%global _empty_manifest_terminate_build 0
Name: python-dataclasses-json
Version: 0.5.7
Release: 1
Summary: Easily serialize dataclasses to and from JSON
License: MIT
URL: https://github.com/lidatong/dataclasses-json
Source0: https://mirrors.nju.edu.cn/pypi/web/packages/85/94/1b30216f84c48b9e0646833f6f2dd75f1169cc04dc45c48fe39e644c89d5/dataclasses-json-0.5.7.tar.gz
BuildArch: noarch
Requires: python3-marshmallow
Requires: python3-marshmallow-enum
Requires: python3-typing-inspect
Requires: python3-dataclasses
Requires: python3-pytest
Requires: python3-ipython
Requires: python3-mypy
Requires: python3-hypothesis
Requires: python3-portray
Requires: python3-flake8
Requires: python3-simplejson
Requires: python3-types-dataclasses
# Dataclasses JSON

This library provides a simple API for encoding and decoding [dataclasses](https://docs.python.org/3/library/dataclasses.html) to and from JSON.
It's very easy to get started.
[README / Documentation website](https://lidatong.github.io/dataclasses-json). Features a navigation bar and search functionality, and should mirror this README exactly -- take a look!
## Quickstart
`pip install dataclasses-json`
from dataclasses import dataclass
from dataclasses_json import dataclass_json
class Person:
name: str
person = Person(name='lidatong')
person.to_json() # '{"name": "lidatong"}' <- this is a string
person.to_dict() # {'name': 'lidatong'} <- this is a dict
Person.from_json('{"name": "lidatong"}') # Person(1)
Person.from_dict({'name': 'lidatong'}) # Person(1)
# You can also apply _schema validation_ using an alternative API
# This can be useful for "typed" Python code
Person.from_json('{"name": 42}') # This is ok. 42 is not a `str`, but
# dataclass creation does not validate types
Person.schema().loads('{"name": 42}') # Error! Raises `ValidationError`
**What if you want to work with camelCase JSON?**
# same imports as above, with the additional `LetterCase` import
from dataclasses import dataclass
from dataclasses_json import dataclass_json, LetterCase
@dataclass_json(letter_case=LetterCase.CAMEL) # now all fields are encoded/decoded from camelCase
class ConfiguredSimpleExample:
int_field: int
ConfiguredSimpleExample(1).to_json() # {"intField": 1}
ConfiguredSimpleExample.from_json('{"intField": 1}') # ConfiguredSimpleExample(1)
## Supported types
It's recursive (see caveats below), so you can easily work with nested dataclasses.
In addition to the supported types in the
[py to JSON table](https://docs.python.org/3/library/json.html#py-to-json-table), this library supports the following:
- any arbitrary [Collection](https://docs.python.org/3/library/collections.abc.html#collections.abc.Collection) type is supported.
[Mapping](https://docs.python.org/3/library/collections.abc.html#collections.abc.Mapping) types are encoded as JSON objects and `str` types as JSON strings.
Any other Collection types are encoded into JSON arrays, but decoded into the original collection types.
- [datetime](https://docs.python.org/3/library/datetime.html#available-types)
objects. `datetime` objects are encoded to `float` (JSON number) using
As specified in the `datetime` docs, if your `datetime` object is naive, it will
assume your system local timezone when calling `.timestamp()`. JSON numbers
corresponding to a `datetime` field in your dataclass are decoded
into a datetime-aware object, with `tzinfo` set to your system local timezone.
Thus, if you encode a datetime-naive object, you will decode into a
datetime-aware object. This is important, because encoding and decoding won't
strictly be inverses. See [this section](#Overriding) if you want to override this default
behavior (for example, if you want to use ISO).
- [UUID](https://docs.python.org/3/library/uuid.html#uuid.UUID) objects. They
are encoded as `str` (JSON string).
- [Decimal](https://docs.python.org/3/library/decimal.html) objects. They are
also encoded as `str`.
**The [latest release](https://github.com/lidatong/dataclasses-json/releases/latest) is compatible with both Python 3.7 and Python 3.6 (with the dataclasses backport).**
## Usage
#### Approach 1: Class decorator
from dataclasses import dataclass
from dataclasses_json import dataclass_json
class Person:
name: str
lidatong = Person('lidatong')
# Encoding to JSON
lidatong.to_json() # '{"name": "lidatong"}'
# Decoding from JSON
Person.from_json('{"name": "lidatong"}') # Person(name='lidatong')
Note that the `@dataclass_json` decorator must be stacked above the `@dataclass`
decorator (order matters!)
#### Approach 2: Inherit from a mixin
from dataclasses import dataclass
from dataclasses_json import DataClassJsonMixin
class Person(DataClassJsonMixin):
name: str
lidatong = Person('lidatong')
# A different example from Approach 1 above, but usage is the exact same
assert Person.from_json(lidatong.to_json()) == lidatong
Pick whichever approach suits your taste. Note that there is better support for
the mixin approach when using _static analysis_ tools (e.g. linting, typing),
but the differences in implementation will be invisible in _runtime_ usage.
## How do I...
### Use my dataclass with JSON arrays or objects?
from dataclasses import dataclass
from dataclasses_json import dataclass_json
class Person:
name: str
**Encode into a JSON array containing instances of my Data Class**
people_json = [Person('lidatong')]
Person.schema().dumps(people_json, many=True) # '[{"name": "lidatong"}]'
**Decode a JSON array containing instances of my Data Class**
people_json = '[{"name": "lidatong"}]'
Person.schema().loads(people_json, many=True) # [Person(name='lidatong')]
**Encode as part of a larger JSON object containing my Data Class (e.g. an HTTP
import json
response_dict = {
'response': {
'person': Person('lidatong').to_dict()
response_json = json.dumps(response_dict)
In this case, we do two steps. First, we encode the dataclass into a
**python dictionary** rather than a JSON string, using `.to_dict`.
Second, we leverage the built-in `json.dumps` to serialize our `dataclass` into
a JSON string.
**Decode as part of a larger JSON object containing my Data Class (e.g. an HTTP
import json
response_dict = json.loads('{"response": {"person": {"name": "lidatong"}}}')
person_dict = response_dict['response']
person = Person.from_dict(person_dict)
In a similar vein to encoding above, we leverage the built-in `json` module.
First, call `json.loads` to read the entire JSON object into a
dictionary. We then access the key of the value containing the encoded dict of
our `Person` that we want to decode (`response_dict['response']`).
Second, we load in the dictionary using `Person.from_dict`.
### Encode or decode into Python lists/dictionaries rather than JSON?
This can be by calling `.schema()` and then using the corresponding
encoder/decoder methods, ie. `.load(...)`/`.dump(...)`.
