%global _empty_manifest_terminate_build 0
Name: python-PySDM
Version: 2.20
Release: 1
Summary: Pythonic particle-based (super-droplet) warm-rain/aqueous-chemistry cloud microphysics package with box, parcel & 1D/2D prescribed-flow examples in Python, Julia and Matlab
License: GPL-3.0
URL: https://github.com/open-atmos/PySDM
Source0: https://mirrors.nju.edu.cn/pypi/web/packages/ad/a0/dcd7124ece512f8148c4ed0b825725dcdb01537edb76600dd35f3033dd02/PySDM-2.20.tar.gz
BuildArch: noarch
Requires: python3-ThrustRTC
Requires: python3-CURandRTC
Requires: python3-numba
Requires: python3-numpy
Requires: python3-Pint
Requires: python3-chempy
Requires: python3-scipy
Requires: python3-pyevtk
PySDM is a package for simulating the dynamics of population of particles.
It is intended to serve as a building block for simulation systems modelling
fluid flows involving a dispersed phase,
with PySDM being responsible for representation of the dispersed phase.
Currently, the development is focused on atmospheric cloud physics
applications, in particular on modelling the dynamics of particles immersed in moist air
using the particle-based (a.k.a. super-droplet) approach
to represent aerosol/cloud/rain microphysics.
The package features a Pythonic high-performance implementation of the
Super-Droplet Method (SDM) Monte-Carlo algorithm for representing collisional growth
([Shima et al. 2009](https://rmets.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/qj.441)), hence the name.
PySDM has two alternative parallel number-crunching backends
available: multi-threaded CPU backend based on [Numba](http://numba.pydata.org/)
and GPU-resident backend built on top of [ThrustRTC](https://pypi.org/project/ThrustRTC/).
The [`Numba`](https://open-atmos.github.io/PySDM/backends/numba/numba.html) backend (aliased ``CPU``) features multi-threaded parallelism for
multi-core CPUs, it uses the just-in-time compilation technique based on the LLVM infrastructure.
The [`ThrustRTC`](https://open-atmos.github.io/PySDM/backends/thrustRTC/thrustRTC.html) backend (aliased ``GPU``) offers GPU-resident operation of PySDM
leveraging the [SIMT](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Single_instruction,_multiple_threads)
parallelisation model.
Using the ``GPU`` backend requires nVidia hardware and [CUDA driver](https://developer.nvidia.com/cuda-downloads).
For an overview paper on PySDM v1 (and the preferred item to cite if using PySDM), see [Bartman et al. 2022](https://doi.org/10.21105/joss.03219) (J. Open Source Software).
For a list of talks and other materials on PySDM, see the [project wiki](https://github.com/open-atmos/PySDM/wiki).
A [pdoc-generated](https://pdoc3.github.io/pdoc) documentation of PySDM public API is maintained at: [https://open-atmos.github.io/PySDM](https://open-atmos.github.io/PySDM)
## Dependencies and Installation
PySDM dependencies are: [Numpy](https://numpy.org/), [Numba](http://numba.pydata.org/), [SciPy](https://scipy.org/),
[Pint](https://pint.readthedocs.io/), [chempy](https://pypi.org/project/chempy/),
[ThrustRTC](https://fynv.github.io/ThrustRTC/) and [CURandRTC](https://github.com/fynv/CURandRTC).
To install PySDM using ``pip``, use: ``pip install PySDM``
(or ``pip install git+https://github.com/open-atmos/PySDM.git`` to get updates
beyond the latest release).
Conda users may use ``pip`` as well, see the [Installing non-conda packages](https://docs.conda.io/projects/conda/en/latest/user-guide/tasks/manage-pkgs.html#installing-non-conda-packages) section in the conda docs. Dependencies of PySDM are available at the following conda channels:
- numba: [numba](https://anaconda.org/numba/numba)
- conda-forge: [pyevtk](https://anaconda.org/conda-forge/pyevtk), [pint](https://anaconda.org/conda-forge/pint) and []()
- fyplus: [ThrustRTC](https://anaconda.org/fyplus/thrustrtc), [CURandRTC](https://anaconda.org/fyplus/curandrtc)
- bjodah: [chempy](https://anaconda.org/bjodah/chempy)
- nvidia: [cudatoolkit](https://anaconda.org/nvidia/cudatoolkit)
For development purposes, we suggest cloning the repository and installing it using ``pip -e``.
Test-time dependencies are listed in the ``test-time-requirements.txt`` file.
PySDM examples are hosted in a separate repository and constitute
the [``PySDM_examples``](https://github.com/open-atmos/PySDM-examples) package.
The examples have additional dependencies listed in [``PySDM_examples`` package ``setup.py``](https://github.com/open-atmos/PySDM-examples/blob/main/setup.py) file.
Running the examples requires the ``PySDM_examples`` package to be installed.
Since the examples package includes Jupyter notebooks (and their execution requires write access), the suggested install and launch steps are:
git clone https://github.com/open-atmos/PySDM-examples.git
cd PySDM-examples
pip install -e .
Alternatively, one can also install the examples package from pypi.org by
using ``pip install PySDM-examples``.
## PySDM examples (Jupyter notebooks reproducing results from literature):
Examples are maintained at the `PySDM-examples` repository, see [PySDM-examples README.md](https://github.com/open-atmos/PySDM-examples/blob/main/README.md) file for details.

## Hello-world coalescence example in Python, Julia and Matlab
In order to depict the PySDM API with a practical example, the following
listings provide sample code roughly reproducing the
Figure 2 from [Shima et al. 2009 paper](http://doi.org/10.1002/qj.441)
using PySDM from Python, Julia and Matlab.
It is a [`Coalescence`](https://open-atmos.github.io/PySDM/dynamics/coalescence.html)-only set-up in which the initial particle size
spectrum is [`Exponential`](https://open-atmos.github.io/PySDM/initialisation/spectra.html#PySDM.initialisation.spectra.Exponential) and is deterministically sampled to match
the condition of each super-droplet having equal initial multiplicity:
Julia (click to expand)
using Pkg
using PyCall
si = pyimport("PySDM.physics").si
ConstantMultiplicity = pyimport("PySDM.initialisation.sampling.spectral_sampling").ConstantMultiplicity
Exponential = pyimport("PySDM.initialisation.spectra").Exponential
n_sd = 2^15
initial_spectrum = Exponential(norm_factor=8.39e12, scale=1.19e5 * si.um^3)
attributes = Dict()
attributes["volume"], attributes["n"] = ConstantMultiplicity(spectrum=initial_spectrum).sample(n_sd)
Matlab (click to expand)
si = py.importlib.import_module('PySDM.physics').si;
ConstantMultiplicity = py.importlib.import_module('PySDM.initialisation.sampling.spectral_sampling').ConstantMultiplicity;
Exponential = py.importlib.import_module('PySDM.initialisation.spectra').Exponential;
n_sd = 2^15;
initial_spectrum = Exponential(pyargs(...
'norm_factor', 8.39e12, ...
'scale', 1.19e5 * si.um ^ 3 ...
tmp = ConstantMultiplicity(initial_spectrum).sample(int32(n_sd));
attributes = py.dict(pyargs('volume', tmp{1}, 'n', tmp{2}));
Python (click to expand)
from PySDM.physics import si
from PySDM.initialisation.sampling.spectral_sampling import ConstantMultiplicity
from PySDM.initialisation.spectra.exponential import Exponential
n_sd = 2 ** 15
initial_spectrum = Exponential(norm_factor=8.39e12, scale=1.19e5 * si.um ** 3)
attributes = {}
attributes['volume'], attributes['n'] = ConstantMultiplicity(initial_spectrum).sample(n_sd)
The key element of the PySDM interface is the [``Particulator``](https://open-atmos.github.io/PySDM/particulator.html)
class instances of which are used to manage the system state and control the simulation.
Instantiation of the [``Particulator``](https://open-atmos.github.io/PySDM/particulator.html) class is handled by the [``Builder``](https://open-atmos.github.io/PySDM/builder.html)
as exemplified below:
Julia (click to expand)
Builder = pyimport("PySDM").Builder
Box = pyimport("PySDM.environments").Box
Coalescence = pyimport("PySDM.dynamics").Coalescence
Golovin = pyimport("PySDM.dynamics.collisions.collision_kernels").Golovin
CPU = pyimport("PySDM.backends").CPU
ParticleVolumeVersusRadiusLogarithmSpectrum = pyimport("PySDM.products").ParticleVolumeVersusRadiusLogarithmSpectrum
radius_bins_edges = 10 .^ range(log10(10*si.um), log10(5e3*si.um), length=32)
builder = Builder(n_sd=n_sd, backend=CPU())
builder.set_environment(Box(dt=1 * si.s, dv=1e6 * si.m^3))
builder.add_dynamic(Coalescence(collision_kernel=Golovin(b=1.5e3 / si.s)))
products = [ParticleVolumeVersusRadiusLogarithmSpectrum(radius_bins_edges=radius_bins_edges, name="dv/dlnr")]
particulator = builder.build(attributes, products)
Matlab (click to expand)
Builder = py.importlib.import_module('PySDM').Builder;
Box = py.importlib.import_module('PySDM.environments').Box;
Coalescence = py.importlib.import_module('PySDM.dynamics').Coalescence;
Golovin = py.importlib.import_module('PySDM.dynamics.collisions.collision_kernels').Golovin;
CPU = py.importlib.import_module('PySDM.backends').CPU;
ParticleVolumeVersusRadiusLogarithmSpectrum = py.importlib.import_module('PySDM.products').ParticleVolumeVersusRadiusLogarithmSpectrum;
radius_bins_edges = logspace(log10(10 * si.um), log10(5e3 * si.um), 32);
builder = Builder(pyargs('n_sd', int32(n_sd), 'backend', CPU()));
builder.set_environment(Box(pyargs('dt', 1 * si.s, 'dv', 1e6 * si.m ^ 3)));
builder.add_dynamic(Coalescence(pyargs('collision_kernel', Golovin(1.5e3 / si.s))));
products = py.list({ ParticleVolumeVersusRadiusLogarithmSpectrum(pyargs( ...
'radius_bins_edges', py.numpy.array(radius_bins_edges), ...
'name', 'dv/dlnr' ...
