%global _empty_manifest_terminate_build 0 Name: python-kcliutils Version: 0.1.12 Release: 1 Summary: kcliutils License: MIT License URL: https://github.com/kkristof200/py_cli_utils Source0: https://mirrors.aliyun.com/pypi/web/packages/f5/bf/927ecfff0497974a37e1059894da76b33fd4f3f361baeea6b6b1c7775497/kcliutils-0.1.12.tar.gz BuildArch: noarch Requires: python3-bullet Requires: python3-jsoncodable Requires: python3-kcu Requires: python3-kdependencies %description # kcliutils ![PyPI - package version](https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/kcliutils?logo=pypi&style=flat-square) ![PyPI - license](https://img.shields.io/pypi/l/kcliutils?label=package%20license&style=flat-square) ![PyPI - python version](https://img.shields.io/pypi/pyversions/kcliutils?logo=pypi&style=flat-square) ![PyPI - downloads](https://img.shields.io/pypi/dm/kcliutils?logo=pypi&style=flat-square) ![GitHub - last commit](https://img.shields.io/github/last-commit/kkristof200/py_cli_utils?style=flat-square) ![GitHub - commit activity](https://img.shields.io/github/commit-activity/m/kkristof200/py_cli_utils?style=flat-square) ![GitHub - code size in bytes](https://img.shields.io/github/languages/code-size/kkristof200/py_cli_utils?style=flat-square) ![GitHub - repo size](https://img.shields.io/github/repo-size/kkristof200/py_cli_utils?style=flat-square) ![GitHub - lines of code](https://img.shields.io/tokei/lines/github/kkristof200/py_cli_utils?style=flat-square) ![GitHub - license](https://img.shields.io/github/license/kkristof200/py_cli_utils?label=repo%20license&style=flat-square) ## Description Python cli utils for faster development ## Install ~~~~bash pip install kcliutils # or pip3 install kcliutils ~~~~ ## How to use ### 1. Package related #### npp/new_python_package - Run in an empty folder with git checked out - Creates a new empty package, with default files, such as .gitignore, README.md, setup.py, demo.py, LICENSE, etc. ~~~~shell # cd to desired folder with .git in it npp package_name # or new_python_package package_name ~~~~ `npp test_package_name` will generate ![npp result](https://i.imgur.com/3UUMDjY.png) #### upp/upgrade_python_package - Run in an already existing project folder - Updates setup.py with dependencies, bumps version number - Updates install_dependencies.sh and requirements.txt - Updates readme with dependencies, copies the contents of 'demo.py' to the usage section of the reeadme - NOTE: to make this work properly, the packege had to be created with npp. ~~~~shell # cd to desired folder with .git in it upp # or upgrade_python_package ~~~~ #### ppp/publish_python_package - Calls upp, publishes to pypi and installs the new version ~~~~shell # cd to desired folder with .git in it ppp "Optional commit message" # or publish_python_package "Optional commit message" ~~~~ #### prpipush/upgrade_push_install - Same as ppp, but without publishing on pypi (for private, github-hosted packages) ~~~~shell # cd to desired folder with .git in it prpipush "Optional commit message" # or upgrade_push_install "Optional commit message" ~~~~ ### 2. Formatting #### cl/clean_lines - Cleans the ending useless spaces from every line ~~~~shell # cd to desired folder cl # or clean_lines ~~~~ #### migrate_comment_line_len - Updates the lengh of each separator comment line generated with the file generators from this package. ~~~~shell # cd to desired folder migrate_comment_line_len Optional_length_which_defaults_to_your_settings ~~~~ ### 3. Git #### psh/push - stages/commits everything and pushes to github ~~~~shell # cd to desired folder psh "Optional commit message" # or push "Optional commit message" ~~~~ #### ftch/fetch - git fetch ~~~~shell # cd to desired folder ftch # or fetch ~~~~ #### pll/pull - git pull ~~~~shell # cd to desired folder pll # or pull ~~~~ ### 4. Pip #### pipu/pip_uninstall - pip uninstall ~~~~shell pipu PACKAGE_NAME # or pip_uninstall PACKAGE_NAME ~~~~ #### pipi/pipiu/pip_install - pip install -U ~~~~shell pipi PACKAGE_NAME # or pipiu PACKAGE_NAME # or pip_install PACKAGE_NAME ~~~~ #### pipir/pip_reinstall - pip uninstall && pip install ~~~~shell pipir PACKAGE_NAME # or pip_reinstall PACKAGE_NAME ~~~~ ### 5. New files #### pyreqs/python_requirements - creates a requirements.txt file with all the used dependencies ~~~~shell pyreqs # creates 'requirements.txt' # or python_requirements ~~~~ #### pif/create_python_install_file - creates an install_dependencies.sh file with all the used dependencies ~~~~shell pif # creates 'install_dependencies.sh' # or create_python_install_file ~~~~ #### npc/new_python_class - creates a python file with a class-like formatting ~~~~shell npc file_name # creates 'file_name.py' class 'FileName' in it # also accepts relative path 'relative/path/to/file_name' # or new_python_class file_name ~~~~ generated file contents ~~~~python # ------------------------------------------- Imports ------------------------------------------ # # System # Pip # Local # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # -------------------------------------- class: TestClass -------------------------------------- # class TestClass: # ---------------------------------------- Init ---------------------------------------- # def __init__( self ): return # ---------------------------------- Public properties --------------------------------- # # ----------------------------------- Public methods ----------------------------------- # # --------------------------------- Private properties --------------------------------- # # ----------------------------------- Private methods ---------------------------------- # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ~~~~ #### npa/new_python_api - creates a python file with a api-like formatting (conforming [ksimpleapi](https://github.com/kkristof200/py_simpleapi)) ~~~~shell npa file_name # creates 'file_name.py' class 'FileName' in it # also accepts relative path 'relative/path/to/file_name' # or new_python_api file_name ~~~~ generated file contents ~~~~python # ------------------------------------------- Imports ------------------------------------------ # # System from typing import Optional, Dict # Pip from ksimpleapi import Api # Local # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # --------------------------------------- class: FileName -------------------------------------- # class FileName(Api): # -------------------------------------- Overrides ------------------------------------- # @classmethod def extra_headers(cls) -> Optional[Dict[str, any]]: return { } # ---------------------------------- Public properties --------------------------------- # # ----------------------------------- Public methods ----------------------------------- # # --------------------------------- Private properties --------------------------------- # # ----------------------------------- Private methods ---------------------------------- # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ~~~~ #### npe/new_python_enum - creates a python file with a enum-like formatting ~~~~shell npe file_name # creates 'file_name.py' enum 'FileName' in it # also accepts relative path 'relative/path/to/file_name' # or new_python_enum file_name ~~~~ generated file contents ~~~~python # ------------------------------------------- Imports ------------------------------------------ # # System from enum import Enum # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # --------------------------------------- enum: FileName --------------------------------------- # class FileName(Enum): Template = 0 # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ~~~~ #### npf/new_python_file - creates a python file with a default file formatting ~~~~shell npf file_name # creates 'file_name.py' # also accepts relative path 'relative/path/to/file_name' # or new_python_file file_name ~~~~ generated file contents ~~~~python # ------------------------------------------- Imports ------------------------------------------ # # System # Pip # Local # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # ----------------------------------------- Public vars ---------------------------------------- # # ---------------------------------------- Private vars ---------------------------------------- # # ---------------------------------------- Private vars ---------------------------------------- # # ---------------------------------------- Private vars ---------------------------------------- # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ~~~~ #### npfl/new_python_flow - creates a python file with a flow-like formatting (check example) ~~~~shell npfl file_name # creates 'file_name.py' # also accepts relative path 'relative/path/to/file_name' # or new_python_flow file_name ~~~~ generated file contents ~~~~python # ------------------------------------------- Imports ------------------------------------------ # # System # Pip # Local # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # ------------------------------------------- Methods ------------------------------------------ # # -------------------------------------------- Paths ------------------------------------------- # # -------------------------------------------- Vars -------------------------------------------- # # -------------------------------------------- Flow -------------------------------------------- # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ~~~~ #### nps/new_python_subpackage - creates a new subpackage at the desired relative path ~~~~shell nps SUB_PACKAGE_NAME_OR_RELATIVE_PATH # or new_python_subpackage SUB_PACKAGE_NAME_OR_RELATIVE_PATH ~~~~ `nps test_subpackage` will generate ![nps result](https://i.imgur.com/xNOBPPg.png) ## Dependencies [bullet](https://pypi.org/project/bullet), [jsoncodable](https://pypi.org/project/jsoncodable), [kcu](https://pypi.org/project/kcu), [kdependencies](https://pypi.org/project/kdependencies) %package -n python3-kcliutils Summary: kcliutils Provides: python-kcliutils BuildRequires: python3-devel BuildRequires: python3-setuptools BuildRequires: python3-pip %description -n python3-kcliutils # kcliutils ![PyPI - package version](https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/kcliutils?logo=pypi&style=flat-square) ![PyPI - license](https://img.shields.io/pypi/l/kcliutils?label=package%20license&style=flat-square) ![PyPI - python version](https://img.shields.io/pypi/pyversions/kcliutils?logo=pypi&style=flat-square) ![PyPI - downloads](https://img.shields.io/pypi/dm/kcliutils?logo=pypi&style=flat-square) ![GitHub - last commit](https://img.shields.io/github/last-commit/kkristof200/py_cli_utils?style=flat-square) ![GitHub - commit activity](https://img.shields.io/github/commit-activity/m/kkristof200/py_cli_utils?style=flat-square) ![GitHub - code size in bytes](https://img.shields.io/github/languages/code-size/kkristof200/py_cli_utils?style=flat-square) ![GitHub - repo size](https://img.shields.io/github/repo-size/kkristof200/py_cli_utils?style=flat-square) ![GitHub - lines of code](https://img.shields.io/tokei/lines/github/kkristof200/py_cli_utils?style=flat-square) ![GitHub - license](https://img.shields.io/github/license/kkristof200/py_cli_utils?label=repo%20license&style=flat-square) ## Description Python cli utils for faster development ## Install ~~~~bash pip install kcliutils # or pip3 install kcliutils ~~~~ ## How to use ### 1. Package related #### npp/new_python_package - Run in an empty folder with git checked out - Creates a new empty package, with default files, such as .gitignore, README.md, setup.py, demo.py, LICENSE, etc. ~~~~shell # cd to desired folder with .git in it npp package_name # or new_python_package package_name ~~~~ `npp test_package_name` will generate ![npp result](https://i.imgur.com/3UUMDjY.png) #### upp/upgrade_python_package - Run in an already existing project folder - Updates setup.py with dependencies, bumps version number - Updates install_dependencies.sh and requirements.txt - Updates readme with dependencies, copies the contents of 'demo.py' to the usage section of the reeadme - NOTE: to make this work properly, the packege had to be created with npp. ~~~~shell # cd to desired folder with .git in it upp # or upgrade_python_package ~~~~ #### ppp/publish_python_package - Calls upp, publishes to pypi and installs the new version ~~~~shell # cd to desired folder with .git in it ppp "Optional commit message" # or publish_python_package "Optional commit message" ~~~~ #### prpipush/upgrade_push_install - Same as ppp, but without publishing on pypi (for private, github-hosted packages) ~~~~shell # cd to desired folder with .git in it prpipush "Optional commit message" # or upgrade_push_install "Optional commit message" ~~~~ ### 2. Formatting #### cl/clean_lines - Cleans the ending useless spaces from every line ~~~~shell # cd to desired folder cl # or clean_lines ~~~~ #### migrate_comment_line_len - Updates the lengh of each separator comment line generated with the file generators from this package. ~~~~shell # cd to desired folder migrate_comment_line_len Optional_length_which_defaults_to_your_settings ~~~~ ### 3. Git #### psh/push - stages/commits everything and pushes to github ~~~~shell # cd to desired folder psh "Optional commit message" # or push "Optional commit message" ~~~~ #### ftch/fetch - git fetch ~~~~shell # cd to desired folder ftch # or fetch ~~~~ #### pll/pull - git pull ~~~~shell # cd to desired folder pll # or pull ~~~~ ### 4. Pip #### pipu/pip_uninstall - pip uninstall ~~~~shell pipu PACKAGE_NAME # or pip_uninstall PACKAGE_NAME ~~~~ #### pipi/pipiu/pip_install - pip install -U ~~~~shell pipi PACKAGE_NAME # or pipiu PACKAGE_NAME # or pip_install PACKAGE_NAME ~~~~ #### pipir/pip_reinstall - pip uninstall && pip install ~~~~shell pipir PACKAGE_NAME # or pip_reinstall PACKAGE_NAME ~~~~ ### 5. New files #### pyreqs/python_requirements - creates a requirements.txt file with all the used dependencies ~~~~shell pyreqs # creates 'requirements.txt' # or python_requirements ~~~~ #### pif/create_python_install_file - creates an install_dependencies.sh file with all the used dependencies ~~~~shell pif # creates 'install_dependencies.sh' # or create_python_install_file ~~~~ #### npc/new_python_class - creates a python file with a class-like formatting ~~~~shell npc file_name # creates 'file_name.py' class 'FileName' in it # also accepts relative path 'relative/path/to/file_name' # or new_python_class file_name ~~~~ generated file contents ~~~~python # ------------------------------------------- Imports ------------------------------------------ # # System # Pip # Local # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # -------------------------------------- class: TestClass -------------------------------------- # class TestClass: # ---------------------------------------- Init ---------------------------------------- # def __init__( self ): return # ---------------------------------- Public properties --------------------------------- # # ----------------------------------- Public methods ----------------------------------- # # --------------------------------- Private properties --------------------------------- # # ----------------------------------- Private