**Encode into a single Python dictionary**
person = Person('lidatong')
person.to_dict() # {'name': 'lidatong'}
**Encode into a list of Python dictionaries**
people = [Person('lidatong')]
Person.schema().dump(people, many=True) # [{'name': 'lidatong'}]
**Decode a dictionary into a single dataclass instance**
person_dict = {'name': 'lidatong'}
Person.from_dict(person_dict) # Person(name='lidatong')
**Decode a list of dictionaries into a list of dataclass instances**
people_dicts = [{"name": "lidatong"}]
Person.schema().load(people_dicts, many=True) # [Person(name='lidatong')]
### Encode or decode from camelCase (or kebab-case)?
JSON letter case by convention is camelCase, in Python members are by convention snake_case.
You can configure it to encode/decode from other casing schemes at both the class level and the field level.
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from dataclasses_json import LetterCase, config, dataclass_json
# changing casing at the class level
class Person:
given_name: str
family_name: str
Person('Alice', 'Liddell').to_json() # '{"givenName": "Alice"}'
Person.from_json('{"givenName": "Alice", "familyName": "Liddell"}') # Person('Alice', 'Liddell')
# at the field level
class Person:
given_name: str = field(metadata=config(letter_case=LetterCase.CAMEL))
family_name: str
Person('Alice', 'Liddell').to_json() # '{"givenName": "Alice"}'
# notice how the `family_name` field is still snake_case, because it wasn't configured above
Person.from_json('{"givenName": "Alice", "family_name": "Liddell"}') # Person('Alice', 'Liddell')
**This library assumes your field follows the Python convention of snake_case naming.**
If your field is not `snake_case` to begin with and you attempt to parameterize `LetterCase`,
the behavior of encoding/decoding is undefined (most likely it will result in subtle bugs).
### Encode or decode using a different name
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from dataclasses_json import config, dataclass_json
class Person:
given_name: str = field(metadata=config(field_name="overriddenGivenName"))
Person(given_name="Alice") # Person('Alice')
Person.from_json('{"overriddenGivenName": "Alice"}') # Person('Alice')
Person('Alice').to_json() # {"overriddenGivenName": "Alice"}
### Handle missing or optional field values when decoding?
By default, any fields in your dataclass that use `default` or
`default_factory` will have the values filled with the provided default, if the
corresponding field is missing from the JSON you're decoding.
**Decode JSON with missing field**
class Student:
id: int
name: str = 'student'
Student.from_json('{"id": 1}') # Student(id=1, name='student')
Notice `from_json` filled the field `name` with the specified default 'student'
when it was missing from the JSON.
Sometimes you have fields that are typed as `Optional`, but you don't
necessarily want to assign a default. In that case, you can use the
`infer_missing` kwarg to make `from_json` infer the missing field value as `None`.
**Decode optional field without default**
class Tutor:
id: int
student: Optional[Student] = None
Tutor.from_json('{"id": 1}') # Tutor(id=1, student=None)
Personally I recommend you leverage dataclass defaults rather than using
`infer_missing`, but if for some reason you need to decouple the behavior of
JSON decoding from the field's default value, this will allow you to do so.
### Handle unknown / extraneous fields in JSON?
By default, it is up to the implementation what happens when a `json_dataclass` receives input parameters that are not defined.
(the `from_dict` method ignores them, when loading using `schema()` a ValidationError is raised.)
There are three ways to customize this behavior.
Assume you want to instantiate a dataclass with the following dictionary:
dump_dict = {"endpoint": "some_api_endpoint", "data": {"foo": 1, "bar": "2"}, "undefined_field_name": [1, 2, 3]}
1. You can enforce to always raise an error by setting the `undefined` keyword to `Undefined.RAISE`
(`'RAISE'` as a case-insensitive string works as well). Of course it works normally if you don't pass any undefined parameters.
from dataclasses_json import Undefined
class ExactAPIDump:
endpoint: str
data: Dict[str, Any]
dump = ExactAPIDump.from_dict(dump_dict) # raises UndefinedParameterError
2. You can simply ignore any undefined parameters by setting the `undefined` keyword to `Undefined.EXCLUDE`
(`'EXCLUDE'` as a case-insensitive string works as well). Note that you will not be able to retrieve them using `to_dict`:
from dataclasses_json import Undefined
class DontCareAPIDump:
endpoint: str
data: Dict[str, Any]
dump = DontCareAPIDump.from_dict(dump_dict) # DontCareAPIDump(endpoint='some_api_endpoint', data={'foo': 1, 'bar': '2'})
dump.to_dict() # {"endpoint": "some_api_endpoint", "data": {"foo": 1, "bar": "2"}}
3. You can save them in a catch-all field and do whatever needs to be done later. Simply set the `undefined`
keyword to `Undefined.INCLUDE` (`'INCLUDE'` as a case-insensitive string works as well) and define a field
of type `CatchAll` where all unknown values will end up.
This simply represents a dictionary that can hold anything.
If there are no undefined parameters, this will be an empty dictionary.
from dataclasses_json import Undefined, CatchAll
class UnknownAPIDump:
endpoint: str
data: Dict[str, Any]
unknown_things: CatchAll
dump = UnknownAPIDump.from_dict(dump_dict) # UnknownAPIDump(endpoint='some_api_endpoint', data={'foo': 1, 'bar': '2'}, unknown_things={'undefined_field_name': [1, 2, 3]})
dump.to_dict() # {'endpoint': 'some_api_endpoint', 'data': {'foo': 1, 'bar': '2'}, 'undefined_field_name': [1, 2, 3]}
- When using `Undefined.INCLUDE`, an `UndefinedParameterError` will be raised if you don't specify
exactly one field of type `CatchAll`.
- Note that `LetterCase` does not affect values written into the `CatchAll` field, they will be as they are given.
- When specifying a default (or a default factory) for the the `CatchAll`-field, e.g. `unknown_things: CatchAll = None`, the default value will be used instead of an empty dict if there are no undefined parameters.
- Calling __init__ with non-keyword arguments resolves the arguments to the defined fields and writes everything else into the catch-all field.
4. All 3 options work as well using `schema().loads` and `schema().dumps`, as long as you don't overwrite it by specifying `schema(unknown=)`.
marshmallow uses the same 3 keywords ['include', 'exclude', 'raise'](https://marshmallow.readthedocs.io/en/stable/quickstart.html#handling-unknown-fields).
5. All 3 operations work as well using `__init__`, e.g. `UnknownAPIDump(**dump_dict)` will **not** raise a `TypeError`, but write all unknown values to the field tagged as `CatchAll`.
Classes tagged with `EXCLUDE` will also simply ignore unknown parameters. Note that classes tagged as `RAISE` still raise a `TypeError`, and **not** a `UndefinedParameterError` if supplied with unknown keywords.
### Override the default encode / decode / marshmallow field of a specific field?
See [Overriding](#Overriding)
### Handle recursive dataclasses?
Object hierarchies where fields are of the type that they are declared within require a small
type hinting trick to declare the forward reference.
from typing import Optional
from dataclasses import dataclass
from dataclasses_json import dataclass_json
class Tree():
value: str
left: Optional['Tree']
right: Optional['Tree']
Avoid using
from __future__ import annotations
as it will cause problems with the way dataclasses_json accesses the type annotations.
