%global _empty_manifest_terminate_build 0 Name: python-django-extra-checks Version: 0.13.3 Release: 1 Summary: Collection of useful checks for Django Checks Framework License: MIT License URL: https://github.com/kalekseev/django-extra-checks Source0: https://mirrors.aliyun.com/pypi/web/packages/4a/4c/e470431b0c5614683a63a0084bef58153081b4756c6a6a809bba2ebb2768/django-extra-checks-0.13.3.tar.gz BuildArch: noarch Requires: python3-typing-extensions Requires: python3-Django Requires: python3-djangorestframework Requires: python3-django-stubs Requires: python3-djangorestframework-stubs Requires: python3-mypy Requires: python3-flake8 Requires: python3-flake8-bugbear Requires: python3-pre-commit Requires: python3-isort Requires: python3-pdbpp Requires: python3-black Requires: python3-pytest Requires: python3-pytest-cov Requires: python3-pytest-django %description # Django Extra Checks Collection of useful checks for Django Checks Frameworks ## Checks ### Models - **extra-checks-config** - settings.EXTRA_CHECKS is valid config for django-extra-checks (always enabled). - **model-attribute** - Each Model in the project must have all attributes from `attrs` setting specified. - **model-meta-attribute** - Each Model.Meta in the project must have all attributes from `attrs` setting specified. - **no-unique-together** - Use UniqueConstraint with the constraints option instead. - **no-index-together** - Use the indexes option instead. - **model-admin** - Each model must be registered in admin. - **field-file-upload-to** - FileField/ImageField must have non empty `upload_to` argument. - **field-verbose-name** - All model's fields must have verbose name. - **field-verbose-name-gettext** - verbose_name must use gettext. - **field-verbose-name-gettext-case** - Words in text wrapped with gettext must be in one case. - **field-help-text-gettext** - help_text must use gettext. - **field-text-null** - text fields shouldn't use `null=True`. - **field-boolean-null** - prefer using `BooleanField(null=True)` instead of `NullBooleanField`. - **field-null** - don't pass `null=False` to model fields (this is django default). - **field-foreign-key-db-index** - ForeignKey fields must specify `db_index` explicitly (to apply only to fields in indexes: `when: indexes`). - **field-related-name** - Related fields must specify `related_name` explicitly. - **field-default-null** - If field nullable (`null=True`), then `default=None` argument is redundant and should be removed. **WARNING** Be aware that setting is database dependent, eg. Oracle interprets empty strings as nulls as a result django uses empty string instead of null as default. - **field-choices-constraint** - Fields with choices must have companion CheckConstraint to enforce choices on database level, [details](https://adamj.eu/tech/2020/01/22/djangos-field-choices-dont-constrain-your-data/). ### DRF Serializers - **drf-model-serializer-extra-kwargs** - ModelSerializer's extra_kwargs must not include fields that specified on serializer. - **drf-model-serializer-meta-attribute** - Each ModelSerializer.Meta must have all attributes specified in `attrs`, [use case](https://hakibenita.com/django-rest-framework-slow#bonus-forcing-good-habits). ## Installation Install with `pip install django-extra-checks` Add `extra_checks` to `INSTALLED_APPS` (use `extra_checks.apps.ExtraChecksConfig` for Django versions prior to 3.2). ## Settings To enable some check define `EXTRA_CHECKS` setting with a dict of checks and its settings: ```python EXTRA_CHECKS = { "checks": [ # require non empty `upload_to` argument. "field-file-upload-to", # use dict form if check need configuration # eg. all models must have fk to Site model {"id": "model-attribute", "attrs": ["site"]}, # require `db_table` for all models, increase level to CRITICAL {"id": "model-meta-attribute", "attrs": ["db_table"], "level": "CRITICAL"}, ] } ``` By default only your project apps are checked but you can use `include_apps` option to specify apps to check (including third party apps): ```python EXTRA_CHECKS = { # use same names as in INSTALLED_APPS "include_apps": ["django.contrib.sites", "my_app"], ... } ``` #### Ignoring check problems Use `extra-checks-disable-next-line` comment to disable checks: ```python # disable specific checks on model # extra-checks-disable-next-line model-attribute, model-admin class