%global _empty_manifest_terminate_build 0 Name: python-gdbfrontend Version: 0.11.3 Release: 1 Summary: GDBFrontend is a easy, flexible and extensionable gui debugger. License: GNU General Public License v3 (GPLv3) URL: https://github.com/rohanrhu/gdb-frontend Source0: https://mirrors.nju.edu.cn/pypi/web/packages/fc/50/1813ef8248c22088a1c6cf4e2db80c968d706a3acf4d5072796550bf88f9/gdbfrontend-0.11.3.tar.gz BuildArch: noarch %description # [![GDBFrontend](media/gdbfrontend.png)](https://oguzhaneroglu.com/projects/gdb-frontend/) [![GitHub release](https://img.shields.io/github/release/rohanrhu/gdb-frontend.svg?style=flat-square&color=informational)](https://github.com/rohanrhu/gdb-frontend/releases) [![GitHub issues](https://img.shields.io/github/issues/rohanrhu/gdb-frontend?style=flat-square&color=red)](https://github.com/rohanrhu/gdb-frontend/issues) [![GitHub forks](https://img.shields.io/github/forks/rohanrhu/gdb-frontend?style=flat-square)](https://github.com/rohanrhu/gdb-frontend/network) [![GitHub stars](https://img.shields.io/github/stars/rohanrhu/gdb-frontend?style=flat-square)](https://github.com/rohanrhu/gdb-frontend/stargazers) [![GDBFrontend Discord](https://img.shields.io/discord/780821881783713813.svg?color=7289da&label=Discord&logo=discord&style=flat-square)](https://discord.gg/RyVY9MtB4S) [![Support me on Patreon](https://img.shields.io/endpoint.svg?url=https%3A%2F%2Fshieldsio-patreon.vercel.app%2Fapi%3Fusername%3DEvrenselKisilik%26type%3Dpatrons&style=flat-square)](https://patreon.com/EvrenselKisilik) [![Donate with BTC](https://shields.io/badge/donate-3KBtYfaAT42uVFd6D2XFRDTAoErLz73vpL-yellow?logo=bitcoin&style=flat-square)](#%EF%B8%8F-donate) GDBFrontend is an easy, flexible and extensionable gui debugger. [Try it online!](https://debugme.online) ![gdb-frontend](media/gdbfrontend-screenshots.png "GDBFrontend is an easy, flexible and extensionable gui debugger.") ## Installing ### Requirements * GDB => 8.2 (with python3) * python3 => 3.6 * tmux ### PIP Package (Python Wheel) [Recommended] You can install GDBFrontend with `pip`. ```bash sudo python3 -m pip install gdbfrontend ``` if it is already installed and you are upgrading ```bash sudo python3 -m pip install --upgrade gdbfrontend ``` or if you want to install specific GIT snapshot: ```bash sudo python3 setup.py install ``` and you can run ```bash gdbfrontend ``` ### Running From GIT You can download latest source and run it. You can run gdb-frontend with following commands: ```bash git clone https://github.com/rohanrhu/gdb-frontend.git gdb-frontend cd gdb-frontend ./gdbfrontend ``` and you can open it with: ``` ``` You can open GDB shell with the command: ```bash tmux a -t gdb-frontend ``` ### Arch Linux (AUR) You can install Arch Linux package for Arch-based distributions. ([AUR Package](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/gdb-frontend-bin/)) ```bash yay -S gdb-frontend-bin ``` and you can run it: ```bash gdbfrontend ``` ### Flatpak Flatpak package is a TODO. ## [Embedded Debugging with GDBFrontend](https://rohanrhu.github.io/gdb-frontend/tutorials/embedded-debugging/) Follow [this quick tutorial](https://rohanrhu.github.io/gdb-frontend/tutorials/embedded-debugging/) for debugging embedded devices with GDBFrontend. ## [Python C Extension Debugging with GDBFrontend](https://rohanrhu.github.io/gdb-frontend/tutorials/python-c-extension-debugging/) Follow [this quick tutorial](https://rohanrhu.github.io/gdb-frontend/tutorials/python-c-extension-debugging/) for debugging native C Python extensions with GDBFrontend. ## [How to develop GDBFrontend plugins?](https://rohanrhu.github.io/gdb-frontend/tutorials/plugin-development/) GDBFrontend has powerful and extensible APIs. Follow [this quick tutorial](https://rohanrhu.github.io/gdb-frontend/tutorials/plugin-development/) to learn developing GDBFrontend plugins. ## [How to integrate GDBFrontend with your Makefile?](https://rohanrhu.github.io/gdb-frontend/tutorials/makefile-integration/) Follow [this quick tutorial](https://rohanrhu.github.io/gdb-frontend/tutorials/makefile-integration/) for integration ideas for special development/debugging requirements. ## [STM32 Debugging using OpenOCD, GDB & GDBFrontend on Linux](https://elrobotista.com/en/posts/stm32-debug-linux/) Follow [this tutorial](https://elrobotista.com/en/posts/stm32-debug-linux/) for debugging STM32 with OpenOCD and GDBFrontend. ## Features ### Expression Evaluator GDBFrontend has an expression evaluator that you can use multiple in sametime. ![](media/expression-evaluater.png) ### Pointer Visualisation ![](media/pointer-visualisation.png) ### Linked-List Visualization ![](media/linked-list-visualisation.png) ### Conditional Breakpoints Right click to a breakpoint for setting its condition. ![](media/conditional-breakpoint.png) ![](media/conditional-breakpoint-2.png) ### Connected Expressions Expressions of all variables, members and items are connected in GDBFrontend's VariablesExplorer. ![](media/connected-expressions.png) ### Process Manager You can watch, filter or manage processes with Process Manager. ![](media/process-manager.png) ### Array-Graph Visualization ![](media/array-graph-visualisation.png) ### Enhanced Collabration GDBFrontend has a set of some features for collabration named as "Enhanced Collabration". ![](media/enhanced-collabration.png) #### Collabration Draw Collabration draw is available when you enable Enhanced Collabration. Click to Draw or use **Ctrl + Shift + X** shortcut to draw and **Ctrl + Shift + C** to clear all drawings. ![](media/enhanced-collabration-draw.png) #### Synced Source Viewing With Enhanced Collabration all debugger clients are synchronized on source viewing. ### Expression hover popup variable explorer ![](media/expression-popup.png) ### Extensibility GDBFrontend is very extensible and has powerful APIs. Some examples of GDBFrontend's extensibility. ![](media/extensibility-1.png) ![](media/extensibility-2.png) ## `./gdbfrontend` ```bash $ gdbfrontend --help GDBFrontend is a easy, flexible and extensionable gui debugger. Options: --help, -h: Shows this help message. --version, -v: Shows version. --gdb-args="ARGS", -G "ARGS": Specifies GDB command line arguments. (Optional) --gdb-executable=PATH, -g PATH: Specifies GDB executable path (Default is "gdb" command on PATH environment variable.) --tmux-executable=PATH, -tmux PATH: Specifies Tmux executable path (Default is "tmux" command on PATH environment variable.) --terminal-id=NAME, -t NAME: Specifies tmux terminal identifier name (Default is "gdb-frontend".) --credentials=USER:PASS, -c USER:PASS: Specifies username and password for accessing to debugger. --host=IP, -H IP: Specifies current host address that you can access via for HTTP and WS servers. --listen=IP, -l IP: Specifies listen address for HTTP and WS servers. --port=PORT, -p PORT: Specifies HTTP port. (0 for random port.) --url-base=PATH, -u PATH: Specifies URL base path. (Default: /) --readonly, -r: Makes code editor readonly. (Notice: This option is not related to security.) --workdir, -w: Specifies working directory. --plugin-dir, -P: Specifies plugins directory. --dontopenuionstartup, -D: Avoids opening UI just after startup. --verbose, -V: Enables verbose output. ``` ### Options #### `--help`, `-h` Shows help text. #### `--version`, `-v` Shows version. #### `--gdb-args="ARGS", -G "ARGS"` Specifies GDB command line arguments. (Optional) #### `--gdb-executable=PATH`, `-g PATH` You can specify GDB executable path like `gdbfrontend --gdb-executable=/path/to/gdb`. (Optional) #### `--tmux-executable=PATH`, `-tmux PATH` You can specify Tmux executable path like `gdbfrontend --tmux-executable=/path/to/tmux`. (Optional) #### `--terminal-id=PATH`, `-t PATH` You can specify Tmux terminal id like `gdbfrontend --terminal-id=terminal-name`. (Default: `gdb-frontend`) #### `--credentials=USER:PASS`, `-c USER:PASS` Specifies username and password for accessing to debugger. #### `--host=IP`, `-H IP` Specifies current host address that you can access via for HTTP and WS servers. #### `--listen=IP`, `-l IP` Specifies listen address for HTTP and WS servers. #### `--port=PORT`, `-p PORT` Specifies HTTP port. (0 for random port.) #### `--url-base=PATH`, `-u PATH` Specifies URL base path. (Default: /) #### `--readonly, -r` Makes code editor readonly. (Notice: This option is not related to security.) #### `--workdir, -w` Specifies working directory. #### `--plugin-dir, -P` Specifies plugins directory. #### `--dontopenuionstartup`, `-D` Avoids opening UI just after startup. #### `--verbose`, `-V` Enables verbose output. ### GDB Commands GDBFrontend's GDB commands starts with `gf-`. #### `gf-refresh` Refreshes all browser clients. #### `gf-theme [theme-name]` Switch to desired theme. For example: `gf-theme light`, `gf-theme red` or `gf-theme default` for default theme. #### `gf-list-plugins` Lists all GDBFrontend plugins in the plugin directory. #### `gf-load-plugin [plugin-name]` Loads GDBFrontend plugin. #### `gf-unload-plugin [plugin-name]` Unloads GDBFrontend plugin. ## Shortcuts / Hotkeys Current hotkeys are listed below. | Action | Hotkey | Context | | ---------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------- | -------------------------------------------- | | *General:* Open a source file | **Ctrl + O** | GDBFrontend | | *General:* New ExpressionEvaluator | **Ctrl + R** | GDBFrontend | | *General:* New ExpressionEvaluator on native window | **Ctrl + Shift + R** | GDBFrontend | | *General:* Fuzzy source finder | **Ctrl + P** | GDBFrontend | | *Runtime:* Run | **F5** | GDBFrontend | | *Runtime:* Continue | **F6** | GDBFrontend | | *Runtime:* Pause/Interrupt | **F7** | GDBFrontend | | *Runtime:* Step Over | **F8** | GDBFrontend | | *Runtime:* Step Into | **F9** | GDBFrontend | | *Runtime:* Step Instruction | **F10** | GDBFrontend | | *Runtime:* Stop | **F11** | GDBFrontend | | *Enhanced Collabration:* Toggle drawing mode | **Ctrl + Shift + X** | GDBFrontend / Enhanced Collabration: Enabled | | *Enhanced Collabration:* Clear all drawings | **Ctrl + Shift + C** | GDBFrontend / Enhanced Collabration: Enabled | ## Themes GDBFrontend has built-in themes. For switching between themes use `gf-theme [THEME]` command on GDB shell. ``` (gdb) gf-theme doki (gdb) gf-theme sky (gdb) gf-theme sakura (gdb) gf-theme waifu (gdb) gf-theme cyberpunk (gdb) gf-theme dark (gdb) gf-theme green (gdb) gf-theme light (gdb) gf-theme red ``` For switching back to the default theme. ``` (gdb) gf-theme ``` Also you may want to look to [Plugin Development Tutorial](https://rohanrhu.github.io/gdb-frontend/tutorials/plugin-development/). ## GDBFrontend Python API You can access GDBFrontend's Python API via `gdbfrontend` module. ``` (gdb) python-interactive ``` ```python >>> dir(gdbfrontend) ``` For example, you can get all client sockets like this: ```python >>> gdbfrontend.api.globalvars.httpServer.ws_clients {1: } ``` or you can get all plugins: ```python >>> gdbfrontend.plugin.getAll() ['hello', 'theme_cyberpunk', 'theme_dark', 'theme_doki', 'theme_green', 'theme_light', 'theme_red', 'theme_sakura', 'theme_sky', 'theme_waifu'] ``` ## Security with Sharing Sessions You can use `--credentials=USER:PASS` option for adding HTTP authentication to your debugger session. ## Browser Compatibility GDBFrontend is mainly developing with testing on Chromium-based browsers. It will work properly with other browsers especially with Firefox but if you face some problems on other browsers, you can [send a bug-report](https://github.com/rohanrhu/gdb-frontend/issues/new). ## Troubleshooting ### Blocking GDB shell/main-thread Most of GDBFrontend functions are thread-safe and work on GDB's main-thread. So, if you run something that is blocking on the GDB shell, GDBFrontend functions have to wait it until finish. You will get this warning when a thread-safe GDBFrontend function needs to work and you are blocking GDB's main thread. ```bash (gdb) shell $ ... ``` ![](media/main-thread-blocking-warning.png) When you exit shell, blocking GDBFrontend functions will continue working. **Note:** Sometimes you may get this warning without running anything in GDB shell, it means something (in GDB's event-loop) is taking a long time; in this case just ignore this warning. ### Zombie Processes GDBFrontend sends SIGTERM to its sub-processes, your application and its sub-processes. If your application is forking new processes and setting their PGIDs, GDBFrontend may not close them. In this case you should send