)) });
particulator = builder.build(attributes, products);
Python (click to expand)
import numpy as np
from PySDM import Builder
from PySDM.environments import Box
from PySDM.dynamics import Coalescence
from PySDM.dynamics.collisions.collision_kernels import Golovin
from PySDM.backends import CPU
from PySDM.products import ParticleVolumeVersusRadiusLogarithmSpectrum
radius_bins_edges = np.logspace(np.log10(10 * si.um), np.log10(5e3 * si.um), num=32)
builder = Builder(n_sd=n_sd, backend=CPU())
builder.set_environment(Box(dt=1 * si.s, dv=1e6 * si.m ** 3))
builder.add_dynamic(Coalescence(collision_kernel=Golovin(b=1.5e3 / si.s)))
products = [ParticleVolumeVersusRadiusLogarithmSpectrum(radius_bins_edges=radius_bins_edges, name='dv/dlnr')]
particulator = builder.build(attributes, products)
The ``backend`` argument may be set to ``CPU`` or ``GPU``
what translates to choosing the multi-threaded backend or the
GPU-resident computation mode, respectively.
The employed [`Box`](https://open-atmos.github.io/PySDM/environments/box.html) environment corresponds to a zero-dimensional framework
(particle positions are not considered).
The vectors of particle multiplicities ``n`` and particle volumes ``v`` are
used to initialise super-droplet attributes.
The [`Coalescence`](https://open-atmos.github.io/PySDM/dynamics/coalescence.html)
Monte-Carlo algorithm (Super Droplet Method) is registered as the only
dynamic in the system.
Finally, the [`build()`](https://open-atmos.github.io/PySDM/builder.html#PySDM.builder.Builder.build) method is used to obtain an instance
of [`Particulator`](https://open-atmos.github.io/PySDM/particulator.html#PySDM.particulator.Particulator) which can then be used to control time-stepping and
access simulation state.
The [`run(nt)`](https://open-atmos.github.io/PySDM/particulator.html#PySDM.particuparticulatorr.Particulator.run) method advances the simulation by ``nt`` timesteps.
In the listing below, its usage is interleaved with plotting logic
which displays a histogram of particle mass distribution
at selected timesteps:
Julia (click to expand)
rho_w = pyimport("PySDM.physics.constants_defaults").rho_w
using Plots; plotlyjs()
for step = 0:1200:3600
particulator.run(step - particulator.n_steps)
radius_bins_edges[1:end-1] / si.um,
particulator.products["dv/dlnr"].get()[:] * rho_w / si.g,
xlabel="particle radius [µm]",
ylabel="dm/dlnr [g/m^3/(unit dr/r)]",
label="t = $step s"
Matlab (click to expand)
rho_w = py.importlib.import_module('PySDM.physics.constants_defaults').rho_w;
for step = 0:1200:3600
particulator.run(int32(step - particulator.n_steps));
x = radius_bins_edges / si.um;
y = particulator.products{"dv/dlnr"}.get() * rho_w / si.g;
x(1:end-1), ...
double(py.array.array('d',py.numpy.nditer(y))), ...
'DisplayName', sprintf("t = %d s", step) ...
hold on
hold off
xlabel('particle radius [µm]')
ylabel("dm/dlnr [g/m^3/(unit dr/r)]")
Python (click to expand)
from PySDM.physics.constants_defaults import rho_w
from matplotlib import pyplot
for step in [0, 1200, 2400, 3600]:
particulator.run(step - particulator.n_steps)
pyplot.step(x=radius_bins_edges[:-1] / si.um,
y=particulator.products['dv/dlnr'].get()[0] * rho_w / si.g,
where='post', label=f"t = {step}s")
pyplot.xlabel('particle radius [µm]')
pyplot.ylabel("dm/dlnr [g/m$^3$/(unit dr/r)]")
The resultant plot (generated with the Python code) looks as follows:

## Hello-world condensation example in Python, Julia and Matlab
In the following example, a condensation-only setup is used with the adiabatic
[`Parcel`](https://open-atmos.github.io/PySDM/environments/parcel.html) environment.
An initial [`Lognormal`](https://open-atmos.github.io/PySDM/initialisation/spectra.html#PySDM.initialisation.spectra.Lognormal)
spectrum of dry aerosol particles is first initialised to equilibrium wet size for the given
initial humidity.
Subsequent particle growth due to [`Condensation`](https://open-atmos.github.io/PySDM/dynamics/condensation.html) of water vapour (coupled with the release of latent heat)
causes a subset of particles to activate into cloud droplets.
Results of the simulation are plotted against vertical
and depict the evolution of
and the
[`WaterMixingRatio `](https://open-atmos.github.io/PySDM/products/size_spectral/water_mixing_ratio.html).
Julia (click to expand)
using PyCall
using Plots; plotlyjs()
si = pyimport("PySDM.physics").si
spectral_sampling = pyimport("PySDM.initialisation.sampling").spectral_sampling
discretise_multiplicities = pyimport("PySDM.initialisation").discretise_multiplicities
Lognormal = pyimport("PySDM.initialisation.spectra").Lognormal
equilibrate_wet_radii = pyimport("PySDM.initialisation").equilibrate_wet_radii
CPU = pyimport("PySDM.backends").CPU
AmbientThermodynamics = pyimport("PySDM.dynamics").AmbientThermodynamics
Condensation = pyimport("PySDM.dynamics").Condensation
Parcel = pyimport("PySDM.environments").Parcel
Builder = pyimport("PySDM").Builder
Formulae = pyimport("PySDM").Formulae
products = pyimport("PySDM.products")
env = Parcel(
dt=.25 * si.s,
mass_of_dry_air=1e3 * si.kg,
p0=1122 * si.hPa,
q0=20 * si.g / si.kg,
T0=300 * si.K,
w= 2.5 * si.m / si.s
spectrum = Lognormal(norm_factor=1e4/si.mg, m_mode=50*si.nm, s_geom=1.4)
kappa = .5 * si.dimensionless
cloud_range = (.5 * si.um, 25 * si.um)
output_interval = 4
output_points = 40
n_sd = 256
formulae = Formulae()
builder = Builder(backend=CPU(formulae), n_sd=n_sd)
r_dry, specific_concentration = spectral_sampling.Logarithmic(spectrum).sample(n_sd)
v_dry = formulae.trivia.volume(radius=r_dry)
r_wet = equilibrate_wet_radii(r_dry=r_dry, environment=env, kappa_times_dry_volume=kappa * v_dry)
attributes = Dict()
attributes["n"] = discretise_multiplicities(specific_concentration * env.mass_of_dry_air)
attributes["dry volume"] = v_dry
attributes["kappa times dry volume"] = kappa * v_dry
attributes["volume"] = formulae.trivia.volume(radius=r_wet)
particulator = builder.build(attributes, products=[
products.PeakSupersaturation(name="S_max", unit="%"),
products.EffectiveRadius(name="r_eff", unit="um", radius_range=cloud_range),
products.ParticleConcentration(name="n_c_cm3", unit="cm^-3", radius_range=cloud_range),
products.WaterMixingRatio(name="ql", unit="g/kg", radius_range=cloud_range),
output = Dict()
for (_, product) in particulator.products
output[product.name] = Array{Float32}(undef, output_points+1)
output[product.name][1] = product.get()[cell_id]
for step = 2:output_points+1
for (_, product) in particulator.products
output[product.name][step] = product.get()[cell_id]
plots = []
ylbl = particulator.products["z"].unit
for (_, product) in particulator.products
if product.name != "z"
append!(plots, [plot(output[product.name], output["z"], ylabel=ylbl, xlabel=product.unit, title=product.name)])
global ylbl = ""
plot(plots..., layout=(1, length(output)-1))
Matlab (click to expand)
si = py.importlib.import_module('PySDM.physics').si;
spectral_sampling = py.importlib.import_module('PySDM.initialisation.sampling').spectral_sampling;
discretise_multiplicities = py.importlib.import_module('PySDM.initialisation').discretise_multiplicities;
Lognormal = py.importlib.import_module('PySDM.initialisation.spectra').Lognormal;
equilibrate_wet_radii = py.importlib.import_module('PySDM.initialisation').equilibrate_wet_radii;
CPU = py.importlib.import_module('PySDM.backends').CPU;
AmbientThermodynamics = py.importlib.import_module('PySDM.dynamics').AmbientThermodynamics;
Condensation = py.importlib.import_module('PySDM.dynamics').Condensation;
Parcel = py.importlib.import_module('PySDM.environments').Parcel;
Builder = py.importlib.import_module('PySDM').Builder;
Formulae = py.importlib.import_module('PySDM').Formulae;
products = py.importlib.import_module('PySDM.products');
env = Parcel(pyargs( ...
'dt', .25 * si.s, ...
'mass_of_dry_air', 1e3 * si.kg, ...
'p0', 1122 * si.hPa, ...
'q0', 20 * si.g / si.kg, ...
'T0', 300 * si.K, ...
'w', 2.5 * si.m / si.s ...
spectrum = Lognormal(pyargs('norm_factor', 1e4/si.mg, 'm_mode', 50 * si.nm, 's_geom', 1.4));
kappa = .5;
cloud_range = py.tuple({.5 * si.um, 25 * si.um});
output_interval = 4;
output_points = 40;
n_sd = 256;
formulae = Formulae();
builder = Builder(pyargs('backend', CPU(formulae), 'n_sd', int32(n_sd)));
tmp = spectral_sampling.Logarithmic(spectrum).sample(int32(n_sd));
r_dry = tmp{1};
v_dry = formulae.trivia.volume(pyargs('radius', r_dry));
specific_concentration = tmp{2};
r_wet = equilibrate_wet_radii(pyargs(...
'r_dry', r_dry, ...
'environment', env, ...
'kappa_times_dry_volume', kappa * v_dry...
attributes = py.dict(pyargs( ...
'n', discretise_multiplicities(specific_concentration * env.mass_of_dry_air), ...
'dry volume', v_dry, ...
'kappa times dry volume', kappa * v_dry, ...
'volume', formulae.trivia.volume(pyargs('radius', r_wet)) ...
particulator = builder.build(attributes, py.list({ ...
products.PeakSupersaturation(pyargs('name', 'S_max', 'unit', '%')), ...
products.EffectiveRadius(pyargs('name', 'r_eff', 'unit', 'um', 'radius_range', cloud_range)), ...
products.ParticleConcentration(pyargs('name', 'n_c_cm3', 'unit', 'cm^-3', 'radius_range', cloud_range)), ...
products.WaterMixingRatio(pyargs('name', 'ql', 'unit', 'g/kg', 'radius_range', cloud_range)) ...
products.ParcelDisplacement(pyargs('name', 'z')) ...
cell_id = int32(0);
output_size = [output_points+1, length(py.list(particulator.products.keys()))];
output_types = repelem({'double'}, output_size(2));
output_names = [cellfun(@string, cell(py.list(particulator.products.keys())))];
output = table(...
'Size', output_size, ...
'VariableTypes', output_types, ...
