does not exists, and sets the *public* bucket's privacy policy from `private`(default) to `public`.
```bash python manage.py initialize_buckets ``` Code reference: [initialize_buckets.py](django_minio_backend/management/commands/initialize_buckets.py). ### Static Files Support **django-minio-backend** allows serving static files from MinIO. To learn more about Django static files, see [Managing static files](https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/3.2/howto/static-files/), and [STATICFILES_STORAGE](https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/3.2/ref/settings/#staticfiles-storage). To enable static files support, update your `settings.py`: ```python STATICFILES_STORAGE = 'django_minio_backend.models.MinioBackendStatic' MINIO_STATIC_FILES_BUCKET = 'my-static-files-bucket' # replacement for STATIC_ROOT # Add the value of MINIO_STATIC_FILES_BUCKET to one of the pre-configured bucket lists. eg.: # MINIO_PRIVATE_BUCKETS.append(MINIO_STATIC_FILES_BUCKET) # MINIO_PUBLIC_BUCKETS.append(MINIO_STATIC_FILES_BUCKET) ``` The value of `STATIC_URL` is ignored, but it must be defined otherwise Django will throw an error. **IMPORTANT**
The value set in `MINIO_STATIC_FILES_BUCKET` must be added either to `MINIO_PRIVATE_BUCKETS` or `MINIO_PUBLIC_BUCKETS`, otherwise **django-minio-backend** will raise an exception. This setting determines the privacy of generated file URLs which can be unsigned public or signed private. **Note:** If `MINIO_STATIC_FILES_BUCKET` is not set, the default value (`auto-generated-bucket-static-files`) will be used. Policy setting for default buckets is **private**. ### Default File Storage Support **django-minio-backend** can be configured as a default file storage. To learn more, see [DEFAULT_FILE_STORAGE](https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/3.2/ref/settings/#default-file-storage). To configure **django-minio-backend** as the default file storage, update your `settings.py`: ```python DEFAULT_FILE_STORAGE = 'django_minio_backend.models.MinioBackend' MINIO_MEDIA_FILES_BUCKET = 'my-media-files-bucket' # replacement for MEDIA_ROOT # Add the value of MINIO_STATIC_FILES_BUCKET to one of the pre-configured bucket lists. eg.: # MINIO_PRIVATE_BUCKETS.append(MINIO_STATIC_FILES_BUCKET) # MINIO_PUBLIC_BUCKETS.append(MINIO_STATIC_FILES_BUCKET) ``` The value of `MEDIA_URL` is ignored, but it must be defined otherwise Django will throw an error. **IMPORTANT**
The value set in `MINIO_MEDIA_FILES_BUCKET` must be added either to `MINIO_PRIVATE_BUCKETS` or `MINIO_PUBLIC_BUCKETS`, otherwise **django-minio-backend** will raise an exception. This setting determines the privacy of generated file URLs which can be unsigned public or signed private. **Note:** If `MINIO_MEDIA_FILES_BUCKET` is not set, the default value (`auto-generated-bucket-media-files`) will be used. Policy setting for default buckets is **private**. ### Health Check To check the connection link between Django and MinIO, use the provided `MinioBackend.is_minio_available()` method.
It returns a `MinioServerStatus` instance which can be quickly evaluated as boolean.
**Example:** ```python from django_minio_backend import MinioBackend minio_available = MinioBackend().is_minio_available() # An empty string is fine this time if minio_available: print("OK") else: print("NOK") print(minio_available.details) ``` ### Policy Hooks You can configure **django-minio-backend** to automatically execute a set of pre-defined policy hooks.
Policy hooks can be defined in `settings.py` by adding `MINIO_POLICY_HOOKS` which must be a list of tuples.
