%global _empty_manifest_terminate_build 0 Name: python-instater Version: 0.12.0 Release: 1 Summary: An easy solution for system/dotfile configuration License: MIT URL: https://github.com/nayaverdier/instater Source0: https://mirrors.nju.edu.cn/pypi/web/packages/63/f8/ecf8e2b5324d242f9ca5823c7d660f3e3f254cfbdabb47abfe4788a6481c/instater-0.12.0.tar.gz BuildArch: noarch Requires: python3-Jinja2 Requires: python3-PyYAML Requires: python3-passlib Requires: python3-rich Requires: python3-importlib-metadata Requires: python3-black Requires: python3-coverage Requires: python3-mypy Requires: python3-pytest Requires: python3-pytest-cov Requires: python3-twine Requires: python3-flake8 Requires: python3-flake8-bugbear Requires: python3-isort Requires: python3-flake8 Requires: python3-flake8-bugbear Requires: python3-isort %description # instater An easy solution for system/dotfile configuration Loosely based off of Ansible for the task and file organization ## Installation ```bash pip3 install instater ``` ### For Arch users Using `yay`: ```bash yay -Sy instater ``` Using makepkg: ```bash git clone https://aur.archlinux.org/instater.git cd instater makepkg -sirc ``` ## Usage See the File Structure Example below to set up variables, files, and tasks. Once a `setup.yml` file is created, it can be run using ```bash instater # or: instater --setup-file setup.yml ``` To see what changed will be made, but not actually make then, use `--dry-run`: ```bash instater --dry-run ``` For a complete example, see [dotfiles](https://github.com/nayaverdier/dotfiles) ### File Structure Example First, create a `setup.yml` file: ```yaml # Lots of ways to prompt for data at the beginning of execution vars_prompt: - name: my_var - name: custom_prompt prompt: Enter something here - name: private_var private: true - name: private_confirm_var private: true confirm: true - name: allow_empty_var allow_empty: true # variables that can be used within tasks/files can be populated # from a static file, in this case vars/common.yml vars_files: - vars/common.yml # variables can be used within the file names - "vars/{{ vars_file }}.yml" # All of the tasks to perform are enumerated tasks: - name: Copy file # {{ username }} is replaced with the variable `username` copy: content: "The contents of a new file in here" dest: "/home/{{ username }}/Downloads/file1" mode: "600" # if desired, the output of this task can be registered to use as # a condition for subsequent tasks register: file1_copy - name: Run a command if file1 written command: "touch /home/{{ username }}/testfile" when: file1_copy.changed ``` Then, create a `vars/` directory and `common.yml` within: ```yaml my_test: 1 some_var: "{{ my_test + 2 }}" vars_file: "second" username: something ``` And `vars/second.yml` (since `common.yml` set `vars_file` to `second`): ```yaml from_second_yml: data in here ``` Now in all of the tasks, `my_test`, `username`, `from_second_yml`, etc will be present and accessible. ## Tasks All tasks support the following arguments: - `name` (string, optional): The name of the task, included in logs - `when` (string, optional): A Jinja2 statement to determine whether the task should be skipped. If the statement evaluates to `True`, the task will be executed. Example: `my_variable == 'foo'` - `register` (string, optional): A variable to store task results under. Can be used in conjunction with a subsequent `when` clause, for example `register: my_task` can be used in another task as `when: my_task.changed` - `with_fileglob` (string, optional): If provided, find all files in the instater root that match the glob, and create a task with all other Example of `register` and `when`: ```yaml - name: Set locale to en_US copy: content: "en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8\n" dest: /etc/locale.gen register: locale_gen - name: Generate locale files command: locale-gen when: locale_gen.changed ``` Example of `with_fileglob`: ```yaml - include: "{{ task }}" with_fileglob: "applications/*" ``` ### `aur` (Arch User Repository, alias of `pacman`) Install packages from a Arch User Repository #### Arguments - `packages` (string, [string]): The packages to install, can be a single package or a list of packages - `become` (string, optional): A user to become while installing packages Examples: ```yaml - name: Install python package aur: packages: python become: makepkg - name: Install python libraries aur: packages: - python-setuptools - python-wheel ``` ### `command` Run arbitrary shell commands (can be risky) #### Arguments - `command` (string, [string]): The command or commands to execute - `condition` (string, optional): A command to run prior to the `command`, as a condition for whether or not it should actually be executed - `condition_code` (int, optional): The return code from the `condition` command to match against. If the `condition` returns this code, the `command` will be executed. Defaults to 0 - `become` (string, optional): A user to become while running the commands (including the condition command) - `directory` (string, optional): The working directory to use while running the commands Note that the command and conditions may make use of pipes, for example `curl -s https://get.sdkman.io | bash` Examples: ```yaml - name: Make a curl command: command: curl https://google.com - name: Create a file if it doesn't exist command: command: touch to/file condition: ls to/file condition_code: 2 directory: path - name: Run several commands command: command: - echo "This does nothing" - echo "More commands" ``` ### `copy` Copy a file, directory, url, or direct string content to a destination file or directory #### Arguments - `dest` (string): The destination file or directory to write to - `src` (string, optional): The source file or directory to copy - `content` (string, optional): The exact content that should be copied to the dest - `url` (string, optional): A url to GET and use as the content - `owner` (string, optional): The owner to set on the file. Note that if a parent directory must be created, it may not be given this owner and should be created