%global _empty_manifest_terminate_build 0 Name: python-LucidDynamodb Version: 1.0.128 Release: 1 Summary: A simple Python wrapper to AWS Dynamodb License: MIT URL: https://github.com/dineshsonachalam/Lucid-Dynamodb Source0: https://mirrors.nju.edu.cn/pypi/web/packages/6b/bf/55b8ebf5d8737113426dd0dfb4fd1d019d304a76a0fc78109fae9bf92b28/LucidDynamodb-1.0.128.tar.gz BuildArch: noarch Requires: python3-boto3 Requires: python3-botocore %description


A minimalistic wrapper to AWS DynamoDB

Deployment Package version MIT License

Useful links: - See the full documentation at https://lucid-dynamodb.dineshsonachalam.com - Ask questions in the GitHub issues ## Table of contents - [Installation](#installation) - [Example](#example) - [Connect to DynamodDB](#connect-to-dynamodb) - [Create a new table](#create-a-new-table) - [Get all table names](#get-all-table-names) - [Create a New Item](#create-a-new-item) - [Read an Item](#read-an-item) - [Read items by filter](#read-items-by-filter) - [Update existing attribute in an item](#update-existing-attribute-in-an-item) - [Add a new attribute in an item](#add-a-new-attribute-in-an-item) - [Add an attribute to the list](#add-an-attribute-to-the-list) - [Add an attribute to the string set](#add-an-attribute-to-the-string-set) - [Increase an existing attribute value](#increase-an-existing-attribute-value) - [Delete an attribute from an item](#delete-an-attribute-from-an-item) - [Delete an attribute from the string set](#delete-an-attribute-from-the-string-set) - [Delete an item](#delete-an-item) - [Delete a table](#delete-a-table) - [Running tests](#running-tests) - [Github Workflow Artifacts](#github-workflow-artifacts) - [License](#license) ## Installation
```console pip install LucidDynamodb ```
**Note:** Prerequisite for Python3 development ## Example #### Connect to DynamoDB You can connect to DynamoDB by following any of these two ways. 1. Using AWS config ```py from LucidDynamodb import DynamoDb db = DynamoDb() """ $ pip install awscli #can add user flag $ aws configure AWS Access Key ID [****************ABCD]:[enter your key here] AWS Secret Access Key [****************xyz]:[enter your secret key here] Default region name [us-west-2]:[enter your region here] Default output format [None]: """ ``` 2. Using AWS secret key ```py from LucidDynamodb import DynamoDb import os AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID = os.getenv("AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID") AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY = os.getenv("AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY") db = DynamoDb(region_name="us-east-1", aws_access_key_id=AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, aws_secret_access_key=AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY) ``` #### Create a new table ```py from LucidDynamodb import DynamoDb from LucidDynamodb.exceptions import ( TableAlreadyExists ) import logging logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) table_schema = { "TableName": "dev_jobs", "KeySchema": [{ "AttributeName": "company_name", "KeyType": "HASH" }, { "AttributeName": "role_id", "KeyType": "RANGE" } ], "AttributeDefinitions": [{ "AttributeName": "company_name", "AttributeType": "S" }, { "AttributeName": "role_id", "AttributeType": "S" } ], "GlobalSecondaryIndexes": [], "ProvisionedThroughput": { "ReadCapacityUnits": 1, "WriteCapacityUnits": 1 } } if __name__ == "__main__": try: db = DynamoDb() db.create_table( table_name=table_schema.get("TableName"), key_schema=table_schema.get("KeySchema"), attribute_definitions=table_schema.get("AttributeDefinitions"), global_secondary_indexes=table_schema.get("GlobalSecondaryIndexes"), provisioned_throughput=table_schema.get("ProvisionedThroughput") ) logging.info(f"{table_schema.get('TableName')} table created successfully") except TableAlreadyExists as e: logging.error(f"{table_schema.get('TableName')} table creation failed - {e}") """ dineshsonachalam@macbook examples % python 1-create-a-new-table.py INFO:botocore.credentials:Found credentials in environment variables. INFO:root:dev_jobs table created successfully """ ``` #### Get all table names ```py from LucidDynamodb import DynamoDb from LucidDynamodb.exceptions import ( UnexpectedError ) import logging logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) if __name__ == "__main__": try: db = DynamoDb() table_names = db.read_all_table_names() logging.info(f"Table names: {table_names}") except UnexpectedError as e: logging.error(f"Read all table names failed - {e}") """ dineshsonachalam@macbook examples % python 2-get-all-table-names.py INFO:botocore.credentials:Found credentials in environment variables. INFO:root:Table names: ['CertMagic', 'dev_jobs', 'dev_test', 'kp-config-v1', 'test-1'] """ ``` #### Create a new item ```py from LucidDynamodb import DynamoDb from LucidDynamodb.exceptions import ( UnexpectedError ) import logging logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) if __name__ == "__main__": try: db = DynamoDb() db.create_item( table_name="dev_jobs", item={ "company_name": "Google", "role_id": "111", "role": "Software Engineer 1", "salary": "$1,50,531", "locations": ["Mountain View, California", "Austin, Texas", "Chicago, IL"], "yearly_hike_percent": 8, "benefits": set(["Internet, Medical, Edu reimbursements", "Health insurance", "Travel reimbursements" ]), "overall_review":{ "overall_rating" : "4/5", "compensation_and_benefits": "3.9/5" } } ) logging.info("Item created successfully") except UnexpectedError as e: logging.error(f"Item creation failed - {e}") """ dineshsonachalam@macbook examples % python 3-create-a-new-item.py INFO:botocore.credentials:Found credentials in environment variables. INFO:root:Item created successfully """ ``` #### Read an item ```py from LucidDynamodb import DynamoDb from LucidDynamodb.exceptions import ( ItemNotFound ) import logging logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) if __name__ == "__main__": try: db = DynamoDb() item = db.read_item( table_name="dev_jobs", key={ "company_name": "Google", "role_id": "111" } ) logging.info(f"Item: {item}") except ItemNotFound as e: logging.error(f"Item doesn't exist - {e}") """ dineshsonachalam@macbook examples % python 4-read-an-item.py INFO:botocore.credentials:Found credentials in environment variables. INFO:root:Item: { 'locations': ['Mountain View, California', 'Austin, Texas', 'Chicago, IL'], 'role_id': '111', 'overall_review': { 'compensation_and_benefits': '3.9/5', 'overall_rating': '4/5' }, 'company_name': 'Google', 'role': 'Software Engineer 1', 'yearly_hike_percent': Decimal('8'), 'salary': '$1,50,531', 'benefits': { 'Travel reimbursements', 'Internet, Medical, Edu reimbursements', 'Health insurance' } } """ ``` #### Read items by filter ```py from LucidDynamodb import DynamoDb from LucidDynamodb.exceptions import ( QueryFilterValidationFailed ) import logging from boto3.dynamodb.conditions import Key logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) if __name__ == "__main__": try: db = DynamoDb() db.create_item( table_name="dev_jobs", item={ "company_name": "Google", "role_id": "112", "role": "Software Architect", "salary": "$4,80,000", "locations": ["Mountain View, California"], "yearly_hike_percent": 13, "benefits": set(["Internet reimbursements"]), "overall_review":{ "overall_rating" : "3/5", "compensation_and_benefits": "4.2/5" } } ) logging.info("Item created successfully") items = db.read_items_by_filter( table_name='dev_jobs', key_condition_expression=Key("company_name").eq("Google") ) logging.info(f"Items: {items}") except