%global _empty_manifest_terminate_build 0 Name: python-QuykHtml Version: 0.1.4 Release: 1 Summary: A python library that allows you to quickly and easily generate HTML templates and even create full-on websites. License: MIT License URL: https://github.com/mwd1993/QuykHtml Source0: https://mirrors.aliyun.com/pypi/web/packages/99/8c/d8cfb574e45fdf8230717868de91c023f7ba80d62ed28574ee1191d719cf/QuykHtml-0.1.4.tar.gz BuildArch: noarch %description # QuykHtml A python library that allows you to quickly and easily generate HTML templates and even create full-on websites.

If you are feeling generous or would like to buy me a coffee or donate, below is my cash app: ```cash app: $elmling``` # pip install QuykHtml [![Downloads](https://pepy.tech/badge/quykhtml)](https://pepy.tech/project/quykhtml) ![](Example3.gif) New Features: - [Express](#example-express)
Key Features:
- [Flask](#example-quykhtml-with-flask)
- [Chaining together commands](#example-miscellaneous)
- [Javascript/jQuery support](#example-javascript-code)
- [Table Creation](#example-tables)
- [Ajax Creation](#example-ajax-request)
- [Form Creation](#example-forms)
- [Boostrap](#example-miscellaneous)
- [SEO](#example-SEO)
- [Landing Page Example](#example-simple-landing-page1) # Example: Hello World in 4 lines ```python # Import the class from the library from QuykHtml import qhtml # Instantiate class q = qhtml() # Insert a modified p element into our main display q.display.insert(q.new('p').set_text('Hello World').set_id('text-id').style.set('font-size:24px;')) # Render the page q.display.render() ``` # Example: Basic Declaration ```python from QuykHtml import qhtml # Instantiate class q = qhtml() # Create a div div = q.new("div") # Create a paragraph p = q.new("p") # Create an input input = q.new("input") # Render the results by inserting all objects to display q.display.insert([div, p, input]).render() ``` # Example: Element Styling ```python from QuykHtml import qhtml # Instantiate class q = qhtml() # Declare css, allows for a list of lists, with the first value being # classname and the markup/style string for the second value q.css.add([["div","font-size:32px;"],[".div_custom","color:gray;"]]) # You can also do the same by just calling the add method with two arguments q.css.add("div","font-size:32px;") q.css.add(".div_custom","color:gray;") # Create a div with the class .div_custom and set the text in the div div = q.new("div").set_class("div_custom").set_text("QuykHtml Rocks!") # You can use inline styling to style the element and set the text in the div div2 = q.new("div").style.set("font-size:48px;color:green;").set_text("QuykHtml Rocks!") # Render the results q.display.insert([div, div2]).render() ``` # Examples: Element Setters ```python from QuykHtml import qhtml # Instantiate class q = qhtml() p = q.new("p") # Global Element Setters p.style.set('color:red;') p.style.append('background-color:yellow;') p.add_attribute('title="Qhytml is easy!"') p.set_text('text') p.set_text_ipsum() p.set_text_ipsum_large() p.set_text_ipsum_small() p.set_class('class1 class2') p.set_form_button() p.set_id('my-id') p.set_name('some-name') p.set_value('custom value') p.set_tool_tip('simple hover text tool tip') p.on_click("alert('i was clicked!');") p.on_click_goto('google.com') p.on_right_click("alert('i was right clicked!');") p.on_mouse_enter("alert('Mouse entered!');") p.on_mouse_leave("alert('Mouse left!');") html = p.html() # Specific Element setters q.new("img").set_img_src('src_url') q.new("img").set_img_placeholder(400) q.new("img").on_click_showPreview() q.new("form").set_form_options('file.php','get') q.new("button").set_form_button() q.new("iframe").set_iframe('google.com') q.new("input").set_auto_complete(False) ``` # Example: Tables ```python from QuykHtml import qhtml # Instantiate class q = qhtml() # Easily 'import' bootstrap utilities q.bootstrap.use(True) # Create raw table of 1 row and 2 columns table = q.table(1,2) # Insert method using 0 based index -> insert_at(row,column,qhtml_object or list of qhtml_objects) table.insert_at(0,0,q.new("p").set_text("Row 1 column 1")) table.insert_at(0,1,q.new("p").set_text("Row 1 column 2")) # Also valid syntax table = q.table(1,2).insert_at(0,0,q.new("p").set_text("Row 1 column 1")).insert_at(0,1,q.new("p").set_text("Row 1 column 2")) # Td manipulation examples for i in range(2): table.style_td_at(0,i,'text-align:center') table.set_td_class_at(0,i,'some-class') table.set_td_id_at(0,i,'some-id' + str(i)) # Make sure to build the table # which returns a div with the table code in it table = table.build() # Render the results q.display.insert(table).render() ``` # Example: JavaScript Code ```python from QuykHtml import qhtml # Instantiate class q = qhtml() # Easily 'import' bootstrap utilities q.bootstrap.use(True) # Append a script, can even be read from a file q.scripts.append( 'function js_function() {' ' alert("A JS Function");' '}' ) # Append a script to a qhtml object p = q.new("p").set_text("Text element").scripts_add( 'function js_function() {' ' alert("A JS Function");' '}' ) # Append code to be executed on page load to a qhtml object p = q.new("p").set_text("Text element").scripts_add('alert("Js code ran on page load");', on_page_load=True) q.display.insert(p).render() ``` # Example: Ajax Request ```python from QuykHtml import qhtml # Instantiate class q = qhtml() # Easily 'import' bootstrap utilities q.bootstrap.use(True) # Create an ajax request on the p element # Always specify r in the callback function as that is the response text p = q.new("p").ajax_build('get','file.php?args=1&args2=2","_some_call_back_func(r)') # Quickly define the function if need be p.scripts_add('function _some_call_back_func(r){alert("Response text " + r.responseText);}') # Append JS Code for when the page loads, call the ajax function using # element.ajax_get("pointer") <- the 'ajax method built by ajax_build' p.scripts_add(p.ajax_get("pointer"),on_page_load=True) q.display.insert(p).render() ``` # Example: Forms ```python from QuykHtml import