%global _empty_manifest_terminate_build 0
Name: python-neopixel-plus
Version: 1.7
Release: 1
Summary: The NeoPixel library plus animations and terminal testing mode - so you can see how your LEDs would behave directly in the terminal, without any microcontroller.
License: MIT License
URL: https://github.com/glowingkitty/NeoPixelPlus
Source0: https://mirrors.aliyun.com/pypi/web/packages/5a/fe/e0a728f2dc394acfd05947cb454c81f8799268f7c17f1d846852882d720c/neopixel_plus-1.7.tar.gz
BuildArch: noarch
Requires: python3-colr
Requires: python3-rpi-ws281x
Requires: python3-adafruit-circuitpython-neopixel

The NeoPixel library plus animations and terminal testing mode - so you can see how your LEDs would behave directly in the terminal, without any microcontroller.
Want to support the development and stay updated?
## Overview
1. [Installation](#installation)
2. [Example](#example)
3. [NeoPixel class](#neopixel-class)
- [pin](#neopixel_pin)
- [n](#neopixel_n)
- [start_led](#neopixel_start_led)
- [test](#neopixel_test)
- [overwrite_line](#neopixel_overwrite_line)
- [debug](#neopixel_debug)
- [target](#neopixel_target)
4. [NeoPixel functions (animations)](#neopixel-functions-animations)
4.1 [rainbow_animation()](#rainbow_animation)
- [brightness](#rainbow_animation_brightness)
- [loop_limit](#rainbow_animation_loop_limit)
- [duration_ms](#rainbow_animation_duration_ms)
- [pause_ms](#rainbow_animation_pause_ms)
- [customization_json](#rainbow_animation_customization_json)
4.2 [beats()](#beats)
- [brightness](#beats_brightness)
- [brightness_fixed](#beats_brightness_fixed)
- [loop_limit](#beats_loop_limit)
- [duration_ms](#beats_duration_ms)
- [pause_ms](#beats_pause_ms)
- [start](#beats_start)
- [rgb_colors](#beats_rgb_colors)
- [num_random_colors](#beats_num_random_colors)
- [max_height](#beats_num_max_height)
- [customization_json](#beats_customization_json)
4.3 [moving_dot()](#moving_dot)
- [brightness](#moving_dot_brightness)
- [loop_limit](#moving_dot_loop_limit)
- [duration_ms](#moving_dot_duration_ms)
- [pause_a_ms](#moving_dot_pause_a_ms)
- [pause_b_ms](#moving_dot_pause_a_ms)
- [start](#moving_dot_start)
- [rgb_colors](#moving_dot_rgb_colors)
- [num_random_colors](#moving_dot_num_random_colors)
- [customization_json](#moving_dot_customization_json)
4.4 [light_up()](#light_up)
- [brightness](#light_up_brightness)
- [loop_limit](#light_up_loop_limit)
- [duration_ms](#light_up_duration_ms)
- [pause_ms](#light_up_pause_ms)
- [sections](#light_up_start)
- [rgb_colors](#light_up_rgb_colors)
- [num_random_colors](#light_up_num_random_colors)
- [customization_json](#light_up_customization_json)
4.5 [transition()](#transition)
- [brightness](#transition_brightness)
- [loop_limit](#transition_loop_limit)
- [duration_ms](#transition_duration_ms)
- [pause_ms](#transition_pause_ms)
- [sections](#transition_start)
- [rgb_colors](#transition_rgb_colors)
- [num_random_colors](#transition_num_random_colors)
- [customization_json](#transition_customization_json)
5. [NeoPixel functions (other)](#neopixel-functions-other)
5.1 [get_sections()](#get_sections)
5.2 [get_led_selectors()](#get_led_selectors)
- [sections](#get_led_selectors_sections)
5.3 [write()](#write)
- [s_after_wait](#write_s_after_wait)
5.4 [get_led()](#get_led)
- [i](#get_led_i)
- [start](#get_led_start)
5.5 [off()](#off)
5.6 [on()](#on)
- [num](#on_num)
5.7 [color()](#color)
- [rgb_color](#color_rgb_color)
- [customization_json](#color_customization_json)
5.8 [test_animations()](#test_animations)
5.9 [get_pin()](#get_pin)
6. [Terminal commands](#terminal-commands)
## Installation
Make sure Python 3 is installed.
`Recommended: always create a Python Virtual Environment for your project and install neopixel_plus in that environment.`
pip install neopixel_plus
## Example
To use NeoPixel+ on Raspberry Pi (using target='adafruit'), you need to make sure you execute python with sudo.
For example:
sudo python
or from a virtual environment
sudo ./pyvenv/bin/python
from neopixel_plus import NeoPixel
# Example 1 - Changing the color of a physical LED
pixel = NeoPixel(pin=5, n=30)
pixel.leds[0] = (219,100,222)
# Example 2 - Testing a rainbow animation in the terminal
# Example 3 - Playing a rainbow animation on physical LEDs
NeoPixel(pin=5, n=30).rainbow_animation()
## NeoPixel class
#### Input:
##### NeoPixel(pin=...)
type = int
default = 10
purpose = 'The GPIO pin the data wire of the LED strip is connected to'
##### NeoPixel(n=...)
type = int
default = 30
purpose = 'The number of RGB LEDs on your LED strip'
##### NeoPixel(start_led=...)
type = int
default = 0
purpose = 'With which LED should the animation start'
##### NeoPixel(test=...)
type = bool
default = False
purpose = 'If True: show LED simulation in terminal output. If False: connect to real LED strip and play animation.'
##### NeoPixel(overwrite_line=...)
type = bool
default = True
purpose = 'If False: show all steps of LED animation in terminal ouput. Useful for debugging.'
##### NeoPixel(debug=...)
type = bool
default = False
purpose = 'If True: prints all function calls and their input variables, for better debugging.'
##### NeoPixel(target=...)
type = str
default = 'micropython'
options = ['micropython','adafruit']
purpose = 'Defines what kind of NeoPixel library is targeted: the default micropython NeoPixel or adafruits NeoPixel for Raspberry Pi.'
## NeoPixel functions (animations)
### rainbow_animation()

