%global _empty_manifest_terminate_build 0
Name:		python-amazon-textract-helper
Version:	0.0.34
Release:	1
Summary:	Amazon Textract Helper tools
License:	Apache License Version 2.0
URL:		https://github.com/aws-samples/amazon-textract-textractor/tree/master/helper
Source0:	https://mirrors.nju.edu.cn/pypi/web/packages/55/d3/c219329b180317f1e119f8da28cfba26e71ef0f4278b5e89f3700247df21/amazon-textract-helper-0.0.34.tar.gz
BuildArch:	noarch

Requires:	python3-boto3
Requires:	python3-botocore
Requires:	python3-amazon-textract-response-parser
Requires:	python3-amazon-textract-caller
Requires:	python3-amazon-textract-overlayer
Requires:	python3-amazon-textract-prettyprinter
Requires:	python3-Pillow
Requires:	python3-PyPDF2

# Textractor-Textract-Helper

amazon-textract-helper provides a collection of ready to use functions and sample implementations to speed up the evaluation and development for any project using Amazon Textract.
It installs a command line tool called ```amazon-textract```

# Install

> python -m pip install amazon-textract-helper

Make sure your environment is setup with AWS credentials through configuration files or environment variables or an attached role. (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/userguide/cli-chap-configure.html)

# Test

> amazon-textract --help
usage: amazon-textract [-h] (--input-document INPUT_DOCUMENT | --example | --stdin) [--features {FORMS,TABLES} [{FORMS,TABLES} ...]]
                       [--pretty-print {WORDS,LINES,FORMS,TABLES} [{WORDS,LINES,FORMS,TABLES} ...]]
                       [--pretty-print-table-format {csv,plain,simple,github,grid,fancy_grid,pipe,orgtbl,jira,presto,pretty,psql,rst,medi
                       [--overlay {WORD,LINE,FORM,KEY,VALUE,TABLE,CELL} [{WORD,LINE,FORM,KEY,VALUE,TABLE,CELL} ...]]
                       [--pop-up-overlay-output] [--overlay-output-folder OVERLAY_OUTPUT_FOLDER] [--version] [--no-stdout] [-v | -vv]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --input-document INPUT_DOCUMENT
                        s3 object (s3://) or file from local filesystem
  --example             using the example document to call Textract
  --stdin               receive JSON from stdin
  --features {FORMS,TABLES} [{FORMS,TABLES} ...]
                        features to call Textract with. Will trigger call to AnalyzeDocument instead of DetectDocumentText
  --pretty-print-table-format {csv,plain,simple,github,grid,fancy_grid,pipe,orgtbl,jira,presto,pretty,psql,rst,mediawiki,moinmoin,youtrac
                        which format to output the pretty print information to. Only effects FORMS and TABLES
                        defines what bounding boxes to draw on the output
                        shows image with overlay
  --overlay-text        shows image with WORD or LINE text overlay. When both WORD and LINE overlay are specified, WORD text will be overlayed
  --overlay-confidence  shows image with confidence overlay
  --overlay-output-folder OVERLAY_OUTPUT_FOLDER
                        output with bounding boxes to folder
  --version             print version information
  --no-stdout           no output to stdout
  -v                    >=INFO level logging output to stderr
  -vv                   >=DEBUG level logging output to stderr

# Sample Commands

## Easy Start

> amazon-textract --example

this will run the examples document using the DetectDocumentText API.
Output will be printed to stdout and look similar to this:

{"DocumentMetadata": {"Pages": 1}, "Blocks": [{"BlockType": "PAGE", "Geometry": {"BoundingBox": {"Width": 1.0, "Height": 1.0, "Left": 0.0
, "Top": 0.0}, "Polygon": [{"X": 9.33321120033382e-17, "Y": 0.0}, {"X": 1.0, "Y": 1.6069064689339292e-16}, {"X": 1.0, "Y": 1.0}],
"HTTPHeaders": {"x-amzn-requestid": "12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012", "content-type": "a
pplication/x-amz-json-1.1", "content-length": "48177", "date": "Thu, 01 Apr 2021 21:50:29 GMT"}, "RetryAttempts": 0}}

It is working.

## Call with document on S3

> amazon-textract --input-document "s3://somebucket/someprefix/someobjectname.png"

Output similar to Easy Start

## Call with document on local file system

> amazon-textract --input-document "./somepath/somefilename.png"

Output similar to Easy Start

We will continue to use the ```--example``` parameter to keep it simple and easy to reproduce. S3 and local files work the same way, just instead of --example use --input-document <location>.

