%global _empty_manifest_terminate_build 0
Name: python-monday
Version: 1.3.3
Release: 1
Summary: A Python client library for Monday.com
License: BSD
URL: https://github.com/ProdPerfect/monday
Source0: https://mirrors.nju.edu.cn/pypi/web/packages/71/c7/d76fbe3c3e338028089774ade91996923b1d5fd4bf1885bbc38d33843ff5/monday-1.3.3.tar.gz
BuildArch: noarch
# monday
A monday.com Python Client Library
For an overview of the Monday API, [click here](https://monday.com/developers/v2#introduction-section).
#### Requirements
- Python >= 3.6
#### Getting started
`pip install monday`
`monday` is very simple to use -- take a look at the below example:
from monday import MondayClient
monday = MondayClient('your token')
monday.items.create_item(board_id='12345678', group_id='today', item_name='Do a thing')
**Available methods:**
#### Items Resource (monday.items)
- `create_item(board_id, group_id, item_name, column_values=None, create_labels_if_missing=False)` - Create an item on a board in the given group with name item_name.
- `create_subitem(parent_item_id, subitem_name, column_values=None, create_labels_if_missing=False)` - Create a subitem underneath a given parent item. Monday API will return an error if the board you're trying to add to does not have a subitems column/at least one subitem created.
- `fetch_items_by_column_value(board_id, column_id, value)` - Fetch items on a board by column value.
- `fetch_items_by_id(board_id, [ids])` - Fetch items from any board by ids, passed in as an array of integers.
- `change_item_value(board_id, item_id, column_id, value)` - Change column values for item on a board. Check Monday's API for which columns are supported.
- `change_multiple_column_values(board_id, item_id, column_values, create_labels_if_missing=False)` - Change multiple column values for item on a board. Column values should be passed in as JSON. Check Monday's API for which columns are supported.
- `add_file_to_column(item_id, column_id, file)` - Upload a file to a file type column specified by column_id. Monday limits uploads to 500MB in size.
- `move_item_to_group(item_id, group_id)` - Move the item to a group within the same board.
- `archive_item_by_id(item_id)` - Archive the item by item_id.
- `delete_item_by_id(item_id)` - Delete the item by item_id.
#### Updates Resource (monday.updates)
- `create_update(item_id, update_body)` - Create an update attached to a given item.
- `fetch_updates(limit, page=None)` - Fetch a certain number of updates, starting from the given page. Default is 1
- `fetch_updates_for_item(board_id, item_id, limit)` - Fetch all updates for a certain item on a certain board up to a certain limit, set by you. Default is 100 updates
#### Tags Resource (monday.tags)
- `fetch_tags(tag_ids=None)` - Fetch all tags associated with an account. Optionally takes a list containing tag ids (if you know them). Returns IDs, names, and colors.
#### Boards Resource (monday.boards)
- `fetch_boards(**kwargs)` - Fetch boards associated with an account. Returns boards and their groups, tags, and columns. Accepts keyword arguments:
- `limit` - The number of boards returned (*int*. Default is 25).
- `page` - The page number returned, should you implement pagination(*int*. Starts at 1).
- `ids` - A list of the unique board identifier(s) (*List[int]*).
- `board_kind` - The board's kind (*BoardKind*. public / private / share).
- `state` - The state of the board (*BoardState*. all / active / archived / deleted. Default is active).
- `order_by` - The order in which to retrieve your boards (*BoardsOrderBy*. created_at / used_at).
- `fetch_boards_by_id([board_ids])` - Since Monday does not allow querying boards by name, you can use `fetch_boards` to get a list of boards, and then `fetch_boards_by_id` to get more detailed info about the groups and columns on that board. Accepts a comma separated list of board ids.
- `fetch_columns_by_board_id([board_ids])` - Get all columns, as well as their ids, types, and settings. Accepts a comma separated list of board ids.
- `fetch_items_by_board_id([board_ids], **kwargs)` - Get all items on a board(s). Accepts a comma separated list of board ids.
- `limit` - The number of rows returned (*int*. no default).
- `page` - The page number returned, should you implement pagination(*int*. no default).
- `create_board(board_name, board_kind, workspace_id)` - Create board with the given name and kind by (and optional) workspace id.
#### Users Resource (monday.users)
- `fetch_users(**kwargs)` - Fetch user information associated with an account. See Monday API docs for a list of accepted keyword arguments.
#### Workspaces Resource (monday.workspaces)
- `get_workspaces()` - Get all workspaces.
- `create_workspace(name, kind, description)` - Create workspace with the given name, kind and description.
- `add_users_to_workspace(workspace_id, [user_ids], kind)` - Add given users of the given kind to the given workspace.
