%global _empty_manifest_terminate_build 0 Name: python-autovul Version: 1.0.9 Release: 1 Summary: minimum code implementation for our USENIX paper `On the Security Risks of AutoML`. License: GPL-3 URL: https://pypi.org/project/autovul/ Source0: https://mirrors.aliyun.com/pypi/web/packages/9e/b6/1301a8ae5736ce8920fd51a94b2a1456fbe1e405338b19369ba98539db37/autovul-1.0.9.tar.gz BuildArch: noarch Requires: python3-torch Requires: python3-torchvision Requires: python3-numpy Requires: python3-matplotlib Requires: python3-pyyaml Requires: python3-tqdm Requires: python3-adversarial-robustness-toolbox %description > This project is a minimized runnable project cut from [trojanzoo](https://github.com/ain-soph/trojanzoo), which contains more datasets, models, attacks and defenses. This repo will not be maintained. This is a minimum code implementation of our USENIX'22 paper [`On the Security Risks of AutoML`](https://arxiv.org/abs/2110.06018). ![python>=3.9](https://img.shields.io/badge/python->=3.9.2-informational.svg) [![License](https://img.shields.io/github/license/ain-soph/autovul)](https://opensource.org/licenses/GPL-3.0) [![pypi](https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/autovul)](https://pypi.org/project/autovul/) [![docker](https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/autovul?label=docker)](https://hub.docker.com/r/local0state/autovul) # Abstract The artifact discovers the vulnerability gap between manual models and automl models against various kinds of attacks (adversarial, poison, backdoor, extraction and membership) in image classification domain. It implements all datasets, models, and attacks used in our paper. We expect the artifact could support the paper's claim that automl models are more vulnerable than manual models against various kinds of attacks, which could be explained by their small gradient variance. # Checklist * **Binary:** on [pypi](https://pypi.org/project/autovul/) with any platform. * **Model:** Our pretrained models are available on Google Drive ([link](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1GrjEO89hYrdLhDMkBLC26jp1C7BwIKwm?usp=sharing)). Follow the model path style `{model_dir}/image/{dataset}/{model}.pth` to place them in correct location. * **Data set:** CIFAR10, CIFAR100 and ImageNet32. Use `--download` flag to download them automatically at first running. ImageNet32 requires manual set-up at their [website](https://image-net.org/download-images.php) due to legality. * **Run-time environment:** At any platform (Windows and Ubuntu tested). `Pytorch` and `torchvision` required. (CUDA 11.3 recommended) `adversarial-robustness-toolbox` required for extraction attack and membership attack. * **Hardware:** GPU with CUDA support is recommended. * **Execution:** Model training and backdoor attack would be time-consuming. It would cost more than half day on a Nvidia Quodro RTX6000. * **Metrics:** Model accuracy, attack success rate, clean accuracy drop and cross entropy. * **Output:** console output and saved model files (.pth). * **Experiments:** OS scripts. Recommend to run scripts 3-5 times to reduce the randomness of experiments. * **How much disk space is required (approximately):** less than 5GB. * **How much time is needed to prepare workflow (approximately):** within 1 hour. * **How much time is needed to complete experiments (approximately):** 3-4 days. * **Publicly available:** on GitHub. * **Code licenses:** GPL-3. * **Archived:** GitHub commit [5aeb0d8ad7ed7f2c58fc960694af81b118608b9b](https://github.com/ain-soph/autovul/tree/5aeb0d8ad7ed7f2c58fc960694af81b118608b9b). # Description ## How to access * [**GitHub**](https://github.com/ain-soph/autovul) `pip install -e .