%global _empty_manifest_terminate_build 0
Name: python-taskipy
Version: 1.10.4
Release: 1
Summary: tasks runner for python projects
License: MIT
URL: https://github.com/taskipy/taskipy
Source0: https://mirrors.nju.edu.cn/pypi/web/packages/1a/9f/b560ec7eb08dea17fdafff9abb2a5798922b622b7e118f1bc508b05c23fc/taskipy-1.10.4.tar.gz
BuildArch: noarch
Requires: python3-tomli
Requires: python3-tomli
Requires: python3-psutil
Requires: python3-mslex
Requires: python3-colorama
- [General](#general)
- [Requirements](#requirements)
- [Usage](#usage)
- [Installation](#installation)
- [Adding Tasks](#adding-tasks)
- [Running Tasks](#running-tasks)
- [Passing Command Line Args to Tasks](#passing-command-line-args-to-tasks)
- [Composing Tasks](#composing-tasks)
- [Grouping Subtasks Together](#grouping-subtasks-together)
- [Pre Task Hook](#pre-task-hook)
- [Post Task Hook](#post-task-hook)
- [Using Variables](#using-variables)
- [String Formatting](#string-formatting)
- [Always Use Variables](#always-use-variables)
- [Recursive Variables](#recursive-variables)
- [Using Taskipy Without Poetry](#using-taskipy-without-poetry)
- [Installing With PIP](#installing-with-pip)
- [Running Tasks](#running-tasks-1)
- [Advanced Use Cases](#advanced-use-cases)
- [Maintainers :construction:](#maintainers-construction)
- [Contributors :sparkles:](#contributors-sparkles)
## General
**The complementary task runner for python.**
Every development pipeline has tasks, such as `test`, `lint` or `publish`. With taskipy, you can define those tasks in one file and run them with a simple command.
For instance, instead of running the following command:
python -m unittest tests/test_*.py
You can create a task called `test` and simply run:
poetry run task test
Or (if you're not using poetry):
task test
In addition, you can compose tasks and group them together, and also create dependencies between them.
This project is heavily inspired by npm's [run script command](https://docs.npmjs.com/cli/run-script).
## Requirements
Python 3.6 or newer.
Your project directory should include a valid `pyproject.toml` file, as specified in [PEP-518](https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0518/).
## Usage
### Installation
To install taskipy as a dev dependency, simply run:
poetry add --dev taskipy
### Adding Tasks
In your `pyproject.toml` file, add a new section called `[tool.taskipy.tasks]`.
The section is a key-value map, from the names of the task to the actual command that should be run in the shell.
There are two ways to define tasks. The easy way is to simply write the command down as a string:
test = "python -m unittest tests/test_*.py"
lint = "pylint tests taskipy"
Alternatively, you can define tasks more explicitly by declaring both the command and a helpful description using an inline table:
test = { cmd = "python -m unittest tests/test_*.py", help = "runs all unit tests" }
lint = { cmd = "pylint tests taskipy", help = "confirms code style using pylint" }
The explicit notation is more verbose, but provides better context to anyone who uses the task.
### Running Tasks
In order to run a task, run the following command in your terminal:
$ poetry run task test
You can also list all existing tasks by running the following:
$ poetry run task --list
test python -m unittest tests/test_*.py
lint pylint tests taskipy
If you declared your task explicitly, you will see the description of the task by the side of the task's name:
$ poetry run task --list
test runs all unit tests
lint confirms code style using pylint
### Passing Command Line Args to Tasks
If you want to pass command line arguments to tasks (positional or named), simply append them to the end of the task command.
For example, running the above task like this:
poetry run task test -h
Is equivalent to running:
python -m unittest tests/test_*.py -h
And will show unittest's help instead of actually running it.
> ⚠️ Note: if you are using pre \ post hooks, do notice that arguments are not passed to them, only to the task itself.