QueryFilterValidationFailed as e: logging.error(f"Items doesn't exist - {e}") """ dineshsonachalam@macbook examples % python 5-read-items-by-filter.py INFO:botocore.credentials:Found credentials in environment variables. INFO:root:Item created successfully INFO:root:Items: [{ 'locations': ['Mountain View, California', 'Austin, Texas', 'Chicago, IL'], 'role_id': '111', 'overall_review': { 'compensation_and_benefits': '3.9/5', 'overall_rating': '4/5' }, 'company_name': 'Google', 'role': 'Software Engineer 1', 'yearly_hike_percent': Decimal('8'), 'salary': '$1,50,531', 'benefits': { 'Internet, Medical, Edu reimbursements', 'Travel reimbursements', 'Health insurance' } }, { 'locations': ['Mountain View, California'], 'role_id': '112', 'overall_review': { 'compensation_and_benefits': '4.2/5', 'overall_rating': '3/5' }, 'company_name': 'Google', 'role': 'Software Architect', 'yearly_hike_percent': Decimal('13'), 'salary': '$4,80,000', 'benefits': { 'Internet reimbursements' } }] """ ``` #### Update existing attribute in an item ```py from LucidDynamodb import DynamoDb from LucidDynamodb.exceptions import ( UnexpectedError ) import logging logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) if __name__ == "__main__": try: db = DynamoDb() db.update_item( table_name="dev_jobs", key={ "company_name": "Google", "role_id": "111" }, attributes_to_update={ 'role': 'Staff Software Engineer 2' } ) logging.info("Update is successful") item = db.read_item( table_name="dev_jobs", key={ "company_name": "Google", "role_id": "111" } ) logging.info(f"Item: {item}") except UnexpectedError as e: logging.error(f"Update failed - {e}") """ dineshsonachalam@macbook examples % python 6-update-existing-attribute-in-an-item.py INFO:botocore.credentials:Found credentials in environment variables. INFO:root:Update is successful INFO:root:Item: { 'locations': ['Mountain View, California', 'Austin, Texas', 'Chicago, IL'], 'role_id': '111', 'overall_review': { 'compensation_and_benefits': '3.9/5', 'overall_rating': '4/5' }, 'company_name': 'Google', 'role': 'Staff Software Engineer 2', 'yearly_hike_percent': Decimal('8'), 'salary': '$1,50,531', 'benefits': { 'Health insurance', 'Internet, Medical, Edu reimbursements', 'Travel reimbursements' } } """ ``` #### Add a new attribute in an item ```py from LucidDynamodb import DynamoDb from LucidDynamodb.exceptions import ( UnexpectedError ) import logging logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) if __name__ == "__main__": try: db = DynamoDb() db.update_item( table_name="dev_jobs", key={ "company_name": "Google", "role_id": "111" }, attributes_to_update={ 'overall_review.yearly_bonus_percent': 12 } ) logging.info("Update is successful") item = db.read_item( table_name="dev_jobs", key={ "company_name": "Google", "role_id": "111" } ) logging.info(f"Item: {item}") except UnexpectedError as e: logging.error(f"Update failed - {e}") """ dineshsonachalam@macbook examples % python 7-add-a-new-attribute-in-an-item.py INFO:botocore.credentials:Found credentials in environment variables. INFO:root:Update is successful INFO:root:Item: { 'locations': ['Mountain View, California', 'Austin, Texas', 'Chicago, IL'], 'role_id': '111', 'overall_review': { 'compensation_and_benefits': '3.9/5', 'overall_rating': '4/5', 'yearly_bonus_percent': Decimal('12') }, 'company_name': 'Google', 'role': 'Staff Software Engineer 2', 'yearly_hike_percent': Decimal('8'), 'salary': '$1,50,531', 'benefits': { 'Travel reimbursements', 'Internet, Medical, Edu reimbursements', 'Health insurance' } } """ ``` #### Add an attribute to the list ```py from LucidDynamodb import DynamoDb from LucidDynamodb.exceptions import ( UnexpectedError ) import logging logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) if __name__ == "__main__": try: db = DynamoDb() db.update_item( table_name="dev_jobs", key={ "company_name": "Google", "role_id": "111" }, attributes_to_update={ 'locations': "Detroit, Michigan" }, operation="ADD_ATTRIBUTE_TO_LIST" ) logging.info("Update is successful") item = db.read_item( table_name="dev_jobs", key={ "company_name": "Google", "role_id": "111" } ) logging.info(f"Item: {item}") except UnexpectedError as e: logging.error(f"Update failed - {e}") """ dineshsonachalam@macbook examples % python 8-add-an-attribute-to-the-list.py INFO:botocore.credentials:Found credentials in environment variables. INFO:root:Update is successful INFO:root:Item: { 'locations': ['Mountain View, California', 'Austin, Texas', 'Chicago, IL', 'Detroit, Michigan'], 'role_id': '111', 'overall_review': { 'compensation_and_benefits': '3.9/5', 'overall_rating': '4/5', 'yearly_bonus_percent': Decimal('12') }, 'company_name': 'Google', 'role': 'Staff Software Engineer 2', 'yearly_hike_percent': Decimal('8'), 'salary': '$1,50,531', 'benefits': { 'Health insurance', 'Travel reimbursements', 'Internet, Medical, Edu reimbursements' } } """ ``` #### Add an attribute to the string set ```py from LucidDynamodb import DynamoDb from LucidDynamodb.exceptions import ( UnexpectedError ) import logging logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) if __name__ == "__main__": try: db = DynamoDb() db.update_item( table_name="dev_jobs", key={ "company_name": "Google", "role_id": "111" }, attributes_to_update={ 'benefits': "Free Food" }, operation="ADD_ATTRIBUTE_TO_STRING_SET" ) logging.info("Update is successful") item = db.read_item( table_name="dev_jobs", key={ "company_name": "Google", "role_id": "111" } ) logging.info(f"Item: {item}") except UnexpectedError as e: logging.error(f"Update failed - {e}") """ dineshsonachalam@macbook examples % python 9-add-an-attribute-to-the-string-set.py INFO:botocore.credentials:Found credentials in environment variables. INFO:root:Update is successful INFO:root:Item: { 'locations': ['Mountain View, California', 'Austin, Texas', 'Chicago, IL', 'Detroit, Michigan'], 'role_id': '111', 'overall_review': { 'compensation_and_benefits': '3.9/5', 'overall_rating': '4/5', 'yearly_bonus_percent': Decimal('12') }, 'company_name': 'Google', 'role': 'Staff Software Engineer 2', 'yearly_hike_percent': Decimal('8'), 'salary': '$1,50,531', 'benefits': { 'Travel reimbursements', 'Free Food', 'Health insurance', 'Internet, Medical, Edu reimbursements' } } """ ``` #### Increase an existing attribute value ```py from LucidDynamodb import DynamoDb from LucidDynamodb.exceptions import ( UnexpectedError ) import logging logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) if __name__ == "__main__": try: db = DynamoDb() db.increase_attribute_value( table_name='dev_jobs', key={ "company_name": "Google", "role_id": "111" }, attribute_name="yearly_hike_percent", increment_value=5 ) logging.info("Attribute value increment completed") item = db.read_item( table_name='dev_jobs', key={ "company_name": "Google", "role_id": "111" } ) logging.info(f"Item: {item}") except UnexpectedError as e: logging.error(f"Attribute value increment failed - {e}") """ dineshsonachalam@macbook examples % python 10-increase-an-existing-attribute-value.py INFO:botocore.credentials:Found credentials in environment variables. INFO:root:Attribute value increment completed INFO:root:Item: { 'locations': ['Mountain View, California', 'Austin, Texas', 'Chicago, IL', 'Detroit, Michigan'], 'role_id': '111', 'overall_review': { 'compensation_and_benefits': '3.9/5', 'overall_rating': '4/5', 'yearly_bonus_percent': Decimal('12') }, 'company_name': 'Google', 'role': 'Staff Software Engineer 2', 'yearly_hike_percent': Decimal('13'), 'salary': '$1,50,531', 'benefits': { 'Internet, Medical, Edu reimbursements', 'Free