Policy hooks are automatically picked up by the `initialize_buckets` management command. For an exemplary policy, see the implementation of `def set_bucket_to_public(self)` in [django_minio_backend/models.py](django_minio_backend/models.py) or the contents of [examples/policy_hook.example.py](examples/policy_hook.example.py). ### Consistency Check On Start When enabled, the `initialize_buckets` management command gets called automatically when Django starts.
This command connects to the configured minIO server and checks if all buckets defined in `settings.py`.
In case a bucket is missing or its configuration differs, it gets created and corrected. ### Reference Implementation For a reference implementation, see [Examples](examples). ## Behaviour The following list summarises the key characteristics of **django-minio-backend**: * Bucket existence is **not** checked on a save by default. To enable this guard, set `MINIO_BUCKET_CHECK_ON_SAVE = True` in your `settings.py`. * Bucket existences are **not** checked on Django start by default. To enable this guard, set `MINIO_CONSISTENCY_CHECK_ON_START = True` in your `settings.py`. * Many configuration errors are validated through `AppConfig` but not every error can be captured there. * Files with the same name in the same bucket are **not** replaced on save by default. Django will store the newer file with an altered file name To allow replacing existing files, pass the `replace_existing=True` kwarg to `MinioBackend`. For example: `image = models.ImageField(storage=MinioBackend(bucket_name='images-public', replace_existing=True))` * Depending on your configuration, **django-minio-backend** may communicate over two kind of interfaces: internal and external. If your `settings.py` defines a different value for `MINIO_ENDPOINT` and `MINIO_EXTERNAL_ENDPOINT`, then the former will be used for internal communication between Django and MinIO, and the latter for generating URLs for users. This behaviour optimises the network communication. See **Networking** below for a thorough explanation * The uploaded object's content-type is guessed during save. If `mimetypes.guess_type` fails to determine the correct content-type, then it falls back to `application/octet-stream`. ## Networking and Docker If your Django application is running on a shared host with your MinIO instance, you should consider using the `MINIO_EXTERNAL_ENDPOINT` and `MINIO_EXTERNAL_ENDPOINT_USE_HTTPS` parameters. This way most traffic will happen internally between Django and MinIO. The external endpoint parameters are required for external pre-signed URL generation. If your Django application and MinIO instance are running on different hosts, you can omit the `MINIO_EXTERNAL_ENDPOINT` and `MINIO_EXTERNAL_ENDPOINT_USE_HTTPS` parameters, and **django-minio-backend** will default to the value of `MINIO_ENDPOINT`. Setting up and configuring custom networks in Docker is not in the scope of this document.
To learn more about Docker networking, see [Networking overview](https://docs.docker.com/network/) and [Networking in Compose](https://docs.docker.com/compose/networking/). See [README.Docker.md](README.Docker.md) for a real-life Docker Compose demonstration. ## Compatibility * Django 2.2 or later * Python 3.8.0 or later * MinIO SDK 7.0.2 or later ## Contribution Please find the details in [CONTRIBUTE.md](CONTRIBUTE.md) ## Copyright * theriverman/django-minio-backend licensed under the MIT License * minio/minio-py is licensed under the Apache License 2.0 %package help Summary: Development documents and examples for django-minio-backend Provides: python3-django-minio-backend-doc %description help [![django-app-tests](https://github.com/theriverman/django-minio-backend/actions/workflows/django-tests.yml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/theriverman/django-minio-backend/actions/workflows/django-tests.yml) [![publish-py-dist-to-pypi](https://github.com/theriverman/django-minio-backend/actions/workflows/publish-to-pypi.yml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/theriverman/django-minio-backend/actions/workflows/publish-to-pypi.yml) [![PYPI](https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/django-minio-backend.svg)](https://pypi.python.org/pypi/django-minio-backend) # django-minio-backend The **django-minio-backend** provides a wrapper around the [MinIO Python SDK](https://docs.min.io/docs/python-client-quickstart-guide.html). See [minio/minio-py](https://github.com/minio/minio-py) for the source. ## Integration 1. Get and install the package: ```bash pip install django-minio-backend ``` 2. Add `django_minio_backend` to `INSTALLED_APPS`: ```python INSTALLED_APPS = [ # '...' 'django_minio_backend', # https://github.com/theriverman/django-minio-backend ] ``` If you would like to enable on-start consistency check, install via `DjangoMinioBackendConfig`: ```python INSTALLED_APPS = [ # '...' 'django_minio_backend.apps.DjangoMinioBackendConfig', # https://github.com/theriverman/django-minio-backend ] ``` Then add the following parameter to your settings file: ```python MINIO_CONSISTENCY_CHECK_ON_START = True ``` **Note:** The on-start consistency check equals to manually calling `python manage.py initialize_buckets`.