## Call with STDIN

# first create JSON
amazon-textract --example > example.json
# now use a stored JSON with the ```amazon-textract``` command
cat example.json | amazon-textract --stdin -pretty-print LINES

## Call with FORMS and TABLES

> amazon-textract --example --features FORMS TABLES

This will call the [AnalyzeDocument API] (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/textract/latest/dg/API_AnalyzeDocument.html) and output will include
Output will look similar to "Easy Start" but include FORMS and TABLES information

## Pretty print the output

Pretty print outputs nicely formatted information for words, lines, forms or tables.

For example to print the tables identified by Amazon Textract to stdout, use

> amazon-textract --example --features TABLES --pretty-print TABLES

Output will look like this:

|            |           | Previous Employment | History         |                       |
| Start Date | End Date  | Employer Name       | Position Held   | Reason for leaving    |
| 1/15/2009  | 6/30/2011 | Any Company         | Assistant Baker | Family relocated      |
| 7/1/2011   | 8/10/2013 | Best Corp.          | Baker           | Better opportunity    |
| 8/15/2013  | present   | Example Corp.       | Head Baker      | N/A, current employer |


to pretty print both, FORMS and TABLES:

> amazon-textract --example --features FORMS TABLES --pretty-print FORMS TABLES

will output

Phone Number:: 555-0100
Home Address:: 123 Any Street, Any Town, USA
Full Name:: Jane Doe
Mailing Address:: same as home address
|            |           | Previous Employment | History         |                       |
| Start Date | End Date  | Employer Name       | Position Held   | Reason for leaving    |
| 1/15/2009  | 6/30/2011 | Any Company         | Assistant Baker | Family relocated      |
| 7/1/2011   | 8/10/2013 | Best Corp.          | Baker           | Better opportunity    |
| 8/15/2013  | present   | Example Corp.       | Head Baker      | N/A, current employer |

## Overlay

**At the moment overlay only works with images, we will add support for PDF soon.**

The following command runs DetectDocumentText, pretty prints the WORDS in the document to stdout and draws bounding boxes around each WORD and displays the result in a popup window and stores it to a folder called 'overlay-output-folder-name'.

amazon-textract --example --pretty-print WORDS --overlay WORD --pop-up-overlay-output --overlay-output-folder overlay-output-folder-name

<img src="https://github.com/aws-samples/amazon-textract-textractor/blob/master/helper/docs/employmentapp_boxed_WORD_.png" alt="Sample overlay WORD" width="50%" height="50%" border="1">

The following command runs AnalyzeDocument for FORMS and TABLES, pretty prints FORMS and TABLES to  to stdout and draws bounding boxes around each TABLE-CELL and FORM KEY/VALUE and displays the result in a popup window and stores it to a folder called 'overlay-output-folder-name'.

> amazon-textract --example --features TABLES FORMS --pretty-print FORMS TABLES --overlay FORM CELL --pop-up-overlay-output --overlay-output-folder ../mywonderfuloutputfolderfordocs/

<img src="https://github.com/aws-samples/amazon-textract-textractor/blob/master/helper/docs/employmentapp_boxed_FORM_CELL_.png" alt="Sample overlay FORM CELL" width="50%" height="50%" border="1">

The following command draws bounding boxes around each WORD, overlays the detected WORD text, and displays the result in a popup window and stores it to a folder called 'overlay-output-folder-name'.

> amazon-textract --example --overlay WORD --overlay-text --pop-up-overlay-output --overlay-output-folder overlay-output-folder-name

<img src="https://github.com/aws-samples/amazon-textract-textractor/blob/master/helper/docs/employmentapp_boxed_WORD_TEXT_OVERLAY.png" alt="Sample overlay LINE with overlay text and confidence percentage" width="50%" height="50%" border="1">

The following command draws bounding boxes around each LINE, overlays LINE text along with percentage confidence of the detected LINE text, and displays the result in a popup window and stores it to a folder called 'overlay-output-folder-name'.

