%global _empty_manifest_terminate_build 0 Name: python-azure-mgmt-netapp Version: 10.0.0 Release: 1 Summary: Microsoft Azure NetApp Files Management Client Library for Python License: MIT License URL: https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-python Source0: https://mirrors.nju.edu.cn/pypi/web/packages/ee/bd/82e8ee14fa61db2ef53aafb8f5b31efcc7748cae851f5c0567afb1903a2d/azure-mgmt-netapp-10.0.0.zip BuildArch: noarch %description # Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure NetApp Files Management Client Library. This package has been tested with Python 3.7+. For a more complete view of Azure libraries, see the [azure sdk python release](https://aka.ms/azsdk/python/all). ## _Disclaimer_ _Azure SDK Python packages support for Python 2.7 has ended 01 January 2022. For more information and questions, please refer to https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-python/issues/20691_ ## Getting started ### Prerequisites - Python 3.7+ is required to use this package. - [Azure subscription](https://azure.microsoft.com/free/) ### Install the package ```bash pip install azure-mgmt-netapp pip install azure-identity ``` ### Authentication By default, [Azure Active Directory](https://aka.ms/awps/aad) token authentication depends on correct configure of following environment variables. - `AZURE_CLIENT_ID` for Azure client ID. - `AZURE_TENANT_ID` for Azure tenant ID. - `AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET` for Azure client secret. In addition, Azure subscription ID can be configured via environment variable `AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID`. With above configuration, client can be authenticated by following code: ```python from azure.identity import DefaultAzureCredential from azure.mgmt.netapp import NetAppManagementClient import os sub_id = os.getenv("AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID") client = NetAppManagementClient(credential=DefaultAzureCredential(), subscription_id=sub_id) ``` ## Examples Code samples for this package can be found at [NetApp Files Management](https://docs.microsoft.com/samples/browse/?languages=python&term=Getting%20started%20-%20Managing&terms=Getting%20started%20-%20Managing) on docs.microsoft.com and [Samples Repo](https://aka.ms/azsdk/python/mgmt/samples) ## Troubleshooting ## Next steps ## Provide Feedback If you encounter any bugs or have suggestions, please file an issue in the [Issues](https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-python/issues) section of the project. ![Impressions](https://azure-sdk-impressions.azurewebsites.net/api/impressions/azure-sdk-for-python%2Fazure-mgmt-netapp%2FREADME.png) # Release History ## 10.0.0 (2023-04-20) ### Features Added - Added operation BackupsOperations.begin_restore_files - Added operation VolumesOperations.begin_break_file_locks - Model ActiveDirectory has a new parameter preferred_servers_for_ldap_client - Model Backup has a new parameter system_data - Model BackupPolicyDetails has a new parameter system_data - Model Snapshot has a new parameter system_data - Model Volume has a new parameter data_store_resource_id - Model Volume has a new parameter file_access_logs - Model Volume has a new parameter is_large_volume - Model Volume has a new parameter provisioned_availability_zone - Model VolumeGroupVolumeProperties has a new parameter data_store_resource_id - Model VolumeGroupVolumeProperties has a new parameter file_access_logs - Model VolumeGroupVolumeProperties has a new parameter is_large_volume - Model VolumeGroupVolumeProperties has a new parameter provisioned_availability_zone - Model VolumePropertiesDataProtection has a new parameter volume_relocation - Model VolumeQuotaRulePatch has a new parameter tags - Model VolumeRelocationProperties has a new parameter ready_to_be_finalized ### Breaking Changes - Model VolumeBackupProperties no longer has parameter vault_id - Model VolumeRelocationProperties no longer has parameter old_bare_metal_tenant_id - Model VolumeRelocationProperties no longer has parameter old_volume_id - Parameter location of model BackupPolicyDetails is now required - Removed operation group VaultsOperations ## 9.0.2b1 (2023-02-16) ### Other Changes - Added generated samples in github repo - Drop support for python<3.7.0 ## 9.0.1 (2022-10-26) ### Bugs Fixed - Added missing parameter `api_version` for operation AccountsOperations.begin_renew_credentials ## 9.0.0 (2022-09-26) ### Features Added - Added operation AccountsOperations.begin_renew_credentials - Added operation NetAppResourceOperations.query_region_info - Model AccountEncryption has a new parameter identity - Model AccountEncryption has a new parameter key_vault_properties - Model NetAppAccount has a new parameter disable_showmount - Model NetAppAccount has a new parameter identity - Model NetAppAccountPatch has a new parameter disable_showmount - Model Volume has a new parameter delete_base_snapshot - Model Volume has a new parameter smb_access_based_enumeration - Model Volume has a new parameter smb_non_browsable - Model VolumeGroupVolumeProperties has a new parameter delete_base_snapshot - Model VolumeGroupVolumeProperties has a new parameter smb_access_based_enumeration - Model VolumeGroupVolumeProperties has a new parameter smb_non_browsable ### Breaking Changes - Model Vault no longer has parameter location - Operation VolumesOperations.begin_relocate has a new parameter body ## 8.1.0 (2022-08-02) **Features** - Added operation VolumesOperations.begin_reestablish_replication - Model CapacityPoolPatch has a new parameter cool_access - Model Volume has a new parameter key_vault_private_endpoint_resource_id - Model VolumeGroupVolumeProperties has a new parameter key_vault_private_endpoint_resource_id - Model VolumePatch has a new parameter cool_access - Model VolumePatch has a new parameter coolness_period ## 8.0.0 (2022-06-13) **Features** - Added operation VolumesOperations.begin_finalize_relocation - Added operation VolumesOperations.begin_relocate - Added operation VolumesOperations.begin_reset_cifs_password - Added operation VolumesOperations.begin_revert_relocation - Added operation VolumesOperations.list_replications - Added operation group VolumeQuotaRulesOperations - Model ProxyResource has a new parameter system_data - Model Resource has a new parameter system_data - Model Volume has a new parameter encrypted - Model Volume has a new parameter zones - Model VolumeGroupVolumeProperties has a new parameter encrypted **Breaking changes** - Model VolumeGroup no longer has parameter tags - Model VolumeGroupDetails no longer has parameter tags ## 7.0.0 (2022-03-15) **Features** - Added operation SnapshotsOperations.begin_restore_files - Added operation group SubvolumesOperations - Model ActiveDirectory has a new parameter ldap_search_scope - Model BackupPolicy has a new parameter system_data - Model CapacityPool has a new parameter system_data - Model SnapshotPolicy has a new parameter system_data - Model Volume has a new parameter enable_subvolumes - Model Volume has a new parameter maximum_number_of_files - Model Volume has a new parameter system_data - Model VolumeGroupVolumeProperties has a new parameter enable_subvolumes - Model VolumeGroupVolumeProperties has a new parameter maximum_number_of_files - Model VolumePatch has a new parameter unix_permissions **Breaking changes** - Operation VolumesOperations.begin_delete