'VariableNames', output_names ...
for pykey = py.list(keys(particulator.products))
get = py.getattr(particulator.products{pykey{1}}.get(), '__getitem__');
key = string(pykey{1});
output{1, key} = get(cell_id);
for i=2:output_points+1
particulator.run(pyargs('steps', int32(output_interval)));
for pykey = py.list(keys(particulator.products))
get = py.getattr(particulator.products{pykey{1}}.get(), '__getitem__');
key = string(pykey{1});
output{i, key} = get(cell_id);
for pykey = py.list(keys(particulator.products))
product = particulator.products{pykey{1}};
if string(product.name) ~= "z"
subplot(1, width(output)-1, i);
plot(output{:, string(pykey{1})}, output.z, '-o');
title(string(product.name), 'Interpreter', 'none');
if i == 1
saveas(gcf, "parcel.png");
Python (click to expand)
from matplotlib import pyplot
from PySDM.physics import si
from PySDM.initialisation import discretise_multiplicities, equilibrate_wet_radii
from PySDM.initialisation.spectra import Lognormal
from PySDM.initialisation.sampling import spectral_sampling
from PySDM.backends import CPU
from PySDM.dynamics import AmbientThermodynamics, Condensation
from PySDM.environments import Parcel
from PySDM import Builder, Formulae, products
env = Parcel(
dt=.25 * si.s,
mass_of_dry_air=1e3 * si.kg,
p0=1122 * si.hPa,
q0=20 * si.g / si.kg,
T0=300 * si.K,
w=2.5 * si.m / si.s
spectrum = Lognormal(norm_factor=1e4 / si.mg, m_mode=50 * si.nm, s_geom=1.5)
kappa = .5 * si.dimensionless
cloud_range = (.5 * si.um, 25 * si.um)
output_interval = 4
output_points = 40
n_sd = 256
formulae = Formulae()
builder = Builder(backend=CPU(formulae), n_sd=n_sd)
r_dry, specific_concentration = spectral_sampling.Logarithmic(spectrum).sample(n_sd)
v_dry = formulae.trivia.volume(radius=r_dry)
r_wet = equilibrate_wet_radii(r_dry=r_dry, environment=env, kappa_times_dry_volume=kappa * v_dry)
attributes = {
'n': discretise_multiplicities(specific_concentration * env.mass_of_dry_air),
'dry volume': v_dry,
'kappa times dry volume': kappa * v_dry,
'volume': formulae.trivia.volume(radius=r_wet)
particulator = builder.build(attributes, products=[
products.PeakSupersaturation(name='S_max', unit='%'),
products.EffectiveRadius(name='r_eff', unit='um', radius_range=cloud_range),
products.ParticleConcentration(name='n_c_cm3', unit='cm^-3', radius_range=cloud_range),
products.WaterMixingRatio(name='ql', unit='g/kg', radius_range=cloud_range),
cell_id = 0
output = {product.name: [product.get()[cell_id]] for product in particulator.products.values()}
for step in range(output_points):
for product in particulator.products.values():
fig, axs = pyplot.subplots(1, len(particulator.products) - 1, sharey="all")
for i, (key, product) in enumerate(particulator.products.items()):
if key != 'z':
axs[i].plot(output[key], output['z'], marker='.')
The resultant plot (generated with the Matlab code) looks as follows:

## Contributing, reporting issues, seeking support
#### Our technologicial stack:
Submitting new code to the project, please preferably use [GitHub pull requests](https://github.com/open-atmos/PySDM/pulls)
(or the [PySDM-examples PR site](https://github.com/open-atmos/PySDM-examples/pulls) if working on examples) - it helps to keep record of code authorship,
track and archive the code review workflow and allows to benefit
from the continuous integration setup which automates execution of tests
with the newly added code.
As of now, the copyright to the entire PySDM codebase is with the Jagiellonian
University, and code contributions are assumed to imply transfer of copyright.
Should there be a need to make an exception, please indicate it when creating
a pull request or contributing code in any other way. In any case,
the license of the contributed code must be compatible with GPL v3.
Developing the code, we follow [The Way of Python](https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0020/) and
the [KISS principle](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KISS_principle).
The codebase has greatly benefited from [PyCharm code inspections](https://www.jetbrains.com/help/pycharm/code-inspection.html)
and [Pylint](https://pylint.org), [Black](https://black.readthedocs.io/en/stable/) and [isort](https://pycqa.github.io/isort/)
code analysis (which are all part of the CI workflows).
We also use [pre-commit hooks](https://pre-commit.com).
In our case, the hooks modify files and re-format them.
The pre-commit hooks can be run locally, and then the resultant changes need to be staged before committing.
To set up the hooks locally, install pre-commit via `pip install pre-commit` and
set up the git hooks via `pre-commit install` (this needs to be done every time you clone the project).
To run all pre-commit hooks, run `pre-commit run --all-files`.
The `.pre-commit-config.yaml` file can be modified in case new hooks are to be added or
existing ones need to be altered.
Issues regarding any incorrect, unintuitive or undocumented bahaviour of
PySDM are best to be reported on the [GitHub issue tracker](https://github.com/open-atmos/PySDM/issues/new).
Feature requests are recorded in the "Ideas..." [PySDM wiki page](https://github.com/open-atmos/PySDM/wiki/Ideas-for-new-features-and-examples).
We encourage to use the [GitHub Discussions](https://github.com/open-atmos/PySDM/discussions) feature
(rather than the issue tracker) for seeking support in understanding, using and extending PySDM code.
Please use the PySDM issue-tracking and dicsussion infrastructure for `PySDM-examples` as well.
We look forward to your contributions and feedback.
## Credits:
The development and maintenance of PySDM is led by [Sylwester Arabas](https://github.com/slayoo/).
[Piotr Bartman](https://github.com/piotrbartman/) had been the architect and main developer
of technological solutions in PySDM.
The suite of examples shipped with PySDM includes contributions from researchers
from [Jagiellonian University](https://en.uj.edu.pl/en) departments of computer science, physics and chemistry;
and from
[Caltech's Climate Modelling Alliance](https://clima.caltech.edu/).
Development of PySDM had been initially supported by the EU through a grant of the
[Foundation for Polish Science](https://www.fnp.org.pl/)) (POIR.04.04.00-00-5E1C/18)
realised at the [Jagiellonian University](https://en.uj.edu.pl/en).
The immersion freezing support in PySDM is developed with support from the
US Department of Energy [Atmospheric System Research](https://asr.science.energy.gov/) programme
through a grant realised at the
[University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign](https://illinois.edu/).
copyright: [Jagiellonian University](https://en.uj.edu.pl/en)
licence: [GPL v3](https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html)
## Related resources and open-source projects
### SDM patents (some expired, some withdrawn):
- https://patents.google.com/patent/US7756693B2
- https://patents.google.com/patent/EP1847939A3
- https://patents.google.com/patent/JP4742387B2
- https://patents.google.com/patent/CN101059821B
### Other SDM implementations:
- SCALE-SDM (Fortran):
- Pencil Code (Fortran):
- PALM LES (Fortran):
- libcloudph++ (C++):
- LCM1D (Python)
- superdroplet (Cython/Numba/C++11/Fortran 2008/Julia)
### non-SDM probabilistic particle-based coagulation solvers
- PartMC (Fortran):
### Python models with discrete-particle (moving-sectional) representation of particle size spectrum
- pyrcel: https://github.com/darothen/pyrcel
- PyBox: https://github.com/loftytopping/PyBox
- py-cloud-parcel-model: https://github.com/emmasimp/py-cloud-parcel-model
%package -n python3-PySDM
Summary: Pythonic particle-based (super-droplet) warm-rain/aqueous-chemistry cloud microphysics package with box, parcel & 1D/2D prescribed-flow examples in Python, Julia and Matlab
Provides: python-PySDM
BuildRequires: python3-devel
BuildRequires: python3-setuptools
BuildRequires: python3-pip
%description -n python3-PySDM
PySDM is a package for simulating the dynamics of population of particles.
It is intended to serve as a building block for simulation systems modelling
fluid flows involving a dispersed phase,
with PySDM being responsible for representation of the dispersed phase.
Currently, the development is focused on atmospheric cloud physics
applications, in particular on modelling the dynamics of particles immersed in moist air
using the particle-based (a.k.a. super-droplet) approach
to represent aerosol/cloud/rain microphysics.
The package features a Pythonic high-performance implementation of the
Super-Droplet Method (SDM) Monte-Carlo algorithm for representing collisional growth
([Shima et al. 2009](https://rmets.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/qj.441)), hence the name.
PySDM has two alternative parallel number-crunching backends
available: multi-threaded CPU backend based on [Numba](http://numba.pydata.org/)
and GPU-resident backend built on top of [ThrustRTC](https://pypi.org/project/ThrustRTC/).
The [`Numba`](https://open-atmos.github.io/PySDM/backends/numba/numba.html) backend (aliased ``CPU``) features multi-threaded parallelism for
multi-core CPUs, it uses the just-in-time compilation technique based on the LLVM infrastructure.
The [`ThrustRTC`](https://open-atmos.github.io/PySDM/backends/thrustRTC/thrustRTC.html) backend (aliased ``GPU``) offers GPU-resident operation of PySDM
leveraging the [SIMT](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Single_instruction,_multiple_threads)
parallelisation model.
Using the ``GPU`` backend requires nVidia hardware and [CUDA driver](https://developer.nvidia.com/cuda-downloads).
For an overview paper on PySDM v1 (and the preferred item to cite if using PySDM), see [Bartman et al. 2022](https://doi.org/10.21105/joss.03219) (J. Open Source Software).
For a list of talks and other materials on PySDM, see the [project wiki](https://github.com/open-atmos/PySDM/wiki).
A [pdoc-generated](https://pdoc3.github.io/pdoc) documentation of PySDM public API is maintained at: [https://open-atmos.github.io/PySDM](https://open-atmos.github.io/PySDM)
## Dependencies and Installation
PySDM dependencies are: [Numpy](https://numpy.org/), [Numba](http://numba.pydata.org/), [SciPy](https://scipy.org/),
[Pint](https://pint.readthedocs.io/), [chempy](https://pypi.org/project/chempy/),
[ThrustRTC](https://fynv.github.io/ThrustRTC/) and [CURandRTC](https://github.com/fynv/CURandRTC).
To install PySDM using ``pip``, use: ``pip install PySDM``
(or ``pip install git+https://github.com/open-atmos/PySDM.git`` to get updates
beyond the latest release).
