%global _empty_manifest_terminate_build 0
Name: python-PyNiteFEA
Version: 0.0.74
Release: 1
Summary: A simple elastic 3D structural finite element library for Python.
License: MIT License
URL: https://github.com/JWock82/PyNite.git
Source0: https://mirrors.nju.edu.cn/pypi/web/packages/23/af/410d049f35d9f1ade2ee82e7aa5f9c6ff7f0ee772054e4318ed70573a1d2/PyNiteFEA-0.0.74.tar.gz
BuildArch: noarch
Requires: python3-numpy
Requires: python3-matplotlib
Requires: python3-PrettyTable
Requires: python3-pdfkit
Requires: python3-Jinja2
Requires: python3-jupyterlab
Requires: python3-sympy
Requires: python3-scipy
Requires: python3-vtk
Requires: python3-IPython
Simple Finite Element Analysis in Python

An easy to use elastic 3D structural engineering finite element analysis library for Python.
# Installation
The easiest way to install Pynite is with pip: `pip install PyNiteFEA`
# Current Capabilities
* 3D static analysis of elastic structures.
* P-Δ analysis of frame type structures.
* Member point loads, linearly varying distributed loads, and nodal loads are supported.
* Classify loads by load case and create load combinations from load cases.
* Produces shear, moment, and deflection results and diagrams for each member.
* Automatic handling of internal nodes on frame members (physical members).
* Tension-only and compression-only elements.
* Spring elements: two-way, tension-only, and compression-only.
* Spring supports: two-way and one-way.
* Quadrilateral plate elements (MITC4 formulation).
* Rectangular plate elements (12-term polynomial formulation).
* Basic meshing algorithms for some common shapes and for openings in rectangular walls.
* Reports support reactions.
* Rendering of model geometry, supports, load cases, load combinations, and deformed shapes.
* Generates PDF reports for models and model results.
# Project Objectives
As I've gotten into the structural engineering profession, I've found there's a need for an easy to use open-source finite element package. I hope to help fill that need by prioritizing the following:
1. Accuracy: There are no guarantees PyNite is error free, but accuracy and correctness are a priority. When bugs or errors are identified, top priority will be given to eliminate them. PyNite's code is frequently reviewed, and its output is tested against a suite of textbook problems with known solutions using continuous integration (CI) anytime a change to the code base is made. If you do happen to find an error, please report it as an issue.
2. Simplicity: There are other finite element alternatives out there with many more capabilities, but they are often lacking in documentation, written in difficult languages, or require extensive knowledge of finite element theory and/or element formulations to use. PyNite is not intended to be the most technically advanced solver out there. Rather, the goal is to provide a robust yet simple general purpose package.
4. Improvement: PyNite is getting better at what it does. Each new feature provides leverage to build upon previous features in more elaborate ways. Key to improvement is (a) maintaining the core features that other features rely on, and (b) adding new features that are solid stepping stones to other features. Improvement most often happens by getting the small and simple things right incrementally, rather than with sweeping overhauls all at once.
5. Collaboration: The intent is to keep PyNite free and open source. This will encourage future development and contributions. Keeping it open source will allow anyone to inspect and improve the code it runs on. If you see an area you can help PyNite improve in you are encouraged to contribute. Please follow the contributing guidelines given in this repository.
# Support
Whether you just need help getting started with PyNite, or are looking to build something more complex, there are a few resources available:
* The examples in the "Examples" folder in this repository cover a variety of simple problems. The comments in the examples provide additional guidance on how PyNite works.
* Documentation is a work in progress and can be found on readthedocs here: https://pynite.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html.
* If you're looking for more direct guidance on using PyNite, or for help coding a project, I am available on a private consulting basis. You can reach out to me directly at Building.Code@outlook.com to discuss options.
# Dependencies
PyNite depends on the following packages:
## Required Dependencies
* numpy: used for matrix algebra and dense matrix solver
* matplotlib: used for plotting member diagrams
* PrettyTable : used to format tabular output
## Optional Dependencies
* scipy: Used for sparse matrix solver to improve solution speed and memory management. In most cases you'll want to install scipy.