> amazon-textract --example --overlay LINE --overlay-text --overlay-confidence --pop-up-overlay-output --overlay-output-folder overlay-output-folder-name

<img src="https://github.com/aws-samples/amazon-textract-textractor/blob/master/helper/docs/employmentapp_boxed_LINE_TEXT_OVERLAY.png" alt="Sample overlay LINE with overlay text and confidence percentage" width="50%" height="50%" border="1">

%package -n python3-amazon-textract-helper
Summary:	Amazon Textract Helper tools
Provides:	python-amazon-textract-helper
BuildRequires:	python3-devel
BuildRequires:	python3-setuptools
BuildRequires:	python3-pip
%description -n python3-amazon-textract-helper
# Textractor-Textract-Helper

amazon-textract-helper provides a collection of ready to use functions and sample implementations to speed up the evaluation and development for any project using Amazon Textract.
It installs a command line tool called ```amazon-textract```

# Install

> python -m pip install amazon-textract-helper

Make sure your environment is setup with AWS credentials through configuration files or environment variables or an attached role. (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/userguide/cli-chap-configure.html)

# Test

> amazon-textract --help
usage: amazon-textract [-h] (--input-document INPUT_DOCUMENT | --example | --stdin) [--features {FORMS,TABLES} [{FORMS,TABLES} ...]]
                       [--pretty-print {WORDS,LINES,FORMS,TABLES} [{WORDS,LINES,FORMS,TABLES} ...]]
                       [--pretty-print-table-format {csv,plain,simple,github,grid,fancy_grid,pipe,orgtbl,jira,presto,pretty,psql,rst,medi
                       [--overlay {WORD,LINE,FORM,KEY,VALUE,TABLE,CELL} [{WORD,LINE,FORM,KEY,VALUE,TABLE,CELL} ...]]
                       [--pop-up-overlay-output] [--overlay-output-folder OVERLAY_OUTPUT_FOLDER] [--version] [--no-stdout] [-v | -vv]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --input-document INPUT_DOCUMENT
                        s3 object (s3://) or file from local filesystem
  --example             using the example document to call Textract
  --stdin               receive JSON from stdin
  --features {FORMS,TABLES} [{FORMS,TABLES} ...]
                        features to call Textract with. Will trigger call to AnalyzeDocument instead of DetectDocumentText
  --pretty-print-table-format {csv,plain,simple,github,grid,fancy_grid,pipe,orgtbl,jira,presto,pretty,psql,rst,mediawiki,moinmoin,youtrac
                        which format to output the pretty print information to. Only effects FORMS and TABLES
                        defines what bounding boxes to draw on the output
                        shows image with overlay
  --overlay-text        shows image with WORD or LINE text overlay. When both WORD and LINE overlay are specified, WORD text will be overlayed
  --overlay-confidence  shows image with confidence overlay
  --overlay-output-folder OVERLAY_OUTPUT_FOLDER
                        output with bounding boxes to folder
  --version             print version information
  --no-stdout           no output to stdout
  -v                    >=INFO level logging output to stderr
  -vv                   >=DEBUG level logging output to stderr

# Sample Commands

## Easy Start

> amazon-textract --example

this will run the examples document using the DetectDocumentText API.
Output will be printed to stdout and look similar to this:

{"DocumentMetadata": {"Pages": 1}, "Blocks": [{"BlockType": "PAGE", "Geometry": {"BoundingBox": {"Width": 1.0, "Height": 1.0, "Left": 0.0
, "Top": 0.0}, "Polygon": [{"X": 9.33321120033382e-17, "Y": 0.0}, {"X": 1.0, "Y": 1.6069064689339292e-16}, {"X": 1.0, "Y": 1.0}],
"HTTPHeaders": {"x-amzn-requestid": "12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012", "content-type": "a
pplication/x-amz-json-1.1", "content-length": "48177", "date": "Thu, 01 Apr 2021 21:50:29 GMT"}, "RetryAttempts": 0}}

It is working.

## Call with document on S3

> amazon-textract --input-document "s3://somebucket/someprefix/someobjectname.png"

Output similar to Easy Start

## Call with document on local file system

> amazon-textract --input-document "./somepath/somefilename.png"

Output similar to Easy Start

We will continue to use the ```--example``` parameter to keep it simple and easy to reproduce. S3 and local files work the same way, just instead of --example use --input-document <location>.

## Call with STDIN

# first create JSON
amazon-textract --example > example.json
# now use a stored JSON with the ```amazon-textract``` command
cat example.json | amazon-textract --stdin -pretty-print LINES

## Call with FORMS and TABLES

> amazon-textract --example --features FORMS TABLES

This will call the [AnalyzeDocument API] (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/textract/latest/dg/API_AnalyzeDocument.html) and output will include
Output will look similar to "Easy Start" but include FORMS and TABLES information

## Pretty print the output

Pretty print outputs nicely formatted information for words, lines, forms or tables.

