%global _empty_manifest_terminate_build 0 Name: python-json-stream Version: 2.3.0 Release: 1 Summary: Streaming JSON encoder and decoder License: Copyright (c) 2020 Jamie Cockburn Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. URL: https://github.com/daggaz/json-stream Source0: https://mirrors.aliyun.com/pypi/web/packages/56/3a/dd2a27f88bc5b81758fe611e961e8523b0b578896b12b78536468c7f6655/json-stream-2.3.0.tar.gz BuildArch: noarch Requires: python3-json-stream-rs-tokenizer Requires: python3-httpx Requires: python3-requests %description # json-stream [![Tests](https://github.com/daggaz/json-stream/actions/workflows/tests.yml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/daggaz/json-stream/actions/workflows/tests.yml) [![PyPI package and version badge](https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/json-stream)](https://pypi.org/project/json-stream) [![Supported Python versions badge](https://img.shields.io/pypi/pyversions/json-stream)](https://pypi.org/project/json-stream/) [![Donate](https://img.shields.io/badge/buy%20me%20a%20coffee-donate-blue.svg)](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/daggaz) Simple streaming JSON parser and encoder. When [reading](#reading) JSON data, `json-stream` can decode JSON data in a streaming manner, providing a pythonic dict/list-like interface, or a [visitor-based interfeace](#visitor). Can stream from files, [URLs](#urls) or [iterators](#iterators). When [writing](#writing) JSON data, `json-stream` can stream JSON objects as you generate them. These techniques allow you to [reduce memory consumption and latency](#standard-json-problems). # Reading `json-stream` is a JSON parser just like the standard library's [`json.load()`](https://docs.python.org/3/library/json.html#json.load). It will read a JSON document and convert it into native python types. ```python import json_stream data = json_stream.load(f) ``` Features: * stream all JSON data types (objects, lists and simple types) * stream nested data * simple pythonic `list`-like/`dict`-like interface * stream truncated or malformed JSON data (up to the first error) * [native code parsing speedups](#rust-tokenizer) for most common platforms * pure python fallback if native extensions not available Unlike `json.load()`, `json-stream` can _stream_ JSON data from any file-like or [iterable](#iterators) object. This has the following benefits: * it does not require the whole json document to be read into memory up-front * it can start producing data before the entire document has finished loading * it only requires enough memory to hold the data currently being parsed There are specific integrations for streaming JSON data from [URLs](#urls) using the [`requests`](#requests), [`httpx`](#httpx), or [`urllib`](#urllib). The objects that `json-stream` produces can be [re-output](#encoding-json-stream-objects) using `json.dump()` with a little work. ## Usage ### `json_stream.load()` `json_stream.load()` has two modes of operation, controlled by the `persistent` argument (default false). It is also possible to "mix" the modes as you consume the data. #### Transient mode (default) This mode is appropriate if you can consume the data iteratively. You cannot move backwards through the stream to read data that has already been skipped over. It is the mode you **must** use if you want process large amounts of JSON data without consuming large amounts of memory required. In transient mode, only the data currently being read is stored in memory. Any data previously read from the stream is discarded (it's up to you what to do with it) and attempting to access this data results in a `TransientAccessException`. ```python import json_stream # JSON: {"count": 3, "results": ["a", "b", "c"]} data = json_stream.load(f) # data is a transient dict-like object # stream has been read up to "{" # use data like a dict results = data["results"] # results is a transient list-like object # stream has been read up to "[", we now cannot read "count" # iterate transient list for result in results: print(result) # prints a, b, c # stream has been read up to "]" # attempt to read "count" from earlier in stream count = data["count"] # will raise exception # stream is now exhausted # attempt to read from list that has already been iterated for result in results: # will raise exception pass ``` #### Persistent mode In persistent mode all previously read data is stored in memory as it is parsed. The returned `dict`-like or `list`-like objects can be used just like normal data structures. If you request an index or key that has already been read from the stream then it is retrieved from memory. If you request an index or key that has not yet been read from the stream, then the request blocks until that item is found in the stream. ```python import json_stream # JSON: {"count": 1, "results": ["a", "b", "c"]} data = json_stream.load(f, persistent=True) # data is a streaming dict-like object # stream has been read up to "{" # use data like a dict results = data["results"] # results is a streaming list-like object # stream has been read up to "[" # count has been stored data # use results like a list a_result = results[1] # a_result = "b" # stream has been read up to the middle of list # "a" and "b" have been stored in results # read earlier data from memory count = data["count"] # count = 1 # consume rest of list results.read_all() # stream has been read up to "}" # "c" is now stored in results too # results.is_streaming() == False # consume everything data.read_all() # stream is now exhausted # data.is_streaming() == False ``` Persistent mode is not appropriate if you care about memory consumption, but provides an identical experience compared to `json.load()`. #### Mixed mode In some cases you will need to be able to randomly access some part of the data, but still only have that specific data taking up memory resources. For example, you might have a very long list of objects, but you cannot always access the keys of the objects in stream order. You want to be able to iterate the list transiently, but access the result objects persistently. This can be achieved using the `persistent()` method of all the `list` or `dict`-like objects json_stream produces. Calling `persistent()` causes the existing transient object to produce persistent child objects. Note that the `persistent()` method makes the children of the object it is called on persistent, not the object it is called on. ```python import json_stream # JSON: {"results": [{"x": 1, "y": 3}, {"y": 4, "x": 2}]} # note that the keys of the inner objects are not ordered data = json_stream.load(f) # data is a transient dict-like object # iterate transient list, but produce persistent items for result in data['results'].persistent(): # result is a persistent dict-like object print(result['x']) # print x print(result['y']) # print y (error on second result without .persistent()) print(result['x']) # print x again (error without .persistent()) ``` The opposite is also possible, going from persistent mode to transient mode, though the use cases for this are more esoteric. ```python # JSON: {"a": 1, "x": ["long", "list", "I", "don't", "want", "in", "memory"], "b": 2} data = load(StringIO(json), persistent=True).transient() # data is a persistent dict-list object that produces transient children print(data["a"]) # prints 1 x = data["x"] # x is a transient list, you can use it accordingly print(x[0]) # prints long # access earlier data from memory print(data["a"]) # this would have raised an exception if data was transient print(data["b"]) # prints 2 # we have now moved past all the data in the transient list print(x[0]) # will raise exception ``` ### visitor pattern You can also parse using a visitor-style approach where a function you supply is called for each data item as it is parsed (depth-first). This uses a transient parser under the hood, so does not consume memory for the whole document. ```python import json_stream # JSON: {"x": 1, "y": {}, "xxxx": [1,2, {"yyyy": 1}, "z", 1, []]} def visitor(item, path): print(f"{item} at path {path}") json_stream.visit(f, visitor) ``` Output: ``` 1 at path ('x',) {} at path ('y',) 1 at path ('xxxx', 0) 2 at path ('xxxx', 1) 1 at path ('xxxx', 2, 'yyyy') z at path ('xxxx', 3) 1 at path ('xxxx', 4) [] at path ('xxxx', 5) ``` ### Stream a URL `json_stream` knows how to stream directly from a URL using a variety of packages. Supported packages include: - Python's batteries-included [`urllib`](#urllib) package - The popular [`requests`](#requests) library - The newer [`httpx`](#httpx) library #### urllib [`urllib`](https://docs.python.org/3/library/urllib.html)'s response objects are already file-like objects, so we can just pass them directly to `json-stream`. ```python import urllib.request import json_stream with urllib.request.urlopen('http://example.com/data.json') as response: data = json_stream.load(response) ``` #### requests To stream JSON data from [`requests`](https://requests.readthedocs.io/en/latest/), you must pass `stream=True` when making a request, and call `json_stream.requests.load()` passing the response. ```python import requests import json_stream.requests with requests.get('http://example.com/data.json', stream=True) as response: data = json_stream.requests.load(response) ``` Note: these functions use [`response.iter_content()`](https://requests.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api/#requests.Response.iter_content) under the hood with a `chunk_size` of 10k bytes. This default allows us to perform effective reads from the response stream and lower CPU usage. The drawback to this is that `requests` will buffer each read until up to 10k bytes have been read before passing the data back to `json_stream`. If you need to consume data more responsively the only option is to tune `chunk_size` back to 1 to disable buffering. #### httpx To stream JSON data from [`httpx`](https://www.python-httpx.org/), you must call [`stream()`](https://www.python-httpx.org/quickstart/#streaming-responses) when making your request, and call `json_stream.httpx.load()` passing the response. ```python import httpx import json_stream.httpx with httpx.Client() as client, client.stream('GET', 'http://example.com/data.json') as response: data = json_stream.httpx.load(response) ``` Under the hood, this works similarly to the [`requests`](#requests) version above, including the caveat about [`chunk_size`](#requests-chunk-size). ### Stream a URL (with visitor) The visitor pattern also works with URL streams. #### urllib ```python import urllib.request import json_stream def visitor(item, path): print(f"{item} at path {path}") with urllib.request.urlopen('http://example.com/data.json') as response: json_stream.visit(response, visitor) ``` #### requests ```python import requests import json_stream.requests def visitor(item, path): print(f"{item} at path {path}") with requests.get('http://example.com/data.json', stream=True) as response: json_stream.requests.visit(response, visitor) ``` The [`chunk_size`](#requests-chunk-size) note also applies to `visit()`. #### httpx ```python import httpx import json_stream.httpx def visitor(item, path): print(f"{item} at path {path}") with httpx.Client() as client, client.stream('GET', 'http://example.com/data.json') as response: json_stream.httpx.visit(response, visitor) ``` ### Stream an iterable `json-stream`'s parsing functions can take any iterable object that produces encoded JSON as `byte` objects. ```python import json_stream def some_iterator(): yield b'{"some":' yield b' "JSON"}' data = json_stream.load(some_iterator()) assert data['some'] == "JSON" ``` This is actually how the [`requests`](#requests) and [`httpx`](#httpx) extensions work, as both libraries provide methods to iterate over the response content. ### Encoding json-stream objects You can re-output (encode) _persistent_ json-stream `dict`-like and `list`-like object back to JSON using the built-in `json.dump()` or `json.dumps()` functions, but with a little additional work: ```python import json import json_stream from json_stream.dump import JSONStreamEncoder, default data = json_stream.load(f, persistent=True) # Option 1: supply json_stream.encoding.default as the default argument print(json.dumps(data, default=default)) # Option 2: supply json_stream.encoding.JSONStreamEncoder as the cls argument # This allows you to create your own subclass to further customise encoding print(json.dumps(data, cls=JSONStreamEncoder)) ``` If you are using a library that internally takes data you pass it and encodes it using `json.dump()`. You can also use JSONStreamEncoder() as a context manager. It works by monkey-patching the built-in `JSONEncoder.default` method during the scope of the `with` statement. ```python # library code def some_library_function_out_of_your_control(arg): json.dumps(arg) # your code with JSONStreamEncoder(): some_library_function_out_of_your_control(data) ``` ### Converting to standard Python types To convert a json-stream `dict`-like or `list`-like object and all its descendants to a standard `list` and `dict`, you can use the `json_stream.to_standard_types` utility: ```python # JSON: {"round": 1, "results": [1, 2, 3]} data = json_stream.load(f) results = data["results"] print(results) # prints converted = json_stream.to_standard_types(results) print(converted) # prints [1, 2, 3] ``` #### Thread safety (experimental) There is also a thread-safe version of the `json.dump` context manager: ```python from json_stream.dump.threading import ThreadSafeJSONStreamEncoder # your code with ThreadSafeJSONStreamEncoder(): some_library_function_out_of_your_control(data) ``` The thread-safe implementation will ensure that concurrent uses of the context manager will only apply the patch for the first thread entering the patched section(s) and will only remove the patch when the last thread exits the patched sections(s) Additionally, if the patch is somehow called by a thread that is _not_ currently in a patched section (i.e. some other thread calling `json.dump`) then that thread will block until the patch has been removed. While such an un-patched thread is active, any thread attempting to apply the patch is blocked. ### Rust tokenizer speedups By default `json-stream` uses the [`json-stream-rs-tokenizer`](https://pypi.org/project/json-stream-rs-tokenizer/) native extension. This is a 3rd party Rust-based tokenizer implementations that provides significant parsing speedup compared to pure python implementation. `json-stream` will fallback to its pure python tokenizer implementation if `json-stream-rs-tokenizer` is not available. ### Custom tokenizer You can supply an alternative JSON tokenizer implementation. Simply pass a tokenizer to the `load()` or `visit()` methods. ```python json_stream.load(f, tokenizer=some_tokenizer) ``` The requests methods also accept a customer tokenizer parameter. # Writing The standard library's `json.dump()` function can only accept standard python types such as `dict`, `list`, `str`. `json-stream` allows you to write streaming JSON output based on python generators instead. For actually encoding and writing to the stream, `json-stream` still uses the standard library's `json.dump()` function, but provides wrappers that adapt python generators into `dict`/`list` subclasses that `json.dump()` can use. The means that you do not have to generate all of your data upfront before calling `json.dump()`. ## Usage To use `json-stream` to generate JSON data iteratively, you must first write python generators (or use any other iterable). To output JSON objects, the iterable must yield key/value pairs. To output JSON lists, the iterable must yield individual items. The values yielded can be either be standard python types or another other `Streamable` object, allowing lists and object to be arbitrarily nested. `streamable_list`/`streamable_dict` can be used to wrap an existing iterable: ```python import sys import json from json_stream import streamable_list # wrap existing iterable data = streamable_list(range(10)) # consume iterable with standard json.dump() json.dump(data, sys.stdout) ``` Or they can be used as decorators on generator functions: ```python import json import sys from json_stream import