%global _empty_manifest_terminate_build 0 Name: python-seg-metrics Version: 1.1.3 Release: 1 Summary: A package to compute different segmentation metrics for 2D/3D medical images. License: MIT License URL: https://github.com/Ordgod/segmentation_metrics Source0: https://mirrors.aliyun.com/pypi/web/packages/e2/2a/609b24ca37b73776253bb8e5a120d0f5efa41f6a030e23d889fe9554729a/seg_metrics-1.1.3.tar.gz BuildArch: noarch Requires: python3-pandas Requires: python3-numpy Requires: python3-coverage Requires: python3-matplotlib Requires: python3-parameterized Requires: python3-tqdm Requires: python3-medutils Requires: python3-PySimpleGUI Requires: python3-SimpleITK %description # Segmentaion Metrics Package [![DOI](https://zenodo.org/badge/273067948.svg)](https://zenodo.org/badge/latestdoi/273067948) ![GitHub release (latest SemVer)](https://img.shields.io/github/v/release/Ordgod/segmentation_metrics) ![publish workflow status](https://github.com/Jingnan-Jia/segmentation_metrics/actions/workflows/python-publish.yml/badge.svg) [![codecov](https://codecov.io/gh/Jingnan-Jia/segmentation_metrics/branch/master/graph/badge.svg?token=UO1QSYBEU6)](https://codecov.io/gh/Jingnan-Jia/segmentation_metrics) ![test workflow status](https://github.com/Jingnan-Jia/segmentation_metrics/actions/workflows/test_and_coverage.yml/badge.svg?branch=master) [![OSCS Status](https://www.oscs1024.com/platform/badge/Jingnan-Jia/segmentation_metrics.svg?size=small)](https://www.oscs1024.com/project/Jingnan-Jia/segmentation_metrics?ref=badge_small) This is a simple package to compute different metrics for **Medical** image segmentation(images with suffix `.mhd`, `.mha`, `.nii`, `.nii.gz` or `.nrrd`), and write them to csv file. ## Summary To assess the segmentation performance, there are several different methods. Two main methods are volume-based metrics and distance-based metrics. ## Metrics included This library computes the following performance metrics for segmentation: ### Voxel based metrics - Dice (F-1) - Jaccard - Precision - Recall - False positive rate - False negtive rate - Volume similarity The equations for these metrics can be seen in the [wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Precision_and_recall). ### Surface Distance based metrics (with spacing as default) - [Hausdorff distance](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hausdorff_distance) - Hausdorff distance 95% percentile - Mean (Average) surface distance - Median surface distance - Std surface distance **Note**: These metrics are **symmetric**, which means the distance from A to B is the same as the distance from B to A. For each contour voxel of the segmented volume (A), the Euclidean distance from the closest contour voxel of the reference volume (B) is computed and stored as `list1`. This computation is also performed for the contour voxels of the reference volume (B), stored as `list2`. `list1` and `list2` are merged to get `list3`. - `Hausdorff distance` is the maximum value of `list3`. - `Hausdorff distance 95% percentile` is the 95% percentile of `list3`. - `Mean (Average) surface distance` is the mean value of `list3`. - `Median surface distance` is the median value of `list3`. - `Std surface distance` is the standard deviation of `list3`. **References:** 1. Heimann T, Ginneken B, Styner MA, et al. Comparison and Evaluation of Methods for Liver Segmentation From CT Datasets. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging. 2009;28(8):1251–1265. 2. Yeghiazaryan, Varduhi, and Irina D. Voiculescu. "Family of boundary overlap metrics for the evaluation of medical image segmentation." Journal of Medical Imaging 5.1 (2018): 015006. 