- `delete_users_from_workspace(workspace_id, [user_ids])` - Delete given users from the given workspace.
- `add_teams_to_workspace(workspace_id, [team_ids])` - Add given teams to the given workspace.
- `delete_teams_from_workspace(workspace_id, [team_ids])` - Delete given teams from the given workspace.
#### Groups Resource (monday.groups)
- `get_groups_by_board([board_ids])` - Get all groups associated with a certain board or boards. Accepts a single id or a comma separated list of ids.
- `get_items_by_group(board_id, group_id)` - Get all items that are members of a given group.
- `create_group(board_id, group_name)` - Create a group on a given board.
- `duplicate_group(board_id, group_id)` - Duplicate a group and all its items on a given board.
- `archive_group(board_id, group_id)` - Archive a group on a given board.
- `delete_group(board_id, group_id)` - Delete a group on a given board.
#### Notifications Resource (monday.notifications)
- `create_notification(user_id, target_id, text, target_type)` - The create_notification mutation allows to trigger a notification within the platform (will also send out an email if the recipient's email preferences are set up accordingly).
### Additional Resources and Code Samples
- [Read and format all of the items on a board](https://github.com/ProdPerfect/monday/wiki/Code-Examples#whole-board-formatting-example)
## Contributors
### Bug Reports
%package -n python3-monday
Summary: A Python client library for Monday.com
Provides: python-monday
BuildRequires: python3-devel
BuildRequires: python3-setuptools
BuildRequires: python3-pip
%description -n python3-monday
# monday
A monday.com Python Client Library
For an overview of the Monday API, [click here](https://monday.com/developers/v2#introduction-section).
#### Requirements
- Python >= 3.6
#### Getting started
`pip install monday`
`monday` is very simple to use -- take a look at the below example:
from monday import MondayClient
monday = MondayClient('your token')
monday.items.create_item(board_id='12345678', group_id='today', item_name='Do a thing')
**Available methods:**
#### Items Resource (monday.items)
- `create_item(board_id, group_id, item_name, column_values=None, create_labels_if_missing=False)` - Create an item on a board in the given group with name item_name.
- `create_subitem(parent_item_id, subitem_name, column_values=None, create_labels_if_missing=False)` - Create a subitem underneath a given parent item. Monday API will return an error if the board you're trying to add to does not have a subitems column/at least one subitem created.
- `fetch_items_by_column_value(board_id, column_id, value)` - Fetch items on a board by column value.
- `fetch_items_by_id(board_id, [ids])` - Fetch items from any board by ids, passed in as an array of integers.
- `change_item_value(board_id, item_id, column_id, value)` - Change column values for item on a board. Check Monday's API for which columns are supported.
- `change_multiple_column_values(board_id, item_id, column_values, create_labels_if_missing=False)` - Change multiple column values for item on a board. Column values should be passed in as JSON. Check Monday's API for which columns are supported.
- `add_file_to_column(item_id, column_id, file)` - Upload a file to a file type column specified by column_id. Monday limits uploads to 500MB in size.
- `move_item_to_group(item_id, group_id)` - Move the item to a group within the same board.
- `archive_item_by_id(item_id)` - Archive the item by item_id.
- `delete_item_by_id(item_id)` - Delete the item by item_id.
#### Updates Resource (monday.updates)
- `create_update(item_id, update_body)` - Create an update attached to a given item.
- `fetch_updates(limit, page=None)` - Fetch a certain number of updates, starting from the given page. Default is 1
- `fetch_updates_for_item(board_id, item_id, limit)` - Fetch all updates for a certain item on a certain board up to a certain limit, set by you. Default is 100 updates
#### Tags Resource (monday.tags)
- `fetch_tags(tag_ids=None)` - Fetch all tags associated with an account. Optionally takes a list containing tag ids (if you know them). Returns IDs, names, and colors.
#### Boards Resource (monday.boards)
- `fetch_boards(**kwargs)` - Fetch boards associated with an account. Returns boards and their groups, tags, and columns. Accepts keyword arguments:
- `limit` - The number of boards returned (*int*. Default is 25).
- `page` - The page number returned, should you implement pagination(*int*. Starts at 1).
- `ids` - A list of the unique board identifier(s) (*List[int]*).
- `board_kind` - The board's kind (*BoardKind*. public / private / share).
- `state` - The state of the board (*BoardState*. all / active / archived / deleted. Default is active).
- `order_by` - The order in which to retrieve your boards (*BoardsOrderBy*. created_at / used_at).