has a new signature ## 6.0.1 (2022-01-12) **Fixes** - add support for Python 3.6 ## 6.0.0 (2022-01-06) **Features** - Added operation group VolumeGroupsOperations - Model ActiveDirectory has a new parameter encrypt_dc_connections - Model Volume has a new parameter capacity_pool_resource_id - Model Volume has a new parameter placement_rules - Model Volume has a new parameter proximity_placement_group - Model Volume has a new parameter t2_network - Model Volume has a new parameter volume_group_name - Model Volume has a new parameter volume_spec_name **Breaking changes** - Model BackupPolicy no longer has parameter name_properties_name - Model BackupPolicyDetails no longer has parameter name_properties_name - Model BackupPolicyPatch no longer has parameter name_properties_name - Model SubscriptionQuotaItem no longer has parameter name_properties_name ## 5.1.0 (2021-09-22) **Features** - Model ServiceSpecification has a new parameter log_specifications - Model MetricSpecification has a new parameter enable_regional_mdm_account - Model MetricSpecification has a new parameter is_internal - Model Volume has a new parameter network_sibling_set_id - Model Volume has a new parameter storage_to_network_proximity - Model Volume has a new parameter network_features - Added operation group NetAppResourceQuotaLimitsOperations ## 5.0.0 (2021-08-20) **Features** - Model BackupPolicy has a new parameter etag - Model BackupPolicy has a new parameter backup_policy_id - Model BackupPolicyPatch has a new parameter backup_policy_id - Model NetAppAccount has a new parameter etag - Model VolumePatch has a new parameter is_default_quota_enabled - Model VolumePatch has a new parameter default_user_quota_in_ki_bs - Model VolumePatch has a new parameter default_group_quota_in_ki_bs - Model BackupPolicyDetails has a new parameter backup_policy_id - Model Volume has a new parameter clone_progress - Model Volume has a new parameter default_group_quota_in_ki_bs - Model Volume has a new parameter is_default_quota_enabled - Model Volume has a new parameter default_user_quota_in_ki_bs - Model Volume has a new parameter avs_data_store - Model Volume has a new parameter etag - Model MetricSpecification has a new parameter supported_aggregation_types - Model MetricSpecification has a new parameter supported_time_grain_types - Model MetricSpecification has a new parameter internal_metric_name - Model MetricSpecification has a new parameter source_mdm_namespace - Model MetricSpecification has a new parameter source_mdm_account - Model CapacityPool has a new parameter encryption_type - Model CapacityPool has a new parameter etag - Model SnapshotPolicy has a new parameter etag - Added operation AccountsOperations.list_by_subscription **Breaking changes** - Model BackupPolicy no longer has parameter yearly_backups_to_keep - Model BackupPolicyPatch no longer has parameter yearly_backups_to_keep - Model BackupPolicyDetails no longer has parameter yearly_backups_to_keep ## 4.0.0 (2021-06-11) **Features** - Model ExportPolicyRule has a new parameter chown_mode - Model BackupStatus has a new parameter last_transfer_size - Model BackupStatus has a new parameter total_transfer_bytes - Model BackupStatus has a new parameter last_transfer_type - Model Volume has a new parameter cool_access - Model Volume has a new parameter unix_permissions - Model Volume has a new parameter coolness_period - Model CapacityPool has a new parameter cool_access - Model ActiveDirectory has a new parameter administrators - Added operation BackupsOperations.get_volume_restore_status **Breaking changes** - Operation NetAppResourceOperations.check_file_path_availability has a new signature ## 3.0.0 (2021-05-21) **Features** - Model Backup has a new parameter use_existing_snapshot - Model VolumePatchPropertiesDataProtection has a new parameter snapshot - Model BackupPatch has a new parameter use_existing_snapshot - Added operation BackupPoliciesOperations.begin_update - Added operation BackupsOperations.get_status **Breaking changes** - Removed operation BackupPoliciesOperations.update - Removed operation group VolumeBackupStatusOperations ## 2.0.0 (2021-03-16) **Features** - Model Volume has a new parameter ldap_enabled - Model Backup has a new parameter volume_name - Model ActiveDirectory has a new parameter allow_local_nfs_users_with_ldap - Model BackupPatch has a new parameter volume_name - Added operation BackupsOperations.begin_update - Added operation group VolumeBackupStatusOperations **Breaking changes** - Model SnapshotPolicyDetails no longer has parameter name_properties_name - Model SnapshotPolicyPatch no longer has parameter name_properties_name - Model Volume no longer has parameter name_properties_name - Model SnapshotPolicy no longer has parameter name_properties_name - Removed operation BackupsOperations.update ## 1.0.0 (2021-02-04) **Features** - Model VolumeList has a new parameter next_link - Model BackupPatch has a new parameter failure_reason - Model Backup has a new parameter failure_reason - Model NetAppAccountList has a new parameter next_link - Model ActiveDirectory has a new parameter security_operators - Model ActiveDirectory has a new parameter ldap_over_tls - Model NetAppAccountPatch has a new parameter encryption - Model CapacityPoolList has a new parameter next_link - Model Volume has a new parameter encryption_key_source - Model Volume has a new parameter smb_encryption - Model Volume has a new parameter smb_continuously_available - Model Volume has a new parameter name_properties_name - Model NetAppAccount has a new parameter system_data - Model NetAppAccount has a new parameter encryption - Added operation SnapshotPoliciesOperations.begin_update **Breaking changes** - Removed operation SnapshotPoliciesOperations.update ## 1.0.0b1 (2020-12-01) This is beta preview version. This version uses a next-generation code generator that introduces important breaking changes, but also important new features (like unified authentication and async programming). **General breaking changes** - Credential system has been completly revamped: - `azure.common.credentials` or `msrestazure.azure_active_directory` instances are no longer supported, use the `azure-identity` classes instead: https://pypi.org/project/azure-identity/ - `credentials` parameter has been renamed `credential` - The `config` attribute no longer exists on a client, configuration should be passed as kwarg. Example: `MyClient(credential, subscription_id, enable_logging=True)`. For a complete set of supported options, see the [parameters accept in init documentation of azure-core](https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-python/blob/main/sdk/core/azure-core/CLIENT_LIBRARY_DEVELOPER.md#available-policies) - You can't import a `version` module anymore, use `__version__` instead - Operations that used to return a `msrest.polling.LROPoller` now returns a `azure.core.polling.LROPoller` and are prefixed with `begin_`. - Exceptions tree have been simplified and most exceptions are now `azure.core.exceptions.HttpResponseError` (`CloudError` has been removed). - Most of the operation kwarg have changed. Some of the most noticeable: - `raw` has been removed. Equivalent feature can be found using `cls`, a callback that will give access to internal HTTP response for advanced user - For a complete set of supported options, see the [parameters accept in Request