` * [**PYPI**](https://pypi.org/project/autovul/) `pip install autovul` * [**Docker Hub**](https://hub.docker.com/r/local0state/autovul) `docker pull local0state/autovul` * [**GitHub Packages**](https://github.com/ain-soph/autovul/pkgs/container/autovul) `docker pull ghcr.io/ain-soph/autovul` ## Hardware Dependencies Recommend to use GPU with CUDA 11.3 and CUDNN 8.0. Less than 5GB disk space is needed. ## Software Dependencies You need to install `python==3.9, pytorch==1.10.x, torchvision==0.11.x` manually. ART (IBM) is required for extraction attack and membership attack. `pip install adversarial-robustness-toolbox` ## Data set We use CIFAR10, CIFAR100 and ImageNet32 datasets. Use `--download` flag to download them automatically at first running. ImageNet32 requires manual set-up at their [website](https://image-net.org/download-images.php) due to legality. ## Models Our pretrained models are available on Google Drive ([link](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1GrjEO89hYrdLhDMkBLC26jp1C7BwIKwm?usp=sharing)). Follow the model path style `{model_dir}/image/{dataset}/{model}.pth` to place them in correct location. ## Installation * [**GitHub**](https://github.com/ain-soph/autovul) * [**PYPI**](https://pypi.org/project/autovul/) `pip install autovul` * [**Docker Hub**](https://hub.docker.com/r/local0state/autovul) * [**GitHub Packages**](https://github.com/ain-soph/autovul/pkgs/container/autovul) ### (optional) Config Path You can set the config files to customize data storage location and many other default settings. View `/configs_example` as an example config setting. We support 3 configs (priority ascend): * package: **(DO NOT MODIFY)** `autovul/base/configs/*.yml` `autovul/vision/configs/*.yml` * user: `~/.autovul/configs/base/*.yml` `~/.autovul/configs/vision/*.yml` * workspace: `./configs/base/*.yml` `./configs/vision/*.yml` ## Experiment Workflow ### Bash Files Check the bash files under `/bash` to reproduce our paper results. ### Train Models You need to first run `/bash/train.sh` to get pretrained models. If you run it for the first time, please run with `--download` flag to download the dataset: `bash ./bash/train.sh "--download"` It takes a relatively long time to train all models, here we provide our pretrained models on Google Drive ([link](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1GrjEO89hYrdLhDMkBLC26jp1C7BwIKwm?usp=sharing)). Follow the model path style `{model_dir}/image/{dataset}/{model}.pth` to place them in correct location. Note that it includes the pretrained models for mitigation architectures as well. ### Run Attacks ``` /bash/adv_attack.sh /bash/poison.sh /bash/backdoor.sh /bash/extraction.sh /bash/membership.sh ``` ### Run Other Exps #### Gradient Variance ``` /bash/grad_var.sh ``` #### Mitigation Architecture ``` /bash/mitigation_train.sh (optional) /bash/mitigation_backdoor.sh /bash/mitigation_extraction.sh ``` Optionally, You can generate these architectures based on DARTS_V2 using `python ./projects/generate_mitigation.py`. We have already put the generated archs in `autovul.vision.utils.model_archs.darts.genotypes`. Note that we have provided the pretrained models for mitigation architectures on Google Drive as well. For mitigation experiments, the architecture names in our paper map to: * **darts-i:** diy_deep * **darts-ii:** diy_no_skip * **darts-iii:** diy_deep_noskip These are the 3 options for `--model_arch {arch}` (with `--model darts`). To increase cell depth, we may re-wire existing models generated by NAS or modify the performance measure of candidate models. For the former case, we have provided the script to rewire a given model ([link](https://github.com/ain-soph/autovul/blob/main/projects/generate_mitigation.py)). Note that it is necessary to ensure the re-wiring doesn't cause a significant performance drop. For the latter case, we may increase the number of training steps in the single-step gradient descent used in DARTS. To suppress skip connects, we replace the skip connects in a given model with other operations (e.g., convolution) or modify the likelihood of them being selected in the search process. Fro the former case, we have provided the script to substitute skip connects with convolution operations ([link](https://github.com/ain-soph/autovul/blob/main/projects/generate_mitigation.py)). Note that it is necessary to ensure the substitution doesn't cause a significant performance drop. For the latter case, we may multiply the weight of skip connect $\alpha_\mathrm{skip}$ by a coefficient $\gamma \in (0, 1)$. #### Loss Contours Take the parameter-space contour as an example. We pick the parameters of the first convolutional layer and randomly generate two orthogonal directions $d_1$ and $d_2$ in the parameter space. For simplicity, we set all each dimension of $d_1$ and $d_2$ to be either $+1$ or $-1$ in a random order and ensure that their orthogonality as $d_1 \cdot d_2 = 0$. We then follow Equation (12) in the paper to explore