It is recommended to turn *off* this feature during development by setting `MINIO_CONSISTENCY_CHECK_ON_START` to `False`, because this operation can noticeably slow down Django's boot time when many buckets are configured. 3. Add the following parameters to your `settings.py`: ```python from datetime import timedelta from typing import List, Tuple MINIO_ENDPOINT = 'minio.your-company.co.uk' MINIO_EXTERNAL_ENDPOINT = "external-minio.your-company.co.uk" # Default is same as MINIO_ENDPOINT MINIO_EXTERNAL_ENDPOINT_USE_HTTPS = True # Default is same as MINIO_USE_HTTPS MINIO_REGION = 'us-east-1' # Default is set to None MINIO_ACCESS_KEY = 'yourMinioAccessKey' MINIO_SECRET_KEY = 'yourVeryS3cr3tP4ssw0rd' MINIO_USE_HTTPS = True MINIO_URL_EXPIRY_HOURS = timedelta(days=1) # Default is 7 days (longest) if not defined MINIO_CONSISTENCY_CHECK_ON_START = True MINIO_PRIVATE_BUCKETS = [ 'django-backend-dev-private', ] MINIO_PUBLIC_BUCKETS = [ 'django-backend-dev-public', ] MINIO_POLICY_HOOKS: List[Tuple[str, dict]] = [] # MINIO_MEDIA_FILES_BUCKET = 'my-media-files-bucket' # replacement for MEDIA_ROOT # MINIO_STATIC_FILES_BUCKET = 'my-static-files-bucket' # replacement for STATIC_ROOT MINIO_BUCKET_CHECK_ON_SAVE = True # Default: True // Creates bucket if missing, then save # Custom HTTP Client (OPTIONAL) import os import certifi import urllib3 timeout = timedelta(minutes=5).seconds ca_certs = os.environ.get('SSL_CERT_FILE') or certifi.where() MINIO_HTTP_CLIENT: urllib3.poolmanager.PoolManager = urllib3.PoolManager( timeout=urllib3.util.Timeout(connect=timeout, read=timeout), maxsize=10, cert_reqs='CERT_REQUIRED', ca_certs=ca_certs, retries=urllib3.Retry( total=5, backoff_factor=0.2, status_forcelist=[500, 502, 503, 504] ) ) ``` 4. Implement your own Attachment handler and integrate **django-minio-backend**: ```python from django.db import models from django_minio_backend import MinioBackend, iso_date_prefix class PrivateAttachment(models.Model): file = models.FileField(verbose_name="Object Upload", storage=MinioBackend(bucket_name='django-backend-dev-private'), upload_to=iso_date_prefix) ``` 5. Initialize the buckets & set their public policy (OPTIONAL):
This `django-admin` command creates both the private and public buckets in case one of them does not exists, and sets the *public* bucket's privacy policy from `private`(default) to `public`.