For example to print the tables identified by Amazon Textract to stdout, use

> amazon-textract --example --features TABLES --pretty-print TABLES

Output will look like this:

|            |           | Previous Employment | History         |                       |
| Start Date | End Date  | Employer Name       | Position Held   | Reason for leaving    |
| 1/15/2009  | 6/30/2011 | Any Company         | Assistant Baker | Family relocated      |
| 7/1/2011   | 8/10/2013 | Best Corp.          | Baker           | Better opportunity    |
| 8/15/2013  | present   | Example Corp.       | Head Baker      | N/A, current employer |


to pretty print both, FORMS and TABLES:

> amazon-textract --example --features FORMS TABLES --pretty-print FORMS TABLES

will output

Phone Number:: 555-0100
Home Address:: 123 Any Street, Any Town, USA
Full Name:: Jane Doe
Mailing Address:: same as home address
|            |           | Previous Employment | History         |                       |
| Start Date | End Date  | Employer Name       | Position Held   | Reason for leaving    |
| 1/15/2009  | 6/30/2011 | Any Company         | Assistant Baker | Family relocated      |
| 7/1/2011   | 8/10/2013 | Best Corp.          | Baker           | Better opportunity    |
| 8/15/2013  | present   | Example Corp.       | Head Baker      | N/A, current employer |

## Overlay

**At the moment overlay only works with images, we will add support for PDF soon.**

The following command runs DetectDocumentText, pretty prints the WORDS in the document to stdout and draws bounding boxes around each WORD and displays the result in a popup window and stores it to a folder called 'overlay-output-folder-name'.

amazon-textract --example --pretty-print WORDS --overlay WORD --pop-up-overlay-output --overlay-output-folder overlay-output-folder-name

<img src="https://github.com/aws-samples/amazon-textract-textractor/blob/master/helper/docs/employmentapp_boxed_WORD_.png" alt="Sample overlay WORD" width="50%" height="50%" border="1">

The following command runs AnalyzeDocument for FORMS and TABLES, pretty prints FORMS and TABLES to  to stdout and draws bounding boxes around each TABLE-CELL and FORM KEY/VALUE and displays the result in a popup window and stores it to a folder called 'overlay-output-folder-name'.

> amazon-textract --example --features TABLES FORMS --pretty-print FORMS TABLES --overlay FORM CELL --pop-up-overlay-output --overlay-output-folder ../mywonderfuloutputfolderfordocs/

<img src="https://github.com/aws-samples/amazon-textract-textractor/blob/master/helper/docs/employmentapp_boxed_FORM_CELL_.png" alt="Sample overlay FORM CELL" width="50%" height="50%" border="1">

The following command draws bounding boxes around each WORD, overlays the detected WORD text, and displays the result in a popup window and stores it to a folder called 'overlay-output-folder-name'.

> amazon-textract --example --overlay WORD --overlay-text --pop-up-overlay-output --overlay-output-folder overlay-output-folder-name

<img src="https://github.com/aws-samples/amazon-textract-textractor/blob/master/helper/docs/employmentapp_boxed_WORD_TEXT_OVERLAY.png" alt="Sample overlay LINE with overlay text and confidence percentage" width="50%" height="50%" border="1">

The following command draws bounding boxes around each LINE, overlays LINE text along with percentage confidence of the detected LINE text, and displays the result in a popup window and stores it to a folder called 'overlay-output-folder-name'.

> amazon-textract --example --overlay LINE --overlay-text --overlay-confidence --pop-up-overlay-output --overlay-output-folder overlay-output-folder-name

<img src="https://github.com/aws-samples/amazon-textract-textractor/blob/master/helper/docs/employmentapp_boxed_LINE_TEXT_OVERLAY.png" alt="Sample overlay LINE with overlay text and confidence percentage" width="50%" height="50%" border="1">

%package help
Summary:	Development documents and examples for amazon-textract-helper
Provides:	python3-amazon-textract-helper-doc
%description help
# Textractor-Textract-Helper

amazon-textract-helper provides a collection of ready to use functions and sample implementations to speed up the evaluation and development for any project using Amazon Textract.
It installs a command line tool called ```amazon-textract```

# Install

> python -m pip install amazon-textract-helper

Make sure your environment is setup with AWS credentials through configuration files or environment variables or an attached role. (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/userguide/cli-chap-configure.html)