methods ---------------------------------- # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ~~~~ #### npa/new_python_api - creates a python file with a api-like formatting (conforming [ksimpleapi](https://github.com/kkristof200/py_simpleapi)) ~~~~shell npa file_name # creates 'file_name.py' class 'FileName' in it # also accepts relative path 'relative/path/to/file_name' # or new_python_api file_name ~~~~ generated file contents ~~~~python # ------------------------------------------- Imports ------------------------------------------ # # System from typing import Optional, Dict # Pip from ksimpleapi import Api # Local # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # --------------------------------------- class: FileName -------------------------------------- # class FileName(Api): # -------------------------------------- Overrides ------------------------------------- # @classmethod def extra_headers(cls) -> Optional[Dict[str, any]]: return { } # ---------------------------------- Public properties --------------------------------- # # ----------------------------------- Public methods ----------------------------------- # # --------------------------------- Private properties --------------------------------- # # ----------------------------------- Private methods ---------------------------------- # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ~~~~ #### npe/new_python_enum - creates a python file with a enum-like formatting ~~~~shell npe file_name # creates 'file_name.py' enum 'FileName' in it # also accepts relative path 'relative/path/to/file_name' # or new_python_enum file_name ~~~~ generated file contents ~~~~python # ------------------------------------------- Imports ------------------------------------------ # # System from enum import Enum # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # --------------------------------------- enum: FileName --------------------------------------- # class FileName(Enum): Template = 0 # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ~~~~ #### npf/new_python_file - creates a python file with a default file formatting ~~~~shell npf file_name # creates 'file_name.py' # also accepts relative path 'relative/path/to/file_name' # or new_python_file file_name ~~~~ generated file contents ~~~~python # ------------------------------------------- Imports ------------------------------------------ # # System # Pip # Local # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # ----------------------------------------- Public vars ---------------------------------------- # # ---------------------------------------- Private vars ---------------------------------------- # # ---------------------------------------- Private vars ---------------------------------------- # # ---------------------------------------- Private vars ---------------------------------------- # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ~~~~ #### npfl/new_python_flow - creates a python file with a flow-like formatting (check example) ~~~~shell npfl file_name # creates 'file_name.py' # also accepts relative path 'relative/path/to/file_name' # or new_python_flow file_name ~~~~ generated file contents ~~~~python # ------------------------------------------- Imports ------------------------------------------ # # System # Pip # Local # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # ------------------------------------------- Methods ------------------------------------------ # # -------------------------------------------- Paths ------------------------------------------- # # -------------------------------------------- Vars -------------------------------------------- # # -------------------------------------------- Flow -------------------------------------------- # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ~~~~ #### nps/new_python_subpackage - creates a new subpackage at the desired relative path ~~~~shell nps SUB_PACKAGE_NAME_OR_RELATIVE_PATH # or new_python_subpackage SUB_PACKAGE_NAME_OR_RELATIVE_PATH ~~~~ `nps test_subpackage` will generate ![nps result](https://i.imgur.com/xNOBPPg.png) ## Dependencies [bullet](https://pypi.org/project/bullet), [jsoncodable](https://pypi.org/project/jsoncodable), [kcu](https://pypi.org/project/kcu), [kdependencies](https://pypi.org/project/kdependencies) %package help Summary: Development documents and examples for kcliutils Provides: python3-kcliutils-doc %description help # kcliutils ![PyPI - package version](https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/kcliutils?logo=pypi&style=flat-square) ![PyPI - license](https://img.shields.io/pypi/l/kcliutils?label=package%20license&style=flat-square) ![PyPI - python version](https://img.shields.io/pypi/pyversions/kcliutils?logo=pypi&style=flat-square) ![PyPI - downloads](https://img.shields.io/pypi/dm/kcliutils?logo=pypi&style=flat-square) ![GitHub - last commit](https://img.shields.io/github/last-commit/kkristof200/py_cli_utils?style=flat-square) ![GitHub - commit