```bash python manage.py initialize_buckets ``` Code reference: [initialize_buckets.py](django_minio_backend/management/commands/initialize_buckets.py). ### Static Files Support **django-minio-backend** allows serving static files from MinIO. To learn more about Django static files, see [Managing static files](https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/3.2/howto/static-files/), and [STATICFILES_STORAGE](https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/3.2/ref/settings/#staticfiles-storage). To enable static files support, update your `settings.py`: ```python STATICFILES_STORAGE = 'django_minio_backend.models.MinioBackendStatic' MINIO_STATIC_FILES_BUCKET = 'my-static-files-bucket' # replacement for STATIC_ROOT # Add the value of MINIO_STATIC_FILES_BUCKET to one of the pre-configured bucket lists. eg.: # MINIO_PRIVATE_BUCKETS.append(MINIO_STATIC_FILES_BUCKET) # MINIO_PUBLIC_BUCKETS.append(MINIO_STATIC_FILES_BUCKET) ``` The value of `STATIC_URL` is ignored, but it must be defined otherwise Django will throw an error. **IMPORTANT**
The value set in `MINIO_STATIC_FILES_BUCKET` must be added either to `MINIO_PRIVATE_BUCKETS` or `MINIO_PUBLIC_BUCKETS`, otherwise **django-minio-backend** will raise an exception. This setting determines the privacy of generated file URLs which can be unsigned public or signed private. **Note:** If `MINIO_STATIC_FILES_BUCKET` is not set, the default value (`auto-generated-bucket-static-files`) will be used. Policy setting for default buckets is **private**. ### Default File Storage Support **django-minio-backend** can be configured as a default file storage. To learn more, see [DEFAULT_FILE_STORAGE](https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/3.2/ref/settings/#default-file-storage). To configure **django-minio-backend** as the default file storage, update your `settings.py`: ```python DEFAULT_FILE_STORAGE = 'django_minio_backend.models.MinioBackend' MINIO_MEDIA_FILES_BUCKET = 'my-media-files-bucket' # replacement for MEDIA_ROOT # Add the value of MINIO_STATIC_FILES_BUCKET to one of the pre-configured bucket lists. eg.: # MINIO_PRIVATE_BUCKETS.append(MINIO_STATIC_FILES_BUCKET) # MINIO_PUBLIC_BUCKETS.append(MINIO_STATIC_FILES_BUCKET) ``` The value of `MEDIA_URL` is ignored, but it must be defined otherwise Django will throw an error. **IMPORTANT**
The value set in `MINIO_MEDIA_FILES_BUCKET` must be added either to `MINIO_PRIVATE_BUCKETS` or `MINIO_PUBLIC_BUCKETS`, otherwise **django-minio-backend** will raise an exception. This setting determines the privacy of generated file URLs which can be unsigned public or signed private. **Note:** If `MINIO_MEDIA_FILES_BUCKET` is not set, the default value (`auto-generated-bucket-media-files`) will be used. Policy setting for default buckets is **private**. ### Health Check To check the connection link between Django and MinIO, use the provided `MinioBackend.is_minio_available()` method.
It returns a `MinioServerStatus` instance which can be quickly evaluated as boolean.
**Example:** ```python from django_minio_backend import MinioBackend minio_available = MinioBackend().is_minio_available() # An empty string is fine this time if minio_available: print("OK") else: print("NOK") print(minio_available.details) ``` ### Policy Hooks You can configure **django-minio-backend** to automatically execute a set of pre-defined policy hooks.
Policy hooks can be defined in `settings.py` by adding `MINIO_POLICY_HOOKS` which must be a list of tuples.
Policy hooks are automatically picked up by the `initialize_buckets` management command. For an exemplary policy, see the implementation of `def set_bucket_to_public(self)` in [django_minio_backend/models.py](django_minio_backend/models.py) or the contents of [examples/policy_hook.example.py](examples/policy_hook.example.py). ### Consistency Check On Start When enabled, the `initialize_buckets` management command gets called automatically when Django starts.
This command connects to the configured minIO server and checks if all buckets defined in `settings.py`.