## Marshmallow interop
Using the `dataclass_json` decorator or mixing in `DataClassJsonMixin` will
provide you with an additional method `.schema()`.
`.schema()` generates a schema exactly equivalent to manually creating a
marshmallow schema for your dataclass. You can reference the [marshmallow API docs](https://marshmallow.readthedocs.io/en/3.0/api_reference.html#schema)
to learn other ways you can use the schema returned by `.schema()`.
You can pass in the exact same arguments to `.schema()` that you would when
constructing a `PersonSchema` instance, e.g. `.schema(many=True)`, and they will
get passed through to the marshmallow schema.
from dataclasses import dataclass
from dataclasses_json import dataclass_json
class Person:
name: str
# You don't need to do this - it's generated for you by `.schema()`!
from marshmallow import Schema, fields
class PersonSchema(Schema):
name = fields.Str()
Briefly, on what's going on under the hood in the above examples: calling
`.schema()` will have this library generate a
[marshmallow schema]('https://marshmallow.readthedocs.io/en/3.0/api_reference.html#schema)
for you. It also fills in the corresponding object hook, so that marshmallow
will create an instance of your Data Class on `load` (e.g.
`Person.schema().load` returns a `Person`) rather than a `dict`, which it does
by default in marshmallow.
**Performance note**
`.schema()` is not cached (it generates the schema on every call), so if you
have a nested Data Class you may want to save the result to a variable to
avoid re-generation of the schema on every usage.
person_schema = Person.schema()
person_schema.dump(people, many=True)
# later in the code...
## Overriding / Extending
#### Overriding
For example, you might want to encode/decode `datetime` objects using ISO format
rather than the default `timestamp`.
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from dataclasses_json import dataclass_json, config
from datetime import datetime
from marshmallow import fields
class DataClassWithIsoDatetime:
created_at: datetime = field(
#### Extending
Similarly, you might want to extend `dataclasses_json` to encode `date` objects.
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from dataclasses_json import dataclass_json, config
from datetime import date
from marshmallow import fields
class DataClassWithIsoDatetime:
created_at: date = field(
encoder= date.isoformat,
decoder= date.fromisoformat,
mm_field= fields.DateTime(format='iso')
As you can see, you can **override** or **extend** the default codecs by providing a "hook" via a
- `encoder`: a callable, which will be invoked to convert the field value when encoding to JSON
- `decoder`: a callable, which will be invoked to convert the JSON value when decoding from JSON
- `mm_field`: a marshmallow field, which will affect the behavior of any operations involving `.schema()`
Note that these hooks will be invoked regardless if you're using
and `.from_json`/`load`/`loads`. So apply overrides / extensions judiciously, making sure to
carefully consider whether the interaction of the encode/decode/mm_field is consistent with what you expect!
#### What if I have other dataclass field extensions that rely on `metadata`
All the `dataclasses_json.config` does is return a mapping, namespaced under the key `'dataclasses_json'`.
Say there's another module, `other_dataclass_package` that uses metadata. Here's how you solve your problem:
metadata = {'other_dataclass_package': 'some metadata...'} # pre-existing metadata for another dataclass package
dataclass_json_config = config(
class DataClassWithIsoDatetime:
created_at: datetime = field(metadata=metadata)
You can also manually specify the dataclass_json configuration mapping.
class DataClassWithIsoDatetime:
created_at: date = field(
metadata={'dataclasses_json': {
'encoder': date.isoformat,
'decoder': date.fromisoformat,
'mm_field': fields.DateTime(format='iso')
## A larger example
from dataclasses import dataclass
from dataclasses_json import dataclass_json
from typing import List
class Minion:
name: str
class Boss:
minions: List[Minion]
boss = Boss([Minion('evil minion'), Minion('very evil minion')])
boss_json = """
"minions": [
"name": "evil minion"
"name": "very evil minion"
assert boss.to_json(indent=4) == boss_json
assert Boss.from_json(boss_json) == boss
## Performance
Take a look at [this issue](https://github.com/lidatong/dataclasses-json/issues/228)
## Versioning
Note this library is still pre-1.0.0 (SEMVER).
The current convention is:
- **PATCH** version upgrades for bug fixes and minor feature additions.
- **MINOR** version upgrades for big API features and breaking changes.
Once this library is 1.0.0, it will follow standard SEMVER conventions.
## Roadmap
Currently the focus is on investigating and fixing bugs in this library, working
on performance, and finishing [this issue](https://github.com/lidatong/dataclasses-json/issues/31).
That said, if you think there's a feature missing / something new needed in the
library, please see the contributing section below.
## Contributing
First of all, thank you for being interested in contributing to this library.
I really appreciate you taking the time to work on this project.
- If you're just interested in getting into the code, a good place to start are
issues tagged as bugs.
- If introducing a new feature, especially one that modifies the public API,
consider submitting an issue for discussion before a PR. Please also take a look
at existing issues / PRs to see what you're proposing has already been covered
before / exists.
- I like to follow the commit conventions documented [here](https://www.conventionalcommits.org/en/v1.0.0/#summary)
%package -n python3-dataclasses-json
Summary: Easily serialize dataclasses to and from JSON
Provides: python-dataclasses-json
BuildRequires: python3-devel
BuildRequires: python3-setuptools
BuildRequires: python3-pip
%description -n python3-dataclasses-json
# Dataclasses JSON

This library provides a simple API for encoding and decoding [dataclasses](https://docs.python.org/3/library/dataclasses.html) to and from JSON.
It's very easy to get started.
[README / Documentation website](https://lidatong.github.io/dataclasses-json). Features a navigation bar and search functionality, and should mirror this README exactly -- take a look!
## Quickstart
`pip install dataclasses-json`
from dataclasses import dataclass
from dataclasses_json import dataclass_json
class Person:
name: str
person = Person(name='lidatong')
person.to_json() # '{"name": "lidatong"}' <- this is a string
person.to_dict() # {'name': 'lidatong'} <- this is a dict
Person.from_json('{"name": "lidatong"}') # Person(1)
Person.from_dict({'name': 'lidatong'}) # Person(1)
# You can also apply _schema validation_ using an alternative API
# This can be useful for "typed" Python code
Person.from_json('{"name": 42}') # This is ok. 42 is not a `str`, but
# dataclass creation does not validate types
Person.schema().loads('{"name": 42}') # Error! Raises `ValidationError`
**What if you want to work with camelCase JSON?**
# same imports as above, with the additional `LetterCase` import
from dataclasses import dataclass
from dataclasses_json import dataclass_json, LetterCase
@dataclass_json(letter_case=LetterCase.CAMEL) # now all fields are encoded/decoded from camelCase
class ConfiguredSimpleExample:
int_field: int
ConfiguredSimpleExample(1).to_json() # {"intField": 1}
ConfiguredSimpleExample.from_json('{"intField": 1}') # ConfiguredSimpleExample(1)
## Supported types
It's recursive (see caveats below), so you can easily work with nested dataclasses.
