%global _empty_manifest_terminate_build 0 Name: python-celery-progress Version: 0.3 Release: 1 Summary: Drop in, configurable, dependency-free progress bars for your Django/Celery applications. License: MIT License URL: https://github.com/czue/celery-progress Source0: https://mirrors.nju.edu.cn/pypi/web/packages/c6/3c/50a7f9a49822fdd02ff8fd7b5cfd5465ca907905af8145e3a433dc3f3d95/celery-progress-0.3.tar.gz BuildArch: noarch Requires: python3-channels-rabbitmq Requires: python3-channels-redis Requires: python3-channels %description # Celery Progress Bars for Django Drop in, dependency-free progress bars for your Django/Celery applications. Super simple setup. Lots of customization available. ## Demo [Celery Progress Bar demo on Build With Django](https://buildwithdjango.com/projects/celery-progress/) ### Github demo application: build a download progress bar for Django Starting with Celery can be challenging, [eeintech](https://github.com/eeintech) built a complete [Django demo application](https://github.com/eeintech/django-celery-progress-demo) along with a [step-by-step guide](https://eeinte.ch/stream/progress-bar-django-using-celery/) to get you started on building your own progress bar! ## Installation If you haven't already, make sure you have properly [set up celery in your project](https://docs.celeryproject.org/en/stable/getting-started/first-steps-with-celery.html#first-steps). Then install this library: ```bash pip install celery-progress ``` ## Usage ### Prerequisites First add `celery_progress` to your `INSTALLED_APPS` in `settings.py`. Then add the following url config to your main `urls.py`: ```python from django.urls import path, include urlpatterns = [ # your project's patterns here ... path(r'^celery-progress/', include('celery_progress.urls')), # add this line (the endpoint is configurable) ] ``` ### Recording Progress In your task you should add something like this: ```python from celery import shared_task from celery_progress.backend import ProgressRecorder import time @shared_task(bind=True) def my_task(self, seconds): progress_recorder = ProgressRecorder(self) result = 0 for i in range(seconds): time.sleep(1) result += i progress_recorder.set_progress(i + 1, seconds) return result ``` You can add an optional progress description like this: ```python progress_recorder.set_progress(i + 1, seconds, description='my progress description') ``` ### Displaying progress In the view where you call the task you need to get the task ID like so: **views.py** ```python def progress_view(request): result = my_task.delay(10) return render(request, 'display_progress.html', context={'task_id': result.task_id}) ``` Then in the page you want to show the progress bar you just do the following. #### Add the following HTML wherever you want your progress bar to appear: **display_progress.html** ```html
').text('Sum of all seconds is ' + result)
$(function () {
CeleryProgressBar.initProgressBar(progressUrl, {
onResult: customResult,
## Customization
The `initProgressBar` function takes an optional object of options. The following options are supported:
| Option | What it does | Default Value |
| pollInterval | How frequently to poll for progress (in milliseconds) | 500 |
| progressBarId | Override the ID used for the progress bar | 'progress-bar' |
| progressBarMessageId | Override the ID used for the progress bar message | 'progress-bar-message' |
| progressBarElement | Override the *element* used for the progress bar. If specified, progressBarId will be ignored. | document.getElementById(progressBarId) |
| progressBarMessageElement | Override the *element* used for the progress bar message. If specified, progressBarMessageId will be ignored. | document.getElementById(progressBarMessageId) |
| resultElementId | Override the ID used for the result | 'celery-result' |
| resultElement | Override the *element* used for the result. If specified, resultElementId will be ignored. | document.getElementById(resultElementId) |
| onProgress | function to call when progress is updated | onProgressDefault |
| onSuccess | function to call when progress successfully completes | onSuccessDefault |
| onError | function to call on a known error with no specified handler | onErrorDefault |
| onRetry | function to call when a task attempts to retry | onRetryDefault |
| onIgnored | function to call when a task result is ignored | onIgnoredDefault |
| onTaskError | function to call when progress completes with an error | onError |
| onNetworkError | function to call on a network error (ignored by WebSocket) | onError |
| onHttpError | function to call on a non-200 response (ignored by WebSocket) | onError |
| onDataError | function to call on a response that's not JSON or has invalid schema due to a programming error | onError |
| onResult | function to call when returned non empty result | CeleryProgressBar.onResultDefault |
| barColors | dictionary containing color values for various progress bar states. Colors that are not specified will defer to defaults | barColorsDefault |
| defaultMessages | dictionary containing default messages that can be overridden | see below |
The `barColors` option allows you to customize the color of each progress bar state by passing a dictionary of key-value pairs of `state: #hexcode`. The defaults are shown below.