separately - `group` (string, optional): The group to set on the file. Note that if a parent directory must be created, it may not be given this group and should be created separately - `mode` (string, integer, optional): The file permissions to set on the destination. Note that if a YAML integer is provided, it must start with a `0` to be parsed as octal - `is_template` (bool, optional): If set to true, the content will be rendered using Jinja2 and all available variables before comparing or writing to `dest` - `validate` (string, optional): A command to run to validate the source file or content prior to writing it to the destination. Should contain a `%s` which will be replaced by a filename to validate. When applied to a directory, each file is separately validated Exactly one of `src`, `content`, or `url` must be provided Examples: ```yaml - name: Copy a file copy: src: files/my_file.txt dest: /path/to/destination - name: Copy a directory copy: src: files/my_directory dest: /path/to/dest - name: Copy and set owner/group/mode copy: src: files/executable.sh dest: /usr/local/bin/executable.sh owner: some_user group: some_group mode: 0755 - name: Download a url copy: url: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nayaverdier/instater/main/README.md dest: /path/to/instater/README.md owner: my_user group: my_user - name: Copy content directly copy: content: "{{ hostname }}" dest: /etc/hostname - name: Copy and validate sudoers file copy: src: files/sudoers dest: /etc/sudoers mode: 0440 validate: /usr/sbin/visudo -csf %s - name: Render jinja template and copy copy: src: files/my_template dest: /path/to/file is_template: true ``` ### `debug` Log a debug message #### Arguments - `debug` (str): The message to log #### Example ```yaml - name: Log execution information debug: "Instater root directory: {{ instater_dir }}" ``` ### `directory` Create a directory. Same as passing `directory: true` to the [`file`](#file) task. #### Arguments (see [`file`](#file)) #### Example ```yaml - name: Create example directory directory: path: "/path/to/directory" - name: Create a user directory directory: path: "/home/exampleuser/private_directory" owner: exampleuser group: exampleuser mode: 0700 ``` ### `file` Create an empty file, directory, symlink, or hard link on the file system. #### Arguments - `path` (string): The path of the file or directory to manage - `target` (string, optional): When managing a `symlink` or `hard_link`, the target file or directory to point to - `owner` (string, optional): The owner to set on the file. Note that if a parent directory must be created, it may not be given this owner and should be created separately - `group` (string, optional): The group to set on the file. Note that if a parent directory must be created, it may not be given this group and should be created separately - `mode` (string, integer, optional): The file permissions to set on the destination. Note that if a YAML integer is provided, it must start with a `0` to be parsed as octal - `directory` (boolean, optional): If set to `true`, create a directory - `symlink` (boolean, optional): If set to `true`, create a symlink - `hard_link` (boolean, optional): If set to `true`, create a hard link At most one of `directory`, `symlink`, and `hard_link` may be provided #### Example ```yaml - name: Create an empty file file: path: /path/to/file - name: Create an empty file with owner/group/mode file: path: /home/myuser/myfile owner: myuser group: myuser mode: 0600 - name: Create a symlink file: path: /etc/localtime target: /usr/share/zoneinfo/America/New_York symlink: true - name: Create a hard link file: path: /path/to/new/file target: /path/to/existing/file hard_link: true - name: Create a directory file: path: /path/to/my/dir/ directory: true - name: Create a directory with owner/group/mode file: path: /home/myuser/dir/ owner: myuser group: myuser mode: 0700 directory: true ``` ### `git` Clone or update a git repository #### Arguments - `repo` (string): The git repo uri to clone - `dest` (string): The destination path to clone into - `depth` (integer, optional): Creates a shallow clone with truncated history - `fetch_tags` (boolean, optional): Whether or not to fetch git tags (defaults to true) - `become` (string, optional): The UNIX user that should be used to run git commands #### Example ```yaml - name: Clone instater git: repo: https://github.com/nayaverdier/instater dest: /home/myuser/Documents/instater become: myuser - name: Clone with truncated history git: repo: https://github.com/nayaverdier/instater dest: /home/myuser/Documents/instater depth: 1 become: myuser ``` ### `group` Create a UNIX group #### Arguments - `group` (string): The name of the UNIX group to create #### Example ```yaml - name: Create a group group: mygroup ``` ### `hard_link` Create a hard link to a file #### Arguments (see [`file`](#file)) #### Example ```yaml - name: Create a hard link hard_link: path: /path/to/new/linked/file target: /path/to/existing/file ``` ### `include` Include another YAML file containing tasks, to allow for better organization of tasks #### Arguments - `include` (string): The path of the YAML file to include (relative to the setup.yml) #### Example ```yaml - include: tasks/something.yml - include: "{{ item }}" with_fileglob: "tasks/applications/*" ``` ### `pacman` Install Arch Linux packages using the `pacman`, `yay`, or `makepkg` commands #### Arguments - `packages` (string, [string]): The packages to install, can be a single package or a list of packages - `aur` (boolean, optional): If set to true, the packages will be installed from the Arch User Repository using `yay` (or `makepkg` as a fallback) - `become` (string, optional): When `aur` is true, install using a specific user Examples: ```yaml - name: Install python package pacman: packages: python - name: Install python libraries pacman: packages: - python-setuptools - python-wheel - name: Install instater pacman: packages: - instater aur: true become: makepkg ``` ### `service` Start, enable, or disable a systemctl service #### Arguments - `service` (string): The