Conda users may use ``pip`` as well, see the [Installing non-conda packages](https://docs.conda.io/projects/conda/en/latest/user-guide/tasks/manage-pkgs.html#installing-non-conda-packages) section in the conda docs. Dependencies of PySDM are available at the following conda channels:
- numba: [numba](https://anaconda.org/numba/numba)
- conda-forge: [pyevtk](https://anaconda.org/conda-forge/pyevtk), [pint](https://anaconda.org/conda-forge/pint) and []()
- fyplus: [ThrustRTC](https://anaconda.org/fyplus/thrustrtc), [CURandRTC](https://anaconda.org/fyplus/curandrtc)
- bjodah: [chempy](https://anaconda.org/bjodah/chempy)
- nvidia: [cudatoolkit](https://anaconda.org/nvidia/cudatoolkit)
For development purposes, we suggest cloning the repository and installing it using ``pip -e``.
Test-time dependencies are listed in the ``test-time-requirements.txt`` file.
PySDM examples are hosted in a separate repository and constitute
the [``PySDM_examples``](https://github.com/open-atmos/PySDM-examples) package.
The examples have additional dependencies listed in [``PySDM_examples`` package ``setup.py``](https://github.com/open-atmos/PySDM-examples/blob/main/setup.py) file.
Running the examples requires the ``PySDM_examples`` package to be installed.
Since the examples package includes Jupyter notebooks (and their execution requires write access), the suggested install and launch steps are:
git clone https://github.com/open-atmos/PySDM-examples.git
cd PySDM-examples
pip install -e .
Alternatively, one can also install the examples package from pypi.org by
using ``pip install PySDM-examples``.
## PySDM examples (Jupyter notebooks reproducing results from literature):
Examples are maintained at the `PySDM-examples` repository, see [PySDM-examples README.md](https://github.com/open-atmos/PySDM-examples/blob/main/README.md) file for details.

## Hello-world coalescence example in Python, Julia and Matlab
In order to depict the PySDM API with a practical example, the following
listings provide sample code roughly reproducing the
Figure 2 from [Shima et al. 2009 paper](http://doi.org/10.1002/qj.441)
using PySDM from Python, Julia and Matlab.
It is a [`Coalescence`](https://open-atmos.github.io/PySDM/dynamics/coalescence.html)-only set-up in which the initial particle size
spectrum is [`Exponential`](https://open-atmos.github.io/PySDM/initialisation/spectra.html#PySDM.initialisation.spectra.Exponential) and is deterministically sampled to match
the condition of each super-droplet having equal initial multiplicity:
Julia (click to expand)
using Pkg
using PyCall
si = pyimport("PySDM.physics").si
ConstantMultiplicity = pyimport("PySDM.initialisation.sampling.spectral_sampling").ConstantMultiplicity
Exponential = pyimport("PySDM.initialisation.spectra").Exponential
n_sd = 2^15
initial_spectrum = Exponential(norm_factor=8.39e12, scale=1.19e5 * si.um^3)
attributes = Dict()
attributes["volume"], attributes["n"] = ConstantMultiplicity(spectrum=initial_spectrum).sample(n_sd)
Matlab (click to expand)
si = py.importlib.import_module('PySDM.physics').si;
ConstantMultiplicity = py.importlib.import_module('PySDM.initialisation.sampling.spectral_sampling').ConstantMultiplicity;
Exponential = py.importlib.import_module('PySDM.initialisation.spectra').Exponential;
n_sd = 2^15;
initial_spectrum = Exponential(pyargs(...
'norm_factor', 8.39e12, ...
'scale', 1.19e5 * si.um ^ 3 ...
tmp = ConstantMultiplicity(initial_spectrum).sample(int32(n_sd));
attributes = py.dict(pyargs('volume', tmp{1}, 'n', tmp{2}));
Python (click to expand)
from PySDM.physics import si
from PySDM.initialisation.sampling.spectral_sampling import ConstantMultiplicity
from PySDM.initialisation.spectra.exponential import Exponential
n_sd = 2 ** 15
initial_spectrum = Exponential(norm_factor=8.39e12, scale=1.19e5 * si.um ** 3)
attributes = {}
attributes['volume'], attributes['n'] = ConstantMultiplicity(initial_spectrum).sample(n_sd)
The key element of the PySDM interface is the [``Particulator``](https://open-atmos.github.io/PySDM/particulator.html)
class instances of which are used to manage the system state and control the simulation.
Instantiation of the [``Particulator``](https://open-atmos.github.io/PySDM/particulator.html) class is handled by the [``Builder``](https://open-atmos.github.io/PySDM/builder.html)
as exemplified below:
Julia (click to expand)
Builder = pyimport("PySDM").Builder
Box = pyimport("PySDM.environments").Box
Coalescence = pyimport("PySDM.dynamics").Coalescence
Golovin = pyimport("PySDM.dynamics.collisions.collision_kernels").Golovin
CPU = pyimport("PySDM.backends").CPU
ParticleVolumeVersusRadiusLogarithmSpectrum = pyimport("PySDM.products").ParticleVolumeVersusRadiusLogarithmSpectrum
radius_bins_edges = 10 .^ range(log10(10*si.um), log10(5e3*si.um), length=32)
builder = Builder(n_sd=n_sd, backend=CPU())
builder.set_environment(Box(dt=1 * si.s, dv=1e6 * si.m^3))
builder.add_dynamic(Coalescence(collision_kernel=Golovin(b=1.5e3 / si.s)))
products = [ParticleVolumeVersusRadiusLogarithmSpectrum(radius_bins_edges=radius_bins_edges, name="dv/dlnr")]
particulator = builder.build(attributes, products)
Matlab (click to expand)
Builder = py.importlib.import_module('PySDM').Builder;
Box = py.importlib.import_module('PySDM.environments').Box;
Coalescence = py.importlib.import_module('PySDM.dynamics').Coalescence;
Golovin = py.importlib.import_module('PySDM.dynamics.collisions.collision_kernels').Golovin;
CPU = py.importlib.import_module('PySDM.backends').CPU;
ParticleVolumeVersusRadiusLogarithmSpectrum = py.importlib.import_module('PySDM.products').ParticleVolumeVersusRadiusLogarithmSpectrum;
radius_bins_edges = logspace(log10(10 * si.um), log10(5e3 * si.um), 32);
builder = Builder(pyargs('n_sd', int32(n_sd), 'backend', CPU()));
builder.set_environment(Box(pyargs('dt', 1 * si.s, 'dv', 1e6 * si.m ^ 3)));
builder.add_dynamic(Coalescence(pyargs('collision_kernel', Golovin(1.5e3 / si.s))));
products = py.list({ ParticleVolumeVersusRadiusLogarithmSpectrum(pyargs( ...
'radius_bins_edges', py.numpy.array(radius_bins_edges), ...
'name', 'dv/dlnr' ...
)) });
particulator = builder.build(attributes, products);
Python (click to expand)
import numpy as np
from PySDM import Builder
from PySDM.environments import Box
from PySDM.dynamics import Coalescence
from PySDM.dynamics.collisions.collision_kernels import Golovin
from PySDM.backends import CPU
from PySDM.products import ParticleVolumeVersusRadiusLogarithmSpectrum
radius_bins_edges = np.logspace(np.log10(10 * si.um), np.log10(5e3 * si.um), num=32)
builder = Builder(n_sd=n_sd, backend=CPU())
builder.set_environment(Box(dt=1 * si.s, dv=1e6 * si.m ** 3))
builder.add_dynamic(Coalescence(collision_kernel=Golovin(b=1.5e3 / si.s)))
products = [ParticleVolumeVersusRadiusLogarithmSpectrum(radius_bins_edges=radius_bins_edges, name='dv/dlnr')]
particulator = builder.build(attributes, products)
The ``backend`` argument may be set to ``CPU`` or ``GPU``
what translates to choosing the multi-threaded backend or the
GPU-resident computation mode, respectively.
The employed [`Box`](https://open-atmos.github.io/PySDM/environments/box.html) environment corresponds to a zero-dimensional framework
(particle positions are not considered).
The vectors of particle multiplicities ``n`` and particle volumes ``v`` are
used to initialise super-droplet attributes.
The [`Coalescence`](https://open-atmos.github.io/PySDM/dynamics/coalescence.html)
Monte-Carlo algorithm (Super Droplet Method) is registered as the only
dynamic in the system.
Finally, the [`build()`](https://open-atmos.github.io/PySDM/builder.html#PySDM.builder.Builder.build) method is used to obtain an instance
of [`Particulator`](https://open-atmos.github.io/PySDM/particulator.html#PySDM.particulator.Particulator) which can then be used to control time-stepping and
access simulation state.
The [`run(nt)`](https://open-atmos.github.io/PySDM/particulator.html#PySDM.particuparticulatorr.Particulator.run) method advances the simulation by ``nt`` timesteps.
In the listing below, its usage is interleaved with plotting logic
which displays a histogram of particle mass distribution
at selected timesteps:
Julia (click to expand)
rho_w = pyimport("PySDM.physics.constants_defaults").rho_w
using Plots; plotlyjs()
for step = 0:1200:3600
particulator.run(step - particulator.n_steps)
radius_bins_edges[1:end-1] / si.um,
particulator.products["dv/dlnr"].get()[:] * rho_w / si.g,
xlabel="particle radius [µm]",
ylabel="dm/dlnr [g/m^3/(unit dr/r)]",
label="t = $step s"
Matlab (click to expand)
rho_w = py.importlib.import_module('PySDM.physics.constants_defaults').rho_w;
for step = 0:1200:3600
particulator.run(int32(step - particulator.n_steps));
x = radius_bins_edges / si.um;
y = particulator.products{"dv/dlnr"}.get() * rho_w / si.g;
x(1:end-1), ...
double(py.array.array('d',py.numpy.nditer(y))), ...
'DisplayName', sprintf("t = %d s", step) ...
hold on
hold off
xlabel('particle radius [µm]')
ylabel("dm/dlnr [g/m^3/(unit dr/r)]")
Python (click to expand)
from PySDM.physics.constants_defaults import rho_w
from matplotlib import pyplot
for step in [0, 1200, 2400, 3600]:
particulator.run(step - particulator.n_steps)
pyplot.step(x=radius_bins_edges[:-1] / si.um,
y=particulator.products['dv/dlnr'].get()[0] * rho_w / si.g,
where='post', label=f"t = {step}s")
pyplot.xlabel('particle radius [µm]')
pyplot.ylabel("dm/dlnr [g/m$^3$/(unit dr/r)]")
The resultant plot (generated with the Python code) looks as follows:

## Hello-world condensation example in Python, Julia and Matlab
In the following example, a condensation-only setup is used with the adiabatic
[`Parcel`](https://open-atmos.github.io/PySDM/environments/parcel.html) environment.