streamable_dict # declare a new streamable dict generator function @streamable_dict def generate_dict_of_squares(n): for i in range(n): # this could be some memory intensive operation # or just a really large value of n yield i, i ** 2 # data is will already be Streamable because # of the decorator data = generate_dict_of_squares(10) json.dump(data, sys.stdout) ``` ## Example The following example generates a JSON object with a nested JSON list. It uses `time.sleep()` to slow down the generation and show that the output is indeed written as the data is created. ```python import sys import json import time from json_stream.writer import streamable_dict, streamable_list # define a list data generator that (slowly) yields # items that will be written as a JSON list @streamable_list def generate_list(n): # output n numbers and their squares for i in range(n): # range is itself a generator yield i time.sleep(1) # define a dictionary data generator that (slowly) yields # key/value pairs that will be written as a JSON dict @streamable_dict def generate_dict(n): # output n numbers and their squares for i in range(n): # range is itself a generator yield i, i ** 2 time.sleep(1) # yield another dictionary item key, with the value # being a streamed nested list yield "a list", generate_list(n) # get a streamable generator data = generate_dict(5) # use json.dump() to write dict generator to stdout json.dump(data, sys.stdout, indent=2) # if you already have an iterable object, you can just # call streamable_* on it to make it writable data = streamable_list(range(10)) json.dump(data, sys.stdout) ``` Output: ```json { "0": 0, "1": 1, "2": 4, "3": 9, "4": 16, "a list": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 ] } ``` # What are the problems with the standard `json` package? ## Reading with `json.load()` The problem with the `json.load()` stem from the fact that it must read the whole JSON document into memory before parsing it. ### Memory usage `json.load()` first reads the whole document into memory as a string. It then starts parsing that string and converting the whole document into python types again stored in memory. For a very large document, this could be more memory than you have available to your system. `json_stream.load()` does not read the whole document into memory, it only buffers enough from the stream to produce the next item of data. Additionally, in the default transient mode (see below) `json-stream` doesn't store up all of the parsed data in memory. ### Latency `json.load()` produces all the data after parsing the whole document. If you only care about the first 10 items in a list of 2 million items, then you have wait until all 2 million items have been parsed first. `json_stream.load()` produces data as soon as it is available in the stream. ## Writing ### Memory usage While `json.dump()` does iteratively write JSON data to the given file-like object, you must first produce the entire document to be written as standard python types (`dict`, `list`, etc). For a very large document, this could be more memory than you have available to your system. `json-stream` allows you iteratively generate your data one item at a time, and thus consumes only the memory required to generate that one item. ### Latency `json.dump()` can only start writing to the output file once all the data has been generated up front at standard python types. The iterative generation of JSON items provided by `json-stream` allows the data to be written as it is produced. # Future improvements * Allow long strings in the JSON to be read as streams themselves * Allow transient mode on seekable streams to seek to data earlier in the stream instead of raising a `TransientAccessException` * A more efficient tokenizer? # Alternatives ## NAYA [NAYA](https://github.com/danielyule/naya) is a pure python JSON parser for parsing a simple JSON list as a stream. ### Why not NAYA? * It can only stream JSON containing a top-level list * It does not provide a pythonic `dict`/`list`-like interface ## Yajl-Py [Yajl-Py](https://pykler.github.io/yajl-py/) is a wrapper around the C YAJL JSON library that can be used to generate SAX style events while parsing JSON. ### Why not Yajl-Py? * No pure python implementation * It does not provide a pythonic `dict`/`list`-like interface ## jsonslicer [jsonslicer](https://github.com/AMDmi3/jsonslicer) is another wrapper around the YAJL C library with a path lookup based interface. ### Why not jsonslicer? * No pure python implementation * It does not provide a pythonic `dict`/`list`-like interface * Must know all data paths lookup in advance (or make multiple passes) # Contributing See the project [contribution guide](https://github.com/daggaz/json-stream/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md). # Donations [![PayPal](https://www.paypalobjects.com/webstatic/mktg/Logo/pp-logo-100px.png)](https://paypal.me/JCockburn307?country.x=GB&locale.x=en_GB) OR [!["Buy Me A Coffee"](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/assets/img/custom_images/orange_img.png)](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/daggaz) # Acknowledgements The JSON tokenizer used in the project was taken from the [NAYA](https://github.com/danielyule/naya) project. %package -n python3-json-stream Summary: Streaming JSON encoder and decoder Provides: python-json-stream BuildRequires: python3-devel BuildRequires: python3-setuptools BuildRequires: python3-pip %description -n python3-json-stream # json-stream [![Tests](https://github.com/daggaz/json-stream/actions/workflows/tests.yml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/daggaz/json-stream/actions/workflows/tests.yml) [![PyPI package and version badge](https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/json-stream)](https://pypi.org/project/json-stream) [![Supported Python versions badge](https://img.shields.io/pypi/pyversions/json-stream)](https://pypi.org/project/json-stream/) [![Donate](https://img.shields.io/badge/buy%20me%20a%20coffee-donate-blue.svg)](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/daggaz) Simple streaming JSON parser and encoder. When [reading](#reading) JSON data, `json-stream` can decode JSON data in a streaming manner, providing a pythonic dict/list-like interface, or a [visitor-based interfeace](#visitor). Can stream from files, [URLs](#urls) or [iterators](#iterators). When [writing](#writing) JSON data, `json-stream` can stream JSON objects as you generate them. These techniques allow you to [reduce memory consumption and latency](#standard-json-problems). # Reading `json-stream` is a JSON parser just like the standard library's [`json.load()`](https://docs.python.org/3/library/json.html#json.load). It will read a JSON document and convert it into native python types. ```python import json_stream data = json_stream.load(f) ``` Features: * stream all JSON data types (objects, lists and simple types) * stream nested data * simple pythonic `list`-like/`dict`-like interface * stream truncated or malformed JSON data (up to the first error) * [native code parsing speedups](#rust-tokenizer) for most common platforms * pure python fallback if native extensions not available Unlike `json.load()`, `json-stream` can _stream_ JSON data from any file-like or [iterable](#iterators) object. This has the following benefits: * it does not require the whole json document to be read into memory up-front * it can start producing data before the entire document has finished loading * it only requires enough memory to hold the data currently being parsed There are specific integrations for streaming JSON data from [URLs](#urls) using the [`requests`](#requests), [`httpx`](#httpx), or [`urllib`](#urllib). The objects that `json-stream` produces can be [re-output](#encoding-json-stream-objects) using `json.dump()` with a little work. ## Usage ### `json_stream.load()` `json_stream.load()` has two modes of operation, controlled by the `persistent` argument (default false). It is also possible to "mix" the modes as you consume the data. #### Transient mode (default) This mode is appropriate if you can consume the data iteratively. You