#### Input:
##### rainbow_animation(brightness=...)
type = float
default = 1.0
purpose = 'Set the maximum brightness of the LEDs. 0 == off, 1.0 == 100%'
##### rainbow_animation(loop_limit=...)
type = int
default = None
purpose = 'If set, defines how often animation should repeat, else: animation runs in infinite loop.'
##### rainbow_animation(duration_ms=...)
type = int
default = 1000
purpose = 'Defines many ms should the animation last'
##### rainbow_animation(pause_ms=...)
type = int
default = None
purpose = 'If set, defines if a pause should be made after animation and how long that lasts.'
##### rainbow_animation(customization_json=...)
type = dict
default = {}
purpose = 'If you like, you can also give the customization options via a dict as an imput. Example: {"duration_ms":2000}'
### beats()

#### Input:
##### beats(brightness=...)
type = float
default = 1.0
purpose = 'Set the maximum brightness of the LEDs. 0 == off, 1.0 == 100%'
##### beats(brightness_fixed=...)
type = bool
default = False
purpose = 'If False: the brightness will start low and become high at the end. If True: the brightness stays the same during the animation, for all LEDs.'
##### beats(loop_limit=...)
type = int
default = None
purpose = 'If set, defines how often animation should repeat, else: animation runs in infinite loop.'
##### beats(duration_ms=...)
type = int
default = 200
purpose = 'Defines many ms should the animation last'
##### beats(pause_ms=...)
type = int
default = 300
purpose = 'If set, defines if a pause should be made after animation and how long that lasts.'
##### beats(start=...)
type = str
default = 'start'
options = ['start','end','start + end','center']
purpose = 'Defines from where the animation should start'
##### beats(rgb_colors=...)
type = list
default = list of randomly selected RGB colors (example: [[140,140,144],[240,100,0]])
purpose = 'Define what RGB colors the animation will use'
##### beats(num_random_colors=...)
type = int
default = 5
purpose = 'Defines how many random RGB colors the animation will switch between, if no RGB colors are manually defined'
##### beats(max_height=...)
type = float
default = 1.0
purpose = 'Defines how high the beat animation can go. 1.0 == 100% of all LEDs, 0 == no LEDs.'
##### beats(customization_json=...)
type = dict
default = {}
purpose = 'If you like, you can also give the customization options via a dict as an imput. Example: {"duration_ms":2000}'
### moving_dot()

#### Input:
##### moving_dot(brightness=...)
type = float
default = 1.0
purpose = 'Set the maximum brightness of the LEDs. 0 == off, 1.0 == 100%'
##### moving_dot(loop_limit=...)
type = int
default = None
purpose = 'If set, defines how often animation should repeat, else: animation runs in infinite loop.'
##### moving_dot(duration_ms=...)
type = int
default = 200
purpose = 'Defines many ms should the animation last'
##### moving_dot(pause_a_ms=...)
type = int
default = 0
purpose = 'Defines if pause A should be made and how long that lasts.'
##### moving_dot(pause_b_ms=...)
type = int
default = 300
purpose = 'Defines if pause B should be made and how long that lasts.'
##### moving_dot(start=...)
type = str
default = 'start'
options = ['start','end']
purpose = 'Defines from where the animation should start'
##### moving_dot(rgb_colors=...)
type = list
default = list of randomly selected RGB colors (example: [[140,140,144],[240,100,0]])
purpose = 'Define what RGB colors the animation will use'
##### moving_dot(num_random_colors=...)
type = int
default = 5
purpose = 'Defines how many random RGB colors the animation will switch between, if no RGB colors are manually defined'
##### moving_dot(customization_json=...)
type = dict
default = {}
purpose = 'If you like, you can also give the customization options via a dict as an imput. Example: {"duration_ms":2000}'
### light_up()

#### Input:
##### light_up(brightness=...)
type = float
default = 1.0
purpose = 'Set the maximum brightness of the LEDs. 0 == off, 1.0 == 100%'
##### light_up(loop_limit=...)
type = int
default = None
purpose = 'If set, defines how often animation should repeat, else: animation runs in infinite loop.'
##### light_up(duration_ms=...)
type = int
default = 200
purpose = 'Defines many ms should the animation last'
##### light_up(pause_ms=...)
type = int
default = 200
purpose = 'Defines if pause should be made and how long that lasts.'
##### light_up(sections=...)
type = str or list
default = 'all'
options = ['all',0,1,2,3]
purpose = 'Defines what sections of the LED strip should glow up (one section is 15 LEDs).'
##### light_up(rgb_colors=...)
type = list
default = list of randomly selected RGB colors (example: [[140,140,144],[240,100,0]])
purpose = 'Define what RGB colors the animation will use'
##### light_up(num_random_colors=...)
type = int
default = 5
purpose = 'Defines how many random RGB colors the animation will switch between, if no RGB colors are manually defined'
##### light_up(customization_json=...)
type = dict
default = {}
purpose = 'If you like, you can also give the customization options via a dict as an imput. Example: {"duration_ms":2000}'
### transition()