the mesh grid of $[-0.5, 0.5] \times [-0.5, 0.5]$ and plot the loss contour. A similar procedure is applied to plot the loss contour in the input space, but with the grid set as $[-0.2, 0.2] \times [-0.2, 0.2]$. ## Evaluation and Expected Result Our paper claims that automl models are more vulnerable than manual models against various kinds of attacks, which could be explained by low gradient variance. ### Training (Table 1) Most models around 96%-97% accuracy on CIFAR10. ### Attack For automl models on CIFAR10, * **adversarial** (Figure 2) higher success rate around 10% (±4%). * **poison** (Figure 6) lower accuracy drop around 5% (±2%). * **backdoor** (Figure 7) higher success rate around 2% (±1%) lower accuracy drop around 1% (±1%). * **extraction** (Figure 9) lower inference cross entropy around 0.3 (±0.1). * **membership** (Figure 10) higher auc around 0.04 (±0.01). ### Others * **gradient variance** (Figure 12) automl with lower gradient variance (around 2.2). * **mitigation architecture** (Table 4, Figure 16, 17) deep architectures (`darts-i, darts-iii`) have larger cross entropy for extraction attack (around 0.5), and higher accuracy drop for poisoning attack (around 7%). ## Experiment Customization Use `-h` or `--help` flag for example python files to check available arguments. %package -n python3-autovul Summary: minimum code implementation for our USENIX paper `On the Security Risks of AutoML`. Provides: python-autovul BuildRequires: python3-devel BuildRequires: python3-setuptools BuildRequires: python3-pip %description -n python3-autovul > This project is a minimized runnable project cut from [trojanzoo](https://github.com/ain-soph/trojanzoo), which contains more datasets, models, attacks and defenses. This repo will not be maintained. This is a minimum code implementation of our USENIX'22 paper [`On the Security Risks of AutoML`](https://arxiv.org/abs/2110.06018). ![python>=3.9](https://img.shields.io/badge/python->=3.9.2-informational.svg) [![License](https://img.shields.io/github/license/ain-soph/autovul)](https://opensource.org/licenses/GPL-3.0) [![pypi](https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/autovul)](https://pypi.org/project/autovul/) [![docker](https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/autovul?label=docker)](https://hub.docker.com/r/local0state/autovul) # Abstract The artifact discovers the vulnerability gap between manual models and automl models against various kinds of attacks (adversarial, poison, backdoor, extraction and membership) in image classification domain. It implements all datasets, models, and attacks used in our paper. We expect the artifact could support the paper's claim that automl models are more vulnerable than manual models against various kinds of attacks, which could be explained by their small gradient variance. # Checklist * **Binary:** on [pypi](https://pypi.org/project/autovul/) with any platform. * **Model:** Our pretrained models are available on Google Drive ([link](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1GrjEO89hYrdLhDMkBLC26jp1C7BwIKwm?usp=sharing)). Follow the model path style `{model_dir}/image/{dataset}/{model}.pth` to place them in correct location. * **Data set:** CIFAR10, CIFAR100 and ImageNet32. Use `--download` flag to download them automatically at first running. ImageNet32 requires manual set-up at their [website](https://image-net.org/download-images.php) due to legality. * **Run-time environment:** At any platform (Windows and Ubuntu tested). `Pytorch` and `torchvision` required. (CUDA 11.3 recommended) `adversarial-robustness-toolbox` required for extraction attack and membership attack. * **Hardware:** GPU with CUDA support is recommended. * **Execution:** Model training and backdoor attack would be time-consuming. It would cost more than half day on a Nvidia Quodro RTX6000. * **Metrics:** Model accuracy, attack success rate, clean accuracy drop and cross entropy. * **Output:** console output and saved model files (.pth). * **Experiments:** OS scripts. Recommend to run scripts 3-5 times to reduce the randomness of experiments. * **How much disk space is required (approximately):** less than 5GB. * **How much time is needed to prepare workflow (approximately):** within 1 hour. * **How much time is needed to complete experiments (approximately):** 3-4 days. * **Publicly available:** on GitHub. * **Code licenses:** GPL-3. * **Archived:** GitHub commit [5aeb0d8ad7ed7f2c58fc960694af81b118608b9b](https://github.com/ain-soph/autovul/tree/5aeb0d8ad7ed7f2c58fc960694af81b118608b9b). # Description ## How to access * [**GitHub**](https://github.com/ain-soph/autovul) `pip install -e .