name of the service to manage - `started` (boolean, optional): If set to `true`, start the service - `enabled` (boolean, optional): Whether or not the service should be enabled #### Example ```yaml - name: Enable postgres service service: service: postgresql started: true enabled: true - name: Start redis service service: service: redis started: true ``` ### `symlink` Create a symlink to a file or directory #### Arguments (see [`file`](#file)) #### Example ```yaml - name: Create a symlink symlink: path: /path/to/new/linked/file target: /path/to/existing/file ``` ### `template` Copy data, transforming the content as a Jinja2 template prior to writing. Same as passing `is_template: true` to [`copy`](#copy) #### Arguments (see [`copy`](#copy)) #### Example ```yaml - name: Copy configuration template template: src: files/some_config dest: "/home/{{ username }}/.config/some_config" owner: "{{ username }}" group: "{{ username }}" mode: 0644 ``` ### `user` Create a UNIX user #### Arguments - `user` (string): The name of the user to create - `system` (boolean, optional): Whether or not this user is a system user (only used when the user needs to be created) - `create_home` (boolean, optional): Whether or not a home directory for this user should be created - `password` (string, optional): A hashed password to set as the user's password (only used when the user needs to be created ) - `shell` (string, optional): The login shell to use for the user - `groups` (string, [string]): The group or groups to add the user to #### Example ```yaml - name: Create primary user user: user: my_username shell: /usr/bin/zsh groups: sudo password: "{{ login_password | password_hash('sha512') }}" when: login_password is defined - name: Create makepkg user user: user: makepkg groups: makepkg system: true ``` # Changelog ## 0.12.0 2023-04-24 - Add `pacman_bootstrapped_packages` option to ignore certain packages from the manually installed checks - Add `--quiet` or `-q` flag which does not print any information for skipped tasks ## 0.11.0 2022-04-24 - Fix `instater_dir` template variable to be a proper absolute path (previously, relative paths could appear like `/path/to/cwd/../another_dir/setup.yml`) - Add `--explain` flag to show reasoning for each changed/skipped task - Do not run the pacman package comparison when specifying `--tags`, since in that situation the comparison is not complete ## 0.10.0 2022-04-13 - Add `fetch_tags` argument to `git` task ## 0.9.0 2022-04-12 - Add check for manually installed pacman packages when using Arch Linux - Add `--skip-tasks` argument to skip all tasks (useful for the pacman package check) - Fix bug where relative paths were not resolving when instater was run from a directory other than the one containing the setup.yml file ## 0.8.0 2021-11-06 - `command`: Support pipes between two commands ## 0.7.0 2021-11-04 - Better support `when` argument so that undefined variables are counted as a falsey variable ## 0.6.0 2021-10-29 - `aur`: Fix bug negating the condition for using `yay` vs `makepkg` ## 0.5.0 2021-10-28 - Add `--version` option to the CLI to display the Instater version - `aur`: Now an alias of `pacman`, which supports `makepkg` - `pacman`: Add `aur` and `become` attributes - `pacman`: Add support for `makepkg` and `yay` installations ## 0.4.0 2021-10-28 - `user`: Support `create_home` argument ## 0.3.0 2021-10-25 - **BREAKING** Use absolute path for the `instater_dir` variable - Add duration logging for each task and in the overall summary - Fix tag rendering to support `{{ item }}` in tags - Add a `filename` jinja filter to extract filenames without extensions - Document all tasks - `aur`/`pacman`: Support checking for package group installation - **BREAKING** `debug`: Remove the `msg` argument(pass the debug message directly to `debug`) - **BREAKING** `get_url`: Remove task as it is identical to `copy` ## 0.2.0 2021-10-24 - Initial release was missing `tasks` module, fixed in 0.2.0 - Fix circular dependency issue when packaged - Update README with all existing tasks ## 0.1.0 2021-10-24 - Initial release %package -n python3-instater Summary: An easy solution for system/dotfile configuration Provides: python-instater BuildRequires: python3-devel BuildRequires: python3-setuptools BuildRequires: python3-pip %description -n python3-instater # instater An easy solution for system/dotfile configuration Loosely based off of Ansible for the task and file organization ## Installation ```bash pip3 install instater ``` ### For Arch users Using `yay`: ```bash yay -Sy instater ``` Using makepkg: ```bash git clone https://aur.archlinux.org/instater.git cd instater makepkg -sirc ``` ## Usage See the File Structure Example below to set up variables, files, and tasks. Once a `setup.yml` file is created, it can be run using ```bash instater # or: instater --setup-file setup.yml ``` To see what changed will be made, but not actually make then, use `--dry-run`: ```bash instater --dry-run ``` For a complete example, see [dotfiles](https://github.com/nayaverdier/dotfiles) ### File Structure Example First, create a `setup.yml` file: ```yaml # Lots of ways to prompt for data at the beginning of execution vars_prompt: - name: my_var - name: custom_prompt prompt: Enter something here - name: private_var private: true - name: private_confirm_var private: true confirm: true - name: allow_empty_var allow_empty: true # variables that can be used within tasks/files can be populated # from a static file, in this case vars/common.yml vars_files: - vars/common.yml # variables can be used within the file names - "vars/{{ vars_file }}.yml" # All of the tasks to perform are enumerated tasks: - name: Copy file # {{ username }} is replaced with the variable `username` copy: content: "The contents of a new file in here" dest: "/home/{{ username }}/Downloads/file1" mode: "600" # if desired, the output of this task can be registered to use as # a condition for subsequent tasks register: file1_copy - name: Run a command if file1 written command: "touch /home/{{ username }}/testfile" when: file1_copy.changed ``` Then, create