An initial [`Lognormal`](https://open-atmos.github.io/PySDM/initialisation/spectra.html#PySDM.initialisation.spectra.Lognormal)
spectrum of dry aerosol particles is first initialised to equilibrium wet size for the given
initial humidity.
Subsequent particle growth due to [`Condensation`](https://open-atmos.github.io/PySDM/dynamics/condensation.html) of water vapour (coupled with the release of latent heat)
causes a subset of particles to activate into cloud droplets.
Results of the simulation are plotted against vertical
and depict the evolution of
and the
[`WaterMixingRatio `](https://open-atmos.github.io/PySDM/products/size_spectral/water_mixing_ratio.html).
Julia (click to expand)
using PyCall
using Plots; plotlyjs()
si = pyimport("PySDM.physics").si
spectral_sampling = pyimport("PySDM.initialisation.sampling").spectral_sampling
discretise_multiplicities = pyimport("PySDM.initialisation").discretise_multiplicities
Lognormal = pyimport("PySDM.initialisation.spectra").Lognormal
equilibrate_wet_radii = pyimport("PySDM.initialisation").equilibrate_wet_radii
CPU = pyimport("PySDM.backends").CPU
AmbientThermodynamics = pyimport("PySDM.dynamics").AmbientThermodynamics
Condensation = pyimport("PySDM.dynamics").Condensation
Parcel = pyimport("PySDM.environments").Parcel
Builder = pyimport("PySDM").Builder
Formulae = pyimport("PySDM").Formulae
products = pyimport("PySDM.products")
env = Parcel(
dt=.25 * si.s,
mass_of_dry_air=1e3 * si.kg,
p0=1122 * si.hPa,
q0=20 * si.g / si.kg,
T0=300 * si.K,
w= 2.5 * si.m / si.s
spectrum = Lognormal(norm_factor=1e4/si.mg, m_mode=50*si.nm, s_geom=1.4)
kappa = .5 * si.dimensionless
cloud_range = (.5 * si.um, 25 * si.um)
output_interval = 4
output_points = 40
n_sd = 256
formulae = Formulae()
builder = Builder(backend=CPU(formulae), n_sd=n_sd)
r_dry, specific_concentration = spectral_sampling.Logarithmic(spectrum).sample(n_sd)
v_dry = formulae.trivia.volume(radius=r_dry)
r_wet = equilibrate_wet_radii(r_dry=r_dry, environment=env, kappa_times_dry_volume=kappa * v_dry)
attributes = Dict()
attributes["n"] = discretise_multiplicities(specific_concentration * env.mass_of_dry_air)
attributes["dry volume"] = v_dry
attributes["kappa times dry volume"] = kappa * v_dry
attributes["volume"] = formulae.trivia.volume(radius=r_wet)
particulator = builder.build(attributes, products=[
products.PeakSupersaturation(name="S_max", unit="%"),
products.EffectiveRadius(name="r_eff", unit="um", radius_range=cloud_range),
products.ParticleConcentration(name="n_c_cm3", unit="cm^-3", radius_range=cloud_range),
products.WaterMixingRatio(name="ql", unit="g/kg", radius_range=cloud_range),
output = Dict()
for (_, product) in particulator.products
output[product.name] = Array{Float32}(undef, output_points+1)
output[product.name][1] = product.get()[cell_id]
for step = 2:output_points+1
for (_, product) in particulator.products
output[product.name][step] = product.get()[cell_id]
plots = []
ylbl = particulator.products["z"].unit
for (_, product) in particulator.products
if product.name != "z"
append!(plots, [plot(output[product.name], output["z"], ylabel=ylbl, xlabel=product.unit, title=product.name)])
global ylbl = ""
plot(plots..., layout=(1, length(output)-1))
Matlab (click to expand)
si = py.importlib.import_module('PySDM.physics').si;
spectral_sampling = py.importlib.import_module('PySDM.initialisation.sampling').spectral_sampling;
discretise_multiplicities = py.importlib.import_module('PySDM.initialisation').discretise_multiplicities;
Lognormal = py.importlib.import_module('PySDM.initialisation.spectra').Lognormal;
equilibrate_wet_radii = py.importlib.import_module('PySDM.initialisation').equilibrate_wet_radii;
CPU = py.importlib.import_module('PySDM.backends').CPU;
AmbientThermodynamics = py.importlib.import_module('PySDM.dynamics').AmbientThermodynamics;
Condensation = py.importlib.import_module('PySDM.dynamics').Condensation;
Parcel = py.importlib.import_module('PySDM.environments').Parcel;
Builder = py.importlib.import_module('PySDM').Builder;
Formulae = py.importlib.import_module('PySDM').Formulae;
products = py.importlib.import_module('PySDM.products');
env = Parcel(pyargs( ...
'dt', .25 * si.s, ...
'mass_of_dry_air', 1e3 * si.kg, ...
'p0', 1122 * si.hPa, ...
'q0', 20 * si.g / si.kg, ...
'T0', 300 * si.K, ...
'w', 2.5 * si.m / si.s ...
spectrum = Lognormal(pyargs('norm_factor', 1e4/si.mg, 'm_mode', 50 * si.nm, 's_geom', 1.4));
kappa = .5;
cloud_range = py.tuple({.5 * si.um, 25 * si.um});
output_interval = 4;
output_points = 40;
n_sd = 256;
formulae = Formulae();
builder = Builder(pyargs('backend', CPU(formulae), 'n_sd', int32(n_sd)));
tmp = spectral_sampling.Logarithmic(spectrum).sample(int32(n_sd));
r_dry = tmp{1};
v_dry = formulae.trivia.volume(pyargs('radius', r_dry));
specific_concentration = tmp{2};
r_wet = equilibrate_wet_radii(pyargs(...
'r_dry', r_dry, ...
'environment', env, ...
'kappa_times_dry_volume', kappa * v_dry...
attributes = py.dict(pyargs( ...
'n', discretise_multiplicities(specific_concentration * env.mass_of_dry_air), ...
'dry volume', v_dry, ...
'kappa times dry volume', kappa * v_dry, ...
'volume', formulae.trivia.volume(pyargs('radius', r_wet)) ...
particulator = builder.build(attributes, py.list({ ...
products.PeakSupersaturation(pyargs('name', 'S_max', 'unit', '%')), ...
products.EffectiveRadius(pyargs('name', 'r_eff', 'unit', 'um', 'radius_range', cloud_range)), ...
products.ParticleConcentration(pyargs('name', 'n_c_cm3', 'unit', 'cm^-3', 'radius_range', cloud_range)), ...
products.WaterMixingRatio(pyargs('name', 'ql', 'unit', 'g/kg', 'radius_range', cloud_range)) ...
products.ParcelDisplacement(pyargs('name', 'z')) ...
cell_id = int32(0);
output_size = [output_points+1, length(py.list(particulator.products.keys()))];
output_types = repelem({'double'}, output_size(2));
output_names = [cellfun(@string, cell(py.list(particulator.products.keys())))];
output = table(...
'Size', output_size, ...
'VariableTypes', output_types, ...
'VariableNames', output_names ...
for pykey = py.list(keys(particulator.products))
get = py.getattr(particulator.products{pykey{1}}.get(), '__getitem__');
key = string(pykey{1});
output{1, key} = get(cell_id);
for i=2:output_points+1
particulator.run(pyargs('steps', int32(output_interval)));
for pykey = py.list(keys(particulator.products))
get = py.getattr(particulator.products{pykey{1}}.get(), '__getitem__');
key = string(pykey{1});
output{i, key} = get(cell_id);
for pykey = py.list(keys(particulator.products))
product = particulator.products{pykey{1}};
if string(product.name) ~= "z"
subplot(1, width(output)-1, i);
plot(output{:, string(pykey{1})}, output.z, '-o');
title(string(product.name), 'Interpreter', 'none');
if i == 1
saveas(gcf, "parcel.png");
Python (click to expand)
from matplotlib import pyplot
from PySDM.physics import si
from PySDM.initialisation import discretise_multiplicities, equilibrate_wet_radii
from PySDM.initialisation.spectra import Lognormal
from PySDM.initialisation.sampling import spectral_sampling
from PySDM.backends import CPU
from PySDM.dynamics import AmbientThermodynamics, Condensation
from PySDM.environments import Parcel
from PySDM import Builder, Formulae, products
env = Parcel(
dt=.25 * si.s,
mass_of_dry_air=1e3 * si.kg,
p0=1122 * si.hPa,
q0=20 * si.g / si.kg,
T0=300 * si.K,
w=2.5 * si.m / si.s
spectrum = Lognormal(norm_factor=1e4 / si.mg, m_mode=50 * si.nm, s_geom=1.5)
kappa = .5 * si.dimensionless
cloud_range = (.5 * si.um, 25 * si.um)
output_interval = 4
output_points = 40
n_sd = 256
formulae = Formulae()
builder = Builder(backend=CPU(formulae), n_sd=n_sd)
r_dry, specific_concentration = spectral_sampling.Logarithmic(spectrum).sample(n_sd)
v_dry = formulae.trivia.volume(radius=r_dry)
r_wet = equilibrate_wet_radii(r_dry=r_dry, environment=env, kappa_times_dry_volume=kappa * v_dry)
attributes = {
'n': discretise_multiplicities(specific_concentration * env.mass_of_dry_air),
'dry volume': v_dry,
'kappa times dry volume': kappa * v_dry,
'volume': formulae.trivia.volume(radius=r_wet)
particulator = builder.build(attributes, products=[
products.PeakSupersaturation(name='S_max', unit='%'),
products.EffectiveRadius(name='r_eff', unit='um', radius_range=cloud_range),
products.ParticleConcentration(name='n_c_cm3', unit='cm^-3', radius_range=cloud_range),
products.WaterMixingRatio(name='ql', unit='g/kg', radius_range=cloud_range),
cell_id = 0
output = {product.name: [product.get()[cell_id]] for product in particulator.products.values()}
for step in range(output_points):
for product in particulator.products.values():
fig, axs = pyplot.subplots(1, len(particulator.products) - 1, sharey="all")
for i, (key, product) in enumerate(particulator.products.items()):
if key != 'z':
axs[i].plot(output[key], output['z'], marker='.')
The resultant plot (generated with the Matlab code) looks as follows:

## Contributing, reporting issues, seeking support
#### Our technologicial stack:
Submitting new code to the project, please preferably use [GitHub pull requests](https://github.com/open-atmos/PySDM/pulls)
(or the [PySDM-examples PR site](https://github.com/open-atmos/PySDM-examples/pulls) if working on examples) - it helps to keep record of code authorship,
track and archive the code review workflow and allows to benefit
from the continuous integration setup which automates execution of tests
with the newly added code.
