%global _empty_manifest_terminate_build 0 Name: python-xdev Version: 1.3.3 Release: 1 Summary: An excellent developer tool for excellent developers License: Apache 2 URL: https://pypi.org/project/xdev/ Source0: https://mirrors.aliyun.com/pypi/web/packages/49/a5/e33ea0d206c92b2acc8ff620c2f5aabf59b9645ec2f11760cd720d2921a2/xdev-1.3.3.tar.gz BuildArch: noarch Requires: python3-IPython Requires: python3-parse Requires: python3-pyfiglet Requires: python3-pyflakes Requires: python3-pygments Requires: python3-scriptconfig Requires: python3-ubelt Requires: python3-xinspect Requires: python3-numpy Requires: python3-numpy Requires: python3-numpy Requires: python3-numpy Requires: python3-numpy Requires: python3-numpy Requires: python3-IPython Requires: python3-autoflake Requires: python3-fire Requires: python3-parse Requires: python3-pyfiglet Requires: python3-pyflakes Requires: python3-pygments Requires: python3-scriptconfig Requires: python3-ubelt Requires: python3-xdoctest Requires: python3-xinspect Requires: python3-yapf Requires: python3-IPython Requires: python3-autoflake Requires: python3-fire Requires: python3-parse Requires: python3-pyfiglet Requires: python3-pyflakes Requires: python3-pygments Requires: python3-scriptconfig Requires: python3-ubelt Requires: python3-xdoctest Requires: python3-xinspect Requires: python3-yapf Requires: python3-Levenshtein Requires: python3-coverage Requires: python3-line-profiler Requires: python3-numpy Requires: python3-pytest Requires: python3-parso Requires: python3-Levenshtein Requires: python3-line-profiler Requires: python3-numpy Requires: python3-pytest Requires: python3-Levenshtein Requires: python3-coverage Requires: python3-line-profiler Requires: python3-numpy Requires: python3-pytest Requires: python3-Levenshtein Requires: python3-coverage Requires: python3-line-profiler Requires: python3-numpy Requires: python3-Levenshtein Requires: python3-coverage Requires: python3-line-profiler Requires: python3-numpy Requires: python3-Levenshtein Requires: python3-line-profiler Requires: python3-numpy Requires: python3-parso Requires: python3-pytest Requires: python3-coverage Requires: python3-pytest-cov Requires: python3-Levenshtein Requires: python3-coverage Requires: python3-line-profiler Requires: python3-numpy Requires: python3-pytest Requires: python3-parso Requires: python3-Levenshtein Requires: python3-line-profiler Requires: python3-numpy Requires: python3-pytest Requires: python3-Levenshtein Requires: python3-coverage Requires: python3-line-profiler Requires: python3-numpy Requires: python3-pytest Requires: python3-Levenshtein Requires: python3-coverage Requires: python3-line-profiler Requires: python3-numpy Requires: python3-Levenshtein Requires: python3-coverage Requires: python3-line-profiler Requires: python3-numpy Requires: python3-Levenshtein Requires: python3-line-profiler Requires: python3-numpy Requires: python3-parso Requires: python3-pytest Requires: python3-coverage Requires: python3-pytest-cov Requires: python3-autoflake Requires: python3-fire Requires: python3-yapf Requires: python3-autoflake Requires: python3-fire Requires: python3-yapf Requires: python3-Levenshtein Requires: python3-line-profiler Requires: python3-parso Requires: python3-Levenshtein Requires: python3-line-profiler Requires: python3-Levenshtein Requires: python3-line-profiler Requires: python3-Levenshtein Requires: python3-line-profiler Requires: python3-Levenshtein Requires: python3-line-profiler Requires: python3-Levenshtein Requires: python3-line-profiler Requires: python3-parso Requires: python3-Levenshtein Requires: python3-line-profiler Requires: python3-parso Requires: python3-Levenshtein Requires: python3-line-profiler Requires: python3-Levenshtein Requires: python3-line-profiler Requires: python3-Levenshtein Requires: python3-line-profiler Requires: python3-Levenshtein Requires: python3-line-profiler Requires: python3-Levenshtein Requires: python3-line-profiler Requires: python3-parso Requires: python3-IPython Requires: python3-parse Requires: python3-pyfiglet Requires: python3-pyflakes Requires: python3-pygments Requires: python3-scriptconfig Requires: python3-ubelt Requires: python3-xinspect Requires: python3-numpy Requires: python3-numpy Requires: python3-numpy Requires: python3-numpy Requires: python3-numpy Requires: python3-numpy Requires: python3-xdoctest Requires: python3-xdoctest Requires: python3-coverage Requires: python3-pytest Requires: python3-pytest Requires: python3-coverage