a `vars/` directory and `common.yml` within: ```yaml my_test: 1 some_var: "{{ my_test + 2 }}" vars_file: "second" username: something ``` And `vars/second.yml` (since `common.yml` set `vars_file` to `second`): ```yaml from_second_yml: data in here ``` Now in all of the tasks, `my_test`, `username`, `from_second_yml`, etc will be present and accessible. ## Tasks All tasks support the following arguments: - `name` (string, optional): The name of the task, included in logs - `when` (string, optional): A Jinja2 statement to determine whether the task should be skipped. If the statement evaluates to `True`, the task will be executed. Example: `my_variable == 'foo'` - `register` (string, optional): A variable to store task results under. Can be used in conjunction with a subsequent `when` clause, for example `register: my_task` can be used in another task as `when: my_task.changed` - `with_fileglob` (string, optional): If provided, find all files in the instater root that match the glob, and create a task with all other Example of `register` and `when`: ```yaml - name: Set locale to en_US copy: content: "en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8\n" dest: /etc/locale.gen register: locale_gen - name: Generate locale files command: locale-gen when: locale_gen.changed ``` Example of `with_fileglob`: ```yaml - include: "{{ task }}" with_fileglob: "applications/*" ``` ### `aur` (Arch User Repository, alias of `pacman`) Install packages from a Arch User Repository #### Arguments - `packages` (string, [string]): The packages to install, can be a single package or a list of packages - `become` (string, optional): A user to become while installing packages Examples: ```yaml - name: Install python package aur: packages: python become: makepkg - name: Install python libraries aur: packages: - python-setuptools - python-wheel ``` ### `command` Run arbitrary shell commands (can be risky) #### Arguments - `command` (string, [string]): The command or commands to execute - `condition` (string, optional): A command to run prior to the `command`, as a condition for whether or not it should actually be executed - `condition_code` (int, optional): The return code from the `condition` command to match against. If the `condition` returns this code, the `command` will be executed. Defaults to 0 - `become` (string, optional): A user to become while running the commands (including the condition command) - `directory` (string, optional): The working directory to use while running the commands Note that the command and conditions may make use of pipes, for example `curl -s https://get.sdkman.io | bash` Examples: ```yaml - name: Make a curl command: command: curl https://google.com - name: Create a file if it doesn't exist command: command: touch to/file condition: ls to/file condition_code: 2 directory: path - name: Run several commands command: command: - echo "This does nothing" - echo "More commands" ``` ### `copy` Copy a file, directory, url, or direct string content to a destination file or directory #### Arguments - `dest` (string): The destination file or directory to write to - `src` (string, optional): The source file or directory to copy - `content` (string, optional): The exact content that should be copied to the dest - `url` (string, optional): A url to GET and use as the content - `owner` (string, optional): The owner to set on the file. Note that if a parent directory must be created, it may not be given this owner and should be created separately - `group` (string, optional): The group to set on the file. Note that if a parent directory must be created, it may not be given this group and should be created separately - `mode` (string, integer, optional): The file permissions to set on the destination. Note that if a YAML integer is provided, it must start with a `0` to be parsed as octal - `is_template` (bool, optional): If set to true, the content will be rendered using Jinja2 and all available variables before comparing or writing to `dest` - `validate` (string, optional): A command to run to validate the source file or content prior to writing it to the destination. Should contain a `%s` which will be replaced by a filename to validate. When applied to a directory, each file is separately validated Exactly one of `src`, `content`, or `url` must be provided Examples: ```yaml - name: Copy a file copy: src: files/my_file.txt dest: /path/to/destination - name: Copy a directory copy: src: files/my_directory dest: /path/to/dest - name: Copy and set owner/group/mode copy: src: files/executable.sh dest: /usr/local/bin/executable.sh owner: some_user group: some_group mode: 0755 - name: Download a url copy: url: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nayaverdier/instater/main/README.md dest: /path/to/instater/README.md owner: my_user group: my_user - name: Copy content directly copy: content: "{{ hostname }}" dest: /etc/hostname - name: Copy and validate sudoers file copy: src: files/sudoers dest: /etc/sudoers mode: 0440 validate: /usr/sbin/visudo -csf %s - name: Render jinja template and copy copy: src: files/my_template dest: /path/to/file is_template: true ``` ### `debug` Log a debug message #### Arguments - `debug` (str): The message to log #### Example ```yaml - name: Log execution information debug: "Instater root directory: {{ instater_dir }}" ``` ### `directory` Create a directory. Same as passing `directory: true` to the [`file`](#file) task. #### Arguments (see [`file`](#file)) #### Example ```yaml - name: Create example directory directory: path: "/path/to/directory" - name: Create a user directory directory: path: "/home/exampleuser/private_directory" owner: exampleuser group: exampleuser mode: 0700 ``` ### `file` Create an empty file, directory, symlink, or hard link on the file system. #### Arguments - `path` (string): The path of the file or directory to manage - `target` (string, optional): When managing a `symlink` or `hard_link`, the target file or directory to point to - `owner` (string, optional): The owner to set on the file. Note that if a parent directory must be created, it