- `fetch_boards_by_id([board_ids])` - Since Monday does not allow querying boards by name, you can use `fetch_boards` to get a list of boards, and then `fetch_boards_by_id` to get more detailed info about the groups and columns on that board. Accepts a comma separated list of board ids.
- `fetch_columns_by_board_id([board_ids])` - Get all columns, as well as their ids, types, and settings. Accepts a comma separated list of board ids.
- `fetch_items_by_board_id([board_ids], **kwargs)` - Get all items on a board(s). Accepts a comma separated list of board ids.
- `limit` - The number of rows returned (*int*. no default).
- `page` - The page number returned, should you implement pagination(*int*. no default).
- `create_board(board_name, board_kind, workspace_id)` - Create board with the given name and kind by (and optional) workspace id.
#### Users Resource (monday.users)
- `fetch_users(**kwargs)` - Fetch user information associated with an account. See Monday API docs for a list of accepted keyword arguments.
#### Workspaces Resource (monday.workspaces)
- `get_workspaces()` - Get all workspaces.
- `create_workspace(name, kind, description)` - Create workspace with the given name, kind and description.
- `add_users_to_workspace(workspace_id, [user_ids], kind)` - Add given users of the given kind to the given workspace.
- `delete_users_from_workspace(workspace_id, [user_ids])` - Delete given users from the given workspace.
- `add_teams_to_workspace(workspace_id, [team_ids])` - Add given teams to the given workspace.
- `delete_teams_from_workspace(workspace_id, [team_ids])` - Delete given teams from the given workspace.
#### Groups Resource (monday.groups)
- `get_groups_by_board([board_ids])` - Get all groups associated with a certain board or boards. Accepts a single id or a comma separated list of ids.
- `get_items_by_group(board_id, group_id)` - Get all items that are members of a given group.
- `create_group(board_id, group_name)` - Create a group on a given board.
- `duplicate_group(board_id, group_id)` - Duplicate a group and all its items on a given board.
- `archive_group(board_id, group_id)` - Archive a group on a given board.
- `delete_group(board_id, group_id)` - Delete a group on a given board.
#### Notifications Resource (monday.notifications)
- `create_notification(user_id, target_id, text, target_type)` - The create_notification mutation allows to trigger a notification within the platform (will also send out an email if the recipient's email preferences are set up accordingly).
### Additional Resources and Code Samples
- [Read and format all of the items on a board](https://github.com/ProdPerfect/monday/wiki/Code-Examples#whole-board-formatting-example)
## Contributors
### Bug Reports
%package help
Summary: Development documents and examples for monday
Provides: python3-monday-doc
%description help
# monday
A monday.com Python Client Library
For an overview of the Monday API, [click here](https://monday.com/developers/v2#introduction-section).
#### Requirements
- Python >= 3.6
#### Getting started
`pip install monday`
`monday` is very simple to use -- take a look at the below example:
from monday import MondayClient
monday = MondayClient('your token')
monday.items.create_item(board_id='12345678', group_id='today', item_name='Do a thing')
**Available methods:**
#### Items Resource (monday.items)
- `create_item(board_id, group_id, item_name, column_values=None, create_labels_if_missing=False)` - Create an item on a board in the given group with name item_name.
- `create_subitem(parent_item_id, subitem_name, column_values=None, create_labels_if_missing=False)` - Create a subitem underneath a given parent item. Monday API will return an error if the board you're trying to add to does not have a subitems column/at least one subitem created.
- `fetch_items_by_column_value(board_id, column_id, value)` - Fetch items on a board by column value.
- `fetch_items_by_id(board_id, [ids])` - Fetch items from any board by ids, passed in as an array of integers.
- `change_item_value(board_id, item_id, column_id, value)` - Change column values for item on a board. Check Monday's API for which columns are supported.
- `change_multiple_column_values(board_id, item_id, column_values, create_labels_if_missing=False)` - Change multiple column values for item on a board. Column values should be passed in as JSON. Check Monday's API for which columns are supported.
- `add_file_to_column(item_id, column_id, file)` - Upload a file to a file type column specified by column_id. Monday limits uploads to 500MB in size.
- `move_item_to_group(item_id, group_id)` - Move the item to a group within the same board.
- `archive_item_by_id(item_id)` - Archive the item by item_id.
- `delete_item_by_id(item_id)` - Delete the item by item_id.
#### Updates Resource (monday.updates)
- `create_update(item_id, update_body)` - Create an update attached to a given item.
- `fetch_updates(limit, page=None)` - Fetch a certain number of updates, starting from the given page. Default is 1
- `fetch_updates_for_item(board_id, item_id, limit)` - Fetch all updates for a certain item on a certain board up to a certain limit, set by you. Default is 100 updates
#### Tags Resource (monday.tags)
- `fetch_tags(tag_ids=None)` - Fetch all tags associated with an account. Optionally takes a list containing tag ids (if you know them). Returns IDs, names, and colors.