cannot move backwards through the stream to read data that has already been skipped over. It is the mode you **must** use if you want process large amounts of JSON data without consuming large amounts of memory required. In transient mode, only the data currently being read is stored in memory. Any data previously read from the stream is discarded (it's up to you what to do with it) and attempting to access this data results in a `TransientAccessException`. ```python import json_stream # JSON: {"count": 3, "results": ["a", "b", "c"]} data = json_stream.load(f) # data is a transient dict-like object # stream has been read up to "{" # use data like a dict results = data["results"] # results is a transient list-like object # stream has been read up to "[", we now cannot read "count" # iterate transient list for result in results: print(result) # prints a, b, c # stream has been read up to "]" # attempt to read "count" from earlier in stream count = data["count"] # will raise exception # stream is now exhausted # attempt to read from list that has already been iterated for result in results: # will raise exception pass ``` #### Persistent mode In persistent mode all previously read data is stored in memory as it is parsed. The returned `dict`-like or `list`-like objects can be used just like normal data structures. If you request an index or key that has already been read from the stream then it is retrieved from memory. If you request an index or key that has not yet been read from the stream, then the request blocks until that item is found in the stream. ```python import json_stream # JSON: {"count": 1, "results": ["a", "b", "c"]} data = json_stream.load(f, persistent=True) # data is a streaming dict-like object # stream has been read up to "{" # use data like a dict results = data["results"] # results is a streaming list-like object # stream has been read up to "[" # count has been stored data # use results like a list a_result = results[1] # a_result = "b" # stream has been read up to the middle of list # "a" and "b" have been stored in results # read earlier data from memory count = data["count"] # count = 1 # consume rest of list results.read_all() # stream has been read up to "}" # "c" is now stored in results too # results.is_streaming() == False # consume everything data.read_all() # stream is now exhausted # data.is_streaming() == False ``` Persistent mode is not appropriate if you care about memory consumption, but provides an identical experience compared to `json.load()`. #### Mixed mode In some cases you will need to be able to randomly access some part of the data, but still only have that specific data taking up memory resources. For example, you might have a very long list of objects, but you cannot always access the keys of the objects in stream order. You want to be able to iterate the list transiently, but access the result objects persistently. This can be achieved using the `persistent()` method of all the `list` or `dict`-like objects json_stream produces. Calling `persistent()` causes the existing transient object to produce persistent child objects. Note that the `persistent()` method makes the children of the object it is called on persistent, not the object it is called on. ```python import json_stream # JSON: {"results": [{"x": 1, "y": 3}, {"y": 4, "x": 2}]} # note that the keys of the inner objects are not ordered data = json_stream.load(f) # data is a transient dict-like object # iterate transient list, but produce persistent items for result in data['results'].persistent(): # result is a persistent dict-like object print(result['x']) # print x print(result['y']) # print y (error on second result without .persistent()) print(result['x']) # print x again (error without .persistent()) ``` The opposite is also possible, going from persistent mode to transient mode, though the use cases for this are more esoteric. ```python # JSON: {"a": 1, "x": ["long", "list", "I", "don't", "want", "in", "memory"], "b": 2} data = load(StringIO(json), persistent=True).transient() # data is a persistent dict-list object that produces transient children print(data["a"]) # prints 1 x = data["x"] # x is a transient list, you can use it accordingly print(x[0]) # prints long # access earlier data from memory print(data["a"]) # this would have raised an exception if data was transient print(data["b"]) # prints 2 # we have now moved past all the data in the transient list print(x[0]) # will raise exception ``` ### visitor pattern You can also parse using a visitor-style approach where a function you supply is called for each data item as it is parsed (depth-first). This uses a transient parser under the hood, so does not consume memory for the whole document. ```python import json_stream # JSON: {"x": 1, "y": {}, "xxxx": [1,2, {"yyyy": 1}, "z", 1, []]} def visitor(item, path): print(f"{item} at path {path}") json_stream.visit(f, visitor) ``` Output: ``` 1 at path ('x',) {} at path ('y',) 1 at path ('xxxx', 0) 2 at path ('xxxx', 1) 1 at path ('xxxx', 2, 'yyyy') z at path ('xxxx', 3) 1 at path ('xxxx', 4) [] at path ('xxxx', 5) ``` ### Stream a URL `json_stream` knows how to stream directly from a URL using a variety of packages. Supported packages include: - Python's batteries-included [`urllib`](#urllib) package - The popular [`requests`](#requests) library - The newer [`httpx`](#httpx) library #### urllib [`urllib`](https://docs.python.org/3/library/urllib.html)'s response objects are already file-like objects, so we can just pass them directly to `json-stream`. ```python import urllib.request import json_stream with urllib.request.urlopen('http://example.com/data.json') as response: data = json_stream.load(response) ``` #### requests To stream JSON data from [`requests`](https://requests.readthedocs.io/en/latest/), you must pass `stream=True` when making a request, and call `json_stream.requests.load()` passing the response. ```python import requests import json_stream.requests with requests.get('http://example.com/data.json', stream=True) as response: data = json_stream.requests.load(response) ``` Note: these functions use [`response.iter_content()`](https://requests.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api/#requests.Response.iter_content) under the hood with a `chunk_size` of 10k bytes. This default allows us to perform effective reads from the response stream and lower CPU usage. The drawback to this is that `requests` will buffer each read until up to 10k bytes have been read before passing the data back to `json_stream`. If you need to consume data more responsively the only option is to tune `chunk_size` back to 1 to disable buffering. #### httpx To stream JSON data from [`httpx`](https://www.python-httpx.org/), you must call [`stream()`](https://www.python-httpx.org/quickstart/#streaming-responses) when making your request, and call `json_stream.httpx.load()` passing the response. ```python import httpx import json_stream.httpx with httpx.Client() as client, client.stream('GET', 'http://example.com/data.json') as response: data = json_stream.httpx.load(response) ``` Under the hood, this works similarly to the [`requests`](#requests) version above, including the caveat about [`chunk_size`](#requests-chunk-size). ### Stream a URL (with visitor) The visitor pattern also works with URL streams. #### urllib ```python import urllib.request import json_stream def visitor(item, path): print(f"{item} at path {path}") with urllib.request.urlopen('http://example.com/data.json') as response: json_stream.visit(response, visitor) ``` #### requests ```python import requests import json_stream.requests def visitor(item, path): print(f"{item} at path {path}") with requests.get('http://example.com/data.json', stream=True) as response: json_stream.requests.visit(response, visitor) ``` The [`chunk_size`](#requests-chunk-size) note also applies to `visit()`. #### httpx ```python import httpx import json_stream.httpx def visitor(item, path): print(f"{item} at path {path}") with httpx.Client() as client, client.stream('GET', 'http://example.com/data.json') as response: json_stream.httpx.visit(response, visitor) ``` ### Stream an iterable `json-stream`'s parsing functions can take any iterable object that produces encoded JSON as `byte` objects. ```python import json_stream def some_iterator(): yield b'{"some":' yield b' "JSON"}' data = json_stream.load(some_iterator()) assert data['some'] == "JSON" ``` This is actually how the [`requests`](#requests) and [`httpx`](#httpx) extensions work, as both libraries provide methods to iterate over the response content. ### Encoding json-stream objects You can re-output (encode) _persistent_ json-stream `dict`-like and `list`-like object back to JSON using the built-in `json.dump()` or `json.dumps()` functions, but with a little additional work: ```python import json import json_stream from json_stream.dump import JSONStreamEncoder, default data = json_stream.load(f, persistent=True) # Option 1: supply json_stream.encoding.default as the default argument print(json.dumps(data, default=default)) # Option 2: supply json_stream.encoding.JSONStreamEncoder as the cls argument # This allows you to create your own subclass to further customise encoding print(json.dumps(data, cls=JSONStreamEncoder)) ``` If you are using a library that internally takes data you pass it and encodes it using `json.dump()`. You can also use JSONStreamEncoder() as a context manager. It works by monkey-patching the built-in `JSONEncoder.default` method during the scope of the `with` statement. ```python # library code def some_library_function_out_of_your_control(arg): json.dumps(arg) # your code with JSONStreamEncoder(): some_library_function_out_of_your_control(data) ``` ### Converting to standard Python types To convert a json-stream `dict`-like or `list`-like object and all its descendants to a standard `list` and `dict`, you can use the `json_stream.to_standard_types` utility: ```python # JSON: {"round": 1, "results": [1, 2, 3]} data = json_stream.load(f) results = data["results"] print(results) # prints converted = json_stream.to_standard_types(results) print(converted) # prints [1, 2, 3] ``` #### Thread safety (experimental) There is also a thread-safe version of the `json.dump` context manager: ```python from json_stream.dump.threading import ThreadSafeJSONStreamEncoder # your code with ThreadSafeJSONStreamEncoder(): some_library_function_out_of_your_control(data) ``` The thread-safe implementation will ensure that concurrent uses of the context manager will only apply the patch for the first thread entering the patched section(s) and will only remove the patch when the last thread exits the patched sections(s) Additionally, if the patch is somehow called by a thread that is _not_ currently in a patched section (i.e. some other thread calling `json.dump`) then that thread will block until the patch has been removed. While such an un-patched thread is active, any thread attempting to apply the patch is blocked. ### Rust tokenizer speedups By default `json-stream` uses the [`json-stream-rs-tokenizer`](https://pypi.org/project/json-stream-rs-tokenizer/) native extension. This is a 3rd party Rust-based tokenizer implementations that provides significant parsing speedup compared to pure python implementation. `json-stream` will fallback to its pure python tokenizer implementation if `json-stream-rs-tokenizer` is not available. ### Custom tokenizer You can supply an alternative JSON tokenizer implementation. Simply pass a tokenizer to the `load()` or `visit()` methods. ```python json_stream.load(f, tokenizer=some_tokenizer) ``` The requests methods also accept a customer tokenizer parameter. # Writing The standard library's `json.dump()` function can only accept standard python types such as `dict`, `list`, `str`. `json-stream` allows you to write streaming JSON output based on python generators instead. For actually encoding and writing to the stream, `json-stream` still uses the standard library's `json.dump()` function, but provides wrappers that adapt python generators into `dict`/`list` subclasses that `json.dump()` can use. The means that you do not have to generate all of your data upfront before calling `json.dump()`. ## Usage To use `json-stream` to generate JSON data iteratively, you must first write python generators (or use any other iterable). To output JSON objects, the iterable must yield key/value pairs. To output JSON lists, the iterable must yield individual items. The values yielded can be either be standard python types or another other `Streamable` object, allowing lists and object to be arbitrarily nested. `streamable_list`/`streamable_dict` can be used to wrap an existing iterable: ```python import sys import json from json_stream import streamable_list # wrap existing iterable data = streamable_list(range(10)) # consume iterable with standard json.dump() json.dump(data, sys.stdout) ``` Or they can be used as decorators on generator functions: ```python import json import sys from json_stream import streamable_dict # declare a new streamable dict generator function @streamable_dict def generate_dict_of_squares(n): for i in range(n): # this could be some memory intensive operation # or just a really large value of n yield i, i ** 2 # data is will already be Streamable because # of the decorator data = generate_dict_of_squares(10) json.dump(data, sys.stdout) ``` ## Example The following example generates a JSON object with a nested JSON list. It uses `time.sleep()` to slow down the generation and show that the output is indeed written as the data is created. ```python import sys import json import time from json_stream.writer import streamable_dict, streamable_list # define a list data generator that (slowly) yields # items that will be written as a JSON list @streamable_list def generate_list(n): # output n numbers and their squares for i in range(n): # range is itself a generator yield i time.sleep(1) # define a dictionary data generator that (slowly) yields # key/value pairs that will be written as a JSON dict @streamable_dict def generate_dict(n): # output n numbers and their squares for i in range(n): # range is itself a generator yield i, i ** 2 time.sleep(1) # yield another dictionary item key, with the value # being a streamed nested list yield "a list", generate_list(n) # get a streamable generator data = generate_dict(5) # use json.dump() to write dict generator to stdout json.dump(data, sys.stdout, indent=2) # if you already have an iterable object, you can just # call streamable_* on it to make it writable data = streamable_list(range(10)) json.dump(data, sys.stdout) ``` Output: ```json { "0": 0, "1": 1, "2": 4, "3": 9, "4": 16, "a list": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 ] } ``` # What are the problems with the standard `json` package? ## Reading with `json.load()` The problem with the `json.load()` stem from the fact that it must read the whole JSON document into memory before parsing it. ### Memory usage `json.load()` first reads the whole document into memory as a string. It then starts parsing that string and converting the whole document into python types again stored in memory. For a very large document, this could be more memory than you have available to your system. `json_stream.load()` does not read the whole document into memory, it only buffers enough from the stream to produce the next item of data. Additionally, in the default transient mode (see below) `json-stream` doesn't store up all of the parsed data in memory. ### Latency `json.load()` produces all the data after parsing the whole document. If you only care about the first 10 items in a list of 2 million items, then you have wait until all 2 million items have been parsed first. `json_stream.load()` produces data as soon as it is available in the stream. ## Writing ### Memory usage While `json.dump()` does iteratively write JSON data to the given file-like object, you must first produce the entire document to be written as standard python types (`dict`, `list`, etc). For a very large document, this could be more memory than you have available to your system. `json-stream` allows you iteratively generate your data one item at a time, and thus consumes only