may not be given this owner and should be created separately - `group` (string, optional): The group to set on the file. Note that if a parent directory must be created, it may not be given this group and should be created separately - `mode` (string, integer, optional): The file permissions to set on the destination. Note that if a YAML integer is provided, it must start with a `0` to be parsed as octal - `directory` (boolean, optional): If set to `true`, create a directory - `symlink` (boolean, optional): If set to `true`, create a symlink - `hard_link` (boolean, optional): If set to `true`, create a hard link At most one of `directory`, `symlink`, and `hard_link` may be provided #### Example ```yaml - name: Create an empty file file: path: /path/to/file - name: Create an empty file with owner/group/mode file: path: /home/myuser/myfile owner: myuser group: myuser mode: 0600 - name: Create a symlink file: path: /etc/localtime target: /usr/share/zoneinfo/America/New_York symlink: true - name: Create a hard link file: path: /path/to/new/file target: /path/to/existing/file hard_link: true - name: Create a directory file: path: /path/to/my/dir/ directory: true - name: Create a directory with owner/group/mode file: path: /home/myuser/dir/ owner: myuser group: myuser mode: 0700 directory: true ``` ### `git` Clone or update a git repository #### Arguments - `repo` (string): The git repo uri to clone - `dest` (string): The destination path to clone into - `depth` (integer, optional): Creates a shallow clone with truncated history - `fetch_tags` (boolean, optional): Whether or not to fetch git tags (defaults to true) - `become` (string, optional): The UNIX user that should be used to run git commands #### Example ```yaml - name: Clone instater git: repo: https://github.com/nayaverdier/instater dest: /home/myuser/Documents/instater become: myuser - name: Clone with truncated history git: repo: https://github.com/nayaverdier/instater dest: /home/myuser/Documents/instater depth: 1 become: myuser ``` ### `group` Create a UNIX group #### Arguments - `group` (string): The name of the UNIX group to create #### Example ```yaml - name: Create a group group: mygroup ``` ### `hard_link` Create a hard link to a file #### Arguments (see [`file`](#file)) #### Example ```yaml - name: Create a hard link hard_link: path: /path/to/new/linked/file target: /path/to/existing/file ``` ### `include` Include another YAML file containing tasks, to allow for better organization of tasks #### Arguments - `include` (string): The path of the YAML file to include (relative to the setup.yml) #### Example ```yaml - include: tasks/something.yml - include: "{{ item }}" with_fileglob: "tasks/applications/*" ``` ### `pacman` Install Arch Linux packages using the `pacman`, `yay`, or `makepkg` commands #### Arguments - `packages` (string, [string]): The packages to install, can be a single package or a list of packages - `aur` (boolean, optional): If set to true, the packages will be installed from the Arch User Repository using `yay` (or `makepkg` as a fallback) - `become` (string, optional): When `aur` is true, install using a specific user Examples: ```yaml - name: Install python package pacman: packages: python - name: Install python libraries pacman: packages: - python-setuptools - python-wheel - name: Install instater pacman: packages: - instater aur: true become: makepkg ``` ### `service` Start, enable, or disable a systemctl service #### Arguments - `service` (string): The name of the service to manage - `started` (boolean, optional): If set to `true`, start the service - `enabled` (boolean, optional): Whether or not the service should be enabled #### Example ```yaml - name: Enable postgres service service: service: postgresql started: true enabled: true - name: Start redis service service: service: redis started: true ``` ### `symlink` Create a symlink to a file or directory #### Arguments (see [`file`](#file)) #### Example ```yaml - name: Create a symlink symlink: path: /path/to/new/linked/file target: /path/to/existing/file ``` ### `template` Copy data, transforming the content as a Jinja2 template prior to writing. Same as passing `is_template: true` to [`copy`](#copy) #### Arguments (see [`copy`](#copy)) #### Example ```yaml - name: Copy configuration template template: src: files/some_config dest: "/home/{{ username }}/.config/some_config" owner: "{{ username }}" group: "{{ username }}" mode: 0644 ``` ### `user` Create a UNIX user #### Arguments - `user` (string): The name of the user to create - `system` (boolean, optional): Whether or not this user is a system user (only used when the user needs to be created) - `create_home` (boolean, optional): Whether or not a home directory for this user should be created - `password` (string, optional): A hashed password to set as the user's password (only used when the user needs to be created ) - `shell` (string, optional): The login shell to use for the user - `groups` (string, [string]): The group or groups to add the user to #### Example ```yaml - name: Create primary user user: user: my_username shell: /usr/bin/zsh groups: sudo password: "{{ login_password | password_hash('sha512') }}" when: login_password is defined - name: Create makepkg user user: user: makepkg groups: makepkg system: true ``` # Changelog ## 0.12.0 2023-04-24 - Add `pacman_bootstrapped_packages` option to ignore certain packages from the manually installed checks - Add `--quiet` or `-q` flag which does not print any information for skipped tasks ## 0.11.0 2022-04-24 - Fix `instater_dir` template variable to be a proper absolute path (previously, relative paths could appear like `/path/to/cwd/../another_dir/setup.yml`) - Add `--explain` flag to show reasoning for each changed/skipped task - Do not run the pacman package comparison when specifying `--tags`, since in that situation the comparison is not complete ## 0.10.0 2022-04-13 - Add `fetch_tags` argument to `git` task ## 0.9.0 2022-04-12 - Add check for manually installed pacman packages when using Arch Linux - Add `--skip-tasks` argument to skip all tasks (useful