In addition to the supported types in the
[py to JSON table](https://docs.python.org/3/library/json.html#py-to-json-table), this library supports the following:
- any arbitrary [Collection](https://docs.python.org/3/library/collections.abc.html#collections.abc.Collection) type is supported.
[Mapping](https://docs.python.org/3/library/collections.abc.html#collections.abc.Mapping) types are encoded as JSON objects and `str` types as JSON strings.
Any other Collection types are encoded into JSON arrays, but decoded into the original collection types.
- [datetime](https://docs.python.org/3/library/datetime.html#available-types)
objects. `datetime` objects are encoded to `float` (JSON number) using
As specified in the `datetime` docs, if your `datetime` object is naive, it will
assume your system local timezone when calling `.timestamp()`. JSON numbers
corresponding to a `datetime` field in your dataclass are decoded
into a datetime-aware object, with `tzinfo` set to your system local timezone.
Thus, if you encode a datetime-naive object, you will decode into a
datetime-aware object. This is important, because encoding and decoding won't
strictly be inverses. See [this section](#Overriding) if you want to override this default
behavior (for example, if you want to use ISO).
- [UUID](https://docs.python.org/3/library/uuid.html#uuid.UUID) objects. They
are encoded as `str` (JSON string).
- [Decimal](https://docs.python.org/3/library/decimal.html) objects. They are
also encoded as `str`.
**The [latest release](https://github.com/lidatong/dataclasses-json/releases/latest) is compatible with both Python 3.7 and Python 3.6 (with the dataclasses backport).**
## Usage
#### Approach 1: Class decorator
from dataclasses import dataclass
from dataclasses_json import dataclass_json
class Person:
name: str
lidatong = Person('lidatong')
# Encoding to JSON
lidatong.to_json() # '{"name": "lidatong"}'
# Decoding from JSON
Person.from_json('{"name": "lidatong"}') # Person(name='lidatong')
Note that the `@dataclass_json` decorator must be stacked above the `@dataclass`
decorator (order matters!)
#### Approach 2: Inherit from a mixin
from dataclasses import dataclass
from dataclasses_json import DataClassJsonMixin
class Person(DataClassJsonMixin):
name: str
lidatong = Person('lidatong')
# A different example from Approach 1 above, but usage is the exact same
assert Person.from_json(lidatong.to_json()) == lidatong
Pick whichever approach suits your taste. Note that there is better support for
the mixin approach when using _static analysis_ tools (e.g. linting, typing),
but the differences in implementation will be invisible in _runtime_ usage.
## How do I...
### Use my dataclass with JSON arrays or objects?
from dataclasses import dataclass
from dataclasses_json import dataclass_json
class Person:
name: str
**Encode into a JSON array containing instances of my Data Class**
people_json = [Person('lidatong')]
Person.schema().dumps(people_json, many=True) # '[{"name": "lidatong"}]'
**Decode a JSON array containing instances of my Data Class**
people_json = '[{"name": "lidatong"}]'
Person.schema().loads(people_json, many=True) # [Person(name='lidatong')]
**Encode as part of a larger JSON object containing my Data Class (e.g. an HTTP
import json
response_dict = {
'response': {
'person': Person('lidatong').to_dict()
response_json = json.dumps(response_dict)
In this case, we do two steps. First, we encode the dataclass into a
**python dictionary** rather than a JSON string, using `.to_dict`.
Second, we leverage the built-in `json.dumps` to serialize our `dataclass` into
a JSON string.
**Decode as part of a larger JSON object containing my Data Class (e.g. an HTTP
import json
response_dict = json.loads('{"response": {"person": {"name": "lidatong"}}}')
person_dict = response_dict['response']
person = Person.from_dict(person_dict)
In a similar vein to encoding above, we leverage the built-in `json` module.
First, call `json.loads` to read the entire JSON object into a
dictionary. We then access the key of the value containing the encoded dict of
our `Person` that we want to decode (`response_dict['response']`).
Second, we load in the dictionary using `Person.from_dict`.
### Encode or decode into Python lists/dictionaries rather than JSON?
This can be by calling `.schema()` and then using the corresponding
encoder/decoder methods, ie. `.load(...)`/`.dump(...)`.
**Encode into a single Python dictionary**
person = Person('lidatong')
person.to_dict() # {'name': 'lidatong'}
**Encode into a list of Python dictionaries**
people = [Person('lidatong')]
Person.schema().dump(people, many=True) # [{'name': 'lidatong'}]
**Decode a dictionary into a single dataclass instance**
person_dict = {'name': 'lidatong'}
Person.from_dict(person_dict) # Person(name='lidatong')
**Decode a list of dictionaries into a list of dataclass instances**
people_dicts = [{"name": "lidatong"}]
Person.schema().load(people_dicts, many=True) # [Person(name='lidatong')]
### Encode or decode from camelCase (or kebab-case)?
JSON letter case by convention is camelCase, in Python members are by convention snake_case.
You can configure it to encode/decode from other casing schemes at both the class level and the field level.
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from dataclasses_json import LetterCase, config, dataclass_json
# changing casing at the class level
class Person:
given_name: str
family_name: str
Person('Alice', 'Liddell').to_json() # '{"givenName": "Alice"}'
Person.from_json('{"givenName": "Alice", "familyName": "Liddell"}') # Person('Alice', 'Liddell')
# at the field level
class Person:
given_name: str = field(metadata=config(letter_case=LetterCase.CAMEL))
family_name: str
Person('Alice', 'Liddell').to_json() # '{"givenName": "Alice"}'
# notice how the `family_name` field is still snake_case, because it wasn't configured above
Person.from_json('{"givenName": "Alice", "family_name": "Liddell"}') # Person('Alice', 'Liddell')
**This library assumes your field follows the Python convention of snake_case naming.**
If your field is not `snake_case` to begin with and you attempt to parameterize `LetterCase`,
the behavior of encoding/decoding is undefined (most likely it will result in subtle bugs).
### Encode or decode using a different name
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from dataclasses_json import config, dataclass_json
class Person:
given_name: str = field(metadata=config(field_name="overriddenGivenName"))
Person(given_name="Alice") # Person('Alice')
Person.from_json('{"overriddenGivenName": "Alice"}') # Person('Alice')
Person('Alice').to_json() # {"overriddenGivenName": "Alice"}
### Handle missing or optional field values when decoding?
By default, any fields in your dataclass that use `default` or
`default_factory` will have the values filled with the provided default, if the
corresponding field is missing from the JSON you're decoding.
**Decode JSON with missing field**
class Student:
id: int
name: str = 'student'
Student.from_json('{"id": 1}') # Student(id=1, name='student')
Notice `from_json` filled the field `name` with the specified default 'student'
when it was missing from the JSON.
Sometimes you have fields that are typed as `Optional`, but you don't
necessarily want to assign a default. In that case, you can use the
`infer_missing` kwarg to make `from_json` infer the missing field value as `None`.