# Test

> amazon-textract --help
usage: amazon-textract [-h] (--input-document INPUT_DOCUMENT | --example | --stdin) [--features {FORMS,TABLES} [{FORMS,TABLES} ...]]
                       [--pretty-print {WORDS,LINES,FORMS,TABLES} [{WORDS,LINES,FORMS,TABLES} ...]]
                       [--pretty-print-table-format {csv,plain,simple,github,grid,fancy_grid,pipe,orgtbl,jira,presto,pretty,psql,rst,medi
                       [--overlay {WORD,LINE,FORM,KEY,VALUE,TABLE,CELL} [{WORD,LINE,FORM,KEY,VALUE,TABLE,CELL} ...]]
                       [--pop-up-overlay-output] [--overlay-output-folder OVERLAY_OUTPUT_FOLDER] [--version] [--no-stdout] [-v | -vv]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --input-document INPUT_DOCUMENT
                        s3 object (s3://) or file from local filesystem
  --example             using the example document to call Textract
  --stdin               receive JSON from stdin
  --features {FORMS,TABLES} [{FORMS,TABLES} ...]
                        features to call Textract with. Will trigger call to AnalyzeDocument instead of DetectDocumentText
  --pretty-print-table-format {csv,plain,simple,github,grid,fancy_grid,pipe,orgtbl,jira,presto,pretty,psql,rst,mediawiki,moinmoin,youtrac
                        which format to output the pretty print information to. Only effects FORMS and TABLES
                        defines what bounding boxes to draw on the output
                        shows image with overlay
  --overlay-text        shows image with WORD or LINE text overlay. When both WORD and LINE overlay are specified, WORD text will be overlayed
  --overlay-confidence  shows image with confidence overlay
  --overlay-output-folder OVERLAY_OUTPUT_FOLDER
                        output with bounding boxes to folder
  --version             print version information
  --no-stdout           no output to stdout
  -v                    >=INFO level logging output to stderr
  -vv                   >=DEBUG level logging output to stderr

# Sample Commands

## Easy Start

> amazon-textract --example

this will run the examples document using the DetectDocumentText API.
Output will be printed to stdout and look similar to this:

{"DocumentMetadata": {"Pages": 1}, "Blocks": [{"BlockType": "PAGE", "Geometry": {"BoundingBox": {"Width": 1.0, "Height": 1.0, "Left": 0.0
, "Top": 0.0}, "Polygon": [{"X": 9.33321120033382e-17, "Y": 0.0}, {"X": 1.0, "Y": 1.6069064689339292e-16}, {"X": 1.0, "Y": 1.0}],
"HTTPHeaders": {"x-amzn-requestid": "12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012", "content-type": "a
pplication/x-amz-json-1.1", "content-length": "48177", "date": "Thu, 01 Apr 2021 21:50:29 GMT"}, "RetryAttempts": 0}}

It is working.

## Call with document on S3

> amazon-textract --input-document "s3://somebucket/someprefix/someobjectname.png"

Output similar to Easy Start

## Call with document on local file system

> amazon-textract --input-document "./somepath/somefilename.png"

Output similar to Easy Start

We will continue to use the ```--example``` parameter to keep it simple and easy to reproduce. S3 and local files work the same way, just instead of --example use --input-document <location>.

## Call with STDIN

# first create JSON
amazon-textract --example > example.json
# now use a stored JSON with the ```amazon-textract``` command
cat example.json | amazon-textract --stdin -pretty-print LINES

## Call with FORMS and TABLES

> amazon-textract --example --features FORMS TABLES

This will call the [AnalyzeDocument API] (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/textract/latest/dg/API_AnalyzeDocument.html) and output will include
Output will look similar to "Easy Start" but include FORMS and TABLES information

## Pretty print the output

Pretty print outputs nicely formatted information for words, lines, forms or tables.

For example to print the tables identified by Amazon Textract to stdout, use

> amazon-textract --example --features TABLES --pretty-print TABLES

Output will look like this:

|            |           | Previous Employment | History         |                       |
| Start Date | End Date  | Employer Name       | Position Held   | Reason for leaving    |
| 1/15/2009  | 6/30/2011 | Any Company         | Assistant Baker | Family relocated      |
| 7/1/2011   | 8/10/2013 | Best Corp.          | Baker           | Better opportunity    |
| 8/15/2013  | present   | Example Corp.       | Head Baker      | N/A, current employer |


to pretty print both, FORMS and TABLES:

