%global _empty_manifest_terminate_build 0 Name: python-aws-cdk.aws-amplify-alpha Version: 2.81.0a0 Release: 1 Summary: The CDK Construct Library for AWS::Amplify License: Apache-2.0 URL: https://github.com/aws/aws-cdk Source0: https://mirrors.nju.edu.cn/pypi/web/packages/0e/ab/21fc45fd4f6069975325746807a3130c0c3b96906302dd81af211d70e873/aws-cdk.aws-amplify-alpha-2.81.0a0.tar.gz BuildArch: noarch Requires: python3-aws-cdk-lib Requires: python3-constructs Requires: python3-jsii Requires: python3-publication Requires: python3-typeguard %description The AWS Amplify Console provides a Git-based workflow for deploying and hosting fullstack serverless web applications. A fullstack serverless app consists of a backend built with cloud resources such as GraphQL or REST APIs, file and data storage, and a frontend built with single page application frameworks such as React, Angular, Vue, or Gatsby. ## Setting up an app with branches, custom rules and a domain To set up an Amplify Console app, define an `App`: ```python import aws_cdk.aws_codebuild as codebuild amplify_app = amplify.App(self, "MyApp", source_code_provider=amplify.GitHubSourceCodeProvider( owner="", repository="", oauth_token=SecretValue.secrets_manager("my-github-token") ), build_spec=codebuild.BuildSpec.from_object_to_yaml({ # Alternatively add a `amplify.yml` to the repo "version": "1.0", "frontend": { "phases": { "pre_build": { "commands": ["yarn" ] }, "build": { "commands": ["yarn build" ] } }, "artifacts": { "base_directory": "public", "files": -"**/*" } } }) ) ``` To connect your `App` to GitLab, use the `GitLabSourceCodeProvider`: ```python amplify_app = amplify.App(self, "MyApp", source_code_provider=amplify.GitLabSourceCodeProvider( owner="", repository="", oauth_token=SecretValue.secrets_manager("my-gitlab-token") ) ) ``` To connect your `App` to CodeCommit, use the `CodeCommitSourceCodeProvider`: ```python import aws_cdk.aws_codecommit as codecommit repository = codecommit.Repository(self, "Repo", repository_name="my-repo" ) amplify_app = amplify.App(self, "App", source_code_provider=amplify.CodeCommitSourceCodeProvider(repository=repository) ) ``` The IAM role associated with the `App` will automatically be granted the permission to pull the CodeCommit repository. Add branches: ```python # amplify_app: amplify.App main = amplify_app.add_branch("main") # `id` will be used as repo branch name dev = amplify_app.add_branch("dev", performance_mode=True ) dev.add_environment("STAGE", "dev") ``` Auto build and pull request preview are enabled by default. Add custom rules for redirection: ```python # amplify_app: amplify.App amplify_app.add_custom_rule({ "source": "/docs/specific-filename.html", "target": "/documents/different-filename.html", "status": amplify.RedirectStatus.TEMPORARY_REDIRECT }) ``` When working with a single page application (SPA), use the `CustomRule.SINGLE_PAGE_APPLICATION_REDIRECT` to set up a 200 rewrite for all files to `index.html` except for the following file extensions: css, gif, ico, jpg, js, png, txt, svg, woff, ttf, map, json, webmanifest. ```python # my_single_page_app: amplify.App my_single_page_app.add_custom_rule(amplify.CustomRule.SINGLE_PAGE_APPLICATION_REDIRECT) ``` Add a domain and map sub domains to branches: ```python # amplify_app: amplify.App # main: amplify.Branch # dev: amplify.Branch domain = amplify_app.add_domain("example.com", enable_auto_subdomain=True, # in case subdomains should be auto registered for branches auto_subdomain_creation_patterns=["*", "pr*"] ) domain.map_root(main) # map main branch to domain root domain.map_sub_domain(main, "www") domain.map_sub_domain(dev) ``` ## Restricting access Password protect the app with basic auth by specifying the `basicAuth` prop. Use `BasicAuth.fromCredentials` when referencing an existing secret: ```python