Food', 'Health insurance', 'Travel reimbursements' } } """ ``` #### Delete an attribute from an item ```py from LucidDynamodb import DynamoDb from LucidDynamodb.exceptions import ( UnexpectedError ) import logging logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) if __name__ == "__main__": try: db = DynamoDb() db.delete_attribute( table_name="dev_jobs", key={"company_name": "Google", "role_id": "111"}, attribute_name="yearly_hike_percent") logging.info("The attribute is deleted successfully") item = db.read_item( table_name="dev_jobs", key={ "company_name": "Google", "role_id": "111" } ) logging.info(f"Item: {item}") except UnexpectedError as e: logging.error(f"The attribute delete operation failed - {e}") """ dineshsonachalam@macbook examples % python 11-delete-an-attribute-from-an-item.py INFO:botocore.credentials:Found credentials in environment variables. INFO:root:The attribute is deleted successfully INFO:root:Item: { 'locations': ['Mountain View, California', 'Austin, Texas', 'Chicago, IL', 'Detroit, Michigan'], 'role_id': '111', 'overall_review': { 'compensation_and_benefits': '3.9/5', 'overall_rating': '4/5', 'yearly_bonus_percent': Decimal('12') }, 'company_name': 'Google', 'role': 'Staff Software Engineer 2', 'salary': '$1,50,531', 'benefits': { 'Travel reimbursements', 'Free Food', 'Health insurance', 'Internet, Medical, Edu reimbursements' } } """ ``` #### Delete an attribute from the string set ```py from LucidDynamodb import DynamoDb from LucidDynamodb.exceptions import ( UnexpectedError ) import logging logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) if __name__ == "__main__": try: db = DynamoDb() db.update_item( table_name="dev_jobs", key={ "company_name": "Google", "role_id": "111" }, attributes_to_update={ 'benefits': "Free Food" }, operation="DELETE_ATTRIBUTE_FROM_STRING_SET" ) logging.info("Update is successful") item = db.read_item( table_name="dev_jobs", key={ "company_name": "Google", "role_id": "111" } ) logging.info(f"Item: {item}") except UnexpectedError as e: logging.error(f"Update failed - {e}") """ dineshsonachalam@macbook examples % python 12-delete-an-attribute-from-the-string-set.py INFO:botocore.credentials:Found credentials in environment variables. INFO:root:Update is successful INFO:root:Item: { 'locations': ['Mountain View, California', 'Austin, Texas', 'Chicago, IL', 'Detroit, Michigan'], 'role_id': '111', 'overall_review': { 'compensation_and_benefits': '3.9/5', 'overall_rating': '4/5', 'yearly_bonus_percent': Decimal('12') }, 'company_name': 'Google', 'role': 'Staff Software Engineer 2', 'salary': '$1,50,531', 'benefits': { 'Internet, Medical, Edu reimbursements', 'Health insurance', 'Travel reimbursements' } } """ ``` #### Delete an item ```py from LucidDynamodb import DynamoDb from LucidDynamodb.exceptions import ( UnexpectedError ) from boto3.dynamodb.conditions import Key import logging logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) if __name__ == "__main__": try: db = DynamoDb() db.delete_item( table_name="dev_jobs", key={ "company_name": "Google", "role_id": "111" } ) logging.info("Item deleted successfully") items = db.read_items_by_filter( table_name='dev_jobs', key_condition_expression=Key("company_name").eq("Google") ) logging.info(f"Items: {items}") except UnexpectedError as e: logging.warning(f"Item delete operation failed - {e}") """ dineshsonachalam@macbook examples % python 13-delete-an-item.py INFO:botocore.credentials:Found credentials in environment variables. INFO:root:Item deleted successfully INFO:root:Items: [{ 'locations': ['Mountain View, California'], 'role_id': '112', 'overall_review': { 'compensation_and_benefits': '4.2/5', 'overall_rating': '3/5' }, 'company_name': 'Google', 'role': 'Software Architect', 'yearly_hike_percent': Decimal('13'), 'salary': '$4,80,000', 'benefits': { 'Internet reimbursements' } }] """ ``` #### Delete a table ```py from LucidDynamodb import DynamoDb from LucidDynamodb.exceptions import ( TableNotFound ) import logging logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) if __name__ == "__main__": try: db = DynamoDb() db.delete_table(table_name='dev_jobs') logging.info("Table deleted successfully") table_names = db.read_all_table_names() logging.info(f"Table names: {table_names}") except TableNotFound as e: logging.error(f"Table delete operation failed {e}") """ dineshsonachalam@macbook examples % python 14-delete-a-table.py INFO:botocore.credentials:Found credentials in environment variables. INFO:root:Table deleted successfully INFO:root:Table names: ['CertMagic', 'dev_test', 'kp-config-v1', 'test-1'] """ ``` ## Running Tests To run tests, run the following command ```bash pytest -s ``` ## License [MIT](https://choosealicense.com/licenses/mit/) © [dineshsonachalam](https://www.github.com/dineshsonachalam) %package -n python3-LucidDynamodb Summary: A simple Python wrapper to AWS Dynamodb Provides: python-LucidDynamodb BuildRequires: python3-devel BuildRequires: python3-setuptools BuildRequires: python3-pip %description -n python3-LucidDynamodb


A minimalistic wrapper to AWS DynamoDB

Deployment Package version MIT License

Useful links: - See the full documentation at https://lucid-dynamodb.dineshsonachalam.com - Ask questions in the GitHub issues ## Table of contents - [Installation](#installation) - [Example](#example) - [Connect to DynamodDB](#connect-to-dynamodb) - [Create a new table](#create-a-new-table) - [Get all table names](#get-all-table-names) - [Create a New Item](#create-a-new-item) - [Read an Item](#read-an-item) - [Read items by filter](#read-items-by-filter) - [Update existing attribute in an item](#update-existing-attribute-in-an-item) - [Add a new attribute in an item](#add-a-new-attribute-in-an-item) - [Add an attribute to the list](#add-an-attribute-to-the-list) - [Add an attribute to the string set](#add-an-attribute-to-the-string-set) - [Increase an existing attribute value](#increase-an-existing-attribute-value) - [Delete an attribute from an item](#delete-an-attribute-from-an-item) - [Delete an attribute from the string set](#delete-an-attribute-from-the-string-set) - [Delete an item](#delete-an-item) - [Delete a table](#delete-a-table) - [Running tests](#running-tests) - [Github Workflow Artifacts](#github-workflow-artifacts) - [License](#license) ## Installation
```console pip install LucidDynamodb ```
**Note:** Prerequisite for Python3 development ## Example #### Connect to DynamoDB You can connect to DynamoDB by following any of these two ways. 1. Using AWS config ```py from LucidDynamodb import DynamoDb db = DynamoDb() """ $ pip install awscli #can add user flag $ aws configure AWS Access Key ID [****************ABCD]:[enter your key here] AWS Secret Access Key [****************xyz]:[enter your secret key here] Default region name [us-west-2]:[enter your region here] Default output format [None]: """ ``` 2. Using AWS secret key ```py from LucidDynamodb import DynamoDb import os AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID = os.getenv("AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID") AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY = os.getenv("AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY") db = DynamoDb(region_name="us-east-1", aws_access_key_id=AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, aws_secret_access_key=AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY) ``` #### Create a new table ```py from LucidDynamodb import DynamoDb from LucidDynamodb.exceptions import ( TableAlreadyExists ) import logging logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) table_schema = { "TableName": "dev_jobs", "KeySchema": [{ "AttributeName": "company_name", "KeyType": "HASH" }, { "AttributeName": "role_id", "KeyType": "RANGE" } ], "AttributeDefinitions": [{ "AttributeName": "company_name", "AttributeType": "S" }, { "AttributeName": "role_id", "AttributeType": "S" } ], "GlobalSecondaryIndexes": [], "ProvisionedThroughput": { "ReadCapacityUnits": 1, "WriteCapacityUnits": 1 } } if __name__ == "__main__": try: db = DynamoDb() db.create_table( table_name=table_schema.get("TableName"), key_schema=table_schema.get("KeySchema"), attribute_definitions=table_schema.get("AttributeDefinitions"), global_secondary_indexes=table_schema.get("GlobalSecondaryIndexes"), provisioned_throughput=table_schema.get("ProvisionedThroughput") ) logging.info(f"{table_schema.get('TableName')} table created successfully") except TableAlreadyExists as e: logging.error(f"{table_schema.get('TableName')} table creation failed - {e}") """ dineshsonachalam@macbook examples % python 1-create-a-new-table.py INFO:botocore.credentials:Found credentials in environment variables. INFO:root:dev_jobs table created successfully """ ``` #### Get all table names ```py from LucidDynamodb import DynamoDb from LucidDynamodb.exceptions import ( UnexpectedError ) import logging logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) if __name__ == "__main__": try: db = DynamoDb() table_names = db.read_all_table_names() logging.info(f"Table names: {table_names}") except UnexpectedError as e: logging.error(f"Read all table names failed - {e}") """ dineshsonachalam@macbook examples % python 2-get-all-table-names.py INFO:botocore.credentials:Found credentials in environment variables. INFO:root:Table names: ['CertMagic', 'dev_jobs', 'dev_test', 'kp-config-v1', 'test-1'] """ ``` #### Create a new item ```py from LucidDynamodb import DynamoDb from LucidDynamodb.exceptions import ( UnexpectedError ) import logging logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) if __name__ == "__main__": try: db = DynamoDb() db.create_item( table_name="dev_jobs", item={ "company_name": "Google", "role_id": "111", "role": "Software Engineer 1", "salary": "$1,50,531", "locations": ["Mountain View, California", "Austin, Texas", "Chicago, IL"], "yearly_hike_percent": 8, "benefits": set(["Internet, Medical, Edu reimbursements", "Health insurance", "Travel reimbursements" ]), "overall_review":{ "overall_rating" : "4/5", "compensation_and_benefits": "3.9/5" } } ) logging.info("Item created successfully") except UnexpectedError as e: logging.error(f"Item creation failed - {e}") """ dineshsonachalam@macbook examples % python 3-create-a-new-item.py INFO:botocore.credentials:Found credentials in environment variables. INFO:root:Item created successfully """ ``` #### Read an item ```py from LucidDynamodb import DynamoDb from LucidDynamodb.exceptions import ( ItemNotFound ) import logging logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) if __name__ == "__main__": try: db = DynamoDb() item = db.read_item( table_name="dev_jobs", key={ "company_name": "Google", "role_id": "111" } ) logging.info(f"Item: {item}") except ItemNotFound as e: logging.error(f"Item doesn't exist - {e}") """ dineshsonachalam@macbook examples % python 4-read-an-item.py INFO:botocore.credentials:Found credentials in environment variables. INFO:root:Item: { 'locations': ['Mountain View, California', 'Austin, Texas', 'Chicago, IL'], 'role_id': '111', 'overall_review': { 'compensation_and_benefits': '3.9/5', 'overall_rating': '4/5' }, 'company_name': 'Google', 'role': 'Software Engineer 1', 'yearly_hike_percent': Decimal('8'), 'salary': '$1,50,531', 'benefits': { 'Travel reimbursements', 'Internet, Medical, Edu reimbursements', 'Health insurance' } } """ ``` #### Read items by filter ```py from LucidDynamodb import DynamoDb from LucidDynamodb.exceptions import ( QueryFilterValidationFailed ) import logging from boto3.dynamodb.conditions import Key logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) if __name__ == "__main__": try: db = DynamoDb() db.create_item( table_name="dev_jobs", item={ "company_name": "Google", "role_id": "112", "role": "Software Architect", "salary": "$4,80,000", "locations": ["Mountain View, California"], "yearly_hike_percent": 13, "benefits": set(["Internet reimbursements"]), "overall_review":{ "overall_rating" : "3/5", "compensation_and_benefits": "4.2/5" } } ) logging.info("Item created successfully") items = db.read_items_by_filter( table_name='dev_jobs', key_condition_expression=Key("company_name").eq("Google") ) logging.info(f"Items: {items}") except QueryFilterValidationFailed as e: logging.error(f"Items doesn't exist - {e}") """ dineshsonachalam@macbook examples % python 5-read-items-by-filter.py INFO:botocore.credentials:Found credentials in environment variables. INFO:root:Item created successfully INFO:root:Items: [{ 'locations': ['Mountain View, California', 'Austin, Texas', 'Chicago, IL'], 'role_id': '111', 'overall_review': { 'compensation_and_benefits': '3.9/5', 'overall_rating': '4/5' }, 'company_name': 'Google', 'role': 'Software Engineer 1', 'yearly_hike_percent': Decimal('8'), 'salary': '$1,50,531', 'benefits': { 'Internet, Medical, Edu reimbursements', 'Travel reimbursements', 'Health insurance' } }, { 'locations': ['Mountain View, California'], 'role_id': '112', 'overall_review': { 'compensation_and_benefits': '4.2/5', 'overall_rating': '3/5' }, 'company_name': 'Google', 'role': 'Software Architect', 'yearly_hike_percent': Decimal('13'), 'salary': '$4,80,000', 'benefits': { 'Internet reimbursements' } }] """ ``` #### Update existing attribute in an item ```py from LucidDynamodb import DynamoDb from LucidDynamodb.exceptions import ( UnexpectedError ) import logging logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) if __name__ == "__main__": try: db = DynamoDb() db.update_item( table_name="dev_jobs", key={ "company_name": "Google", "role_id": "111" }, attributes_to_update={ 'role': 'Staff Software Engineer 2' } ) logging.info("Update is successful") item = db.read_item( table_name="dev_jobs", key={ "company_name": "Google", "role_id": "111" } ) logging.info(f"Item: {item}") except UnexpectedError as e: logging.error(f"Update failed - {e}") """ dineshsonachalam@macbook examples % python 6-update-existing-attribute-in-an-item.py INFO:botocore.credentials:Found credentials in environment variables. INFO:root:Update is successful INFO:root:Item: { 'locations': ['Mountain View, California', 'Austin, Texas', 'Chicago, IL'], 'role_id': '111', 'overall_review': { 'compensation_and_benefits': '3.9/5', 'overall_rating': '4/5' }, 'company_name': 'Google', 'role': 'Staff Software Engineer 2', 'yearly_hike_percent': Decimal('8'), 'salary': '$1,50,531', 'benefits': { 'Health insurance', 'Internet, Medical, Edu reimbursements', 'Travel reimbursements' } } """ ``` #### Add a new attribute in an item ```py from LucidDynamodb import DynamoDb from LucidDynamodb.exceptions import ( UnexpectedError ) import logging logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) if __name__ == "__main__": try: db = DynamoDb() db.update_item( table_name="dev_jobs", key={ "company_name": "Google", "role_id": "111" }, attributes_to_update={ 'overall_review.yearly_bonus_percent': 12 } ) logging.info("Update is successful") item = db.read_item( table_name="dev_jobs", key={ "company_name": "Google", "role_id": "111" } ) logging.info(f"Item: {item}") except UnexpectedError as e: logging.error(f"Update failed - {e}") """ dineshsonachalam@macbook examples % python 7-add-a-new-attribute-in-an-item.py