%global _empty_manifest_terminate_build 0 Name: python-opa-python-client Version: 1.3.4 Release: 1 Summary: Client for connection to the OPA service License: MIT URL: https://github.com/Turall/OPA-python-client Source0: https://mirrors.nju.edu.cn/pypi/web/packages/b9/d4/db0f7c02e1fe0f68273c05829e649616326e214083fa144c7a8c52d8344f/opa_python_client-1.3.4.tar.gz BuildArch: noarch Requires: python3-requests Requires: python3-urllib3 Requires: python3-certifi Requires: python3-user-agent Requires: python3-types-requests %description # Python Open Policy Agent (OPA) Client [![MIT licensed](https://img.shields.io/github/license/Turall/OPA-python-client)](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Turall/OPA-python-client/master/LICENSE) [![GitHub stars](https://img.shields.io/github/stars/Turall/OPA-python-client.svg)](https://github.com/Turall/OPA-python-client/stargazers) [![GitHub forks](https://img.shields.io/github/forks/Turall/OPA-python-client.svg)](https://github.com/Turall/OPA-python-client/network) [![GitHub issues](https://img.shields.io/github/issues-raw/Turall/OPA-python-client)](https://github.com/Turall/OPA-python-client/issues) [![Downloads](https://pepy.tech/badge/opa-python-client)](https://pepy.tech/project/opa-python-client) See offical documentation page [Open Policy Agent](https://www.openpolicyagent.org/docs/latest/) ### Installation ### ```sh $ pip install OPA-python-client ``` Alternatively, if you prefer to use `poetry` for package dependencies: ```bash $ poetry shell $ poetry add OPA-python-client ``` ## Usage Examples ```python >>> from opa_client.opa import OpaClient >>> client = OpaClient() # default host='localhost', port=8181, version='v1' >>> client.check_connection() 'Yes I"m here :)' >>> test_policy = """ ... package play ... ... import data.testapi.testdata ... ... default hello = false ... ... hello { ... m := input.message ... testdata[i] == m ... } ... """ >>> client.update_opa_policy_fromstring(test_policy, "testpolicy") True >>> client.get_policies_list() ['testpolicy'] >>> data = ["world", "hello"] >>> client.update_or_create_opa_data(data, "testapi/testdata") True >>> check_data = {"input": {"message": "hello"}} >>> client.check_permission(input_data=check_data, policy_name="testpolicy", rule_name="hello") {'result': True} ``` ### Connection to OPA service ```python from opa_client.opa import OpaClient client = OpaClient() # default host='localhost', port=8181, version='v1' client.check_connection() # response is Yes I'm here :) # Ensure the connection is closed correctly by deleting the client del client ``` ### Connection to OPA service with SSL ```python from opa_client.opa import OpaClient client = OpaClient( host="", port=8181, version="v1", ssl=True, cert="/your/certificate/file/path/mycert.crt", ) client.check_connection() # response is Yes I'm here :) del client ``` ### Update policy from rego file ```python from opa_client.opa import OpaClient client = OpaClient() client.update_opa_policy_fromfile("/your/path/filename.rego", endpoint="fromfile") # response is True client.get_policies_list() # response is ["fromfile"] del client ``` ### Update policy from URL ```python from opa_client.opa import OpaClient client = OpaClient() client.update_opa_policy_fromurl("http://opapolicyurlexample.test/example.rego", endpoint="fromurl") # response is True client.get_policies_list() # response is ["fromfile","fromurl"] del client ``` ### Delete policy ```python from opa_client.opa import OpaClient client = OpaClient() client.delete_opa_policy("fromfile") # response is True client.get_policies_list() # response is [] del client ``` ### Get raw data from OPA service ```python from opa_client.opa import OpaClient client = OpaClient() print(client.get_opa_raw_data("testapi/testdata")) # response is {'result': ['world', 'hello']} # You can use query params for additional info # provenance - If parameter is true, response will include build/version info in addition to the result. # metrics - Return query performance metrics in addition to result print(client.get_opa_raw_data("userinfo",query_params={"provenance": True})) # response is {'provenance': {'version': '0.25.2', 'build_commit': '4c6e524', 'build_timestamp': '2020-12-08T16:56:55Z', 'build_hostname': '3bb58334a5a9'}, 'result': {'user_roles': {'alice': ['admin'], 'bob': ['employee', 'billing'], 'eve': ['customer']}}} print(client.get_opa_raw_data("userinfo",query_params={"metrics": True})) # response is {'metrics': {'counter_server_query_cache_hit': 0, 'timer_rego_external_resolve_ns': 231, 'timer_rego_input_parse_ns': 381, 'timer_rego_query_compile_ns': 40173, 'timer_rego_query_eval_ns': 12674, 'timer_rego_query_parse_ns': 5692, 'timer_server_handler_ns': 83490}, 'result': {'user_roles': {'alice': ['admin'], 'bob': ['employee', 'billing'], 'eve': ['customer']}}} del client ``` ### Save policy to file from OPA service ```python from opa_client.opa import OpaClient client = OpaClient() client.opa_policy_to_file(policy_name="fromurl",path="/your/path",filename="example.rego") # response is True del client ``` ### Delete data from OPA service ```python from opa_client.opa import OpaClient client = OpaClient() client.delete_opa_data("testapi") # response is True del client ``` ### Information about policy path and rules ```python from opa_client.opa import OpaClient client = OpaClient() client.get_policies_info() # response is {'testpolicy': {'path': ['http://your-opa-service/v1/data/play'], 'rules': ['http://your-opa-service/v1/data/play/hello']} del client ``` ### Check permissions ```python from opa_client.opa import OpaClient client = OpaClient() permission_you_want_check = {"input": {"message": "hello"}} client.check_permission(input_data=permission_you_want_check, policy_name="testpolicy", rule_name="hello") # response is {'result': True} # You can use query params for additional info # provenance - If parameter is true, response will include build/version info in addition to the result. # metrics - Return query performance metrics in addition to result del client ``` ### Queries a package rule with the given input data ```python from opa_client.opa import OpaClient client = OpaClient() rego = """ package play default hello = false hello { m := input.message m == "world" } """ check_data = {"message": "world"} client.check_policy_rule(input_data=check_data, package_path="play", rule_name="hello") # response {'result': True} ``` ### Execute an Ad-hoc Query ```python from opa_client.opa import OpaClient client = OpaClient() print(client.ad_hoc_query(query_params={"q": "data.userinfo.user_roles[name]"})) # response is {} data = { "user_roles": { "alice": [ "admin" ], "bob": [ "employee", "billing" ], "eve": [ "customer" ] } } print(client.update_or_create_opa_data(data, "userinfo")) # response is True # execute query print(client.ad_hoc_query(query_params={"q": "data.userinfo.user_roles[name]"})) # response is {'result': [{'name': 'eve'}, {'name': 'alice'}, {'name': 'bob'}]} #you can send body request print(client.ad_hoc_query(body={"query": "data.userinfo.user_roles[name] "})) # response is {'result': [{'name': 'eve'}, {'name': 'alice'}, {'name': 'bob'}]} ``` ### Check OPA healthy. If you want check bundels or plugins, add query params for this. ```python from opa_client.opa import OpaClient client = OpaClient() print(client.check_health()) # response is True or False print(client.check_health({"bundle": True})) # response is True or False # If your diagnostic url different than default url, you can provide it. print(client.check_health(diagnostic_url="http://localhost:8282/health")) # response is True or False print(client.check_health(query={"bundle": True}, diagnostic_url="http://localhost:8282/health")) # response is True or False ``` # Contributing Fell free to open issue and send pull request. Thanks To [Contributors](https://github.com/Turall/OPA-python-client/graphs/contributors). Contributions of any kind are welcome! Before you start please read [CONTRIBUTING](https://github.com/Turall/OPA-python-client/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md) %package -n python3-opa-python-client Summary: Client for connection to the OPA service Provides: python-opa-python-client BuildRequires: python3-devel BuildRequires: python3-setuptools BuildRequires: python3-pip %description -n python3-opa-python-client # Python Open Policy Agent (OPA) Client [![MIT licensed](https://img.shields.io/github/license/Turall/OPA-python-client)](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Turall/OPA-python-client/master/LICENSE) [![GitHub stars](https://img.shields.io/github/stars/Turall/OPA-python-client.svg)](https://github.com/Turall/OPA-python-client/stargazers) [![GitHub forks](https://img.shields.io/github/forks/Turall/OPA-python-client.svg)](https://github.com/Turall/OPA-python-client/network) [![GitHub issues](https://img.shields.io/github/issues-raw/Turall/OPA-python-client)](https://github.com/Turall/OPA-python-client/issues) [![Downloads](https://pepy.tech/badge/opa-python-client)](https://pepy.tech/project/opa-python-client) See offical documentation page [Open Policy Agent](https://www.openpolicyagent.org/docs/latest/) ### Installation ### ```sh $ pip install OPA-python-client ``` Alternatively, if you prefer to use `poetry` for package dependencies: ```bash $ poetry shell $ poetry add OPA-python-client ``` ## Usage Examples ```python >>> from opa_client.opa import OpaClient >>> client = OpaClient() # default host='localhost', port=8181, version='v1' >>> client.check_connection() 'Yes I"m here :)' >>> test_policy = """ ... package play ... ... import data.testapi.testdata ... ... default hello = false ... ... hello { ... m := input.message ... testdata[i] == m ... } ... """ >>> client.update_opa_policy_fromstring(test_policy, "testpolicy") True >>> client.get_policies_list() ['testpolicy'] >>> data = ["world", "hello"] >>> client.update_or_create_opa_data(data, "testapi/testdata") True >>> check_data = {"input": {"message": "hello"}} >>> client.check_permission(input_data=check_data, policy_name="testpolicy", rule_name="hello") {'result': True} ``` ### Connection to OPA service ```python from opa_client.opa import OpaClient client = OpaClient() # default host='localhost', port=8181, version='v1' client.check_connection() # response is Yes I'm here :) # Ensure the connection is closed correctly by deleting the client del client ``` ### Connection to OPA service with SSL ```python from opa_client.opa import OpaClient client = OpaClient( host="", port=8181, version="v1", ssl=True, cert="/your/certificate/file/path/mycert.crt", ) client.check_connection() # response is Yes I'm here :) del client ``` ### Update policy from rego file ```python from opa_client.opa import OpaClient client = OpaClient() client.update_opa_policy_fromfile("/your/path/filename.rego", endpoint="fromfile") # response is True client.get_policies_list() # response is ["fromfile"] del client ``` ### Update policy from URL ```python from opa_client.opa import OpaClient client = OpaClient() client.update_opa_policy_fromurl("http://opapolicyurlexample.test/example.rego", endpoint="fromurl") # response is True client.get_policies_list() # response is ["fromfile","fromurl"] del client ``` ### Delete policy ```python from opa_client.opa import OpaClient client = OpaClient() client.delete_opa_policy("fromfile") # response is True client.get_policies_list() # response is [] del client ``` ### Get raw data from OPA service ```python from opa_client.opa import OpaClient client = OpaClient() print(client.get_opa_raw_data("testapi/testdata")) # response is {'result': ['world', 'hello']} # You can use query params for additional info # provenance - If parameter is true, response will include build/version info in addition to the result. # metrics - Return query performance metrics in addition to result print(client.get_opa_raw_data("userinfo",query_params={"provenance": True})) # response is {'provenance': {'version': '0.25.2', 'build_commit': '4c6e524', 'build_timestamp': '2020-12-08T16:56:55Z', 'build_hostname': '3bb58334a5a9'}, 'result': {'user_roles': {'alice': ['admin'], 'bob': ['employee', 'billing'], 'eve': ['customer']}}} print(client.get_opa_raw_data("userinfo",query_params={"metrics": True})) # response is {'metrics': {'counter_server_query_cache_hit': 0, 'timer_rego_external_resolve_ns': 231, 'timer_rego_input_parse_ns': 381, 'timer_rego_query_compile_ns': 