documentation of azure-core](https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-python/blob/main/sdk/core/azure-core/CLIENT_LIBRARY_DEVELOPER.md#available-policies) **General new features** - Type annotations support using `typing`. SDKs are mypy ready. - This client has now stable and official support for async. Check the `aio` namespace of your package to find the async client. - This client now support natively tracing library like OpenCensus or OpenTelemetry. See this [tracing quickstart](https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-python/tree/main/sdk/core/azure-core-tracing-opentelemetry) for an overview. ## 0.10.0 (2020-04-21) **Features** - Model MountTarget has a new parameter end_ip - Model MountTarget has a new parameter start_ip - Model MountTarget has a new parameter netmask - Model MountTarget has a new parameter gateway - Model MountTarget has a new parameter subnet ## 0.9.0 (2020-04-02) **Features** - Model ActiveDirectory has a new parameter site - Added operation VolumesOperations.revert **Breaking changes** - Operation SnapshotsOperations.update has a new signature - Operation SnapshotsOperations.update has a new signature - Operation SnapshotsOperations.create has a new signature - Model Snapshot no longer has parameter tags - Model MountTarget no longer has parameter netmask - Model MountTarget no longer has parameter subnet - Model MountTarget no longer has parameter start_ip - Model MountTarget no longer has parameter provisioning_state - Model MountTarget no longer has parameter gateway - Model MountTarget no longer has parameter end_ip - Removed operation group MountTargetsOperations ## 0.8.0 (2020-01-12) **Features** - Model Volume has a new parameter is_restoring - Model ReplicationObject has a new parameter remote_volume_region - Added operation VolumesOperations.delete_replication - Added operation VolumesOperations.break_replication - Added operation VolumesOperations.resync_replication - Added operation VolumesOperations.authorize_replication - Added operation VolumesOperations.replication_status_method ## 0.7.0 (2019-11-12) **Features** - Model MountTarget has a new parameter type - Model Volume has a new parameter data_protection - Model Volume has a new parameter volume_type - Added operation group NetAppResourceOperations **Breaking changes** - Removed operation group AzureNetAppFilesManagementClientOperationsMixin ## 0.6.0 (2019-09-26) **Features** - Model Snapshot has a new parameter created - Model ExportPolicyRule has a new parameter nfsv41 - Added operation group AzureNetAppFilesManagementClientOperationsMixin **Breaking changes** - Model Snapshot no longer has parameter creation_date - Model ExportPolicyRule no longer has parameter nfsv4 ## 0.5.0 (2019-07-03) **Features** - Model Volume has a new parameter protocol_types - Model Volume has a new parameter mount_targets **Breaking changes** - Parameter subnet_id of model Volume is now required - Parameter usage_threshold of model Volume is now required - Parameter service_level of model CapacityPool is now required - Parameter size of model CapacityPool is now required ## 0.4.0 (2019-04-29) **Features** - Model Volume has a new parameter baremetal_tenant_id - Model Volume has a new parameter snapshot_id **Breaking changes** - Model ActiveDirectory fixing d_ns to dns, and s_mb_server_name to smb_server_name ## 0.3.0 (2019-03-25) **Features** - Model VolumePatch has a new parameter export_policy - Model NetAppAccount has a new parameter active_directories - Model Volume has a new parameter export_policy - Model MountTarget has a new parameter smb_server_fqdn - Model MountTarget has a new parameter subnet **Breaking changes** - Operation PoolsOperations.update has a new signature - Model MountTarget no longer has parameter vlan_id - Operation AccountsOperations.update has a new signature - Operation AccountsOperations.create_or_update has a new signature - Model CapacityPoolPatch has a new signature - Model NetAppAccountPatch has a new signature ## 0.2.0 (2019-03-04) **Breaking changes** - The resource_group parameter in MountTargetsOperations.list has changed to resource_group_name - The resource_group parameter in SnapshotsOperations.get has changed to resource_group_name - The resource_group parameter in SnapshotsOperations.create has changed to resource_group_name - The resource_group parameter in SnapshotsOperations.list has changed to resource_group_name - The resource_group parameter in SnapshotsOperations.delete has changed to resource_group_name - The resource_group parameter in SnapshotsOperations.update has changed to resource_group_name ## 0.1.0 (2018-01-02) - Initial Release %package -n python3-azure-mgmt-netapp Summary: Microsoft Azure NetApp Files Management Client Library for Python Provides: python-azure-mgmt-netapp BuildRequires: python3-devel BuildRequires: python3-setuptools BuildRequires: python3-pip %description -n python3-azure-mgmt-netapp # Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure NetApp Files Management Client Library. This package has been tested with Python 3.7+. For a more complete view of Azure libraries, see the [azure sdk python release](https://aka.ms/azsdk/python/all). ## _Disclaimer_ _Azure SDK Python packages support for Python 2.7 has ended 01 January 2022. For more information and questions, please refer to https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-python/issues/20691_ ## Getting started ### Prerequisites - Python 3.7+ is required to use this package. - [Azure subscription](https://azure.microsoft.com/free/) ### Install the package ```bash pip install azure-mgmt-netapp pip install azure-identity ``` ### Authentication By default, [Azure Active Directory](https://aka.ms/awps/aad) token authentication depends on correct configure of following environment variables. - `AZURE_CLIENT_ID` for Azure client ID. - `AZURE_TENANT_ID` for Azure tenant ID. - `AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET` for Azure client secret. In addition, Azure subscription ID can be configured via environment variable `AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID`. With above configuration, client can be authenticated by following code: ```python from azure.identity import DefaultAzureCredential from azure.mgmt.netapp import NetAppManagementClient import os sub_id = os.getenv("AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID") client = NetAppManagementClient(credential=DefaultAzureCredential(), subscription_id=sub_id) ``` ## Examples Code samples for this package can be found at [NetApp Files Management](https://docs.microsoft.com/samples/browse/?languages=python&term=Getting%20started%20-%20Managing&terms=Getting%20started%20-%20Managing) on docs.microsoft.com and [Samples Repo](https://aka.ms/azsdk/python/mgmt/samples) ## Troubleshooting ## Next steps ## Provide Feedback If you encounter any bugs or have suggestions, please file an issue in the [Issues](https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-python/issues) section of the project. ![Impressions](https://azure-sdk-impressions.azurewebsites.net/api/impressions/azure-sdk-for-python%2Fazure-mgmt-netapp%2FREADME.png) # Release History ## 10.0.0 (2023-04-20) ### Features Added - Added operation BackupsOperations.begin_restore_files - Added operation VolumesOperations.begin_break_file_locks - Model ActiveDirectory has a new parameter