As of now, the copyright to the entire PySDM codebase is with the Jagiellonian
University, and code contributions are assumed to imply transfer of copyright.
Should there be a need to make an exception, please indicate it when creating
a pull request or contributing code in any other way. In any case,
the license of the contributed code must be compatible with GPL v3.
Developing the code, we follow [The Way of Python](https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0020/) and
the [KISS principle](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KISS_principle).
The codebase has greatly benefited from [PyCharm code inspections](https://www.jetbrains.com/help/pycharm/code-inspection.html)
and [Pylint](https://pylint.org), [Black](https://black.readthedocs.io/en/stable/) and [isort](https://pycqa.github.io/isort/)
code analysis (which are all part of the CI workflows).
We also use [pre-commit hooks](https://pre-commit.com).
In our case, the hooks modify files and re-format them.
The pre-commit hooks can be run locally, and then the resultant changes need to be staged before committing.
To set up the hooks locally, install pre-commit via `pip install pre-commit` and
set up the git hooks via `pre-commit install` (this needs to be done every time you clone the project).
To run all pre-commit hooks, run `pre-commit run --all-files`.
The `.pre-commit-config.yaml` file can be modified in case new hooks are to be added or
existing ones need to be altered.
Issues regarding any incorrect, unintuitive or undocumented bahaviour of
PySDM are best to be reported on the [GitHub issue tracker](https://github.com/open-atmos/PySDM/issues/new).
Feature requests are recorded in the "Ideas..." [PySDM wiki page](https://github.com/open-atmos/PySDM/wiki/Ideas-for-new-features-and-examples).
We encourage to use the [GitHub Discussions](https://github.com/open-atmos/PySDM/discussions) feature
(rather than the issue tracker) for seeking support in understanding, using and extending PySDM code.
Please use the PySDM issue-tracking and dicsussion infrastructure for `PySDM-examples` as well.
We look forward to your contributions and feedback.
## Credits:
The development and maintenance of PySDM is led by [Sylwester Arabas](https://github.com/slayoo/).
[Piotr Bartman](https://github.com/piotrbartman/) had been the architect and main developer
of technological solutions in PySDM.
The suite of examples shipped with PySDM includes contributions from researchers
from [Jagiellonian University](https://en.uj.edu.pl/en) departments of computer science, physics and chemistry;
and from
[Caltech's Climate Modelling Alliance](https://clima.caltech.edu/).
Development of PySDM had been initially supported by the EU through a grant of the
[Foundation for Polish Science](https://www.fnp.org.pl/)) (POIR.04.04.00-00-5E1C/18)
realised at the [Jagiellonian University](https://en.uj.edu.pl/en).
The immersion freezing support in PySDM is developed with support from the
US Department of Energy [Atmospheric System Research](https://asr.science.energy.gov/) programme
through a grant realised at the
[University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign](https://illinois.edu/).
copyright: [Jagiellonian University](https://en.uj.edu.pl/en)
licence: [GPL v3](https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html)
## Related resources and open-source projects
### SDM patents (some expired, some withdrawn):
- https://patents.google.com/patent/US7756693B2
- https://patents.google.com/patent/EP1847939A3
- https://patents.google.com/patent/JP4742387B2
- https://patents.google.com/patent/CN101059821B
### Other SDM implementations:
- SCALE-SDM (Fortran):
- Pencil Code (Fortran):
- PALM LES (Fortran):
- libcloudph++ (C++):
- LCM1D (Python)
- superdroplet (Cython/Numba/C++11/Fortran 2008/Julia)
### non-SDM probabilistic particle-based coagulation solvers
- PartMC (Fortran):
### Python models with discrete-particle (moving-sectional) representation of particle size spectrum
- pyrcel: https://github.com/darothen/pyrcel
- PyBox: https://github.com/loftytopping/PyBox
- py-cloud-parcel-model: https://github.com/emmasimp/py-cloud-parcel-model
%package help
Summary: Development documents and examples for PySDM
Provides: python3-PySDM-doc
%description help
PySDM is a package for simulating the dynamics of population of particles.
It is intended to serve as a building block for simulation systems modelling
fluid flows involving a dispersed phase,
with PySDM being responsible for representation of the dispersed phase.
Currently, the development is focused on atmospheric cloud physics
applications, in particular on modelling the dynamics of particles immersed in moist air
using the particle-based (a.k.a. super-droplet) approach
to represent aerosol/cloud/rain microphysics.
The package features a Pythonic high-performance implementation of the
Super-Droplet Method (SDM) Monte-Carlo algorithm for representing collisional growth
([Shima et al. 2009](https://rmets.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/qj.441)), hence the name.
PySDM has two alternative parallel number-crunching backends
available: multi-threaded CPU backend based on [Numba](http://numba.pydata.org/)
and GPU-resident backend built on top of [ThrustRTC](https://pypi.org/project/ThrustRTC/).
The [`Numba`](https://open-atmos.github.io/PySDM/backends/numba/numba.html) backend (aliased ``CPU``) features multi-threaded parallelism for
multi-core CPUs, it uses the just-in-time compilation technique based on the LLVM infrastructure.
The [`ThrustRTC`](https://open-atmos.github.io/PySDM/backends/thrustRTC/thrustRTC.html) backend (aliased ``GPU``) offers GPU-resident operation of PySDM
leveraging the [SIMT](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Single_instruction,_multiple_threads)
parallelisation model.
Using the ``GPU`` backend requires nVidia hardware and [CUDA driver](https://developer.nvidia.com/cuda-downloads).
For an overview paper on PySDM v1 (and the preferred item to cite if using PySDM), see [Bartman et al. 2022](https://doi.org/10.21105/joss.03219) (J. Open Source Software).
For a list of talks and other materials on PySDM, see the [project wiki](https://github.com/open-atmos/PySDM/wiki).
A [pdoc-generated](https://pdoc3.github.io/pdoc) documentation of PySDM public API is maintained at: [https://open-atmos.github.io/PySDM](https://open-atmos.github.io/PySDM)
## Dependencies and Installation
PySDM dependencies are: [Numpy](https://numpy.org/), [Numba](http://numba.pydata.org/), [SciPy](https://scipy.org/),
[Pint](https://pint.readthedocs.io/), [chempy](https://pypi.org/project/chempy/),
[ThrustRTC](https://fynv.github.io/ThrustRTC/) and [CURandRTC](https://github.com/fynv/CURandRTC).
To install PySDM using ``pip``, use: ``pip install PySDM``
(or ``pip install git+https://github.com/open-atmos/PySDM.git`` to get updates
beyond the latest release).
Conda users may use ``pip`` as well, see the [Installing non-conda packages](https://docs.conda.io/projects/conda/en/latest/user-guide/tasks/manage-pkgs.html#installing-non-conda-packages) section in the conda docs. Dependencies of PySDM are available at the following conda channels:
- numba: [numba](https://anaconda.org/numba/numba)
- conda-forge: [pyevtk](https://anaconda.org/conda-forge/pyevtk), [pint](https://anaconda.org/conda-forge/pint) and []()
- fyplus: [ThrustRTC](https://anaconda.org/fyplus/thrustrtc), [CURandRTC](https://anaconda.org/fyplus/curandrtc)
- bjodah: [chempy](https://anaconda.org/bjodah/chempy)
- nvidia: [cudatoolkit](https://anaconda.org/nvidia/cudatoolkit)
For development purposes, we suggest cloning the repository and installing it using ``pip -e``.
Test-time dependencies are listed in the ``test-time-requirements.txt`` file.
PySDM examples are hosted in a separate repository and constitute
the [``PySDM_examples``](https://github.com/open-atmos/PySDM-examples) package.
The examples have additional dependencies listed in [``PySDM_examples`` package ``setup.py``](https://github.com/open-atmos/PySDM-examples/blob/main/setup.py) file.
Running the examples requires the ``PySDM_examples`` package to be installed.
Since the examples package includes Jupyter notebooks (and their execution requires write access), the suggested install and launch steps are:
git clone https://github.com/open-atmos/PySDM-examples.git
cd PySDM-examples
pip install -e .
Alternatively, one can also install the examples package from pypi.org by
using ``pip install PySDM-examples``.
## PySDM examples (Jupyter notebooks reproducing results from literature):
Examples are maintained at the `PySDM-examples` repository, see [PySDM-examples README.md](https://github.com/open-atmos/PySDM-examples/blob/main/README.md) file for details.

## Hello-world coalescence example in Python, Julia and Matlab
In order to depict the PySDM API with a practical example, the following
listings provide sample code roughly reproducing the
Figure 2 from [Shima et al. 2009 paper](http://doi.org/10.1002/qj.441)
using PySDM from Python, Julia and Matlab.
It is a [`Coalescence`](https://open-atmos.github.io/PySDM/dynamics/coalescence.html)-only set-up in which the initial particle size
spectrum is [`Exponential`](https://open-atmos.github.io/PySDM/initialisation/spectra.html#PySDM.initialisation.spectra.Exponential) and is deterministically sampled to match
the condition of each super-droplet having equal initial multiplicity:
Julia (click to expand)
using Pkg
using PyCall
si = pyimport("PySDM.physics").si
ConstantMultiplicity = pyimport("PySDM.initialisation.sampling.spectral_sampling").ConstantMultiplicity
Exponential = pyimport("PySDM.initialisation.spectra").Exponential
n_sd = 2^15
initial_spectrum = Exponential(norm_factor=8.39e12, scale=1.19e5 * si.um^3)
attributes = Dict()
attributes["volume"], attributes["n"] = ConstantMultiplicity(spectrum=initial_spectrum).sample(n_sd)
Matlab (click to expand)
si = py.importlib.import_module('PySDM.physics').si;
ConstantMultiplicity = py.importlib.import_module('PySDM.initialisation.sampling.spectral_sampling').ConstantMultiplicity;
Exponential = py.importlib.import_module('PySDM.initialisation.spectra').Exponential;
n_sd = 2^15;
initial_spectrum = Exponential(pyargs(...
'norm_factor', 8.39e12, ...
'scale', 1.19e5 * si.um ^ 3 ...
tmp = ConstantMultiplicity(initial_spectrum).sample(int32(n_sd));
attributes = py.dict(pyargs('volume', tmp{1}, 'n', tmp{2}));
Python (click to expand)
from PySDM.physics import si
from PySDM.initialisation.sampling.spectral_sampling import ConstantMultiplicity
from PySDM.initialisation.spectra.exponential import Exponential
n_sd = 2 ** 15
initial_spectrum = Exponential(norm_factor=8.39e12, scale=1.19e5 * si.um ** 3)
attributes = {}
attributes['volume'], attributes['n'] = ConstantMultiplicity(initial_spectrum).sample(n_sd)
The key element of the PySDM interface is the [``Particulator``](https://open-atmos.github.io/PySDM/particulator.html)
class instances of which are used to manage the system state and control the simulation.