qhtml # Instantiate class q = qhtml() # Easily 'import' bootstrap utilities q.bootstrap.use(True) # Create form element form = q.new("form").set_form_options('file.php','post') # Create the input element and set the name to form_name input = q.new("input").set_name('form_name') # Create the button and use method .set_form_button() to # make it send the form when it is clicked button = q.new("button").set_text("submit").set_form_button() # Insert the form elements into the form form.insert([input,button]) q.display.insert(form).render() ``` # Example: Express Easily use the official markup language (uses bootstrap) to quickly and easily define qhtml objects. #### Express Rules: - use attr-'attributename' to declare normal html element attributes - use 'attributename' to attempt to use ANY Qhtml setter methods on an element - you declare columns by element position in the list - each list item is essentially a row - requires bootstrap (instantiate with qhtml method) #### create a 3 columned row ```python # Instantiate class q = qhtml() # Easily 'import' bootstrap utilities q.bootstrap.use(True) # express method returns # an actual qhtml object layout = q.express([ ['div','p','div'] ]).style.set('background-color:#45afed;') q.display.insert(layout).render() ``` #### create a 3 columned row and define html values ```python # Instantiate class q = qhtml() # Easily 'import' bootstrap utilities q.bootstrap.use(True) # express method returns # an actual qhtml object layout = q.express([ ['div attr-class="myclass"','p attr-id="myid"','div attr-style="background-color:red"'] ]).style.set('background-color:#45afed;') q.display.insert(layout).render() ``` #### create a 3 columned row and call Qhtml setter methods on said element ```python # Instantiate class q = qhtml() # Easily 'import' bootstrap utilities q.bootstrap.use(True) # a Qhtml object has a method called: set_text # it also a method called: set_img_src # so we omit the 'set_' prefix. So instead of # set_text("some text"), we simply use text="some text" # to call said method layout = q.express([ ['div','p text="QuykHtml Rocks!"','div'], ['div','img img_src="myimagesource.com" attr-class="myImgClass"','div'] ]).style.set('background-color:#45afed;') q.display.insert(layout).render() ``` ## Express Real World Example ### create a simple form ```python # Instantiate class q = qhtml() # Easily 'import' bootstrap utilities q.bootstrap.use(True) # Define some css q.css.add('.center','text-align:center;') # Create our form elements layout = q.express([ ['div', 'p text="Email"', 'div'], ['div', 'input', 'div'], ['div', 'p text="Password"', 'div'], ['div', 'input', 'div'], ['div', 'p text="Confirm"', 'div'], ['div', 'input', 'div'], ['div', 'button text="Complete" attr-value="submit" attr-class="margin-top-med signup"', 'div'] ]).set_class("center", True) # Create the actual form container element form = q.new('form').set_class('center') # Insert the form elements and set the form options form.insert(layout).set_form_options("register.php", "post") # Render the results q.display.insert(form) ``` # Example: SEO ```python from QuykHtml import qhtml # Instantiate class q = qhtml() # Define some SEO q.seo.set_page_title('Page Title') q.seo.set_page_author('Author') q.seo.set_page_keywords('some key words') q.seo.set_page_encoding('UTF-8') q.seo.set_page_auto_refresh(30) # refresh every 30 seconds list_of_seo = q.seo.display_all_seo() ``` # Example: Miscellaneous ```python from QuykHtml import qhtml # Instantiate class q = qhtml() # Chaining commands q.new("p").set_text('some text').set_class('text-class').set_id('text-id').on_click("alert('clicked me');").style.set("cursor:pointer;") # Render arguments examples # output_file str_path, only_html boolean, set_clip_board boolean q.display.insert(q.new("p.").set_text("Render Arguments")).render(output_file="file/path/file.html") q.display.insert(q.new("p.").set_text("Render Arguments")).render(only_html=True) q.display.insert(q.new("p.").set_text("Render Arguments")).render(output_file="file/path/file.html",set_clip_board=True) q.display.insert(q.new("p.").set_text("Render Arguments")).render(only_html=True,set_clip_board=True) q.display.insert(q.new("p.").set_text("Render Arguments")).render() # ------------------------------ # Bootstrap - Support # ------------------------------ q.bootstrap.use(True) div = q.new("div").set_class("row") div_col1 = q.new("div").set_class("col").set_text("column1") div_col2 = q.new("div").set_class("col").set_text("column2") div.insert([div_col1,div_col2]) # Also valid syntax div = q.new("div").set_class("row").insert([ q.new("div").set_class("col").set_text("column1"), q.new("div").set_class("col").set_text("column2") ]) # ------------------------------ # Append to the head tag q.head.append('') q.head.append('') # Built in color helpers c = q.css.colors colors = [c.LIGHT_GRAY, c.DARK_GRAY,c.LIGHT_GREEN,c.DARK_GREEN] # and more.. for color in colors: print(color) # - > #hex_value # Loop through every created object of a qhtml instance for element in q.all: print('Element type - > ' + element.type) element.set_text("Overwrite") # Duplicating element objects p_main = q.new("p").style.set("font-size:32px;") p1 = q.dupe(p_main).set_text('p tag number 1').style.append('color:red;') p2 = q.dupe(p_main).set_text('p tag number 2').style.append('color:green;') # Exporting css styles added to 'q.css' q.css.add('p','font-size:32px;') q.css.add('div','text-align:center;') q.css.export('path/to/export.css') ``` # Example Simple Landing Page1 ``` python from QuykHtml import qhtml q = qhtml() q.bootstrap.use(True) head = q.new('div') head_text = q.new('p') head_text.set_text('Example Landing Header').style.align('center').style.font_size('64px;').style.append('padding-top:200px;padding-bottom:200px;background-color:gray;color:white;') head.insert(head_text) body = q.new('div').style.set('width:65%;margin:auto;margin-bottom:100px;').set_class('row') body_text = q.new('p').set_text_ipsum_large().style.font_size('24px').style.align('left').style.append('margin-top:60px;margin-bottom:60px;').style.font_color('gray') body_img_1 = q.new('img').set_class('col').set_img_placeholder(400).style.height('400px').style.append('margin-top:20px;') body_img_2 = q.dupe(body_img_1) body.insert([body_text,body_img_1,body_img_2]) footer = q.new('div').style.align('center').style.set('margin:0px;position:fixed;bottom:0px;width:100%;background-color:gray;padding-top:5px;padding-bottom:5px;') footer_text = q.new('p').style.set('font-weight:bold;margin:0px;') footer_text.set_text('Example Footer Text. All Right Reserved.').style.align('center').style.font_size('15px').style.font_color('white') footer.insert(footer_text) q.display.insert([head,body,footer]).render() ``` # Example QuykHtml with Flask ## Using pythonanywhere.com #### Serving HTML using .html() method ```python # A very simple Flask Hello World app for you to get started with... from QuykHtml import qhtml from flask import Flask q = qhtml() q.bootstrap.use(True) app = Flask(__name__) # always use " " as the outer string quote and ' ' inside if need on_click_code = "alert('You clicked the button!');" # Div containing a p element and a button with an on click event div = q.new('div').style.set('text-align:center;').insert([ q.new("p").style.font_size('42px').set_text("This works"), q.new('button').style.font_size('24px').set_text('click me').on_click(on_click_code) ]) # Div containing a p element with Greeting text in it div2 = q.new('div').style.set('background-color:gray;text-align:center;').insert([ q.new('p').style.set('font-size:32px;color:white;font-weight:bold;').set_text('Hello from QuykHtml and Flask!') ]) @app.route('/') def hello_world(): # Use .html method on a qhtml object to get it's HTML and serve it return div.html() + div2.html() ``` #### Serving HTML using .render('out_put_file.txt') and .file_read('file.txt') ```python # A very simple Flask Hello World app for you to get started with... from QuykHtml import qhtml from flask import Flask q = qhtml() q.bootstrap.use(True) app = Flask(__name__) # always use " " as the outer string quote and ' ' inside if need on_click_code = "alert('You clicked the button!');" # Div containing a p element and a button with an on click event div = q.new('div').style.set('text-align:center;').insert([ q.new("p").style.font_size('42px').set_text("This works"), q.new('button').style.font_size('24px').set_text('click me').on_click(on_click_code) ]) # Div containing a p element with Greeting text in it div2 = q.new('div').style.set('background-color:gray;text-align:center;').insert([ q.new('p').style.set('font-size:32px;color:white;font-weight:bold;').set_text('Hello from QuykHtml and Flask!') ]) # Place objects in the display and render out the file to test.txt q.display.insert([div,div2]).render(output_file='test.txt', only_html=True) @app.route('/') def hello_world(): # Use file_read method to get the rendered HTML and serve it html = q.file_read('test.txt') return html ``` %package -n python3-QuykHtml Summary: A python library that allows you to quickly and easily generate HTML templates and even create full-on websites. Provides: python-QuykHtml BuildRequires: python3-devel BuildRequires: python3-setuptools BuildRequires: python3-pip %description -n python3-QuykHtml # QuykHtml A python library that allows you to quickly and easily generate HTML templates and even create full-on websites.

If you are feeling generous or would like to buy me a coffee or donate, below is my cash app: ```cash app: $elmling``` # pip install QuykHtml [![Downloads](https://pepy.tech/badge/quykhtml)](https://pepy.tech/project/quykhtml) ![](Example3.gif) New Features: - [Express](#example-express)
Key Features:
- [Flask](#example-quykhtml-with-flask)
- [Chaining together commands](#example-miscellaneous)
- [Javascript/jQuery support](#example-javascript-code)
- [Table Creation](#example-tables)
- [Ajax Creation](#example-ajax-request)
- [Form Creation](#example-forms)
- [Boostrap](#example-miscellaneous)
- [SEO](#example-SEO)
- [Landing Page Example](#example-simple-landing-page1) # Example: Hello World in 4 lines ```python # Import the class from the library from QuykHtml import qhtml # Instantiate class q = qhtml() # Insert a modified p element into our main display q.display.insert(q.new('p').set_text('Hello World').set_id('text-id').style.set('font-size:24px;')) # Render the page q.display.render() ``` # Example: Basic Declaration ```python from QuykHtml import qhtml # Instantiate class q = qhtml() # Create a div div = q.new("div") # Create a paragraph p = q.new("p") # Create an input input = q.new("input") # Render the results by inserting all objects to display q.display.insert([div, p, input]).render() ``` # Example: Element Styling ```python from QuykHtml import qhtml # Instantiate class q = qhtml() # Declare css, allows for a list of lists, with the first value being # classname and the markup/style string for the second value q.css.add([["div","font-size:32px;"],[".div_custom","color:gray;"]]) # You can also do the same by just calling the add method with two arguments q.css.add("div","font-size:32px;") q.css.add(".div_custom","color:gray;") # Create a div with the class .div_custom and set the text in the div div = q.new("div").set_class("div_custom").set_text("QuykHtml Rocks!") # You can use inline styling to style the element and set the text in the div div2 = q.new("div").style.set("font-size:48px;color:green;").set_text("QuykHtml Rocks!") # Render the results q.display.insert([div, div2]).render() ``` # Examples: Element Setters ```python from QuykHtml import qhtml # Instantiate class q = qhtml() p = q.new("p") # Global Element Setters p.style.set('color:red;') p.style.append('background-color:yellow;') p.add_attribute('title="Qhytml is easy!"') p.set_text('text') p.set_text_ipsum() p.set_text_ipsum_large() p.set_text_ipsum_small() p.set_class('class1 class2') p.set_form_button() p.set_id('my-id') p.set_name('some-name') p.set_value('custom value') p.set_tool_tip('simple hover text tool