* VTK: Used for visualization - Note that VTK is a little picky about which version of Python you are running. You must run a 64 bit installation of Python, rather than a 32 bit version. VTK is published by Kitware. I've noticed Kitware takes a little time updating VTK to be compatible anytime a new version of Python is released. If you're having trouble installing VTK, you can see which versions of Python are supported by visiting https://pypi.org/project/vtk/#files. VTK does not need to be installed if you don't plan to use the visualization tools built into PyNite.
* PDFKit: Used for generating pdf reports. In order to generate pdf reports, PDFKit requires you to have wkhtmltopdf installed on your computer. This is a free program available for download at https://wkhtmltopdf.org/downloads.html. Once installed, you'll need to help PyNite find it. On Windows, this can be done by setting your PATH environment variable to include the path to "wkhtmltopdf.exe" after installation. For example, mine is installed at "C:\Program Files\wkhtmltopdf\bin"
* IPython: Used for displaying screenshots from VTK.
* jinja2: Used for templating reports into HTML prior to HTML-to-pdf conversion.
* jupyterlab: Only needed if you want to view the derivations used to build PyNite.
* sympy: Only needed if you want to view the derivations used to build PyNite.
# Example Projects
Here's a list of projects that run on PyNite:
* Building Code (https://building-code.herokuapp.com/) - This one is my personal side project.
* Standard Solver (https://www.standardsolver.com/)
* Phaenotyp (https://github.com/bewegende-Architektur/Phaenotyp) (https://youtu.be/shloSw9HjVI)
# What's New?
* Bug fix for rectangular meshes with very close control points. The program now checks for mesh
control points that are for all practical purposes the same and eliminates the duplicates.
* Bug fix for merging duplicated plate names when using models with multiple meshes.
* Bug fix for point loads at the ends of physical members. These point loads were erroneously being applied at the end of all segments of the physical member. This error was introduced with the new physical member feature late last year. Prior to that this error did not exist.
* Improvements to plate meshing: (1) Rectangular meshes now automatically renumber nodes and elements to avoid duplicating names that are already in the model. This feature is only available for rectangular meshes at the moment. For other types of meshes you'll need to manually specify the start node and start element for numbering. (2) Meshes also now automatically stay in sync with the model. A node moved in the model will automatically reflect back on the mesh. Changes to elements in the model will automatically be reflected in the mesh. The program used to lose track of this. Once the mesh was generated it was "one and done" and no more.
* WARNING: This version will require reworking your models to incorporate `Materials`. Be prepared to rework your models before you upgrade. The examples have all been updated to show you how to do this.
* Added `Material` definitions. This does not change Pynite's behavior much, but it prepares the way for future features.
* Greatly simplified the process of meshing plates/quads. Meshes can now be generated directly from the `FEModel3D` object.
* Added data types to the many dictionaries storing data in the `FEModel3D` object. Most development environments will now offer hints when using these dictionaries directly. This makes accessing the results you're interested in more intuitive.
* Simplified internal code for finding unique names for objects.
* Array output of member force diagrams and displacement diagrams has been added.
* Bug fix for rotational springs. Exceptions were being thrown due to an inconsistent variable name.
* Cleared out old branches from the repository that were no longer being used.
* Updated CI to check against python 3.10 and 3.11. Removed CI for python 3.6 as it's no longer supported by the latest version of github actions.
* Subtle changes to the logo to make it look a little more "pythonic".
* Bug fix for rendering screenshots. The ability to interact with the render window was being disabled after the first screenshot had been taken, forcing subsequent screenshots to use the same view as the first one.
* Bug fix for member distributed loads on physical members. Added a unit test to check for this error going forward. This bug only affected physical members (new as of v0.0.67) that had distributed loads and internal nodes.
* Added physical members. Members now automatically detect internal nodes and subdivide themselves and their loads.
* Refactoring: deprecated old method names for member results. You may now have some errors show up if you still try to get member results using the old method names.
* Bug fix for P-Delta analysis. Global displacements were correct, but member internal forces were neglecting the geometric stiffness matrix. The impact of this bug was minimal, since the strain induced by correct global displacements was still being considered prior to this update. You should see a slight change to member P-Delta results.
* Code simplification for P-Delta analysis.
* Code simplification and bug fix for merging duplicate nodes.