MyModel(models.Model): # disable all checks on image field # extra-checks-disable-next-line image = models.ImageField() # separate comments and check's codes are also supported # extra-checks-disable-next-line X014 # extra-checks-disable-next-line no-unique-together class Meta: ... ``` Another way is to provide function that accepts field, model or serializer class as its first argument and returns `True` if it must be skipped. _Be aware that the more computation expensive your skipif functions the slower django check will run._ `skipif` example: ```python def skipif_streamfield(field, *args, **kwargs): return isinstance(field, wagtail.core.fields.StreamField) def skipif_non_core_app(model_cls, *args, **kwargs): return model_cls._meta.app_label != "my_core_app" EXTRA_CHECKS = { "check": [ { "id": "field-verbose-name-gettext", # make this check skip wagtail's StreamField "skipif": skipif_streamfield }, { "id": "model-admin", # models from non core app shouldn't be registered in admin "skipif": skipif_non_core_app, }, ] } ``` ## Development Install dev deps in virtualenv `pip install -e .[dev,test]`. ## Credits The project was built using ideas and code snippets from: - [Haki Benita](https://medium.com/@hakibenita/automating-the-boring-stuff-in-django-using-the-check-framework-3495fb550a6a) - [Jon Dufresne](https://github.com/jdufresne/django-check-admin) - [Adam Johnson](https://adamj.eu/tech/2020/01/22/djangos-field-choices-dont-constrain-your-data/) %package -n python3-django-extra-checks Summary: Collection of useful checks for Django Checks Framework Provides: python-django-extra-checks BuildRequires: python3-devel BuildRequires: python3-setuptools BuildRequires: python3-pip %description -n python3-django-extra-checks # Django Extra Checks Collection of useful checks for Django Checks Frameworks ## Checks ### Models - **extra-checks-config** - settings.EXTRA_CHECKS is valid config for django-extra-checks (always enabled). - **model-attribute** - Each Model in the project must have all attributes from `attrs` setting specified. - **model-meta-attribute** - Each Model.Meta in the project must have all attributes from `attrs` setting specified. - **no-unique-together** - Use UniqueConstraint with the constraints option instead. - **no-index-together** - Use the indexes option instead. - **model-admin** - Each model must be registered in admin. - **field-file-upload-to** - FileField/ImageField must have non empty `upload_to` argument. - **field-verbose-name** - All model's fields must have verbose name. - **field-verbose-name-gettext** - verbose_name must use gettext. - **field-verbose-name-gettext-case** - Words in text wrapped with gettext must be in one case. - **field-help-text-gettext** - help_text must use gettext. - **field-text-null** - text fields shouldn't use `null=True`. - **field-boolean-null** - prefer using `BooleanField(null=True)` instead of `NullBooleanField`. - **field-null** - don't pass `null=False` to model fields (this is django default). - **field-foreign-key-db-index** - ForeignKey fields must specify `db_index` explicitly (to apply only to fields in indexes: `when: indexes`). - **field-related-name** - Related fields must specify `related_name` explicitly. - **field-default-null** - If field nullable (`null=True`), then `default=None` argument is redundant and should be removed. **WARNING** Be aware that setting is database dependent, eg. Oracle interprets empty strings as nulls as a result django uses empty string instead of null as default. - **field-choices-constraint** - Fields with choices must have companion CheckConstraint to enforce choices on database level, [details](https://adamj.eu/tech/2020/01/22/djangos-field-choices-dont-constrain-your-data/). ### DRF Serializers - **drf-model-serializer-extra-kwargs** - ModelSerializer's extra_kwargs must not include fields that specified on serializer. - **drf-model-serializer-meta-attribute** - Each ModelSerializer.Meta must have all attributes specified in `attrs`, [use case](https://hakibenita.com/django-rest-framework-slow#bonus-forcing-good-habits). ## Installation Install with `pip install django-extra-checks` Add `extra_checks` to `INSTALLED_APPS` (use `extra_checks.apps.ExtraChecksConfig` for Django versions prior to 3.2). ## Settings To enable some check define `EXTRA_CHECKS` setting with a dict of checks and its