### Composing Tasks
#### Grouping Subtasks Together
Some tasks are composed of multiple subtasks. Instead of writing plain shell commands and stringing them together, you can break them down into multiple subtasks:
lint_pylint = "pylint tests taskipy"
lint_mypy = "mypy tests taskipy"
And then create a composite task:
lint = "task lint_pylint && task lint_mypy"
lint_pylint = "pylint tests taskipy"
lint_mypy = "mypy tests taskipy"
#### Pre Task Hook
Tasks might also depend on one another. For example, tests might require some binaries to be built. Take the two following commands, for instance:
test = "python -m unittest tests/test_*.py"
build = "make ."
You could make tests depend on building, by using the **pretask hook**:
pre_test = "task build"
test = "python -m unittest tests/test_*.py"
build = "make ."
The pretask hook looks for `pre_` task for a given `task_name`. It will run it before running the task itself. If the pretask fails, then taskipy will exit without running the task itself.
#### Post Task Hook
From time to time, you might want to run a task in conjuction with another. For example, you might want to run linting after a successful test run. Take the two following commands, for instance:
test = "python -m unittest tests/test_*.py"
lint = "pylint tests taskipy"
You could make tests trigger linting, by using the **posttask hook**:
test = "python -m unittest tests/test_*.py"
post_test = "task lint"
lint = "pylint tests taskipy"
The posttask hook looks for `post_` task for a given `task_name`. It will run it after running the task itself. If the task failed, then taskipy will not run the posttask hook.
### Using Variables
In some cases, you might find yourself passing the same arguments over and over again. Let us take a look at the following tasks:
lint = "pylint path/to/my_module"
black = "black path/to/my_module"
As you can see, we provide the same path argument to both `pylint` and `black`.
In order to encourage DRY and improve your ability to change these values later on, taskipy actually lets you declare and reuse variables in your tasks:
path = "path/to/my_module"
lint = { cmd = "pylint {path}", use_vars = true }
black = { cmd = "pylint {path}", use_vars = true }
We have made the following changes to our configuration:
1. We declared variables under `tool.taskipy.variables`
2. We flagged the relevant task using `use_vars` to note that they should use the variables
3. We replaced the repeating path with a `{path}` variable
#### String Formatting
The formatting of the task commands uses python's own `string.format` method, and therefore supports everything that python's [formatted string literals](https://docs.python.org/3/tutorial/inputoutput.html#formatted-string-literals) let you do.
#### Always Use Variables
Using variables is opt-in, which means that by default commands do **not** use them, and you will have to turn them on a task to task basis.
If you want to turn on `use_vars` globally, all you need to do is to declare that under taskipy's **settings** table:
use_vars = true
path = "path/to/my_module"
lint = "pylint {path}"
black = "black {path}"
#### Recursive Variables
If we want to use variables within other variables, we can utilize recursive variables. By default, variables are not recursive, but we can specify a variable to be recursive by setting the `recursive` key to `true`.
use_vars = true
src_dir = "src"
package_dir = { var = "{src_dir}/package", recursive = true }
echo = "echo {package_dir}"
In this example, we could run `task echo` and we would then see `src/package`.
### Using Taskipy Without Poetry
Taskipy was created with poetry projects in mind, but actually only requires a valid `pyproject.toml` file in your project's directory. As a result, you can use it even eithout poetry:
#### Installing With PIP
Install taskipy on your machine or in your virtualenv using:
pip install taskipy
#### Running Tasks
Head into your project's directory (don't forget to activate virtualenv if you're using one), and run the following command:
task TASK
Where `TASK` is the name of your task.
### Advanced Use Cases
If you have a more specific use case, you might not be the first to run into it! Head over to the [ADVANCED_FEATURES](./docs/ADVANCED_FEATURES.md) doc, and look it up.
## Maintainers :construction:
## Contributors :sparkles:
Thanks goes to these wonderful people ([emoji key](https://allcontributors.org/docs/en/emoji-key)):
This project follows the [all-contributors](https://github.com/all-contributors/all-contributors)
specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!
