%global _empty_manifest_terminate_build 0 Name: python-a2conf Version: 0.3.3 Release: 1 Summary: apache2 configuration file parser and query tool License: MIT URL: https://github.com/yaroslaff/a2conf Source0: https://mirrors.nju.edu.cn/pypi/web/packages/d9/cd/f8b19b625efc62c0fac6a38a4233511133e0a2f6ac9fc2c672c4f277c72e/a2conf-0.3.3.tar.gz BuildArch: noarch Requires: python3-requests %description # a2conf a2conf is python3 module which provides easy way to configure apache2. a2conf used by [a2utils](https://github.com/yaroslaff/a2utils) package, so you may use a2utils as examples. For all examples we will use test config file `examples/example.conf` in source code. Use `export PYTHONPATH=.` to use module if it's not installed. **Create simple apache config** see examples/ex5_create.py for full code: ~~~python vhost = root.insert('') vhost.insert([ '# This VirtualHost is auto-generated', 'ServerName example.com', 'ServerAlias www.example.com', '', 'DocumentRoot /var/www/example.com/' ]) ~~~ **Read apache config** list all SSL hosts (see examples/ex2_query.py for full code): ~~~python root = a2conf.Node(config) for vhost in root.children(''): servername = vhost.first('servername').args # First query method, via first(). Not much fail-safe but short. try: ssl_option = next(vhost.children('sslengine')).args # Second query method, via children() if ssl_option.lower() == 'on': print("{} has SSL enabled".format(servername)) except StopIteration: # No SSL Engine directive in this vhost pass ~~~ **Get VirtualHost** ~~~python root = a2conf.Node(config) vh1 = root.find_vhost('example.com', '*:80') vh2 = root.find_vhost('www.example.com', '*:443') vh3 = root.find_vhost('example.example.com') ~~~ **Save virtualHost** If you will call `write_file()` method of vhost, it will write only this vhost. To save file with all vhosts, use parent method. ~~~python root = a2conf.Node(config) vh = root.find_vhost('example.com') parent = vh.parent parent.write_file(parent.path) ~~~ ## Node class ### Properties `raw` - text line as-is, with all spaces, tabs and with comments `cmd` - cmd ('ServerName') without args or None (if section) `section` - section (e.g. 'VirtualHost') `args` - one text line args to cmd or section. for vhost args could be '*:80', for ServerAlias: 'example.com example.org' `name` - name of node. cmd if node has cmd, or section name (in brackets) if this is section. e.g. 'ServerName' or '' `content` - list of child nodes (possible empty). For container sections (VirtualHost) attribute `content` is list of children. For usual commands (e.g. ServerName) - empty list. ### Methods `__init__(self, read=filename, raw=None, parent=None, name=None, path=None, line=None, includes=True)` - In most cases you should not need to use any parameters here except `includes` and `read`. `read` is apache config filename to read. Use `includes=False` if you want `read_file` method to ignore `Include*` directives. `children(name=None, recursive=None)` - Main query method, returns generator for all children nodes (e.g. for VirtualHost node). Generator is empty if no children. If name specified, generator will return only nodes with this name (e.g. 'servername' or ''). If recursive is On, generator will return nested nodes too (e.g. what is inside `` or `` settings). To get just one first element use `next(node.children('ServerName'))`. It will raise `StopIteration` if node has no such children elements. `first(name, recursive=None)` - wrapper for `children()`. Returns only first element or `None`. Not raising exceptions. `read_file(filename)` - Reads apache config. Called automatically from `__init__` if you specified `read` argument. `dump(fh=sys.stdout, depth=0)` - dump loaded config in unified format (indented). if fh not specified, just dumps to stdout() `write_file(filename)` - opens file for writing and dump() to this file. `save_file()` - saves whole file with this vhost (with changes and with other vhosts) `add(child)` - add new child node to content of Node after all other nodes (including possible closing Node ``). Child is Node type, use `add_raw(line)` to add raw string. `insert(child, after)` - smarter then `add()`. Add new child node, place it after last node with name `after`. e.g.: ~~~ doc_root = Node(raw='DocumentRoot /var/www/site1') vhost.insert([doc_root], after=['ServerName','ServerAlias']) ~~~ `child` is list of `Node`s to insert. But a2conf is friendly: if you pass single element, it will be converted to list with this element, and then if any