%global _empty_manifest_terminate_build 0 Name: python-alpacka Version: 0.1.2 Release: 1 Summary: The alpacka Python package, used to extract and visualize metadata from text data sets License: LICENCE.txt URL: https://github.com/BernhardMoller/alpacka Source0: https://mirrors.nju.edu.cn/pypi/web/packages/3a/f1/4bb81f4735c77f7d4230c7c396e45f744b2a74f0851ccd442c0141424848/alpacka-0.1.2.tar.gz BuildArch: noarch Requires: python3-keras Requires: python3-scikit-learn Requires: python3-matplotlib Requires: python3-tensorflow Requires: python3-numpy %description # Example of application of the sdlabb package for metadata extaction # NCOF method Created 13-11-20 Author: Fredrik Möller # Install the alpacka package ## Through pip or through github `pip install alpacka` [Link to github repo](https://github.com/BernhardMoller/alpacka) ### Set up To be able to use the alpacka package a data set for the analysis is needed. For this demo we will use the "Twitter US Airline Sentiment" data set. Availabe at https://www.kaggle.com/crowdflower/twitter-airline-sentiment # Step by step guide for the NCOF pipeline ### TLDR without explenations, minimum of commands to go from input to output. ```python from alpacka.Pipeline import Pipeline import pandas as pd data = pd.read_csv('Tweets.csv') score = data.airline_sentiment score = pd.factorize(score)[0] from nltk.corpus import stopwords stop_words = set(stopwords.words('english')) p = Pipeline(num_words=10000, class_perspective=2) ncof, dictionary = p.ncof.calc_ncof(data.text, score,stop_words=stop_words) inliers, pos_out, neg_out = p.ncof.split_score(ncof) words_all = p.ncof.ind_2_txt(pos_out) p.ncof.get_result(ncof,words_all) ``` ## Long version ### Load and preprocess the data Before you can apply the alpacka package you will need to load your for this demo we will not perform any data cleaning but this would be the time to do so. We also load some stop words that will be used later. ```python import pandas as pd data = pd.read_csv('Tweets.csv') from nltk.corpus import stopwords stop_words = set(stopwords.words('english')) data.head() ``` From the code we can see that the data has been loaded but the "airline_sentiment" are not integer labels, we need to fix this. **IMPORTANT:** The alpacka package can only handle integer labels in the range of [0 n]. If your data set has labels in any other range you will need to translate them to the [0 n] range. ```python print(data.airline_sentiment[:10]) score = pd.factorize(data.airline_sentiment) print(score[:10]) score= score[0] print(score[:10]) ``` 0 neutral 1 positive 2 neutral 3 negative 4 negative 5 negative 6 positive 7 neutral 8 positive 9 positive Name: airline_sentiment, dtype: object (array([0, 1, 0, ..., 0, 2, 0], dtype=int64), Index(['neutral', 'positive', 'negative'], dtype='object')) [0 1 0 2 2 2 1 0 1 1] We can now see that the data is transformed from stings to integers in the range of [0 2]. With the mapping neutral: 0 , positive: 1, negative: 2. ### Importing and initiating alpacka Now we are ready to import and initiate alpacka. ```python from alpacka.Pipeline import Pipeline p = Pipeline(num_words=10000, class_perspective = 2) ``` There are some setting that we can make in the NCOF method that we need to specify before we start. One of which is how many unique tokens do we want to to take into consideration in the analysis, variable `num_words`. The defult setting for this variable is `None` meaning that all unique tokens will be used in the analysis. For "large" data sets this choice is quite ambitious given that the number of tokens that appear only once or twice in the a corpus. For this walkthrough we will limit the analysis to the $10,000$ most common words in the corpus. Another setting that we need to specify is for what class we want the results presented for, variable `class_perspective`. As the NCOF method presents results regarding if a token is overrepresented in a class compared to the rest of the corpus, which class to investigate nees to be specified, the defult value of `class_perspective` is `1`. For this demo we have chosen the perspective of class 2 (negatives). Now the `NCOF` and `TF-IDF` pipelines are initiated through the wrapper `Pipeline` and the induvidual analysis methods can be accessed be calling: `p.ncof.some_functions()` Now we