In case a bucket is missing or its configuration differs, it gets created and corrected. ### Reference Implementation For a reference implementation, see [Examples](examples). ## Behaviour The following list summarises the key characteristics of **django-minio-backend**: * Bucket existence is **not** checked on a save by default. To enable this guard, set `MINIO_BUCKET_CHECK_ON_SAVE = True` in your `settings.py`. * Bucket existences are **not** checked on Django start by default. To enable this guard, set `MINIO_CONSISTENCY_CHECK_ON_START = True` in your `settings.py`. * Many configuration errors are validated through `AppConfig` but not every error can be captured there. * Files with the same name in the same bucket are **not** replaced on save by default. Django will store the newer file with an altered file name To allow replacing existing files, pass the `replace_existing=True` kwarg to `MinioBackend`. For example: `image = models.ImageField(storage=MinioBackend(bucket_name='images-public', replace_existing=True))` * Depending on your configuration, **django-minio-backend** may communicate over two kind of interfaces: internal and external. If your `settings.py` defines a different value for `MINIO_ENDPOINT` and `MINIO_EXTERNAL_ENDPOINT`, then the former will be used for internal communication between Django and MinIO, and the latter for generating URLs for users. This behaviour optimises the network communication. See **Networking** below for a thorough explanation * The uploaded object's content-type is guessed during save. If `mimetypes.guess_type` fails to determine the correct content-type, then it falls back to `application/octet-stream`. ## Networking and Docker If your Django application is running on a shared host with your MinIO instance, you should consider using the `MINIO_EXTERNAL_ENDPOINT` and `MINIO_EXTERNAL_ENDPOINT_USE_HTTPS` parameters. This way most traffic will happen internally between Django and MinIO. The external endpoint parameters are required for external pre-signed URL generation. If your Django application and MinIO instance are running on different hosts, you can omit the `MINIO_EXTERNAL_ENDPOINT` and `MINIO_EXTERNAL_ENDPOINT_USE_HTTPS` parameters, and **django-minio-backend** will default to the value of `MINIO_ENDPOINT`. Setting up and configuring custom networks in Docker is not in the scope of this document.
To learn more about Docker networking, see [Networking overview](https://docs.docker.com/network/) and [Networking in Compose](https://docs.docker.com/compose/networking/). See [README.Docker.md](README.Docker.md) for a real-life Docker Compose demonstration. ## Compatibility * Django 2.2 or later * Python 3.8.0 or later * MinIO SDK 7.0.2 or later ## Contribution Please find the details in [CONTRIBUTE.md](CONTRIBUTE.md) ## Copyright * theriverman/django-minio-backend licensed under the MIT License * minio/minio-py is licensed under the Apache License 2.0 %prep %autosetup -n django-minio-backend-3.5.0 %build %py3_build %install %py3_install install -d -m755 %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir} if [ -d doc ]; then cp -arf doc %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi if [ -d docs ]; then cp -arf docs %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi if [ -d example ]; then cp -arf example %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi if [ -d examples ]; then cp -arf examples %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi pushd %{buildroot} if [ -d usr/lib ]; then find usr/lib -type f -printf "/%h/%f\n" >> filelist.lst fi if [ -d usr/lib64 ]; then find usr/lib64 -type f -printf "/%h/%f\n" >> filelist.lst fi if [ -d usr/bin ]; then find usr/bin -type f -printf "/%h/%f\n" >> filelist.lst fi if [ -d usr/sbin ]; then find usr/sbin -type f -printf "/%h/%f\n" >> filelist.lst fi touch doclist.lst if [ -d usr/share/man ]; then find usr/share/man -type f -printf "/%h/%f.gz\n" >> doclist.lst fi popd mv %{buildroot}/filelist.lst . mv %{buildroot}/doclist.lst . %files -n python3-django-minio-backend -f filelist.lst %dir %{python3_sitelib}/* %files help -f doclist.lst %{_docdir}/* %changelog * Tue May 30 2023 Python_Bot - 3.5.0-1 - Package Spec generated