element is string, it will be converted to node. So, this command woks well too: ~~~ vhost.insert('DocumentRoot /var/www/site1', after=['ServerName','ServerAlias']) ~~~ If `after` not specified, or not found, child is appended to end. If specified, method tries to insert new node after last found node in `after`. In this example, new node will be inserted after `ServerAlias` (if it exists). If not, it will be inserted after `ServerName` (if it exists). And if all commands listed in `after` is not found, node will be inserted as last node, right before closing tag (e.g., right before ``). Returns first inserted child. So you may write code like this: ~~~ # Create virtualhost for example.net vhost = root.insert("") vhost.insert('ServerName example.net') ~~~ `delete()` - removes this Node from parent (e.g. remove vhost from apache config or remove directive from vhost). You should not call `delete()` while iterating over `children()` (unless you want to delete just one node). Proper usage: ~~~python # Bad way, it will delete only one node: for n in vhost.children('Redirect'): n.delete() # Proper way deleted=list() for n in vhost.children('Redirect'): deleted.append(n) for n in deleted: n.delete() ~~~ ## Examples ### Just dump apache config `examples/ex1_dump.py` just loads config and dumps its structure (without comments) as JSON: ~~~python #!/usr/bin/env python3 import sys import a2conf import json root = a2conf.Node(sys.argv[1]) def section_dump(node): data = dict() for ch in node.children(): if ch.section and not ch.section.startswith('/'): if ch.args: key = ch.section + ' ' + ch.args else: key = ch.section data[key] = section_dump(ch) elif ch.cmd: data[ch.cmd] = ch.args return data data = section_dump(root) print(json.dumps(data, indent=4)) ~~~ Output: ~~~ $ examples/ex1_dump.py examples/example.conf { "VirtualHost *:80": { "DocumentRoot": "/var/www/example", "ServerName": "example.com", "ServerAlias": "www.example.com example.com 1.example.com 2.example.com", "DirectoryIndex": "index.html index.htm default.htm index.php", "Options": "-Indexes +FollowSymLinks" }, "VirtualHost *:443": { "DocumentRoot": "/var/www/example", "ServerName": "example.com", "ServerAlias": "www.example.com 1.example.com 2.example.com secure.example.com", "DirectoryIndex": "index.html index.htm default.htm index.php", "Options": "-Indexes +FollowSymLinks", "SSLEngine": "On", "SSLCertificateFile": "/etc/letsencrypt/live/example.com/fullchain.pem", "SSLCertificateKeyFile": "/etc/letsencrypt/live/example.com/privkey.pem", "SSLCertificateChainFile": "/etc/letsencrypt/live/example.com/chain.pem" } } ~~~ Note - this is short example just for demo, it's not very good for production: if virtualhost has more then one directive (e.g. `ServerAlias`, `RewriteRule`, `RewriteCond`), only last one will be used. ### Query `examples/ex2_query.py` print all SSL sites from config: ```python #!/usr/bin/env python3 import sys import a2conf root = a2conf.Node(sys.argv[1]) for vhost in root.children(''): servername = vhost.first('servername').args # One query method, via first(). Not much fail-safe but short. try: ssl_option = next(vhost.children('sslengine')).args # Other query method, via children() if ssl_option.lower() == 'on': print("{} has SSL enabled".format(servername)) except StopIteration: # No SSL Engine directive in this vhost continue ``` Output: ``` $ examples/ex2_query.py examples/example.conf example.com has SSL enabled ``` ### Replace and delete `examples/ex3_replace_delete.py` disables SSLEngine directive: ~~~python #!/usr/bin/env python3 import sys import a2conf root = a2conf.Node(sys.argv[1]) for vhost in root.children(''): if vhost.first('sslengine'): vhost.delete() # Delete SSL vhost else: # Modify DocumentRoot vhost.first('DocumentRoot').args = '/var/www/example2' vhost.first('DocumentRoot').suffix = '# New DocumentRoot!' # Delete ServerAlias vhost.first('ServerAlias').delete() root.dump() ~~~ Output: ~~~shell $ examples/ex3_replace_delete.py examples/example.conf # # Example config file for a2conf # # Non-ssl site DocumentRoot /var/www/example2 # New DocumentRoot! ServerName example.com # .... OUR TEST SITE .... DirectoryIndex index.html index.htm default.htm index.php Options -Indexes +FollowSymLinks ~~~ %package -n python3-a2conf Summary: apache2 configuration file parser and query tool Provides: python-a2conf BuildRequires: python3-devel BuildRequires: python3-setuptools BuildRequires: python3-pip %description -n python3-a2conf # a2conf a2conf is python3 module which provides easy way to configure apache2. a2conf used by [a2utils](https://github.com/yaroslaff/a2utils) package, so you may use a2utils as examples. For all examples we will use test config file `examples/example.conf` in source code. Use `export PYTHONPATH=.