#### Boards Resource (monday.boards)
- `fetch_boards(**kwargs)` - Fetch boards associated with an account. Returns boards and their groups, tags, and columns. Accepts keyword arguments:
- `limit` - The number of boards returned (*int*. Default is 25).
- `page` - The page number returned, should you implement pagination(*int*. Starts at 1).
- `ids` - A list of the unique board identifier(s) (*List[int]*).
- `board_kind` - The board's kind (*BoardKind*. public / private / share).
- `state` - The state of the board (*BoardState*. all / active / archived / deleted. Default is active).
- `order_by` - The order in which to retrieve your boards (*BoardsOrderBy*. created_at / used_at).
- `fetch_boards_by_id([board_ids])` - Since Monday does not allow querying boards by name, you can use `fetch_boards` to get a list of boards, and then `fetch_boards_by_id` to get more detailed info about the groups and columns on that board. Accepts a comma separated list of board ids.
- `fetch_columns_by_board_id([board_ids])` - Get all columns, as well as their ids, types, and settings. Accepts a comma separated list of board ids.
- `fetch_items_by_board_id([board_ids], **kwargs)` - Get all items on a board(s). Accepts a comma separated list of board ids.
- `limit` - The number of rows returned (*int*. no default).
- `page` - The page number returned, should you implement pagination(*int*. no default).
- `create_board(board_name, board_kind, workspace_id)` - Create board with the given name and kind by (and optional) workspace id.
#### Users Resource (monday.users)
- `fetch_users(**kwargs)` - Fetch user information associated with an account. See Monday API docs for a list of accepted keyword arguments.
#### Workspaces Resource (monday.workspaces)
- `get_workspaces()` - Get all workspaces.
- `create_workspace(name, kind, description)` - Create workspace with the given name, kind and description.
- `add_users_to_workspace(workspace_id, [user_ids], kind)` - Add given users of the given kind to the given workspace.
- `delete_users_from_workspace(workspace_id, [user_ids])` - Delete given users from the given workspace.
- `add_teams_to_workspace(workspace_id, [team_ids])` - Add given teams to the given workspace.
- `delete_teams_from_workspace(workspace_id, [team_ids])` - Delete given teams from the given workspace.
#### Groups Resource (monday.groups)
- `get_groups_by_board([board_ids])` - Get all groups associated with a certain board or boards. Accepts a single id or a comma separated list of ids.
- `get_items_by_group(board_id, group_id)` - Get all items that are members of a given group.
- `create_group(board_id, group_name)` - Create a group on a given board.
- `duplicate_group(board_id, group_id)` - Duplicate a group and all its items on a given board.
- `archive_group(board_id, group_id)` - Archive a group on a given board.
- `delete_group(board_id, group_id)` - Delete a group on a given board.
#### Notifications Resource (monday.notifications)
- `create_notification(user_id, target_id, text, target_type)` - The create_notification mutation allows to trigger a notification within the platform (will also send out an email if the recipient's email preferences are set up accordingly).
### Additional Resources and Code Samples
- [Read and format all of the items on a board](https://github.com/ProdPerfect/monday/wiki/Code-Examples#whole-board-formatting-example)
## Contributors
### Bug Reports
%autosetup -n monday-1.3.3
install -d -m755 %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}
if [ -d doc ]; then cp -arf doc %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi
if [ -d docs ]; then cp -arf docs %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi
if [ -d example ]; then cp -arf example %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi
if [ -d examples ]; then cp -arf examples %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi
pushd %{buildroot}
if [ -d usr/lib ]; then
find usr/lib -type f -printf "/%h/%f\n" >> filelist.lst
if [ -d usr/lib64 ]; then
find usr/lib64 -type f -printf "/%h/%f\n" >> filelist.lst
if [ -d usr/bin ]; then
find usr/bin -type f -printf "/%h/%f\n" >> filelist.lst
if [ -d usr/sbin ]; then
find usr/sbin -type f -printf "/%h/%f\n" >> filelist.lst
touch doclist.lst
if [ -d usr/share/man ]; then
find usr/share/man -type f -printf "/%h/%f.gz\n" >> doclist.lst
mv %{buildroot}/filelist.lst .
mv %{buildroot}/doclist.lst .
%files -n python3-monday -f filelist.lst
%dir %{python3_sitelib}/*
%files help -f doclist.lst
* Tue Apr 25 2023 Python_Bot - 1.3.3-1
- Package Spec generated