* When nodes are merged, support conditions for the deleted node are now assigned to the remaining node.
* Added a linear solver for faster analysis of simple models. If you don't need P-Delta analysis or tension/compression-only analysis this solver saves time by only assembling the global stiffness matrix once.
* Improved the `merge_duplicate_nodes` method. It seemed to be working, but it was hard to follow, and there may have been cases where it didn't work as expected. Simplified the code for this method to make it clear what it was doing, and to make it more efficient. Added comments explaining each step.
* Screenshot size is now adjustable when rendering.
* Fixed a bug for `RectangleMesh` where it could not be used repeatedly.
* Refactoring: changed `Name` to `name` throughout code. For example, `Node3D.Name` is now `Node3D.name`.
* Fixed obsolete method names that had not been updated.
* Scalar bar text size can now be controlled. It had strange behavior before. It would change with the window size (until the window size was too small).
* More work on the new `Renderer` class. This class is being built to give the user more control over the appearance and behavior of renderings.
* Bug fix for nodal springs applied in the 'RY' and 'RZ' direction. Exceptions were being thrown in some cases.
v0.0.63 thru v0.0.64
* Fixed the `add_mesh` method. It was not working properly after version 0.0.62.
* Made stability checks optional. Stability checks add significant solve time. If you are confident your model is stable, you can skip the stability check by toggling `check_stability` to `False` in your call to your analysis command.
%package -n python3-PyNiteFEA
Summary: A simple elastic 3D structural finite element library for Python.
Provides: python-PyNiteFEA
BuildRequires: python3-devel
BuildRequires: python3-setuptools
BuildRequires: python3-pip
%description -n python3-PyNiteFEA
Simple Finite Element Analysis in Python

An easy to use elastic 3D structural engineering finite element analysis library for Python.
# Installation
The easiest way to install Pynite is with pip: `pip install PyNiteFEA`
# Current Capabilities
* 3D static analysis of elastic structures.
* P-Δ analysis of frame type structures.
* Member point loads, linearly varying distributed loads, and nodal loads are supported.
* Classify loads by load case and create load combinations from load cases.
* Produces shear, moment, and deflection results and diagrams for each member.
* Automatic handling of internal nodes on frame members (physical members).
* Tension-only and compression-only elements.
* Spring elements: two-way, tension-only, and compression-only.
* Spring supports: two-way and one-way.
* Quadrilateral plate elements (MITC4 formulation).
* Rectangular plate elements (12-term polynomial formulation).
* Basic meshing algorithms for some common shapes and for openings in rectangular walls.
* Reports support reactions.
* Rendering of model geometry, supports, load cases, load combinations, and deformed shapes.
* Generates PDF reports for models and model results.
# Project Objectives
As I've gotten into the structural engineering profession, I've found there's a need for an easy to use open-source finite element package. I hope to help fill that need by prioritizing the following:
1. Accuracy: There are no guarantees PyNite is error free, but accuracy and correctness are a priority. When bugs or errors are identified, top priority will be given to eliminate them. PyNite's code is frequently reviewed, and its output is tested against a suite of textbook problems with known solutions using continuous integration (CI) anytime a change to the code base is made. If you do happen to find an error, please report it as an issue.
2. Simplicity: There are other finite element alternatives out there with many more capabilities, but they are often lacking in documentation, written in difficult languages, or require extensive knowledge of finite element theory and/or element formulations to use. PyNite is not intended to be the most technically advanced solver out there. Rather, the goal is to provide a robust yet simple general purpose package.
4. Improvement: PyNite is getting better at what it does. Each new feature provides leverage to build upon previous features in more elaborate ways. Key to improvement is (a) maintaining the core features that other features rely on, and (b) adding new features that are solid stepping stones to other features. Improvement most often happens by getting the small and simple things right incrementally, rather than with sweeping overhauls all at once.
5. Collaboration: The intent is to keep PyNite free and open source. This will encourage future development and contributions. Keeping it open source will allow anyone to inspect and improve the code it runs on. If you see an area you can help PyNite improve in you are encouraged to contribute. Please follow the contributing guidelines given in this repository.