#### Input:
##### transition(brightness=...)
type = float
default = 1.0
purpose = 'Set the maximum brightness of the LEDs. 0 == off, 1.0 == 100%'
##### transition(loop_limit=...)
type = int
default = None
purpose = 'If set, defines how often animation should repeat, else: animation runs in infinite loop.'
##### transition(duration_ms=...)
type = int
default = 200
purpose = 'Defines many ms should the animation last'
##### transition(pause_ms=...)
type = int
default = 200
purpose = 'Defines if pause should be made and how long that lasts.'
##### transition(sections=...)
type = str or list
default = 'all'
options = ['all',0,1,2,3]
purpose = 'Defines what sections of the LED strip should glow up (one section is 15 LEDs).'
##### transition(rgb_colors=...)
type = list
default = list of randomly selected RGB colors (example: [[140,140,144],[240,100,0]])
purpose = 'Define what RGB colors the animation will use'
##### transition(num_random_colors=...)
type = int
default = 5
purpose = 'Defines how many random RGB colors the animation will switch between, if no RGB colors are manually defined'
##### transition(customization_json=...)
type = dict
default = {}
purpose = 'If you like, you can also give the customization options via a dict as an imput. Example: {"duration_ms":2000}'
## NeoPixel functions (other)
### get_sections()

Returns a list of all the LED strip sections (length: 15 LEDs per section).
### get_led_selectors()

Returns a list of all the selector numbers to select specific LEDs in the strip.
#### Input:
##### get_led_selectors(sections=...)
type = str or list
default = 'all'
options = ['all','random',0,1,2,3]
purpose = 'Defines what sections should be returned.'
### write()

Makes the LEDs glow in the color you defined. If test==True: simulates how the LEDs would glow.
#### Input:
##### write(s_after_wait=...)
type = float
default = 1.0/36.0
purpose = 'Defines how many seconds the code should wait after writing the LED status.'
### get_led()

Get the number of an LED, to select it for changing its color.
#### Input:
##### get_led(i=...)
type = int
purpose = 'Defines which LED you want to get. If <0: LED from the end will be selected.'
##### get_led(start=...)
type = str
default = None
purpose = 'Defines from where your animation starts. If start==end: LEDs will be counted from the end of the LED strip.'
### off()

Turns all LEDs off.
### on()

Turns all or specific LEDs on (make them glow white, 100% brightness).
#### Input:
##### on(num=...)
type = int
default = None
purpose = 'Turn on only one specific LED.'
### color()

Turn on all LEDs in a specific RGB color.
#### Input:
##### color(rgb_color=...)
type = list
purpose = 'Define an [r,g,b] list with the red, green and blue values (from 0-255).'
##### color(customization_json=...)
type = dict
default = {}
purpose = 'If you like, you can also give the customization options via a dict as an imput. Example: {"rgb_color":[100,200,200]}'
### test_animations()

Run all the different LED animations from NeoPixel+.
### get_pin()
Returns the class object for the GPIO pin (micropython's and adafruit's NeoPixel use different classes for that).
## Terminal commands
You can also start an animation by calling the neopixel_plus.py file directly via your terminal.
python3 neopixel_plus.py -t -d -n -a
%package -n python3-neopixel-plus
Summary: The NeoPixel library plus animations and terminal testing mode - so you can see how your LEDs would behave directly in the terminal, without any microcontroller.
Provides: python-neopixel-plus
BuildRequires: python3-devel
BuildRequires: python3-setuptools
BuildRequires: python3-pip
%description -n python3-neopixel-plus