` * [**PYPI**](https://pypi.org/project/autovul/) `pip install autovul` * [**Docker Hub**](https://hub.docker.com/r/local0state/autovul) `docker pull local0state/autovul` * [**GitHub Packages**](https://github.com/ain-soph/autovul/pkgs/container/autovul) `docker pull ghcr.io/ain-soph/autovul` ## Hardware Dependencies Recommend to use GPU with CUDA 11.3 and CUDNN 8.0. Less than 5GB disk space is needed. ## Software Dependencies You need to install `python==3.9, pytorch==1.10.x, torchvision==0.11.x` manually. ART (IBM) is required for extraction attack and membership attack. `pip install adversarial-robustness-toolbox` ## Data set We use CIFAR10, CIFAR100 and ImageNet32 datasets. Use `--download` flag to download them automatically at first running. ImageNet32 requires manual set-up at their [website](https://image-net.org/download-images.php) due to legality. ## Models Our pretrained models are available on Google Drive ([link](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1GrjEO89hYrdLhDMkBLC26jp1C7BwIKwm?usp=sharing)). Follow the model path style `{model_dir}/image/{dataset}/{model}.pth` to place them in correct location. ## Installation * [**GitHub**](https://github.com/ain-soph/autovul) * [**PYPI**](https://pypi.org/project/autovul/) `pip install autovul` * [**Docker Hub**](https://hub.docker.com/r/local0state/autovul) * [**GitHub Packages**](https://github.com/ain-soph/autovul/pkgs/container/autovul) ### (optional) Config Path You can set the config files to customize data storage location and many other default settings. View `/configs_example` as an example config setting. We support 3 configs (priority ascend): * package: **(DO NOT MODIFY)** `autovul/base/configs/*.yml` `autovul/vision/configs/*.yml` * user: `~/.autovul/configs/base/*.yml` `~/.autovul/configs/vision/*.yml` * workspace: `./configs/base/*.yml` `./configs/vision/*.yml` ## Experiment Workflow ### Bash Files Check the bash files under `/bash` to reproduce our paper results. ### Train Models You need to first run `/bash/train.sh` to get pretrained models. If you run it for the first time, please run with `--download` flag to download the dataset: `bash ./bash/train.sh "--download"` It takes a relatively long time to train all models, here we provide our pretrained models on Google Drive ([link](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1GrjEO89hYrdLhDMkBLC26jp1C7BwIKwm?usp=sharing)). Follow the model path style `{model_dir}/image/{dataset}/{model}.pth` to place them in correct location. Note that it includes the pretrained models for mitigation architectures as well. ### Run Attacks ``` /bash/adv_attack.sh /bash/poison.sh /bash/backdoor.sh /bash/extraction.sh /bash/membership.sh ``` ### Run Other Exps #### Gradient Variance ``` /bash/grad_var.sh ``` #### Mitigation Architecture ``` /bash/mitigation_train.sh (optional) /bash/mitigation_backdoor.sh /bash/mitigation_extraction.sh ``` Optionally, You can generate these architectures based on DARTS_V2 using `python ./projects/generate_mitigation.py`. We have already put the generated archs in `autovul.vision.utils.model_archs.darts.genotypes`. Note that we have provided the pretrained models for mitigation architectures on Google Drive as well. For mitigation experiments, the architecture names in our paper map to: * **darts-i:** diy_deep * **darts-ii:** diy_no_skip * **darts-iii:** diy_deep_noskip These are the 3 options for `--model_arch {arch}` (with `--model darts`). To increase cell depth, we may re-wire existing models generated by NAS or modify the performance measure of candidate models. For the former case, we have provided the script to rewire a given model ([link](https://github.com/ain-soph/autovul/blob/main/projects/generate_mitigation.py)). Note that it is necessary to ensure the re-wiring doesn't cause a significant performance drop. For the latter case, we may increase the number of training steps in the single-step gradient descent used in DARTS. To suppress skip connects, we replace the skip connects in a