` to use module if it's not installed. **Create simple apache config** see examples/ex5_create.py for full code: ~~~python vhost = root.insert('') vhost.insert([ '# This VirtualHost is auto-generated', 'ServerName example.com', 'ServerAlias www.example.com', '', 'DocumentRoot /var/www/example.com/' ]) ~~~ **Read apache config** list all SSL hosts (see examples/ex2_query.py for full code): ~~~python root = a2conf.Node(config) for vhost in root.children(''): servername = vhost.first('servername').args # First query method, via first(). Not much fail-safe but short. try: ssl_option = next(vhost.children('sslengine')).args # Second query method, via children() if ssl_option.lower() == 'on': print("{} has SSL enabled".format(servername)) except StopIteration: # No SSL Engine directive in this vhost pass ~~~ **Get VirtualHost** ~~~python root = a2conf.Node(config) vh1 = root.find_vhost('example.com', '*:80') vh2 = root.find_vhost('www.example.com', '*:443') vh3 = root.find_vhost('example.example.com') ~~~ **Save virtualHost** If you will call `write_file()` method of vhost, it will write only this vhost. To save file with all vhosts, use parent method. ~~~python root = a2conf.Node(config) vh = root.find_vhost('example.com') parent = vh.parent parent.write_file(parent.path) ~~~ ## Node class ### Properties `raw` - text line as-is, with all spaces, tabs and with comments `cmd` - cmd ('ServerName') without args or None (if section) `section` - section (e.g. 'VirtualHost') `args` - one text line args to cmd or section. for vhost args could be '*:80', for ServerAlias: 'example.com example.org' `name` - name of node. cmd if node has cmd, or section name (in brackets) if this is section. e.g. 'ServerName' or '' `content` - list of child nodes (possible empty). For container sections (VirtualHost) attribute `content` is list of children. For usual commands (e.g. ServerName) - empty list. ### Methods `__init__(self, read=filename, raw=None, parent=None, name=None, path=None, line=None, includes=True)` - In most cases you should not need to use any parameters here except `includes` and `read`. `read` is apache config filename to read. Use `includes=False` if you want `read_file` method to ignore `Include*` directives. `children(name=None, recursive=None)` - Main query method, returns generator for all children nodes (e.g. for VirtualHost node). Generator is empty if no children. If name specified, generator will return only nodes with this name (e.g. 'servername' or ''). If recursive is On, generator will return nested nodes too (e.g. what is inside `` or `` settings). To get just one first element use `next(node.children('ServerName'))`. It will raise `StopIteration` if node has no such children elements. `first(name, recursive=None)` - wrapper for `children()`. Returns only first element or `None`. Not raising exceptions. `read_file(filename)` - Reads apache config. Called automatically from `__init__` if you specified `read` argument. `dump(fh=sys.stdout, depth=0)` - dump loaded config in unified format (indented). if fh not specified, just dumps to stdout() `write_file(filename)` - opens file for writing and dump() to this file. `save_file()` - saves whole file with this vhost (with changes and with other vhosts) `add(child)` - add new child node to content of Node after all other nodes (including possible closing Node ``). Child is Node type, use `add_raw(line)` to add raw string. `insert(child, after)` - smarter then `add()`. Add new child node, place it after last node with name `after`. e.g.: ~~~ doc_root = Node(raw='DocumentRoot /var/www/site1') vhost.insert([doc_root], after=['ServerName','ServerAlias']) ~~~ `child` is list of `Node`s to insert. But a2conf is friendly: if you pass single element, it will be converted to list with this element, and then if any element is string, it will be converted to node. So, this command woks well too: ~~~ vhost.insert('DocumentRoot /var/www/site1', after=['ServerName','ServerAlias']) ~~~ If `after` not specified, or not found, child is appended to end. If specified, method tries to insert new node after last found node in `after`. In this example, new node will be inserted after `ServerAlias` (if it exists). If not, it will be inserted after `ServerName` (if it exists). And if all commands listed in `after` is not found, node will be inserted as last node, right before closing tag (e.g., right before ``). Returns first inserted child. So you may write code like this: ~~~ # Create virtualhost for example.net vhost = root.insert("") vhost.insert('ServerName example.net') ~~~ `delete()` - removes this Node from parent (e.g. remove vhost from apache config or remove directive from vhost). You should not call `delete()` while iterating over `children()` (unless you want to delete just one node). Proper usage: ~~~python # Bad way, it will delete only one node: for n in vhost.children('Redirect'): n.delete() # Proper way deleted=list() for n in vhost.children('Redirect'): deleted.append(n) for n in deleted: n.delete() ~~~ ## Examples ### Just dump apache config `examples/ex1_dump.py` just loads config and dumps its structure (without comments) as JSON: ~~~python #!/usr/bin/env python3 import sys import a2conf import json root = a2conf.Node(sys.argv[1]) def section_dump(node): data = dict() for ch in node.children(): if ch.section and not ch.section.startswith('/'): if ch.args: key = ch.section + ' ' + ch.args else: key = ch.section data[key] = section_dump(ch) elif ch.cmd: data[ch.cmd] = ch.args return data data = section_dump(root) print(json.dumps(data, indent=4)) ~~~ Output: ~~~ $ examples/ex1_dump.py examples/example.conf { "VirtualHost *:80": { "DocumentRoot": "/var/www/example", "ServerName": "example.com", "ServerAlias": "www.example.com example.com 1.example.com 2.example.com", "DirectoryIndex": "index.html index.htm default.htm index.php", "Options": "-Indexes +FollowSymLinks" }, "VirtualHost *:443": { "DocumentRoot": "/var/www/example", "ServerName": "example.com", "ServerAlias": "www.example.com 1.example.com 2.example.com secure.example.com", "DirectoryIndex": "index.html index.htm default.htm index.php", "Options": "-Indexes +FollowSymLinks", "SSLEngine": "On", "SSLCertificateFile": "/etc/letsencrypt/live/example.com/fullchain.pem", "SSLCertificateKeyFile": "/etc/letsencrypt/live/example.com/privkey.pem", "SSLCertificateChainFile": "/etc/letsencrypt/live/example.com/chain.pem" } } ~~~ Note - this is short example just for demo, it's not very good for production: if virtualhost has more then one directive (e.g. `ServerAlias`, `RewriteRule`, `RewriteCond`), only last one will be used. ### Query `examples/ex2_query.py` print all SSL sites from config: ```python #!/usr/bin/env python3 import sys import a2conf root = a2conf.Node(sys.argv[1]) for vhost in root.children(''): servername = vhost.first('servername').args # One query method, via first(). Not much fail-safe but short. try: ssl_option = next(vhost.children('sslengine')).args # Other query method, via children() if ssl_option.lower() == 'on': print("{} has SSL enabled".format(servername)) except StopIteration: # No SSL Engine directive in this vhost continue ``` Output: ``` $ examples/ex2_query.py examples/example.conf example.com has SSL enabled ``` ### Replace and delete `examples/ex3_replace_delete.py` disables SSLEngine directive: ~~~python #!/usr/bin/env python3 import sys import a2conf root = a2conf.Node(sys.argv[1]) for vhost in root.children(''): if vhost.first('sslengine'): vhost.delete() # Delete SSL vhost else: # Modify DocumentRoot vhost.first('DocumentRoot').args = '/var/www/example2' vhost.first('DocumentRoot').suffix = '# New DocumentRoot!' # Delete ServerAlias vhost.first('ServerAlias').delete() root.dump() ~~~ Output: ~~~shell $ examples/ex3_replace_delete.py examples/example.conf # # Example config file for a2conf # # Non-ssl site DocumentRoot /var/www/example2 # New DocumentRoot! ServerName example.com # .... OUR TEST SITE .... DirectoryIndex index.html index.htm default.htm index.php Options -Indexes +FollowSymLinks ~~~ %package help Summary: Development documents and examples for a2conf Provides: python3-a2conf-doc %description help # a2conf a2conf is python3 module which provides easy way to configure apache2. a2conf used by [a2utils](https://github.com/yaroslaff/a2utils) package, so you may use a2utils as examples. For all examples we will use test config file `examples/example.conf` in source code. Use `export PYTHONPATH=.