preferred_servers_for_ldap_client - Model Backup has a new parameter system_data - Model BackupPolicyDetails has a new parameter system_data - Model Snapshot has a new parameter system_data - Model Volume has a new parameter data_store_resource_id - Model Volume has a new parameter file_access_logs - Model Volume has a new parameter is_large_volume - Model Volume has a new parameter provisioned_availability_zone - Model VolumeGroupVolumeProperties has a new parameter data_store_resource_id - Model VolumeGroupVolumeProperties has a new parameter file_access_logs - Model VolumeGroupVolumeProperties has a new parameter is_large_volume - Model VolumeGroupVolumeProperties has a new parameter provisioned_availability_zone - Model VolumePropertiesDataProtection has a new parameter volume_relocation - Model VolumeQuotaRulePatch has a new parameter tags - Model VolumeRelocationProperties has a new parameter ready_to_be_finalized ### Breaking Changes - Model VolumeBackupProperties no longer has parameter vault_id - Model VolumeRelocationProperties no longer has parameter old_bare_metal_tenant_id - Model VolumeRelocationProperties no longer has parameter old_volume_id - Parameter location of model BackupPolicyDetails is now required - Removed operation group VaultsOperations ## 9.0.2b1 (2023-02-16) ### Other Changes - Added generated samples in github repo - Drop support for python<3.7.0 ## 9.0.1 (2022-10-26) ### Bugs Fixed - Added missing parameter `api_version` for operation AccountsOperations.begin_renew_credentials ## 9.0.0 (2022-09-26) ### Features Added - Added operation AccountsOperations.begin_renew_credentials - Added operation NetAppResourceOperations.query_region_info - Model AccountEncryption has a new parameter identity - Model AccountEncryption has a new parameter key_vault_properties - Model NetAppAccount has a new parameter disable_showmount - Model NetAppAccount has a new parameter identity - Model NetAppAccountPatch has a new parameter disable_showmount - Model Volume has a new parameter delete_base_snapshot - Model Volume has a new parameter smb_access_based_enumeration - Model Volume has a new parameter smb_non_browsable - Model VolumeGroupVolumeProperties has a new parameter delete_base_snapshot - Model VolumeGroupVolumeProperties has a new parameter smb_access_based_enumeration - Model VolumeGroupVolumeProperties has a new parameter smb_non_browsable ### Breaking Changes - Model Vault no longer has parameter location - Operation VolumesOperations.begin_relocate has a new parameter body ## 8.1.0 (2022-08-02) **Features** - Added operation VolumesOperations.begin_reestablish_replication - Model CapacityPoolPatch has a new parameter cool_access - Model Volume has a new parameter key_vault_private_endpoint_resource_id - Model VolumeGroupVolumeProperties has a new parameter key_vault_private_endpoint_resource_id - Model VolumePatch has a new parameter cool_access - Model VolumePatch has a new parameter coolness_period ## 8.0.0 (2022-06-13) **Features** - Added operation VolumesOperations.begin_finalize_relocation - Added operation VolumesOperations.begin_relocate - Added operation VolumesOperations.begin_reset_cifs_password - Added operation VolumesOperations.begin_revert_relocation - Added operation VolumesOperations.list_replications - Added operation group VolumeQuotaRulesOperations - Model ProxyResource has a new parameter system_data - Model Resource has a new parameter system_data - Model Volume has a new parameter encrypted - Model Volume has a new parameter zones - Model VolumeGroupVolumeProperties has a new parameter encrypted **Breaking changes** - Model VolumeGroup no longer has parameter tags - Model VolumeGroupDetails no longer has parameter tags ## 7.0.0 (2022-03-15) **Features** - Added operation SnapshotsOperations.begin_restore_files - Added operation group SubvolumesOperations - Model ActiveDirectory has a new parameter ldap_search_scope - Model BackupPolicy has a new parameter system_data - Model CapacityPool has a new parameter system_data - Model SnapshotPolicy has a new parameter system_data - Model Volume has a new parameter enable_subvolumes - Model Volume has a new parameter maximum_number_of_files - Model Volume has a new parameter system_data - Model VolumeGroupVolumeProperties has a new parameter enable_subvolumes - Model VolumeGroupVolumeProperties has a new parameter maximum_number_of_files - Model VolumePatch has a new parameter unix_permissions **Breaking changes** - Operation VolumesOperations.begin_delete has a new signature ## 6.0.1 (2022-01-12) **Fixes** - add support for Python 3.6 ## 6.0.0 (2022-01-06) **Features** - Added operation group VolumeGroupsOperations - Model ActiveDirectory has a new parameter encrypt_dc_connections - Model Volume has a new parameter capacity_pool_resource_id - Model Volume has a new parameter placement_rules - Model Volume has a new parameter proximity_placement_group - Model Volume has a new parameter t2_network - Model Volume has a new parameter volume_group_name - Model Volume has a new parameter volume_spec_name **Breaking changes** - Model BackupPolicy no longer has parameter name_properties_name - Model BackupPolicyDetails no longer has parameter name_properties_name - Model BackupPolicyPatch no longer has parameter name_properties_name - Model SubscriptionQuotaItem no longer has parameter name_properties_name ## 5.1.0 (2021-09-22) **Features** - Model ServiceSpecification has a new parameter log_specifications - Model MetricSpecification has a new parameter enable_regional_mdm_account - Model MetricSpecification has a new parameter is_internal - Model Volume has a new parameter network_sibling_set_id - Model Volume has a new parameter storage_to_network_proximity - Model Volume has a new parameter network_features - Added operation group NetAppResourceQuotaLimitsOperations ## 5.0.0 (2021-08-20) **Features** - Model BackupPolicy has a new parameter etag - Model BackupPolicy has a new parameter backup_policy_id - Model BackupPolicyPatch has a new parameter backup_policy_id - Model NetAppAccount has a new parameter etag - Model VolumePatch has a new parameter is_default_quota_enabled - Model VolumePatch has a new parameter default_user_quota_in_ki_bs - Model VolumePatch has a new parameter default_group_quota_in_ki_bs - Model BackupPolicyDetails has a new parameter backup_policy_id - Model Volume has a new parameter clone_progress - Model Volume has a new parameter default_group_quota_in_ki_bs - Model Volume has a new parameter is_default_quota_enabled - Model Volume has a new parameter default_user_quota_in_ki_bs - Model Volume has a new parameter avs_data_store - Model Volume has a new parameter etag - Model MetricSpecification has a new parameter supported_aggregation_types - Model MetricSpecification has a new parameter supported_time_grain_types - Model MetricSpecification has a new parameter internal_metric_name - Model MetricSpecification has a new parameter source_mdm_namespace - Model MetricSpecification has a new parameter source_mdm_account - Model CapacityPool has a new parameter encryption_type - Model CapacityPool has a new parameter etag - Model SnapshotPolicy has a new parameter etag - Added operation AccountsOperations.list_by_subscription **Breaking changes** - Model BackupPolicy no longer has parameter yearly_backups_to_keep - Model BackupPolicyPatch no longer has parameter yearly_backups_to_keep - Model BackupPolicyDetails no longer has parameter yearly_backups_to_keep ## 4.0.0 (2021-06-11) **Features** - Model ExportPolicyRule has a new parameter chown_mode - Model BackupStatus has a new parameter last_transfer_size - Model BackupStatus has a new parameter total_transfer_bytes - Model BackupStatus has a new parameter last_transfer_type - Model Volume has a new parameter cool_access - Model Volume has a new parameter unix_permissions - Model Volume has a new parameter coolness_period - Model CapacityPool has a new parameter cool_access - Model ActiveDirectory has a new parameter administrators - Added operation BackupsOperations.get_volume_restore_status **Breaking changes** - Operation NetAppResourceOperations.check_file_path_availability has a new signature ## 3.0.0 (2021-05-21) **Features** - Model Backup has a new parameter use_existing_snapshot - Model VolumePatchPropertiesDataProtection has a new parameter snapshot - Model BackupPatch has a new parameter use_existing_snapshot - Added operation BackupPoliciesOperations.begin_update - Added operation BackupsOperations.get_status **Breaking changes** - Removed operation BackupPoliciesOperations.update - Removed operation group VolumeBackupStatusOperations ## 2.0.0 (2021-03-16) **Features** - Model Volume has a new parameter ldap_enabled - Model Backup has a new parameter volume_name - Model ActiveDirectory has a new parameter allow_local_nfs_users_with_ldap - Model BackupPatch has a new parameter volume_name - Added operation BackupsOperations.begin_update - Added operation group VolumeBackupStatusOperations **Breaking changes** - Model SnapshotPolicyDetails no longer has parameter name_properties_name - Model SnapshotPolicyPatch no longer has parameter name_properties_name - Model Volume no longer has parameter name_properties_name - Model SnapshotPolicy no longer has parameter name_properties_name - Removed operation BackupsOperations.update ## 1.0.0 (2021-02-04) **Features** - Model VolumeList has a new parameter next_link - Model BackupPatch has a new parameter failure_reason - Model Backup has a new parameter failure_reason - Model NetAppAccountList has a new parameter next_link - Model ActiveDirectory has a new parameter security_operators - Model ActiveDirectory has a new parameter ldap_over_tls - Model NetAppAccountPatch has a new parameter encryption - Model CapacityPoolList has a new parameter next_link - Model Volume has a new parameter encryption_key_source - Model Volume has a new parameter smb_encryption - Model Volume has a new parameter smb_continuously_available - Model Volume has a new parameter name_properties_name - Model NetAppAccount has a new parameter system_data - Model NetAppAccount has a new parameter encryption - Added operation SnapshotPoliciesOperations.begin_update **Breaking changes** - Removed operation SnapshotPoliciesOperations.update ## 1.0.0b1 (2020-12-01) This is beta preview version. This version uses a next-generation code generator that introduces important breaking changes, but also important new features (like unified authentication and async programming). **General breaking changes** - Credential system has been completly revamped: - `azure.common.credentials` or `msrestazure.azure_active_directory` instances are no longer supported, use the `azure-identity` classes instead: https://pypi.org/project/azure-identity/ - `credentials` parameter has been renamed `credential` - The `config` attribute no longer exists on a client, configuration should be passed as kwarg. Example: `MyClient(credential, subscription_id, enable_logging=True)`. For a complete set of supported options, see the [parameters accept in init documentation of azure-core](https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-python/blob/main/sdk/core/azure-core/CLIENT_LIBRARY_DEVELOPER.md#available-policies) - You can't import a `version` module anymore, use `__version__` instead - Operations that used to return a `msrest.polling.LROPoller` now returns a `azure.core.polling.LROPoller` and are prefixed with `begin_`. - Exceptions tree have been simplified and most exceptions are now `azure.core.exceptions.HttpResponseError` (`CloudError` has been removed). - Most of the operation kwarg have changed. Some of the most noticeable: - `raw` has been removed. Equivalent feature can be found using `cls`, a callback that will give access to internal HTTP response for advanced user - For a complete set of supported options, see the [parameters accept in Request documentation of azure-core](https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-python/blob/main/sdk/core/azure-core/CLIENT_LIBRARY_DEVELOPER.md#available-policies) **General new features** - Type annotations support using `typing`. SDKs are mypy ready. - This client has now stable and official support for async. Check the `aio` namespace of your package to find the async client. - This client now support natively tracing library like OpenCensus or OpenTelemetry. See this [tracing quickstart](https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-python/tree/main/sdk/core/azure-core-tracing-opentelemetry) for an overview. ## 0.10.0 (2020-04-21) **Features** - Model MountTarget has a new parameter end_ip - Model MountTarget has a new parameter start_ip - Model MountTarget has a new parameter netmask - Model MountTarget has a new parameter gateway - Model MountTarget has a new parameter subnet ## 0.9.0 (2020-04-02) **Features** - Model ActiveDirectory has a new parameter site - Added operation VolumesOperations.revert **Breaking changes** - Operation SnapshotsOperations.update has a new signature - Operation SnapshotsOperations.update has a new signature - Operation SnapshotsOperations.create has a new signature - Model Snapshot no longer has parameter tags - Model MountTarget no longer has parameter netmask - Model MountTarget no longer has parameter subnet - Model MountTarget no longer has parameter start_ip - Model MountTarget no longer has parameter provisioning_state - Model MountTarget no longer has parameter gateway - Model MountTarget no longer has parameter end_ip - Removed operation group MountTargetsOperations ## 0.8.0 (2020-01-12) **Features** - Model Volume has a new parameter is_restoring - Model ReplicationObject has a new parameter remote_volume_region - Added operation VolumesOperations.delete_replication - Added operation VolumesOperations.break_replication - Added operation VolumesOperations.resync_replication - Added operation VolumesOperations.authorize_replication - Added operation VolumesOperations.replication_status_method ## 0.7.0 (2019-11-12) **Features** - Model MountTarget has a new parameter type - Model Volume has a new parameter data_protection - Model Volume has a new parameter volume_type - Added operation group NetAppResourceOperations **Breaking changes** - Removed operation group AzureNetAppFilesManagementClientOperationsMixin ## 0.6.0 (2019-09-26) **Features** - Model Snapshot has a new parameter created - Model ExportPolicyRule has a new parameter nfsv41 - Added operation group AzureNetAppFilesManagementClientOperationsMixin **Breaking changes** - Model Snapshot no longer has parameter creation_date - Model ExportPolicyRule no longer has parameter nfsv4 ## 0.5.0 (2019-07-03) **Features** - Model Volume has a new parameter protocol_types - Model Volume has a new parameter mount_targets **Breaking