%global _empty_manifest_terminate_build 0
Name: python-polidoro-cli
Version: 4.6.8
Release: 1
Summary: Polidoro CLI.
License: MIT
URL: https://github.com/heitorpolidoro/polidoro-cli
Source0: https://mirrors.nju.edu.cn/pypi/web/packages/6b/47/961af7e24dafca07d13fc2e4df9654065d57d1605f9086e5c5746249f47c/polidoro-cli-4.6.8.tar.gz
BuildArch: noarch
Requires: python3-polidoro-argument
Requires: python3-pyyaml
# Polidoro CLI


### To install
sudo apt install python3-pip -y
pip3 install polidoro_cli
### To use:
`cli --help`
### Tips:
Create alias for the CLI commands:
Add in your `.bashrc`
alias dk='cli docker'
alias ex='cli elixir'
alias dj='cli django'
alias rb='cli ruby'
alias g='cli git'
Or run `cli create_aliases` to create aliases for all default CLIs
### Default CLIs:
- **Django** [more information](README_DJANGO.md)
- **Docker:** [more information](README_DOCKER.md)
- **Elixir:** [more information](README_ELIXIR.md)
- **Git:** [more information](README_GIT.md)
- **NPM:** [more information](README_NPM.md)
- **PyTest:** [more information](README_PYTEST.md)
- **Ruby:** [more information](README_RUBY.md)
### Creating your own CLI
To create your CLI just create a file in `~/.cli` with the CLI name `NAME.cli` or `NAME.py` then call it with `cli name` or create an alias for it:
alias name='cli name'
In the `.cli` file, create aliases similar to the bash
# git.cli
ps=git push
To call run `cli git ps`. Or create an bash alias `alias g=cli git` then run using only `g ps`
#### Multiples aliases
To create multiples aliases separate by `,`
# git.cli
simple_log,l=git log --one-line
You can call using either `g simple_log` or `g l`.
#### Multiples commands
To create a command with multiple commands separate by `;`
# git.cli
commit_push,cp=git commit;git push
**NOTE:** If any command fails, will not execute the other commands
#### Using arguments
The CLI will put any arguments at the end of the command, by default,
but you can specify where use those arguments using `$args`.
# git.cli
commit_push,cp=git commit -m "$args";git push
Run with `g cp batata` will execute `git commit -m "batata"` then `git push`
It is possible to specify the argument
# postgres.cli
run=psql -U $arg0 -d $arg1 -c $arg2
Running `cli postgres run heitor polidoro_db "select * from table"` will execute
`psql -U 'heitor' -d 'polidoro_db' -c 'select * from table'`
Use `${argN:DEFAULT_VALUE}` to specify a default value to the argument
#### Variables
To set some variable use `set NAME=VALE` and use it with `$NAME`
# postgres.cli
set DB_USER=heitor
set DB_NAME=polidoro_db
run=psql -U $USER -d $DB_NAME -c
Running `cli postgres run "select * from table"` will execute
`psql -U 'heitor' -d 'polidoro_db' -c 'select * from table'`
There is a special variable called `DEFAULT_COMMAND`, when set will start all commands with the value.
# git.cli
commit_push,cp=commit -m "$args";push
When run `g ps` will execute `git push`. Also works with multiple commands, like `g cp msg` will execute
`git commit -m "msg"` then `git push`. Also, when `DEFAULT_COMMAND` is set, all commands that is not set in
the `.cli` file will be called using the `DEFAULT_COMMAND`. `g fetch` will call `git fetch` even if the command
`fetch` is not in the `git.cli`, and, when run `--help` will show the `DEFAULT_COMMAND` help then the CLI help.
There is a pair of special variables called `docker` and `service`, you can't (shouldn't) set, but you can use. When used will
replace the `$docker` with `docker-compose exec $service` if the parameter `-d/--docker` is in the command line.
The CLI will replace `$service` for the first argument from the command line, if is a valid service,
or will use the first service with `build` in `docker-compose.yml`.
# elixir.cli
deps=$docker mix deps.get
If you call `ex deps` will execute `mix deps.get`, if you call `ex deps -d` will execute `docker-compose exec service_name mix deps.get`
or `ex deps -d other_service` will execute `docker-compose exec other_service mix deps.get`.
With the `$docker` variable you can create CLIs that runs in the host or in the container.
You can combine things like:
# elixir.cli
set DEFAULT_COMMAND=$docker mix
All commands will run in the host or in the container if `-d/--docker` is in the parameters
You can explicit the command (or replace the `DEFAULT_COMMAND`) passing a dict (Python format) as command.