are ready to start the analysis of our data. Note that the `.some_functions()` function is a placeholder and do exist. #### Calculate NCOF Now we are ready to calculate the NCOF score for the review data and its scores. This is done by calling the `.calc_ncof(data,labels)` function. For this example the input in the `data` field is the texts, and the `labels` is the review scores. ```python ncof, dictionary = p.ncof.calc_ncof(data.text, score) ``` NCOF score added under 'self.score' use self.get_--- to access the result Stop words can also automatically be removed from the NCOF calculating by passing a set of stop words in the `.calc_ncof` function. The reason you might want to remove stop words before NCOF calculations is due tothe stop words altering frequency distrubution of "value adding" words by by increasing the frequencylimit of when a word is considered as an NCOF outliers. Top top is to test with and without the stop word removal and you will see the difference. For this demo we keep the score where stop words has been removed. ```python ncof_score, dictionary = p.ncof.calc_ncof(data.text, score,stop_words=stop_words) ``` NCOF score added under 'self.score' use self.get_--- to access the result We now have an array, `ncof_score`, that contains the NCOF results for our data. This array will have the size `[1,num_words]` and positive and negatives values, indicating if a token is more or less common in investigated class (positives values), or the remaining classes (negative values). ```python print(ncof_score[:10]) ``` [-0.03774483 -0.02481352 -0.01183599 -0.00601852 -0.01548369 -0.04066156 -0.03846028 -0.00513828 0.00310846 -0.00088758] In addition to an array with the scores the `.calc_ncof()` function returns a dictionary that maps the indexes in the `ncof_score ` array to its text representations, and can be accessed by calling: ```python w = list(dictionary.items())[:10] for item in w: print(item) ``` (0, 'i') (1, '@united') (2, 'flight') (3, '@usairways') (4, '@americanair') (5, '@southwestair') (6, '@jetblue') (7, 'get') (8, 'cancelled') (9, 'customer') #### Sorting results To sort the array into inliers and outliers for the positive and negative values the function `.split_score()`needs to be called. The inliers can be accessed through: **Important:** The the results returned as `pos_outliers` will containd the NCOF outliers that are identified from the class selected as the `class_perspective`. Meaning that they are positive from the perspective that are chosen, in out case we use a positive notation for the negative sentiment due to our selected class perspective. ```python inliers, pos_outliers,neg_outliers = p.ncof.split_score(ncof_score) ``` Inliers added under 'self.inliers' Positive outliers added under 'self.pos_outliers' Negative outliers added under 'self.neg_outliers' use self.get_--- to access the result Which will return the indexes of the words in the dictionary that are considered as outliers in the NCOF results. The results are sorted within the `ncof_pos `and `ncof_neg ` as the following: ncof_pos[0] = $\mu+\sigma\leq result <\mu+2\sigma$ ncof_pos[1] = $\mu+2\sigma\leq result <\mu+3\sigma$ ncof_pos[2] = $\mu+3\sigma\leq result$ ncof_neg[0] = $\mu-\sigma\geq result >\mu-2\sigma$ ncof_neg[1] = $\mu-2\sigma\geq result >\mu-3\sigma$ ncof_neg[2] = $\mu-3\sigma\geq result$ #### Plotting results These results can be plotted by calling the function `.scatter()` which will give visual information regarding what tokens are over or under represented in the investigated class. ```python p.ncof.scatter(ncof_score, inliers, pos_outliers,neg_outliers) ``` #### Converting results from indexes to text Since it is quite difficult to interpret the socre for each the indexes directly, it is suggested that the indexes are transformed back to their text representations. This can be done by calling the `.ncof.ind_2_txt(data)`function, the function input should be either indexes of the positive or negative outlers. ```python words_pos = p.ncof.ind_2_txt(pos_outliers) words_neg = p.ncof.ind_2_txt(neg_outliers) ``` If the text results want to be cleaned from stop words for clarification. The function `.remove_stop_words(data,stop_words)` can be called. This functon compares the content of the input `data` to that of the input `stop-words` and