SIGKILL to your processes. ```bash pkill -f gdb ``` ### Expression Evaluator Performance Tips If you are using **ExpressionEvaluator** with very long depth expanded variables/members, your scroll and evaluator window move performance may be affected bad for pointer visualization. In this situation, you can turn off **signal** and **slot** pointings for that evaluator window. ![Evaluator Pointer Visualization Buttons](media/evaluater-pointing-buttons.png) ## GDB-Related Issues and Tips * GDB may not give sources of dynamic linked object **until stepping a line that calls a function from the dynamic linked object once**. You can add break point a line and step it once, then you will see sources from dynamic linked object hereafter during the session. ## Windows In fact, gdb-frontend is able to run on Windows but there are some serious issues in the GDB's Windows version those avoid using gdb-frontend on Windows. Of course you can use gdb-frontend on WSL if you are using Windows 10. ### Issues about Windows-GDB * GDB's main-thread is being blocked during running process. (gdb-frontend has an interrupting mechanism to fixing this but it is not enough yet.) * Windows-GDB's prompt is being blocked during running process and there are some issues about interrupting the application. ## WSL You can use gdb-frontend on WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux). ### Issues about WSL * On WSL 1, Random port option is not usable on WSL becasue`/proc/net/tcp` interface is not working on WSL. (WSL 2 does not has this problem.) ## Versioning Since v0.2.0-beta, GDBFrontend switched to a new versioning strategy. ### Reading Versions In `vX.Y.Z-STABILITY`: * `X` is**major** versions, changes long term with major features and enhancements. * `Y` is**main** versions that include new features and enhancements. * `Z` is**bugfix** releases of main versions. * `STABILITY` is stability level of the release. (`alpha`,`beta`,`rcN`,`stable`) ## Documentation Documentation is TODO yet. ## API Documentation API Documentation is TODO yet. ## Plugin Development You can read the [Plugin Development Tutorial](https://rohanrhu.github.io/gdb-frontend/tutorials/plugin-development/). ## Theme Development Themes are developed as plugins. ## Discord Join to Discord community. [![GDBFrontend Discord](https://img.shields.io/discord/780821881783713813.svg?color=7289da&label=Discord&logo=discord&style=for-the-badge)](https://discord.gg/RyVY9MtB4S) ## 🎊 Contributing You can contribute with commiting to project or developing a plugin. All commits are welcome. ### [Contribution Guide](CONTRIBUTING.md) ## ❤️ Donate ### Patreon [![Support me on Patreon](https://img.shields.io/endpoint.svg?url=https%3A%2F%2Fshieldsio-patreon.vercel.app%2Fapi%3Fusername%3DEvrenselKisilik%26type%3Dpatrons&style=for-the-badge)](https://patreon.com/EvrenselKisilik) ### Bitcoin You can donate for supporting me :) | QR Code | Bitcoin address for donations | | -------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------- | | ![Bitcoin address QR code for donate](media/btc-donation-qr.png) | **3KBtYfaAT42uVFd6D2XFRDTAoErLz73vpL** | Other currencies: | Currency | Address | | -------- | ------------------------------------------ | | BTC | 3KBtYfaAT42uVFd6D2XFRDTAoErLz73vpL | | ETH | 0xCa422B014A6F588606864ef2d0C40ec2E5d83DFE | | USDT | 0xCa422B014A6F588606864ef2d0C40ec2E5d83DFE | | USDC | 0xCa422B014A6F588606864ef2d0C40ec2E5d83DFE | | XMR | 88qvS4sfUnLZ7nehFrz3PG1pWovvEgprcUhkmVLaiL8PVAFgfHjspjKPLhWLj3DUcm92rwNQENbJ1ZbvESdukWvh3epBUty | ## License Copyright (C) 2019, Oğuzhan Eroğlu (https://oguzhaneroglu.com/) GNU General Public License v3 (GPL-3) You may copy, distribute and modify the software as long as you track changes/dates in source files. Any modifications to or software including (via compiler) GPL-licensed code must also be made available under the GPL along with build & install instructions. %package -n python3-gdbfrontend Summary: GDBFrontend is a easy, flexible and extensionable gui debugger. Provides: python-gdbfrontend BuildRequires: python3-devel BuildRequires: python3-setuptools BuildRequires: python3-pip %description -n python3-gdbfrontend # [![GDBFrontend](media/gdbfrontend.png)](https://oguzhaneroglu.com/projects/gdb-frontend/) [![GitHub release](https://img.shields.io/github/release/rohanrhu/gdb-frontend.svg?style=flat-square&color=informational)](https://github.com/rohanrhu/gdb-frontend/releases) [![GitHub issues](https://img.shields.io/github/issues/rohanrhu/gdb-frontend?style=flat-square&color=red)](https://github.com/rohanrhu/gdb-frontend/issues) [![GitHub forks](https://img.shields.io/github/forks/rohanrhu/gdb-frontend?style=flat-square)](https://github.com/rohanrhu/gdb-frontend/network) [![GitHub stars](https://img.shields.io/github/stars/rohanrhu/gdb-frontend?style=flat-square)](https://github.com/rohanrhu/gdb-frontend/stargazers) [![GDBFrontend Discord](https://img.shields.io/discord/780821881783713813.svg?color=7289da&label=Discord&logo=discord&style=flat-square)](https://discord.gg/RyVY9MtB4S) [![Support me on Patreon](https://img.shields.io/endpoint.svg?url=https%3A%2F%2Fshieldsio-patreon.vercel.app%2Fapi%3Fusername%3DEvrenselKisilik%26type%3Dpatrons&style=flat-square)](https://patreon.com/EvrenselKisilik) [![Donate with BTC](https://shields.io/badge/donate-3KBtYfaAT42uVFd6D2XFRDTAoErLz73vpL-yellow?logo=bitcoin&style=flat-square)](#%EF%B8%8F-donate) GDBFrontend is an easy, flexible and extensionable gui debugger. [Try it online!](https://debugme.online) ![gdb-frontend](media/gdbfrontend-screenshots.png "GDBFrontend is an easy, flexible and extensionable gui debugger.") ## Installing ### Requirements * GDB => 8.2 (with python3) * python3 => 3.6 * tmux ### PIP Package (Python Wheel) [Recommended] You can install GDBFrontend with `pip`. ```bash sudo python3 -m pip install gdbfrontend ``` if it is already installed and you are upgrading ```bash sudo python3 -m pip install --upgrade gdbfrontend ``` or if you want to install specific GIT snapshot: ```bash sudo python3 setup.py install ``` and you can run ```bash gdbfrontend ``` ### Running From GIT You can download latest source and run it. You can run gdb-frontend with following commands: ```bash git clone