given model with other operations (e.g., convolution) or modify the likelihood of them being selected in the search process. Fro the former case, we have provided the script to substitute skip connects with convolution operations ([link](https://github.com/ain-soph/autovul/blob/main/projects/generate_mitigation.py)). Note that it is necessary to ensure the substitution doesn't cause a significant performance drop. For the latter case, we may multiply the weight of skip connect $\alpha_\mathrm{skip}$ by a coefficient $\gamma \in (0, 1)$. #### Loss Contours Take the parameter-space contour as an example. We pick the parameters of the first convolutional layer and randomly generate two orthogonal directions $d_1$ and $d_2$ in the parameter space. For simplicity, we set all each dimension of $d_1$ and $d_2$ to be either $+1$ or $-1$ in a random order and ensure that their orthogonality as $d_1 \cdot d_2 = 0$. We then follow Equation (12) in the paper to explore the mesh grid of $[-0.5, 0.5] \times [-0.5, 0.5]$ and plot the loss contour. A similar procedure is applied to plot the loss contour in the input space, but with the grid set as $[-0.2, 0.2] \times [-0.2, 0.2]$. ## Evaluation and Expected Result Our paper claims that automl models are more vulnerable than manual models against various kinds of attacks, which could be explained by low gradient variance. ### Training (Table 1) Most models around 96%-97% accuracy on CIFAR10. ### Attack For automl models on CIFAR10, * **adversarial** (Figure 2) higher success rate around 10% (±4%). * **poison** (Figure 6) lower accuracy drop around 5% (±2%). * **backdoor** (Figure 7) higher success rate around 2% (±1%) lower accuracy drop around 1% (±1%). * **extraction** (Figure 9) lower inference cross entropy around 0.3 (±0.1). * **membership** (Figure 10) higher auc around 0.04 (±0.01). ### Others * **gradient variance** (Figure 12) automl with lower gradient variance (around 2.2). * **mitigation architecture** (Table 4, Figure 16, 17) deep architectures (`darts-i, darts-iii`) have larger cross entropy for extraction attack (around 0.5), and higher accuracy drop for poisoning attack (around 7%). ## Experiment Customization Use `-h` or `--help` flag for example python files to check available arguments. %package help Summary: Development documents and examples for autovul Provides: python3-autovul-doc %description help > This project is a minimized runnable project cut from [trojanzoo](https://github.com/ain-soph/trojanzoo), which contains more datasets, models, attacks and defenses. This repo will not be maintained. This is a minimum code implementation of our USENIX'22 paper [`On the Security Risks of AutoML`](https://arxiv.org/abs/2110.06018). ![python>=3.9](https://img.shields.io/badge/python->=3.9.2-informational.svg) [![License](https://img.shields.io/github/license/ain-soph/autovul)](https://opensource.org/licenses/GPL-3.0) [![pypi](https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/autovul)](https://pypi.org/project/autovul/) [![docker](https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/autovul?label=docker)](https://hub.docker.com/r/local0state/autovul) # Abstract The artifact discovers the vulnerability gap between manual models and automl models against various kinds of attacks (adversarial, poison, backdoor, extraction and membership) in image classification domain. It implements all datasets, models, and attacks used in our paper. We expect the artifact could support the paper's claim that automl models are more vulnerable than manual models against various kinds of attacks, which could be explained by their small gradient variance. # Checklist * **Binary:** on [pypi](https://pypi.org/project/autovul/) with any platform. * **Model:** Our pretrained models are available on Google Drive ([link](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1GrjEO89hYrdLhDMkBLC26jp1C7BwIKwm?usp=sharing)). Follow the model path style `{model_dir}/image/{dataset}/{model}.pth` to place them in correct location. * **Data set:** CIFAR10, CIFAR100 and ImageNet32. Use `--download` flag to download them automatically at first running. ImageNet32 requires manual set-up at their [website](https://image-net.org/download-images.php) due to legality. * **Run-time environment:** At any platform (Windows and Ubuntu tested). `Pytorch` and `torchvision` required. (CUDA 11.3 recommended) `adversarial-robustness-toolbox` required for extraction attack and membership attack. * **Hardware:** GPU with CUDA support is recommended. * **Execution:** Model training and backdoor attack would be time-consuming. It would cost more than half day on a Nvidia Quodro RTX6000. * **Metrics:** Model accuracy, attack success rate, clean accuracy drop and cross entropy. * **Output:** console output and saved model files (.pth). * **Experiments:** OS scripts. Recommend to run scripts 3-5 times to reduce the randomness of experiments. * **How much disk space is required (approximately):** less than 5GB. * **How much time is needed to prepare workflow (approximately):** within 1 hour. * **How much time is needed to complete experiments (approximately):** 3-4 days. * **Publicly available:** on GitHub. * **Code licenses:** GPL-3. * **Archived:** GitHub commit [5aeb0d8ad7ed7f2c58fc960694af81b118608b9b](https://github.com/ain-soph/autovul/tree/5aeb0d8ad7ed7f2c58fc960694af81b118608b9b). # Description ## How to access * [**GitHub**](https://github.com/ain-soph/autovul) `pip install -e .` * [**PYPI**](https://pypi.org/project/autovul/) `pip install autovul` * [**Docker Hub**](https://hub.docker.com/r/local0state/autovul) `docker pull local0state/autovul` * [**GitHub Packages**](https://github.com/ain-soph/autovul/pkgs/container/autovul) `docker pull ghcr.io/ain-soph/autovul` ## Hardware Dependencies Recommend to use GPU with CUDA 11.3 and CUDNN 8.0. Less than 5GB disk space is needed. ## Software Dependencies You need to install `python==3.9, pytorch==1.10.x, torchvision==0.11.x` manually. ART (IBM) is required for extraction attack and membership attack. `pip install adversarial-robustness-toolbox` ## Data set We use CIFAR10, CIFAR100 and ImageNet32 datasets. Use `--download` flag to download them automatically at first running. ImageNet32 requires manual set-up at their [website](https://image-net.org/download-images.php) due to legality. ## Models Our pretrained models are available on Google Drive ([link](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1GrjEO89hYrdLhDMkBLC26jp1C7BwIKwm?usp=sharing)). Follow the model path style `{model_dir}/image/{dataset}/{model}.pth` to place them in correct location. ## Installation * [**GitHub**](https://github.com/ain-soph/autovul) * [**PYPI**](https://pypi.org/project/autovul/) `pip install autovul` * [**Docker Hub**](https://hub.docker.com/r/local0state/autovul) * [**GitHub Packages**](https://github.com/ain-soph/autovul/pkgs/container/autovul) ### (optional) Config Path You can set the config files to customize data storage location and many other default settings. View `/configs_example` as an example config setting. We support 3 configs (priority ascend): * package: **(DO NOT MODIFY)** `autovul/base/configs/*.yml` `autovul/vision/configs/*.yml` * user: `~/.autovul/configs/base/*.yml` `~/.autovul/configs/vision/*.yml` * workspace: `./configs/base/*.yml` `./configs/vision/*.yml` ## Experiment Workflow ### Bash Files Check the bash files under `/bash` to reproduce our paper results. ### Train Models You need to first run `/bash/train.sh` to get pretrained models. If you run it for the first time, please run with `--download` flag to download the dataset: `bash ./bash/train.sh "--download"` It takes a relatively long time to train all models, here we provide our pretrained models on Google Drive ([link](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1GrjEO89hYrdLhDMkBLC26jp1C7BwIKwm?usp=sharing)). Follow the model path style `{model_dir}/image/{dataset}/{model}.pth` to place them in correct location. Note that it includes the pretrained models for mitigation architectures as well. ### Run Attacks ``` /bash/adv_attack.sh /bash/poison.sh /bash/backdoor.sh /bash/extraction.sh /bash/membership.sh ``` ### Run Other Exps #### Gradient Variance ``` /bash/grad_var.sh ``` #### Mitigation Architecture ``` /bash/mitigation_train.sh (optional) /bash/mitigation_backdoor.sh /bash/mitigation_extraction.sh ``` Optionally, You can generate these architectures based on DARTS_V2 using `python ./projects/generate_mitigation.py`. We have already put the generated archs in `autovul.vision.utils.model_archs.darts.genotypes`. Note that we have provided the pretrained models for mitigation architectures on