3. Ruskó, László, György Bekes, and Márta Fidrich. "Automatic segmentation of the liver from multi-and single-phase contrast-enhanced CT images." Medical Image Analysis 13.6 (2009): 871-882. ## Installation ```shell $ pip install seg-metrics ``` ## Usage At first, import the package: ```python import seg_metrics.seg_metrics as sg ``` ### Evaluate two batches of images with same filenames from two different folders ```python labels = [0, 4, 5 ,6 ,7 , 8] gdth_path = 'data/gdth' # this folder saves a batch of ground truth images pred_path = 'data/pred' # this folder saves the same number of prediction images csv_file = 'metrics.csv' # results will be saved to this file and prented on terminal as well. If not set, results # will only be shown on terminal. metrics = sg.write_metrics(labels=labels[1:], # exclude background gdth_path=gdth_path, pred_path=pred_path, csv_file=csv_file) print(metrics) # a list of dictionaries which includes the metrics for each pair of image. ``` After runing the above codes, you can get a **list of dictionaries** `metrics` which contains all the metrics. **Also you can find a `.csv` file containing all metrics in the same directory.** If the `csv_file` is not given, the metrics results will not be saved to disk. ### Evaluate two images ```python labels = [0, 4, 5 ,6 ,7 , 8] gdth_file = 'data/gdth.mhd' # ground truth image full path pred_file = 'data/pred.mhd' # prediction image full path csv_file = 'metrics.csv' metrics = sg.write_metrics(labels=labels[1:], # exclude background gdth_path=gdth_file, pred_path=pred_file, csv_file=csv_file) ``` After runing the above codes, you can get a **dictionary** `metrics` which contains all the metrics. **Also you can find a `.csv` file containing all metrics in the same directory.** **Note:** 1. When evaluating one image, the returned `metrics` is a dictionary. 2. When evaluating a batch of images, the returned `metrics` is a list of dictionaries. ### Evaluate two images with specific metrics ```python labels = [0, 4, 5 ,6 ,7 , 8] gdth_file = 'data/gdth.mhd' pred_file = 'data/pred.mhd' csv_file = 'metrics.csv' metrics = sg.write_metrics(labels=labels[1:], # exclude background if needed gdth_path=gdth_file, pred_path=pred_file, csv_file=csv_file, metrics=['dice', 'hd']) # for only one metric metrics = sg.write_metrics(labels=labels[1:], # exclude background if needed gdth_path=gdth_file, pred_path=pred_file, csv_file=csv_file, metrics='msd') ``` By passing the following parameters to select specific metrics. ```python - dice: Dice (F-1) - jaccard: Jaccard - precision: Precision - recall: Recall - fpr: False positive rate - fnr: False negtive rate - vs: Volume similarity - hd: Hausdorff distance - hd95: Hausdorff distance 95% percentile - msd: Mean (Average) surface distance - mdsd: Median surface distance - stdsd: Std surface distance ``` For example: ```python labels = [1] gdth_file = 'data/gdth.mhd' pred_file = 'data/pred.mhd' csv_file = 'metrics.csv' metrics = sg.write_metrics(labels, gdth_file, pred_file, csv_file, metrics=['dice', 'hd95']) dice = metrics['dice'] hd95 = metrics['hd95'] ``` ### Evaluate two images in memory instead of disk **Note:** 1. The two images must be both numpy.ndarray or SimpleITK.Image. 2. Input arguments are different. Please use `gdth_img` and `pred_img` instead of `gdth_path` and `pred_path`. 3. If evaluating `numpy.ndarray`, the default `spacing` for all dimensions would be `1.0` for distance based metrics. 4. If you want to evaluate `numpy.ndarray` with specific spacing, pass a sequence with the length of image dimension as `spacing`. ```python labels = [0, 1, 2] gdth_img = np.array([[0,0,1], [0,1,2]]) pred_img = np.array([[0,0,1], [0,2,2]]) csv_file = 'metrics.csv' spacing = [1, 2] metrics = sg.write_metrics(labels=labels[1:], # exclude background if needed gdth_img=gdth_img, pred_img=pred_img, csv_file=csv_file, spacing=spacing, metrics=['dice', 'hd']) # for only one metrics metrics = sg.write_metrics(labels=labels[1:], # exclude background if needed gdth_img=gdth_img, pred_img=pred_img, csv_file=csv_file, spacing=spacing, metrics='msd') ``` #### About the calculation of surface distance The default surface distance is calculated based on **fullyConnected** border. To change the default connected type, you can set