The NeoPixel library plus animations and terminal testing mode - so you can see how your LEDs would behave directly in the terminal, without any microcontroller.
Want to support the development and stay updated?
## Overview
1. [Installation](#installation)
2. [Example](#example)
3. [NeoPixel class](#neopixel-class)
- [pin](#neopixel_pin)
- [n](#neopixel_n)
- [start_led](#neopixel_start_led)
- [test](#neopixel_test)
- [overwrite_line](#neopixel_overwrite_line)
- [debug](#neopixel_debug)
- [target](#neopixel_target)
4. [NeoPixel functions (animations)](#neopixel-functions-animations)
4.1 [rainbow_animation()](#rainbow_animation)
- [brightness](#rainbow_animation_brightness)
- [loop_limit](#rainbow_animation_loop_limit)
- [duration_ms](#rainbow_animation_duration_ms)
- [pause_ms](#rainbow_animation_pause_ms)
- [customization_json](#rainbow_animation_customization_json)
4.2 [beats()](#beats)
- [brightness](#beats_brightness)
- [brightness_fixed](#beats_brightness_fixed)
- [loop_limit](#beats_loop_limit)
- [duration_ms](#beats_duration_ms)
- [pause_ms](#beats_pause_ms)
- [start](#beats_start)
- [rgb_colors](#beats_rgb_colors)
- [num_random_colors](#beats_num_random_colors)
- [max_height](#beats_num_max_height)
- [customization_json](#beats_customization_json)
4.3 [moving_dot()](#moving_dot)
- [brightness](#moving_dot_brightness)
- [loop_limit](#moving_dot_loop_limit)
- [duration_ms](#moving_dot_duration_ms)
- [pause_a_ms](#moving_dot_pause_a_ms)
- [pause_b_ms](#moving_dot_pause_a_ms)
- [start](#moving_dot_start)
- [rgb_colors](#moving_dot_rgb_colors)
- [num_random_colors](#moving_dot_num_random_colors)
- [customization_json](#moving_dot_customization_json)
4.4 [light_up()](#light_up)
- [brightness](#light_up_brightness)
- [loop_limit](#light_up_loop_limit)
- [duration_ms](#light_up_duration_ms)
- [pause_ms](#light_up_pause_ms)
- [sections](#light_up_start)
- [rgb_colors](#light_up_rgb_colors)
- [num_random_colors](#light_up_num_random_colors)
- [customization_json](#light_up_customization_json)
4.5 [transition()](#transition)
- [brightness](#transition_brightness)
- [loop_limit](#transition_loop_limit)
- [duration_ms](#transition_duration_ms)
- [pause_ms](#transition_pause_ms)
- [sections](#transition_start)
- [rgb_colors](#transition_rgb_colors)
- [num_random_colors](#transition_num_random_colors)
- [customization_json](#transition_customization_json)
5. [NeoPixel functions (other)](#neopixel-functions-other)
5.1 [get_sections()](#get_sections)
5.2 [get_led_selectors()](#get_led_selectors)
- [sections](#get_led_selectors_sections)
5.3 [write()](#write)
- [s_after_wait](#write_s_after_wait)
5.4 [get_led()](#get_led)
- [i](#get_led_i)
- [start](#get_led_start)
5.5 [off()](#off)
5.6 [on()](#on)
- [num](#on_num)
5.7 [color()](#color)
- [rgb_color](#color_rgb_color)
- [customization_json](#color_customization_json)
5.8 [test_animations()](#test_animations)
5.9 [get_pin()](#get_pin)
6. [Terminal commands](#terminal-commands)
## Installation
Make sure Python 3 is installed.
`Recommended: always create a Python Virtual Environment for your project and install neopixel_plus in that environment.`
pip install neopixel_plus
## Example
To use NeoPixel+ on Raspberry Pi (using target='adafruit'), you need to make sure you execute python with sudo.
For example:
sudo python
or from a virtual environment
sudo ./pyvenv/bin/python
from neopixel_plus import NeoPixel
# Example 1 - Changing the color of a physical LED
pixel = NeoPixel(pin=5, n=30)
pixel.leds[0] = (219,100,222)
# Example 2 - Testing a rainbow animation in the terminal
# Example 3 - Playing a rainbow animation on physical LEDs
NeoPixel(pin=5, n=30).rainbow_animation()
## NeoPixel class
#### Input:
##### NeoPixel(pin=...)
type = int
default = 10
purpose = 'The GPIO pin the data wire of the LED strip is connected to'
##### NeoPixel(n=...)
type = int
default = 30
purpose = 'The number of RGB LEDs on your LED strip'
##### NeoPixel(start_led=...)
type = int
default = 0
purpose = 'With which LED should the animation start'
##### NeoPixel(test=...)
type = bool
default = False
purpose = 'If True: show LED simulation in terminal output. If False: connect to real LED strip and play animation.'
##### NeoPixel(overwrite_line=...)
type = bool
default = True
purpose = 'If False: show all steps of LED animation in terminal ouput. Useful for debugging.'
##### NeoPixel(debug=...)
type = bool
default = False
purpose = 'If True: prints all function calls and their input variables, for better debugging.'
##### NeoPixel(target=...)
type = str
default = 'micropython'
options = ['micropython','adafruit']
purpose = 'Defines what kind of NeoPixel library is targeted: the default micropython NeoPixel or adafruits NeoPixel for Raspberry Pi.'
## NeoPixel functions (animations)
### rainbow_animation()

#### Input:
##### rainbow_animation(brightness=...)
type = float
default = 1.0
purpose = 'Set the maximum brightness of the LEDs. 0 == off, 1.0 == 100%'
##### rainbow_animation(loop_limit=...)
type = int
default = None
purpose = 'If set, defines how often animation should repeat, else: animation runs in infinite loop.'
##### rainbow_animation(duration_ms=...)
type = int
default = 1000
purpose = 'Defines many ms should the animation last'
##### rainbow_animation(pause_ms=...)
type = int
default = None
purpose = 'If set, defines if a pause should be made after animation and how long that lasts.'
##### rainbow_animation(customization_json=...)
type = dict
default = {}
purpose = 'If you like, you can also give the customization options via a dict as an imput. Example: {"duration_ms":2000}'
### beats()