settings: ```python EXTRA_CHECKS = { "checks": [ # require non empty `upload_to` argument. "field-file-upload-to", # use dict form if check need configuration # eg. all models must have fk to Site model {"id": "model-attribute", "attrs": ["site"]}, # require `db_table` for all models, increase level to CRITICAL {"id": "model-meta-attribute", "attrs": ["db_table"], "level": "CRITICAL"}, ] } ``` By default only your project apps are checked but you can use `include_apps` option to specify apps to check (including third party apps): ```python EXTRA_CHECKS = { # use same names as in INSTALLED_APPS "include_apps": ["django.contrib.sites", "my_app"], ... } ``` #### Ignoring check problems Use `extra-checks-disable-next-line` comment to disable checks: ```python # disable specific checks on model # extra-checks-disable-next-line model-attribute, model-admin class MyModel(models.Model): # disable all checks on image field # extra-checks-disable-next-line image = models.ImageField() # separate comments and check's codes are also supported # extra-checks-disable-next-line X014 # extra-checks-disable-next-line no-unique-together class Meta: ... ``` Another way is to provide function that accepts field, model or serializer class as its first argument and returns `True` if it must be skipped. _Be aware that the more computation expensive your skipif functions the slower django check will run._ `skipif` example: ```python def skipif_streamfield(field, *args, **kwargs): return isinstance(field, wagtail.core.fields.StreamField) def skipif_non_core_app(model_cls, *args, **kwargs): return model_cls._meta.app_label != "my_core_app" EXTRA_CHECKS = { "check": [ { "id": "field-verbose-name-gettext", # make this check skip wagtail's StreamField "skipif": skipif_streamfield }, { "id": "model-admin", # models from non core app shouldn't be registered in admin "skipif": skipif_non_core_app, }, ] } ``` ## Development Install dev deps in virtualenv `pip install -e .[dev,test]`. ## Credits The project was built using ideas and code snippets from: - [Haki Benita](https://medium.com/@hakibenita/automating-the-boring-stuff-in-django-using-the-check-framework-3495fb550a6a) - [Jon Dufresne](https://github.com/jdufresne/django-check-admin) - [Adam Johnson](https://adamj.eu/tech/2020/01/22/djangos-field-choices-dont-constrain-your-data/) %package help Summary: Development documents and examples for django-extra-checks Provides: python3-django-extra-checks-doc %description help # Django Extra Checks Collection of useful checks for Django Checks Frameworks ## Checks ### Models - **extra-checks-config** - settings.EXTRA_CHECKS is valid config for django-extra-checks (always enabled). - **model-attribute** - Each Model in the project must have all attributes from `attrs` setting specified. - **model-meta-attribute** - Each Model.Meta in the project must have all attributes from `attrs` setting specified. - **no-unique-together** - Use UniqueConstraint with the constraints option instead. - **no-index-together** - Use the indexes option instead. - **model-admin** - Each model must be registered in admin. - **field-file-upload-to** - FileField/ImageField must have non empty `upload_to` argument. - **field-verbose-name** - All model's fields must have verbose name. - **field-verbose-name-gettext** - verbose_name must use gettext. - **field-verbose-name-gettext-case** - Words in text wrapped with gettext must be in one case. - **field-help-text-gettext** - help_text must use gettext. - **field-text-null** - text fields shouldn't use `null=True`. - **field-boolean-null** - prefer using `BooleanField(null=True)` instead of `NullBooleanField`. - **field-null** - don't pass `null=False` to model fields (this is django default). - **field-foreign-key-db-index** - ForeignKey fields must specify `db_index` explicitly (to apply only to fields in indexes: `when: indexes`). - **field-related-name** - Related fields must specify `related_name` explicitly. - **field-default-null** - If field nullable (`null=True`), then `default=None` argument is redundant and should be removed. **WARNING** Be aware that setting is database dependent, eg. Oracle interprets empty strings as nulls as a result django uses empty string instead of null as default. - **field-choices-constraint** - Fields with choices must have companion CheckConstraint to enforce choices