argument `fullyConnected` as `False` as follows. ```python metrics = sg.write_metrics(labels=[1,2,3], gdth_img=gdth_img, pred_img=pred_img, csv_file=csv_file, fully_connected=False) ``` In 2D image, fullyconnected means 8 neighbor points, while faceconnected means 4 neighbor points. In 3D image, fullyconnected means 26 neighbor points, while faceconnected means 6 neighbor points. # How to obtain more metrics? like "False omission rate" or "Accuracy"? A great number of different metrics, like "False omission rate" or "Accuracy", could be derived from some the [confusion matrics](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Confusion_matrix). To calculate more metrics or design custom metrics, use `TPTNFPFN=True` to return the number of voxels/pixels of true positive (TP), true negative (TN), false positive (FP), false negative (FN) predictions. For example, ```python metrics = sg.write_metrics( gdth_img=gdth_img, pred_img=pred_img, TPTNFPFN=True) tp, tn, fp, fn = metrics['TP'], metrics['TN'], metrics['FP'], metrics['FN'] false_omission_rate = fn/(fn+tn) accuracy = (tp + tn)/(tp + tn + fp + fn) ``` # Comparision with medpy `medpy` also provide functions to calculate metrics for medical images. But `seg-metrics` has several advantages. 1. **Faster**. `seg-metrics` is **10 times faster** calculating distance based metrics. This [jupyter notebook](https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1gLQghS1d_fWsaJs3G4Ip0GlZHEJFcxDr#scrollTo=mDWvyxW7VExd) could reproduce the results. 2. **More convenient**. `seg-metrics` can calculate all different metrics in once in one function while `medpy` needs to call different functions multiple times which cost more time and code. 3. **More Powerful**. `seg-metrics` can calculate **multi-label** segmentation metrics and save results to `.csv` file in good manner, but `medpy` only provides binary segmentation metrics. Comparision can be found in this [jupyter notebook](https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1gLQghS1d_fWsaJs3G4Ip0GlZHEJFcxDr#scrollTo=mDWvyxW7VExd). If this repository helps you in anyway, show your love ❤️ by putting a ⭐ on this project. I would also appreciate it if you cite the package in your publication. (**Note:** This package is **NOT** approved for clinical use and is intended for research use only. ) #Bibtex @misc{Jingnan, title = {A package to compute segmentation metrics: seg-metrics}, author = {Jingnan Jia}, url = {https://github.com/Ordgod/segmentation_metrics}, year = {2020}, doi = {10.5281/zenodo.3995075} } %package -n python3-seg-metrics Summary: A package to compute different segmentation metrics for 2D/3D medical images. Provides: python-seg-metrics BuildRequires: python3-devel BuildRequires: python3-setuptools BuildRequires: python3-pip %description -n python3-seg-metrics # Segmentaion Metrics Package [![DOI](https://zenodo.org/badge/273067948.svg)](https://zenodo.org/badge/latestdoi/273067948) ![GitHub release (latest SemVer)](https://img.shields.io/github/v/release/Ordgod/segmentation_metrics) ![publish workflow status](https://github.com/Jingnan-Jia/segmentation_metrics/actions/workflows/python-publish.yml/badge.svg) [![codecov](https://codecov.io/gh/Jingnan-Jia/segmentation_metrics/branch/master/graph/badge.svg?token=UO1QSYBEU6)](https://codecov.io/gh/Jingnan-Jia/segmentation_metrics) ![test workflow status](https://github.com/Jingnan-Jia/segmentation_metrics/actions/workflows/test_and_coverage.yml/badge.svg?branch=master) [![OSCS Status](https://www.oscs1024.com/platform/badge/Jingnan-Jia/segmentation_metrics.svg?size=small)](https://www.oscs1024.com/project/Jingnan-Jia/segmentation_metrics?ref=badge_small) This is a simple package to compute different metrics for **Medical** image segmentation(images with suffix `.mhd`, `.mha`, `.nii`, `.nii.gz` or `.nrrd`), and write them to csv file. ## Summary To assess the segmentation performance, there are several different methods. Two main methods are volume-based