**Decode optional field without default**
class Tutor:
id: int
student: Optional[Student] = None
Tutor.from_json('{"id": 1}') # Tutor(id=1, student=None)
Personally I recommend you leverage dataclass defaults rather than using
`infer_missing`, but if for some reason you need to decouple the behavior of
JSON decoding from the field's default value, this will allow you to do so.
### Handle unknown / extraneous fields in JSON?
By default, it is up to the implementation what happens when a `json_dataclass` receives input parameters that are not defined.
(the `from_dict` method ignores them, when loading using `schema()` a ValidationError is raised.)
There are three ways to customize this behavior.
Assume you want to instantiate a dataclass with the following dictionary:
dump_dict = {"endpoint": "some_api_endpoint", "data": {"foo": 1, "bar": "2"}, "undefined_field_name": [1, 2, 3]}
1. You can enforce to always raise an error by setting the `undefined` keyword to `Undefined.RAISE`
(`'RAISE'` as a case-insensitive string works as well). Of course it works normally if you don't pass any undefined parameters.
from dataclasses_json import Undefined
class ExactAPIDump:
endpoint: str
data: Dict[str, Any]
dump = ExactAPIDump.from_dict(dump_dict) # raises UndefinedParameterError
2. You can simply ignore any undefined parameters by setting the `undefined` keyword to `Undefined.EXCLUDE`
(`'EXCLUDE'` as a case-insensitive string works as well). Note that you will not be able to retrieve them using `to_dict`:
from dataclasses_json import Undefined
class DontCareAPIDump:
endpoint: str
data: Dict[str, Any]
dump = DontCareAPIDump.from_dict(dump_dict) # DontCareAPIDump(endpoint='some_api_endpoint', data={'foo': 1, 'bar': '2'})
dump.to_dict() # {"endpoint": "some_api_endpoint", "data": {"foo": 1, "bar": "2"}}
3. You can save them in a catch-all field and do whatever needs to be done later. Simply set the `undefined`
keyword to `Undefined.INCLUDE` (`'INCLUDE'` as a case-insensitive string works as well) and define a field
of type `CatchAll` where all unknown values will end up.
This simply represents a dictionary that can hold anything.
If there are no undefined parameters, this will be an empty dictionary.
from dataclasses_json import Undefined, CatchAll
class UnknownAPIDump:
endpoint: str
data: Dict[str, Any]
unknown_things: CatchAll
dump = UnknownAPIDump.from_dict(dump_dict) # UnknownAPIDump(endpoint='some_api_endpoint', data={'foo': 1, 'bar': '2'}, unknown_things={'undefined_field_name': [1, 2, 3]})
dump.to_dict() # {'endpoint': 'some_api_endpoint', 'data': {'foo': 1, 'bar': '2'}, 'undefined_field_name': [1, 2, 3]}
- When using `Undefined.INCLUDE`, an `UndefinedParameterError` will be raised if you don't specify
exactly one field of type `CatchAll`.
- Note that `LetterCase` does not affect values written into the `CatchAll` field, they will be as they are given.
- When specifying a default (or a default factory) for the the `CatchAll`-field, e.g. `unknown_things: CatchAll = None`, the default value will be used instead of an empty dict if there are no undefined parameters.
- Calling __init__ with non-keyword arguments resolves the arguments to the defined fields and writes everything else into the catch-all field.
4. All 3 options work as well using `schema().loads` and `schema().dumps`, as long as you don't overwrite it by specifying `schema(unknown=)`.
marshmallow uses the same 3 keywords ['include', 'exclude', 'raise'](https://marshmallow.readthedocs.io/en/stable/quickstart.html#handling-unknown-fields).
5. All 3 operations work as well using `__init__`, e.g. `UnknownAPIDump(**dump_dict)` will **not** raise a `TypeError`, but write all unknown values to the field tagged as `CatchAll`.
Classes tagged with `EXCLUDE` will also simply ignore unknown parameters. Note that classes tagged as `RAISE` still raise a `TypeError`, and **not** a `UndefinedParameterError` if supplied with unknown keywords.
### Override the default encode / decode / marshmallow field of a specific field?
See [Overriding](#Overriding)
### Handle recursive dataclasses?
Object hierarchies where fields are of the type that they are declared within require a small
type hinting trick to declare the forward reference.
from typing import Optional
from dataclasses import dataclass
from dataclasses_json import dataclass_json
class Tree():
value: str
left: Optional['Tree']
right: Optional['Tree']
Avoid using
from __future__ import annotations
as it will cause problems with the way dataclasses_json accesses the type annotations.
## Marshmallow interop
Using the `dataclass_json` decorator or mixing in `DataClassJsonMixin` will
provide you with an additional method `.schema()`.
`.schema()` generates a schema exactly equivalent to manually creating a
marshmallow schema for your dataclass. You can reference the [marshmallow API docs](https://marshmallow.readthedocs.io/en/3.0/api_reference.html#schema)
to learn other ways you can use the schema returned by `.schema()`.
You can pass in the exact same arguments to `.schema()` that you would when
constructing a `PersonSchema` instance, e.g. `.schema(many=True)`, and they will
get passed through to the marshmallow schema.
from dataclasses import dataclass
from dataclasses_json import dataclass_json
class Person:
name: str
# You don't need to do this - it's generated for you by `.schema()`!
from marshmallow import Schema, fields
class PersonSchema(Schema):
name = fields.Str()
Briefly, on what's going on under the hood in the above examples: calling
`.schema()` will have this library generate a
[marshmallow schema]('https://marshmallow.readthedocs.io/en/3.0/api_reference.html#schema)
for you. It also fills in the corresponding object hook, so that marshmallow
will create an instance of your Data Class on `load` (e.g.
`Person.schema().load` returns a `Person`) rather than a `dict`, which it does
by default in marshmallow.
**Performance note**
`.schema()` is not cached (it generates the schema on every call), so if you
have a nested Data Class you may want to save the result to a variable to
avoid re-generation of the schema on every usage.
person_schema = Person.schema()
person_schema.dump(people, many=True)
# later in the code...
## Overriding / Extending
#### Overriding
For example, you might want to encode/decode `datetime` objects using ISO format
rather than the default `timestamp`.
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from dataclasses_json import dataclass_json, config
from datetime import datetime
from marshmallow import fields
class DataClassWithIsoDatetime:
created_at: datetime = field(
#### Extending
Similarly, you might want to extend `dataclasses_json` to encode `date` objects.
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from dataclasses_json import dataclass_json, config
from datetime import date
from marshmallow import fields
class DataClassWithIsoDatetime:
created_at: date = field(
encoder= date.isoformat,
decoder= date.fromisoformat,
mm_field= fields.DateTime(format='iso')
As you can see, you can **override** or **extend** the default codecs by providing a "hook" via a
- `encoder`: a callable, which will be invoked to convert the field value when encoding to JSON
- `decoder`: a callable, which will be invoked to convert the JSON value when decoding from JSON
- `mm_field`: a marshmallow field, which will affect the behavior of any operations involving `.schema()`
Note that these hooks will be invoked regardless if you're using
and `.from_json`/`load`/`loads`. So apply overrides / extensions judiciously, making sure to
carefully consider whether the interaction of the encode/decode/mm_field is consistent with what you expect!