40173, 'timer_rego_query_eval_ns': 12674, 'timer_rego_query_parse_ns': 5692, 'timer_server_handler_ns': 83490}, 'result': {'user_roles': {'alice': ['admin'], 'bob': ['employee', 'billing'], 'eve': ['customer']}}} del client ``` ### Save policy to file from OPA service ```python from opa_client.opa import OpaClient client = OpaClient() client.opa_policy_to_file(policy_name="fromurl",path="/your/path",filename="example.rego") # response is True del client ``` ### Delete data from OPA service ```python from opa_client.opa import OpaClient client = OpaClient() client.delete_opa_data("testapi") # response is True del client ``` ### Information about policy path and rules ```python from opa_client.opa import OpaClient client = OpaClient() client.get_policies_info() # response is {'testpolicy': {'path': ['http://your-opa-service/v1/data/play'], 'rules': ['http://your-opa-service/v1/data/play/hello']} del client ``` ### Check permissions ```python from opa_client.opa import OpaClient client = OpaClient() permission_you_want_check = {"input": {"message": "hello"}} client.check_permission(input_data=permission_you_want_check, policy_name="testpolicy", rule_name="hello") # response is {'result': True} # You can use query params for additional info # provenance - If parameter is true, response will include build/version info in addition to the result. # metrics - Return query performance metrics in addition to result del client ``` ### Queries a package rule with the given input data ```python from opa_client.opa import OpaClient client = OpaClient() rego = """ package play default hello = false hello { m := input.message m == "world" } """ check_data = {"message": "world"} client.check_policy_rule(input_data=check_data, package_path="play", rule_name="hello") # response {'result': True} ``` ### Execute an Ad-hoc Query ```python from opa_client.opa import OpaClient client = OpaClient() print(client.ad_hoc_query(query_params={"q": "data.userinfo.user_roles[name]"})) # response is {} data = { "user_roles": { "alice": [ "admin" ], "bob": [ "employee", "billing" ], "eve": [ "customer" ] } } print(client.update_or_create_opa_data(data, "userinfo")) # response is True # execute query print(client.ad_hoc_query(query_params={"q": "data.userinfo.user_roles[name]"})) # response is {'result': [{'name': 'eve'}, {'name': 'alice'}, {'name': 'bob'}]} #you can send body request print(client.ad_hoc_query(body={"query": "data.userinfo.user_roles[name] "})) # response is {'result': [{'name': 'eve'}, {'name': 'alice'}, {'name': 'bob'}]} ``` ### Check OPA healthy. If you want check bundels or plugins, add query params for this. ```python from opa_client.opa import OpaClient client = OpaClient() print(client.check_health()) # response is True or False print(client.check_health({"bundle": True})) # response is True or False # If your diagnostic url different than default url, you can provide it. print(client.check_health(diagnostic_url="http://localhost:8282/health")) # response is True or False print(client.check_health(query={"bundle": True}, diagnostic_url="http://localhost:8282/health")) # response is True or False ``` # Contributing Fell free to open issue and send pull request. Thanks To [Contributors](https://github.com/Turall/OPA-python-client/graphs/contributors). Contributions of any kind are welcome! Before you start please read [CONTRIBUTING](https://github.com/Turall/OPA-python-client/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md) %package help Summary: Development documents and examples for opa-python-client Provides: python3-opa-python-client-doc %description help # Python Open Policy Agent (OPA) Client [![MIT licensed](https://img.shields.io/github/license/Turall/OPA-python-client)](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Turall/OPA-python-client/master/LICENSE) [![GitHub stars](https://img.shields.io/github/stars/Turall/OPA-python-client.svg)](https://github.com/Turall/OPA-python-client/stargazers) [![GitHub forks](https://img.shields.io/github/forks/Turall/OPA-python-client.svg)](https://github.com/Turall/OPA-python-client/network) [![GitHub