metrics and distance-based metrics. ## Metrics included This library computes the following performance metrics for segmentation: ### Voxel based metrics - Dice (F-1) - Jaccard - Precision - Recall - False positive rate - False negtive rate - Volume similarity The equations for these metrics can be seen in the [wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Precision_and_recall). ### Surface Distance based metrics (with spacing as default) - [Hausdorff distance](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hausdorff_distance) - Hausdorff distance 95% percentile - Mean (Average) surface distance - Median surface distance - Std surface distance **Note**: These metrics are **symmetric**, which means the distance from A to B is the same as the distance from B to A. For each contour voxel of the segmented volume (A), the Euclidean distance from the closest contour voxel of the reference volume (B) is computed and stored as `list1`. This computation is also performed for the contour voxels of the reference volume (B), stored as `list2`. `list1` and `list2` are merged to get `list3`. - `Hausdorff distance` is the maximum value of `list3`. - `Hausdorff distance 95% percentile` is the 95% percentile of `list3`. - `Mean (Average) surface distance` is the mean value of `list3`. - `Median surface distance` is the median value of `list3`. - `Std surface distance` is the standard deviation of `list3`. **References:** 1. Heimann T, Ginneken B, Styner MA, et al. Comparison and Evaluation of Methods for Liver Segmentation From CT Datasets. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging. 2009;28(8):1251–1265. 2. Yeghiazaryan, Varduhi, and Irina D. Voiculescu. "Family of boundary overlap metrics for the evaluation of medical image segmentation." Journal of Medical Imaging 5.1 (2018): 015006. 3. Ruskó, László, György Bekes, and Márta Fidrich. "Automatic segmentation of the liver from multi-and single-phase contrast-enhanced CT images." Medical Image Analysis 13.6 (2009): 871-882. ## Installation ```shell $ pip install seg-metrics ``` ## Usage At first, import the package: ```python import seg_metrics.seg_metrics as sg ``` ### Evaluate two batches of images with same filenames from two different folders ```python labels = [0, 4, 5 ,6 ,7 , 8] gdth_path = 'data/gdth' # this folder saves a batch of ground truth images pred_path = 'data/pred' # this folder saves the same number of prediction images csv_file = 'metrics.csv' # results will be saved to this file and prented on terminal as well. If not set, results # will only be shown on terminal. metrics = sg.write_metrics(labels=labels[1:], # exclude background gdth_path=gdth_path, pred_path=pred_path, csv_file=csv_file) print(metrics) # a list of dictionaries which includes the metrics for each pair of image. ``` After runing the above codes, you can get a **list of dictionaries** `metrics` which contains all the metrics. **Also you can find a `.csv` file containing all metrics in the same directory.** If the `csv_file` is not given, the metrics results will not be saved to disk. ### Evaluate two images ```python labels = [0, 4, 5 ,6 ,7 , 8] gdth_file = 'data/gdth.mhd' # ground truth image full path pred_file = 'data/pred.mhd' # prediction image full path csv_file = 'metrics.csv' metrics = sg.write_metrics(labels=labels[1:], # exclude background gdth_path=gdth_file, pred_path=pred_file, csv_file=csv_file) ``` After runing the above codes, you can get a **dictionary** `metrics` which contains all the metrics. **Also you can find a `.csv` file containing all metrics in the same directory.** **Note:** 1. When evaluating one image, the returned `metrics` is a dictionary. 