removes any matches between them from the `data`. For this walkthrough we will use the stop words available from the NLTK package. We have already removed the stop words from the data set when we calculated the NCOF score, so we will not need to preform this step. That is why this part is commented out. ```python # words_pos = p.ncof.remove_stop_words(words_pos,stop_words) # words_neg = p.ncof.remove_stop_words(words_neg,stop_words) ``` #### Print results to terminal. We have now gone through all the steps required to produce, plot, and clean the reults from the NCOF analysis method. The last part is to either save the results to a file or to print them to the terminal. Since format to save the results to is a user preference no function for this is provided in the alpacka package, however the results can be printed to the terminal by calling the following function. The input variable `sort` can be set to either `True` or `False` and decides if the results should be printed as alphabetically sorted or not. ```python print(f"printing outliers from the investigated class") p.ncof.get_result(ncof_score,words_pos, sort = True) print(f" ") print(f"printing outliers from the remaining classes") p.ncof.get_result(ncof_score,words_neg, sort = True) ``` %package -n python3-alpacka Summary: The alpacka Python package, used to extract and visualize metadata from text data sets Provides: python-alpacka BuildRequires: python3-devel BuildRequires: python3-setuptools BuildRequires: python3-pip %description -n python3-alpacka # Example of application of the sdlabb package for metadata extaction # NCOF method Created 13-11-20 Author: Fredrik Möller # Install the alpacka package ## Through pip or through github `pip install alpacka` [Link to github repo](https://github.com/BernhardMoller/alpacka) ### Set up To be able to use the alpacka package a data set for the analysis is needed. For this demo we will use the "Twitter US Airline Sentiment" data set. Availabe at https://www.kaggle.com/crowdflower/twitter-airline-sentiment # Step by step guide for the NCOF pipeline ### TLDR without explenations, minimum of commands to go from input to output. ```python from alpacka.Pipeline import Pipeline import pandas as pd data = pd.read_csv('Tweets.csv') score = data.airline_sentiment score = pd.factorize(score)[0] from nltk.corpus import stopwords stop_words = set(stopwords.words('english')) p = Pipeline(num_words=10000, class_perspective=2) ncof, dictionary = p.ncof.calc_ncof(data.text, score,stop_words=stop_words) inliers, pos_out, neg_out = p.ncof.split_score(ncof) words_all = p.ncof.ind_2_txt(pos_out) p.ncof.get_result(ncof,words_all) ``` ## Long version ### Load and preprocess the data Before you can apply the alpacka package you will need to load your for this demo we will not perform any data cleaning but this would be the time to do so. We also load some stop words that will be used later. ```python import pandas as pd data = pd.read_csv('Tweets.csv') from nltk.corpus import stopwords stop_words = set(stopwords.words('english')) data.head() ``` From the code we can see that the data has been loaded but the "airline_sentiment" are not integer labels, we need to fix this. **IMPORTANT:** The alpacka package can only handle integer labels in the range of [0 n]. If your data set has labels in any other range you will need to translate them to the [0 n] range. ```python print(data.airline_sentiment[:10]) score = pd.factorize(data.airline_sentiment) print(score[:10]) score= score[0] print(score[:10]) ``` 0 neutral 1 positive 2 neutral 3 negative 4 negative 5 negative 6 positive 7 neutral 8 positive 9 positive Name: airline_sentiment, dtype: object (array([0, 1, 0, ..., 0, 2, 0], dtype=int64), Index(['neutral', 'positive', 'negative'], dtype='object')) [0 1 0 2 2 2 1 0 1 1] We can now see that the data is transformed from stings to integers in the range of [0 2]. With the mapping neutral: 0 , positive: 1, negative: 2. ### Importing and initiating alpacka Now we are ready to import and initiate alpacka. ```python from alpacka.Pipeline import Pipeline p = Pipeline(num_words=10000, class_perspective = 2) ``` There are some setting that we can make in the NCOF method that we need to specify before we start. One of which is how many unique tokens do we want to to take into