| State | Hex Code | Image Color |
| success | #76ce60 |  |
| error | #dc4f63 |  |
| progress | #68a9ef |  |
| ignored | #7a7a7a |  |
The `defaultMessages` option allows you to override some default messages in the UI. At the moment these are:
| Message Id | When Shown | Default Value |
| waiting | Task is waiting to start | 'Waiting for task to start...'
| started | Task has started but reports no progress | 'Task started...'
# WebSocket Support
Additionally, this library offers WebSocket support using [Django Channels](https://channels.readthedocs.io/en/latest/)
courtesy of [EJH2](https://github.com/EJH2/).
A working example project leveraging WebSockets is [available here](https://github.com/EJH2/cp_ws-example).
To use WebSockets, install with `pip install celery-progress[websockets,redis]` or
`pip install celery-progress[websockets,rabbitmq]` (depending on broker dependencies).
See `WebSocketProgressRecorder` and `websockets.js` for details.
# Securing the get_progress endpoint
By default, anyone can see the status and result of any task by accessing `/celery-progress/ ').text('Sum of all seconds is ' + result)
$(function () {
CeleryProgressBar.initProgressBar(progressUrl, {
onResult: customResult,
## Customization
The `initProgressBar` function takes an optional object of options. The following options are supported:
| Option | What it does | Default Value |
| pollInterval | How frequently to poll for progress (in milliseconds) | 500 |
| progressBarId | Override the ID used for the progress bar | 'progress-bar' |
| progressBarMessageId | Override the ID used for the progress bar message | 'progress-bar-message' |
| progressBarElement | Override the *element* used for the progress bar. If specified, progressBarId will be ignored. | document.getElementById(progressBarId) |
| progressBarMessageElement | Override the *element* used for the progress bar message. If specified, progressBarMessageId will be ignored. | document.getElementById(progressBarMessageId) |
| resultElementId | Override the ID used for the result | 'celery-result' |
| resultElement | Override the *element* used for the result. If specified, resultElementId will be ignored. | document.getElementById(resultElementId) |
| onProgress | function to call when progress is updated | onProgressDefault |
| onSuccess | function to call when progress successfully completes | onSuccessDefault |
| onError | function to call on a known error with no specified handler | onErrorDefault |
| onRetry | function to call when a task attempts to retry | onRetryDefault |
| onIgnored | function to call when a task result is ignored | onIgnoredDefault |
| onTaskError | function to call when progress completes with an error | onError |
| onNetworkError | function to call on a network error (ignored by WebSocket) | onError |
| onHttpError | function to call on a non-200 response (ignored by WebSocket) | onError |
| onDataError | function to call on a response that's not JSON or has invalid schema due to a programming error | onError |
| onResult | function to call when returned non empty result | CeleryProgressBar.onResultDefault |
| barColors | dictionary containing color values for various progress bar states. Colors that are not specified will defer to defaults | barColorsDefault |
| defaultMessages | dictionary containing default messages that can be overridden | see below |
The `barColors` option allows you to customize the color of each progress bar state by passing a dictionary of key-value pairs of `state: #hexcode`. The defaults are shown below.
| State | Hex Code | Image Color |
| success | #76ce60 |  |
| error | #dc4f63 |  |
| progress | #68a9ef |  |
| ignored | #7a7a7a |  |
The `defaultMessages` option allows you to override some default messages in the UI. At the moment these are:
| Message Id | When Shown | Default Value |
| waiting | Task is waiting to start | 'Waiting for task to start...'
| started | Task has started but reports no progress | 'Task started...'