2. When evaluating a batch of images, the returned `metrics` is a list of dictionaries. ### Evaluate two images with specific metrics ```python labels = [0, 4, 5 ,6 ,7 , 8] gdth_file = 'data/gdth.mhd' pred_file = 'data/pred.mhd' csv_file = 'metrics.csv' metrics = sg.write_metrics(labels=labels[1:], # exclude background if needed gdth_path=gdth_file, pred_path=pred_file, csv_file=csv_file, metrics=['dice', 'hd']) # for only one metric metrics = sg.write_metrics(labels=labels[1:], # exclude background if needed gdth_path=gdth_file, pred_path=pred_file, csv_file=csv_file, metrics='msd') ``` By passing the following parameters to select specific metrics. ```python - dice: Dice (F-1) - jaccard: Jaccard - precision: Precision - recall: Recall - fpr: False positive rate - fnr: False negtive rate - vs: Volume similarity - hd: Hausdorff distance - hd95: Hausdorff distance 95% percentile - msd: Mean (Average) surface distance - mdsd: Median surface distance - stdsd: Std surface distance ``` For example: ```python labels = [1] gdth_file = 'data/gdth.mhd' pred_file = 'data/pred.mhd' csv_file = 'metrics.csv' metrics = sg.write_metrics(labels, gdth_file, pred_file, csv_file, metrics=['dice', 'hd95']) dice = metrics['dice'] hd95 = metrics['hd95'] ``` ### Evaluate two images in memory instead of disk **Note:** 1. The two images must be both numpy.ndarray or SimpleITK.Image. 2. Input arguments are different. Please use `gdth_img` and `pred_img` instead of `gdth_path` and `pred_path`. 3. If evaluating `numpy.ndarray`, the default `spacing` for all dimensions would be `1.0` for distance based metrics. 4. If you want to evaluate `numpy.ndarray` with specific spacing, pass a sequence with the length of image dimension as `spacing`. ```python labels = [0, 1, 2] gdth_img = np.array([[0,0,1], [0,1,2]]) pred_img = np.array([[0,0,1], [0,2,2]]) csv_file = 'metrics.csv' spacing = [1, 2] metrics = sg.write_metrics(labels=labels[1:], # exclude background if needed gdth_img=gdth_img, pred_img=pred_img, csv_file=csv_file, spacing=spacing, metrics=['dice', 'hd']) # for only one metrics metrics = sg.write_metrics(labels=labels[1:], # exclude background if needed gdth_img=gdth_img, pred_img=pred_img, csv_file=csv_file, spacing=spacing, metrics='msd') ``` #### About the calculation of surface distance The default surface distance is calculated based on **fullyConnected** border. To change the default connected type, you can set argument `fullyConnected` as `False` as follows. ```python metrics = sg.write_metrics(labels=[1,2,3], gdth_img=gdth_img, pred_img=pred_img, csv_file=csv_file, fully_connected=False) ``` In 2D image, fullyconnected means 8 neighbor points, while faceconnected means 4 neighbor points. In 3D image, fullyconnected means 26 neighbor points, while faceconnected means 6 neighbor points. # How to obtain more metrics? like "False omission rate" or "Accuracy"? A great number of different metrics, like "False omission rate" or "Accuracy", could be derived from some the [confusion matrics](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Confusion_matrix). To calculate more metrics or design custom metrics, use `TPTNFPFN=True` to return the number of voxels/pixels of true positive (TP), true negative (TN), false positive (FP), false negative (FN) predictions. For example, ```python metrics = sg.write_metrics( gdth_img=gdth_img, pred_img=pred_img, TPTNFPFN=True) tp, tn, fp, fn = metrics['TP'], metrics['TN'], metrics['FP'], metrics['FN'] false_omission_rate = fn/(fn+tn) accuracy = (tp + tn)/(tp + tn + fp + fn) ``` # Comparision with medpy `medpy` also provide functions to calculate metrics for medical images. But `seg-metrics` has several advantages. 1. **Faster**. `seg-metrics` is **10 times faster** calculating distance based metrics. This [jupyter notebook](https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1gLQghS1d_fWsaJs3G4Ip0GlZHEJFcxDr#scrollTo=mDWvyxW7VExd) could reproduce the results. 