tip') p.on_click("alert('i was clicked!');") p.on_click_goto('google.com') p.on_right_click("alert('i was right clicked!');") p.on_mouse_enter("alert('Mouse entered!');") p.on_mouse_leave("alert('Mouse left!');") html = p.html() # Specific Element setters q.new("img").set_img_src('src_url') q.new("img").set_img_placeholder(400) q.new("img").on_click_showPreview() q.new("form").set_form_options('file.php','get') q.new("button").set_form_button() q.new("iframe").set_iframe('google.com') q.new("input").set_auto_complete(False) ``` # Example: Tables ```python from QuykHtml import qhtml # Instantiate class q = qhtml() # Easily 'import' bootstrap utilities q.bootstrap.use(True) # Create raw table of 1 row and 2 columns table = q.table(1,2) # Insert method using 0 based index -> insert_at(row,column,qhtml_object or list of qhtml_objects) table.insert_at(0,0,q.new("p").set_text("Row 1 column 1")) table.insert_at(0,1,q.new("p").set_text("Row 1 column 2")) # Also valid syntax table = q.table(1,2).insert_at(0,0,q.new("p").set_text("Row 1 column 1")).insert_at(0,1,q.new("p").set_text("Row 1 column 2")) # Td manipulation examples for i in range(2): table.style_td_at(0,i,'text-align:center') table.set_td_class_at(0,i,'some-class') table.set_td_id_at(0,i,'some-id' + str(i)) # Make sure to build the table # which returns a div with the table code in it table = table.build() # Render the results q.display.insert(table).render() ``` # Example: JavaScript Code ```python from QuykHtml import qhtml # Instantiate class q = qhtml() # Easily 'import' bootstrap utilities q.bootstrap.use(True) # Append a script, can even be read from a file q.scripts.append( 'function js_function() {' ' alert("A JS Function");' '}' ) # Append a script to a qhtml object p = q.new("p").set_text("Text element").scripts_add( 'function js_function() {' ' alert("A JS Function");' '}' ) # Append code to be executed on page load to a qhtml object p = q.new("p").set_text("Text element").scripts_add('alert("Js code ran on page load");', on_page_load=True) q.display.insert(p).render() ``` # Example: Ajax Request ```python from QuykHtml import qhtml # Instantiate class q = qhtml() # Easily 'import' bootstrap utilities q.bootstrap.use(True) # Create an ajax request on the p element # Always specify r in the callback function as that is the response text p = q.new("p").ajax_build('get','file.php?args=1&args2=2","_some_call_back_func(r)') # Quickly define the function if need be p.scripts_add('function _some_call_back_func(r){alert("Response text " + r.responseText);}') # Append JS Code for when the page loads, call the ajax function using # element.ajax_get("pointer") <- the 'ajax method built by ajax_build' p.scripts_add(p.ajax_get("pointer"),on_page_load=True) q.display.insert(p).render() ``` # Example: Forms ```python from QuykHtml import qhtml # Instantiate class q = qhtml() # Easily 'import' bootstrap utilities q.bootstrap.use(True) # Create form element form = q.new("form").set_form_options('file.php','post') # Create the input element and set the name to form_name input = q.new("input").set_name('form_name') # Create the button and use method .set_form_button() to # make it send the form when it is clicked button = q.new("button").set_text("submit").set_form_button() # Insert the form elements into the form form.insert([input,button]) q.display.insert(form).render() ``` # Example: Express Easily use the official markup language (uses bootstrap) to quickly and easily define qhtml objects. #### Express Rules: - use attr-'attributename' to declare normal html element attributes - use 'attributename' to attempt to use ANY Qhtml setter methods on an element - you declare columns by element position in the list - each list item is essentially a row - requires bootstrap (instantiate with qhtml method) #### create a 3 columned row ```python # Instantiate class q = qhtml() # Easily 'import' bootstrap utilities q.bootstrap.use(True) # express method returns # an actual qhtml object layout = q.express([ ['div','p','div'] ]).style.set('background-color:#45afed;') q.display.insert(layout).render() ``` #### create a 3 columned row and define html values ```python # Instantiate class q = qhtml() # Easily 'import' bootstrap utilities q.bootstrap.use(True) # express method returns # an actual qhtml object layout = q.express([ ['div attr-class="myclass"','p attr-id="myid"','div attr-style="background-color:red"'] ]).style.set('background-color:#45afed;') q.display.insert(layout).render() ``` #### create a 3 columned row and call Qhtml setter methods on said element ```python # Instantiate class q = qhtml() # Easily 'import' bootstrap utilities q.bootstrap.use(True) # a Qhtml object has a method called: set_text # it also a method called: set_img_src # so we omit the 'set_' prefix. So instead of # set_text("some text"), we simply use text="some text" # to call said method layout = q.express([ ['div','p text="QuykHtml Rocks!"','div'], ['div','img img_src="myimagesource.com" attr-class="myImgClass"','div'] ]).style.set('background-color:#45afed;') q.display.insert(layout).render() ``` ## Express Real World Example ### create a simple form ```python # Instantiate class q = qhtml() # Easily 'import' bootstrap utilities q.bootstrap.use(True) # Define some css q.css.add('.center','text-align:center;') # Create our form elements layout = q.express([ ['div', 'p text="Email"', 'div'], ['div', 'input', 'div'], ['div', 'p text="Password"', 'div'], ['div', 'input', 'div'], ['div', 'p text="Confirm"', 'div'], ['div', 'input', 'div'], ['div', 'button text="Complete" attr-value="submit" attr-class="margin-top-med signup"', 'div'] ]).set_class("center", True) # Create the actual form container element form = q.new('form').set_class('center') # Insert the form elements and set the form options form.insert(layout).set_form_options("register.php", "post") # Render the results q.display.insert(form) ``` # Example: SEO ```python from QuykHtml import qhtml # Instantiate class q = qhtml() # Define some SEO q.seo.set_page_title('Page