%package -n python3-taskipy
Summary: tasks runner for python projects
Provides: python-taskipy
BuildRequires: python3-devel
BuildRequires: python3-setuptools
BuildRequires: python3-pip
%description -n python3-taskipy
- [General](#general)
- [Requirements](#requirements)
- [Usage](#usage)
- [Installation](#installation)
- [Adding Tasks](#adding-tasks)
- [Running Tasks](#running-tasks)
- [Passing Command Line Args to Tasks](#passing-command-line-args-to-tasks)
- [Composing Tasks](#composing-tasks)
- [Grouping Subtasks Together](#grouping-subtasks-together)
- [Pre Task Hook](#pre-task-hook)
- [Post Task Hook](#post-task-hook)
- [Using Variables](#using-variables)
- [String Formatting](#string-formatting)
- [Always Use Variables](#always-use-variables)
- [Recursive Variables](#recursive-variables)
- [Using Taskipy Without Poetry](#using-taskipy-without-poetry)
- [Installing With PIP](#installing-with-pip)
- [Running Tasks](#running-tasks-1)
- [Advanced Use Cases](#advanced-use-cases)
- [Maintainers :construction:](#maintainers-construction)
- [Contributors :sparkles:](#contributors-sparkles)
## General
**The complementary task runner for python.**
Every development pipeline has tasks, such as `test`, `lint` or `publish`. With taskipy, you can define those tasks in one file and run them with a simple command.
For instance, instead of running the following command:
python -m unittest tests/test_*.py
You can create a task called `test` and simply run:
poetry run task test
Or (if you're not using poetry):
task test
In addition, you can compose tasks and group them together, and also create dependencies between them.
This project is heavily inspired by npm's [run script command](https://docs.npmjs.com/cli/run-script).
## Requirements
Python 3.6 or newer.
Your project directory should include a valid `pyproject.toml` file, as specified in [PEP-518](https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0518/).
## Usage
### Installation
To install taskipy as a dev dependency, simply run:
poetry add --dev taskipy
### Adding Tasks
In your `pyproject.toml` file, add a new section called `[tool.taskipy.tasks]`.
The section is a key-value map, from the names of the task to the actual command that should be run in the shell.
There are two ways to define tasks. The easy way is to simply write the command down as a string:
test = "python -m unittest tests/test_*.py"
lint = "pylint tests taskipy"
Alternatively, you can define tasks more explicitly by declaring both the command and a helpful description using an inline table:
test = { cmd = "python -m unittest tests/test_*.py", help = "runs all unit tests" }
lint = { cmd = "pylint tests taskipy", help = "confirms code style using pylint" }
The explicit notation is more verbose, but provides better context to anyone who uses the task.
### Running Tasks
In order to run a task, run the following command in your terminal:
$ poetry run task test
You can also list all existing tasks by running the following:
$ poetry run task --list
test python -m unittest tests/test_*.py
lint pylint tests taskipy
If you declared your task explicitly, you will see the description of the task by the side of the task's name:
$ poetry run task --list
test runs all unit tests
lint confirms code style using pylint
### Passing Command Line Args to Tasks
If you want to pass command line arguments to tasks (positional or named), simply append them to the end of the task command.
For example, running the above task like this:
poetry run task test -h
Is equivalent to running:
python -m unittest tests/test_*.py -h
And will show unittest's help instead of actually running it.
> ⚠️ Note: if you are using pre \ post hooks, do notice that arguments are not passed to them, only to the task itself.
### Composing Tasks
#### Grouping Subtasks Together
Some tasks are composed of multiple subtasks. Instead of writing plain shell commands and stringing them together, you can break them down into multiple subtasks:
lint_pylint = "pylint tests taskipy"
lint_mypy = "mypy tests taskipy"
And then create a composite task:
lint = "task lint_pylint && task lint_mypy"
lint_pylint = "pylint tests taskipy"
lint_mypy = "mypy tests taskipy"
#### Pre Task Hook
Tasks might also depend on one another. For example, tests might require some binaries to be built. Take the two following commands, for instance:
test = "python -m unittest tests/test_*.py"
build = "make ."