issues](https://img.shields.io/github/issues-raw/Turall/OPA-python-client)](https://github.com/Turall/OPA-python-client/issues) [![Downloads](https://pepy.tech/badge/opa-python-client)](https://pepy.tech/project/opa-python-client) See offical documentation page [Open Policy Agent](https://www.openpolicyagent.org/docs/latest/) ### Installation ### ```sh $ pip install OPA-python-client ``` Alternatively, if you prefer to use `poetry` for package dependencies: ```bash $ poetry shell $ poetry add OPA-python-client ``` ## Usage Examples ```python >>> from opa_client.opa import OpaClient >>> client = OpaClient() # default host='localhost', port=8181, version='v1' >>> client.check_connection() 'Yes I"m here :)' >>> test_policy = """ ... package play ... ... import data.testapi.testdata ... ... default hello = false ... ... hello { ... m := input.message ... testdata[i] == m ... } ... """ >>> client.update_opa_policy_fromstring(test_policy, "testpolicy") True >>> client.get_policies_list() ['testpolicy'] >>> data = ["world", "hello"] >>> client.update_or_create_opa_data(data, "testapi/testdata") True >>> check_data = {"input": {"message": "hello"}} >>> client.check_permission(input_data=check_data, policy_name="testpolicy", rule_name="hello") {'result': True} ``` ### Connection to OPA service ```python from opa_client.opa import OpaClient client = OpaClient() # default host='localhost', port=8181, version='v1' client.check_connection() # response is Yes I'm here :) # Ensure the connection is closed correctly by deleting the client del client ``` ### Connection to OPA service with SSL ```python from opa_client.opa import OpaClient client = OpaClient( host="", port=8181, version="v1", ssl=True, cert="/your/certificate/file/path/mycert.crt", ) client.check_connection() # response is Yes I'm here :) del client ``` ### Update policy from rego file ```python from opa_client.opa import OpaClient client = OpaClient() client.update_opa_policy_fromfile("/your/path/filename.rego", endpoint="fromfile") # response is True client.get_policies_list() # response is ["fromfile"] del client ``` ### Update policy from URL ```python from opa_client.opa import OpaClient client = OpaClient() client.update_opa_policy_fromurl("http://opapolicyurlexample.test/example.rego", endpoint="fromurl") # response is True client.get_policies_list() # response is ["fromfile","fromurl"] del client ``` ### Delete policy ```python from opa_client.opa import OpaClient client = OpaClient() client.delete_opa_policy("fromfile") # response is True client.get_policies_list() # response is [] del client ``` ### Get raw data from OPA service ```python from opa_client.opa import OpaClient client = OpaClient() print(client.get_opa_raw_data("testapi/testdata")) # response is {'result': ['world', 'hello']} # You can use query params for additional info # provenance - If parameter is true, response will include build/version info in addition to the result. # metrics - Return query performance metrics in addition to result print(client.get_opa_raw_data("userinfo",query_params={"provenance": True})) # response is {'provenance': {'version': '0.25.2', 'build_commit': '4c6e524', 'build_timestamp': '2020-12-08T16:56:55Z', 'build_hostname': '3bb58334a5a9'}, 'result': {'user_roles': {'alice': ['admin'], 'bob': ['employee', 'billing'], 'eve': ['customer']}}} print(client.get_opa_raw_data("userinfo",query_params={"metrics": True})) # response is {'metrics': {'counter_server_query_cache_hit': 0, 'timer_rego_external_resolve_ns': 231, 'timer_rego_input_parse_ns': 381, 'timer_rego_query_compile_ns': 40173, 'timer_rego_query_eval_ns': 12674, 'timer_rego_query_parse_ns': 5692, 'timer_server_handler_ns': 83490}, 'result': {'user_roles': {'alice': ['admin'], 'bob': ['employee', 'billing'], 'eve': ['customer']}}} del client ``` ### Save policy to file from OPA service ```python from opa_client.opa import OpaClient client = OpaClient() client.opa_policy_to_file(policy_name="fromurl",path="/your/path",filename="example.rego") # response is True del client ``` ### Delete data from OPA service ```python from opa_client.opa import OpaClient client = OpaClient() client.delete_opa_data("testapi") # response