Title') q.seo.set_page_author('Author') q.seo.set_page_keywords('some key words') q.seo.set_page_encoding('UTF-8') q.seo.set_page_auto_refresh(30) # refresh every 30 seconds list_of_seo = q.seo.display_all_seo() ``` # Example: Miscellaneous ```python from QuykHtml import qhtml # Instantiate class q = qhtml() # Chaining commands q.new("p").set_text('some text').set_class('text-class').set_id('text-id').on_click("alert('clicked me');").style.set("cursor:pointer;") # Render arguments examples # output_file str_path, only_html boolean, set_clip_board boolean q.display.insert(q.new("p.").set_text("Render Arguments")).render(output_file="file/path/file.html") q.display.insert(q.new("p.").set_text("Render Arguments")).render(only_html=True) q.display.insert(q.new("p.").set_text("Render Arguments")).render(output_file="file/path/file.html",set_clip_board=True) q.display.insert(q.new("p.").set_text("Render Arguments")).render(only_html=True,set_clip_board=True) q.display.insert(q.new("p.").set_text("Render Arguments")).render() # ------------------------------ # Bootstrap - Support # ------------------------------ q.bootstrap.use(True) div = q.new("div").set_class("row") div_col1 = q.new("div").set_class("col").set_text("column1") div_col2 = q.new("div").set_class("col").set_text("column2") div.insert([div_col1,div_col2]) # Also valid syntax div = q.new("div").set_class("row").insert([ q.new("div").set_class("col").set_text("column1"), q.new("div").set_class("col").set_text("column2") ]) # ------------------------------ # Append to the head tag q.head.append('') q.head.append('') # Built in color helpers c = q.css.colors colors = [c.LIGHT_GRAY, c.DARK_GRAY,c.LIGHT_GREEN,c.DARK_GREEN] # and more.. for color in colors: print(color) # - > #hex_value # Loop through every created object of a qhtml instance for element in q.all: print('Element type - > ' + element.type) element.set_text("Overwrite") # Duplicating element objects p_main = q.new("p").style.set("font-size:32px;") p1 = q.dupe(p_main).set_text('p tag number 1').style.append('color:red;') p2 = q.dupe(p_main).set_text('p tag number 2').style.append('color:green;') # Exporting css styles added to 'q.css' q.css.add('p','font-size:32px;') q.css.add('div','text-align:center;') q.css.export('path/to/export.css') ``` # Example Simple Landing Page1 ``` python from QuykHtml import qhtml q = qhtml() q.bootstrap.use(True) head = q.new('div') head_text = q.new('p') head_text.set_text('Example Landing Header').style.align('center').style.font_size('64px;').style.append('padding-top:200px;padding-bottom:200px;background-color:gray;color:white;') head.insert(head_text) body = q.new('div').style.set('width:65%;margin:auto;margin-bottom:100px;').set_class('row') body_text = q.new('p').set_text_ipsum_large().style.font_size('24px').style.align('left').style.append('margin-top:60px;margin-bottom:60px;').style.font_color('gray') body_img_1 = q.new('img').set_class('col').set_img_placeholder(400).style.height('400px').style.append('margin-top:20px;') body_img_2 = q.dupe(body_img_1) body.insert([body_text,body_img_1,body_img_2]) footer = q.new('div').style.align('center').style.set('margin:0px;position:fixed;bottom:0px;width:100%;background-color:gray;padding-top:5px;padding-bottom:5px;') footer_text = q.new('p').style.set('font-weight:bold;margin:0px;') footer_text.set_text('Example Footer Text. All Right Reserved.').style.align('center').style.font_size('15px').style.font_color('white') footer.insert(footer_text) q.display.insert([head,body,footer]).render() ``` # Example QuykHtml with Flask ## Using pythonanywhere.com #### Serving HTML using .html() method ```python # A very simple Flask Hello World app for you to get started with... from QuykHtml import qhtml from flask import Flask q = qhtml() q.bootstrap.use(True) app = Flask(__name__) # always use " " as the outer string quote and ' ' inside if need on_click_code = "alert('You clicked the button!');" # Div containing a p element and a button with an on click event div = q.new('div').style.set('text-align:center;').insert([ q.new("p").style.font_size('42px').set_text("This works"), q.new('button').style.font_size('24px').set_text('click me').on_click(on_click_code) ]) # Div containing a p element with Greeting text in it div2 = q.new('div').style.set('background-color:gray;text-align:center;').insert([ q.new('p').style.set('font-size:32px;color:white;font-weight:bold;').set_text('Hello from QuykHtml and Flask!') ]) @app.route('/') def hello_world(): # Use .html method on a qhtml object to get it's HTML and serve it return div.html() + div2.html() ``` #### Serving HTML using .render('out_put_file.txt') and .file_read('file.txt') ```python # A very simple Flask Hello World app for you to get started with... from QuykHtml import qhtml from flask import Flask q = qhtml() q.bootstrap.use(True) app = Flask(__name__) # always use " " as the outer string quote and ' ' inside if need on_click_code = "alert('You clicked the button!');" # Div containing a p element and a button with an on click event div = q.new('div').style.set('text-align:center;').insert([ q.new("p").style.font_size('42px').set_text("This works"), q.new('button').style.font_size('24px').set_text('click me').on_click(on_click_code) ]) # Div containing a p element with Greeting text in it div2 = q.new('div').style.set('background-color:gray;text-align:center;').insert([ q.new('p').style.set('font-size:32px;color:white;font-weight:bold;').set_text('Hello from QuykHtml and Flask!') ]) # Place objects in the display and render out the file to test.txt q.display.insert([div,div2]).render(output_file='test.txt', only_html=True) @app.route('/') def hello_world(): # Use file_read method to get the rendered HTML and serve it html = q.file_read('test.txt') return html ``` %package help Summary: Development documents and examples for QuykHtml Provides: python3-QuykHtml-doc %description help # QuykHtml A python library that allows you to quickly and easily generate HTML templates and even create full-on websites.