Instantiation of the [``Particulator``](https://open-atmos.github.io/PySDM/particulator.html) class is handled by the [``Builder``](https://open-atmos.github.io/PySDM/builder.html)
as exemplified below:
Julia (click to expand)
Builder = pyimport("PySDM").Builder
Box = pyimport("PySDM.environments").Box
Coalescence = pyimport("PySDM.dynamics").Coalescence
Golovin = pyimport("PySDM.dynamics.collisions.collision_kernels").Golovin
CPU = pyimport("PySDM.backends").CPU
ParticleVolumeVersusRadiusLogarithmSpectrum = pyimport("PySDM.products").ParticleVolumeVersusRadiusLogarithmSpectrum
radius_bins_edges = 10 .^ range(log10(10*si.um), log10(5e3*si.um), length=32)
builder = Builder(n_sd=n_sd, backend=CPU())
builder.set_environment(Box(dt=1 * si.s, dv=1e6 * si.m^3))
builder.add_dynamic(Coalescence(collision_kernel=Golovin(b=1.5e3 / si.s)))
products = [ParticleVolumeVersusRadiusLogarithmSpectrum(radius_bins_edges=radius_bins_edges, name="dv/dlnr")]
particulator = builder.build(attributes, products)
Matlab (click to expand)
Builder = py.importlib.import_module('PySDM').Builder;
Box = py.importlib.import_module('PySDM.environments').Box;
Coalescence = py.importlib.import_module('PySDM.dynamics').Coalescence;
Golovin = py.importlib.import_module('PySDM.dynamics.collisions.collision_kernels').Golovin;
CPU = py.importlib.import_module('PySDM.backends').CPU;
ParticleVolumeVersusRadiusLogarithmSpectrum = py.importlib.import_module('PySDM.products').ParticleVolumeVersusRadiusLogarithmSpectrum;
radius_bins_edges = logspace(log10(10 * si.um), log10(5e3 * si.um), 32);
builder = Builder(pyargs('n_sd', int32(n_sd), 'backend', CPU()));
builder.set_environment(Box(pyargs('dt', 1 * si.s, 'dv', 1e6 * si.m ^ 3)));
builder.add_dynamic(Coalescence(pyargs('collision_kernel', Golovin(1.5e3 / si.s))));
products = py.list({ ParticleVolumeVersusRadiusLogarithmSpectrum(pyargs( ...
'radius_bins_edges', py.numpy.array(radius_bins_edges), ...
'name', 'dv/dlnr' ...
)) });
particulator = builder.build(attributes, products);
Python (click to expand)
import numpy as np
from PySDM import Builder
from PySDM.environments import Box
from PySDM.dynamics import Coalescence
from PySDM.dynamics.collisions.collision_kernels import Golovin
from PySDM.backends import CPU
from PySDM.products import ParticleVolumeVersusRadiusLogarithmSpectrum
radius_bins_edges = np.logspace(np.log10(10 * si.um), np.log10(5e3 * si.um), num=32)
builder = Builder(n_sd=n_sd, backend=CPU())
builder.set_environment(Box(dt=1 * si.s, dv=1e6 * si.m ** 3))
builder.add_dynamic(Coalescence(collision_kernel=Golovin(b=1.5e3 / si.s)))
products = [ParticleVolumeVersusRadiusLogarithmSpectrum(radius_bins_edges=radius_bins_edges, name='dv/dlnr')]
particulator = builder.build(attributes, products)
The ``backend`` argument may be set to ``CPU`` or ``GPU``
what translates to choosing the multi-threaded backend or the
GPU-resident computation mode, respectively.
The employed [`Box`](https://open-atmos.github.io/PySDM/environments/box.html) environment corresponds to a zero-dimensional framework
(particle positions are not considered).
The vectors of particle multiplicities ``n`` and particle volumes ``v`` are
used to initialise super-droplet attributes.
The [`Coalescence`](https://open-atmos.github.io/PySDM/dynamics/coalescence.html)
Monte-Carlo algorithm (Super Droplet Method) is registered as the only
dynamic in the system.
Finally, the [`build()`](https://open-atmos.github.io/PySDM/builder.html#PySDM.builder.Builder.build) method is used to obtain an instance
of [`Particulator`](https://open-atmos.github.io/PySDM/particulator.html#PySDM.particulator.Particulator) which can then be used to control time-stepping and
access simulation state.
The [`run(nt)`](https://open-atmos.github.io/PySDM/particulator.html#PySDM.particuparticulatorr.Particulator.run) method advances the simulation by ``nt`` timesteps.
In the listing below, its usage is interleaved with plotting logic
which displays a histogram of particle mass distribution
at selected timesteps:
Julia (click to expand)
rho_w = pyimport("PySDM.physics.constants_defaults").rho_w
using Plots; plotlyjs()
for step = 0:1200:3600
particulator.run(step - particulator.n_steps)
radius_bins_edges[1:end-1] / si.um,
particulator.products["dv/dlnr"].get()[:] * rho_w / si.g,
xlabel="particle radius [µm]",
ylabel="dm/dlnr [g/m^3/(unit dr/r)]",
label="t = $step s"
Matlab (click to expand)
rho_w = py.importlib.import_module('PySDM.physics.constants_defaults').rho_w;
for step = 0:1200:3600
particulator.run(int32(step - particulator.n_steps));
x = radius_bins_edges / si.um;
y = particulator.products{"dv/dlnr"}.get() * rho_w / si.g;
x(1:end-1), ...
double(py.array.array('d',py.numpy.nditer(y))), ...
'DisplayName', sprintf("t = %d s", step) ...
hold on
hold off
xlabel('particle radius [µm]')
ylabel("dm/dlnr [g/m^3/(unit dr/r)]")
Python (click to expand)
from PySDM.physics.constants_defaults import rho_w
from matplotlib import pyplot
for step in [0, 1200, 2400, 3600]:
particulator.run(step - particulator.n_steps)
pyplot.step(x=radius_bins_edges[:-1] / si.um,
y=particulator.products['dv/dlnr'].get()[0] * rho_w / si.g,
where='post', label=f"t = {step}s")
pyplot.xlabel('particle radius [µm]')
pyplot.ylabel("dm/dlnr [g/m$^3$/(unit dr/r)]")
The resultant plot (generated with the Python code) looks as follows:

## Hello-world condensation example in Python, Julia and Matlab
In the following example, a condensation-only setup is used with the adiabatic
[`Parcel`](https://open-atmos.github.io/PySDM/environments/parcel.html) environment.
An initial [`Lognormal`](https://open-atmos.github.io/PySDM/initialisation/spectra.html#PySDM.initialisation.spectra.Lognormal)
spectrum of dry aerosol particles is first initialised to equilibrium wet size for the given
initial humidity.
Subsequent particle growth due to [`Condensation`](https://open-atmos.github.io/PySDM/dynamics/condensation.html) of water vapour (coupled with the release of latent heat)
causes a subset of particles to activate into cloud droplets.
Results of the simulation are plotted against vertical
and depict the evolution of
and the
[`WaterMixingRatio `](https://open-atmos.github.io/PySDM/products/size_spectral/water_mixing_ratio.html).
Julia (click to expand)
using PyCall
using Plots; plotlyjs()
si = pyimport("PySDM.physics").si
spectral_sampling = pyimport("PySDM.initialisation.sampling").spectral_sampling
discretise_multiplicities = pyimport("PySDM.initialisation").discretise_multiplicities
Lognormal = pyimport("PySDM.initialisation.spectra").Lognormal
equilibrate_wet_radii = pyimport("PySDM.initialisation").equilibrate_wet_radii
CPU = pyimport("PySDM.backends").CPU
AmbientThermodynamics = pyimport("PySDM.dynamics").AmbientThermodynamics
Condensation = pyimport("PySDM.dynamics").Condensation
Parcel = pyimport("PySDM.environments").Parcel
Builder = pyimport("PySDM").Builder
Formulae = pyimport("PySDM").Formulae
products = pyimport("PySDM.products")
env = Parcel(
dt=.25 * si.s,
mass_of_dry_air=1e3 * si.kg,
p0=1122 * si.hPa,
q0=20 * si.g / si.kg,
T0=300 * si.K,
w= 2.5 * si.m / si.s
spectrum = Lognormal(norm_factor=1e4/si.mg, m_mode=50*si.nm, s_geom=1.4)
kappa = .5 * si.dimensionless
cloud_range = (.5 * si.um, 25 * si.um)
output_interval = 4
output_points = 40
n_sd = 256
formulae = Formulae()
builder = Builder(backend=CPU(formulae), n_sd=n_sd)
r_dry, specific_concentration = spectral_sampling.Logarithmic(spectrum).sample(n_sd)
v_dry = formulae.trivia.volume(radius=r_dry)
r_wet = equilibrate_wet_radii(r_dry=r_dry, environment=env, kappa_times_dry_volume=kappa * v_dry)
attributes = Dict()
attributes["n"] = discretise_multiplicities(specific_concentration * env.mass_of_dry_air)
attributes["dry volume"] = v_dry
attributes["kappa times dry volume"] = kappa * v_dry
attributes["volume"] = formulae.trivia.volume(radius=r_wet)
particulator = builder.build(attributes, products=[
products.PeakSupersaturation(name="S_max", unit="%"),
products.EffectiveRadius(name="r_eff", unit="um", radius_range=cloud_range),
products.ParticleConcentration(name="n_c_cm3", unit="cm^-3", radius_range=cloud_range),
products.WaterMixingRatio(name="ql", unit="g/kg", radius_range=cloud_range),
output = Dict()
for (_, product) in particulator.products
output[product.name] = Array{Float32}(undef, output_points+1)
output[product.name][1] = product.get()[cell_id]
for step = 2:output_points+1
for (_, product) in particulator.products
output[product.name][step] = product.get()[cell_id]
plots = []
ylbl = particulator.products["z"].unit
for (_, product) in particulator.products
if product.name != "z"
append!(plots, [plot(output[product.name], output["z"], ylabel=ylbl, xlabel=product.unit, title=product.name)])
global ylbl = ""
plot(plots..., layout=(1, length(output)-1))
Matlab (click to expand)
si = py.importlib.import_module('PySDM.physics').si;
spectral_sampling = py.importlib.import_module('PySDM.initialisation.sampling').spectral_sampling;
discretise_multiplicities = py.importlib.import_module('PySDM.initialisation').discretise_multiplicities;
Lognormal = py.importlib.import_module('PySDM.initialisation.spectra').Lognormal;
equilibrate_wet_radii = py.importlib.import_module('PySDM.initialisation').equilibrate_wet_radii;
CPU = py.importlib.import_module('PySDM.backends').CPU;
AmbientThermodynamics = py.importlib.import_module('PySDM.dynamics').AmbientThermodynamics;
Condensation = py.importlib.import_module('PySDM.dynamics').Condensation;
Parcel = py.importlib.import_module('PySDM.environments').Parcel;
Builder = py.importlib.import_module('PySDM').Builder;
Formulae = py.importlib.import_module('PySDM').Formulae;
products = py.importlib.import_module('PySDM.products');
env = Parcel(pyargs( ...