> amazon-textract --example --features FORMS TABLES --pretty-print FORMS TABLES

will output

Phone Number:: 555-0100
Home Address:: 123 Any Street, Any Town, USA
Full Name:: Jane Doe
Mailing Address:: same as home address
|            |           | Previous Employment | History         |                       |
| Start Date | End Date  | Employer Name       | Position Held   | Reason for leaving    |
| 1/15/2009  | 6/30/2011 | Any Company         | Assistant Baker | Family relocated      |
| 7/1/2011   | 8/10/2013 | Best Corp.          | Baker           | Better opportunity    |
| 8/15/2013  | present   | Example Corp.       | Head Baker      | N/A, current employer |

## Overlay

**At the moment overlay only works with images, we will add support for PDF soon.**

The following command runs DetectDocumentText, pretty prints the WORDS in the document to stdout and draws bounding boxes around each WORD and displays the result in a popup window and stores it to a folder called 'overlay-output-folder-name'.

amazon-textract --example --pretty-print WORDS --overlay WORD --pop-up-overlay-output --overlay-output-folder overlay-output-folder-name

<img src="https://github.com/aws-samples/amazon-textract-textractor/blob/master/helper/docs/employmentapp_boxed_WORD_.png" alt="Sample overlay WORD" width="50%" height="50%" border="1">

The following command runs AnalyzeDocument for FORMS and TABLES, pretty prints FORMS and TABLES to  to stdout and draws bounding boxes around each TABLE-CELL and FORM KEY/VALUE and displays the result in a popup window and stores it to a folder called 'overlay-output-folder-name'.

> amazon-textract --example --features TABLES FORMS --pretty-print FORMS TABLES --overlay FORM CELL --pop-up-overlay-output --overlay-output-folder ../mywonderfuloutputfolderfordocs/

<img src="https://github.com/aws-samples/amazon-textract-textractor/blob/master/helper/docs/employmentapp_boxed_FORM_CELL_.png" alt="Sample overlay FORM CELL" width="50%" height="50%" border="1">

The following command draws bounding boxes around each WORD, overlays the detected WORD text, and displays the result in a popup window and stores it to a folder called 'overlay-output-folder-name'.

> amazon-textract --example --overlay WORD --overlay-text --pop-up-overlay-output --overlay-output-folder overlay-output-folder-name

<img src="https://github.com/aws-samples/amazon-textract-textractor/blob/master/helper/docs/employmentapp_boxed_WORD_TEXT_OVERLAY.png" alt="Sample overlay LINE with overlay text and confidence percentage" width="50%" height="50%" border="1">

The following command draws bounding boxes around each LINE, overlays LINE text along with percentage confidence of the detected LINE text, and displays the result in a popup window and stores it to a folder called 'overlay-output-folder-name'.

> amazon-textract --example --overlay LINE --overlay-text --overlay-confidence --pop-up-overlay-output --overlay-output-folder overlay-output-folder-name

<img src="https://github.com/aws-samples/amazon-textract-textractor/blob/master/helper/docs/employmentapp_boxed_LINE_TEXT_OVERLAY.png" alt="Sample overlay LINE with overlay text and confidence percentage" width="50%" height="50%" border="1">

%autosetup -n amazon-textract-helper-0.0.34


install -d -m755 %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}
if [ -d doc ]; then cp -arf doc %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi
if [ -d docs ]; then cp -arf docs %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi
if [ -d example ]; then cp -arf example %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi
if [ -d examples ]; then cp -arf examples %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi
pushd %{buildroot}
if [ -d usr/lib ]; then
	find usr/lib -type f -printf "/%h/%f\n" >> filelist.lst
if [ -d usr/lib64 ]; then
	find usr/lib64 -type f -printf "/%h/%f\n" >> filelist.lst
if [ -d usr/bin ]; then
	find usr/bin -type f -printf "/%h/%f\n" >> filelist.lst
if [ -d usr/sbin ]; then
	find usr/sbin -type f -printf "/%h/%f\n" >> filelist.lst
touch doclist.lst
if [ -d usr/share/man ]; then
	find usr/share/man -type f -printf "/%h/%f.gz\n" >> doclist.lst
mv %{buildroot}/filelist.lst .
mv %{buildroot}/doclist.lst .

%files -n python3-amazon-textract-helper -f filelist.lst
%dir %{python3_sitelib}/*

%files help -f doclist.lst

* Tue May 30 2023 Python_Bot <Python_Bot@openeuler.org> - 0.0.34-1
- Package Spec generated