https://github.com/rohanrhu/gdb-frontend.git gdb-frontend cd gdb-frontend ./gdbfrontend ``` and you can open it with: ``` ``` You can open GDB shell with the command: ```bash tmux a -t gdb-frontend ``` ### Arch Linux (AUR) You can install Arch Linux package for Arch-based distributions. ([AUR Package](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/gdb-frontend-bin/)) ```bash yay -S gdb-frontend-bin ``` and you can run it: ```bash gdbfrontend ``` ### Flatpak Flatpak package is a TODO. ## [Embedded Debugging with GDBFrontend](https://rohanrhu.github.io/gdb-frontend/tutorials/embedded-debugging/) Follow [this quick tutorial](https://rohanrhu.github.io/gdb-frontend/tutorials/embedded-debugging/) for debugging embedded devices with GDBFrontend. ## [Python C Extension Debugging with GDBFrontend](https://rohanrhu.github.io/gdb-frontend/tutorials/python-c-extension-debugging/) Follow [this quick tutorial](https://rohanrhu.github.io/gdb-frontend/tutorials/python-c-extension-debugging/) for debugging native C Python extensions with GDBFrontend. ## [How to develop GDBFrontend plugins?](https://rohanrhu.github.io/gdb-frontend/tutorials/plugin-development/) GDBFrontend has powerful and extensible APIs. Follow [this quick tutorial](https://rohanrhu.github.io/gdb-frontend/tutorials/plugin-development/) to learn developing GDBFrontend plugins. ## [How to integrate GDBFrontend with your Makefile?](https://rohanrhu.github.io/gdb-frontend/tutorials/makefile-integration/) Follow [this quick tutorial](https://rohanrhu.github.io/gdb-frontend/tutorials/makefile-integration/) for integration ideas for special development/debugging requirements. ## [STM32 Debugging using OpenOCD, GDB & GDBFrontend on Linux](https://elrobotista.com/en/posts/stm32-debug-linux/) Follow [this tutorial](https://elrobotista.com/en/posts/stm32-debug-linux/) for debugging STM32 with OpenOCD and GDBFrontend. ## Features ### Expression Evaluator GDBFrontend has an expression evaluator that you can use multiple in sametime. ![](media/expression-evaluater.png) ### Pointer Visualisation ![](media/pointer-visualisation.png) ### Linked-List Visualization ![](media/linked-list-visualisation.png) ### Conditional Breakpoints Right click to a breakpoint for setting its condition. ![](media/conditional-breakpoint.png) ![](media/conditional-breakpoint-2.png) ### Connected Expressions Expressions of all variables, members and items are connected in GDBFrontend's VariablesExplorer. ![](media/connected-expressions.png) ### Process Manager You can watch, filter or manage processes with Process Manager. ![](media/process-manager.png) ### Array-Graph Visualization ![](media/array-graph-visualisation.png) ### Enhanced Collabration GDBFrontend has a set of some features for collabration named as "Enhanced Collabration". ![](media/enhanced-collabration.png) #### Collabration Draw Collabration draw is available when you enable Enhanced Collabration. Click to Draw or use **Ctrl + Shift + X** shortcut to draw and **Ctrl + Shift + C** to clear all drawings. ![](media/enhanced-collabration-draw.png) #### Synced Source Viewing With Enhanced Collabration all debugger clients are synchronized on source viewing. ### Expression hover popup variable explorer ![](media/expression-popup.png) ### Extensibility GDBFrontend is very extensible and has powerful APIs. Some examples of GDBFrontend's extensibility. ![](media/extensibility-1.png) ![](media/extensibility-2.png) ## `./gdbfrontend` ```bash $ gdbfrontend --help GDBFrontend is a easy, flexible and extensionable gui debugger. Options: --help, -h: Shows this help message. --version, -v: Shows version. --gdb-args="ARGS", -G "ARGS": Specifies GDB command line arguments. (Optional) --gdb-executable=PATH, -g PATH: Specifies GDB executable path (Default is "gdb" command on PATH environment variable.) --tmux-executable=PATH, -tmux PATH: Specifies Tmux executable path (Default is "tmux" command on PATH environment variable.) --terminal-id=NAME, -t NAME: Specifies tmux terminal identifier name (Default is "gdb-frontend".) --credentials=USER:PASS, -c USER:PASS: Specifies username and password for accessing to debugger. --host=IP, -H IP: Specifies current host address that you can access via for HTTP and WS servers. --listen=IP, -l IP: Specifies listen address for HTTP and WS servers. --port=PORT, -p PORT: Specifies HTTP port. (0 for random port.) --url-base=PATH, -u PATH: Specifies URL base path. (Default: /) --readonly, -r: Makes code editor readonly. (Notice: This option is not related to security.) --workdir, -w: Specifies working directory. --plugin-dir, -P: Specifies plugins directory. --dontopenuionstartup, -D: Avoids opening UI just after startup. --verbose, -V: Enables verbose output. ``` ### Options #### `--help`, `-h` Shows help text. #### `--version`, `-v` Shows version. #### `--gdb-args="ARGS", -G "ARGS"` Specifies GDB command line arguments. (Optional) #### `--gdb-executable=PATH`, `-g PATH` You can specify GDB executable path like `gdbfrontend --gdb-executable=/path/to/gdb`. (Optional) #### `--tmux-executable=PATH`, `-tmux PATH` You can specify Tmux executable path like `gdbfrontend --tmux-executable=/path/to/tmux`. (Optional) #### `--terminal-id=PATH`, `-t PATH` You can specify Tmux terminal id like `gdbfrontend --terminal-id=terminal-name`. (Default: `gdb-frontend`) #### `--credentials=USER:PASS`, `-c USER:PASS` Specifies username and password for accessing to debugger. #### `--host=IP`, `-H IP` Specifies current host address that you can access via for HTTP and WS servers. #### `--listen=IP`, `-l IP` Specifies listen address for HTTP and WS servers. #### `--port=PORT`, `-p PORT` Specifies HTTP port. (0 for random port.) #### `--url-base=PATH`, `-u PATH` Specifies URL base path. (Default: /) #### `--readonly, -r` Makes code editor readonly. (Notice: This option is not related to security.) #### `--workdir, -w` Specifies working directory. #### `--plugin-dir, -P` Specifies plugins directory. #### `--dontopenuionstartup`, `-D` Avoids opening UI just after startup. #### `--verbose`, `-V` Enables verbose output. ### GDB Commands GDBFrontend's GDB commands starts with `gf-`. #### `gf-refresh` Refreshes all browser clients. #### `gf-theme [theme-name]` Switch to desired theme. For