'dt', .25 * si.s, ...
'mass_of_dry_air', 1e3 * si.kg, ...
'p0', 1122 * si.hPa, ...
'q0', 20 * si.g / si.kg, ...
'T0', 300 * si.K, ...
'w', 2.5 * si.m / si.s ...
spectrum = Lognormal(pyargs('norm_factor', 1e4/si.mg, 'm_mode', 50 * si.nm, 's_geom', 1.4));
kappa = .5;
cloud_range = py.tuple({.5 * si.um, 25 * si.um});
output_interval = 4;
output_points = 40;
n_sd = 256;
formulae = Formulae();
builder = Builder(pyargs('backend', CPU(formulae), 'n_sd', int32(n_sd)));
tmp = spectral_sampling.Logarithmic(spectrum).sample(int32(n_sd));
r_dry = tmp{1};
v_dry = formulae.trivia.volume(pyargs('radius', r_dry));
specific_concentration = tmp{2};
r_wet = equilibrate_wet_radii(pyargs(...
'r_dry', r_dry, ...
'environment', env, ...
'kappa_times_dry_volume', kappa * v_dry...
attributes = py.dict(pyargs( ...
'n', discretise_multiplicities(specific_concentration * env.mass_of_dry_air), ...
'dry volume', v_dry, ...
'kappa times dry volume', kappa * v_dry, ...
'volume', formulae.trivia.volume(pyargs('radius', r_wet)) ...
particulator = builder.build(attributes, py.list({ ...
products.PeakSupersaturation(pyargs('name', 'S_max', 'unit', '%')), ...
products.EffectiveRadius(pyargs('name', 'r_eff', 'unit', 'um', 'radius_range', cloud_range)), ...
products.ParticleConcentration(pyargs('name', 'n_c_cm3', 'unit', 'cm^-3', 'radius_range', cloud_range)), ...
products.WaterMixingRatio(pyargs('name', 'ql', 'unit', 'g/kg', 'radius_range', cloud_range)) ...
products.ParcelDisplacement(pyargs('name', 'z')) ...
cell_id = int32(0);
output_size = [output_points+1, length(py.list(particulator.products.keys()))];
output_types = repelem({'double'}, output_size(2));
output_names = [cellfun(@string, cell(py.list(particulator.products.keys())))];
output = table(...
'Size', output_size, ...
'VariableTypes', output_types, ...
'VariableNames', output_names ...
for pykey = py.list(keys(particulator.products))
get = py.getattr(particulator.products{pykey{1}}.get(), '__getitem__');
key = string(pykey{1});
output{1, key} = get(cell_id);
for i=2:output_points+1
particulator.run(pyargs('steps', int32(output_interval)));
for pykey = py.list(keys(particulator.products))
get = py.getattr(particulator.products{pykey{1}}.get(), '__getitem__');
key = string(pykey{1});
output{i, key} = get(cell_id);
for pykey = py.list(keys(particulator.products))
product = particulator.products{pykey{1}};
if string(product.name) ~= "z"
subplot(1, width(output)-1, i);
plot(output{:, string(pykey{1})}, output.z, '-o');
title(string(product.name), 'Interpreter', 'none');
if i == 1
saveas(gcf, "parcel.png");
Python (click to expand)
from matplotlib import pyplot
from PySDM.physics import si
from PySDM.initialisation import discretise_multiplicities, equilibrate_wet_radii
from PySDM.initialisation.spectra import Lognormal
from PySDM.initialisation.sampling import spectral_sampling
from PySDM.backends import CPU
from PySDM.dynamics import AmbientThermodynamics, Condensation
from PySDM.environments import Parcel
from PySDM import Builder, Formulae, products
env = Parcel(
dt=.25 * si.s,
mass_of_dry_air=1e3 * si.kg,
p0=1122 * si.hPa,
q0=20 * si.g / si.kg,
T0=300 * si.K,
w=2.5 * si.m / si.s
spectrum = Lognormal(norm_factor=1e4 / si.mg, m_mode=50 * si.nm, s_geom=1.5)
kappa = .5 * si.dimensionless
cloud_range = (.5 * si.um, 25 * si.um)
output_interval = 4
output_points = 40
n_sd = 256
formulae = Formulae()
builder = Builder(backend=CPU(formulae), n_sd=n_sd)
r_dry, specific_concentration = spectral_sampling.Logarithmic(spectrum).sample(n_sd)
v_dry = formulae.trivia.volume(radius=r_dry)
r_wet = equilibrate_wet_radii(r_dry=r_dry, environment=env, kappa_times_dry_volume=kappa * v_dry)
attributes = {
'n': discretise_multiplicities(specific_concentration * env.mass_of_dry_air),
'dry volume': v_dry,
'kappa times dry volume': kappa * v_dry,
'volume': formulae.trivia.volume(radius=r_wet)
particulator = builder.build(attributes, products=[
products.PeakSupersaturation(name='S_max', unit='%'),
products.EffectiveRadius(name='r_eff', unit='um', radius_range=cloud_range),
products.ParticleConcentration(name='n_c_cm3', unit='cm^-3', radius_range=cloud_range),
products.WaterMixingRatio(name='ql', unit='g/kg', radius_range=cloud_range),
cell_id = 0
output = {product.name: [product.get()[cell_id]] for product in particulator.products.values()}
for step in range(output_points):
for product in particulator.products.values():
fig, axs = pyplot.subplots(1, len(particulator.products) - 1, sharey="all")
for i, (key, product) in enumerate(particulator.products.items()):
if key != 'z':
axs[i].plot(output[key], output['z'], marker='.')
The resultant plot (generated with the Matlab code) looks as follows:

## Contributing, reporting issues, seeking support
#### Our technologicial stack:
Submitting new code to the project, please preferably use [GitHub pull requests](https://github.com/open-atmos/PySDM/pulls)
(or the [PySDM-examples PR site](https://github.com/open-atmos/PySDM-examples/pulls) if working on examples) - it helps to keep record of code authorship,
track and archive the code review workflow and allows to benefit
from the continuous integration setup which automates execution of tests
with the newly added code.
As of now, the copyright to the entire PySDM codebase is with the Jagiellonian
University, and code contributions are assumed to imply transfer of copyright.
Should there be a need to make an exception, please indicate it when creating
a pull request or contributing code in any other way. In any case,
the license of the contributed code must be compatible with GPL v3.
Developing the code, we follow [The Way of Python](https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0020/) and
the [KISS principle](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KISS_principle).
The codebase has greatly benefited from [PyCharm code inspections](https://www.jetbrains.com/help/pycharm/code-inspection.html)
and [Pylint](https://pylint.org), [Black](https://black.readthedocs.io/en/stable/) and [isort](https://pycqa.github.io/isort/)
code analysis (which are all part of the CI workflows).
We also use [pre-commit hooks](https://pre-commit.com).
In our case, the hooks modify files and re-format them.
The pre-commit hooks can be run locally, and then the resultant changes need to be staged before committing.
To set up the hooks locally, install pre-commit via `pip install pre-commit` and
set up the git hooks via `pre-commit install` (this needs to be done every time you clone the project).
To run all pre-commit hooks, run `pre-commit run --all-files`.
The `.pre-commit-config.yaml` file can be modified in case new hooks are to be added or
existing ones need to be altered.
Issues regarding any incorrect, unintuitive or undocumented bahaviour of
PySDM are best to be reported on the [GitHub issue tracker](https://github.com/open-atmos/PySDM/issues/new).
Feature requests are recorded in the "Ideas..." [PySDM wiki page](https://github.com/open-atmos/PySDM/wiki/Ideas-for-new-features-and-examples).
We encourage to use the [GitHub Discussions](https://github.com/open-atmos/PySDM/discussions) feature
(rather than the issue tracker) for seeking support in understanding, using and extending PySDM code.
Please use the PySDM issue-tracking and dicsussion infrastructure for `PySDM-examples` as well.
We look forward to your contributions and feedback.
## Credits:
The development and maintenance of PySDM is led by [Sylwester Arabas](https://github.com/slayoo/).
[Piotr Bartman](https://github.com/piotrbartman/) had been the architect and main developer
of technological solutions in PySDM.
The suite of examples shipped with PySDM includes contributions from researchers
from [Jagiellonian University](https://en.uj.edu.pl/en) departments of computer science, physics and chemistry;
and from
[Caltech's Climate Modelling Alliance](https://clima.caltech.edu/).
Development of PySDM had been initially supported by the EU through a grant of the
[Foundation for Polish Science](https://www.fnp.org.pl/)) (POIR.04.04.00-00-5E1C/18)
realised at the [Jagiellonian University](https://en.uj.edu.pl/en).
The immersion freezing support in PySDM is developed with support from the
US Department of Energy [Atmospheric System Research](https://asr.science.energy.gov/) programme
through a grant realised at the
[University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign](https://illinois.edu/).
copyright: [Jagiellonian University](https://en.uj.edu.pl/en)
licence: [GPL v3](https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html)
## Related resources and open-source projects
### SDM patents (some expired, some withdrawn):
- https://patents.google.com/patent/US7756693B2
- https://patents.google.com/patent/EP1847939A3
- https://patents.google.com/patent/JP4742387B2
- https://patents.google.com/patent/CN101059821B
### Other SDM implementations:
- SCALE-SDM (Fortran):
- Pencil Code (Fortran):
- PALM LES (Fortran):
- libcloudph++ (C++):
- LCM1D (Python)
- superdroplet (Cython/Numba/C++11/Fortran 2008/Julia)
### non-SDM probabilistic particle-based coagulation solvers
- PartMC (Fortran):
### Python models with discrete-particle (moving-sectional) representation of particle size spectrum
- pyrcel: https://github.com/darothen/pyrcel
- PyBox: https://github.com/loftytopping/PyBox
- py-cloud-parcel-model: https://github.com/emmasimp/py-cloud-parcel-model
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