consideration in the analysis, variable `num_words`. The defult setting for this variable is `None` meaning that all unique tokens will be used in the analysis. For "large" data sets this choice is quite ambitious given that the number of tokens that appear only once or twice in the a corpus. For this walkthrough we will limit the analysis to the $10,000$ most common words in the corpus. Another setting that we need to specify is for what class we want the results presented for, variable `class_perspective`. As the NCOF method presents results regarding if a token is overrepresented in a class compared to the rest of the corpus, which class to investigate nees to be specified, the defult value of `class_perspective` is `1`. For this demo we have chosen the perspective of class 2 (negatives). Now the `NCOF` and `TF-IDF` pipelines are initiated through the wrapper `Pipeline` and the induvidual analysis methods can be accessed be calling: `p.ncof.some_functions()` Now we are ready to start the analysis of our data. Note that the `.some_functions()` function is a placeholder and do exist. #### Calculate NCOF Now we are ready to calculate the NCOF score for the review data and its scores. This is done by calling the `.calc_ncof(data,labels)` function. For this example the input in the `data` field is the texts, and the `labels` is the review scores. ```python ncof, dictionary = p.ncof.calc_ncof(data.text, score) ``` NCOF score added under 'self.score' use self.get_--- to access the result Stop words can also automatically be removed from the NCOF calculating by passing a set of stop words in the `.calc_ncof` function. The reason you might want to remove stop words before NCOF calculations is due tothe stop words altering frequency distrubution of "value adding" words by by increasing the frequencylimit of when a word is considered as an NCOF outliers. Top top is to test with and without the stop word removal and you will see the difference. For this demo we keep the score where stop words has been removed. ```python ncof_score, dictionary = p.ncof.calc_ncof(data.text, score,stop_words=stop_words) ``` NCOF score added under 'self.score' use self.get_--- to access the result We now have an array, `ncof_score`, that contains the NCOF results for our data. This array will have the size `[1,num_words]` and positive and negatives values, indicating if a token is more or less common in investigated class (positives values), or the remaining classes (negative values). ```python print(ncof_score[:10]) ``` [-0.03774483 -0.02481352 -0.01183599 -0.00601852 -0.01548369 -0.04066156 -0.03846028 -0.00513828 0.00310846 -0.00088758] In addition to an array with the scores the `.calc_ncof()` function returns a dictionary that maps the indexes in the `ncof_score ` array to its text representations, and can be accessed by calling: ```python w = list(dictionary.items())[:10] for item in w: print(item) ``` (0, 'i') (1, '@united') (2, 'flight') (3, '@usairways') (4, '@americanair') (5, '@southwestair') (6, '@jetblue') (7, 'get') (8, 'cancelled') (9, 'customer') #### Sorting results To sort the array into inliers and outliers for the positive and negative values the function `.split_score()`needs to be called. The inliers can be accessed through: **Important:** The the results returned as `pos_outliers` will containd the NCOF outliers that are identified from the class selected as the `class_perspective`. Meaning that they are positive from the perspective that are chosen, in out case we use a positive notation for the negative sentiment due to our selected class perspective. ```python inliers, pos_outliers,neg_outliers = p.ncof.split_score(ncof_score) ``` Inliers added under 'self.inliers' Positive outliers added under 'self.pos_outliers' Negative outliers added under 'self.neg_outliers' use self.get_--- to access the result Which will return the indexes of the words in the dictionary that are considered as outliers in the NCOF results. The results are sorted within the `ncof_pos `and `ncof_neg ` as the following: ncof_pos[0] = $\mu+\sigma\leq result <\mu+2\sigma$ ncof_pos[1] = $\mu+2\sigma\leq result <\mu+3\sigma$ ncof_pos[2] = $\mu+3\sigma\leq result$ ncof_neg[0] = $\mu-\sigma\geq result >\mu-2\sigma$ ncof_neg[1] = $\mu-2\sigma\geq result >\mu-3\sigma$ ncof_neg[2] = $\mu-3\sigma\geq