You could make tests depend on building, by using the **pretask hook**:
pre_test = "task build"
test = "python -m unittest tests/test_*.py"
build = "make ."
The pretask hook looks for `pre_` task for a given `task_name`. It will run it before running the task itself. If the pretask fails, then taskipy will exit without running the task itself.
#### Post Task Hook
From time to time, you might want to run a task in conjuction with another. For example, you might want to run linting after a successful test run. Take the two following commands, for instance:
test = "python -m unittest tests/test_*.py"
lint = "pylint tests taskipy"
You could make tests trigger linting, by using the **posttask hook**:
test = "python -m unittest tests/test_*.py"
post_test = "task lint"
lint = "pylint tests taskipy"
The posttask hook looks for `post_` task for a given `task_name`. It will run it after running the task itself. If the task failed, then taskipy will not run the posttask hook.
### Using Variables
In some cases, you might find yourself passing the same arguments over and over again. Let us take a look at the following tasks:
lint = "pylint path/to/my_module"
black = "black path/to/my_module"
As you can see, we provide the same path argument to both `pylint` and `black`.
In order to encourage DRY and improve your ability to change these values later on, taskipy actually lets you declare and reuse variables in your tasks:
path = "path/to/my_module"
lint = { cmd = "pylint {path}", use_vars = true }
black = { cmd = "pylint {path}", use_vars = true }
We have made the following changes to our configuration:
1. We declared variables under `tool.taskipy.variables`
2. We flagged the relevant task using `use_vars` to note that they should use the variables
3. We replaced the repeating path with a `{path}` variable
#### String Formatting
The formatting of the task commands uses python's own `string.format` method, and therefore supports everything that python's [formatted string literals](https://docs.python.org/3/tutorial/inputoutput.html#formatted-string-literals) let you do.
#### Always Use Variables
Using variables is opt-in, which means that by default commands do **not** use them, and you will have to turn them on a task to task basis.
If you want to turn on `use_vars` globally, all you need to do is to declare that under taskipy's **settings** table:
use_vars = true
path = "path/to/my_module"
lint = "pylint {path}"
black = "black {path}"
#### Recursive Variables
If we want to use variables within other variables, we can utilize recursive variables. By default, variables are not recursive, but we can specify a variable to be recursive by setting the `recursive` key to `true`.
use_vars = true
src_dir = "src"
package_dir = { var = "{src_dir}/package", recursive = true }
echo = "echo {package_dir}"
In this example, we could run `task echo` and we would then see `src/package`.
### Using Taskipy Without Poetry
Taskipy was created with poetry projects in mind, but actually only requires a valid `pyproject.toml` file in your project's directory. As a result, you can use it even eithout poetry:
#### Installing With PIP
Install taskipy on your machine or in your virtualenv using:
pip install taskipy
#### Running Tasks
Head into your project's directory (don't forget to activate virtualenv if you're using one), and run the following command:
task TASK
Where `TASK` is the name of your task.
### Advanced Use Cases
If you have a more specific use case, you might not be the first to run into it! Head over to the [ADVANCED_FEATURES](./docs/ADVANCED_FEATURES.md) doc, and look it up.
## Maintainers :construction:
## Contributors :sparkles:
Thanks goes to these wonderful people ([emoji key](https://allcontributors.org/docs/en/emoji-key)):
This project follows the [all-contributors](https://github.com/all-contributors/all-contributors)
specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!