Google Drive as well. For mitigation experiments, the architecture names in our paper map to: * **darts-i:** diy_deep * **darts-ii:** diy_no_skip * **darts-iii:** diy_deep_noskip These are the 3 options for `--model_arch {arch}` (with `--model darts`). To increase cell depth, we may re-wire existing models generated by NAS or modify the performance measure of candidate models. For the former case, we have provided the script to rewire a given model ([link](https://github.com/ain-soph/autovul/blob/main/projects/generate_mitigation.py)). Note that it is necessary to ensure the re-wiring doesn't cause a significant performance drop. For the latter case, we may increase the number of training steps in the single-step gradient descent used in DARTS. To suppress skip connects, we replace the skip connects in a given model with other operations (e.g., convolution) or modify the likelihood of them being selected in the search process. Fro the former case, we have provided the script to substitute skip connects with convolution operations ([link](https://github.com/ain-soph/autovul/blob/main/projects/generate_mitigation.py)). Note that it is necessary to ensure the substitution doesn't cause a significant performance drop. For the latter case, we may multiply the weight of skip connect $\alpha_\mathrm{skip}$ by a coefficient $\gamma \in (0, 1)$. #### Loss Contours Take the parameter-space contour as an example. We pick the parameters of the first convolutional layer and randomly generate two orthogonal directions $d_1$ and $d_2$ in the parameter space. For simplicity, we set all each dimension of $d_1$ and $d_2$ to be either $+1$ or $-1$ in a random order and ensure that their orthogonality as $d_1 \cdot d_2 = 0$. We then follow Equation (12) in the paper to explore the mesh grid of $[-0.5, 0.5] \times [-0.5, 0.5]$ and plot the loss contour. A similar procedure is applied to plot the loss contour in the input space, but with the grid set as $[-0.2, 0.2] \times [-0.2, 0.2]$. ## Evaluation and Expected Result Our paper claims that automl models are more vulnerable than manual models against various kinds of attacks, which could be explained by low gradient variance. ### Training (Table 1) Most models around 96%-97% accuracy on CIFAR10. ### Attack For automl models on CIFAR10, * **adversarial** (Figure 2) higher success rate around 10% (±4%). * **poison** (Figure 6) lower accuracy drop around 5% (±2%). * **backdoor** (Figure 7) higher success rate around 2% (±1%) lower accuracy drop around 1% (±1%). * **extraction** (Figure 9) lower inference cross entropy around 0.3 (±0.1). * **membership** (Figure 10) higher auc around 0.04 (±0.01). ### Others * **gradient variance** (Figure 12) automl with lower gradient variance (around 2.2). * **mitigation architecture** (Table 4, Figure 16, 17) deep architectures (`darts-i, darts-iii`) have larger cross entropy for extraction attack (around 0.5), and higher accuracy drop for poisoning attack (around 7%). ## Experiment Customization Use `-h` or `--help` flag for example python files to check available arguments. %prep %autosetup -n autovul-1.0.9 %build %py3_build %install %py3_install install -d -m755 %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir} if [ -d doc ]; then cp -arf doc %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi if [ -d docs ]; then cp -arf docs %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi if [ -d example ]; then cp -arf example %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi if [ -d examples ]; then cp -arf examples %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi pushd %{buildroot} if [ -d usr/lib ]; then find usr/lib -type f -printf "\"/%h/%f\"\n" >> filelist.lst fi if [ -d usr/lib64 ]; then find usr/lib64 -type f -printf "\"/%h/%f\"\n" >> filelist.lst fi if [ -d usr/bin ]; then find usr/bin -type f -printf "\"/%h/%f\"\n" >> filelist.lst fi if [ -d usr/sbin ]; then find usr/sbin -type f -printf "\"/%h/%f\"\n" >> filelist.lst fi touch doclist.lst if [ -d usr/share/man ]; then find usr/share/man -type f -printf "\"/%h/%f.gz\"\n" >> doclist.lst fi popd mv %{buildroot}/filelist.lst . mv %{buildroot}/doclist.lst . %files -n python3-autovul -f filelist.lst %dir %{python3_sitelib}/* %files help -f doclist.lst %{_docdir}/* %changelog * Thu Jun 08 2023 Python_Bot - 1.0.9-1 - Package Spec generated