is True del client ``` ### Information about policy path and rules ```python from opa_client.opa import OpaClient client = OpaClient() client.get_policies_info() # response is {'testpolicy': {'path': ['http://your-opa-service/v1/data/play'], 'rules': ['http://your-opa-service/v1/data/play/hello']} del client ``` ### Check permissions ```python from opa_client.opa import OpaClient client = OpaClient() permission_you_want_check = {"input": {"message": "hello"}} client.check_permission(input_data=permission_you_want_check, policy_name="testpolicy", rule_name="hello") # response is {'result': True} # You can use query params for additional info # provenance - If parameter is true, response will include build/version info in addition to the result. # metrics - Return query performance metrics in addition to result del client ``` ### Queries a package rule with the given input data ```python from opa_client.opa import OpaClient client = OpaClient() rego = """ package play default hello = false hello { m := input.message m == "world" } """ check_data = {"message": "world"} client.check_policy_rule(input_data=check_data, package_path="play", rule_name="hello") # response {'result': True} ``` ### Execute an Ad-hoc Query ```python from opa_client.opa import OpaClient client = OpaClient() print(client.ad_hoc_query(query_params={"q": "data.userinfo.user_roles[name]"})) # response is {} data = { "user_roles": { "alice": [ "admin" ], "bob": [ "employee", "billing" ], "eve": [ "customer" ] } } print(client.update_or_create_opa_data(data, "userinfo")) # response is True # execute query print(client.ad_hoc_query(query_params={"q": "data.userinfo.user_roles[name]"})) # response is {'result': [{'name': 'eve'}, {'name': 'alice'}, {'name': 'bob'}]} #you can send body request print(client.ad_hoc_query(body={"query": "data.userinfo.user_roles[name] "})) # response is {'result': [{'name': 'eve'}, {'name': 'alice'}, {'name': 'bob'}]} ``` ### Check OPA healthy. If you want check bundels or plugins, add query params for this. ```python from opa_client.opa import OpaClient client = OpaClient() print(client.check_health()) # response is True or False print(client.check_health({"bundle": True})) # response is True or False # If your diagnostic url different than default url, you can provide it. print(client.check_health(diagnostic_url="http://localhost:8282/health")) # response is True or False print(client.check_health(query={"bundle": True}, diagnostic_url="http://localhost:8282/health")) # response is True or False ``` # Contributing Fell free to open issue and send pull request. Thanks To [Contributors](https://github.com/Turall/OPA-python-client/graphs/contributors). Contributions of any kind are welcome! Before you start please read [CONTRIBUTING](https://github.com/Turall/OPA-python-client/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md) %prep %autosetup -n opa-python-client-1.3.4 %build %py3_build %install %py3_install install -d -m755 %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir} if [ -d doc ]; then cp -arf doc %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi if [ -d docs ]; then cp -arf docs %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi if [ -d example ]; then cp -arf example %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi if [ -d examples ]; then cp -arf examples %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi pushd %{buildroot} if [ -d usr/lib ]; then find usr/lib -type f -printf "/%h/%f\n" >> filelist.lst fi if [ -d usr/lib64 ]; then find usr/lib64 -type f -printf "/%h/%f\n" >> filelist.lst fi if [ -d usr/bin ]; then find usr/bin -type f -printf "/%h/%f\n" >> filelist.lst fi if [ -d usr/sbin ]; then find usr/sbin -type f -printf "/%h/%f\n" >> filelist.lst fi touch doclist.lst if [ -d usr/share/man ]; then find usr/share/man -type f -printf "/%h/%f.gz\n" >> doclist.lst fi popd mv %{buildroot}/filelist.lst . mv %{buildroot}/doclist.lst . %files -n python3-opa-python-client -f filelist.lst %dir %{python3_sitelib}/* %files help -f doclist.lst %{_docdir}/* %changelog * Tue May 30 2023 Python_Bot - 1.3.4-1 - Package Spec generated