#### What if I have other dataclass field extensions that rely on `metadata`
All the `dataclasses_json.config` does is return a mapping, namespaced under the key `'dataclasses_json'`.
Say there's another module, `other_dataclass_package` that uses metadata. Here's how you solve your problem:
metadata = {'other_dataclass_package': 'some metadata...'} # pre-existing metadata for another dataclass package
dataclass_json_config = config(
class DataClassWithIsoDatetime:
created_at: datetime = field(metadata=metadata)
You can also manually specify the dataclass_json configuration mapping.
class DataClassWithIsoDatetime:
created_at: date = field(
metadata={'dataclasses_json': {
'encoder': date.isoformat,
'decoder': date.fromisoformat,
'mm_field': fields.DateTime(format='iso')
## A larger example
from dataclasses import dataclass
from dataclasses_json import dataclass_json
from typing import List
class Minion:
name: str
class Boss:
minions: List[Minion]
boss = Boss([Minion('evil minion'), Minion('very evil minion')])
boss_json = """
"minions": [
"name": "evil minion"
"name": "very evil minion"
assert boss.to_json(indent=4) == boss_json
assert Boss.from_json(boss_json) == boss
## Performance
Take a look at [this issue](https://github.com/lidatong/dataclasses-json/issues/228)
## Versioning
Note this library is still pre-1.0.0 (SEMVER).
The current convention is:
- **PATCH** version upgrades for bug fixes and minor feature additions.
- **MINOR** version upgrades for big API features and breaking changes.
Once this library is 1.0.0, it will follow standard SEMVER conventions.
## Roadmap
Currently the focus is on investigating and fixing bugs in this library, working
on performance, and finishing [this issue](https://github.com/lidatong/dataclasses-json/issues/31).
That said, if you think there's a feature missing / something new needed in the
library, please see the contributing section below.
## Contributing
First of all, thank you for being interested in contributing to this library.
I really appreciate you taking the time to work on this project.
- If you're just interested in getting into the code, a good place to start are
issues tagged as bugs.
- If introducing a new feature, especially one that modifies the public API,
consider submitting an issue for discussion before a PR. Please also take a look
at existing issues / PRs to see what you're proposing has already been covered
before / exists.
- I like to follow the commit conventions documented [here](https://www.conventionalcommits.org/en/v1.0.0/#summary)
%package help
Summary: Development documents and examples for dataclasses-json
Provides: python3-dataclasses-json-doc
%description help
# Dataclasses JSON

This library provides a simple API for encoding and decoding [dataclasses](https://docs.python.org/3/library/dataclasses.html) to and from JSON.
It's very easy to get started.
[README / Documentation website](https://lidatong.github.io/dataclasses-json). Features a navigation bar and search functionality, and should mirror this README exactly -- take a look!
## Quickstart
`pip install dataclasses-json`
from dataclasses import dataclass
from dataclasses_json import dataclass_json
class Person:
name: str
person = Person(name='lidatong')
person.to_json() # '{"name": "lidatong"}' <- this is a string
person.to_dict() # {'name': 'lidatong'} <- this is a dict
Person.from_json('{"name": "lidatong"}') # Person(1)
Person.from_dict({'name': 'lidatong'}) # Person(1)
# You can also apply _schema validation_ using an alternative API
# This can be useful for "typed" Python code
Person.from_json('{"name": 42}') # This is ok. 42 is not a `str`, but
# dataclass creation does not validate types
Person.schema().loads('{"name": 42}') # Error! Raises `ValidationError`
**What if you want to work with camelCase JSON?**
# same imports as above, with the additional `LetterCase` import
from dataclasses import dataclass
from dataclasses_json import dataclass_json, LetterCase
@dataclass_json(letter_case=LetterCase.CAMEL) # now all fields are encoded/decoded from camelCase
class ConfiguredSimpleExample:
int_field: int
ConfiguredSimpleExample(1).to_json() # {"intField": 1}
ConfiguredSimpleExample.from_json('{"intField": 1}') # ConfiguredSimpleExample(1)
## Supported types
It's recursive (see caveats below), so you can easily work with nested dataclasses.
In addition to the supported types in the
[py to JSON table](https://docs.python.org/3/library/json.html#py-to-json-table), this library supports the following:
- any arbitrary [Collection](https://docs.python.org/3/library/collections.abc.html#collections.abc.Collection) type is supported.
[Mapping](https://docs.python.org/3/library/collections.abc.html#collections.abc.Mapping) types are encoded as JSON objects and `str` types as JSON strings.
Any other Collection types are encoded into JSON arrays, but decoded into the original collection types.
- [datetime](https://docs.python.org/3/library/datetime.html#available-types)
objects. `datetime` objects are encoded to `float` (JSON number) using
As specified in the `datetime` docs, if your `datetime` object is naive, it will
assume your system local timezone when calling `.timestamp()`. JSON numbers
corresponding to a `datetime` field in your dataclass are decoded
into a datetime-aware object, with `tzinfo` set to your system local timezone.
Thus, if you encode a datetime-naive object, you will decode into a
datetime-aware object. This is important, because encoding and decoding won't
strictly be inverses. See [this section](#Overriding) if you want to override this default
behavior (for example, if you want to use ISO).
- [UUID](https://docs.python.org/3/library/uuid.html#uuid.UUID) objects. They
are encoded as `str` (JSON string).
- [Decimal](https://docs.python.org/3/library/decimal.html) objects. They are
also encoded as `str`.
**The [latest release](https://github.com/lidatong/dataclasses-json/releases/latest) is compatible with both Python 3.7 and Python 3.6 (with the dataclasses backport).**
## Usage
#### Approach 1: Class decorator
from dataclasses import dataclass
from dataclasses_json import dataclass_json
class Person:
name: str
lidatong = Person('lidatong')
# Encoding to JSON
lidatong.to_json() # '{"name": "lidatong"}'
# Decoding from JSON
Person.from_json('{"name": "lidatong"}') # Person(name='lidatong')
Note that the `@dataclass_json` decorator must be stacked above the `@dataclass`
decorator (order matters!)
#### Approach 2: Inherit from a mixin
from dataclasses import dataclass
from dataclasses_json import DataClassJsonMixin
class Person(DataClassJsonMixin):
name: str
lidatong = Person('lidatong')
# A different example from Approach 1 above, but usage is the exact same
assert Person.from_json(lidatong.to_json()) == lidatong
Pick whichever approach suits your taste. Note that there is better support for
the mixin approach when using _static analysis_ tools (e.g. linting, typing),
but the differences in implementation will be invisible in _runtime_ usage.