the memory required to generate that one item. ### Latency `json.dump()` can only start writing to the output file once all the data has been generated up front at standard python types. The iterative generation of JSON items provided by `json-stream` allows the data to be written as it is produced. # Future improvements * Allow long strings in the JSON to be read as streams themselves * Allow transient mode on seekable streams to seek to data earlier in the stream instead of raising a `TransientAccessException` * A more efficient tokenizer? # Alternatives ## NAYA [NAYA](https://github.com/danielyule/naya) is a pure python JSON parser for parsing a simple JSON list as a stream. ### Why not NAYA? * It can only stream JSON containing a top-level list * It does not provide a pythonic `dict`/`list`-like interface ## Yajl-Py [Yajl-Py](https://pykler.github.io/yajl-py/) is a wrapper around the C YAJL JSON library that can be used to generate SAX style events while parsing JSON. ### Why not Yajl-Py? * No pure python implementation * It does not provide a pythonic `dict`/`list`-like interface ## jsonslicer [jsonslicer](https://github.com/AMDmi3/jsonslicer) is another wrapper around the YAJL C library with a path lookup based interface. ### Why not jsonslicer? * No pure python implementation * It does not provide a pythonic `dict`/`list`-like interface * Must know all data paths lookup in advance (or make multiple passes) # Contributing See the project [contribution guide](https://github.com/daggaz/json-stream/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md). # Donations [![PayPal](https://www.paypalobjects.com/webstatic/mktg/Logo/pp-logo-100px.png)](https://paypal.me/JCockburn307?country.x=GB&locale.x=en_GB) OR [!["Buy Me A Coffee"](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/assets/img/custom_images/orange_img.png)](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/daggaz) # Acknowledgements The JSON tokenizer used in the project was taken from the [NAYA](https://github.com/danielyule/naya) project. %package help Summary: Development documents and examples for json-stream Provides: python3-json-stream-doc %description help # json-stream [![Tests](https://github.com/daggaz/json-stream/actions/workflows/tests.yml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/daggaz/json-stream/actions/workflows/tests.yml) [![PyPI package and version badge](https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/json-stream)](https://pypi.org/project/json-stream) [![Supported Python versions badge](https://img.shields.io/pypi/pyversions/json-stream)](https://pypi.org/project/json-stream/) [![Donate](https://img.shields.io/badge/buy%20me%20a%20coffee-donate-blue.svg)](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/daggaz) Simple streaming JSON parser and encoder. When [reading](#reading) JSON data, `json-stream` can decode JSON data in a streaming manner, providing a pythonic dict/list-like interface, or a [visitor-based interfeace](#visitor). Can stream from files, [URLs](#urls) or [iterators](#iterators). When [writing](#writing) JSON data, `json-stream` can stream JSON objects as you generate them. These techniques allow you to [reduce memory consumption and latency](#standard-json-problems). # Reading `json-stream` is a JSON parser just like the standard library's [`json.load()`](https://docs.python.org/3/library/json.html#json.load). It will read a JSON document and convert it into native python types. ```python import json_stream data = json_stream.load(f) ``` Features: * stream all JSON data types (objects, lists and simple types) * stream nested data * simple pythonic `list`-like/`dict`-like interface * stream truncated or malformed JSON data (up to the first error) * [native code parsing speedups](#rust-tokenizer) for most common platforms * pure python fallback if native extensions not available Unlike `json.load()`, `json-stream` can _stream_ JSON data from any file-like or [iterable](#iterators) object. This has the following benefits: * it does not require the whole json document to be read into memory up-front * it can start producing data before the entire document has finished loading * it only requires enough memory to hold the data currently being parsed There are specific integrations for streaming JSON data from [URLs](#urls) using the [`requests`](#requests), [`httpx`](#httpx), or [`urllib`](#urllib). The objects that `json-stream` produces can be [re-output](#encoding-json-stream-objects) using `json.dump()` with a little work. ## Usage ### `json_stream.load()` `json_stream.load()` has two modes of operation, controlled by the `persistent` argument (default false). It is also possible to "mix" the modes as you consume the data. #### Transient mode (default) This mode is appropriate if you can consume the data iteratively. You cannot move backwards through the stream to read data that has already been skipped over. It is the mode you **must** use if you want process large amounts of JSON data without consuming large amounts of memory required. In transient mode, only the data currently being read is stored in memory. Any data previously read from the stream is discarded (it's up to you what to do with it) and attempting to access this data results in a `TransientAccessException`. ```python import json_stream # JSON: {"count": 3, "results": ["a", "b", "c"]} data = json_stream.load(f) # data is a transient dict-like object # stream has been read up to "{" # use data like a dict results = data["results"] # results is a transient list-like object # stream has been read up to "[", we now cannot read "count" # iterate transient list for result in results: print(result) # prints a, b, c # stream has been read up to "]" # attempt to read "count" from earlier in stream count = data["count"] # will raise exception # stream is now exhausted # attempt to read from list that has already been iterated for result in results: # will raise exception pass ``` #### Persistent mode In persistent mode all previously read data is stored in memory as it is parsed. The returned `dict`-like or `list`-like objects can be used just like normal data structures. If you request an index or key that has already been read from the stream then it is retrieved from memory. If you request an index or key that has not yet been read from the stream, then the request blocks until that item is found in the stream. ```python import json_stream # JSON: {"count": 1, "results": ["a", "b", "c"]} data = json_stream.load(f, persistent=True) # data is a streaming dict-like object # stream has been read up to "{" # use data like a dict results = data["results"] # results is a streaming list-like object # stream has been read up to "[" # count has been stored data # use results like a list a_result = results[1] # a_result = "b" # stream has been read up to the middle of list # "a" and "b" have been stored in results # read earlier data from memory count = data["count"] # count = 1 # consume rest of list results.read_all() # stream has been read up to "}" # "c" is now stored in results too # results.is_streaming() == False # consume everything data.read_all() # stream is now exhausted # data.is_streaming() == False ``` Persistent mode is not appropriate if you care about memory consumption, but provides an identical experience compared to `json.load()`. #### Mixed mode In some cases you will need to be able to randomly access some part of the data, but still only have that specific data taking up memory resources. For example, you might have a very long list of objects, but you cannot always access the keys of the objects in stream order. You want to be able to iterate the list transiently, but access the result objects persistently. This can be achieved using the `persistent()` method of all the `list` or `dict`-like objects json_stream produces. Calling `persistent()` causes the existing transient object to produce persistent child objects. Note that the `persistent()` method makes the children of the object it is called on persistent, not the object it is called on. ```python import json_stream # JSON: {"results": [{"x": 