amplify_app = amplify.App(self, "MyApp", source_code_provider=amplify.GitHubSourceCodeProvider( owner="", repository="", oauth_token=SecretValue.secrets_manager("my-github-token") ), basic_auth=amplify.BasicAuth.from_credentials("username", SecretValue.secrets_manager("my-github-token")) ) ``` Use `BasicAuth.fromGeneratedPassword` to generate a password in Secrets Manager: ```python amplify_app = amplify.App(self, "MyApp", source_code_provider=amplify.GitHubSourceCodeProvider( owner="", repository="", oauth_token=SecretValue.secrets_manager("my-github-token") ), basic_auth=amplify.BasicAuth.from_generated_password("username") ) ``` Basic auth can be added to specific branches: ```python # amplify_app: amplify.App amplify_app.add_branch("feature/next", basic_auth=amplify.BasicAuth.from_generated_password("username") ) ``` ## Automatically creating and deleting branches Use the `autoBranchCreation` and `autoBranchDeletion` props to control creation/deletion of branches: ```python amplify_app = amplify.App(self, "MyApp", source_code_provider=amplify.GitHubSourceCodeProvider( owner="", repository="", oauth_token=SecretValue.secrets_manager("my-github-token") ), auto_branch_creation=amplify.AutoBranchCreation( # Automatically connect branches that match a pattern set patterns=["feature/*", "test/*"]), auto_branch_deletion=True ) ``` ## Adding custom response headers Use the `customResponseHeaders` prop to configure custom response headers for an Amplify app: ```python amplify_app = amplify.App(self, "App", source_code_provider=amplify.GitHubSourceCodeProvider( owner="", repository="", oauth_token=SecretValue.secrets_manager("my-github-token") ), custom_response_headers=[amplify.CustomResponseHeader( pattern="*.json", headers={ "custom-header-name-1": "custom-header-value-1", "custom-header-name-2": "custom-header-value-2" } ), amplify.CustomResponseHeader( pattern="/path/*", headers={ "custom-header-name-1": "custom-header-value-2" } ) ] ) ``` ## Deploying Assets `sourceCodeProvider` is optional; when this is not specified the Amplify app can be deployed to using `.zip` packages. The `asset` property can be used to deploy S3 assets to Amplify as part of the CDK: ```python import aws_cdk.aws_s3_assets as assets # asset: assets.Asset # amplify_app: amplify.App branch = amplify_app.add_branch("dev", asset=asset) ``` %package -n python3-aws-cdk.aws-amplify-alpha Summary: The CDK Construct Library for AWS::Amplify Provides: python-aws-cdk.aws-amplify-alpha BuildRequires: python3-devel BuildRequires: python3-setuptools BuildRequires: python3-pip %description -n python3-aws-cdk.aws-amplify-alpha The AWS Amplify Console provides a Git-based workflow for deploying and hosting fullstack serverless web applications. A fullstack serverless app consists of a backend built with cloud resources such as GraphQL or REST APIs, file and data storage, and a frontend built with single page application frameworks such as React, Angular, Vue, or Gatsby. ## Setting up an app with branches, custom rules and a domain To set up an Amplify Console app, define an `App`: ```python import aws_cdk.aws_codebuild as codebuild amplify_app = amplify.App(self, "MyApp", source_code_provider=amplify.GitHubSourceCodeProvider( owner="", repository="", oauth_token=SecretValue.secrets_manager("my-github-token") ), build_spec=codebuild.BuildSpec.from_object_to_yaml({ # Alternatively add a `amplify.yml` to the repo "version": "1.0", "frontend": { "phases": { "pre_build": { "commands": ["yarn" ] }, "build": { "commands": ["yarn build" ] } }, "artifacts": { "base_directory": "public", "files": -"**/*" } } }) ) ``` To connect your `App` to GitLab, use the `GitLabSourceCodeProvider`: ```python amplify_app = amplify.App(self, "MyApp", source_code_provider=amplify.GitLabSourceCodeProvider( owner="", repository="", oauth_token=SecretValue.secrets_manager("my-gitlab-token") ) ) ``` To