## How do I...
### Use my dataclass with JSON arrays or objects?
from dataclasses import dataclass
from dataclasses_json import dataclass_json
class Person:
name: str
**Encode into a JSON array containing instances of my Data Class**
people_json = [Person('lidatong')]
Person.schema().dumps(people_json, many=True) # '[{"name": "lidatong"}]'
**Decode a JSON array containing instances of my Data Class**
people_json = '[{"name": "lidatong"}]'
Person.schema().loads(people_json, many=True) # [Person(name='lidatong')]
**Encode as part of a larger JSON object containing my Data Class (e.g. an HTTP
import json
response_dict = {
'response': {
'person': Person('lidatong').to_dict()
response_json = json.dumps(response_dict)
In this case, we do two steps. First, we encode the dataclass into a
**python dictionary** rather than a JSON string, using `.to_dict`.
Second, we leverage the built-in `json.dumps` to serialize our `dataclass` into
a JSON string.
**Decode as part of a larger JSON object containing my Data Class (e.g. an HTTP
import json
response_dict = json.loads('{"response": {"person": {"name": "lidatong"}}}')
person_dict = response_dict['response']
person = Person.from_dict(person_dict)
In a similar vein to encoding above, we leverage the built-in `json` module.
First, call `json.loads` to read the entire JSON object into a
dictionary. We then access the key of the value containing the encoded dict of
our `Person` that we want to decode (`response_dict['response']`).
Second, we load in the dictionary using `Person.from_dict`.
### Encode or decode into Python lists/dictionaries rather than JSON?
This can be by calling `.schema()` and then using the corresponding
encoder/decoder methods, ie. `.load(...)`/`.dump(...)`.
**Encode into a single Python dictionary**
person = Person('lidatong')
person.to_dict() # {'name': 'lidatong'}
**Encode into a list of Python dictionaries**
people = [Person('lidatong')]
Person.schema().dump(people, many=True) # [{'name': 'lidatong'}]
**Decode a dictionary into a single dataclass instance**
person_dict = {'name': 'lidatong'}
Person.from_dict(person_dict) # Person(name='lidatong')
**Decode a list of dictionaries into a list of dataclass instances**
people_dicts = [{"name": "lidatong"}]
Person.schema().load(people_dicts, many=True) # [Person(name='lidatong')]
### Encode or decode from camelCase (or kebab-case)?
JSON letter case by convention is camelCase, in Python members are by convention snake_case.
You can configure it to encode/decode from other casing schemes at both the class level and the field level.
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from dataclasses_json import LetterCase, config, dataclass_json
# changing casing at the class level
class Person:
given_name: str
family_name: str
Person('Alice', 'Liddell').to_json() # '{"givenName": "Alice"}'
Person.from_json('{"givenName": "Alice", "familyName": "Liddell"}') # Person('Alice', 'Liddell')
# at the field level
class Person:
given_name: str = field(metadata=config(letter_case=LetterCase.CAMEL))
family_name: str
Person('Alice', 'Liddell').to_json() # '{"givenName": "Alice"}'
# notice how the `family_name` field is still snake_case, because it wasn't configured above
Person.from_json('{"givenName": "Alice", "family_name": "Liddell"}') # Person('Alice', 'Liddell')
**This library assumes your field follows the Python convention of snake_case naming.**
If your field is not `snake_case` to begin with and you attempt to parameterize `LetterCase`,
the behavior of encoding/decoding is undefined (most likely it will result in subtle bugs).
### Encode or decode using a different name
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from dataclasses_json import config, dataclass_json
class Person:
given_name: str = field(metadata=config(field_name="overriddenGivenName"))
Person(given_name="Alice") # Person('Alice')
Person.from_json('{"overriddenGivenName": "Alice"}') # Person('Alice')
Person('Alice').to_json() # {"overriddenGivenName": "Alice"}
### Handle missing or optional field values when decoding?
By default, any fields in your dataclass that use `default` or
`default_factory` will have the values filled with the provided default, if the
corresponding field is missing from the JSON you're decoding.
**Decode JSON with missing field**
class Student:
id: int
name: str = 'student'
Student.from_json('{"id": 1}') # Student(id=1, name='student')
Notice `from_json` filled the field `name` with the specified default 'student'
when it was missing from the JSON.
Sometimes you have fields that are typed as `Optional`, but you don't
necessarily want to assign a default. In that case, you can use the
`infer_missing` kwarg to make `from_json` infer the missing field value as `None`.
**Decode optional field without default**
class Tutor:
id: int
student: Optional[Student] = None
Tutor.from_json('{"id": 1}') # Tutor(id=1, student=None)
Personally I recommend you leverage dataclass defaults rather than using
`infer_missing`, but if for some reason you need to decouple the behavior of
JSON decoding from the field's default value, this will allow you to do so.
### Handle unknown / extraneous fields in JSON?
By default, it is up to the implementation what happens when a `json_dataclass` receives input parameters that are not defined.
(the `from_dict` method ignores them, when loading using `schema()` a ValidationError is raised.)
There are three ways to customize this behavior.
Assume you want to instantiate a dataclass with the following dictionary:
dump_dict = {"endpoint": "some_api_endpoint", "data": {"foo": 1, "bar": "2"}, "undefined_field_name": [1, 2, 3]}
1. You can enforce to always raise an error by setting the `undefined` keyword to `Undefined.RAISE`
(`'RAISE'` as a case-insensitive string works as well). Of course it works normally if you don't pass any undefined parameters.
from dataclasses_json import Undefined
class ExactAPIDump:
endpoint: str
data: Dict[str, Any]
dump = ExactAPIDump.from_dict(dump_dict) # raises UndefinedParameterError
2. You can simply ignore any undefined parameters by setting the `undefined` keyword to `Undefined.EXCLUDE`
(`'EXCLUDE'` as a case-insensitive string works as well). Note that you will not be able to retrieve them using `to_dict`:
from dataclasses_json import Undefined
class DontCareAPIDump:
endpoint: str
data: Dict[str, Any]
dump = DontCareAPIDump.from_dict(dump_dict) # DontCareAPIDump(endpoint='some_api_endpoint', data={'foo': 1, 'bar': '2'})
dump.to_dict() # {"endpoint": "some_api_endpoint", "data": {"foo": 1, "bar": "2"}}
3. You can save them in a catch-all field and do whatever needs to be done later. Simply set the `undefined`
keyword to `Undefined.INCLUDE` (`'INCLUDE'` as a case-insensitive string works as well) and define a field
of type `CatchAll` where all unknown values will end up.
This simply represents a dictionary that can hold anything.
If there are no undefined parameters, this will be an empty dictionary.
from dataclasses_json import Undefined, CatchAll
class UnknownAPIDump:
endpoint: str
data: Dict[str, Any]
unknown_things: CatchAll
dump = UnknownAPIDump.from_dict(dump_dict) # UnknownAPIDump(endpoint='some_api_endpoint', data={'foo': 1, 'bar': '2'}, unknown_things={'undefined_field_name': [1, 2, 3]})
dump.to_dict() # {'endpoint': 'some_api_endpoint', 'data': {'foo': 1, 'bar': '2'}, 'undefined_field_name': [1, 2, 3]}
- When using `Undefined.INCLUDE`, an `UndefinedParameterError` will be raised if you don't specify
exactly one field of type `CatchAll`.