Requires: python3-pytest Requires: python3-coverage Requires: python3-coverage Requires: python3-pytest Requires: python3-coverage Requires: python3-pytest-cov Requires: python3-coverage Requires: python3-pytest Requires: python3-pytest Requires: python3-coverage Requires: python3-pytest Requires: python3-coverage Requires: python3-coverage Requires: python3-pytest Requires: python3-coverage Requires: python3-pytest-cov %description |GithubActions| |Codecov| |Pypi| |Downloads| |ReadTheDocs| Xdev is an excellent developer tool for excellent developers. It contains miscellaneous and/or interactive debugging tools. I mostly maintain this for myself, but I could see polishing it up in the future. This is the CLI: (pyenv3.11.2) joncrall@toothbrush:~$ xdev --help usage: xdev [-h] [--version] {info,codeblock,sed,find,tree,pint,pyfile,pyversion,editfile,format_quotes,freshpyenv,docstubs,available_package_versions} ... The XDEV CLI A collection of excellent developer tools for excellent developers. options: -h, --help show this help message and exit --version show version number and exit (default: False) commands: {info,codeblock,sed,find,tree,pint,pyfile,pyversion,editfile,format_quotes,freshpyenv,docstubs,available_package_versions} specify a command to run info Info about xdev codeblock Remove indentation from text. sed Search and replace text in files find Find matching files or paths in a directory. tree List a directory like a tree pint (convert_unit) Converts one type of unit to another via the pint library. pyfile (modpath) Prints the path corresponding to a Python module. pyversion (modversion) Detect and print the version of a Python module or package. editfile (edit) Opens a file in your visual editor determined by the ``VISUAL`` format_quotes Use single quotes for code and double quotes for docs. freshpyenv Create a fresh environment in a docker container to test a Python package. docstubs (doctypes) Generate Typed Stubs from Docstrings (experimental) available_package_versions (availpkg) Print a table of available versions of a python package on Pypi This is the top level API: from xdev import algo from xdev import autojit from xdev import class_reloader from xdev import cli from xdev import desktop_interaction from xdev import embeding from xdev import format_quotes from xdev import interactive_iter from xdev import introspect from xdev import misc from xdev import patterns from xdev import profiler from xdev import regex_builder from xdev import search_replace from xdev import tracebacks from xdev import util from xdev import util_networkx from xdev import util_path from xdev.algo import (edit_distance, knapsack, knapsack_greedy, knapsack_ilp, knapsack_iterative, knapsack_iterative_int, knapsack_iterative_numpy, number_of_decimals,) from xdev.autojit import (import_module_from_pyx,) from xdev.class_reloader import (reload_class,) from xdev.desktop_interaction import (editfile, startfile, view_directory,) from xdev.embeding import (EmbedOnException, embed, embed_if_requested, embed_on_exception, embed_on_exception_context, fix_embed_globals,) from xdev.format_quotes import (DOUBLE_QUOTE, SINGLE_QUOTE, TRIPLE_DOUBLE_QUOTE, TRIPLE_SINGLE_QUOTE, format_quotes, format_quotes_in_file, format_quotes_in_text,) from xdev.interactive_iter import (InteractiveIter,) from xdev.introspect import (distext, get_func_kwargs, get_stack_frame, iter_object_tree, test_object_pickleability,) from xdev.misc import (byte_str, difftext, nested_type, quantum_random, set_overlaps, textfind, tree_repr,) from xdev.patterns import (MultiPattern, Pattern, PatternBase, RE_Pattern, our_extended_regex_compile,) from xdev.profiler import (IS_PROFILING, profile, profile_globals, profile_now,) from xdev.regex_builder import (PythonRegexBuilder, RegexBuilder, VimRegexBuilder,) from xdev.search_replace import (GrepResult, find, grep, grepfile, greptext, sed, sedfile,) from xdev.tracebacks import (make_warnings_print_tracebacks,) from xdev.util import (bubbletext, conj_phrase, take_column,) from xdev.util_networkx import (AsciiDirectedGlyphs, AsciiUndirectedGlyphs, UtfDirectedGlyphs, UtfUndirectedGlyphs, generate_network_text, graph_str, write_network_text,) from xdev.util_path import (ChDir, sidecar_glob, tree,) %package -n python3-xdev Summary: An excellent developer tool for excellent developers Provides: python-xdev BuildRequires: python3-devel BuildRequires: python3-setuptools BuildRequires: python3-pip %description -n python3-xdev |GithubActions| |Codecov| |Pypi| |Downloads| |ReadTheDocs| Xdev is an excellent developer tool for excellent developers. It contains miscellaneous and/or interactive debugging tools. I mostly maintain this for myself, but I could see polishing it up in the future. This is the CLI: (pyenv3.11.2) joncrall@toothbrush:~$ xdev --help usage: xdev [-h] [--version] {info,codeblock,sed,find,tree,pint,pyfile,pyversion,editfile,format_quotes,freshpyenv,docstubs,available_package_versions} ... The XDEV CLI A collection of excellent developer tools for excellent developers. options: -h, --help show this help message and exit --version show version number and exit (default: False) commands: {info,codeblock,sed,find,tree,pint,pyfile,pyversion,editfile,format_quotes,freshpyenv,docstubs,available_package_versions} specify a command to run info Info about xdev codeblock Remove indentation from text. sed Search and replace text in files find Find matching files or paths in a directory. tree List a directory like a tree pint (convert_unit) Converts one type of unit to another via the pint library. pyfile (modpath) Prints the path corresponding to a Python module. pyversion (modversion) Detect and print the version of a Python module or package. editfile (edit) Opens a file in your visual editor determined by the ``VISUAL`` format_quotes Use single quotes for code and double quotes for docs. freshpyenv Create a fresh environment in a docker container to test a Python package. docstubs (doctypes) Generate Typed Stubs from Docstrings (experimental) available_package_versions (availpkg) Print a table of available versions of a python package on Pypi This is the top level API: from xdev import algo from xdev import autojit from xdev import class_reloader from xdev import cli from xdev import desktop_interaction from xdev import embeding from xdev import format_quotes from xdev import interactive_iter from xdev import introspect from xdev import misc from xdev import patterns from xdev import profiler from xdev import regex_builder from xdev import search_replace from xdev import tracebacks from xdev import util from xdev import util_networkx from xdev import util_path from xdev.algo import (edit_distance, knapsack, knapsack_greedy, knapsack_ilp, knapsack_iterative, knapsack_iterative_int, knapsack_iterative_numpy, number_of_decimals,) from xdev.autojit import (import_module_from_pyx,) from xdev.class_reloader import (reload_class,) from xdev.desktop_interaction import (editfile, startfile, view_directory,) from xdev.embeding import (EmbedOnException, embed, embed_if_requested, embed_on_exception, embed_on_exception_context, fix_embed_globals,) from xdev.format_quotes import (DOUBLE_QUOTE, SINGLE_QUOTE, TRIPLE_DOUBLE_QUOTE, TRIPLE_SINGLE_QUOTE, format_quotes, format_quotes_in_file, format_quotes_in_text,) from xdev.interactive_iter import (InteractiveIter,) from xdev.introspect import (distext, get_func_kwargs, get_stack_frame, iter_object_tree, test_object_pickleability,) from xdev.misc import (byte_str, difftext, nested_type, quantum_random, set_overlaps, textfind, tree_repr,) from xdev.patterns import (MultiPattern, Pattern, PatternBase, RE_Pattern, our_extended_regex_compile,) from xdev.profiler import (IS_PROFILING, profile, profile_globals, profile_now,) from xdev.regex_builder import (PythonRegexBuilder, RegexBuilder, VimRegexBuilder,) from xdev.search_replace import (GrepResult, find, grep, grepfile, greptext, sed, sedfile,) from xdev.tracebacks import (make_warnings_print_tracebacks,) from xdev.util import (bubbletext, conj_phrase, take_column,) from xdev.util_networkx import (AsciiDirectedGlyphs, AsciiUndirectedGlyphs, UtfDirectedGlyphs, UtfUndirectedGlyphs, generate_network_text, graph_str, write_network_text,) from xdev.util_path import (ChDir, sidecar_glob, tree,) %package help Summary: Development documents and examples for xdev Provides: python3-xdev-doc %description help |GithubActions| |Codecov| |Pypi| |Downloads| |ReadTheDocs| Xdev is an excellent developer tool for excellent developers. It contains miscellaneous and/or interactive debugging tools. I mostly maintain this for myself, but I could see polishing it up in the future. This is the CLI: (pyenv3.11.2) joncrall@toothbrush:~$ xdev --help usage: xdev [-h] [--version] {info,codeblock,sed,find,tree,pint,pyfile,pyversion,editfile,format_quotes,freshpyenv,docstubs,available_package_versions} ... The XDEV CLI A collection of excellent developer tools for excellent developers. options: -h, --help show this help message and exit --version show version number and exit (default: False) commands: {info,codeblock,sed,find,tree,pint,pyfile,pyversion,editfile,format_quotes,freshpyenv,docstubs,available_package_versions} specify a command to run info Info about xdev codeblock Remove indentation from text. sed Search and replace text in files find Find matching files or paths in a directory. tree List a directory like a tree pint (convert_unit) Converts one type of unit to another via the pint library. pyfile (modpath) Prints the path corresponding to a Python module. pyversion (modversion) Detect and print the version of a Python module or package. editfile (edit) Opens a file in your visual editor determined by the ``VISUAL`` format_quotes Use single quotes for code and double quotes for docs. freshpyenv Create a fresh environment in a docker container to test a Python package. docstubs (doctypes) Generate Typed Stubs from Docstrings (experimental) available_package_versions (availpkg) Print a table of available versions of a python package on Pypi This is the top level API: from xdev import algo from xdev import autojit from xdev import class_reloader from xdev import cli from xdev import desktop_interaction from xdev import embeding from xdev import format_quotes from xdev import interactive_iter from xdev import introspect from xdev import misc from xdev import patterns from xdev import profiler from xdev import regex_builder from xdev import search_replace from xdev import tracebacks from xdev import util from xdev import util_networkx from xdev import util_path from xdev.algo import (edit_distance, knapsack, knapsack_greedy, knapsack_ilp, knapsack_iterative, knapsack_iterative_int, knapsack_iterative_numpy, number_of_decimals,) from xdev.autojit import (import_module_from_pyx,) from xdev.class_reloader import (reload_class,) from xdev.desktop_interaction import (editfile, startfile, view_directory,) from xdev.embeding import (EmbedOnException, embed, embed_if_requested, embed_on_exception, embed_on_exception_context, fix_embed_globals,) from xdev.format_quotes import (DOUBLE_QUOTE, SINGLE_QUOTE, TRIPLE_DOUBLE_QUOTE, TRIPLE_SINGLE_QUOTE, format_quotes, format_quotes_in_file, format_quotes_in_text,) from xdev.interactive_iter import (InteractiveIter,) from xdev.introspect import (distext, get_func_kwargs, get_stack_frame, iter_object_tree, test_object_pickleability,) from xdev.misc import (byte_str, difftext, nested_type, quantum_random, set_overlaps, textfind, tree_repr,) from xdev.patterns import (MultiPattern, Pattern, PatternBase, RE_Pattern, our_extended_regex_compile,) from xdev.profiler import (IS_PROFILING, profile, profile_globals, profile_now,) from xdev.regex_builder import (PythonRegexBuilder, RegexBuilder, VimRegexBuilder,) from xdev.search_replace import (GrepResult, find, grep, grepfile, greptext, sed, sedfile,) from xdev.tracebacks import (make_warnings_print_tracebacks,) from xdev.util import (bubbletext, conj_phrase, take_column,) from xdev.util_networkx import (AsciiDirectedGlyphs, AsciiUndirectedGlyphs, UtfDirectedGlyphs, UtfUndirectedGlyphs, generate_network_text, graph_str, write_network_text,) from xdev.util_path import (ChDir, sidecar_glob, tree,) %prep %autosetup -n xdev-1.3.3 %build %py3_build %install %py3_install install -d -m755 %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir} if [ -d doc ]; then cp -arf doc %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi if [ -d docs ]; then cp -arf docs %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi if [ -d example ]; then cp -arf example %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi if [ -d examples ]; then cp -arf examples %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi pushd %{buildroot} if [ -d usr/lib ]; then find usr/lib -type f -printf "\"/%h/%f\"\n" >> filelist.lst fi if [ -d usr/lib64 ]; then find usr/lib64 -type f -printf "\"/%h/%f\"\n" >> filelist.lst fi if [ -d usr/bin ]; then find usr/bin -type f -printf "\"/%h/%f\"\n" >> filelist.lst fi if [ -d usr/sbin ]; then find usr/sbin -type f -printf "\"/%h/%f\"\n" >> filelist.lst fi touch doclist.lst if [ -d usr/share/man ]; then find usr/share/man -type f -printf "\"/%h/%f.gz\"\n" >> doclist.lst fi popd mv %{buildroot}/filelist.lst . mv %{buildroot}/doclist.lst . %files -n python3-xdev -f filelist.lst %dir %{python3_sitelib}/* %files help -f doclist.lst %{_docdir}/* %changelog * Tue Jun 20 2023 Python_Bot - 1.3.3-1 - Package Spec generated