activity](https://img.shields.io/github/commit-activity/m/kkristof200/py_cli_utils?style=flat-square) ![GitHub - code size in bytes](https://img.shields.io/github/languages/code-size/kkristof200/py_cli_utils?style=flat-square) ![GitHub - repo size](https://img.shields.io/github/repo-size/kkristof200/py_cli_utils?style=flat-square) ![GitHub - lines of code](https://img.shields.io/tokei/lines/github/kkristof200/py_cli_utils?style=flat-square) ![GitHub - license](https://img.shields.io/github/license/kkristof200/py_cli_utils?label=repo%20license&style=flat-square) ## Description Python cli utils for faster development ## Install ~~~~bash pip install kcliutils # or pip3 install kcliutils ~~~~ ## How to use ### 1. Package related #### npp/new_python_package - Run in an empty folder with git checked out - Creates a new empty package, with default files, such as .gitignore, README.md, setup.py, demo.py, LICENSE, etc. ~~~~shell # cd to desired folder with .git in it npp package_name # or new_python_package package_name ~~~~ `npp test_package_name` will generate ![npp result](https://i.imgur.com/3UUMDjY.png) #### upp/upgrade_python_package - Run in an already existing project folder - Updates setup.py with dependencies, bumps version number - Updates install_dependencies.sh and requirements.txt - Updates readme with dependencies, copies the contents of 'demo.py' to the usage section of the reeadme - NOTE: to make this work properly, the packege had to be created with npp. ~~~~shell # cd to desired folder with .git in it upp # or upgrade_python_package ~~~~ #### ppp/publish_python_package - Calls upp, publishes to pypi and installs the new version ~~~~shell # cd to desired folder with .git in it ppp "Optional commit message" # or publish_python_package "Optional commit message" ~~~~ #### prpipush/upgrade_push_install - Same as ppp, but without publishing on pypi (for private, github-hosted packages) ~~~~shell # cd to desired folder with .git in it prpipush "Optional commit message" # or upgrade_push_install "Optional commit message" ~~~~ ### 2. Formatting #### cl/clean_lines - Cleans the ending useless spaces from every line ~~~~shell # cd to desired folder cl # or clean_lines ~~~~ #### migrate_comment_line_len - Updates the lengh of each separator comment line generated with the file generators from this package. ~~~~shell # cd to desired folder migrate_comment_line_len Optional_length_which_defaults_to_your_settings ~~~~ ### 3. Git #### psh/push - stages/commits everything and pushes to github ~~~~shell # cd to desired folder psh "Optional commit message" # or push "Optional commit message" ~~~~ #### ftch/fetch - git fetch ~~~~shell # cd to desired folder ftch # or fetch ~~~~ #### pll/pull - git pull ~~~~shell # cd to desired folder pll # or pull ~~~~ ### 4. Pip #### pipu/pip_uninstall - pip uninstall ~~~~shell pipu PACKAGE_NAME # or pip_uninstall PACKAGE_NAME ~~~~ #### pipi/pipiu/pip_install - pip install -U ~~~~shell pipi PACKAGE_NAME # or pipiu PACKAGE_NAME # or pip_install PACKAGE_NAME ~~~~ #### pipir/pip_reinstall - pip uninstall && pip install ~~~~shell pipir PACKAGE_NAME # or pip_reinstall PACKAGE_NAME ~~~~ ### 5. New files #### pyreqs/python_requirements - creates a requirements.txt file with all the used dependencies ~~~~shell pyreqs # creates 'requirements.txt' # or python_requirements ~~~~ #### pif/create_python_install_file - creates an install_dependencies.sh file with all the used dependencies ~~~~shell pif # creates 'install_dependencies.sh' # or create_python_install_file ~~~~ #### npc/new_python_class - creates a python file with a class-like formatting ~~~~shell npc file_name # creates 'file_name.py' class 'FileName' in it # also accepts relative path 'relative/path/to/file_name' # or new_python_class file_name ~~~~ generated file contents ~~~~python # ------------------------------------------- Imports ------------------------------------------ # # System # Pip # Local # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # -------------------------------------- class: TestClass -------------------------------------- # class TestClass: # ---------------------------------------- Init ---------------------------------------- # def __init__( self ): return # ---------------------------------- Public properties --------------------------------- # # ----------------------------------- Public methods ----------------------------------- # # --------------------------------- Private properties --------------------------------- # # ----------------------------------- Private methods ---------------------------------- # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ~~~~ #### npa/new_python_api - creates a python file with a api-like formatting (conforming [ksimpleapi](https://github.com/kkristof200/py_simpleapi)) ~~~~shell npa file_name # creates 'file_name.py' class 'FileName' in it # also accepts relative path 'relative/path/to/file_name' # or new_python_api file_name ~~~~ generated file contents ~~~~python # ------------------------------------------- Imports ------------------------------------------ # # System from typing import Optional, Dict # Pip from ksimpleapi import Api # Local # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # --------------------------------------- class: FileName -------------------------------------- # class FileName(Api): # -------------------------------------- Overrides ------------------------------------- # @classmethod def extra_headers(cls) -> Optional[Dict[str, any]]: return { } # ---------------------------------- Public properties --------------------------------- # # ----------------------------------- Public methods ----------------------------------- # # --------------------------------- Private properties --------------------------------- # # ----------------------------------- Private methods ---------------------------------- # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ~~~~ #### npe/new_python_enum - creates a python file with a enum-like formatting ~~~~shell npe file_name # creates 'file_name.py' enum 'FileName' in it # also accepts relative path 'relative/path/to/file_name' # or new_python_enum file_name ~~~~ generated file contents ~~~~python # ------------------------------------------- Imports ------------------------------------------ # # System from enum import Enum # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # --------------------------------------- enum: FileName --------------------------------------- # class FileName(Enum): Template = 0 # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ~~~~ #### npf/new_python_file - creates a python file with a default file formatting ~~~~shell npf file_name # creates 'file_name.py' # also accepts relative path 'relative/path/to/file_name' # or new_python_file file_name ~~~~ generated file contents ~~~~python # ------------------------------------------- Imports ------------------------------------------ # # System # Pip # Local # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # ----------------------------------------- Public vars ---------------------------------------- # # ---------------------------------------- Private vars ---------------------------------------- # # ---------------------------------------- Private vars ---------------------------------------- # # ---------------------------------------- Private vars ---------------------------------------- # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ~~~~ #### npfl/new_python_flow - creates a python file with a flow-like formatting (check example) ~~~~shell npfl file_name # creates 'file_name.py' # also accepts relative path 'relative/path/to/file_name' # or new_python_flow file_name ~~~~ generated file contents ~~~~python # ------------------------------------------- Imports ------------------------------------------ # # System # Pip # Local # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # ------------------------------------------- Methods ------------------------------------------ # # -------------------------------------------- Paths ------------------------------------------- # # -------------------------------------------- Vars -------------------------------------------- # # -------------------------------------------- Flow -------------------------------------------- # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ~~~~ #### nps/new_python_subpackage - creates a new subpackage at the desired relative path ~~~~shell nps SUB_PACKAGE_NAME_OR_RELATIVE_PATH # or new_python_subpackage SUB_PACKAGE_NAME_OR_RELATIVE_PATH ~~~~ `nps test_subpackage` will generate ![nps result](https://i.imgur.com/xNOBPPg.png) ## Dependencies [bullet](https://pypi.org/project/bullet), [jsoncodable](https://pypi.org/project/jsoncodable), [kcu](https://pypi.org/project/kcu), [kdependencies](https://pypi.org/project/kdependencies) %prep %autosetup -n kcliutils-0.1.12 %build %py3_build %install %py3_install install -d -m755 %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir} if [ -d doc ]; then cp -arf doc %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi if [ -d docs ]; then cp -arf docs %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi if [ -d example ]; then cp -arf example %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi if [ -d examples ]; then cp -arf examples %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi pushd %{buildroot} if [ -d usr/lib ]; then find usr/lib -type f -printf "\"/%h/%f\"\n" >> filelist.lst fi if [ -d usr/lib64 ]; then find usr/lib64 -type f -printf "\"/%h/%f\"\n" >> filelist.lst fi if [ -d usr/bin ]; then find usr/bin -type f -printf "\"/%h/%f\"\n" >> filelist.lst fi if [ -d usr/sbin ]; then find usr/sbin -type f -printf "\"/%h/%f\"\n" >> filelist.lst fi touch doclist.lst if [ -d usr/share/man ]; then find usr/share/man -type f -printf "\"/%h/%f.gz\"\n" >> doclist.lst fi popd mv %{buildroot}/filelist.lst . mv %{buildroot}/doclist.lst . %files -n python3-kcliutils -f filelist.lst %dir %{python3_sitelib}/* %files help -f doclist.lst %{_docdir}/* %changelog * Thu Jun 08 2023 Python_Bot - 0.1.12-1 - Package Spec generated