If you are feeling generous or would like to buy me a coffee or donate, below is my cash app: ```cash app: $elmling``` # pip install QuykHtml [![Downloads](https://pepy.tech/badge/quykhtml)](https://pepy.tech/project/quykhtml) ![](Example3.gif) New Features: - [Express](#example-express)
Key Features:
- [Flask](#example-quykhtml-with-flask)
- [Chaining together commands](#example-miscellaneous)
- [Javascript/jQuery support](#example-javascript-code)
- [Table Creation](#example-tables)
- [Ajax Creation](#example-ajax-request)
- [Form Creation](#example-forms)
- [Boostrap](#example-miscellaneous)
- [SEO](#example-SEO)
- [Landing Page Example](#example-simple-landing-page1) # Example: Hello World in 4 lines ```python # Import the class from the library from QuykHtml import qhtml # Instantiate class q = qhtml() # Insert a modified p element into our main display q.display.insert(q.new('p').set_text('Hello World').set_id('text-id').style.set('font-size:24px;')) # Render the page q.display.render() ``` # Example: Basic Declaration ```python from QuykHtml import qhtml # Instantiate class q = qhtml() # Create a div div = q.new("div") # Create a paragraph p = q.new("p") # Create an input input = q.new("input") # Render the results by inserting all objects to display q.display.insert([div, p, input]).render() ``` # Example: Element Styling ```python from QuykHtml import qhtml # Instantiate class q = qhtml() # Declare css, allows for a list of lists, with the first value being # classname and the markup/style string for the second value q.css.add([["div","font-size:32px;"],[".div_custom","color:gray;"]]) # You can also do the same by just calling the add method with two arguments q.css.add("div","font-size:32px;") q.css.add(".div_custom","color:gray;") # Create a div with the class .div_custom and set the text in the div div = q.new("div").set_class("div_custom").set_text("QuykHtml Rocks!") # You can use inline styling to style the element and set the text in the div div2 = q.new("div").style.set("font-size:48px;color:green;").set_text("QuykHtml Rocks!") # Render the results q.display.insert([div, div2]).render() ``` # Examples: Element Setters ```python from QuykHtml import qhtml # Instantiate class q = qhtml() p = q.new("p") # Global Element Setters p.style.set('color:red;') p.style.append('background-color:yellow;') p.add_attribute('title="Qhytml is easy!"') p.set_text('text') p.set_text_ipsum() p.set_text_ipsum_large() p.set_text_ipsum_small() p.set_class('class1 class2') p.set_form_button() p.set_id('my-id') p.set_name('some-name') p.set_value('custom value') p.set_tool_tip('simple hover text tool tip') p.on_click("alert('i was clicked!');") p.on_click_goto('google.com') p.on_right_click("alert('i was right clicked!');") p.on_mouse_enter("alert('Mouse entered!');") p.on_mouse_leave("alert('Mouse left!');") html = p.html() # Specific Element setters q.new("img").set_img_src('src_url') q.new("img").set_img_placeholder(400) q.new("img").on_click_showPreview() q.new("form").set_form_options('file.php','get') q.new("button").set_form_button() q.new("iframe").set_iframe('google.com') q.new("input").set_auto_complete(False) ``` # Example: Tables ```python from QuykHtml import qhtml # Instantiate class q = qhtml() # Easily 'import' bootstrap utilities q.bootstrap.use(True) # Create raw table of 1 row and 2 columns table = q.table(1,2) # Insert method using 0 based index -> insert_at(row,column,qhtml_object or list of qhtml_objects) table.insert_at(0,0,q.new("p").set_text("Row 1 column 1")) table.insert_at(0,1,q.new("p").set_text("Row 1 column 2")) # Also valid syntax table = q.table(1,2).insert_at(0,0,q.new("p").set_text("Row 1 column 1")).insert_at(0,1,q.new("p").set_text("Row 1 column 2")) # Td manipulation examples for i in range(2): table.style_td_at(0,i,'text-align:center') table.set_td_class_at(0,i,'some-class') table.set_td_id_at(0,i,'some-id' + str(i)) # Make sure to build the table # which returns a div with the table code in it table = table.build() # Render the results q.display.insert(table).render() ``` # Example: JavaScript Code ```python from QuykHtml import qhtml # Instantiate class q = qhtml() # Easily 'import' bootstrap utilities q.bootstrap.use(True) # Append a script, can even be read from a file q.scripts.append( 'function js_function() {' ' alert("A JS Function");' '}' ) # Append a script to a qhtml object p = q.new("p").set_text("Text element").scripts_add( 'function js_function() {' ' alert("A JS Function");' '}' ) # Append code to be executed on page load to a qhtml object p = q.new("p").set_text("Text element").scripts_add('alert("Js code ran on page load");', on_page_load=True) q.display.insert(p).render() ``` # Example: Ajax Request ```python from QuykHtml import qhtml # Instantiate class q = qhtml() # Easily 'import' bootstrap utilities q.bootstrap.use(True) # Create an ajax request on the p element # Always specify r in the callback function as that is the response text p = q.new("p").ajax_build('get','file.php?args=1&args2=2","_some_call_back_func(r)') # Quickly define the function if need be p.scripts_add('function _some_call_back_func(r){alert("Response text " + r.responseText);}') # Append JS Code for when the page loads, call the ajax