2. **More convenient**. `seg-metrics` can calculate all different metrics in once in one function while `medpy` needs to call different functions multiple times which cost more time and code. 3. **More Powerful**. `seg-metrics` can calculate **multi-label** segmentation metrics and save results to `.csv` file in good manner, but `medpy` only provides binary segmentation metrics. Comparision can be found in this [jupyter notebook](https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1gLQghS1d_fWsaJs3G4Ip0GlZHEJFcxDr#scrollTo=mDWvyxW7VExd). If this repository helps you in anyway, show your love ❤️ by putting a ⭐ on this project. I would also appreciate it if you cite the package in your publication. (**Note:** This package is **NOT** approved for clinical use and is intended for research use only. ) #Bibtex @misc{Jingnan, title = {A package to compute segmentation metrics: seg-metrics}, author = {Jingnan Jia}, url = {https://github.com/Ordgod/segmentation_metrics}, year = {2020}, doi = {10.5281/zenodo.3995075} } %package help Summary: Development documents and examples for seg-metrics Provides: python3-seg-metrics-doc %description help # Segmentaion Metrics Package [![DOI](https://zenodo.org/badge/273067948.svg)](https://zenodo.org/badge/latestdoi/273067948) ![GitHub release (latest SemVer)](https://img.shields.io/github/v/release/Ordgod/segmentation_metrics) ![publish workflow status](https://github.com/Jingnan-Jia/segmentation_metrics/actions/workflows/python-publish.yml/badge.svg) [![codecov](https://codecov.io/gh/Jingnan-Jia/segmentation_metrics/branch/master/graph/badge.svg?token=UO1QSYBEU6)](https://codecov.io/gh/Jingnan-Jia/segmentation_metrics) ![test workflow status](https://github.com/Jingnan-Jia/segmentation_metrics/actions/workflows/test_and_coverage.yml/badge.svg?branch=master) [![OSCS Status](https://www.oscs1024.com/platform/badge/Jingnan-Jia/segmentation_metrics.svg?size=small)](https://www.oscs1024.com/project/Jingnan-Jia/segmentation_metrics?ref=badge_small) This is a simple package to compute different metrics for **Medical** image segmentation(images with suffix `.mhd`, `.mha`, `.nii`, `.nii.gz` or `.nrrd`), and write them to csv file. ## Summary To assess the segmentation performance, there are several different methods. Two main methods are volume-based metrics and distance-based metrics. ## Metrics included This library computes the following performance metrics for segmentation: ### Voxel based metrics - Dice (F-1) - Jaccard - Precision - Recall - False positive rate - False negtive rate - Volume similarity The equations for these metrics can be seen in the [wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Precision_and_recall). ### Surface Distance based metrics (with spacing as default) - [Hausdorff distance](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hausdorff_distance) - Hausdorff distance 95% percentile - Mean (Average) surface distance - Median surface distance - Std surface distance **Note**: These metrics are **symmetric**, which means the distance from A to B is the same as the distance from B to A. For each contour voxel of the segmented volume (A), the Euclidean distance from the closest contour voxel of the reference volume (B) is computed and stored as `list1`. This computation is also performed for the contour voxels of the reference volume (B), stored as `list2`. `list1` and `list2` are merged to get `list3`. - `Hausdorff distance` is the maximum value of `list3`. - `Hausdorff distance 95% percentile` is the 95% percentile of `list3`. - `Mean (Average) surface distance` is the mean value of `list3`. - `Median surface distance` is the median value of `list3`. - `Std surface distance` is the standard deviation of `list3`. **References:** 1. Heimann T, Ginneken B, Styner MA, et al. Comparison and Evaluation of Methods for Liver Segmentation From CT Datasets. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging. 2009;28(8):1251–1265. 2. Yeghiazaryan, Varduhi, and Irina D. Voiculescu. "Family of boundary overlap metrics for the evaluation of medical image segmentation." Journal of Medical Imaging 5.1 (2018): 015006. 