# WebSocket Support
Additionally, this library offers WebSocket support using [Django Channels](https://channels.readthedocs.io/en/latest/)
courtesy of [EJH2](https://github.com/EJH2/).
A working example project leveraging WebSockets is [available here](https://github.com/EJH2/cp_ws-example).
To use WebSockets, install with `pip install celery-progress[websockets,redis]` or
`pip install celery-progress[websockets,rabbitmq]` (depending on broker dependencies).
See `WebSocketProgressRecorder` and `websockets.js` for details.
# Securing the get_progress endpoint
By default, anyone can see the status and result of any task by accessing `/celery-progress/ ').text('Sum of all seconds is ' + result)
$(function () {
CeleryProgressBar.initProgressBar(progressUrl, {
onResult: customResult,
## Customization
The `initProgressBar` function takes an optional object of options. The following options are supported:
| Option | What it does | Default Value |
| pollInterval | How frequently to poll for progress (in milliseconds) | 500 |
| progressBarId | Override the ID used for the progress bar | 'progress-bar' |
| progressBarMessageId | Override the ID used for the progress bar message | 'progress-bar-message' |
| progressBarElement | Override the *element* used for the progress bar. If specified, progressBarId will be ignored. | document.getElementById(progressBarId) |
| progressBarMessageElement | Override the *element* used for the progress bar message. If specified, progressBarMessageId will be ignored. | document.getElementById(progressBarMessageId) |
| resultElementId | Override the ID used for the result | 'celery-result' |
| resultElement | Override the *element* used for the result. If specified, resultElementId will be ignored. | document.getElementById(resultElementId) |
| onProgress | function to call when progress is updated | onProgressDefault |
| onSuccess | function to call when progress successfully completes | onSuccessDefault |
| onError | function to call on a known error with no specified handler | onErrorDefault |
| onRetry | function to call when a task attempts to retry | onRetryDefault |
| onIgnored | function to call when a task result is ignored | onIgnoredDefault |
| onTaskError | function to call when progress completes with an error | onError |
| onNetworkError | function to call on a network error (ignored by WebSocket) | onError |
| onHttpError | function to call on a non-200 response (ignored by WebSocket) | onError |
| onDataError | function to call on a response that's not JSON or has invalid schema due to a programming error | onError |
| onResult | function to call when returned non empty result | CeleryProgressBar.onResultDefault |
| barColors | dictionary containing color values for various progress bar states. Colors that are not specified will defer to defaults | barColorsDefault |
| defaultMessages | dictionary containing default messages that can be overridden | see below |
The `barColors` option allows you to customize the color of each progress bar state by passing a dictionary of key-value pairs of `state: #hexcode`. The defaults are shown below.
| State | Hex Code | Image Color |
| success | #76ce60 |  |
| error | #dc4f63 |  |
| progress | #68a9ef |  |
| ignored | #7a7a7a |  |
The `defaultMessages` option allows you to override some default messages in the UI. At the moment these are:
| Message Id | When Shown | Default Value |
| waiting | Task is waiting to start | 'Waiting for task to start...'
| started | Task has started but reports no progress | 'Task started...'
# WebSocket Support
Additionally, this library offers WebSocket support using [Django Channels](https://channels.readthedocs.io/en/latest/)
courtesy of [EJH2](https://github.com/EJH2/).
A working example project leveraging WebSockets is [available here](https://github.com/EJH2/cp_ws-example).
To use WebSockets, install with `pip install celery-progress[websockets,redis]` or
`pip install celery-progress[websockets,rabbitmq]` (depending on broker dependencies).
See `WebSocketProgressRecorder` and `websockets.js` for details.
# Securing the get_progress endpoint
By default, anyone can see the status and result of any task by accessing `/celery-progress/