%package help
Summary: Development documents and examples for taskipy
Provides: python3-taskipy-doc
%description help
- [General](#general)
- [Requirements](#requirements)
- [Usage](#usage)
- [Installation](#installation)
- [Adding Tasks](#adding-tasks)
- [Running Tasks](#running-tasks)
- [Passing Command Line Args to Tasks](#passing-command-line-args-to-tasks)
- [Composing Tasks](#composing-tasks)
- [Grouping Subtasks Together](#grouping-subtasks-together)
- [Pre Task Hook](#pre-task-hook)
- [Post Task Hook](#post-task-hook)
- [Using Variables](#using-variables)
- [String Formatting](#string-formatting)
- [Always Use Variables](#always-use-variables)
- [Recursive Variables](#recursive-variables)
- [Using Taskipy Without Poetry](#using-taskipy-without-poetry)
- [Installing With PIP](#installing-with-pip)
- [Running Tasks](#running-tasks-1)
- [Advanced Use Cases](#advanced-use-cases)
- [Maintainers :construction:](#maintainers-construction)
- [Contributors :sparkles:](#contributors-sparkles)
## General
**The complementary task runner for python.**
Every development pipeline has tasks, such as `test`, `lint` or `publish`. With taskipy, you can define those tasks in one file and run them with a simple command.
For instance, instead of running the following command:
python -m unittest tests/test_*.py
You can create a task called `test` and simply run:
poetry run task test
Or (if you're not using poetry):
task test
In addition, you can compose tasks and group them together, and also create dependencies between them.
This project is heavily inspired by npm's [run script command](https://docs.npmjs.com/cli/run-script).
## Requirements
Python 3.6 or newer.
Your project directory should include a valid `pyproject.toml` file, as specified in [PEP-518](https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0518/).
## Usage
### Installation
To install taskipy as a dev dependency, simply run:
poetry add --dev taskipy
### Adding Tasks
In your `pyproject.toml` file, add a new section called `[tool.taskipy.tasks]`.
The section is a key-value map, from the names of the task to the actual command that should be run in the shell.
There are two ways to define tasks. The easy way is to simply write the command down as a string:
test = "python -m unittest tests/test_*.py"
lint = "pylint tests taskipy"
Alternatively, you can define tasks more explicitly by declaring both the command and a helpful description using an inline table:
test = { cmd = "python -m unittest tests/test_*.py", help = "runs all unit tests" }
lint = { cmd = "pylint tests taskipy", help = "confirms code style using pylint" }
The explicit notation is more verbose, but provides better context to anyone who uses the task.
### Running Tasks
In order to run a task, run the following command in your terminal:
$ poetry run task test
You can also list all existing tasks by running the following:
$ poetry run task --list
test python -m unittest tests/test_*.py
lint pylint tests taskipy
If you declared your task explicitly, you will see the description of the task by the side of the task's name:
$ poetry run task --list
test runs all unit tests
lint confirms code style using pylint
### Passing Command Line Args to Tasks
If you want to pass command line arguments to tasks (positional or named), simply append them to the end of the task command.
For example, running the above task like this:
poetry run task test -h
Is equivalent to running:
python -m unittest tests/test_*.py -h
And will show unittest's help instead of actually running it.
> ⚠️ Note: if you are using pre \ post hooks, do notice that arguments are not passed to them, only to the task itself.
### Composing Tasks
#### Grouping Subtasks Together
Some tasks are composed of multiple subtasks. Instead of writing plain shell commands and stringing them together, you can break them down into multiple subtasks:
lint_pylint = "pylint tests taskipy"
lint_mypy = "mypy tests taskipy"
And then create a composite task:
lint = "task lint_pylint && task lint_mypy"
lint_pylint = "pylint tests taskipy"
lint_mypy = "mypy tests taskipy"
#### Pre Task Hook
Tasks might also depend on one another. For example, tests might require some binaries to be built. Take the two following commands, for instance:
test = "python -m unittest tests/test_*.py"
build = "make ."
You could make tests depend on building, by using the **pretask hook**:
pre_test = "task build"
test = "python -m unittest tests/test_*.py"
build = "make ."
The pretask hook looks for `pre_` task for a given `task_name`. It will run it before running the task itself. If the pretask fails, then taskipy will exit without running the task itself.
#### Post Task Hook
From time to time, you might want to run a task in conjuction with another. For example, you might want to run linting after a successful test run. Take the two following commands, for instance:
test = "python -m unittest tests/test_*.py"
lint = "pylint tests taskipy"
You could make tests trigger linting, by using the **posttask hook**:
test = "python -m unittest tests/test_*.py"
post_test = "task lint"
lint = "pylint tests taskipy"
The posttask hook looks for `post_` task for a given `task_name`. It will run it after running the task itself. If the task failed, then taskipy will not run the posttask hook.