connect your `App` to CodeCommit, use the `CodeCommitSourceCodeProvider`: ```python import aws_cdk.aws_codecommit as codecommit repository = codecommit.Repository(self, "Repo", repository_name="my-repo" ) amplify_app = amplify.App(self, "App", source_code_provider=amplify.CodeCommitSourceCodeProvider(repository=repository) ) ``` The IAM role associated with the `App` will automatically be granted the permission to pull the CodeCommit repository. Add branches: ```python # amplify_app: amplify.App main = amplify_app.add_branch("main") # `id` will be used as repo branch name dev = amplify_app.add_branch("dev", performance_mode=True ) dev.add_environment("STAGE", "dev") ``` Auto build and pull request preview are enabled by default. Add custom rules for redirection: ```python # amplify_app: amplify.App amplify_app.add_custom_rule({ "source": "/docs/specific-filename.html", "target": "/documents/different-filename.html", "status": amplify.RedirectStatus.TEMPORARY_REDIRECT }) ``` When working with a single page application (SPA), use the `CustomRule.SINGLE_PAGE_APPLICATION_REDIRECT` to set up a 200 rewrite for all files to `index.html` except for the following file extensions: css, gif, ico, jpg, js, png, txt, svg, woff, ttf, map, json, webmanifest. ```python # my_single_page_app: amplify.App my_single_page_app.add_custom_rule(amplify.CustomRule.SINGLE_PAGE_APPLICATION_REDIRECT) ``` Add a domain and map sub domains to branches: ```python # amplify_app: amplify.App # main: amplify.Branch # dev: amplify.Branch domain = amplify_app.add_domain("example.com", enable_auto_subdomain=True, # in case subdomains should be auto registered for branches auto_subdomain_creation_patterns=["*", "pr*"] ) domain.map_root(main) # map main branch to domain root domain.map_sub_domain(main, "www") domain.map_sub_domain(dev) ``` ## Restricting access Password protect the app with basic auth by specifying the `basicAuth` prop. Use `BasicAuth.fromCredentials` when referencing an existing secret: ```python amplify_app = amplify.App(self, "MyApp", source_code_provider=amplify.GitHubSourceCodeProvider( owner="", repository="", oauth_token=SecretValue.secrets_manager("my-github-token") ), basic_auth=amplify.BasicAuth.from_credentials("username", SecretValue.secrets_manager("my-github-token")) ) ``` Use `BasicAuth.fromGeneratedPassword` to generate a password in Secrets Manager: ```python amplify_app = amplify.App(self, "MyApp", source_code_provider=amplify.GitHubSourceCodeProvider( owner="", repository="", oauth_token=SecretValue.secrets_manager("my-github-token") ), basic_auth=amplify.BasicAuth.from_generated_password("username") ) ``` Basic auth can be added to specific branches: ```python # amplify_app: amplify.App amplify_app.add_branch("feature/next", basic_auth=amplify.BasicAuth.from_generated_password("username") ) ``` ## Automatically creating and deleting branches Use the `autoBranchCreation` and `autoBranchDeletion` props to control creation/deletion of branches: ```python amplify_app = amplify.App(self, "MyApp", source_code_provider=amplify.GitHubSourceCodeProvider( owner="", repository="", oauth_token=SecretValue.secrets_manager("my-github-token") ), auto_branch_creation=amplify.AutoBranchCreation( # Automatically connect branches that match a pattern set patterns=["feature/*", "test/*"]), auto_branch_deletion=True ) ``` ## Adding custom response headers Use the `customResponseHeaders` prop to configure custom response headers for an Amplify app: ```python amplify_app = amplify.App(self, "App", source_code_provider=amplify.GitHubSourceCodeProvider( owner="", repository="", oauth_token=SecretValue.secrets_manager("my-github-token") ), custom_response_headers=[amplify.CustomResponseHeader( pattern="*.json", headers={ "custom-header-name-1": "custom-header-value-1", "custom-header-name-2": "custom-header-value-2" } ), amplify.CustomResponseHeader( pattern="/path/*", headers={ "custom-header-name-1": "custom-header-value-2" } ) ] ) ``` ## Deploying Assets `sourceCodeProvider` is optional; when this is not specified the Amplify app can be deployed to using `.zip` packages. The `asset` property can be used to deploy S3 assets to Amplify as part of the CDK: ```python import aws_cdk.aws_s3_assets as assets # asset: assets.Asset # amplify_app: amplify.App branch = amplify_app.add_branch("dev", asset=asset) ``` %package help Summary: Development documents and examples for aws-cdk.aws-amplify-alpha Provides: python3-aws-cdk.aws-amplify-alpha-doc %description help The AWS Amplify Console provides a Git-based workflow for deploying and hosting fullstack serverless web applications. A fullstack serverless app consists of a backend built with cloud resources such as GraphQL or REST APIs, file and data storage, and a frontend built with single page application frameworks such as React, Angular, Vue, or Gatsby. ## Setting up an app with branches, custom rules and a domain To set up an Amplify Console app, define an `App`: ```python import aws_cdk.aws_codebuild as codebuild amplify_app = amplify.App(self, "MyApp", source_code_provider=amplify.GitHubSourceCodeProvider( owner="", repository="", oauth_token=SecretValue.secrets_manager("my-github-token") ), build_spec=codebuild.BuildSpec.from_object_to_yaml({ # Alternatively add a `amplify.yml` to the repo "version": "1.0", "frontend": { "phases": { "pre_build": { "commands": ["yarn" ] }, "build": { "commands": ["yarn build" ] } }, "artifacts": { "base_directory": "public", "files": -"**/*" } } }) ) ``` To connect your `App` to GitLab, use the `GitLabSourceCodeProvider`: ```python amplify_app = amplify.App(self, "MyApp", source_code_provider=amplify.GitLabSourceCodeProvider( owner="", repository="", oauth_token=SecretValue.secrets_manager("my-gitlab-token") ) ) ``` To connect your `App` to CodeCommit, use the `CodeCommitSourceCodeProvider`: ```python import aws_cdk.aws_codecommit as codecommit repository = codecommit.Repository(self, "Repo", repository_name="my-repo" ) amplify_app = amplify.App(self, "App", source_code_provider=amplify.CodeCommitSourceCodeProvider(repository=repository) ) ``` The IAM role associated with the `App` will automatically be granted the permission to pull the CodeCommit repository. Add branches: ```python # amplify_app: amplify.App main = amplify_app.add_branch("main") # `id` will be used as repo branch name dev = amplify_app.add_branch("dev", performance_mode=True ) dev.add_environment("STAGE", "dev") ``` Auto build and pull request preview are enabled by default. Add custom rules for redirection: ```python # amplify_app: amplify.App amplify_app.add_custom_rule({ "source": "/docs/specific-filename.html", "target": "/documents/different-filename.html", "status": amplify.RedirectStatus.TEMPORARY_REDIRECT }) ``` When working with a single page application (SPA), use the `CustomRule.SINGLE_PAGE_APPLICATION_REDIRECT` to set up a 200 rewrite for all files to `index.html` except for the following file extensions: css, gif, ico, jpg, js, png, txt, svg, woff, ttf, map, json, webmanifest. ```python # my_single_page_app: amplify.App my_single_page_app.add_custom_rule(amplify.CustomRule.SINGLE_PAGE_APPLICATION_REDIRECT) ``` Add a domain and map sub domains to branches: ```python # amplify_app: amplify.App # main: amplify.Branch # dev: amplify.Branch domain = amplify_app.add_domain("example.com", enable_auto_subdomain=True, # in case subdomains should be auto registered for branches auto_subdomain_creation_patterns=["*", "pr*"] ) domain.map_root(main) # map main branch to domain root domain.map_sub_domain(main, "www") domain.map_sub_domain(dev) ``` ## Restricting