# elixir.cli
iex={'command': 'iex -S mix'}
In this case, when you call `ex iex` will run `iex -S mix` without the `DEFAULT_COMMAND`
These ar the values you can use:
| Key | Description |
| ---: | --- |
| `command` | The command to execute |
| `help` | Replace the generated help |
| `show_cmd` | To print or not the command (default=`True`) |
| `exit_on_fail` | if `False` will not terminate multiples commands when any one fails (default=`True`) |
| `messages` | Another dict with Messages to print:
`start`: Print the message before any command
`success`: Print the message when the command finish with success
`error`: Print the message when the command fails
`finish`: Print the message regardless the command result |
| `ANY_THNG` | Will set environment variable
'command': '$docker mix test',
'MIX_ENV': 'test'
Will set the environment variable `MIX_ENV` to `test` then run `mix test`
#### Environment Variables
To set an environment variable for the CLIs commands use `export` like in bash
# pytest.cli
export DJANGO_LOG_FILE=/tmp/log
export PYTEST_ADDOPTS="--color=yes"
Any command in the Pytest CLI will use those environment variables
#### Complex Commands
To create more complexes commands, you can create a `NAME.py` file. Create a class with the name of the CLI,
annotate the method you want with `@Command` and run the commands with `CLI.execute`
# git.py
import os
from polidoro_argument import Command
from polidoro_cli import CLI
class Git(object):
@Command(help='Run "git fetch" in all git projects')
def fetch_all():
for dir in os.listdir():
if os.path.isdir(dir):
if os.path.exists('.git'):
print(f'Fetching in {dir}...')
CLI.execute('git fetch', show_cmd=False)
%package -n python3-polidoro-cli
Summary: Polidoro CLI.
Provides: python-polidoro-cli
BuildRequires: python3-devel
BuildRequires: python3-setuptools
BuildRequires: python3-pip
%description -n python3-polidoro-cli
# Polidoro CLI


### To install
sudo apt install python3-pip -y
pip3 install polidoro_cli
### To use:
`cli --help`
### Tips:
Create alias for the CLI commands:
Add in your `.bashrc`
alias dk='cli docker'
alias ex='cli elixir'
alias dj='cli django'
alias rb='cli ruby'
alias g='cli git'
Or run `cli create_aliases` to create aliases for all default CLIs
### Default CLIs:
- **Django** [more information](README_DJANGO.md)
- **Docker:** [more information](README_DOCKER.md)
- **Elixir:** [more information](README_ELIXIR.md)
- **Git:** [more information](README_GIT.md)
- **NPM:** [more information](README_NPM.md)
- **PyTest:** [more information](README_PYTEST.md)
- **Ruby:** [more information](README_RUBY.md)
### Creating your own CLI
To create your CLI just create a file in `~/.cli` with the CLI name `NAME.cli` or `NAME.py` then call it with `cli name` or create an alias for it:
alias name='cli name'
In the `.cli` file, create aliases similar to the bash
# git.cli
ps=git push
To call run `cli git ps`. Or create an bash alias `alias g=cli git` then run using only `g ps`
#### Multiples aliases
To create multiples aliases separate by `,`
# git.cli
simple_log,l=git log --one-line
You can call using either `g simple_log` or `g l`.
#### Multiples commands
To create a command with multiple commands separate by `;`
# git.cli
commit_push,cp=git commit;git push
**NOTE:** If any command fails, will not execute the other commands
#### Using arguments
The CLI will put any arguments at the end of the command, by default,
but you can specify where use those arguments using `$args`.
# git.cli
commit_push,cp=git commit -m "$args";git push
Run with `g cp batata` will execute `git commit -m "batata"` then `git push`
It is possible to specify the argument
# postgres.cli
run=psql -U $arg0 -d $arg1 -c $arg2
Running `cli postgres run heitor polidoro_db "select * from table"` will execute
`psql -U 'heitor' -d 'polidoro_db' -c 'select * from table'`
Use `${argN:DEFAULT_VALUE}` to specify a default value to the argument
#### Variables
To set some variable use `set NAME=VALE` and use it with `$NAME`
# postgres.cli
set DB_USER=heitor
set DB_NAME=polidoro_db
run=psql -U $USER -d $DB_NAME -c
Running `cli postgres run "select * from table"` will execute
`psql -U 'heitor' -d 'polidoro_db' -c 'select * from table'`
There is a special variable called `DEFAULT_COMMAND`, when set will start all commands with the value.