example: `gf-theme light`, `gf-theme red` or `gf-theme default` for default theme. #### `gf-list-plugins` Lists all GDBFrontend plugins in the plugin directory. #### `gf-load-plugin [plugin-name]` Loads GDBFrontend plugin. #### `gf-unload-plugin [plugin-name]` Unloads GDBFrontend plugin. ## Shortcuts / Hotkeys Current hotkeys are listed below. | Action | Hotkey | Context | | ---------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------- | -------------------------------------------- | | *General:* Open a source file | **Ctrl + O** | GDBFrontend | | *General:* New ExpressionEvaluator | **Ctrl + R** | GDBFrontend | | *General:* New ExpressionEvaluator on native window | **Ctrl + Shift + R** | GDBFrontend | | *General:* Fuzzy source finder | **Ctrl + P** | GDBFrontend | | *Runtime:* Run | **F5** | GDBFrontend | | *Runtime:* Continue | **F6** | GDBFrontend | | *Runtime:* Pause/Interrupt | **F7** | GDBFrontend | | *Runtime:* Step Over | **F8** | GDBFrontend | | *Runtime:* Step Into | **F9** | GDBFrontend | | *Runtime:* Step Instruction | **F10** | GDBFrontend | | *Runtime:* Stop | **F11** | GDBFrontend | | *Enhanced Collabration:* Toggle drawing mode | **Ctrl + Shift + X** | GDBFrontend / Enhanced Collabration: Enabled | | *Enhanced Collabration:* Clear all drawings | **Ctrl + Shift + C** | GDBFrontend / Enhanced Collabration: Enabled | ## Themes GDBFrontend has built-in themes. For switching between themes use `gf-theme [THEME]` command on GDB shell. ``` (gdb) gf-theme doki (gdb) gf-theme sky (gdb) gf-theme sakura (gdb) gf-theme waifu (gdb) gf-theme cyberpunk (gdb) gf-theme dark (gdb) gf-theme green (gdb) gf-theme light (gdb) gf-theme red ``` For switching back to the default theme. ``` (gdb) gf-theme ``` Also you may want to look to [Plugin Development Tutorial](https://rohanrhu.github.io/gdb-frontend/tutorials/plugin-development/). ## GDBFrontend Python API You can access GDBFrontend's Python API via `gdbfrontend` module. ``` (gdb) python-interactive ``` ```python >>> dir(gdbfrontend) ``` For example, you can get all client sockets like this: ```python >>> gdbfrontend.api.globalvars.httpServer.ws_clients {1: } ``` or you can get all plugins: ```python >>> gdbfrontend.plugin.getAll() ['hello', 'theme_cyberpunk', 'theme_dark', 'theme_doki', 'theme_green', 'theme_light', 'theme_red', 'theme_sakura', 'theme_sky', 'theme_waifu'] ``` ## Security with Sharing Sessions You can use `--credentials=USER:PASS` option for adding HTTP authentication to your debugger session. ## Browser Compatibility GDBFrontend is mainly developing with testing on Chromium-based browsers. It will work properly with other browsers especially with Firefox but if you face some problems on other browsers, you can [send a bug-report](https://github.com/rohanrhu/gdb-frontend/issues/new). ## Troubleshooting ### Blocking GDB shell/main-thread Most of GDBFrontend functions are thread-safe and work on GDB's main-thread. So, if you run something that is blocking on the GDB shell, GDBFrontend functions have to wait it until finish. You will get this warning when a thread-safe GDBFrontend function needs to work and you are blocking GDB's main thread. ```bash (gdb) shell $ ... ``` ![](media/main-thread-blocking-warning.png) When you exit shell, blocking GDBFrontend functions will continue working. **Note:** Sometimes you may get this warning without running anything in GDB shell, it means something (in GDB's event-loop) is taking a long time; in this case just ignore this warning. ### Zombie Processes GDBFrontend sends SIGTERM to its sub-processes, your application and its sub-processes. If your application is forking new processes and setting their PGIDs, GDBFrontend may not close them. In this case you should send SIGKILL to your processes. ```bash pkill -f gdb ``` ### Expression Evaluator Performance Tips If you are using **ExpressionEvaluator** with very long depth expanded variables/members, your scroll and evaluator window move performance may be affected bad for pointer visualization. In this situation, you can turn off **signal** and **slot** pointings for that evaluator window. ![Evaluator Pointer Visualization Buttons](media/evaluater-pointing-buttons.png) ## GDB-Related Issues and Tips * GDB may not give sources of dynamic linked object **until stepping a line that calls a function from the dynamic linked object once**. You can add break point a line and step it once, then you will see sources from dynamic linked object hereafter during the session. ## Windows In fact, gdb-frontend is able to run on Windows but there are some serious issues in the GDB's Windows version those avoid using gdb-frontend on Windows. Of course you can use gdb-frontend on WSL if you are using Windows 10. ### Issues about Windows-GDB * GDB's main-thread is being blocked during running process. (gdb-frontend has an interrupting mechanism to fixing this but it is not enough yet.) * Windows-GDB's prompt is being blocked during running process and there are some issues about interrupting the application. ## WSL You can use gdb-frontend on WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux). ### Issues about WSL * On WSL 1, Random port option is not usable on WSL becasue`/proc/net/tcp` interface is not working on WSL. (WSL 2 does not has this problem.) ## Versioning Since v0.2.0-beta, GDBFrontend switched to a new versioning strategy. ### Reading Versions In `vX.Y.Z-STABILITY`: * `X` is**major** versions, changes long term with major features and enhancements. * `Y` is**main** versions that include new features and enhancements. * `Z` is**bugfix** releases of main versions. * `STABILITY` is stability level of the release. (`alpha`,`beta`,`rcN`,`stable`) ## Documentation Documentation is TODO yet. ## API Documentation API Documentation is TODO yet. ## Plugin Development You can read the [Plugin Development Tutorial](https://rohanrhu.github.io/gdb-frontend/tutorials/plugin-development/). ## Theme Development Themes are developed as plugins. ## Discord Join to Discord community. [![GDBFrontend Discord](https://img.shields.io/discord/780821881783713813.svg?color=7289da&label=Discord&logo=discord&style=for-the-badge)](https://discord.gg/RyVY9MtB4S) ## 🎊 Contributing You can contribute with commiting to