function using # element.ajax_get("pointer") <- the 'ajax method built by ajax_build' p.scripts_add(p.ajax_get("pointer"),on_page_load=True) q.display.insert(p).render() ``` # Example: Forms ```python from QuykHtml import qhtml # Instantiate class q = qhtml() # Easily 'import' bootstrap utilities q.bootstrap.use(True) # Create form element form = q.new("form").set_form_options('file.php','post') # Create the input element and set the name to form_name input = q.new("input").set_name('form_name') # Create the button and use method .set_form_button() to # make it send the form when it is clicked button = q.new("button").set_text("submit").set_form_button() # Insert the form elements into the form form.insert([input,button]) q.display.insert(form).render() ``` # Example: Express Easily use the official markup language (uses bootstrap) to quickly and easily define qhtml objects. #### Express Rules: - use attr-'attributename' to declare normal html element attributes - use 'attributename' to attempt to use ANY Qhtml setter methods on an element - you declare columns by element position in the list - each list item is essentially a row - requires bootstrap (instantiate with qhtml method) #### create a 3 columned row ```python # Instantiate class q = qhtml() # Easily 'import' bootstrap utilities q.bootstrap.use(True) # express method returns # an actual qhtml object layout = q.express([ ['div','p','div'] ]).style.set('background-color:#45afed;') q.display.insert(layout).render() ``` #### create a 3 columned row and define html values ```python # Instantiate class q = qhtml() # Easily 'import' bootstrap utilities q.bootstrap.use(True) # express method returns # an actual qhtml object layout = q.express([ ['div attr-class="myclass"','p attr-id="myid"','div attr-style="background-color:red"'] ]).style.set('background-color:#45afed;') q.display.insert(layout).render() ``` #### create a 3 columned row and call Qhtml setter methods on said element ```python # Instantiate class q = qhtml() # Easily 'import' bootstrap utilities q.bootstrap.use(True) # a Qhtml object has a method called: set_text # it also a method called: set_img_src # so we omit the 'set_' prefix. So instead of # set_text("some text"), we simply use text="some text" # to call said method layout = q.express([ ['div','p text="QuykHtml Rocks!"','div'], ['div','img img_src="myimagesource.com" attr-class="myImgClass"','div'] ]).style.set('background-color:#45afed;') q.display.insert(layout).render() ``` ## Express Real World Example ### create a simple form ```python # Instantiate class q = qhtml() # Easily 'import' bootstrap utilities q.bootstrap.use(True) # Define some css q.css.add('.center','text-align:center;') # Create our form elements layout = q.express([ ['div', 'p text="Email"', 'div'], ['div', 'input', 'div'], ['div', 'p text="Password"', 'div'], ['div', 'input', 'div'], ['div', 'p text="Confirm"', 'div'], ['div', 'input', 'div'], ['div', 'button text="Complete" attr-value="submit" attr-class="margin-top-med signup"', 'div'] ]).set_class("center", True) # Create the actual form container element form = q.new('form').set_class('center') # Insert the form elements and set the form options form.insert(layout).set_form_options("register.php", "post") # Render the results q.display.insert(form) ``` # Example: SEO ```python from QuykHtml import qhtml # Instantiate class q = qhtml() # Define some SEO q.seo.set_page_title('Page Title') q.seo.set_page_author('Author') q.seo.set_page_keywords('some key words') q.seo.set_page_encoding('UTF-8') q.seo.set_page_auto_refresh(30) # refresh every 30 seconds list_of_seo = q.seo.display_all_seo() ``` # Example: Miscellaneous ```python from QuykHtml import qhtml # Instantiate class q = qhtml() # Chaining commands q.new("p").set_text('some text').set_class('text-class').set_id('text-id').on_click("alert('clicked me');").style.set("cursor:pointer;") # Render arguments examples # output_file str_path, only_html boolean, set_clip_board boolean q.display.insert(q.new("p.").set_text("Render Arguments")).render(output_file="file/path/file.html") q.display.insert(q.new("p.").set_text("Render Arguments")).render(only_html=True) q.display.insert(q.new("p.").set_text("Render Arguments")).render(output_file="file/path/file.html",set_clip_board=True) q.display.insert(q.new("p.").set_text("Render Arguments")).render(only_html=True,set_clip_board=True) q.display.insert(q.new("p.").set_text("Render Arguments")).render() # ------------------------------ # Bootstrap - Support # ------------------------------ q.bootstrap.use(True) div = q.new("div").set_class("row") div_col1 = q.new("div").set_class("col").set_text("column1") div_col2 = q.new("div").set_class("col").set_text("column2") div.insert([div_col1,div_col2]) # Also valid syntax div = q.new("div").set_class("row").insert([ q.new("div").set_class("col").set_text("column1"), q.new("div").set_class("col").set_text("column2") ]) # ------------------------------ # Append to the head tag q.head.append('') q.head.append('') # Built in color helpers c = q.css.colors colors = [c.LIGHT_GRAY, c.DARK_GRAY,c.LIGHT_GREEN,c.DARK_GREEN] # and more.. for color in colors: print(color) # - > #hex_value # Loop through every created object of a qhtml