#### Input:
##### beats(brightness=...)
type = float
default = 1.0
purpose = 'Set the maximum brightness of the LEDs. 0 == off, 1.0 == 100%'
##### beats(brightness_fixed=...)
type = bool
default = False
purpose = 'If False: the brightness will start low and become high at the end. If True: the brightness stays the same during the animation, for all LEDs.'
##### beats(loop_limit=...)
type = int
default = None
purpose = 'If set, defines how often animation should repeat, else: animation runs in infinite loop.'
##### beats(duration_ms=...)
type = int
default = 200
purpose = 'Defines many ms should the animation last'
##### beats(pause_ms=...)
type = int
default = 300
purpose = 'If set, defines if a pause should be made after animation and how long that lasts.'
##### beats(start=...)
type = str
default = 'start'
options = ['start','end','start + end','center']
purpose = 'Defines from where the animation should start'
##### beats(rgb_colors=...)
type = list
default = list of randomly selected RGB colors (example: [[140,140,144],[240,100,0]])
purpose = 'Define what RGB colors the animation will use'
##### beats(num_random_colors=...)
type = int
default = 5
purpose = 'Defines how many random RGB colors the animation will switch between, if no RGB colors are manually defined'
##### beats(max_height=...)
type = float
default = 1.0
purpose = 'Defines how high the beat animation can go. 1.0 == 100% of all LEDs, 0 == no LEDs.'
##### beats(customization_json=...)
type = dict
default = {}
purpose = 'If you like, you can also give the customization options via a dict as an imput. Example: {"duration_ms":2000}'
### moving_dot()

#### Input:
##### moving_dot(brightness=...)
type = float
default = 1.0
purpose = 'Set the maximum brightness of the LEDs. 0 == off, 1.0 == 100%'
##### moving_dot(loop_limit=...)
type = int
default = None
purpose = 'If set, defines how often animation should repeat, else: animation runs in infinite loop.'
##### moving_dot(duration_ms=...)
type = int
default = 200
purpose = 'Defines many ms should the animation last'
##### moving_dot(pause_a_ms=...)
type = int
default = 0
purpose = 'Defines if pause A should be made and how long that lasts.'
##### moving_dot(pause_b_ms=...)
type = int
default = 300
purpose = 'Defines if pause B should be made and how long that lasts.'
##### moving_dot(start=...)
type = str
default = 'start'
options = ['start','end']
purpose = 'Defines from where the animation should start'
##### moving_dot(rgb_colors=...)
type = list
default = list of randomly selected RGB colors (example: [[140,140,144],[240,100,0]])
purpose = 'Define what RGB colors the animation will use'
##### moving_dot(num_random_colors=...)
type = int
default = 5
purpose = 'Defines how many random RGB colors the animation will switch between, if no RGB colors are manually defined'
##### moving_dot(customization_json=...)
type = dict
default = {}
purpose = 'If you like, you can also give the customization options via a dict as an imput. Example: {"duration_ms":2000}'
### light_up()

#### Input:
##### light_up(brightness=...)
type = float
default = 1.0
purpose = 'Set the maximum brightness of the LEDs. 0 == off, 1.0 == 100%'
##### light_up(loop_limit=...)
type = int
default = None
purpose = 'If set, defines how often animation should repeat, else: animation runs in infinite loop.'
##### light_up(duration_ms=...)
type = int
default = 200
purpose = 'Defines many ms should the animation last'
##### light_up(pause_ms=...)
type = int
default = 200
purpose = 'Defines if pause should be made and how long that lasts.'
##### light_up(sections=...)
type = str or list
default = 'all'
options = ['all',0,1,2,3]
purpose = 'Defines what sections of the LED strip should glow up (one section is 15 LEDs).'
##### light_up(rgb_colors=...)
type = list
default = list of randomly selected RGB colors (example: [[140,140,144],[240,100,0]])
purpose = 'Define what RGB colors the animation will use'
##### light_up(num_random_colors=...)
type = int
default = 5
purpose = 'Defines how many random RGB colors the animation will switch between, if no RGB colors are manually defined'
##### light_up(customization_json=...)
type = dict
default = {}
purpose = 'If you like, you can also give the customization options via a dict as an imput. Example: {"duration_ms":2000}'
### transition()

#### Input:
##### transition(brightness=...)
type = float
default = 1.0
purpose = 'Set the maximum brightness of the LEDs. 0 == off, 1.0 == 100%'
##### transition(loop_limit=...)
type = int
default = None
purpose = 'If set, defines how often animation should repeat, else: animation runs in infinite loop.'
##### transition(duration_ms=...)
type = int
default = 200
purpose = 'Defines many ms should the animation last'
##### transition(pause_ms=...)
type = int
default = 200
purpose = 'Defines if pause should be made and how long that lasts.'
##### transition(sections=...)
type = str or list
default = 'all'
options = ['all',0,1,2,3]
purpose = 'Defines what sections of the LED strip should glow up (one section is 15 LEDs).'
##### transition(rgb_colors=...)
type = list
default = list of randomly selected RGB colors (example: [[140,140,144],[240,100,0]])
purpose = 'Define what RGB colors the animation will use'
##### transition(num_random_colors=...)
type = int
default = 5
purpose = 'Defines how many random RGB colors the animation will switch between, if no RGB colors are manually defined'
##### transition(customization_json=...)
type = dict
default = {}
purpose = 'If you like, you can also give the customization options via a dict as an imput. Example: {"duration_ms":2000}'
## NeoPixel functions (other)
### get_sections()

Returns a list of all the LED strip sections (length: 15 LEDs per section).
### get_led_selectors()

Returns a list of all the selector numbers to select specific LEDs in the strip.
#### Input:
##### get_led_selectors(sections=...)
type = str or list
default = 'all'
options = ['all','random',0,1,2,3]
purpose = 'Defines what sections should be returned.'
### write()

Makes the LEDs glow in the color you defined. If test==True: simulates how the LEDs would glow.
#### Input:
##### write(s_after_wait=...)
type = float
default = 1.0/36.0
purpose = 'Defines how many seconds the code should wait after writing the LED status.'
### get_led()