# Support
Whether you just need help getting started with PyNite, or are looking to build something more complex, there are a few resources available:
* The examples in the "Examples" folder in this repository cover a variety of simple problems. The comments in the examples provide additional guidance on how PyNite works.
* Documentation is a work in progress and can be found on readthedocs here: https://pynite.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html.
* If you're looking for more direct guidance on using PyNite, or for help coding a project, I am available on a private consulting basis. You can reach out to me directly at Building.Code@outlook.com to discuss options.
# Dependencies
PyNite depends on the following packages:
## Required Dependencies
* numpy: used for matrix algebra and dense matrix solver
* matplotlib: used for plotting member diagrams
* PrettyTable : used to format tabular output
## Optional Dependencies
* scipy: Used for sparse matrix solver to improve solution speed and memory management. In most cases you'll want to install scipy.
* VTK: Used for visualization - Note that VTK is a little picky about which version of Python you are running. You must run a 64 bit installation of Python, rather than a 32 bit version. VTK is published by Kitware. I've noticed Kitware takes a little time updating VTK to be compatible anytime a new version of Python is released. If you're having trouble installing VTK, you can see which versions of Python are supported by visiting https://pypi.org/project/vtk/#files. VTK does not need to be installed if you don't plan to use the visualization tools built into PyNite.
* PDFKit: Used for generating pdf reports. In order to generate pdf reports, PDFKit requires you to have wkhtmltopdf installed on your computer. This is a free program available for download at https://wkhtmltopdf.org/downloads.html. Once installed, you'll need to help PyNite find it. On Windows, this can be done by setting your PATH environment variable to include the path to "wkhtmltopdf.exe" after installation. For example, mine is installed at "C:\Program Files\wkhtmltopdf\bin"
* IPython: Used for displaying screenshots from VTK.
* jinja2: Used for templating reports into HTML prior to HTML-to-pdf conversion.
* jupyterlab: Only needed if you want to view the derivations used to build PyNite.
* sympy: Only needed if you want to view the derivations used to build PyNite.
# Example Projects
Here's a list of projects that run on PyNite:
* Building Code (https://building-code.herokuapp.com/) - This one is my personal side project.
* Standard Solver (https://www.standardsolver.com/)
* Phaenotyp (https://github.com/bewegende-Architektur/Phaenotyp) (https://youtu.be/shloSw9HjVI)
# What's New?
* Bug fix for rectangular meshes with very close control points. The program now checks for mesh
control points that are for all practical purposes the same and eliminates the duplicates.
* Bug fix for merging duplicated plate names when using models with multiple meshes.
* Bug fix for point loads at the ends of physical members. These point loads were erroneously being applied at the end of all segments of the physical member. This error was introduced with the new physical member feature late last year. Prior to that this error did not exist.
* Improvements to plate meshing: (1) Rectangular meshes now automatically renumber nodes and elements to avoid duplicating names that are already in the model. This feature is only available for rectangular meshes at the moment. For other types of meshes you'll need to manually specify the start node and start element for numbering. (2) Meshes also now automatically stay in sync with the model. A node moved in the model will automatically reflect back on the mesh. Changes to elements in the model will automatically be reflected in the mesh. The program used to lose track of this. Once the mesh was generated it was "one and done" and no more.
* WARNING: This version will require reworking your models to incorporate `Materials`. Be prepared to rework your models before you upgrade. The examples have all been updated to show you how to do this.
* Added `Material` definitions. This does not change Pynite's behavior much, but it prepares the way for future features.
* Greatly simplified the process of meshing plates/quads. Meshes can now be generated directly from the `FEModel3D` object.
* Added data types to the many dictionaries storing data in the `FEModel3D` object. Most development environments will now offer hints when using these dictionaries directly. This makes accessing the results you're interested in more intuitive.
* Simplified internal code for finding unique names for objects.
* Array output of member force diagrams and displacement diagrams has been added.
* Bug fix for rotational springs. Exceptions were being thrown due to an inconsistent variable name.
* Cleared out old branches from the repository that were no longer being used.
* Updated CI to check against python 3.10 and 3.11. Removed CI for python 3.6 as it's no longer supported by the latest version of github actions.
* Subtle changes to the logo to make it look a little more "pythonic".