1, "y": 3}, {"y": 4, "x": 2}]} # note that the keys of the inner objects are not ordered data = json_stream.load(f) # data is a transient dict-like object # iterate transient list, but produce persistent items for result in data['results'].persistent(): # result is a persistent dict-like object print(result['x']) # print x print(result['y']) # print y (error on second result without .persistent()) print(result['x']) # print x again (error without .persistent()) ``` The opposite is also possible, going from persistent mode to transient mode, though the use cases for this are more esoteric. ```python # JSON: {"a": 1, "x": ["long", "list", "I", "don't", "want", "in", "memory"], "b": 2} data = load(StringIO(json), persistent=True).transient() # data is a persistent dict-list object that produces transient children print(data["a"]) # prints 1 x = data["x"] # x is a transient list, you can use it accordingly print(x[0]) # prints long # access earlier data from memory print(data["a"]) # this would have raised an exception if data was transient print(data["b"]) # prints 2 # we have now moved past all the data in the transient list print(x[0]) # will raise exception ``` ### visitor pattern You can also parse using a visitor-style approach where a function you supply is called for each data item as it is parsed (depth-first). This uses a transient parser under the hood, so does not consume memory for the whole document. ```python import json_stream # JSON: {"x": 1, "y": {}, "xxxx": [1,2, {"yyyy": 1}, "z", 1, []]} def visitor(item, path): print(f"{item} at path {path}") json_stream.visit(f, visitor) ``` Output: ``` 1 at path ('x',) {} at path ('y',) 1 at path ('xxxx', 0) 2 at path ('xxxx', 1) 1 at path ('xxxx', 2, 'yyyy') z at path ('xxxx', 3) 1 at path ('xxxx', 4) [] at path ('xxxx', 5) ``` ### Stream a URL `json_stream` knows how to stream directly from a URL using a variety of packages. Supported packages include: - Python's batteries-included [`urllib`](#urllib) package - The popular [`requests`](#requests) library - The newer [`httpx`](#httpx) library #### urllib [`urllib`](https://docs.python.org/3/library/urllib.html)'s response objects are already file-like objects, so we can just pass them directly to `json-stream`. ```python import urllib.request import json_stream with urllib.request.urlopen('http://example.com/data.json') as response: data = json_stream.load(response) ``` #### requests To stream JSON data from [`requests`](https://requests.readthedocs.io/en/latest/), you must pass `stream=True` when making a request, and call `json_stream.requests.load()` passing the response. ```python import requests import json_stream.requests with requests.get('http://example.com/data.json', stream=True) as response: data = json_stream.requests.load(response) ``` Note: these functions use [`response.iter_content()`](https://requests.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api/#requests.Response.iter_content) under the hood with a `chunk_size` of 10k bytes. This default allows us to perform effective reads from the response stream and lower CPU usage. The drawback to this is that `requests` will buffer each read until up to 10k bytes have been read before passing the data back to `json_stream`. If you need to consume data more responsively the only option is to tune `chunk_size` back to 1 to disable buffering. #### httpx To stream JSON data from [`httpx`](https://www.python-httpx.org/), you must call [`stream()`](https://www.python-httpx.org/quickstart/#streaming-responses) when making your request, and call `json_stream.httpx.load()` passing the response. ```python import httpx import json_stream.httpx with httpx.Client() as client, client.stream('GET', 'http://example.com/data.json') as response: data = json_stream.httpx.load(response) ``` Under the hood, this works similarly to the [`requests`](#requests) version above, including the caveat about [`chunk_size`](#requests-chunk-size). ### Stream a URL (with visitor) The visitor pattern also works with URL streams. #### urllib ```python import urllib.request import json_stream def visitor(item, path): print(f"{item} at path {path}") with urllib.request.urlopen('http://example.com/data.json') as response: json_stream.visit(response, visitor) ``` #### requests ```python import requests import json_stream.requests def visitor(item, path): print(f"{item} at path {path}") with requests.get('http://example.com/data.json', stream=True) as response: json_stream.requests.visit(response, visitor) ``` The [`chunk_size`](#requests-chunk-size) note also applies to `visit()`. #### httpx ```python import httpx import json_stream.httpx def visitor(item, path): print(f"{item} at path {path}") with httpx.Client() as client, client.stream('GET', 'http://example.com/data.json') as response: json_stream.httpx.visit(response, visitor) ``` ### Stream an iterable `json-stream`'s parsing functions can take any iterable object that produces encoded JSON as `byte` objects. ```python import json_stream def some_iterator(): yield b'{"some":' yield b' "JSON"}' data = json_stream.load(some_iterator()) assert data['some'] == "JSON" ``` This is actually how the [`requests`](#requests) and [`httpx`](#httpx) extensions work, as both libraries provide methods to iterate over the response content. ### Encoding json-stream objects You can re-output (encode) _persistent_ json-stream `dict`-like and `list`-like object back to JSON using the built-in `json.dump()` or `json.dumps()` functions, but with a little additional work: ```python import json import json_stream from json_stream.dump import JSONStreamEncoder, default data = json_stream.load(f, persistent=True) # Option 1: supply json_stream.encoding.default as the default argument print(json.dumps(data, default=default)) # Option 2: supply json_stream.encoding.JSONStreamEncoder as the cls argument # This allows you to create your own subclass to further customise encoding print(json.dumps(data, cls=JSONStreamEncoder)) ``` If you are using a library that internally takes data you pass it and encodes it using `json.dump()`. You can also use JSONStreamEncoder() as a context manager. It works by monkey-patching the built-in `JSONEncoder.default` method during the scope of the `with` statement. ```python # library code def some_library_function_out_of_your_control(arg): json.dumps(arg) # your code with JSONStreamEncoder(): some_library_function_out_of_your_control(data) ``` ### Converting to standard Python types To convert a json-stream `dict`-like or `list`-like object and all its descendants to a standard `list` and `dict`, you can use the `json_stream.to_standard_types` utility: ```python # JSON: {"round": 1, "results": [1, 2, 3]} data = json_stream.load(f) results = data["results"] print(results) # prints converted = json_stream.to_standard_types(results) print(converted) # prints [1, 2, 3] ``` #### Thread safety (experimental) There is also a thread-safe version of the `json.dump` context manager: ```python from json_stream.dump.threading import ThreadSafeJSONStreamEncoder # your code with ThreadSafeJSONStreamEncoder(): some_library_function_out_of_your_control(data) ``` The thread-safe implementation will ensure that concurrent uses of the context manager will only apply the patch for the first thread entering the patched section(s) and will only remove the patch when the last thread exits the patched sections(s) Additionally, if the patch is somehow called by a thread that is _not_ currently in a patched section (i.e. some other thread calling `json.dump`) then that thread will block until the patch has been removed. While such an un-patched thread is active, any thread attempting to apply the patch is blocked. ### Rust tokenizer speedups By default `json-stream` uses the [`json-stream-rs-tokenizer`](https://pypi.org/project/json-stream-rs-tokenizer/) native extension. This is a 3rd party Rust-based tokenizer implementations that provides significant parsing speedup compared to pure python implementation. `json-stream` will fallback to its pure python tokenizer implementation if `json-stream-rs-tokenizer` is not available. ### Custom