- Note that `LetterCase` does not affect values written into the `CatchAll` field, they will be as they are given.
- When specifying a default (or a default factory) for the the `CatchAll`-field, e.g. `unknown_things: CatchAll = None`, the default value will be used instead of an empty dict if there are no undefined parameters.
- Calling __init__ with non-keyword arguments resolves the arguments to the defined fields and writes everything else into the catch-all field.
4. All 3 options work as well using `schema().loads` and `schema().dumps`, as long as you don't overwrite it by specifying `schema(unknown=)`.
marshmallow uses the same 3 keywords ['include', 'exclude', 'raise'](https://marshmallow.readthedocs.io/en/stable/quickstart.html#handling-unknown-fields).
5. All 3 operations work as well using `__init__`, e.g. `UnknownAPIDump(**dump_dict)` will **not** raise a `TypeError`, but write all unknown values to the field tagged as `CatchAll`.
Classes tagged with `EXCLUDE` will also simply ignore unknown parameters. Note that classes tagged as `RAISE` still raise a `TypeError`, and **not** a `UndefinedParameterError` if supplied with unknown keywords.
### Override the default encode / decode / marshmallow field of a specific field?
See [Overriding](#Overriding)
### Handle recursive dataclasses?
Object hierarchies where fields are of the type that they are declared within require a small
type hinting trick to declare the forward reference.
from typing import Optional
from dataclasses import dataclass
from dataclasses_json import dataclass_json
class Tree():
value: str
left: Optional['Tree']
right: Optional['Tree']
Avoid using
from __future__ import annotations
as it will cause problems with the way dataclasses_json accesses the type annotations.
## Marshmallow interop
Using the `dataclass_json` decorator or mixing in `DataClassJsonMixin` will
provide you with an additional method `.schema()`.
`.schema()` generates a schema exactly equivalent to manually creating a
marshmallow schema for your dataclass. You can reference the [marshmallow API docs](https://marshmallow.readthedocs.io/en/3.0/api_reference.html#schema)
to learn other ways you can use the schema returned by `.schema()`.
You can pass in the exact same arguments to `.schema()` that you would when
constructing a `PersonSchema` instance, e.g. `.schema(many=True)`, and they will
get passed through to the marshmallow schema.
from dataclasses import dataclass
from dataclasses_json import dataclass_json
class Person:
name: str
# You don't need to do this - it's generated for you by `.schema()`!
from marshmallow import Schema, fields
class PersonSchema(Schema):
name = fields.Str()
Briefly, on what's going on under the hood in the above examples: calling
`.schema()` will have this library generate a
[marshmallow schema]('https://marshmallow.readthedocs.io/en/3.0/api_reference.html#schema)
for you. It also fills in the corresponding object hook, so that marshmallow
will create an instance of your Data Class on `load` (e.g.
`Person.schema().load` returns a `Person`) rather than a `dict`, which it does
by default in marshmallow.
**Performance note**
`.schema()` is not cached (it generates the schema on every call), so if you
have a nested Data Class you may want to save the result to a variable to
avoid re-generation of the schema on every usage.
person_schema = Person.schema()
person_schema.dump(people, many=True)
# later in the code...
## Overriding / Extending
#### Overriding
For example, you might want to encode/decode `datetime` objects using ISO format
rather than the default `timestamp`.
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from dataclasses_json import dataclass_json, config
from datetime import datetime
from marshmallow import fields
class DataClassWithIsoDatetime:
created_at: datetime = field(
#### Extending
Similarly, you might want to extend `dataclasses_json` to encode `date` objects.
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from dataclasses_json import dataclass_json, config
from datetime import date
from marshmallow import fields
class DataClassWithIsoDatetime:
created_at: date = field(
encoder= date.isoformat,
decoder= date.fromisoformat,
mm_field= fields.DateTime(format='iso')
As you can see, you can **override** or **extend** the default codecs by providing a "hook" via a
- `encoder`: a callable, which will be invoked to convert the field value when encoding to JSON
- `decoder`: a callable, which will be invoked to convert the JSON value when decoding from JSON
- `mm_field`: a marshmallow field, which will affect the behavior of any operations involving `.schema()`
Note that these hooks will be invoked regardless if you're using
and `.from_json`/`load`/`loads`. So apply overrides / extensions judiciously, making sure to
carefully consider whether the interaction of the encode/decode/mm_field is consistent with what you expect!
#### What if I have other dataclass field extensions that rely on `metadata`
All the `dataclasses_json.config` does is return a mapping, namespaced under the key `'dataclasses_json'`.
Say there's another module, `other_dataclass_package` that uses metadata. Here's how you solve your problem:
metadata = {'other_dataclass_package': 'some metadata...'} # pre-existing metadata for another dataclass package
dataclass_json_config = config(
class DataClassWithIsoDatetime:
created_at: datetime = field(metadata=metadata)
You can also manually specify the dataclass_json configuration mapping.
class DataClassWithIsoDatetime:
created_at: date = field(
metadata={'dataclasses_json': {
'encoder': date.isoformat,
'decoder': date.fromisoformat,
'mm_field': fields.DateTime(format='iso')
## A larger example
from dataclasses import dataclass
from dataclasses_json import dataclass_json
from typing import List
class Minion:
name: str
class Boss:
minions: List[Minion]
boss = Boss([Minion('evil minion'), Minion('very evil minion')])
boss_json = """
"minions": [
"name": "evil minion"
"name": "very evil minion"
assert boss.to_json(indent=4) == boss_json
assert Boss.from_json(boss_json) == boss
## Performance
Take a look at [this issue](https://github.com/lidatong/dataclasses-json/issues/228)
## Versioning
Note this library is still pre-1.0.0 (SEMVER).
The current convention is:
- **PATCH** version upgrades for bug fixes and minor feature additions.
- **MINOR** version upgrades for big API features and breaking changes.
Once this library is 1.0.0, it will follow standard SEMVER conventions.
## Roadmap
Currently the focus is on investigating and fixing bugs in this library, working
on performance, and finishing [this issue](https://github.com/lidatong/dataclasses-json/issues/31).
That said, if you think there's a feature missing / something new needed in the
library, please see the contributing section below.
## Contributing
First of all, thank you for being interested in contributing to this library.
I really appreciate you taking the time to work on this project.
- If you're just interested in getting into the code, a good place to start are
issues tagged as bugs.
- If introducing a new feature, especially one that modifies the public API,
consider submitting an issue for discussion before a PR. Please also take a look
at existing issues / PRs to see what you're proposing has already been covered
before / exists.
- I like to follow the commit conventions documented [here](https://www.conventionalcommits.org/en/v1.0.0/#summary)
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* Mon Apr 10 2023 Python_Bot - 0.5.7-1
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