INFO:botocore.credentials:Found credentials in environment variables. INFO:root:Update is successful INFO:root:Item: { 'locations': ['Mountain View, California', 'Austin, Texas', 'Chicago, IL'], 'role_id': '111', 'overall_review': { 'compensation_and_benefits': '3.9/5', 'overall_rating': '4/5', 'yearly_bonus_percent': Decimal('12') }, 'company_name': 'Google', 'role': 'Staff Software Engineer 2', 'yearly_hike_percent': Decimal('8'), 'salary': '$1,50,531', 'benefits': { 'Travel reimbursements', 'Internet, Medical, Edu reimbursements', 'Health insurance' } } """ ``` #### Add an attribute to the list ```py from LucidDynamodb import DynamoDb from LucidDynamodb.exceptions import ( UnexpectedError ) import logging logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) if __name__ == "__main__": try: db = DynamoDb() db.update_item( table_name="dev_jobs", key={ "company_name": "Google", "role_id": "111" }, attributes_to_update={ 'locations': "Detroit, Michigan" }, operation="ADD_ATTRIBUTE_TO_LIST" ) logging.info("Update is successful") item = db.read_item( table_name="dev_jobs", key={ "company_name": "Google", "role_id": "111" } ) logging.info(f"Item: {item}") except UnexpectedError as e: logging.error(f"Update failed - {e}") """ dineshsonachalam@macbook examples % python 8-add-an-attribute-to-the-list.py INFO:botocore.credentials:Found credentials in environment variables. INFO:root:Update is successful INFO:root:Item: { 'locations': ['Mountain View, California', 'Austin, Texas', 'Chicago, IL', 'Detroit, Michigan'], 'role_id': '111', 'overall_review': { 'compensation_and_benefits': '3.9/5', 'overall_rating': '4/5', 'yearly_bonus_percent': Decimal('12') }, 'company_name': 'Google', 'role': 'Staff Software Engineer 2', 'yearly_hike_percent': Decimal('8'), 'salary': '$1,50,531', 'benefits': { 'Health insurance', 'Travel reimbursements', 'Internet, Medical, Edu reimbursements' } } """ ``` #### Add an attribute to the string set ```py from LucidDynamodb import DynamoDb from LucidDynamodb.exceptions import ( UnexpectedError ) import logging logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) if __name__ == "__main__": try: db = DynamoDb() db.update_item( table_name="dev_jobs", key={ "company_name": "Google", "role_id": "111" }, attributes_to_update={ 'benefits': "Free Food" }, operation="ADD_ATTRIBUTE_TO_STRING_SET" ) logging.info("Update is successful") item = db.read_item( table_name="dev_jobs", key={ "company_name": "Google", "role_id": "111" } ) logging.info(f"Item: {item}") except UnexpectedError as e: logging.error(f"Update failed - {e}") """ dineshsonachalam@macbook examples % python 9-add-an-attribute-to-the-string-set.py INFO:botocore.credentials:Found credentials in environment variables. INFO:root:Update is successful INFO:root:Item: { 'locations': ['Mountain View, California', 'Austin, Texas', 'Chicago, IL', 'Detroit, Michigan'], 'role_id': '111', 'overall_review': { 'compensation_and_benefits': '3.9/5', 'overall_rating': '4/5', 'yearly_bonus_percent': Decimal('12') }, 'company_name': 'Google', 'role': 'Staff Software Engineer 2', 'yearly_hike_percent': Decimal('8'), 'salary': '$1,50,531', 'benefits': { 'Travel reimbursements', 'Free Food', 'Health insurance', 'Internet, Medical, Edu reimbursements' } } """ ``` #### Increase an existing attribute value ```py from LucidDynamodb import DynamoDb from LucidDynamodb.exceptions import ( UnexpectedError ) import logging logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) if __name__ == "__main__": try: db = DynamoDb() db.increase_attribute_value( table_name='dev_jobs', key={ "company_name": "Google", "role_id": "111" }, attribute_name="yearly_hike_percent", increment_value=5 ) logging.info("Attribute value increment completed") item = db.read_item( table_name='dev_jobs', key={ "company_name": "Google", "role_id": "111" } ) logging.info(f"Item: {item}") except UnexpectedError as e: logging.error(f"Attribute value increment failed - {e}") """ dineshsonachalam@macbook examples % python 10-increase-an-existing-attribute-value.py INFO:botocore.credentials:Found credentials in environment variables. INFO:root:Attribute value increment completed INFO:root:Item: { 'locations': ['Mountain View, California', 'Austin, Texas', 'Chicago, IL', 'Detroit, Michigan'], 'role_id': '111', 'overall_review': { 'compensation_and_benefits': '3.9/5', 'overall_rating': '4/5', 'yearly_bonus_percent': Decimal('12') }, 'company_name': 'Google', 'role': 'Staff Software Engineer 2', 'yearly_hike_percent': Decimal('13'), 'salary': '$1,50,531', 'benefits': { 'Internet, Medical, Edu reimbursements', 'Free Food', 'Health insurance', 'Travel reimbursements' } } """ ``` #### Delete an attribute from an item ```py from LucidDynamodb import DynamoDb from LucidDynamodb.exceptions import ( UnexpectedError ) import logging logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) if __name__ == "__main__": try: db = DynamoDb() db.delete_attribute( table_name="dev_jobs", key={"company_name": "Google", "role_id": "111"}, attribute_name="yearly_hike_percent") logging.info("The attribute is deleted successfully") item = db.read_item( table_name="dev_jobs", key={ "company_name": "Google", "role_id": "111" } ) logging.info(f"Item: {item}") except UnexpectedError as e: logging.error(f"The attribute delete operation failed - {e}") """ dineshsonachalam@macbook examples % python 11-delete-an-attribute-from-an-item.py INFO:botocore.credentials:Found credentials in environment variables. INFO:root:The attribute is deleted successfully INFO:root:Item: { 'locations': ['Mountain View, California', 'Austin, Texas', 'Chicago, IL', 'Detroit, Michigan'], 'role_id': '111', 'overall_review': { 'compensation_and_benefits': '3.9/5', 'overall_rating': '4/5', 'yearly_bonus_percent': Decimal('12') }, 'company_name': 'Google', 'role': 'Staff Software Engineer 2', 'salary': '$1,50,531', 'benefits': { 'Travel reimbursements', 'Free Food', 'Health insurance', 'Internet, Medical, Edu reimbursements' } } """ ``` #### Delete an attribute from the string set ```py from LucidDynamodb import DynamoDb from LucidDynamodb.exceptions import ( UnexpectedError ) import logging logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) if __name__ == "__main__": try: db = DynamoDb() db.update_item( table_name="dev_jobs", key={ "company_name": "Google", "role_id": "111" }, attributes_to_update={ 'benefits': "Free Food" }, operation="DELETE_ATTRIBUTE_FROM_STRING_SET" ) logging.info("Update is successful") item = db.read_item( table_name="dev_jobs", key={ "company_name": "Google", "role_id": "111" } ) logging.info(f"Item: {item}") except UnexpectedError as e: logging.error(f"Update failed - {e}") """ dineshsonachalam@macbook examples % python 12-delete-an-attribute-from-the-string-set.py INFO:botocore.credentials:Found credentials in environment variables. INFO:root:Update is successful INFO:root:Item: { 'locations': ['Mountain View, California', 'Austin, Texas', 'Chicago, IL', 'Detroit, Michigan'], 'role_id': '111', 'overall_review': { 'compensation_and_benefits': '3.9/5', 'overall_rating': '4/5', 'yearly_bonus_percent': Decimal('12') }, 'company_name': 'Google', 'role': 'Staff Software Engineer 2', 'salary': '$1,50,531', 'benefits': { 'Internet, Medical, Edu reimbursements', 'Health insurance', 'Travel reimbursements' } } """ ``` #### Delete an item ```py from LucidDynamodb import DynamoDb from LucidDynamodb.exceptions import ( UnexpectedError ) from boto3.dynamodb.conditions import Key import logging logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) if __name__ == "__main__": try: db = DynamoDb() db.delete_item( table_name="dev_jobs", key={ "company_name": "Google", "role_id": "111" } ) logging.info("Item deleted successfully") items = db.read_items_by_filter( table_name='dev_jobs', key_condition_expression=Key("company_name").eq("Google") ) logging.info(f"Items: {items}") except UnexpectedError as e: logging.warning(f"Item delete operation failed - {e}") """ dineshsonachalam@macbook examples % python 13-delete-an-item.py INFO:botocore.credentials:Found credentials in environment variables. INFO:root:Item deleted successfully INFO:root:Items: [{ 'locations': ['Mountain View, California'], 'role_id': '112', 'overall_review': { 'compensation_and_benefits': '4.2/5', 'overall_rating': '3/5' }, 'company_name': 'Google', 'role': 'Software Architect', 'yearly_hike_percent': Decimal('13'), 'salary': '$4,80,000', 'benefits': { 'Internet reimbursements' } }] """ ``` #### Delete a table ```py from LucidDynamodb import DynamoDb from LucidDynamodb.exceptions import ( TableNotFound ) import logging logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) if __name__ == "__main__": try: db = DynamoDb() db.delete_table(table_name='dev_jobs') logging.info("Table deleted successfully") table_names = db.read_all_table_names() logging.info(f"Table names: {table_names}") except TableNotFound as e: logging.error(f"Table delete operation failed {e}") """ dineshsonachalam@macbook examples % python 14-delete-a-table.py INFO:botocore.credentials:Found credentials in environment variables. INFO:root:Table deleted successfully INFO:root:Table names: ['CertMagic', 'dev_test', 'kp-config-v1', 'test-1'] """ ``` ## Running Tests To run tests, run the following command ```bash pytest -s ``` ## License [MIT](https://choosealicense.com/licenses/mit/) © [dineshsonachalam](https://www.github.com/dineshsonachalam) %package help Summary: Development documents and examples for LucidDynamodb Provides: python3-LucidDynamodb-doc %description help


A minimalistic wrapper to AWS DynamoDB

Deployment Package version MIT License

Useful links: - See the full documentation at https://lucid-dynamodb.dineshsonachalam.com - Ask questions in the GitHub issues ## Table of contents - [Installation](#installation) - [Example](#example) - [Connect to DynamodDB](#connect-to-dynamodb) - [Create a new table](#create-a-new-table) - [Get all table names](#get-all-table-names) - [Create a New Item](#create-a-new-item) - [Read an Item](#read-an-item) - [Read items by filter](#read-items-by-filter) - [Update existing attribute in an item](#update-existing-attribute-in-an-item) - [Add a new attribute in an item](#add-a-new-attribute-in-an-item) - [Add an attribute to the list](#add-an-attribute-to-the-list) - [Add an attribute to the string set](#add-an-attribute-to-the-string-set) - [Increase an existing attribute value](#increase-an-existing-attribute-value) - [Delete an attribute from an item](#delete-an-attribute-from-an-item) - [Delete an attribute from the string set](#delete-an-attribute-from-the-string-set) - [Delete an item](#delete-an-item) - [Delete a table](#delete-a-table) - [Running tests](#running-tests) - [Github Workflow Artifacts](#github-workflow-artifacts) - [License](#license) ## Installation
```console pip install LucidDynamodb ```
**Note:** Prerequisite for Python3 development ## Example #### Connect to DynamoDB You can connect to DynamoDB by following any of these two ways. 1. Using AWS config ```py from LucidDynamodb import DynamoDb db = DynamoDb() """ $ pip install awscli #can add user flag $ aws configure AWS Access Key ID [****************ABCD]:[enter your key here] AWS Secret Access Key [****************xyz]:[enter your secret key here] Default region name [us-west-2]:[enter your region here] Default output format [None]: """ ``` 2. Using AWS secret key ```py from LucidDynamodb import DynamoDb import os AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID = os.getenv("AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID") AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY = os.getenv("AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY") db = DynamoDb(region_name="us-east-1", aws_access_key_id=AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, aws_secret_access_key=AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY) ``` #### Create a new table ```py from LucidDynamodb import DynamoDb from LucidDynamodb.exceptions import ( TableAlreadyExists ) import logging logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) table_schema = { "TableName": "dev_jobs", "KeySchema": [{ "AttributeName": "company_name", "KeyType": "HASH" }, { "AttributeName": "role_id", "KeyType": "RANGE" } ], "AttributeDefinitions": [{ "AttributeName": "company_name", "AttributeType": "S" }, { "AttributeName": "role_id", "AttributeType": "S" } ], "GlobalSecondaryIndexes": [], "ProvisionedThroughput": { "ReadCapacityUnits": 1, "WriteCapacityUnits": 1 } } if __name__ == "__main__": try: db = DynamoDb() db.create_table( table_name=table_schema.get("TableName"), key_schema=table_schema.get("KeySchema"), attribute_definitions=table_schema.get("AttributeDefinitions"), global_secondary_indexes=table_schema.get("GlobalSecondaryIndexes"), provisioned_throughput=table_schema.get("ProvisionedThroughput") ) logging.info(f"{table_schema.get('TableName')} table created successfully") except TableAlreadyExists as e: logging.error(f"{table_schema.get('TableName')} table creation failed - {e}") """ dineshsonachalam@macbook examples % python 1-create-a-new-table.py INFO:botocore.credentials:Found credentials in environment variables. INFO:root:dev_jobs table created successfully """ ``` #### Get all table names ```py from LucidDynamodb import DynamoDb from LucidDynamodb.exceptions import ( UnexpectedError ) import logging logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) if __name__ == "__main__": try: db = DynamoDb() table_names = db.read_all_table_names() logging.info(f"Table names: {table_names}") except UnexpectedError as e: logging.error(f"Read all table names failed - {e}") """ dineshsonachalam@macbook examples % python 2-get-all-table-names.py INFO:botocore.credentials:Found credentials in environment variables. INFO:root:Table names: ['CertMagic', 'dev_jobs', 'dev_test', 'kp-config-v1', 'test-1'] """ ``` #### Create a new item ```py from LucidDynamodb import DynamoDb from LucidDynamodb.exceptions import ( UnexpectedError ) import logging logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) if __name__ == "__main__": try: db = DynamoDb() db.create_item( table_name="dev_jobs", item={ "company_name": "Google", "role_id": "111", "role": "Software Engineer 1", "salary": "$1,50,531", "locations": ["Mountain View, California", "Austin, Texas", "Chicago, IL"], "yearly_hike_percent": 8, "benefits": set(["Internet, Medical, Edu reimbursements", "Health insurance", "Travel reimbursements" ]), "overall_review":{ "overall_rating" : "4/5", "compensation_and_benefits": "3.9/5" } } ) logging.info("Item created successfully") except UnexpectedError as e: logging.error(f"Item creation failed - {e}") """ dineshsonachalam@macbook examples % python 3-create-a-new-item.py INFO:botocore.credentials:Found credentials in environment variables. INFO:root:Item created successfully """ ``` #### Read an item ```py from LucidDynamodb import DynamoDb from LucidDynamodb.exceptions import ( ItemNotFound ) import logging logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) if __name__ == "__main__": try: db = DynamoDb() item = db.read_item( table_name="dev_jobs", key={ "company_name": "Google", "role_id": "111" } ) logging.info(f"Item: {item}") except ItemNotFound as e: logging.error(f"Item doesn't exist - {e}") """ dineshsonachalam@macbook examples % python 4-read-an-item.py INFO:botocore.credentials:Found credentials in environment variables. INFO:root:Item: { 'locations': ['Mountain View, California', 'Austin, Texas', 'Chicago, IL'], 'role_id': '111', 'overall_review': { 'compensation_and_benefits': '3.9/5', 'overall_rating': '4/5' }, 'company_name': 'Google', 'role': 'Software Engineer 1', 'yearly_hike_percent': Decimal('8'), 'salary': '$1,50,531', 'benefits': { 'Travel reimbursements', 'Internet, Medical, Edu reimbursements', 'Health insurance' } } """ ``` #### Read items by filter ```py from LucidDynamodb import DynamoDb from LucidDynamodb.exceptions import ( QueryFilterValidationFailed ) import logging from boto3.dynamodb.conditions import Key logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) if __name__ == "__main__": try: db = DynamoDb() db.create_item( table_name="dev_jobs", item={ "company_name": "Google", "role_id": "112", "role": "Software Architect", "salary": "$4,80,000", "locations": ["Mountain View, California"], "yearly_hike_percent": 13, "benefits": set(["Internet reimbursements"]), "overall_review":{ "overall_rating" : "3/5", "compensation_and_benefits": "4.2/5" } } ) logging.info("Item created successfully") items = db.read_items_by_filter( table_name='dev_jobs', key_condition_expression=Key("company_name").eq("Google") ) logging.info(f"Items: {items}") except QueryFilterValidationFailed as e: logging.error(f"Items doesn't exist - {e}") """ dineshsonachalam@macbook examples % python 5-read-items-by-filter.py INFO:botocore.credentials:Found credentials in environment variables. INFO:root:Item created successfully INFO:root:Items: [{ 'locations': ['Mountain View, California', 'Austin, Texas', 'Chicago, IL'], 'role_id': '111', 'overall_review': { 'compensation_and_benefits': '3.9/5', 'overall_rating': '4/5' }, 'company_name': 'Google', 'role': 'Software Engineer 1', 'yearly_hike_percent': Decimal('8'), 'salary': '$1,50,531', 'benefits': { 'Internet, Medical, Edu reimbursements', 'Travel reimbursements', 'Health insurance' } }, { 'locations': ['Mountain View, California'], 'role_id': '112', 'overall_review': { 'compensation_and_benefits': '4.2/5', 'overall_rating': '3/5' }, 'company_name': 'Google', 'role': 'Software Architect', 'yearly_hike_percent': Decimal('13'), 'salary': '$4,80,000', 'benefits': { 'Internet reimbursements' } }] """ ``` #### Update existing attribute in an item ```py from LucidDynamodb import DynamoDb from LucidDynamodb.exceptions import ( UnexpectedError ) import logging logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) if __name__ == "__main__": try: db = DynamoDb() db.update_item( table_name="dev_jobs", key={ "company_name": "Google", "role_id": "111" }, attributes_to_update={ 'role': 'Staff Software Engineer 2' } ) logging.info("Update is successful") item = db.read_item( table_name="dev_jobs", key={ "company_name": "Google", "role_id": "111" } ) logging.info(f"Item: {item}") except UnexpectedError as e: logging.error(f"Update failed - {e}") """ dineshsonachalam@macbook examples % python 6-update-existing-attribute-in-an-item.py INFO:botocore.credentials:Found credentials in environment variables. INFO:root:Update is successful INFO:root:Item: { 'locations': ['Mountain View, California', 'Austin, Texas', 'Chicago, IL'], 'role_id': '111', 'overall_review': { 'compensation_and_benefits': '3.9/5', 'overall_rating': '4/5' }, 'company_name': 'Google', 'role': 'Staff Software Engineer 2', 'yearly_hike_percent': Decimal('8'), 'salary': '$1,50,531', 'benefits': { 'Health insurance', 'Internet, Medical, Edu reimbursements', 'Travel reimbursements' } } """ ``` #### Add a new attribute in an item ```py from LucidDynamodb import DynamoDb from LucidDynamodb.exceptions import ( UnexpectedError ) import logging logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) if __name__ == "__main__": try: db = DynamoDb() db.update_item( table_name="dev_jobs", key={ "company_name": "Google", "role_id": "111" }, attributes_to_update={ 'overall_review.yearly_bonus_percent': 12 } ) logging.info("Update is successful") item = db.read_item( table_name="dev_jobs", key={ "company_name": "Google", "role_id": "111" } ) logging.info(f"Item: {item}") except UnexpectedError as e: logging.error(f"Update failed - {e}") """ dineshsonachalam@macbook examples % python 7-add-a-new-attribute-in-an-item.py INFO:botocore.credentials:Found credentials in environment variables. INFO:root:Update is successful INFO:root:Item: { 'locations': ['Mountain View, California', 'Austin, Texas', 'Chicago, IL'], 'role_id': '111', 'overall_review': { 'compensation_and_benefits': '3.9/5', 'overall_rating': '4/5', 'yearly_bonus_percent': Decimal('12') }, 'company_name': 'Google', 'role': 'Staff Software Engineer 2', 'yearly_hike_percent': Decimal('8'), 'salary': '$1,50,531', 'benefits': { 'Travel reimbursements', 'Internet, Medical, Edu reimbursements', 'Health insurance' } } """ ``` #### Add an attribute to the list ```py from LucidDynamodb import DynamoDb from LucidDynamodb.exceptions import ( UnexpectedError ) import logging logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) if __name__ == "__main__": try: db = DynamoDb() db.update_item( table_name="dev_jobs", key={ "company_name": "Google", "role_id": "111" }, attributes_to_update={ 'locations': "Detroit, Michigan" }, operation="ADD_ATTRIBUTE_TO_LIST" ) logging.info("Update is successful") item = db.read_item( table_name="dev_jobs", key={ "company_name": "Google", "role_id": "111" } ) logging.info(f"Item: {item}") except UnexpectedError as e: logging.error(f"Update failed - {e}") """ dineshsonachalam@macbook examples % python 8-add-an-attribute-to-the-list.py INFO:botocore.credentials:Found credentials in environment variables. INFO:root:Update is successful INFO:root:Item: { 'locations': ['Mountain View, California', 'Austin, Texas', 'Chicago, IL', 'Detroit, Michigan'], 'role_id': '111', 'overall_review': { 'compensation_and_benefits': '3.9/5', 'overall_rating': '4/5', 'yearly_bonus_percent': Decimal('12') }, 'company_name': 'Google', 'role': 'Staff Software Engineer 2', 'yearly_hike_percent': Decimal('8'), 'salary': '$1,50,531', 'benefits': { 'Health insurance', 'Travel reimbursements', 'Internet, Medical, Edu reimbursements' } } """ ``` #### Add an attribute to the string set ```py from LucidDynamodb import DynamoDb from LucidDynamodb.exceptions import ( UnexpectedError ) import logging logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) if __name__ == "__main__": try: db = DynamoDb() db.update_item( table_name="dev_jobs", key={ "company_name": "Google", "role_id": "111" }, attributes_to_update={ 'benefits': "Free Food" }, operation="ADD_ATTRIBUTE_TO_STRING_SET" ) logging.info("Update is successful") item = db.read_item( table_name="dev_jobs", key={ "company_name": "Google", "role_id": "111" } ) logging.info(f"Item: {item}") except UnexpectedError as e: logging.error(f"Update failed - {e}") """ dineshsonachalam@macbook examples % python 9-add-an-attribute-to-the-string-set.py INFO:botocore.credentials:Found credentials in environment variables. INFO:root:Update is successful INFO:root:Item: { 'locations': ['Mountain View, California', 'Austin, Texas', 'Chicago, IL', 'Detroit, Michigan'], 'role_id': '111', 'overall_review': { 'compensation_and_benefits': '3.9/5', 'overall_rating': '4/5', 'yearly_bonus_percent': Decimal('12') }, 'company_name': 'Google', 'role': 'Staff Software Engineer 