Get the number of an LED, to select it for changing its color.
#### Input:
##### get_led(i=...)
type = int
purpose = 'Defines which LED you want to get. If <0: LED from the end will be selected.'
##### get_led(start=...)
type = str
default = None
purpose = 'Defines from where your animation starts. If start==end: LEDs will be counted from the end of the LED strip.'
### off()

Turns all LEDs off.
### on()

Turns all or specific LEDs on (make them glow white, 100% brightness).
#### Input:
##### on(num=...)
type = int
default = None
purpose = 'Turn on only one specific LED.'
### color()

Turn on all LEDs in a specific RGB color.
#### Input:
##### color(rgb_color=...)
type = list
purpose = 'Define an [r,g,b] list with the red, green and blue values (from 0-255).'
##### color(customization_json=...)
type = dict
default = {}
purpose = 'If you like, you can also give the customization options via a dict as an imput. Example: {"rgb_color":[100,200,200]}'
### test_animations()

Run all the different LED animations from NeoPixel+.
### get_pin()
Returns the class object for the GPIO pin (micropython's and adafruit's NeoPixel use different classes for that).
## Terminal commands
You can also start an animation by calling the neopixel_plus.py file directly via your terminal.
python3 neopixel_plus.py -t -d -n -a
%package help
Summary: Development documents and examples for neopixel-plus
Provides: python3-neopixel-plus-doc
%description help

The NeoPixel library plus animations and terminal testing mode - so you can see how your LEDs would behave directly in the terminal, without any microcontroller.
Want to support the development and stay updated?
## Overview
1. [Installation](#installation)
2. [Example](#example)
3. [NeoPixel class](#neopixel-class)
- [pin](#neopixel_pin)
- [n](#neopixel_n)
- [start_led](#neopixel_start_led)
- [test](#neopixel_test)
- [overwrite_line](#neopixel_overwrite_line)
- [debug](#neopixel_debug)
- [target](#neopixel_target)
4. [NeoPixel functions (animations)](#neopixel-functions-animations)
4.1 [rainbow_animation()](#rainbow_animation)
- [brightness](#rainbow_animation_brightness)
- [loop_limit](#rainbow_animation_loop_limit)
- [duration_ms](#rainbow_animation_duration_ms)
- [pause_ms](#rainbow_animation_pause_ms)
- [customization_json](#rainbow_animation_customization_json)
4.2 [beats()](#beats)
- [brightness](#beats_brightness)
- [brightness_fixed](#beats_brightness_fixed)
- [loop_limit](#beats_loop_limit)
- [duration_ms](#beats_duration_ms)
- [pause_ms](#beats_pause_ms)
- [start](#beats_start)
- [rgb_colors](#beats_rgb_colors)
- [num_random_colors](#beats_num_random_colors)
- [max_height](#beats_num_max_height)
- [customization_json](#beats_customization_json)
4.3 [moving_dot()](#moving_dot)
- [brightness](#moving_dot_brightness)
- [loop_limit](#moving_dot_loop_limit)
- [duration_ms](#moving_dot_duration_ms)
- [pause_a_ms](#moving_dot_pause_a_ms)
- [pause_b_ms](#moving_dot_pause_a_ms)
- [start](#moving_dot_start)
- [rgb_colors](#moving_dot_rgb_colors)
- [num_random_colors](#moving_dot_num_random_colors)
- [customization_json](#moving_dot_customization_json)
4.4 [light_up()](#light_up)
- [brightness](#light_up_brightness)
- [loop_limit](#light_up_loop_limit)
- [duration_ms](#light_up_duration_ms)
- [pause_ms](#light_up_pause_ms)
- [sections](#light_up_start)
- [rgb_colors](#light_up_rgb_colors)
- [num_random_colors](#light_up_num_random_colors)
- [customization_json](#light_up_customization_json)
4.5 [transition()](#transition)
- [brightness](#transition_brightness)
- [loop_limit](#transition_loop_limit)
- [duration_ms](#transition_duration_ms)
- [pause_ms](#transition_pause_ms)
- [sections](#transition_start)
- [rgb_colors](#transition_rgb_colors)
- [num_random_colors](#transition_num_random_colors)
- [customization_json](#transition_customization_json)
5. [NeoPixel functions (other)](#neopixel-functions-other)
5.1 [get_sections()](#get_sections)
5.2 [get_led_selectors()](#get_led_selectors)
- [sections](#get_led_selectors_sections)
5.3 [write()](#write)
- [s_after_wait](#write_s_after_wait)
5.4 [get_led()](#get_led)
- [i](#get_led_i)
- [start](#get_led_start)
5.5 [off()](#off)
5.6 [on()](#on)
- [num](#on_num)
5.7 [color()](#color)
- [rgb_color](#color_rgb_color)
- [customization_json](#color_customization_json)
5.8 [test_animations()](#test_animations)
5.9 [get_pin()](#get_pin)
6. [Terminal commands](#terminal-commands)
## Installation
Make sure Python 3 is installed.
`Recommended: always create a Python Virtual Environment for your project and install neopixel_plus in that environment.`
pip install neopixel_plus
## Example
To use NeoPixel+ on Raspberry Pi (using target='adafruit'), you need to make sure you execute python with sudo.
For example:
sudo python
or from a virtual environment
sudo ./pyvenv/bin/python
from neopixel_plus import NeoPixel
# Example 1 - Changing the color of a physical LED
pixel = NeoPixel(pin=5, n=30)
pixel.leds[0] = (219,100,222)
# Example 2 - Testing a rainbow animation in the terminal
# Example 3 - Playing a rainbow animation on physical LEDs
NeoPixel(pin=5, n=30).rainbow_animation()
## NeoPixel class
#### Input:
##### NeoPixel(pin=...)
type = int
default = 10
purpose = 'The GPIO pin the data wire of the LED strip is connected to'
##### NeoPixel(n=...)
type = int
default = 30
purpose = 'The number of RGB LEDs on your LED strip'
##### NeoPixel(start_led=...)
type = int
default = 0
purpose = 'With which LED should the animation start'
##### NeoPixel(test=...)
type = bool
default = False
purpose = 'If True: show LED simulation in terminal output. If False: connect to real LED strip and play animation.'
##### NeoPixel(overwrite_line=...)
type = bool
default = True
purpose = 'If False: show all steps of LED animation in terminal ouput. Useful for debugging.'
##### NeoPixel(debug=...)
type = bool
default = False
purpose = 'If True: prints all function calls and their input variables, for better debugging.'
##### NeoPixel(target=...)
type = str
default = 'micropython'
options = ['micropython','adafruit']
purpose = 'Defines what kind of NeoPixel library is targeted: the default micropython NeoPixel or adafruits NeoPixel for Raspberry Pi.'
## NeoPixel functions (animations)
### rainbow_animation()