on database level, [details](https://adamj.eu/tech/2020/01/22/djangos-field-choices-dont-constrain-your-data/). ### DRF Serializers - **drf-model-serializer-extra-kwargs** - ModelSerializer's extra_kwargs must not include fields that specified on serializer. - **drf-model-serializer-meta-attribute** - Each ModelSerializer.Meta must have all attributes specified in `attrs`, [use case](https://hakibenita.com/django-rest-framework-slow#bonus-forcing-good-habits). ## Installation Install with `pip install django-extra-checks` Add `extra_checks` to `INSTALLED_APPS` (use `extra_checks.apps.ExtraChecksConfig` for Django versions prior to 3.2). ## Settings To enable some check define `EXTRA_CHECKS` setting with a dict of checks and its settings: ```python EXTRA_CHECKS = { "checks": [ # require non empty `upload_to` argument. "field-file-upload-to", # use dict form if check need configuration # eg. all models must have fk to Site model {"id": "model-attribute", "attrs": ["site"]}, # require `db_table` for all models, increase level to CRITICAL {"id": "model-meta-attribute", "attrs": ["db_table"], "level": "CRITICAL"}, ] } ``` By default only your project apps are checked but you can use `include_apps` option to specify apps to check (including third party apps): ```python EXTRA_CHECKS = { # use same names as in INSTALLED_APPS "include_apps": ["django.contrib.sites", "my_app"], ... } ``` #### Ignoring check problems Use `extra-checks-disable-next-line` comment to disable checks: ```python # disable specific checks on model # extra-checks-disable-next-line model-attribute, model-admin class MyModel(models.Model): # disable all checks on image field # extra-checks-disable-next-line image = models.ImageField() # separate comments and check's codes are also supported # extra-checks-disable-next-line X014 # extra-checks-disable-next-line no-unique-together class Meta: ... ``` Another way is to provide function that accepts field, model or serializer class as its first argument and returns `True` if it must be skipped. _Be aware that the more computation expensive your skipif functions the slower django check will run._ `skipif` example: ```python def skipif_streamfield(field, *args, **kwargs): return isinstance(field, wagtail.core.fields.StreamField) def skipif_non_core_app(model_cls, *args, **kwargs): return model_cls._meta.app_label != "my_core_app" EXTRA_CHECKS = { "check": [ { "id": "field-verbose-name-gettext", # make this check skip wagtail's StreamField "skipif": skipif_streamfield }, { "id": "model-admin", # models from non core app shouldn't be registered in admin "skipif": skipif_non_core_app, }, ] } ``` ## Development Install dev deps in virtualenv `pip install -e .[dev,test]`. ## Credits The project was built using ideas and code snippets from: - [Haki Benita](https://medium.com/@hakibenita/automating-the-boring-stuff-in-django-using-the-check-framework-3495fb550a6a) - [Jon Dufresne](https://github.com/jdufresne/django-check-admin) - [Adam Johnson](https://adamj.eu/tech/2020/01/22/djangos-field-choices-dont-constrain-your-data/) %prep %autosetup -n django-extra-checks-0.13.3 %build %py3_build %install %py3_install install -d -m755 %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir} if [ -d doc ]; then cp -arf doc %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi if [ -d docs ]; then cp -arf docs %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi if [ -d example ]; then cp -arf example %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi if [ -d examples ]; then cp -arf examples %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi pushd %{buildroot} if [ -d usr/lib ]; then find usr/lib -type f -printf "\"/%h/%f\"\n" >> filelist.lst fi if [ -d usr/lib64 ]; then find usr/lib64 -type f -printf "\"/%h/%f\"\n" >> filelist.lst fi if [ -d usr/bin ]; then find usr/bin -type f -printf "\"/%h/%f\"\n" >> filelist.lst fi if [ -d usr/sbin ]; then find usr/sbin -type f -printf "\"/%h/%f\"\n" >> filelist.lst fi touch doclist.lst if [ -d usr/share/man ]; then find usr/share/man -type f -printf "\"/%h/%f.gz\"\n" >> doclist.lst fi popd mv %{buildroot}/filelist.lst . mv %{buildroot}/doclist.lst . %files -n python3-django-extra-checks -f filelist.lst %dir %{python3_sitelib}/* %files help -f doclist.lst %{_docdir}/* %changelog * Thu Jun 08 2023 Python_Bot - 0.13.3-1 - Package Spec generated