2', 'yearly_hike_percent': Decimal('8'), 'salary': '$1,50,531', 'benefits': { 'Travel reimbursements', 'Free Food', 'Health insurance', 'Internet, Medical, Edu reimbursements' } } """ ``` #### Increase an existing attribute value ```py from LucidDynamodb import DynamoDb from LucidDynamodb.exceptions import ( UnexpectedError ) import logging logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) if __name__ == "__main__": try: db = DynamoDb() db.increase_attribute_value( table_name='dev_jobs', key={ "company_name": "Google", "role_id": "111" }, attribute_name="yearly_hike_percent", increment_value=5 ) logging.info("Attribute value increment completed") item = db.read_item( table_name='dev_jobs', key={ "company_name": "Google", "role_id": "111" } ) logging.info(f"Item: {item}") except UnexpectedError as e: logging.error(f"Attribute value increment failed - {e}") """ dineshsonachalam@macbook examples % python 10-increase-an-existing-attribute-value.py INFO:botocore.credentials:Found credentials in environment variables. INFO:root:Attribute value increment completed INFO:root:Item: { 'locations': ['Mountain View, California', 'Austin, Texas', 'Chicago, IL', 'Detroit, Michigan'], 'role_id': '111', 'overall_review': { 'compensation_and_benefits': '3.9/5', 'overall_rating': '4/5', 'yearly_bonus_percent': Decimal('12') }, 'company_name': 'Google', 'role': 'Staff Software Engineer 2', 'yearly_hike_percent': Decimal('13'), 'salary': '$1,50,531', 'benefits': { 'Internet, Medical, Edu reimbursements', 'Free Food', 'Health insurance', 'Travel reimbursements' } } """ ``` #### Delete an attribute from an item ```py from LucidDynamodb import DynamoDb from LucidDynamodb.exceptions import ( UnexpectedError ) import logging logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) if __name__ == "__main__": try: db = DynamoDb() db.delete_attribute( table_name="dev_jobs", key={"company_name": "Google", "role_id": "111"}, attribute_name="yearly_hike_percent") logging.info("The attribute is deleted successfully") item = db.read_item( table_name="dev_jobs", key={ "company_name": "Google", "role_id": "111" } ) logging.info(f"Item: {item}") except UnexpectedError as e: logging.error(f"The attribute delete operation failed - {e}") """ dineshsonachalam@macbook examples % python 11-delete-an-attribute-from-an-item.py INFO:botocore.credentials:Found credentials in environment variables. INFO:root:The attribute is deleted successfully INFO:root:Item: { 'locations': ['Mountain View, California', 'Austin, Texas', 'Chicago, IL', 'Detroit, Michigan'], 'role_id': '111', 'overall_review': { 'compensation_and_benefits': '3.9/5', 'overall_rating': '4/5', 'yearly_bonus_percent': Decimal('12') }, 'company_name': 'Google', 'role': 'Staff Software Engineer 2', 'salary': '$1,50,531', 'benefits': { 'Travel reimbursements', 'Free Food', 'Health insurance', 'Internet, Medical, Edu reimbursements' } } """ ``` #### Delete an attribute from the string set ```py from LucidDynamodb import DynamoDb from LucidDynamodb.exceptions import ( UnexpectedError ) import logging logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) if __name__ == "__main__": try: db = DynamoDb() db.update_item( table_name="dev_jobs", key={ "company_name": "Google", "role_id": "111" }, attributes_to_update={ 'benefits': "Free Food" }, operation="DELETE_ATTRIBUTE_FROM_STRING_SET" ) logging.info("Update is successful") item = db.read_item( table_name="dev_jobs", key={ "company_name": "Google", "role_id": "111" } ) logging.info(f"Item: {item}") except UnexpectedError as e: logging.error(f"Update failed - {e}") """ dineshsonachalam@macbook examples % python 12-delete-an-attribute-from-the-string-set.py INFO:botocore.credentials:Found credentials in environment variables. INFO:root:Update is successful INFO:root:Item: { 'locations': ['Mountain View, California', 'Austin, Texas', 'Chicago, IL', 'Detroit, Michigan'], 'role_id': '111', 'overall_review': { 'compensation_and_benefits': '3.9/5', 'overall_rating': '4/5', 'yearly_bonus_percent': Decimal('12') }, 'company_name': 'Google', 'role': 'Staff Software Engineer 2', 'salary': '$1,50,531', 'benefits': { 'Internet, Medical, Edu reimbursements', 'Health insurance', 'Travel reimbursements' } } """ ``` #### Delete an item ```py from LucidDynamodb import DynamoDb from LucidDynamodb.exceptions import ( UnexpectedError ) from boto3.dynamodb.conditions import Key import logging logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) if __name__ == "__main__": try: db = DynamoDb() db.delete_item( table_name="dev_jobs", key={ "company_name": "Google", "role_id": "111" } ) logging.info("Item deleted successfully") items = db.read_items_by_filter( table_name='dev_jobs', key_condition_expression=Key("company_name").eq("Google") ) logging.info(f"Items: {items}") except UnexpectedError as e: logging.warning(f"Item delete operation failed - {e}") """ dineshsonachalam@macbook examples % python 13-delete-an-item.py INFO:botocore.credentials:Found credentials in environment variables. INFO:root:Item deleted successfully INFO:root:Items: [{ 'locations': ['Mountain View, California'], 'role_id': '112', 'overall_review': { 'compensation_and_benefits': '4.2/5', 'overall_rating': '3/5' }, 'company_name': 'Google', 'role': 'Software Architect', 'yearly_hike_percent': Decimal('13'), 'salary': '$4,80,000', 'benefits': { 'Internet reimbursements' } }] """ ``` #### Delete a table ```py from LucidDynamodb import DynamoDb from LucidDynamodb.exceptions import ( TableNotFound ) import logging logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) if __name__ == "__main__": try: db = DynamoDb() db.delete_table(table_name='dev_jobs') logging.info("Table deleted successfully") table_names = db.read_all_table_names() logging.info(f"Table names: {table_names}") except TableNotFound as e: logging.error(f"Table delete operation failed {e}") """ dineshsonachalam@macbook examples % python 14-delete-a-table.py INFO:botocore.credentials:Found credentials in environment variables. INFO:root:Table deleted successfully INFO:root:Table names: ['CertMagic', 'dev_test', 'kp-config-v1', 'test-1'] """ ``` ## Running Tests To run tests, run the following command ```bash pytest -s ``` ## License [MIT](https://choosealicense.com/licenses/mit/) © [dineshsonachalam](https://www.github.com/dineshsonachalam) %prep %autosetup -n LucidDynamodb-1.0.128 %build %py3_build %install %py3_install install -d -m755 %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir} if [ -d doc ]; then cp -arf doc %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi if [ -d docs ]; then cp -arf docs %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi if [ -d example ]; then cp -arf example %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi if [ -d examples ]; then cp -arf examples %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi pushd %{buildroot} if [ -d usr/lib ]; then find usr/lib -type f -printf "/%h/%f\n" >> filelist.lst fi if [ -d usr/lib64 ]; then find usr/lib64 -type f -printf "/%h/%f\n" >> filelist.lst fi if [ -d usr/bin ]; then find usr/bin -type f -printf "/%h/%f\n" >> filelist.lst fi if [ -d usr/sbin ]; then find usr/sbin -type f -printf "/%h/%f\n" >> filelist.lst fi touch doclist.lst if [ -d usr/share/man ]; then find usr/share/man -type f -printf "/%h/%f.gz\n" >> doclist.lst fi popd mv %{buildroot}/filelist.lst . mv %{buildroot}/doclist.lst . %files -n python3-LucidDynamodb -f filelist.lst %dir %{python3_sitelib}/* %files help -f doclist.lst %{_docdir}/* %changelog * Tue Apr 11 2023 Python_Bot - 1.0.128-1 - Package Spec generated