* Bug fix for rendering screenshots. The ability to interact with the render window was being disabled after the first screenshot had been taken, forcing subsequent screenshots to use the same view as the first one.
* Bug fix for member distributed loads on physical members. Added a unit test to check for this error going forward. This bug only affected physical members (new as of v0.0.67) that had distributed loads and internal nodes.
* Added physical members. Members now automatically detect internal nodes and subdivide themselves and their loads.
* Refactoring: deprecated old method names for member results. You may now have some errors show up if you still try to get member results using the old method names.
* Bug fix for P-Delta analysis. Global displacements were correct, but member internal forces were neglecting the geometric stiffness matrix. The impact of this bug was minimal, since the strain induced by correct global displacements was still being considered prior to this update. You should see a slight change to member P-Delta results.
* Code simplification for P-Delta analysis.
* Code simplification and bug fix for merging duplicate nodes.
* When nodes are merged, support conditions for the deleted node are now assigned to the remaining node.
* Added a linear solver for faster analysis of simple models. If you don't need P-Delta analysis or tension/compression-only analysis this solver saves time by only assembling the global stiffness matrix once.
* Improved the `merge_duplicate_nodes` method. It seemed to be working, but it was hard to follow, and there may have been cases where it didn't work as expected. Simplified the code for this method to make it clear what it was doing, and to make it more efficient. Added comments explaining each step.
* Screenshot size is now adjustable when rendering.
* Fixed a bug for `RectangleMesh` where it could not be used repeatedly.
* Refactoring: changed `Name` to `name` throughout code. For example, `Node3D.Name` is now `Node3D.name`.
* Fixed obsolete method names that had not been updated.
* Scalar bar text size can now be controlled. It had strange behavior before. It would change with the window size (until the window size was too small).
* More work on the new `Renderer` class. This class is being built to give the user more control over the appearance and behavior of renderings.
* Bug fix for nodal springs applied in the 'RY' and 'RZ' direction. Exceptions were being thrown in some cases.
v0.0.63 thru v0.0.64
* Fixed the `add_mesh` method. It was not working properly after version 0.0.62.
* Made stability checks optional. Stability checks add significant solve time. If you are confident your model is stable, you can skip the stability check by toggling `check_stability` to `False` in your call to your analysis command.
%package help
Summary: Development documents and examples for PyNiteFEA
Provides: python3-PyNiteFEA-doc
%description help
Simple Finite Element Analysis in Python

An easy to use elastic 3D structural engineering finite element analysis library for Python.
# Installation
The easiest way to install Pynite is with pip: `pip install PyNiteFEA`
# Current Capabilities
* 3D static analysis of elastic structures.
* P-Δ analysis of frame type structures.
* Member point loads, linearly varying distributed loads, and nodal loads are supported.
* Classify loads by load case and create load combinations from load cases.
* Produces shear, moment, and deflection results and diagrams for each member.
* Automatic handling of internal nodes on frame members (physical members).
* Tension-only and compression-only elements.
* Spring elements: two-way, tension-only, and compression-only.
* Spring supports: two-way and one-way.
* Quadrilateral plate elements (MITC4 formulation).
* Rectangular plate elements (12-term polynomial formulation).
* Basic meshing algorithms for some common shapes and for openings in rectangular walls.
* Reports support reactions.
* Rendering of model geometry, supports, load cases, load combinations, and deformed shapes.
* Generates PDF reports for models and model results.
# Project Objectives
As I've gotten into the structural engineering profession, I've found there's a need for an easy to use open-source finite element package. I hope to help fill that need by prioritizing the following:
1. Accuracy: There are no guarantees PyNite is error free, but accuracy and correctness are a priority. When bugs or errors are identified, top priority will be given to eliminate them. PyNite's code is frequently reviewed, and its output is tested against a suite of textbook problems with known solutions using continuous integration (CI) anytime a change to the code base is made. If you do happen to find an error, please report it as an issue.
2. Simplicity: There are other finite element alternatives out there with many more capabilities, but they are often lacking in documentation, written in difficult languages, or require extensive knowledge of finite element theory and/or element formulations to use. PyNite is not intended to be the most technically advanced solver out there. Rather, the goal is to provide a robust yet simple general purpose package.