tokenizer You can supply an alternative JSON tokenizer implementation. Simply pass a tokenizer to the `load()` or `visit()` methods. ```python json_stream.load(f, tokenizer=some_tokenizer) ``` The requests methods also accept a customer tokenizer parameter. # Writing The standard library's `json.dump()` function can only accept standard python types such as `dict`, `list`, `str`. `json-stream` allows you to write streaming JSON output based on python generators instead. For actually encoding and writing to the stream, `json-stream` still uses the standard library's `json.dump()` function, but provides wrappers that adapt python generators into `dict`/`list` subclasses that `json.dump()` can use. The means that you do not have to generate all of your data upfront before calling `json.dump()`. ## Usage To use `json-stream` to generate JSON data iteratively, you must first write python generators (or use any other iterable). To output JSON objects, the iterable must yield key/value pairs. To output JSON lists, the iterable must yield individual items. The values yielded can be either be standard python types or another other `Streamable` object, allowing lists and object to be arbitrarily nested. `streamable_list`/`streamable_dict` can be used to wrap an existing iterable: ```python import sys import json from json_stream import streamable_list # wrap existing iterable data = streamable_list(range(10)) # consume iterable with standard json.dump() json.dump(data, sys.stdout) ``` Or they can be used as decorators on generator functions: ```python import json import sys from json_stream import streamable_dict # declare a new streamable dict generator function @streamable_dict def generate_dict_of_squares(n): for i in range(n): # this could be some memory intensive operation # or just a really large value of n yield i, i ** 2 # data is will already be Streamable because # of the decorator data = generate_dict_of_squares(10) json.dump(data, sys.stdout) ``` ## Example The following example generates a JSON object with a nested JSON list. It uses `time.sleep()` to slow down the generation and show that the output is indeed written as the data is created. ```python import sys import json import time from json_stream.writer import streamable_dict, streamable_list # define a list data generator that (slowly) yields # items that will be written as a JSON list @streamable_list def generate_list(n): # output n numbers and their squares for i in range(n): # range is itself a generator yield i time.sleep(1) # define a dictionary data generator that (slowly) yields # key/value pairs that will be written as a JSON dict @streamable_dict def generate_dict(n): # output n numbers and their squares for i in range(n): # range is itself a generator yield i, i ** 2 time.sleep(1) # yield another dictionary item key, with the value # being a streamed nested list yield "a list", generate_list(n) # get a streamable generator data = generate_dict(5) # use json.dump() to write dict generator to stdout json.dump(data, sys.stdout, indent=2) # if you already have an iterable object, you can just # call streamable_* on it to make it writable data = streamable_list(range(10)) json.dump(data, sys.stdout) ``` Output: ```json { "0": 0, "1": 1, "2": 4, "3": 9, "4": 16, "a list": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 ] } ``` # What are the problems with the standard `json` package? ## Reading with `json.load()` The problem with the `json.load()` stem from the fact that it must read the whole JSON document into memory before parsing it. ### Memory usage `json.load()` first reads the whole document into memory as a string. It then starts parsing that string and converting the whole document into python types again stored in memory. For a very large document, this could be more memory than you have available to your system. `json_stream.load()` does not read the whole document into memory, it only buffers enough from the stream to produce the next item of data. Additionally, in the default transient mode (see below) `json-stream` doesn't store up all of the parsed data in memory. ### Latency `json.load()` produces all the data after parsing the whole document. If you only care about the first 10 items in a list of 2 million items, then you have wait until all 2 million items have been parsed first. `json_stream.load()` produces data as soon as it is available in the stream. ## Writing ### Memory usage While `json.dump()` does iteratively write JSON data to the given file-like object, you must first produce the entire document to be written as standard python types (`dict`, `list`, etc). For a very large document, this could be more memory than you have available to your system. `json-stream` allows you iteratively generate your data one item at a time, and thus consumes only the memory required to generate that one item. ### Latency `json.dump()` can only start writing to the output file once all the data has been generated up front at standard python types. The iterative generation of JSON items provided by `json-stream` allows the data to be written as it is produced. # Future improvements * Allow long strings in the JSON to be read as streams themselves * Allow transient mode on seekable streams to seek to data earlier in the stream instead of raising a `TransientAccessException` * A more efficient tokenizer? # Alternatives ## NAYA [NAYA](https://github.com/danielyule/naya) is a pure python JSON parser for parsing a simple JSON list as a stream. ### Why not NAYA? * It can only stream JSON containing a top-level list * It does not provide a pythonic `dict`/`list`-like interface ## Yajl-Py [Yajl-Py](https://pykler.github.io/yajl-py/) is a wrapper around the C YAJL JSON library that can be used to generate SAX style events while parsing JSON. ### Why not Yajl-Py? * No pure python implementation * It does not provide a pythonic `dict`/`list`-like interface ## jsonslicer [jsonslicer](https://github.com/AMDmi3/jsonslicer) is another wrapper around the YAJL C library with a path lookup based interface. ### Why not jsonslicer? * No pure python implementation * It does not provide a pythonic `dict`/`list`-like interface * Must know all data paths lookup in advance (or make multiple passes) # Contributing See the project [contribution guide](https://github.com/daggaz/json-stream/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md). # Donations [![PayPal](https://www.paypalobjects.com/webstatic/mktg/Logo/pp-logo-100px.png)](https://paypal.me/JCockburn307?country.x=GB&locale.x=en_GB) OR [!["Buy Me A Coffee"](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/assets/img/custom_images/orange_img.png)](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/daggaz) # Acknowledgements The JSON tokenizer used in the project was taken from the [NAYA](https://github.com/danielyule/naya) project. %prep %autosetup -n json-stream-2.3.0 %build %py3_build %install %py3_install install -d -m755 %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir} if [ -d doc ]; then cp -arf doc %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi if [ -d docs ]; then cp -arf docs %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi if [ -d example ]; then cp -arf example %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi if [ -d examples ]; then cp -arf examples %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi pushd %{buildroot} if [ -d usr/lib ]; then find usr/lib -type f -printf "\"/%h/%f\"\n" >> filelist.lst fi if [ -d usr/lib64 ]; then find usr/lib64 -type f -printf "\"/%h/%f\"\n" >> filelist.lst fi if [ -d usr/bin ]; then find usr/bin -type f -printf "\"/%h/%f\"\n" >> filelist.lst fi if [ -d usr/sbin ]; then find usr/sbin -type f -printf "\"/%h/%f\"\n" >> filelist.lst fi touch doclist.lst if [ -d usr/share/man ]; then find usr/share/man -type f -printf "\"/%h/%f.gz\"\n" >> doclist.lst fi popd mv %{buildroot}/filelist.lst . mv %{buildroot}/doclist.lst . %files -n python3-json-stream -f filelist.lst %dir %{python3_sitelib}/* %files help -f doclist.lst %{_docdir}/* %changelog * Thu Jun 08 2023 Python_Bot - 2.3.0-1 - Package Spec generated