for the pacman package check) - Fix bug where relative paths were not resolving when instater was run from a directory other than the one containing the setup.yml file ## 0.8.0 2021-11-06 - `command`: Support pipes between two commands ## 0.7.0 2021-11-04 - Better support `when` argument so that undefined variables are counted as a falsey variable ## 0.6.0 2021-10-29 - `aur`: Fix bug negating the condition for using `yay` vs `makepkg` ## 0.5.0 2021-10-28 - Add `--version` option to the CLI to display the Instater version - `aur`: Now an alias of `pacman`, which supports `makepkg` - `pacman`: Add `aur` and `become` attributes - `pacman`: Add support for `makepkg` and `yay` installations ## 0.4.0 2021-10-28 - `user`: Support `create_home` argument ## 0.3.0 2021-10-25 - **BREAKING** Use absolute path for the `instater_dir` variable - Add duration logging for each task and in the overall summary - Fix tag rendering to support `{{ item }}` in tags - Add a `filename` jinja filter to extract filenames without extensions - Document all tasks - `aur`/`pacman`: Support checking for package group installation - **BREAKING** `debug`: Remove the `msg` argument(pass the debug message directly to `debug`) - **BREAKING** `get_url`: Remove task as it is identical to `copy` ## 0.2.0 2021-10-24 - Initial release was missing `tasks` module, fixed in 0.2.0 - Fix circular dependency issue when packaged - Update README with all existing tasks ## 0.1.0 2021-10-24 - Initial release %package help Summary: Development documents and examples for instater Provides: python3-instater-doc %description help # instater An easy solution for system/dotfile configuration Loosely based off of Ansible for the task and file organization ## Installation ```bash pip3 install instater ``` ### For Arch users Using `yay`: ```bash yay -Sy instater ``` Using makepkg: ```bash git clone https://aur.archlinux.org/instater.git cd instater makepkg -sirc ``` ## Usage See the File Structure Example below to set up variables, files, and tasks. Once a `setup.yml` file is created, it can be run using ```bash instater # or: instater --setup-file setup.yml ``` To see what changed will be made, but not actually make then, use `--dry-run`: ```bash instater --dry-run ``` For a complete example, see [dotfiles](https://github.com/nayaverdier/dotfiles) ### File Structure Example First, create a `setup.yml` file: ```yaml # Lots of ways to prompt for data at the beginning of execution vars_prompt: - name: my_var - name: custom_prompt prompt: Enter something here - name: private_var private: true - name: private_confirm_var private: true confirm: true - name: allow_empty_var allow_empty: true # variables that can be used within tasks/files can be populated # from a static file, in this case vars/common.yml vars_files: - vars/common.yml # variables can be used within the file names - "vars/{{ vars_file }}.yml" # All of the tasks to perform are enumerated tasks: - name: Copy file # {{ username }} is replaced with the variable `username` copy: content: "The contents of a new file in here" dest: "/home/{{ username }}/Downloads/file1" mode: "600" # if desired, the output of this task can be registered to use as # a condition for subsequent tasks register: file1_copy - name: Run a command if file1 written command: "touch /home/{{ username }}/testfile" when: file1_copy.changed ``` Then, create a `vars/` directory and `common.yml` within: ```yaml my_test: 1 some_var: "{{ my_test + 2 }}" vars_file: "second" username: something ``` And `vars/second.yml` (since `common.yml` set `vars_file` to `second`): ```yaml from_second_yml: data in here ``` Now in all of the tasks, `my_test`, `username`, `from_second_yml`, etc will be present and accessible. ## Tasks All tasks support the following arguments: - `name` (string, optional): The name of the task, included in logs - `when` (string, optional): A Jinja2 statement to determine whether the task should be skipped. If the statement evaluates to `True`, the task will be executed. Example: `my_variable == 'foo'` - `register` (string, optional): A variable to store task results under. Can be used in conjunction with a subsequent `when` clause, for example `register: my_task` can be used in another task as `when: my_task.changed` - `with_fileglob` (string, optional): If provided, find all files in the instater root that match the glob, and create a task with all other Example of `register` and `when`: ```yaml - name: Set locale to en_US copy: content: "en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8\n" dest: /etc/locale.gen register: locale_gen - name: Generate locale files command: locale-gen when: locale_gen.changed ``` Example of `with_fileglob`: ```yaml - include: "{{ task }}" with_fileglob: "applications/*" ``` ### `aur` (Arch User Repository, alias of `pacman`) Install packages from a Arch User Repository #### Arguments - `packages` (string, [string]): The packages to install, can be a single package or a list of packages - `become` (string, optional): A user to become while installing packages Examples: ```yaml - name: Install python package aur: packages: python become: makepkg - name: Install python libraries aur: packages: - python-setuptools - python-wheel ``` ### `command` Run arbitrary shell commands (can be risky) #### Arguments - `command` (string, [string]): The command or commands to execute - `condition` (string, optional): A command to run prior to the `command`, as a condition for whether or not it should actually be executed - `condition_code` (int, optional): The return code from the `condition` command to match against. If the `condition` returns this code, the `command` will be executed. Defaults to 0 - `become` (string, optional): A user to become while running the commands (including the condition command) - `directory` (string, optional): The working directory to use while running the commands Note that the command and conditions may make use of pipes, for example `curl -s https://get.sdkman.io | bash` Examples: ```yaml - name: Make a curl command: command: curl https://google.com - name: Create a