4. Improvement: PyNite is getting better at what it does. Each new feature provides leverage to build upon previous features in more elaborate ways. Key to improvement is (a) maintaining the core features that other features rely on, and (b) adding new features that are solid stepping stones to other features. Improvement most often happens by getting the small and simple things right incrementally, rather than with sweeping overhauls all at once.
5. Collaboration: The intent is to keep PyNite free and open source. This will encourage future development and contributions. Keeping it open source will allow anyone to inspect and improve the code it runs on. If you see an area you can help PyNite improve in you are encouraged to contribute. Please follow the contributing guidelines given in this repository.
# Support
Whether you just need help getting started with PyNite, or are looking to build something more complex, there are a few resources available:
* The examples in the "Examples" folder in this repository cover a variety of simple problems. The comments in the examples provide additional guidance on how PyNite works.
* Documentation is a work in progress and can be found on readthedocs here: https://pynite.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html.
* If you're looking for more direct guidance on using PyNite, or for help coding a project, I am available on a private consulting basis. You can reach out to me directly at Building.Code@outlook.com to discuss options.
# Dependencies
PyNite depends on the following packages:
## Required Dependencies
* numpy: used for matrix algebra and dense matrix solver
* matplotlib: used for plotting member diagrams
* PrettyTable : used to format tabular output
## Optional Dependencies
* scipy: Used for sparse matrix solver to improve solution speed and memory management. In most cases you'll want to install scipy.
* VTK: Used for visualization - Note that VTK is a little picky about which version of Python you are running. You must run a 64 bit installation of Python, rather than a 32 bit version. VTK is published by Kitware. I've noticed Kitware takes a little time updating VTK to be compatible anytime a new version of Python is released. If you're having trouble installing VTK, you can see which versions of Python are supported by visiting https://pypi.org/project/vtk/#files. VTK does not need to be installed if you don't plan to use the visualization tools built into PyNite.
* PDFKit: Used for generating pdf reports. In order to generate pdf reports, PDFKit requires you to have wkhtmltopdf installed on your computer. This is a free program available for download at https://wkhtmltopdf.org/downloads.html. Once installed, you'll need to help PyNite find it. On Windows, this can be done by setting your PATH environment variable to include the path to "wkhtmltopdf.exe" after installation. For example, mine is installed at "C:\Program Files\wkhtmltopdf\bin"
* IPython: Used for displaying screenshots from VTK.
* jinja2: Used for templating reports into HTML prior to HTML-to-pdf conversion.
* jupyterlab: Only needed if you want to view the derivations used to build PyNite.
* sympy: Only needed if you want to view the derivations used to build PyNite.
# Example Projects
Here's a list of projects that run on PyNite:
* Building Code (https://building-code.herokuapp.com/) - This one is my personal side project.
* Standard Solver (https://www.standardsolver.com/)
* Phaenotyp (https://github.com/bewegende-Architektur/Phaenotyp) (https://youtu.be/shloSw9HjVI)
# What's New?
* Bug fix for rectangular meshes with very close control points. The program now checks for mesh
control points that are for all practical purposes the same and eliminates the duplicates.
* Bug fix for merging duplicated plate names when using models with multiple meshes.
* Bug fix for point loads at the ends of physical members. These point loads were erroneously being applied at the end of all segments of the physical member. This error was introduced with the new physical member feature late last year. Prior to that this error did not exist.
* Improvements to plate meshing: (1) Rectangular meshes now automatically renumber nodes and elements to avoid duplicating names that are already in the model. This feature is only available for rectangular meshes at the moment. For other types of meshes you'll need to manually specify the start node and start element for numbering. (2) Meshes also now automatically stay in sync with the model. A node moved in the model will automatically reflect back on the mesh. Changes to elements in the model will automatically be reflected in the mesh. The program used to lose track of this. Once the mesh was generated it was "one and done" and no more.
* WARNING: This version will require reworking your models to incorporate `Materials`. Be prepared to rework your models before you upgrade. The examples have all been updated to show you how to do this.
* Added `Material` definitions. This does not change Pynite's behavior much, but it prepares the way for future features.
* Greatly simplified the process of meshing plates/quads. Meshes can now be generated directly from the `FEModel3D` object.