3. Ruskó, László, György Bekes, and Márta Fidrich. "Automatic segmentation of the liver from multi-and single-phase contrast-enhanced CT images." Medical Image Analysis 13.6 (2009): 871-882. ## Installation ```shell $ pip install seg-metrics ``` ## Usage At first, import the package: ```python import seg_metrics.seg_metrics as sg ``` ### Evaluate two batches of images with same filenames from two different folders ```python labels = [0, 4, 5 ,6 ,7 , 8] gdth_path = 'data/gdth' # this folder saves a batch of ground truth images pred_path = 'data/pred' # this folder saves the same number of prediction images csv_file = 'metrics.csv' # results will be saved to this file and prented on terminal as well. If not set, results # will only be shown on terminal. metrics = sg.write_metrics(labels=labels[1:], # exclude background gdth_path=gdth_path, pred_path=pred_path, csv_file=csv_file) print(metrics) # a list of dictionaries which includes the metrics for each pair of image. ``` After runing the above codes, you can get a **list of dictionaries** `metrics` which contains all the metrics. **Also you can find a `.csv` file containing all metrics in the same directory.** If the `csv_file` is not given, the metrics results will not be saved to disk. ### Evaluate two images ```python labels = [0, 4, 5 ,6 ,7 , 8] gdth_file = 'data/gdth.mhd' # ground truth image full path pred_file = 'data/pred.mhd' # prediction image full path csv_file = 'metrics.csv' metrics = sg.write_metrics(labels=labels[1:], # exclude background gdth_path=gdth_file, pred_path=pred_file, csv_file=csv_file) ``` After runing the above codes, you can get a **dictionary** `metrics` which contains all the metrics. **Also you can find a `.csv` file containing all metrics in the same directory.** **Note:** 1. When evaluating one image, the returned `metrics` is a dictionary. 2. When evaluating a batch of images, the returned `metrics` is a list of dictionaries. ### Evaluate two images with specific metrics ```python labels = [0, 4, 5 ,6 ,7 , 8] gdth_file = 'data/gdth.mhd' pred_file = 'data/pred.mhd' csv_file = 'metrics.csv' metrics = sg.write_metrics(labels=labels[1:], # exclude background if needed gdth_path=gdth_file, pred_path=pred_file, csv_file=csv_file, metrics=['dice', 'hd']) # for only one metric metrics = sg.write_metrics(labels=labels[1:], # exclude background if needed gdth_path=gdth_file, pred_path=pred_file, csv_file=csv_file, metrics='msd') ``` By passing the following parameters to select specific metrics. ```python - dice: Dice (F-1) - jaccard: Jaccard - precision: Precision - recall: Recall - fpr: False positive rate - fnr: False negtive rate - vs: Volume similarity - hd: Hausdorff distance - hd95: Hausdorff distance 95% percentile - msd: Mean (Average) surface distance - mdsd: Median surface distance - stdsd: Std surface distance ``` For example: ```python labels = [1] gdth_file = 'data/gdth.mhd' pred_file = 'data/pred.mhd' csv_file = 'metrics.csv' metrics = sg.write_metrics(labels, gdth_file, pred_file, csv_file, metrics=['dice', 'hd95']) dice = metrics['dice'] hd95 = metrics['hd95'] ``` ### Evaluate two images in memory instead of disk **Note:** 1. The two images must be both numpy.ndarray or SimpleITK.Image. 2. Input arguments are different. Please use `gdth_img` and `pred_img` instead of `gdth_path` and `pred_path`. 3. If evaluating `numpy.ndarray`, the default `spacing` for all dimensions would be `1.0` for distance based metrics. 4. If you want to evaluate `numpy.ndarray` with specific spacing, pass a sequence with the length of image dimension as `spacing`. ```python labels = [0, 1, 2] gdth_img = np.array([[0,0,1], [0,1,2]]) pred_img = np.array([[0,0,1], [0,2,2]]) csv_file = 'metrics.csv' spacing = [1, 2] metrics = sg.write_metrics(labels=labels[1:], # exclude background if needed gdth_img=gdth_img, pred_img=pred_img, csv_file=csv_file, spacing=spacing, metrics=['dice', 'hd']) # for only one metrics metrics = sg.write_metrics(labels=labels[1:], # exclude background if needed gdth_img=gdth_img, pred_img=pred_img, csv_file=csv_file, spacing=spacing, metrics='msd') ``` #### About the