#### Input:
##### rainbow_animation(brightness=...)
type = float
default = 1.0
purpose = 'Set the maximum brightness of the LEDs. 0 == off, 1.0 == 100%'
##### rainbow_animation(loop_limit=...)
type = int
default = None
purpose = 'If set, defines how often animation should repeat, else: animation runs in infinite loop.'
##### rainbow_animation(duration_ms=...)
type = int
default = 1000
purpose = 'Defines many ms should the animation last'
##### rainbow_animation(pause_ms=...)
type = int
default = None
purpose = 'If set, defines if a pause should be made after animation and how long that lasts.'
##### rainbow_animation(customization_json=...)
type = dict
default = {}
purpose = 'If you like, you can also give the customization options via a dict as an imput. Example: {"duration_ms":2000}'
### beats()

#### Input:
##### beats(brightness=...)
type = float
default = 1.0
purpose = 'Set the maximum brightness of the LEDs. 0 == off, 1.0 == 100%'
##### beats(brightness_fixed=...)
type = bool
default = False
purpose = 'If False: the brightness will start low and become high at the end. If True: the brightness stays the same during the animation, for all LEDs.'
##### beats(loop_limit=...)
type = int
default = None
purpose = 'If set, defines how often animation should repeat, else: animation runs in infinite loop.'
##### beats(duration_ms=...)
type = int
default = 200
purpose = 'Defines many ms should the animation last'
##### beats(pause_ms=...)
type = int
default = 300
purpose = 'If set, defines if a pause should be made after animation and how long that lasts.'
##### beats(start=...)
type = str
default = 'start'
options = ['start','end','start + end','center']
purpose = 'Defines from where the animation should start'
##### beats(rgb_colors=...)
type = list
default = list of randomly selected RGB colors (example: [[140,140,144],[240,100,0]])
purpose = 'Define what RGB colors the animation will use'
##### beats(num_random_colors=...)
type = int
default = 5
purpose = 'Defines how many random RGB colors the animation will switch between, if no RGB colors are manually defined'
##### beats(max_height=...)
type = float
default = 1.0
purpose = 'Defines how high the beat animation can go. 1.0 == 100% of all LEDs, 0 == no LEDs.'
##### beats(customization_json=...)
type = dict
default = {}
purpose = 'If you like, you can also give the customization options via a dict as an imput. Example: {"duration_ms":2000}'
### moving_dot()

#### Input:
##### moving_dot(brightness=...)
type = float
default = 1.0
purpose = 'Set the maximum brightness of the LEDs. 0 == off, 1.0 == 100%'
##### moving_dot(loop_limit=...)
type = int
default = None
purpose = 'If set, defines how often animation should repeat, else: animation runs in infinite loop.'
##### moving_dot(duration_ms=...)
type = int
default = 200
purpose = 'Defines many ms should the animation last'
##### moving_dot(pause_a_ms=...)
type = int
default = 0
purpose = 'Defines if pause A should be made and how long that lasts.'
##### moving_dot(pause_b_ms=...)
type = int
default = 300
purpose = 'Defines if pause B should be made and how long that lasts.'
##### moving_dot(start=...)
type = str
default = 'start'
options = ['start','end']
purpose = 'Defines from where the animation should start'
##### moving_dot(rgb_colors=...)
type = list
default = list of randomly selected RGB colors (example: [[140,140,144],[240,100,0]])
purpose = 'Define what RGB colors the animation will use'
##### moving_dot(num_random_colors=...)
type = int
default = 5
purpose = 'Defines how many random RGB colors the animation will switch between, if no RGB colors are manually defined'
##### moving_dot(customization_json=...)
type = dict
default = {}
purpose = 'If you like, you can also give the customization options via a dict as an imput. Example: {"duration_ms":2000}'
### light_up()