` to use module if it's not installed. **Create simple apache config** see examples/ex5_create.py for full code: ~~~python vhost = root.insert('') vhost.insert([ '# This VirtualHost is auto-generated', 'ServerName example.com', 'ServerAlias www.example.com', '', 'DocumentRoot /var/www/example.com/' ]) ~~~ **Read apache config** list all SSL hosts (see examples/ex2_query.py for full code): ~~~python root = a2conf.Node(config) for vhost in root.children(''): servername = vhost.first('servername').args # First query method, via first(). Not much fail-safe but short. try: ssl_option = next(vhost.children('sslengine')).args # Second query method, via children() if ssl_option.lower() == 'on': print("{} has SSL enabled".format(servername)) except StopIteration: # No SSL Engine directive in this vhost pass ~~~ **Get VirtualHost** ~~~python root = a2conf.Node(config) vh1 = root.find_vhost('example.com', '*:80') vh2 = root.find_vhost('www.example.com', '*:443') vh3 = root.find_vhost('example.example.com') ~~~ **Save virtualHost** If you will call `write_file()` method of vhost, it will write only this vhost. To save file with all vhosts, use parent method. ~~~python root = a2conf.Node(config) vh = root.find_vhost('example.com') parent = vh.parent parent.write_file(parent.path) ~~~ ## Node class ### Properties `raw` - text line as-is, with all spaces, tabs and with comments `cmd` - cmd ('ServerName') without args or None (if section) `section` - section (e.g. 'VirtualHost') `args` - one text line args to cmd or section. for vhost args could be '*:80', for ServerAlias: 'example.com example.org' `name` - name of node. cmd if node has cmd, or section name (in brackets) if this is section. e.g. 'ServerName' or '' `content` - list of child nodes (possible empty). For container sections (VirtualHost) attribute `content` is list of children. For usual commands (e.g. ServerName) - empty list. ### Methods `__init__(self, read=filename, raw=None, parent=None, name=None, path=None, line=None, includes=True)` - In most cases you should not need to use any parameters here except `includes` and `read`. `read` is apache config filename to read. Use `includes=False` if you want `read_file` method to ignore `Include*` directives. `children(name=None, recursive=None)` - Main query method, returns generator for all children nodes (e.g. for VirtualHost node). Generator is empty if no children. If name specified, generator will return only nodes with this name (e.g. 'servername' or ''). If recursive is On, generator will return nested nodes too (e.g. what is inside `` or `` settings). To get just one first element use `next(node.children('ServerName'))`. It will raise `StopIteration` if node has no such children elements. `first(name, recursive=None)` - wrapper for `children()`. Returns only first element or `None`. Not raising exceptions. `read_file(filename)` - Reads apache config. Called automatically from `__init__` if you specified `read` argument. `dump(fh=sys.stdout, depth=0)` - dump loaded config in unified format (indented). if fh not specified, just dumps to stdout() `write_file(filename)` - opens file for writing and dump() to this file. `save_file()` - saves whole file with this vhost (with changes and with other vhosts) `add(child)` - add new child node to content of Node after all other nodes (including possible closing Node ``). Child is Node type, use `add_raw(line)` to add raw string. `insert(child, after)` - smarter then `add()`. Add new child node, place it after last node with name `after`. e.g.: ~~~ doc_root = Node(raw='DocumentRoot /var/www/site1') vhost.insert([doc_root], after=['ServerName','ServerAlias']) ~~~ `child` is list of `Node`s to insert. But a2conf is friendly: if you pass single element, it will be converted to list with this element, and then if any element is string, it will be converted to node. So, this command woks well too: ~~~ vhost.insert('DocumentRoot /var/www/site1', after=['ServerName','ServerAlias']) ~~~ If `after` not specified, or not found, child is appended to end. If specified, method tries to insert new node after last found node in `after`. In this example, new node will be inserted after `ServerAlias` (if it exists). If not, it will be inserted after `ServerName` (if it exists). And if all commands listed in `after` is not found, node will be inserted as last node, right before closing tag (e.g., right before ``). Returns first inserted child. So you may write code like this: ~~~ # Create virtualhost for example.net vhost = root.insert("") vhost.insert('ServerName example.net') ~~~ `delete()` - removes this Node from parent (e.g. remove vhost from apache config or remove directive from vhost). You should not call `delete()` while iterating over `children()` (unless you want to delete just one node). Proper usage: ~~~python # Bad way, it will delete only one node: for n in vhost.children('Redirect'): n.delete() # Proper way deleted=list() for n in vhost.children('Redirect'): deleted.append(n) for n in deleted: n.delete() ~~~ ## Examples ### Just dump apache config `examples/ex1_dump.py` just loads config and dumps its structure (without comments) as JSON: ~~~python #!