### Using Variables
In some cases, you might find yourself passing the same arguments over and over again. Let us take a look at the following tasks:
lint = "pylint path/to/my_module"
black = "black path/to/my_module"
As you can see, we provide the same path argument to both `pylint` and `black`.
In order to encourage DRY and improve your ability to change these values later on, taskipy actually lets you declare and reuse variables in your tasks:
path = "path/to/my_module"
lint = { cmd = "pylint {path}", use_vars = true }
black = { cmd = "pylint {path}", use_vars = true }
We have made the following changes to our configuration:
1. We declared variables under `tool.taskipy.variables`
2. We flagged the relevant task using `use_vars` to note that they should use the variables
3. We replaced the repeating path with a `{path}` variable
#### String Formatting
The formatting of the task commands uses python's own `string.format` method, and therefore supports everything that python's [formatted string literals](https://docs.python.org/3/tutorial/inputoutput.html#formatted-string-literals) let you do.
#### Always Use Variables
Using variables is opt-in, which means that by default commands do **not** use them, and you will have to turn them on a task to task basis.
If you want to turn on `use_vars` globally, all you need to do is to declare that under taskipy's **settings** table:
use_vars = true
path = "path/to/my_module"
lint = "pylint {path}"
black = "black {path}"
#### Recursive Variables
If we want to use variables within other variables, we can utilize recursive variables. By default, variables are not recursive, but we can specify a variable to be recursive by setting the `recursive` key to `true`.
use_vars = true
src_dir = "src"
package_dir = { var = "{src_dir}/package", recursive = true }
echo = "echo {package_dir}"
In this example, we could run `task echo` and we would then see `src/package`.
### Using Taskipy Without Poetry
Taskipy was created with poetry projects in mind, but actually only requires a valid `pyproject.toml` file in your project's directory. As a result, you can use it even eithout poetry:
#### Installing With PIP
Install taskipy on your machine or in your virtualenv using:
pip install taskipy
#### Running Tasks
Head into your project's directory (don't forget to activate virtualenv if you're using one), and run the following command:
task TASK
Where `TASK` is the name of your task.
### Advanced Use Cases
If you have a more specific use case, you might not be the first to run into it! Head over to the [ADVANCED_FEATURES](./docs/ADVANCED_FEATURES.md) doc, and look it up.
## Maintainers :construction:
## Contributors :sparkles:
Thanks goes to these wonderful people ([emoji key](https://allcontributors.org/docs/en/emoji-key)):
This project follows the [all-contributors](https://github.com/all-contributors/all-contributors)
specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!
%autosetup -n taskipy-1.10.4
install -d -m755 %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}
if [ -d doc ]; then cp -arf doc %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi
if [ -d docs ]; then cp -arf docs %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi
if [ -d example ]; then cp -arf example %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi
if [ -d examples ]; then cp -arf examples %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi
pushd %{buildroot}
if [ -d usr/lib ]; then
find usr/lib -type f -printf "/%h/%f\n" >> filelist.lst
if [ -d usr/lib64 ]; then
find usr/lib64 -type f -printf "/%h/%f\n" >> filelist.lst
if [ -d usr/bin ]; then
find usr/bin -type f -printf "/%h/%f\n" >> filelist.lst
if [ -d usr/sbin ]; then
find usr/sbin -type f -printf "/%h/%f\n" >> filelist.lst
touch doclist.lst
if [ -d usr/share/man ]; then
find usr/share/man -type f -printf "/%h/%f.gz\n" >> doclist.lst
mv %{buildroot}/filelist.lst .
mv %{buildroot}/doclist.lst .
%files -n python3-taskipy -f filelist.lst
%dir %{python3_sitelib}/*
%files help -f doclist.lst
* Mon Apr 10 2023 Python_Bot - 1.10.4-1
- Package Spec generated