#### Input:
##### light_up(brightness=...)
type = float
default = 1.0
purpose = 'Set the maximum brightness of the LEDs. 0 == off, 1.0 == 100%'
##### light_up(loop_limit=...)
type = int
default = None
purpose = 'If set, defines how often animation should repeat, else: animation runs in infinite loop.'
##### light_up(duration_ms=...)
type = int
default = 200
purpose = 'Defines many ms should the animation last'
##### light_up(pause_ms=...)
type = int
default = 200
purpose = 'Defines if pause should be made and how long that lasts.'
##### light_up(sections=...)
type = str or list
default = 'all'
options = ['all',0,1,2,3]
purpose = 'Defines what sections of the LED strip should glow up (one section is 15 LEDs).'
##### light_up(rgb_colors=...)
type = list
default = list of randomly selected RGB colors (example: [[140,140,144],[240,100,0]])
purpose = 'Define what RGB colors the animation will use'
##### light_up(num_random_colors=...)
type = int
default = 5
purpose = 'Defines how many random RGB colors the animation will switch between, if no RGB colors are manually defined'
##### light_up(customization_json=...)
type = dict
default = {}
purpose = 'If you like, you can also give the customization options via a dict as an imput. Example: {"duration_ms":2000}'
### transition()

#### Input:
##### transition(brightness=...)
type = float
default = 1.0
purpose = 'Set the maximum brightness of the LEDs. 0 == off, 1.0 == 100%'
##### transition(loop_limit=...)
type = int
default = None
purpose = 'If set, defines how often animation should repeat, else: animation runs in infinite loop.'
##### transition(duration_ms=...)
type = int
default = 200
purpose = 'Defines many ms should the animation last'
##### transition(pause_ms=...)
type = int
default = 200
purpose = 'Defines if pause should be made and how long that lasts.'
##### transition(sections=...)
type = str or list
default = 'all'
options = ['all',0,1,2,3]
purpose = 'Defines what sections of the LED strip should glow up (one section is 15 LEDs).'
##### transition(rgb_colors=...)
type = list
default = list of randomly selected RGB colors (example: [[140,140,144],[240,100,0]])
purpose = 'Define what RGB colors the animation will use'
##### transition(num_random_colors=...)
type = int
default = 5
purpose = 'Defines how many random RGB colors the animation will switch between, if no RGB colors are manually defined'
##### transition(customization_json=...)
type = dict
default = {}
purpose = 'If you like, you can also give the customization options via a dict as an imput. Example: {"duration_ms":2000}'
## NeoPixel functions (other)
### get_sections()

Returns a list of all the LED strip sections (length: 15 LEDs per section).
### get_led_selectors()

Returns a list of all the selector numbers to select specific LEDs in the strip.
#### Input:
##### get_led_selectors(sections=...)
type = str or list
default = 'all'
options = ['all','random',0,1,2,3]
purpose = 'Defines what sections should be returned.'
### write()

Makes the LEDs glow in the color you defined. If test==True: simulates how the LEDs would glow.
#### Input:
##### write(s_after_wait=...)
type = float
default = 1.0/36.0
purpose = 'Defines how many seconds the code should wait after writing the LED status.'
### get_led()

Get the number of an LED, to select it for changing its color.
#### Input:
##### get_led(i=...)
type = int
purpose = 'Defines which LED you want to get. If <0: LED from the end will be selected.'
##### get_led(start=...)
type = str
default = None
purpose = 'Defines from where your animation starts. If start==end: LEDs will be counted from the end of the LED strip.'
### off()

Turns all LEDs off.
### on()

Turns all or specific LEDs on (make them glow white, 100% brightness).
#### Input:
##### on(num=...)
type = int
default = None
purpose = 'Turn on only one specific LED.'
### color()

Turn on all LEDs in a specific RGB color.
#### Input:
##### color(rgb_color=...)
type = list
purpose = 'Define an [r,g,b] list with the red, green and blue values (from 0-255).'
##### color(customization_json=...)
type = dict
default = {}
purpose = 'If you like, you can also give the customization options via a dict as an imput. Example: {"rgb_color":[100,200,200]}'
### test_animations()

Run all the different LED animations from NeoPixel+.
### get_pin()
Returns the class object for the GPIO pin (micropython's and adafruit's NeoPixel use different classes for that).
## Terminal commands
You can also start an animation by calling the neopixel_plus.py file directly via your terminal.
python3 neopixel_plus.py -t -d -n -a
%autosetup -n neopixel_plus-1.7
install -d -m755 %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}
if [ -d doc ]; then cp -arf doc %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi
if [ -d docs ]; then cp -arf docs %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi
if [ -d example ]; then cp -arf example %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi
if [ -d examples ]; then cp -arf examples %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi
pushd %{buildroot}
if [ -d usr/lib ]; then
find usr/lib -type f -printf "\"/%h/%f\"\n" >> filelist.lst
if [ -d usr/lib64 ]; then
find usr/lib64 -type f -printf "\"/%h/%f\"\n" >> filelist.lst
if [ -d usr/bin ]; then
find usr/bin -type f -printf "\"/%h/%f\"\n" >> filelist.lst
if [ -d usr/sbin ]; then
find usr/sbin -type f -printf "\"/%h/%f\"\n" >> filelist.lst
touch doclist.lst
if [ -d usr/share/man ]; then
find usr/share/man -type f -printf "\"/%h/%f.gz\"\n" >> doclist.lst
mv %{buildroot}/filelist.lst .
mv %{buildroot}/doclist.lst .
%files -n python3-neopixel-plus -f filelist.lst
%dir %{python3_sitelib}/*
%files help -f doclist.lst
* Tue Jun 20 2023 Python_Bot - 1.7-1
- Package Spec generated