%global _empty_manifest_terminate_build 0 Name: python-s-tui Version: 1.1.4 Release: 1 Summary: Stress Terminal UI stress test and monitoring tool License: GPLv2 URL: https://github.com/amanusk/s-tui Source0: https://mirrors.aliyun.com/pypi/web/packages/21/01/46cc2c73b92c218af7a61dde05a8c17c21d6cc45e1fbc695091faf550fb0/s-tui-1.1.4.tar.gz BuildArch: noarch %description # The Stress Terminal UI: s-tui [![PyPI version](https://badge.fury.io/py/s-tui.svg)](https://badge.fury.io/py/s-tui) [![Downloads](https://pepy.tech/badge/s-tui/month)](https://pepy.tech/project/s-tui) ![](https://github.com/amanusk/s-tui/blob/master/ScreenShots/s-tui-logo-small.png?raw=true) Stress-Terminal UI, s-tui, monitors CPU temperature, frequency, power and utilization in a graphical way from the terminal. ## Screenshot ![](https://github.com/amanusk/s-tui/blob/master/ScreenShots/s-tui-1.0.gif?raw=true) # Table of Contents - [The Stress Terminal UI: s-tui](#the-stress-terminal-ui-s-tui) - [Screenshot](#screenshot) - [What it does](#what-it-does) - [Usage](#usage) - [Simple installation](#simple-installation) - [pip (x86 ARM)](#pip-x86--arm) - [More installation methods](#more-installation-methods) - [Ubuntu (18.10 and newer)](#ubuntu-1810-and-newer) - [Ubuntu (18.04, 16.04)](#ubuntu-1804-1604) - [Arch Linux, Manjaro](#arch-linux-manjaro) - [OpenSUSE](#opensuse) - [Fedora](#fedora) - [Options](#options) - [Dependencies](#dependencies) - [Configuration](#configuration) - [Saving a configuration](#saving-a-configuration) - [Adding threshold scripts](#adding-threshold-scripts) - [Run from source code](#run-from-source-code) - [OPTIONAL integration of FIRESTARTER (via submodule, does not work on all systems)](#optional-integration-of-firestarter-via-submodule-does-not-work-on-all-systems) - [Compatibility](#compatibility) - [FAQ](#faq) - [Contributing](#contributing) - [Tip](#tip) ## What it does - Monitoring your CPU temperature/utilization/frequency/power - Shows performance dips caused by thermal throttling - Requires no X-server - Built in options for stressing the CPU (stress/stress-ng/FIRESTARTER) ## Usage ``` s-tui ``` ## Simple installation ### pip (x86 + ARM) The most up to date version of s-tui is available with pip. Install with: ``` pip install s-tui --user ``` (This usuall creates an executable in ~/.local/bin/ dir. Make sure it is in your PATH) To install as root ``` sudo pip install s-tui ``` You might need to install `python-dev` first Installation in virtualenv with [pipsi](https://github.com/mitsuhiko/pipsi): ``` pipsi install s-tui ``` ## More installation methods ### Ubuntu (18.10 and newer) ``` sudo apt install s-tui ``` ### Ubuntu (18.04, 16.04) A PPA is available but is not up to date ``` sudo add-apt-repository ppa:amanusk/python-s-tui sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install python3-s-tui ``` ### Arch Linux, Manjaro `s-tui` is in the Arch repository: ``` sudo pacman -S s-tui ``` `s-tui-git` follows the master branch, maintained by [@MauroMombelli](https://github.com/MauroMombelli) Install it with: `yay -S s-tui-git` ### OpenSUSE ``` sudo zypper install s-tui ``` ### Fedora `s-tui` is in the Fedora [repository](https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/s-tui): ``` sudo dnf install s-tui ``` ## Options ``` TUI interface: The side bar houses the controls for the displayed graphs. At the bottom, all sensors reading are presented in text form. * Use the arrow keys or 'hjkl' to navigate the side bar * Toggle between stressed and regular operation using the radio buttons in 'Modes'. * If you wish to alternate stress defaults, you can do it in * Select graphs to display in the menu * Select summaries to display in the menu * Use the button to reset graphs and statistics * If your system supports it, you can use the UTF-8 button to get a smoother graph * Save your current configuration with the button * Press 'q' or the button to quit * Run `s-tui --help` to get this message and additional cli options optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -d, --debug Output debug log to _s-tui.log --debug-file DEBUG_FILE Use a custom debug file. Default: _s-tui.log -dr, --debug_run Run for 5 seconds and quit -c, --csv Save stats to csv file --csv-file CSV_FILE Use a custom CSV file. Default: s-tui_log_