project or developing a plugin. All commits are welcome. ### [Contribution Guide](CONTRIBUTING.md) ## ❤️ Donate ### Patreon [![Support me on Patreon](https://img.shields.io/endpoint.svg?url=https%3A%2F%2Fshieldsio-patreon.vercel.app%2Fapi%3Fusername%3DEvrenselKisilik%26type%3Dpatrons&style=for-the-badge)](https://patreon.com/EvrenselKisilik) ### Bitcoin You can donate for supporting me :) | QR Code | Bitcoin address for donations | | -------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------- | | ![Bitcoin address QR code for donate](media/btc-donation-qr.png) | **3KBtYfaAT42uVFd6D2XFRDTAoErLz73vpL** | Other currencies: | Currency | Address | | -------- | ------------------------------------------ | | BTC | 3KBtYfaAT42uVFd6D2XFRDTAoErLz73vpL | | ETH | 0xCa422B014A6F588606864ef2d0C40ec2E5d83DFE | | USDT | 0xCa422B014A6F588606864ef2d0C40ec2E5d83DFE | | USDC | 0xCa422B014A6F588606864ef2d0C40ec2E5d83DFE | | XMR | 88qvS4sfUnLZ7nehFrz3PG1pWovvEgprcUhkmVLaiL8PVAFgfHjspjKPLhWLj3DUcm92rwNQENbJ1ZbvESdukWvh3epBUty | ## License Copyright (C) 2019, Oğuzhan Eroğlu (https://oguzhaneroglu.com/) GNU General Public License v3 (GPL-3) You may copy, distribute and modify the software as long as you track changes/dates in source files. Any modifications to or software including (via compiler) GPL-licensed code must also be made available under the GPL along with build & install instructions. %package help Summary: Development documents and examples for gdbfrontend Provides: python3-gdbfrontend-doc %description help # [![GDBFrontend](media/gdbfrontend.png)](https://oguzhaneroglu.com/projects/gdb-frontend/) [![GitHub release](https://img.shields.io/github/release/rohanrhu/gdb-frontend.svg?style=flat-square&color=informational)](https://github.com/rohanrhu/gdb-frontend/releases) [![GitHub issues](https://img.shields.io/github/issues/rohanrhu/gdb-frontend?style=flat-square&color=red)](https://github.com/rohanrhu/gdb-frontend/issues) [![GitHub forks](https://img.shields.io/github/forks/rohanrhu/gdb-frontend?style=flat-square)](https://github.com/rohanrhu/gdb-frontend/network) [![GitHub stars](https://img.shields.io/github/stars/rohanrhu/gdb-frontend?style=flat-square)](https://github.com/rohanrhu/gdb-frontend/stargazers) [![GDBFrontend Discord](https://img.shields.io/discord/780821881783713813.svg?color=7289da&label=Discord&logo=discord&style=flat-square)](https://discord.gg/RyVY9MtB4S) [![Support me on Patreon](https://img.shields.io/endpoint.svg?url=https%3A%2F%2Fshieldsio-patreon.vercel.app%2Fapi%3Fusername%3DEvrenselKisilik%26type%3Dpatrons&style=flat-square)](https://patreon.com/EvrenselKisilik) [![Donate with BTC](https://shields.io/badge/donate-3KBtYfaAT42uVFd6D2XFRDTAoErLz73vpL-yellow?logo=bitcoin&style=flat-square)](#%EF%B8%8F-donate) GDBFrontend is an easy, flexible and extensionable gui debugger. [Try it online!](https://debugme.online) ![gdb-frontend](media/gdbfrontend-screenshots.png "GDBFrontend is an easy, flexible and extensionable gui debugger.") ## Installing ### Requirements * GDB => 8.2 (with python3) * python3 => 3.6 * tmux ### PIP Package (Python Wheel) [Recommended] You can install GDBFrontend with `pip`. ```bash sudo python3 -m pip install gdbfrontend ``` if it is already installed and you are upgrading ```bash sudo python3 -m pip install --upgrade gdbfrontend ``` or if you want to install specific GIT snapshot: ```bash sudo python3 setup.py install ``` and you can run ```bash gdbfrontend ``` ### Running From GIT You can download latest source and run it. You can run gdb-frontend with following commands: ```bash git clone https://github.com/rohanrhu/gdb-frontend.git gdb-frontend cd gdb-frontend ./gdbfrontend ``` and you can open it with: ``` ``` You can open GDB shell with the command: ```bash tmux a -t gdb-frontend ``` ### Arch Linux (AUR) You can install Arch Linux package for Arch-based distributions. ([AUR Package](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/gdb-frontend-bin/)) ```bash yay -S gdb-frontend-bin ``` and you can run it: ```bash gdbfrontend ``` ### Flatpak Flatpak package is a TODO. ## [Embedded Debugging with GDBFrontend](https://rohanrhu.github.io/gdb-frontend/tutorials/embedded-debugging/) Follow [this quick tutorial](https://rohanrhu.github.io/gdb-frontend/tutorials/embedded-debugging/) for debugging embedded devices with GDBFrontend. ## [Python C Extension Debugging with GDBFrontend](https://rohanrhu.github.io/gdb-frontend/tutorials/python-c-extension-debugging/) Follow [this quick tutorial](https://rohanrhu.github.io/gdb-frontend/tutorials/python-c-extension-debugging/) for debugging native C Python extensions with GDBFrontend. ## [How to develop GDBFrontend plugins?](https://rohanrhu.github.io/gdb-frontend/tutorials/plugin-development/) GDBFrontend has powerful and extensible APIs. Follow [this quick tutorial](https://rohanrhu.github.io/gdb-frontend/tutorials/plugin-development/) to learn developing GDBFrontend plugins. ## [How to integrate GDBFrontend with your Makefile?](https://rohanrhu.github.io/gdb-frontend/tutorials/makefile-integration/) Follow [this quick tutorial](https://rohanrhu.github.io/gdb-frontend/tutorials/makefile-integration/) for integration ideas for special development/debugging requirements. ## [STM32 Debugging using OpenOCD, GDB & GDBFrontend on Linux](https://elrobotista.com/en/posts/stm32-debug-linux/) Follow [this tutorial](https://elrobotista.com/en/posts/stm32-debug-linux/) for debugging STM32 with OpenOCD and GDBFrontend. ## Features ### Expression Evaluator GDBFrontend has an expression evaluator that you can use multiple in sametime. ![](media/expression-evaluater.png) ### Pointer Visualisation ![](media/pointer-visualisation.png) ### Linked-List Visualization ![](media/linked-list-visualisation.png) ### Conditional Breakpoints Right click to a breakpoint for setting its condition. ![](media/conditional-breakpoint.png) ![](media/conditional-breakpoint-2.png) ### Connected Expressions Expressions of all variables, members and items are connected in GDBFrontend's VariablesExplorer. ![](media/connected-expressions.png) ### Process Manager You can watch, filter or manage processes with Process Manager. ![](media/process-manager.png) ### Array-Graph Visualization ![](media/array-graph-visualisation.png) ### Enhanced Collabration GDBFrontend has a set of some features for collabration named as "Enhanced Collabration". ![](media/enhanced-collabration.png) #### Collabration Draw Collabration draw is available when you enable Enhanced Collabration. Click to Draw or use **Ctrl + Shift + X** shortcut to draw and **Ctrl + Shift + C** to clear all drawings. ![](media/enhanced-collabration-draw.png) #### Synced Source Viewing With Enhanced Collabration all debugger clients are synchronized on source viewing. ### Expression hover popup variable explorer ![](media/expression-popup.png) ### Extensibility GDBFrontend is very extensible and has powerful APIs. Some examples of GDBFrontend's extensibility. ![](media/extensibility-1.png) ![](media/extensibility-2.png) ## `./gdbfrontend` ```bash $ gdbfrontend --help GDBFrontend is a easy, flexible and extensionable gui debugger. Options: --help, -h: Shows this help message. --version, -v: Shows version. --gdb-args="ARGS", -G "ARGS": Specifies GDB command line arguments. (Optional) --gdb-executable=PATH, -g PATH: Specifies GDB executable path (Default is "gdb" command on PATH environment variable.) --tmux-executable=PATH, -tmux PATH: Specifies Tmux executable path (Default is "tmux" command on PATH environment variable.) --terminal-id=NAME, -t NAME: Specifies tmux terminal identifier name (Default is "gdb-frontend".) --credentials=USER:PASS, -c USER:PASS: Specifies username and password for accessing to debugger. --host=IP, -H IP: Specifies current host address that you can access via for HTTP and WS servers. --listen=IP, -l IP: Specifies listen address for HTTP and WS servers. --port=PORT, -p PORT: Specifies HTTP port. (0 for random port.) --url-base=PATH, -u PATH: Specifies URL base path. (Default: /) --readonly, -r: Makes code editor readonly. (Notice: This option is not related to security.) --workdir, -w: Specifies working directory. --plugin-dir, -P: Specifies plugins directory. --dontopenuionstartup, -D: Avoids opening UI just after startup. --verbose, -V: Enables verbose output. ``` ### Options #### `--help`, `-h` Shows help text. #### `--version`, `-v` Shows version. #### `--gdb-args="ARGS", -G "ARGS"` Specifies GDB command line arguments. (Optional) #### `--gdb-executable=PATH`, `-g PATH` You can specify GDB executable path like `gdbfrontend --gdb-executable=/path/to/gdb`. (Optional) #### `--tmux-executable=PATH`, `-tmux PATH` You can specify Tmux executable path like `gdbfrontend --tmux-executable=/path/to/tmux`. (Optional) #### `--terminal-id=PATH`, `-t PATH` You can specify Tmux terminal id like `gdbfrontend --terminal-id=terminal-name`. (Default: `gdb-frontend`) #### `--credentials=USER:PASS`, `-c USER:PASS` Specifies username and password for accessing to debugger. #### `--host=IP`, `-H IP` Specifies current host address that you can access via for HTTP and WS servers. #### `--listen=IP`, `-l IP` Specifies listen address for HTTP and WS servers. #### `--port=PORT`, `-p PORT` Specifies HTTP port. (0 for random port.) #### `--url-base=PATH`, `-u PATH` Specifies URL base path. (Default: /) #### `--readonly, -r` Makes code editor readonly. (Notice: This option is not related to security.) #### `--workdir, -w` Specifies working directory. #### `--plugin-dir, -P` Specifies plugins directory. #### `--dontopenuionstartup`, `-D` Avoids opening UI just after startup. #### `--verbose`, `-V` Enables verbose output. ### GDB Commands GDBFrontend's GDB commands starts with `gf-`. #### `gf-refresh` Refreshes all browser clients. #### `gf-theme [theme-name]` Switch to desired theme. For example: `gf-theme light`, `gf-theme red` or `gf-theme default` for default theme. #### `gf-list-plugins` Lists all GDBFrontend plugins in the plugin directory. #### `gf-load-plugin [plugin-name]` Loads GDBFrontend plugin. #### `gf-unload-plugin [plugin-name]` Unloads GDBFrontend plugin. ## Shortcuts / Hotkeys Current hotkeys are listed below. | Action | Hotkey | Context | | ---------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------- | -------------------------------------------- | | *General:* Open a source file | **Ctrl + O** | GDBFrontend | | *General:* New ExpressionEvaluator | **Ctrl + R** | GDBFrontend | | *General:* New ExpressionEvaluator on native window | **Ctrl + Shift + R** | GDBFrontend | | *General:* Fuzzy source finder | **Ctrl + P** | GDBFrontend | | *Runtime:* Run | **F5** | GDBFrontend | | *Runtime:* Continue | **F6** | GDBFrontend | | *Runtime:* Pause/Interrupt | **F7** | GDBFrontend | | *Runtime:* Step Over | **F8** | GDBFrontend | | *Runtime:* Step Into | **F9** | GDBFrontend | | *Runtime:* Step Instruction | **F10** | GDBFrontend | | *Runtime:* Stop | **F11** | GDBFrontend | | *Enhanced Collabration:* Toggle drawing mode | **Ctrl + Shift + X** | GDBFrontend / Enhanced Collabration: Enabled | | *Enhanced Collabration:* Clear all drawings | **Ctrl + Shift + C** | GDBFrontend / Enhanced Collabration: Enabled | ## Themes GDBFrontend has built-in themes. For switching between themes use `gf-theme [THEME]` command on GDB shell. ``` (gdb) gf-theme doki (gdb) gf-theme sky (gdb) gf-theme sakura (gdb) gf-theme waifu (gdb) gf-theme cyberpunk (gdb) gf-theme dark (gdb) gf-theme green (gdb) gf-theme light (gdb) gf-theme red ``` For switching back to the default theme. ``` (gdb) gf-theme ``` Also you may want to look to [Plugin Development Tutorial](https://rohanrhu.github.io/gdb-frontend/tutorials/plugin-development/). ## GDBFrontend Python API You can access GDBFrontend's Python API via `gdbfrontend` module. ``` (gdb) python-interactive ``` ```python >>> dir(gdbfrontend) ``` For example, you can get all client sockets like this: ```python >>> gdbfrontend.api.globalvars.httpServer.ws_clients {1: } ``` or you can get all plugins: ```python >>> gdbfrontend.plugin.getAll() ['hello', 'theme_cyberpunk', 'theme_dark', 'theme_doki', 'theme_green', 'theme_light', 'theme_red', 'theme_sakura', 'theme_sky', 'theme_waifu'] ``` ## Security with Sharing Sessions You can use `--credentials=USER:PASS` option for adding HTTP authentication to your debugger session. ## Browser Compatibility GDBFrontend is mainly developing with testing on Chromium-based browsers. It will work properly with other browsers