file if it doesn't exist command: command: touch to/file condition: ls to/file condition_code: 2 directory: path - name: Run several commands command: command: - echo "This does nothing" - echo "More commands" ``` ### `copy` Copy a file, directory, url, or direct string content to a destination file or directory #### Arguments - `dest` (string): The destination file or directory to write to - `src` (string, optional): The source file or directory to copy - `content` (string, optional): The exact content that should be copied to the dest - `url` (string, optional): A url to GET and use as the content - `owner` (string, optional): The owner to set on the file. Note that if a parent directory must be created, it may not be given this owner and should be created separately - `group` (string, optional): The group to set on the file. Note that if a parent directory must be created, it may not be given this group and should be created separately - `mode` (string, integer, optional): The file permissions to set on the destination. Note that if a YAML integer is provided, it must start with a `0` to be parsed as octal - `is_template` (bool, optional): If set to true, the content will be rendered using Jinja2 and all available variables before comparing or writing to `dest` - `validate` (string, optional): A command to run to validate the source file or content prior to writing it to the destination. Should contain a `%s` which will be replaced by a filename to validate. When applied to a directory, each file is separately validated Exactly one of `src`, `content`, or `url` must be provided Examples: ```yaml - name: Copy a file copy: src: files/my_file.txt dest: /path/to/destination - name: Copy a directory copy: src: files/my_directory dest: /path/to/dest - name: Copy and set owner/group/mode copy: src: files/executable.sh dest: /usr/local/bin/executable.sh owner: some_user group: some_group mode: 0755 - name: Download a url copy: url: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nayaverdier/instater/main/README.md dest: /path/to/instater/README.md owner: my_user group: my_user - name: Copy content directly copy: content: "{{ hostname }}" dest: /etc/hostname - name: Copy and validate sudoers file copy: src: files/sudoers dest: /etc/sudoers mode: 0440 validate: /usr/sbin/visudo -csf %s - name: Render jinja template and copy copy: src: files/my_template dest: /path/to/file is_template: true ``` ### `debug` Log a debug message #### Arguments - `debug` (str): The message to log #### Example ```yaml - name: Log execution information debug: "Instater root directory: {{ instater_dir }}" ``` ### `directory` Create a directory. Same as passing `directory: true` to the [`file`](#file) task. #### Arguments (see [`file`](#file)) #### Example ```yaml - name: Create example directory directory: path: "/path/to/directory" - name: Create a user directory directory: path: "/home/exampleuser/private_directory" owner: exampleuser group: exampleuser mode: 0700 ``` ### `file` Create an empty file, directory, symlink, or hard link on the file system. #### Arguments - `path` (string): The path of the file or directory to manage - `target` (string, optional): When managing a `symlink` or `hard_link`, the target file or directory to point to - `owner` (string, optional): The owner to set on the file. Note that if a parent directory must be created, it may not be given this owner and should be created separately - `group` (string, optional): The group to set on the file. Note that if a parent directory must be created, it may not be given this group and should be created separately - `mode` (string, integer, optional): The file permissions to set on the destination. Note that if a YAML integer is provided, it must start with a `0` to be parsed as octal - `directory` (boolean, optional): If set to `true`, create a directory - `symlink` (boolean, optional): If set to `true`, create a symlink - `hard_link` (boolean, optional): If set to `true`, create a hard link At most one of `directory`, `symlink`, and `hard_link` may be provided #### Example ```yaml - name: Create an empty file file: path: /path/to/file - name: Create an empty file with owner/group/mode file: path: /home/myuser/myfile owner: myuser group: myuser mode: 0600 - name: Create a symlink file: path: /etc/localtime target: /usr/share/zoneinfo/America/New_York symlink: true - name: Create a hard link file: path: /path/to/new/file target: /path/to/existing/file hard_link: true - name: Create a directory file: path: /path/to/my/dir/ directory: true - name: Create a directory with owner/group/mode file: path: /home/myuser/dir/ owner: myuser group: myuser mode: 0700 directory: true ``` ### `git` Clone or update a git repository #### Arguments - `repo` (string): The git repo uri to clone - `dest` (string): The destination path to clone into - `depth` (integer, optional): Creates a shallow clone with truncated history - `fetch_tags` (boolean, optional): Whether or not to fetch git tags (defaults to true) - `become` (string, optional): The UNIX user that should be used to run git commands #### Example ```yaml - name: Clone instater git: repo: https://github.com/nayaverdier/instater dest: /home/myuser/Documents/instater become: myuser - name: Clone with truncated history git: repo: https://github.com/nayaverdier/instater dest: /home/myuser/Documents/instater depth: 1 become: myuser ``` ### `group` Create a UNIX group #### Arguments - `group` (string): The name of the UNIX group to create #### Example ```yaml - name: Create a group group: mygroup ``` ### `hard_link` Create a hard link to a file #### Arguments (see [`file`](#file)) #### Example ```yaml - name: Create a hard link hard_link: path: /path/to/new/linked/file target: /path/to/existing/file ``` ### `include` Include another YAML file containing tasks, to allow for better organization of tasks #### Arguments - `include` (string): The path of the YAML file to include (relative to the setup.yml) #### Example ```yaml - include: tasks/something.yml - include: "{{ item }}" with_fileglob: "tasks/applications/*" ``` ### `pacman` Install