result$ #### Plotting results These results can be plotted by calling the function `.scatter()` which will give visual information regarding what tokens are over or under represented in the investigated class. ```python p.ncof.scatter(ncof_score, inliers, pos_outliers,neg_outliers) ``` #### Converting results from indexes to text Since it is quite difficult to interpret the socre for each the indexes directly, it is suggested that the indexes are transformed back to their text representations. This can be done by calling the `.ncof.ind_2_txt(data)`function, the function input should be either indexes of the positive or negative outlers. ```python words_pos = p.ncof.ind_2_txt(pos_outliers) words_neg = p.ncof.ind_2_txt(neg_outliers) ``` If the text results want to be cleaned from stop words for clarification. The function `.remove_stop_words(data,stop_words)` can be called. This functon compares the content of the input `data` to that of the input `stop-words` and removes any matches between them from the `data`. For this walkthrough we will use the stop words available from the NLTK package. We have already removed the stop words from the data set when we calculated the NCOF score, so we will not need to preform this step. That is why this part is commented out. ```python # words_pos = p.ncof.remove_stop_words(words_pos,stop_words) # words_neg = p.ncof.remove_stop_words(words_neg,stop_words) ``` #### Print results to terminal. We have now gone through all the steps required to produce, plot, and clean the reults from the NCOF analysis method. The last part is to either save the results to a file or to print them to the terminal. Since format to save the results to is a user preference no function for this is provided in the alpacka package, however the results can be printed to the terminal by calling the following function. The input variable `sort` can be set to either `True` or `False` and decides if the results should be printed as alphabetically sorted or not. ```python print(f"printing outliers from the investigated class") p.ncof.get_result(ncof_score,words_pos, sort = True) print(f" ") print(f"printing outliers from the remaining classes") p.ncof.get_result(ncof_score,words_neg, sort = True) ``` %package help Summary: Development documents and examples for alpacka Provides: python3-alpacka-doc %description help # Example of application of the sdlabb package for metadata extaction # NCOF method Created 13-11-20 Author: Fredrik Möller # Install the alpacka package ## Through pip or through github `pip install alpacka` [Link to github repo](https://github.com/BernhardMoller/alpacka) ### Set up To be able to use the alpacka package a data set for the analysis is needed. For this demo we will use the "Twitter US Airline Sentiment" data set. Availabe at https://www.kaggle.com/crowdflower/twitter-airline-sentiment # Step by step guide for the NCOF pipeline ### TLDR without explenations, minimum of commands to go from input to output. ```python from alpacka.Pipeline import Pipeline import pandas as pd data = pd.read_csv('Tweets.csv') score = data.airline_sentiment score = pd.factorize(score)[0] from nltk.corpus import stopwords stop_words = set(stopwords.words('english')) p = Pipeline(num_words=10000, class_perspective=2) ncof, dictionary = p.ncof.calc_ncof(data.text, score,stop_words=stop_words) inliers, pos_out, neg_out = p.ncof.split_score(ncof) words_all = p.ncof.ind_2_txt(pos_out) p.ncof.get_result(ncof,words_all) ``` ## Long version ### Load and preprocess the data Before you can apply the alpacka package you will need to load your for this demo we will not perform any data cleaning but this would be the time to do so. We also load some stop words that will be used later. ```python import pandas as pd data = pd.read_csv('Tweets.csv') from nltk.corpus import stopwords stop_words = set(stopwords.words('english')) data.head() ``` From the code we can see that the data has been loaded but the "airline_sentiment" are not integer labels, we need to fix this. **IMPORTANT:** The alpacka package can only handle integer labels in the range of [0 n]. If your data set has labels in any other range you will need to translate them to the [0 n] range. ```python print(data.airline_sentiment[:10]) score = pd.factorize(data.airline_sentiment) print(score[:10]) score= score[0] print(score[:10]) ``` 