access Password protect the app with basic auth by specifying the `basicAuth` prop. Use `BasicAuth.fromCredentials` when referencing an existing secret: ```python amplify_app = amplify.App(self, "MyApp", source_code_provider=amplify.GitHubSourceCodeProvider( owner="", repository="", oauth_token=SecretValue.secrets_manager("my-github-token") ), basic_auth=amplify.BasicAuth.from_credentials("username", SecretValue.secrets_manager("my-github-token")) ) ``` Use `BasicAuth.fromGeneratedPassword` to generate a password in Secrets Manager: ```python amplify_app = amplify.App(self, "MyApp", source_code_provider=amplify.GitHubSourceCodeProvider( owner="", repository="", oauth_token=SecretValue.secrets_manager("my-github-token") ), basic_auth=amplify.BasicAuth.from_generated_password("username") ) ``` Basic auth can be added to specific branches: ```python # amplify_app: amplify.App amplify_app.add_branch("feature/next", basic_auth=amplify.BasicAuth.from_generated_password("username") ) ``` ## Automatically creating and deleting branches Use the `autoBranchCreation` and `autoBranchDeletion` props to control creation/deletion of branches: ```python amplify_app = amplify.App(self, "MyApp", source_code_provider=amplify.GitHubSourceCodeProvider( owner="", repository="", oauth_token=SecretValue.secrets_manager("my-github-token") ), auto_branch_creation=amplify.AutoBranchCreation( # Automatically connect branches that match a pattern set patterns=["feature/*", "test/*"]), auto_branch_deletion=True ) ``` ## Adding custom response headers Use the `customResponseHeaders` prop to configure custom response headers for an Amplify app: ```python amplify_app = amplify.App(self, "App", source_code_provider=amplify.GitHubSourceCodeProvider( owner="", repository="", oauth_token=SecretValue.secrets_manager("my-github-token") ), custom_response_headers=[amplify.CustomResponseHeader( pattern="*.json", headers={ "custom-header-name-1": "custom-header-value-1", "custom-header-name-2": "custom-header-value-2" } ), amplify.CustomResponseHeader( pattern="/path/*", headers={ "custom-header-name-1": "custom-header-value-2" } ) ] ) ``` ## Deploying Assets `sourceCodeProvider` is optional; when this is not specified the Amplify app can be deployed to using `.zip` packages. The `asset` property can be used to deploy S3 assets to Amplify as part of the CDK: ```python import aws_cdk.aws_s3_assets as assets # asset: assets.Asset # amplify_app: amplify.App branch = amplify_app.add_branch("dev", asset=asset) ``` %prep %autosetup -n aws-cdk.aws-amplify-alpha-2.81.0a0 %build %py3_build %install %py3_install install -d -m755 %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir} if [ -d doc ]; then cp -arf doc %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi if [ -d docs ]; then cp -arf docs %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi if [ -d example ]; then cp -arf example %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi if [ -d examples ]; then cp -arf examples %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi pushd %{buildroot} if [ -d usr/lib ]; then find usr/lib -type f -printf "/%h/%f\n" >> filelist.lst fi if [ -d usr/lib64 ]; then find usr/lib64 -type f -printf "/%h/%f\n" >> filelist.lst fi if [ -d usr/bin ]; then find usr/bin -type f -printf "/%h/%f\n" >> filelist.lst fi if [ -d usr/sbin ]; then find usr/sbin -type f -printf "/%h/%f\n" >> filelist.lst fi touch doclist.lst if [ -d usr/share/man ]; then find usr/share/man -type f -printf "/%h/%f.gz\n" >> doclist.lst fi popd mv %{buildroot}/filelist.lst . mv %{buildroot}/doclist.lst . %files -n python3-aws-cdk.aws-amplify-alpha -f filelist.lst %dir %{python3_sitelib}/* %files help -f doclist.lst %{_docdir}/* %changelog * Wed May 31 2023 Python_Bot - 2.81.0a0-1 - Package Spec generated