* Added data types to the many dictionaries storing data in the `FEModel3D` object. Most development environments will now offer hints when using these dictionaries directly. This makes accessing the results you're interested in more intuitive.
* Simplified internal code for finding unique names for objects.
* Array output of member force diagrams and displacement diagrams has been added.
* Bug fix for rotational springs. Exceptions were being thrown due to an inconsistent variable name.
* Cleared out old branches from the repository that were no longer being used.
* Updated CI to check against python 3.10 and 3.11. Removed CI for python 3.6 as it's no longer supported by the latest version of github actions.
* Subtle changes to the logo to make it look a little more "pythonic".
* Bug fix for rendering screenshots. The ability to interact with the render window was being disabled after the first screenshot had been taken, forcing subsequent screenshots to use the same view as the first one.
* Bug fix for member distributed loads on physical members. Added a unit test to check for this error going forward. This bug only affected physical members (new as of v0.0.67) that had distributed loads and internal nodes.
* Added physical members. Members now automatically detect internal nodes and subdivide themselves and their loads.
* Refactoring: deprecated old method names for member results. You may now have some errors show up if you still try to get member results using the old method names.
* Bug fix for P-Delta analysis. Global displacements were correct, but member internal forces were neglecting the geometric stiffness matrix. The impact of this bug was minimal, since the strain induced by correct global displacements was still being considered prior to this update. You should see a slight change to member P-Delta results.
* Code simplification for P-Delta analysis.
* Code simplification and bug fix for merging duplicate nodes.
* When nodes are merged, support conditions for the deleted node are now assigned to the remaining node.
* Added a linear solver for faster analysis of simple models. If you don't need P-Delta analysis or tension/compression-only analysis this solver saves time by only assembling the global stiffness matrix once.
* Improved the `merge_duplicate_nodes` method. It seemed to be working, but it was hard to follow, and there may have been cases where it didn't work as expected. Simplified the code for this method to make it clear what it was doing, and to make it more efficient. Added comments explaining each step.
* Screenshot size is now adjustable when rendering.
* Fixed a bug for `RectangleMesh` where it could not be used repeatedly.
* Refactoring: changed `Name` to `name` throughout code. For example, `Node3D.Name` is now `Node3D.name`.
* Fixed obsolete method names that had not been updated.
* Scalar bar text size can now be controlled. It had strange behavior before. It would change with the window size (until the window size was too small).
* More work on the new `Renderer` class. This class is being built to give the user more control over the appearance and behavior of renderings.
* Bug fix for nodal springs applied in the 'RY' and 'RZ' direction. Exceptions were being thrown in some cases.
v0.0.63 thru v0.0.64
* Fixed the `add_mesh` method. It was not working properly after version 0.0.62.
* Made stability checks optional. Stability checks add significant solve time. If you are confident your model is stable, you can skip the stability check by toggling `check_stability` to `False` in your call to your analysis command.
%autosetup -n PyNiteFEA-0.0.74
install -d -m755 %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}
if [ -d doc ]; then cp -arf doc %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi
if [ -d docs ]; then cp -arf docs %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi
if [ -d example ]; then cp -arf example %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi
if [ -d examples ]; then cp -arf examples %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi
pushd %{buildroot}
if [ -d usr/lib ]; then
find usr/lib -type f -printf "/%h/%f\n" >> filelist.lst
if [ -d usr/lib64 ]; then
find usr/lib64 -type f -printf "/%h/%f\n" >> filelist.lst
if [ -d usr/bin ]; then
find usr/bin -type f -printf "/%h/%f\n" >> filelist.lst
if [ -d usr/sbin ]; then
find usr/sbin -type f -printf "/%h/%f\n" >> filelist.lst
touch doclist.lst
if [ -d usr/share/man ]; then
find usr/share/man -type f -printf "/%h/%f.gz\n" >> doclist.lst
mv %{buildroot}/filelist.lst .
mv %{buildroot}/doclist.lst .
%files -n python3-PyNiteFEA -f filelist.lst
%dir %{python3_sitelib}/*
%files help -f doclist.lst
* Mon May 15 2023 Python_Bot - 0.0.74-1
- Package Spec generated