changes** - Parameter subnet_id of model Volume is now required - Parameter usage_threshold of model Volume is now required - Parameter service_level of model CapacityPool is now required - Parameter size of model CapacityPool is now required ## 0.4.0 (2019-04-29) **Features** - Model Volume has a new parameter baremetal_tenant_id - Model Volume has a new parameter snapshot_id **Breaking changes** - Model ActiveDirectory fixing d_ns to dns, and s_mb_server_name to smb_server_name ## 0.3.0 (2019-03-25) **Features** - Model VolumePatch has a new parameter export_policy - Model NetAppAccount has a new parameter active_directories - Model Volume has a new parameter export_policy - Model MountTarget has a new parameter smb_server_fqdn - Model MountTarget has a new parameter subnet **Breaking changes** - Operation PoolsOperations.update has a new signature - Model MountTarget no longer has parameter vlan_id - Operation AccountsOperations.update has a new signature - Operation AccountsOperations.create_or_update has a new signature - Model CapacityPoolPatch has a new signature - Model NetAppAccountPatch has a new signature ## 0.2.0 (2019-03-04) **Breaking changes** - The resource_group parameter in MountTargetsOperations.list has changed to resource_group_name - The resource_group parameter in SnapshotsOperations.get has changed to resource_group_name - The resource_group parameter in SnapshotsOperations.create has changed to resource_group_name - The resource_group parameter in SnapshotsOperations.list has changed to resource_group_name - The resource_group parameter in SnapshotsOperations.delete has changed to resource_group_name - The resource_group parameter in SnapshotsOperations.update has changed to resource_group_name ## 0.1.0 (2018-01-02) - Initial Release %package help Summary: Development documents and examples for azure-mgmt-netapp Provides: python3-azure-mgmt-netapp-doc %description help # Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure NetApp Files Management Client Library. This package has been tested with Python 3.7+. For a more complete view of Azure libraries, see the [azure sdk python release](https://aka.ms/azsdk/python/all). ## _Disclaimer_ _Azure SDK Python packages support for Python 2.7 has ended 01 January 2022. For more information and questions, please refer to https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-python/issues/20691_ ## Getting started ### Prerequisites - Python 3.7+ is required to use this package. - [Azure subscription](https://azure.microsoft.com/free/) ### Install the package ```bash pip install azure-mgmt-netapp pip install azure-identity ``` ### Authentication By default, [Azure Active Directory](https://aka.ms/awps/aad) token authentication depends on correct configure of following environment variables. - `AZURE_CLIENT_ID` for Azure client ID. - `AZURE_TENANT_ID` for Azure tenant ID. - `AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET` for Azure client secret. In addition, Azure subscription ID can be configured via environment variable `AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID`. With above configuration, client can be authenticated by following code: ```python from azure.identity import DefaultAzureCredential from azure.mgmt.netapp import NetAppManagementClient import os sub_id = os.getenv("AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID") client = NetAppManagementClient(credential=DefaultAzureCredential(), subscription_id=sub_id) ``` ## Examples Code samples for this package can be found at [NetApp Files Management](https://docs.microsoft.com/samples/browse/?languages=python&term=Getting%20started%20-%20Managing&terms=Getting%20started%20-%20Managing) on docs.microsoft.com and [Samples Repo](https://aka.ms/azsdk/python/mgmt/samples) ## Troubleshooting ## Next steps ## Provide Feedback If you encounter any bugs or have suggestions, please file an issue in the [Issues](https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-python/issues) section of the project. ![Impressions](https://azure-sdk-impressions.azurewebsites.net/api/impressions/azure-sdk-for-python%2Fazure-mgmt-netapp%2FREADME.png) # Release History ## 10.0.0 (2023-04-20) ### Features Added - Added operation BackupsOperations.begin_restore_files - Added operation VolumesOperations.begin_break_file_locks - Model ActiveDirectory has a new parameter preferred_servers_for_ldap_client - Model Backup has a new parameter system_data - Model BackupPolicyDetails has a new parameter system_data - Model Snapshot has a new parameter system_data - Model Volume has a new parameter data_store_resource_id - Model Volume has a new parameter file_access_logs - Model Volume has a new parameter is_large_volume - Model Volume has a new parameter provisioned_availability_zone - Model VolumeGroupVolumeProperties has a new parameter data_store_resource_id - Model VolumeGroupVolumeProperties has a new parameter file_access_logs - Model VolumeGroupVolumeProperties has a new parameter is_large_volume - Model VolumeGroupVolumeProperties has a new parameter provisioned_availability_zone - Model VolumePropertiesDataProtection has a new parameter volume_relocation - Model VolumeQuotaRulePatch has a new parameter tags - Model VolumeRelocationProperties has a new parameter ready_to_be_finalized ### Breaking Changes - Model VolumeBackupProperties no longer has parameter vault_id - Model VolumeRelocationProperties no longer has parameter old_bare_metal_tenant_id - Model VolumeRelocationProperties no longer has parameter old_volume_id - Parameter location of model BackupPolicyDetails is now required - Removed operation group VaultsOperations ## 9.0.2b1 (2023-02-16) ### Other Changes - Added generated samples in github repo - Drop support for python<3.7.0 ## 9.0.1 (2022-10-26) ### Bugs Fixed - Added missing parameter `api_version` for operation AccountsOperations.begin_renew_credentials ## 9.0.0 (2022-09-26) ### Features Added - Added operation AccountsOperations.begin_renew_credentials - Added operation NetAppResourceOperations.query_region_info - Model AccountEncryption has a new parameter identity - Model AccountEncryption has a new parameter key_vault_properties - Model NetAppAccount has a new parameter disable_showmount - Model NetAppAccount has a new parameter identity - Model NetAppAccountPatch has a new parameter disable_showmount - Model Volume has a new parameter delete_base_snapshot - Model Volume has a new parameter smb_access_based_enumeration - Model Volume has a new parameter smb_non_browsable - Model VolumeGroupVolumeProperties has a new parameter delete_base_snapshot - Model VolumeGroupVolumeProperties has a new parameter smb_access_based_enumeration - Model VolumeGroupVolumeProperties has a new parameter smb_non_browsable ### Breaking Changes - Model Vault no longer has parameter location - Operation VolumesOperations.begin_relocate has a new parameter body ## 8.1.0 (2022-08-02) **Features** - Added operation VolumesOperations.begin_reestablish_replication - Model CapacityPoolPatch has a new parameter cool_access - Model Volume has a new parameter key_vault_private_endpoint_resource_id - Model VolumeGroupVolumeProperties has a new parameter key_vault_private_endpoint_resource_id - Model VolumePatch has a new parameter cool_access - Model VolumePatch has a new parameter coolness_period ## 8.0.0 (2022-06-13) **Features** - Added operation