0 neutral 1 positive 2 neutral 3 negative 4 negative 5 negative 6 positive 7 neutral 8 positive 9 positive Name: airline_sentiment, dtype: object (array([0, 1, 0, ..., 0, 2, 0], dtype=int64), Index(['neutral', 'positive', 'negative'], dtype='object')) [0 1 0 2 2 2 1 0 1 1] We can now see that the data is transformed from stings to integers in the range of [0 2]. With the mapping neutral: 0 , positive: 1, negative: 2. ### Importing and initiating alpacka Now we are ready to import and initiate alpacka. ```python from alpacka.Pipeline import Pipeline p = Pipeline(num_words=10000, class_perspective = 2) ``` There are some setting that we can make in the NCOF method that we need to specify before we start. One of which is how many unique tokens do we want to to take into consideration in the analysis, variable `num_words`. The defult setting for this variable is `None` meaning that all unique tokens will be used in the analysis. For "large" data sets this choice is quite ambitious given that the number of tokens that appear only once or twice in the a corpus. For this walkthrough we will limit the analysis to the $10,000$ most common words in the corpus. Another setting that we need to specify is for what class we want the results presented for, variable `class_perspective`. As the NCOF method presents results regarding if a token is overrepresented in a class compared to the rest of the corpus, which class to investigate nees to be specified, the defult value of `class_perspective` is `1`. For this demo we have chosen the perspective of class 2 (negatives). Now the `NCOF` and `TF-IDF` pipelines are initiated through the wrapper `Pipeline` and the induvidual analysis methods can be accessed be calling: `p.ncof.some_functions()` Now we are ready to start the analysis of our data. Note that the `.some_functions()` function is a placeholder and do exist. #### Calculate NCOF Now we are ready to calculate the NCOF score for the review data and its scores. This is done by calling the `.calc_ncof(data,labels)` function. For this example the input in the `data` field is the texts, and the `labels` is the review scores. ```python ncof, dictionary = p.ncof.calc_ncof(data.text, score) ``` NCOF score added under 'self.score' use self.get_--- to access the result Stop words can also automatically be removed from the NCOF calculating by passing a set of stop words in the `.calc_ncof` function. The reason you might want to remove stop words before NCOF calculations is due tothe stop words altering frequency distrubution of "value adding" words by by increasing the frequencylimit of when a word is considered as an NCOF outliers. Top top is to test with and without the stop word removal and you will see the difference. For this demo we keep the score where stop words has been removed. ```python ncof_score, dictionary = p.ncof.calc_ncof(data.text, score,stop_words=stop_words) ``` NCOF score added under 'self.score' use self.get_--- to access the result We now have an array, `ncof_score`, that contains the NCOF results for our data. This array will have the size `[1,num_words]` and positive and negatives values, indicating if a token is more or less common in investigated class (positives values), or the remaining classes (negative values). ```python print(ncof_score[:10]) ``` [-0.03774483 -0.02481352 -0.01183599 -0.00601852 -0.01548369 -0.04066156 -0.03846028 -0.00513828 0.00310846 -0.00088758] In addition to an array with the scores the `.calc_ncof()` function returns a dictionary that maps the indexes in the `ncof_score ` array to its text representations, and can be accessed by calling: ```python w = list(dictionary.items())[:10] for item in w: print(item) ``` (0, 'i') (1, '@united') (2, 'flight') (3, '@usairways') (4, '@americanair') (5, '@southwestair') (6, '@jetblue') (7, 'get') (8, 'cancelled') (9, 'customer') #### Sorting results To sort the array into inliers and outliers for the positive and negative values the function `.split_score()`needs to be called. The inliers can be accessed through: **Important:** The the results returned as `pos_outliers` will containd the NCOF outliers that are identified from the class selected as the `class_perspective`. Meaning that they are positive from the perspective that are chosen, in