# git.cli
commit_push,cp=commit -m "$args";push
When run `g ps` will execute `git push`. Also works with multiple commands, like `g cp msg` will execute
`git commit -m "msg"` then `git push`. Also, when `DEFAULT_COMMAND` is set, all commands that is not set in
the `.cli` file will be called using the `DEFAULT_COMMAND`. `g fetch` will call `git fetch` even if the command
`fetch` is not in the `git.cli`, and, when run `--help` will show the `DEFAULT_COMMAND` help then the CLI help.
There is a pair of special variables called `docker` and `service`, you can't (shouldn't) set, but you can use. When used will
replace the `$docker` with `docker-compose exec $service` if the parameter `-d/--docker` is in the command line.
The CLI will replace `$service` for the first argument from the command line, if is a valid service,
or will use the first service with `build` in `docker-compose.yml`.
# elixir.cli
deps=$docker mix deps.get
If you call `ex deps` will execute `mix deps.get`, if you call `ex deps -d` will execute `docker-compose exec service_name mix deps.get`
or `ex deps -d other_service` will execute `docker-compose exec other_service mix deps.get`.
With the `$docker` variable you can create CLIs that runs in the host or in the container.
You can combine things like:
# elixir.cli
set DEFAULT_COMMAND=$docker mix
All commands will run in the host or in the container if `-d/--docker` is in the parameters
You can explicit the command (or replace the `DEFAULT_COMMAND`) passing a dict (Python format) as command.
# elixir.cli
iex={'command': 'iex -S mix'}
In this case, when you call `ex iex` will run `iex -S mix` without the `DEFAULT_COMMAND`
These ar the values you can use:
| Key | Description |
| ---: | --- |
| `command` | The command to execute |
| `help` | Replace the generated help |
| `show_cmd` | To print or not the command (default=`True`) |
| `exit_on_fail` | if `False` will not terminate multiples commands when any one fails (default=`True`) |
| `messages` | Another dict with Messages to print:
`start`: Print the message before any command
`success`: Print the message when the command finish with success
`error`: Print the message when the command fails
`finish`: Print the message regardless the command result |
| `ANY_THNG` | Will set environment variable
'command': '$docker mix test',
'MIX_ENV': 'test'
Will set the environment variable `MIX_ENV` to `test` then run `mix test`
#### Environment Variables
To set an environment variable for the CLIs commands use `export` like in bash
# pytest.cli
export DJANGO_LOG_FILE=/tmp/log
export PYTEST_ADDOPTS="--color=yes"
Any command in the Pytest CLI will use those environment variables
#### Complex Commands
To create more complexes commands, you can create a `NAME.py` file. Create a class with the name of the CLI,
annotate the method you want with `@Command` and run the commands with `CLI.execute`
# git.py
import os
from polidoro_argument import Command
from polidoro_cli import CLI
class Git(object):
@Command(help='Run "git fetch" in all git projects')
def fetch_all():
for dir in os.listdir():
if os.path.isdir(dir):
if os.path.exists('.git'):
print(f'Fetching in {dir}...')
CLI.execute('git fetch', show_cmd=False)
%package help
Summary: Development documents and examples for polidoro-cli
Provides: python3-polidoro-cli-doc
%description help
# Polidoro CLI


### To install
sudo apt install python3-pip -y
pip3 install polidoro_cli
### To use:
`cli --help`
### Tips:
Create alias for the CLI commands:
Add in your `.bashrc`
alias dk='cli docker'
alias ex='cli elixir'
alias dj='cli django'
alias rb='cli ruby'
alias g='cli git'
Or run `cli create_aliases` to create aliases for all default CLIs
### Default CLIs:
- **Django** [more information](README_DJANGO.md)
- **Docker:** [more information](README_DOCKER.md)
- **Elixir:** [more information](README_ELIXIR.md)
- **Git:** [more information](README_GIT.md)
- **NPM:** [more information](README_NPM.md)
- **PyTest:** [more information](README_PYTEST.md)
- **Ruby:** [more information](README_RUBY.md)
### Creating your own CLI
To create your CLI just create a file in `~/.cli` with the CLI name `NAME.cli` or `NAME.py` then call it with `cli name` or create an alias for it:
alias name='cli name'
In the `.cli` file, create aliases similar to the bash
# git.cli
ps=git push
To call run `cli git ps`. Or create an bash alias `alias g=cli git` then run using only `g ps`
#### Multiples aliases
To create multiples aliases separate by `,`
# git.cli
simple_log,l=git log --one-line
You can call using either `g simple_log` or `g l`.