especially with Firefox but if you face some problems on other browsers, you can [send a bug-report](https://github.com/rohanrhu/gdb-frontend/issues/new). ## Troubleshooting ### Blocking GDB shell/main-thread Most of GDBFrontend functions are thread-safe and work on GDB's main-thread. So, if you run something that is blocking on the GDB shell, GDBFrontend functions have to wait it until finish. You will get this warning when a thread-safe GDBFrontend function needs to work and you are blocking GDB's main thread. ```bash (gdb) shell $ ... ``` ![](media/main-thread-blocking-warning.png) When you exit shell, blocking GDBFrontend functions will continue working. **Note:** Sometimes you may get this warning without running anything in GDB shell, it means something (in GDB's event-loop) is taking a long time; in this case just ignore this warning. ### Zombie Processes GDBFrontend sends SIGTERM to its sub-processes, your application and its sub-processes. If your application is forking new processes and setting their PGIDs, GDBFrontend may not close them. In this case you should send SIGKILL to your processes. ```bash pkill -f gdb ``` ### Expression Evaluator Performance Tips If you are using **ExpressionEvaluator** with very long depth expanded variables/members, your scroll and evaluator window move performance may be affected bad for pointer visualization. In this situation, you can turn off **signal** and **slot** pointings for that evaluator window. ![Evaluator Pointer Visualization Buttons](media/evaluater-pointing-buttons.png) ## GDB-Related Issues and Tips * GDB may not give sources of dynamic linked object **until stepping a line that calls a function from the dynamic linked object once**. You can add break point a line and step it once, then you will see sources from dynamic linked object hereafter during the session. ## Windows In fact, gdb-frontend is able to run on Windows but there are some serious issues in the GDB's Windows version those avoid using gdb-frontend on Windows. Of course you can use gdb-frontend on WSL if you are using Windows 10. ### Issues about Windows-GDB * GDB's main-thread is being blocked during running process. (gdb-frontend has an interrupting mechanism to fixing this but it is not enough yet.) * Windows-GDB's prompt is being blocked during running process and there are some issues about interrupting the application. ## WSL You can use gdb-frontend on WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux). ### Issues about WSL * On WSL 1, Random port option is not usable on WSL becasue`/proc/net/tcp` interface is not working on WSL. (WSL 2 does not has this problem.) ## Versioning Since v0.2.0-beta, GDBFrontend switched to a new versioning strategy. ### Reading Versions In `vX.Y.Z-STABILITY`: * `X` is**major** versions, changes long term with major features and enhancements. * `Y` is**main** versions that include new features and enhancements. * `Z` is**bugfix** releases of main versions. * `STABILITY` is stability level of the release. (`alpha`,`beta`,`rcN`,`stable`) ## Documentation Documentation is TODO yet. ## API Documentation API Documentation is TODO yet. ## Plugin Development You can read the [Plugin Development Tutorial](https://rohanrhu.github.io/gdb-frontend/tutorials/plugin-development/). ## Theme Development Themes are developed as plugins. ## Discord Join to Discord community. [![GDBFrontend Discord](https://img.shields.io/discord/780821881783713813.svg?color=7289da&label=Discord&logo=discord&style=for-the-badge)](https://discord.gg/RyVY9MtB4S) ## 🎊 Contributing You can contribute with commiting to project or developing a plugin. All commits are welcome. ### [Contribution Guide](CONTRIBUTING.md) ## ❤️ Donate ### Patreon [![Support me on Patreon](https://img.shields.io/endpoint.svg?url=https%3A%2F%2Fshieldsio-patreon.vercel.app%2Fapi%3Fusername%3DEvrenselKisilik%26type%3Dpatrons&style=for-the-badge)](https://patreon.com/EvrenselKisilik) ### Bitcoin You can donate for supporting me :) | QR Code | Bitcoin address for donations | | -------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------- | | ![Bitcoin address QR code for donate](media/btc-donation-qr.png) | **3KBtYfaAT42uVFd6D2XFRDTAoErLz73vpL** | Other currencies: | Currency | Address | | -------- | ------------------------------------------ | | BTC | 3KBtYfaAT42uVFd6D2XFRDTAoErLz73vpL | | ETH | 0xCa422B014A6F588606864ef2d0C40ec2E5d83DFE | | USDT | 0xCa422B014A6F588606864ef2d0C40ec2E5d83DFE | | USDC | 0xCa422B014A6F588606864ef2d0C40ec2E5d83DFE | | XMR | 88qvS4sfUnLZ7nehFrz3PG1pWovvEgprcUhkmVLaiL8PVAFgfHjspjKPLhWLj3DUcm92rwNQENbJ1ZbvESdukWvh3epBUty | ## License Copyright (C) 2019, Oğuzhan Eroğlu (https://oguzhaneroglu.com/) GNU General Public License v3 (GPL-3) You may copy, distribute and modify the software as long as you track changes/dates in source files. Any modifications to or software including (via compiler) GPL-licensed code must also be made available under the GPL along with build & install instructions. %prep %autosetup -n gdbfrontend-0.11.3 %build %py3_build %install %py3_install install -d -m755 %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir} if [ -d doc ]; then cp -arf doc %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi if [ -d docs ]; then cp -arf docs %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi if [ -d example ]; then cp -arf example %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi if [ -d examples ]; then cp -arf examples %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi pushd %{buildroot} if [ -d usr/lib ]; then find usr/lib -type f -printf "/%h/%f\n" >> filelist.lst fi if [ -d usr/lib64 ]; then find usr/lib64 -type f -printf "/%h/%f\n" >> filelist.lst fi if [ -d usr/bin ]; then find usr/bin -type f -printf "/%h/%f\n" >> filelist.lst fi if [ -d usr/sbin ]; then find usr/sbin -type f -printf "/%h/%f\n" >> filelist.lst fi touch doclist.lst if [ -d usr/share/man ]; then find usr/share/man -type f -printf "/%h/%f.gz\n" >> doclist.lst fi popd mv %{buildroot}/filelist.lst . mv %{buildroot}/doclist.lst . %files -n python3-gdbfrontend -f filelist.lst %dir %{python3_sitelib}/* %files help -f doclist.lst %{_docdir}/* %changelog * Tue May 30 2023 Python_Bot - 0.11.3-1 - Package Spec generated