VolumesOperations.begin_finalize_relocation - Added operation VolumesOperations.begin_relocate - Added operation VolumesOperations.begin_reset_cifs_password - Added operation VolumesOperations.begin_revert_relocation - Added operation VolumesOperations.list_replications - Added operation group VolumeQuotaRulesOperations - Model ProxyResource has a new parameter system_data - Model Resource has a new parameter system_data - Model Volume has a new parameter encrypted - Model Volume has a new parameter zones - Model VolumeGroupVolumeProperties has a new parameter encrypted **Breaking changes** - Model VolumeGroup no longer has parameter tags - Model VolumeGroupDetails no longer has parameter tags ## 7.0.0 (2022-03-15) **Features** - Added operation SnapshotsOperations.begin_restore_files - Added operation group SubvolumesOperations - Model ActiveDirectory has a new parameter ldap_search_scope - Model BackupPolicy has a new parameter system_data - Model CapacityPool has a new parameter system_data - Model SnapshotPolicy has a new parameter system_data - Model Volume has a new parameter enable_subvolumes - Model Volume has a new parameter maximum_number_of_files - Model Volume has a new parameter system_data - Model VolumeGroupVolumeProperties has a new parameter enable_subvolumes - Model VolumeGroupVolumeProperties has a new parameter maximum_number_of_files - Model VolumePatch has a new parameter unix_permissions **Breaking changes** - Operation VolumesOperations.begin_delete has a new signature ## 6.0.1 (2022-01-12) **Fixes** - add support for Python 3.6 ## 6.0.0 (2022-01-06) **Features** - Added operation group VolumeGroupsOperations - Model ActiveDirectory has a new parameter encrypt_dc_connections - Model Volume has a new parameter capacity_pool_resource_id - Model Volume has a new parameter placement_rules - Model Volume has a new parameter proximity_placement_group - Model Volume has a new parameter t2_network - Model Volume has a new parameter volume_group_name - Model Volume has a new parameter volume_spec_name **Breaking changes** - Model BackupPolicy no longer has parameter name_properties_name - Model BackupPolicyDetails no longer has parameter name_properties_name - Model BackupPolicyPatch no longer has parameter name_properties_name - Model SubscriptionQuotaItem no longer has parameter name_properties_name ## 5.1.0 (2021-09-22) **Features** - Model ServiceSpecification has a new parameter log_specifications - Model MetricSpecification has a new parameter enable_regional_mdm_account - Model MetricSpecification has a new parameter is_internal - Model Volume has a new parameter network_sibling_set_id - Model Volume has a new parameter storage_to_network_proximity - Model Volume has a new parameter network_features - Added operation group NetAppResourceQuotaLimitsOperations ## 5.0.0 (2021-08-20) **Features** - Model BackupPolicy has a new parameter etag - Model BackupPolicy has a new parameter backup_policy_id - Model BackupPolicyPatch has a new parameter backup_policy_id - Model NetAppAccount has a new parameter etag - Model VolumePatch has a new parameter is_default_quota_enabled - Model VolumePatch has a new parameter default_user_quota_in_ki_bs - Model VolumePatch has a new parameter default_group_quota_in_ki_bs - Model BackupPolicyDetails has a new parameter backup_policy_id - Model Volume has a new parameter clone_progress - Model Volume has a new parameter default_group_quota_in_ki_bs - Model Volume has a new parameter is_default_quota_enabled - Model Volume has a new parameter default_user_quota_in_ki_bs - Model Volume has a new parameter avs_data_store - Model Volume has a new parameter etag - Model MetricSpecification has a new parameter supported_aggregation_types - Model MetricSpecification has a new parameter supported_time_grain_types - Model MetricSpecification has a new parameter internal_metric_name - Model MetricSpecification has a new parameter source_mdm_namespace - Model MetricSpecification has a new parameter source_mdm_account - Model CapacityPool has a new parameter encryption_type - Model CapacityPool has a new parameter etag - Model SnapshotPolicy has a new parameter etag - Added operation AccountsOperations.list_by_subscription **Breaking changes** - Model BackupPolicy no longer has parameter yearly_backups_to_keep - Model BackupPolicyPatch no longer has parameter yearly_backups_to_keep - Model BackupPolicyDetails no longer has parameter yearly_backups_to_keep ## 4.0.0 (2021-06-11) **Features** - Model ExportPolicyRule has a new parameter chown_mode - Model BackupStatus has a new parameter last_transfer_size - Model BackupStatus has a new parameter total_transfer_bytes - Model BackupStatus has a new parameter last_transfer_type - Model Volume has a new parameter cool_access - Model Volume has a new parameter unix_permissions - Model Volume has a new parameter coolness_period - Model CapacityPool has a new parameter cool_access - Model ActiveDirectory has a new parameter administrators - Added operation BackupsOperations.get_volume_restore_status **Breaking changes** - Operation NetAppResourceOperations.check_file_path_availability has a new signature ## 3.0.0 (2021-05-21) **Features** - Model Backup has a new parameter use_existing_snapshot - Model VolumePatchPropertiesDataProtection has a new parameter snapshot - Model BackupPatch has a new parameter use_existing_snapshot - Added operation BackupPoliciesOperations.begin_update - Added operation BackupsOperations.get_status **Breaking changes** - Removed operation BackupPoliciesOperations.update - Removed operation group VolumeBackupStatusOperations ## 2.0.0 (2021-03-16) **Features** - Model Volume has a new parameter ldap_enabled - Model Backup has a new parameter volume_name - Model ActiveDirectory has a new parameter allow_local_nfs_users_with_ldap - Model BackupPatch has a new parameter volume_name - Added operation BackupsOperations.begin_update - Added operation group VolumeBackupStatusOperations **Breaking changes** - Model SnapshotPolicyDetails no longer has parameter name_properties_name - Model SnapshotPolicyPatch no longer has parameter name_properties_name - Model Volume no longer has parameter name_properties_name - Model SnapshotPolicy no longer has parameter name_properties_name - Removed operation BackupsOperations.update ## 1.0.0 (2021-02-04) **Features** - Model VolumeList has a new parameter next_link - Model BackupPatch has a new parameter failure_reason - Model Backup has a new parameter failure_reason - Model NetAppAccountList has a new parameter next_link - Model ActiveDirectory has a new parameter security_operators - Model ActiveDirectory has a new parameter ldap_over_tls - Model NetAppAccountPatch has a new parameter encryption - Model CapacityPoolList has a new parameter next_link - Model Volume has a new parameter encryption_key_source - Model Volume has a new parameter smb_encryption - Model Volume has a new parameter smb_continuously_available - Model Volume has a new parameter name_properties_name - Model NetAppAccount has a new parameter system_data - Model NetAppAccount has a new parameter encryption - Added operation SnapshotPoliciesOperations.begin_update **Breaking changes** - Removed operation SnapshotPoliciesOperations.update ## 1.0.0b1 (2020-12-01) This is beta preview version. This version uses a next-generation code generator that introduces important breaking changes, but