/usr/bin/env python3 import sys import a2conf import json root = a2conf.Node(sys.argv[1]) def section_dump(node): data = dict() for ch in node.children(): if ch.section and not ch.section.startswith('/'): if ch.args: key = ch.section + ' ' + ch.args else: key = ch.section data[key] = section_dump(ch) elif ch.cmd: data[ch.cmd] = ch.args return data data = section_dump(root) print(json.dumps(data, indent=4)) ~~~ Output: ~~~ $ examples/ex1_dump.py examples/example.conf { "VirtualHost *:80": { "DocumentRoot": "/var/www/example", "ServerName": "example.com", "ServerAlias": "www.example.com example.com 1.example.com 2.example.com", "DirectoryIndex": "index.html index.htm default.htm index.php", "Options": "-Indexes +FollowSymLinks" }, "VirtualHost *:443": { "DocumentRoot": "/var/www/example", "ServerName": "example.com", "ServerAlias": "www.example.com 1.example.com 2.example.com secure.example.com", "DirectoryIndex": "index.html index.htm default.htm index.php", "Options": "-Indexes +FollowSymLinks", "SSLEngine": "On", "SSLCertificateFile": "/etc/letsencrypt/live/example.com/fullchain.pem", "SSLCertificateKeyFile": "/etc/letsencrypt/live/example.com/privkey.pem", "SSLCertificateChainFile": "/etc/letsencrypt/live/example.com/chain.pem" } } ~~~ Note - this is short example just for demo, it's not very good for production: if virtualhost has more then one directive (e.g. `ServerAlias`, `RewriteRule`, `RewriteCond`), only last one will be used. ### Query `examples/ex2_query.py` print all SSL sites from config: ```python #!/usr/bin/env python3 import sys import a2conf root = a2conf.Node(sys.argv[1]) for vhost in root.children(''): servername = vhost.first('servername').args # One query method, via first(). Not much fail-safe but short. try: ssl_option = next(vhost.children('sslengine')).args # Other query method, via children() if ssl_option.lower() == 'on': print("{} has SSL enabled".format(servername)) except StopIteration: # No SSL Engine directive in this vhost continue ``` Output: ``` $ examples/ex2_query.py examples/example.conf example.com has SSL enabled ``` ### Replace and delete `examples/ex3_replace_delete.py` disables SSLEngine directive: ~~~python #!/usr/bin/env python3 import sys import a2conf root = a2conf.Node(sys.argv[1]) for vhost in root.children(''): if vhost.first('sslengine'): vhost.delete() # Delete SSL vhost else: # Modify DocumentRoot vhost.first('DocumentRoot').args = '/var/www/example2' vhost.first('DocumentRoot').suffix = '# New DocumentRoot!' # Delete ServerAlias vhost.first('ServerAlias').delete() root.dump() ~~~ Output: ~~~shell $ examples/ex3_replace_delete.py examples/example.conf # # Example config file for a2conf # # Non-ssl site DocumentRoot /var/www/example2 # New DocumentRoot! ServerName example.com # .... OUR TEST SITE .... DirectoryIndex index.html index.htm default.htm index.php Options -Indexes +FollowSymLinks ~~~ %prep %autosetup -n a2conf-0.3.3 %build %py3_build %install %py3_install install -d -m755 %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir} if [ -d doc ]; then cp -arf doc %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi if [ -d docs ]; then cp -arf docs %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi if [ -d example ]; then cp -arf example %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi if [ -d examples ]; then cp -arf examples %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi pushd %{buildroot} if [ -d usr/lib ]; then find usr/lib -type f -printf "/%h/%f\n" >> filelist.lst fi if [ -d usr/lib64 ]; then find usr/lib64 -type f -printf "/%h/%f\n" >> filelist.lst fi if [ -d usr/bin ]; then find usr/bin -type f -printf "/%h/%f\n" >> filelist.lst fi if [ -d usr/sbin ]; then find usr/sbin -type f -printf "/%h/%f\n" >> filelist.lst fi touch doclist.lst if [ -d usr/share/man ]; then find usr/share/man -type f -printf "/%h/%f.gz\n" >> doclist.lst fi popd mv %{buildroot}/filelist.lst . mv %{buildroot}/doclist.lst . %files -n python3-a2conf -f filelist.lst %dir %{python3_sitelib}/* %files help -f doclist.lst %{_docdir}/* %changelog * Tue May 30 2023 Python_Bot - 0.3.3-1 - Package Spec generated