#### Multiples commands
To create a command with multiple commands separate by `;`
# git.cli
commit_push,cp=git commit;git push
**NOTE:** If any command fails, will not execute the other commands
#### Using arguments
The CLI will put any arguments at the end of the command, by default,
but you can specify where use those arguments using `$args`.
# git.cli
commit_push,cp=git commit -m "$args";git push
Run with `g cp batata` will execute `git commit -m "batata"` then `git push`
It is possible to specify the argument
# postgres.cli
run=psql -U $arg0 -d $arg1 -c $arg2
Running `cli postgres run heitor polidoro_db "select * from table"` will execute
`psql -U 'heitor' -d 'polidoro_db' -c 'select * from table'`
Use `${argN:DEFAULT_VALUE}` to specify a default value to the argument
#### Variables
To set some variable use `set NAME=VALE` and use it with `$NAME`
# postgres.cli
set DB_USER=heitor
set DB_NAME=polidoro_db
run=psql -U $USER -d $DB_NAME -c
Running `cli postgres run "select * from table"` will execute
`psql -U 'heitor' -d 'polidoro_db' -c 'select * from table'`
There is a special variable called `DEFAULT_COMMAND`, when set will start all commands with the value.
# git.cli
commit_push,cp=commit -m "$args";push
When run `g ps` will execute `git push`. Also works with multiple commands, like `g cp msg` will execute
`git commit -m "msg"` then `git push`. Also, when `DEFAULT_COMMAND` is set, all commands that is not set in
the `.cli` file will be called using the `DEFAULT_COMMAND`. `g fetch` will call `git fetch` even if the command
`fetch` is not in the `git.cli`, and, when run `--help` will show the `DEFAULT_COMMAND` help then the CLI help.
There is a pair of special variables called `docker` and `service`, you can't (shouldn't) set, but you can use. When used will
replace the `$docker` with `docker-compose exec $service` if the parameter `-d/--docker` is in the command line.
The CLI will replace `$service` for the first argument from the command line, if is a valid service,
or will use the first service with `build` in `docker-compose.yml`.
# elixir.cli
deps=$docker mix deps.get
If you call `ex deps` will execute `mix deps.get`, if you call `ex deps -d` will execute `docker-compose exec service_name mix deps.get`
or `ex deps -d other_service` will execute `docker-compose exec other_service mix deps.get`.
With the `$docker` variable you can create CLIs that runs in the host or in the container.
You can combine things like:
# elixir.cli
set DEFAULT_COMMAND=$docker mix
All commands will run in the host or in the container if `-d/--docker` is in the parameters
You can explicit the command (or replace the `DEFAULT_COMMAND`) passing a dict (Python format) as command.
# elixir.cli
iex={'command': 'iex -S mix'}
In this case, when you call `ex iex` will run `iex -S mix` without the `DEFAULT_COMMAND`
These ar the values you can use:
| Key | Description |
| ---: | --- |
| `command` | The command to execute |
| `help` | Replace the generated help |
| `show_cmd` | To print or not the command (default=`True`) |
| `exit_on_fail` | if `False` will not terminate multiples commands when any one fails (default=`True`) |
| `messages` | Another dict with Messages to print:
`start`: Print the message before any command
`success`: Print the message when the command finish with success
`error`: Print the message when the command fails
`finish`: Print the message regardless the command result |
| `ANY_THNG` | Will set environment variable
'command': '$docker mix test',
'MIX_ENV': 'test'
Will set the environment variable `MIX_ENV` to `test` then run `mix test`
#### Environment Variables
To set an environment variable for the CLIs commands use `export` like in bash
# pytest.cli
export DJANGO_LOG_FILE=/tmp/log
export PYTEST_ADDOPTS="--color=yes"
Any command in the Pytest CLI will use those environment variables
#### Complex Commands
To create more complexes commands, you can create a `NAME.py` file. Create a class with the name of the CLI,
annotate the method you want with `@Command` and run the commands with `CLI.execute`
# git.py
import os
from polidoro_argument import Command
from polidoro_cli import CLI
class Git(object):
@Command(help='Run "git fetch" in all git projects')
def fetch_all():
for dir in os.listdir():
if os.path.isdir(dir):
if os.path.exists('.git'):
print(f'Fetching in {dir}...')
CLI.execute('git fetch', show_cmd=False)
%autosetup -n polidoro-cli-4.6.8
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* Thu Jun 08 2023 Python_Bot - 4.6.8-1
- Package Spec generated