Arch Linux packages using the `pacman`, `yay`, or `makepkg` commands #### Arguments - `packages` (string, [string]): The packages to install, can be a single package or a list of packages - `aur` (boolean, optional): If set to true, the packages will be installed from the Arch User Repository using `yay` (or `makepkg` as a fallback) - `become` (string, optional): When `aur` is true, install using a specific user Examples: ```yaml - name: Install python package pacman: packages: python - name: Install python libraries pacman: packages: - python-setuptools - python-wheel - name: Install instater pacman: packages: - instater aur: true become: makepkg ``` ### `service` Start, enable, or disable a systemctl service #### Arguments - `service` (string): The name of the service to manage - `started` (boolean, optional): If set to `true`, start the service - `enabled` (boolean, optional): Whether or not the service should be enabled #### Example ```yaml - name: Enable postgres service service: service: postgresql started: true enabled: true - name: Start redis service service: service: redis started: true ``` ### `symlink` Create a symlink to a file or directory #### Arguments (see [`file`](#file)) #### Example ```yaml - name: Create a symlink symlink: path: /path/to/new/linked/file target: /path/to/existing/file ``` ### `template` Copy data, transforming the content as a Jinja2 template prior to writing. Same as passing `is_template: true` to [`copy`](#copy) #### Arguments (see [`copy`](#copy)) #### Example ```yaml - name: Copy configuration template template: src: files/some_config dest: "/home/{{ username }}/.config/some_config" owner: "{{ username }}" group: "{{ username }}" mode: 0644 ``` ### `user` Create a UNIX user #### Arguments - `user` (string): The name of the user to create - `system` (boolean, optional): Whether or not this user is a system user (only used when the user needs to be created) - `create_home` (boolean, optional): Whether or not a home directory for this user should be created - `password` (string, optional): A hashed password to set as the user's password (only used when the user needs to be created ) - `shell` (string, optional): The login shell to use for the user - `groups` (string, [string]): The group or groups to add the user to #### Example ```yaml - name: Create primary user user: user: my_username shell: /usr/bin/zsh groups: sudo password: "{{ login_password | password_hash('sha512') }}" when: login_password is defined - name: Create makepkg user user: user: makepkg groups: makepkg system: true ``` # Changelog ## 0.12.0 2023-04-24 - Add `pacman_bootstrapped_packages` option to ignore certain packages from the manually installed checks - Add `--quiet` or `-q` flag which does not print any information for skipped tasks ## 0.11.0 2022-04-24 - Fix `instater_dir` template variable to be a proper absolute path (previously, relative paths could appear like `/path/to/cwd/../another_dir/setup.yml`) - Add `--explain` flag to show reasoning for each changed/skipped task - Do not run the pacman package comparison when specifying `--tags`, since in that situation the comparison is not complete ## 0.10.0 2022-04-13 - Add `fetch_tags` argument to `git` task ## 0.9.0 2022-04-12 - Add check for manually installed pacman packages when using Arch Linux - Add `--skip-tasks` argument to skip all tasks (useful for the pacman package check) - Fix bug where relative paths were not resolving when instater was run from a directory other than the one containing the setup.yml file ## 0.8.0 2021-11-06 - `command`: Support pipes between two commands ## 0.7.0 2021-11-04 - Better support `when` argument so that undefined variables are counted as a falsey variable ## 0.6.0 2021-10-29 - `aur`: Fix bug negating the condition for using `yay` vs `makepkg` ## 0.5.0 2021-10-28 - Add `--version` option to the CLI to display the Instater version - `aur`: Now an alias of `pacman`, which supports `makepkg` - `pacman`: Add `aur` and `become` attributes - `pacman`: Add support for `makepkg` and `yay` installations ## 0.4.0 2021-10-28 - `user`: Support `create_home` argument ## 0.3.0 2021-10-25 - **BREAKING** Use absolute path for the `instater_dir` variable - Add duration logging for each task and in the overall summary - Fix tag rendering to support `{{ item }}` in tags - Add a `filename` jinja filter to extract filenames without extensions - Document all tasks - `aur`/`pacman`: Support checking for package group installation - **BREAKING** `debug`: Remove the `msg` argument(pass the debug message directly to `debug`) - **BREAKING** `get_url`: Remove task as it is identical to `copy` ## 0.2.0 2021-10-24 - Initial release was missing `tasks` module, fixed in 0.2.0 - Fix circular dependency issue when packaged - Update README with all existing tasks ## 0.1.0 2021-10-24 - Initial release %prep %autosetup -n instater-0.12.0 %build %py3_build %install %py3_install install -d -m755 %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir} if [ -d doc ]; then cp -arf doc %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi if [ -d docs ]; then cp -arf docs %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi if [ -d example ]; then cp -arf example %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi if [ -d examples ]; then cp -arf examples %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi pushd %{buildroot} if [ -d usr/lib ]; then find usr/lib -type f -printf "/%h/%f\n" >> filelist.lst fi if [ -d usr/lib64 ]; then find usr/lib64 -type f -printf "/%h/%f\n" >> filelist.lst fi if [ -d usr/bin ]; then find usr/bin -type f -printf "/%h/%f\n" >> filelist.lst fi if [ -d usr/sbin ]; then find usr/sbin -type f -printf "/%h/%f\n" >> filelist.lst fi touch doclist.lst if [ -d usr/share/man ]; then find usr/share/man -type f -printf "/%h/%f.gz\n" >> doclist.lst fi popd mv %{buildroot}/filelist.lst . mv %{buildroot}/doclist.lst . %files -n python3-instater -f filelist.lst %dir %{python3_sitelib}/* %files help -f doclist.lst %{_docdir}/* %changelog * Mon May 29 2023 Python_Bot - 0.12.0-1 - Package Spec generated