calculation of surface distance The default surface distance is calculated based on **fullyConnected** border. To change the default connected type, you can set argument `fullyConnected` as `False` as follows. ```python metrics = sg.write_metrics(labels=[1,2,3], gdth_img=gdth_img, pred_img=pred_img, csv_file=csv_file, fully_connected=False) ``` In 2D image, fullyconnected means 8 neighbor points, while faceconnected means 4 neighbor points. In 3D image, fullyconnected means 26 neighbor points, while faceconnected means 6 neighbor points. # How to obtain more metrics? like "False omission rate" or "Accuracy"? A great number of different metrics, like "False omission rate" or "Accuracy", could be derived from some the [confusion matrics](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Confusion_matrix). To calculate more metrics or design custom metrics, use `TPTNFPFN=True` to return the number of voxels/pixels of true positive (TP), true negative (TN), false positive (FP), false negative (FN) predictions. For example, ```python metrics = sg.write_metrics( gdth_img=gdth_img, pred_img=pred_img, TPTNFPFN=True) tp, tn, fp, fn = metrics['TP'], metrics['TN'], metrics['FP'], metrics['FN'] false_omission_rate = fn/(fn+tn) accuracy = (tp + tn)/(tp + tn + fp + fn) ``` # Comparision with medpy `medpy` also provide functions to calculate metrics for medical images. But `seg-metrics` has several advantages. 1. **Faster**. `seg-metrics` is **10 times faster** calculating distance based metrics. This [jupyter notebook](https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1gLQghS1d_fWsaJs3G4Ip0GlZHEJFcxDr#scrollTo=mDWvyxW7VExd) could reproduce the results. 2. **More convenient**. `seg-metrics` can calculate all different metrics in once in one function while `medpy` needs to call different functions multiple times which cost more time and code. 3. **More Powerful**. `seg-metrics` can calculate **multi-label** segmentation metrics and save results to `.csv` file in good manner, but `medpy` only provides binary segmentation metrics. Comparision can be found in this [jupyter notebook](https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1gLQghS1d_fWsaJs3G4Ip0GlZHEJFcxDr#scrollTo=mDWvyxW7VExd). If this repository helps you in anyway, show your love ❤️ by putting a ⭐ on this project. I would also appreciate it if you cite the package in your publication. (**Note:** This package is **NOT** approved for clinical use and is intended for research use only. ) #Bibtex @misc{Jingnan, title = {A package to compute segmentation metrics: seg-metrics}, author = {Jingnan Jia}, url = {https://github.com/Ordgod/segmentation_metrics}, year = {2020}, doi = {10.5281/zenodo.3995075} } %prep %autosetup -n seg_metrics-1.1.3 %build %py3_build %install %py3_install install -d -m755 %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir} if [ -d doc ]; then cp -arf doc %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi if [ -d docs ]; then cp -arf docs %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi if [ -d example ]; then cp -arf example %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi if [ -d examples ]; then cp -arf examples %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi pushd %{buildroot} if [ -d usr/lib ]; then find usr/lib -type f -printf "\"/%h/%f\"\n" >> filelist.lst fi if [ -d usr/lib64 ]; then find usr/lib64 -type f -printf "\"/%h/%f\"\n" >> filelist.lst fi if [ -d usr/bin ]; then find usr/bin -type f -printf "\"/%h/%f\"\n" >> filelist.lst fi if [ -d usr/sbin ]; then find usr/sbin -type f -printf "\"/%h/%f\"\n" >> filelist.lst fi touch doclist.lst if [ -d usr/share/man ]; then find usr/share/man -type f -printf "\"/%h/%f.gz\"\n" >> doclist.lst fi popd mv %{buildroot}/filelist.lst . mv %{buildroot}/doclist.lst . %files -n python3-seg-metrics -f filelist.lst %dir %{python3_sitelib}/* %files help -f doclist.lst %{_docdir}/* %changelog * Thu Jun 08 2023 Python_Bot - 1.1.3-1 - Package Spec generated