out case we use a positive notation for the negative sentiment due to our selected class perspective. ```python inliers, pos_outliers,neg_outliers = p.ncof.split_score(ncof_score) ``` Inliers added under 'self.inliers' Positive outliers added under 'self.pos_outliers' Negative outliers added under 'self.neg_outliers' use self.get_--- to access the result Which will return the indexes of the words in the dictionary that are considered as outliers in the NCOF results. The results are sorted within the `ncof_pos `and `ncof_neg ` as the following: ncof_pos[0] = $\mu+\sigma\leq result <\mu+2\sigma$ ncof_pos[1] = $\mu+2\sigma\leq result <\mu+3\sigma$ ncof_pos[2] = $\mu+3\sigma\leq result$ ncof_neg[0] = $\mu-\sigma\geq result >\mu-2\sigma$ ncof_neg[1] = $\mu-2\sigma\geq result >\mu-3\sigma$ ncof_neg[2] = $\mu-3\sigma\geq result$ #### Plotting results These results can be plotted by calling the function `.scatter()` which will give visual information regarding what tokens are over or under represented in the investigated class. ```python p.ncof.scatter(ncof_score, inliers, pos_outliers,neg_outliers) ``` #### Converting results from indexes to text Since it is quite difficult to interpret the socre for each the indexes directly, it is suggested that the indexes are transformed back to their text representations. This can be done by calling the `.ncof.ind_2_txt(data)`function, the function input should be either indexes of the positive or negative outlers. ```python words_pos = p.ncof.ind_2_txt(pos_outliers) words_neg = p.ncof.ind_2_txt(neg_outliers) ``` If the text results want to be cleaned from stop words for clarification. The function `.remove_stop_words(data,stop_words)` can be called. This functon compares the content of the input `data` to that of the input `stop-words` and removes any matches between them from the `data`. For this walkthrough we will use the stop words available from the NLTK package. We have already removed the stop words from the data set when we calculated the NCOF score, so we will not need to preform this step. That is why this part is commented out. ```python # words_pos = p.ncof.remove_stop_words(words_pos,stop_words) # words_neg = p.ncof.remove_stop_words(words_neg,stop_words) ``` #### Print results to terminal. We have now gone through all the steps required to produce, plot, and clean the reults from the NCOF analysis method. The last part is to either save the results to a file or to print them to the terminal. Since format to save the results to is a user preference no function for this is provided in the alpacka package, however the results can be printed to the terminal by calling the following function. The input variable `sort` can be set to either `True` or `False` and decides if the results should be printed as alphabetically sorted or not. ```python print(f"printing outliers from the investigated class") p.ncof.get_result(ncof_score,words_pos, sort = True) print(f" ") print(f"printing outliers from the remaining classes") p.ncof.get_result(ncof_score,words_neg, sort = True) ``` %prep %autosetup -n alpacka-0.1.2 %build %py3_build %install %py3_install install -d -m755 %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir} if [ -d doc ]; then cp -arf doc %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi if [ -d docs ]; then cp -arf docs %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi if [ -d example ]; then cp -arf example %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi if [ -d examples ]; then cp -arf examples %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi pushd %{buildroot} if [ -d usr/lib ]; then find usr/lib -type f -printf "\"/%h/%f\"\n" >> filelist.lst fi if [ -d usr/lib64 ]; then find usr/lib64 -type f -printf "\"/%h/%f\"\n" >> filelist.lst fi if [ -d usr/bin ]; then find usr/bin -type f -printf "\"/%h/%f\"\n" >> filelist.lst fi if [ -d usr/sbin ]; then find usr/sbin -type f -printf "\"/%h/%f\"\n" >> filelist.lst fi touch doclist.lst if [ -d usr/share/man ]; then find usr/share/man -type f -printf "\"/%h/%f.gz\"\n" >> doclist.lst fi popd mv %{buildroot}/filelist.lst . mv %{buildroot}/doclist.lst . %files -n python3-alpacka -f filelist.lst %dir %{python3_sitelib}/* %files help -f doclist.lst %{_docdir}/* %changelog * Thu Jun 08 2023 Python_Bot - 0.1.2-1 - Package Spec generated