also important new features (like unified authentication and async programming). **General breaking changes** - Credential system has been completly revamped: - `azure.common.credentials` or `msrestazure.azure_active_directory` instances are no longer supported, use the `azure-identity` classes instead: https://pypi.org/project/azure-identity/ - `credentials` parameter has been renamed `credential` - The `config` attribute no longer exists on a client, configuration should be passed as kwarg. Example: `MyClient(credential, subscription_id, enable_logging=True)`. For a complete set of supported options, see the [parameters accept in init documentation of azure-core](https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-python/blob/main/sdk/core/azure-core/CLIENT_LIBRARY_DEVELOPER.md#available-policies) - You can't import a `version` module anymore, use `__version__` instead - Operations that used to return a `msrest.polling.LROPoller` now returns a `azure.core.polling.LROPoller` and are prefixed with `begin_`. - Exceptions tree have been simplified and most exceptions are now `azure.core.exceptions.HttpResponseError` (`CloudError` has been removed). - Most of the operation kwarg have changed. Some of the most noticeable: - `raw` has been removed. Equivalent feature can be found using `cls`, a callback that will give access to internal HTTP response for advanced user - For a complete set of supported options, see the [parameters accept in Request documentation of azure-core](https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-python/blob/main/sdk/core/azure-core/CLIENT_LIBRARY_DEVELOPER.md#available-policies) **General new features** - Type annotations support using `typing`. SDKs are mypy ready. - This client has now stable and official support for async. Check the `aio` namespace of your package to find the async client. - This client now support natively tracing library like OpenCensus or OpenTelemetry. See this [tracing quickstart](https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-python/tree/main/sdk/core/azure-core-tracing-opentelemetry) for an overview. ## 0.10.0 (2020-04-21) **Features** - Model MountTarget has a new parameter end_ip - Model MountTarget has a new parameter start_ip - Model MountTarget has a new parameter netmask - Model MountTarget has a new parameter gateway - Model MountTarget has a new parameter subnet ## 0.9.0 (2020-04-02) **Features** - Model ActiveDirectory has a new parameter site - Added operation VolumesOperations.revert **Breaking changes** - Operation SnapshotsOperations.update has a new signature - Operation SnapshotsOperations.update has a new signature - Operation SnapshotsOperations.create has a new signature - Model Snapshot no longer has parameter tags - Model MountTarget no longer has parameter netmask - Model MountTarget no longer has parameter subnet - Model MountTarget no longer has parameter start_ip - Model MountTarget no longer has parameter provisioning_state - Model MountTarget no longer has parameter gateway - Model MountTarget no longer has parameter end_ip - Removed operation group MountTargetsOperations ## 0.8.0 (2020-01-12) **Features** - Model Volume has a new parameter is_restoring - Model ReplicationObject has a new parameter remote_volume_region - Added operation VolumesOperations.delete_replication - Added operation VolumesOperations.break_replication - Added operation VolumesOperations.resync_replication - Added operation VolumesOperations.authorize_replication - Added operation VolumesOperations.replication_status_method ## 0.7.0 (2019-11-12) **Features** - Model MountTarget has a new parameter type - Model Volume has a new parameter data_protection - Model Volume has a new parameter volume_type - Added operation group NetAppResourceOperations **Breaking changes** - Removed operation group AzureNetAppFilesManagementClientOperationsMixin ## 0.6.0 (2019-09-26) **Features** - Model Snapshot has a new parameter created - Model ExportPolicyRule has a new parameter nfsv41 - Added operation group AzureNetAppFilesManagementClientOperationsMixin **Breaking changes** - Model Snapshot no longer has parameter creation_date - Model ExportPolicyRule no longer has parameter nfsv4 ## 0.5.0 (2019-07-03) **Features** - Model Volume has a new parameter protocol_types - Model Volume has a new parameter mount_targets **Breaking changes** - Parameter subnet_id of model Volume is now required - Parameter usage_threshold of model Volume is now required - Parameter service_level of model CapacityPool is now required - Parameter size of model CapacityPool is now required ## 0.4.0 (2019-04-29) **Features** - Model Volume has a new parameter baremetal_tenant_id - Model Volume has a new parameter snapshot_id **Breaking changes** - Model ActiveDirectory fixing d_ns to dns, and s_mb_server_name to smb_server_name ## 0.3.0 (2019-03-25) **Features** - Model VolumePatch has a new parameter export_policy - Model NetAppAccount has a new parameter active_directories - Model Volume has a new parameter export_policy - Model MountTarget has a new parameter smb_server_fqdn - Model MountTarget has a new parameter subnet **Breaking changes** - Operation PoolsOperations.update has a new signature - Model MountTarget no longer has parameter vlan_id - Operation AccountsOperations.update has a new signature - Operation AccountsOperations.create_or_update has a new signature - Model CapacityPoolPatch has a new signature - Model NetAppAccountPatch has a new signature ## 0.2.0 (2019-03-04) **Breaking changes** - The resource_group parameter in MountTargetsOperations.list has changed to resource_group_name - The resource_group parameter in SnapshotsOperations.get has changed to resource_group_name - The resource_group parameter in SnapshotsOperations.create has changed to resource_group_name - The resource_group parameter in SnapshotsOperations.list has changed to resource_group_name - The resource_group parameter in SnapshotsOperations.delete has changed to resource_group_name - The resource_group parameter in SnapshotsOperations.update has changed to resource_group_name ## 0.1.0 (2018-01-02) - Initial Release %prep %autosetup -n azure-mgmt-netapp-10.0.0 %build %py3_build %install %py3_install install -d -m755 %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir} if [ -d doc ]; then cp -arf doc %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi if [ -d docs ]; then cp -arf docs %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi if [ -d example ]; then cp -arf example %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi if [ -d examples ]; then cp -arf examples %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi pushd %{buildroot} if [ -d usr/lib ]; then find usr/lib -type f -printf "/%h/%f\n" >> filelist.lst fi if [ -d usr/lib64 ]; then find usr/lib64 -type f -printf "/%h/%f\n" >> filelist.lst fi if [ -d usr/bin ]; then find usr/bin -type f -printf "/%h/%f\n" >> filelist.lst fi if [ -d usr/sbin ]; then find usr/sbin -type f -printf "/%h/%f\n" >> filelist.lst fi touch doclist.lst if [ -d usr/share/man ]; then find usr/share/man -type f -printf "/%h/%f.gz\n" >> doclist.lst fi popd mv %{buildroot}/filelist.lst . mv %{buildroot}/doclist.lst . %files -n python3-azure-mgmt-netapp -f filelist.lst %dir %{python3_sitelib}/* %files help -f doclist.lst %{_docdir}/* %changelog * Fri Apr 21 2023 Python_Bot - 10.0.0-1 - Package Spec generated