instance for element in q.all: print('Element type - > ' + element.type) element.set_text("Overwrite") # Duplicating element objects p_main = q.new("p").style.set("font-size:32px;") p1 = q.dupe(p_main).set_text('p tag number 1').style.append('color:red;') p2 = q.dupe(p_main).set_text('p tag number 2').style.append('color:green;') # Exporting css styles added to 'q.css' q.css.add('p','font-size:32px;') q.css.add('div','text-align:center;') q.css.export('path/to/export.css') ``` # Example Simple Landing Page1 ``` python from QuykHtml import qhtml q = qhtml() q.bootstrap.use(True) head = q.new('div') head_text = q.new('p') head_text.set_text('Example Landing Header').style.align('center').style.font_size('64px;').style.append('padding-top:200px;padding-bottom:200px;background-color:gray;color:white;') head.insert(head_text) body = q.new('div').style.set('width:65%;margin:auto;margin-bottom:100px;').set_class('row') body_text = q.new('p').set_text_ipsum_large().style.font_size('24px').style.align('left').style.append('margin-top:60px;margin-bottom:60px;').style.font_color('gray') body_img_1 = q.new('img').set_class('col').set_img_placeholder(400).style.height('400px').style.append('margin-top:20px;') body_img_2 = q.dupe(body_img_1) body.insert([body_text,body_img_1,body_img_2]) footer = q.new('div').style.align('center').style.set('margin:0px;position:fixed;bottom:0px;width:100%;background-color:gray;padding-top:5px;padding-bottom:5px;') footer_text = q.new('p').style.set('font-weight:bold;margin:0px;') footer_text.set_text('Example Footer Text. All Right Reserved.').style.align('center').style.font_size('15px').style.font_color('white') footer.insert(footer_text) q.display.insert([head,body,footer]).render() ``` # Example QuykHtml with Flask ## Using pythonanywhere.com #### Serving HTML using .html() method ```python # A very simple Flask Hello World app for you to get started with... from QuykHtml import qhtml from flask import Flask q = qhtml() q.bootstrap.use(True) app = Flask(__name__) # always use " " as the outer string quote and ' ' inside if need on_click_code = "alert('You clicked the button!');" # Div containing a p element and a button with an on click event div = q.new('div').style.set('text-align:center;').insert([ q.new("p").style.font_size('42px').set_text("This works"), q.new('button').style.font_size('24px').set_text('click me').on_click(on_click_code) ]) # Div containing a p element with Greeting text in it div2 = q.new('div').style.set('background-color:gray;text-align:center;').insert([ q.new('p').style.set('font-size:32px;color:white;font-weight:bold;').set_text('Hello from QuykHtml and Flask!') ]) @app.route('/') def hello_world(): # Use .html method on a qhtml object to get it's HTML and serve it return div.html() + div2.html() ``` #### Serving HTML using .render('out_put_file.txt') and .file_read('file.txt') ```python # A very simple Flask Hello World app for you to get started with... from QuykHtml import qhtml from flask import Flask q = qhtml() q.bootstrap.use(True) app = Flask(__name__) # always use " " as the outer string quote and ' ' inside if need on_click_code = "alert('You clicked the button!');" # Div containing a p element and a button with an on click event div = q.new('div').style.set('text-align:center;').insert([ q.new("p").style.font_size('42px').set_text("This works"), q.new('button').style.font_size('24px').set_text('click me').on_click(on_click_code) ]) # Div containing a p element with Greeting text in it div2 = q.new('div').style.set('background-color:gray;text-align:center;').insert([ q.new('p').style.set('font-size:32px;color:white;font-weight:bold;').set_text('Hello from QuykHtml and Flask!') ]) # Place objects in the display and render out the file to test.txt q.display.insert([div,div2]).render(output_file='test.txt', only_html=True) @app.route('/') def hello_world(): # Use file_read method to get the rendered HTML and serve it html = q.file_read('test.txt') return html ``` %prep %autosetup -n QuykHtml-0.1.4 %build %py3_build %install %py3_install install -d -m755 %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir} if [ -d doc ]; then cp -arf doc %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi if [ -d docs ]; then cp -arf docs %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi if [ -d example ]; then cp -arf example %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi if [ -d examples ]; then cp -arf examples %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi pushd %{buildroot} if [ -d usr/lib ]; then find usr/lib -type f -printf "\"/%h/%f\"\n" >> filelist.lst fi if [ -d usr/lib64 ]; then find usr/lib64 -type f -printf "\"/%h/%f\"\n" >> filelist.lst fi if [ -d usr/bin ]; then find usr/bin -type f -printf "\"/%h/%f\"\n" >> filelist.lst fi if [ -d usr/sbin ]; then find usr/sbin -type f -printf "\"/%h/%f\"\n" >> filelist.lst fi touch doclist.lst if [ -d usr/share/man ]; then find usr/share/man -type f -printf "\"/%h/%f.gz\"\n" >> doclist.lst fi popd mv %{buildroot}/filelist.lst . mv %{buildroot}/doclist.lst . %files -n python3-QuykHtml -f filelist.lst %dir %{python3_sitelib}/* %files help -f doclist.lst %{_docdir}/* %changelog * Tue Jun 20 2023 Python_Bot - 0.1.4-1 - Package Spec generated