%global _empty_manifest_terminate_build 0 Name: python-all-repos Version: 1.25.0 Release: 1 Summary: Clone all your repositories and apply sweeping changes. License: MIT URL: https://github.com/asottile/all-repos Source0: https://mirrors.aliyun.com/pypi/web/packages/00/54/c9f28df541c717bbe1e1920ddb99a4a52c6a2accd69ce56602632b2f03c3/all_repos-1.25.0.tar.gz BuildArch: noarch Requires: python3-identify Requires: python3-packaging Requires: python3-contextlib-chdir %description Clone all your repositories and apply sweeping changes. ## Installation ```bash pip install all-repos ``` ## CLI All command line interfaces provided by `all-repos` provide the following options: - `-h` / `--help`: show usage information - `-C CONFIG_FILENAME` / `--config-filename CONFIG_FILENAME`: use a non-default config file (the default `all-repos.json` can be changed with the environment variable `ALL_REPOS_CONFIG_FILENAME`). - `--color {auto,always,never}`: use color in output (default `auto`). ### `all-repos-complete [options]` Add `git clone` tab completion for all-repos repositories. Requires [jq](https://stedolan.github.io/jq/) to function. Add to `.bash_profile`: ```bash eval "$(all-repos-complete -C ~/.../all-repos.json --bash)" ``` ### `all-repos-clone [options]` Clone all the repositories into the `output_dir`. If run again, this command will update existing repositories. Options: - `-j JOBS` / `--jobs JOBS`: how many concurrent jobs will be used to complete the operation. Specify 0 or -1 to match the number of cpus. (default `8`). Sample invocations: - `all-repos-clone`: clone the repositories specified in `all-repos.json` - `all-repos-clone -C all-repos2.json`: clone using a non-default config filename. ### `all-repos-find-files [options] PATTERN` Similar to a distributed `git ls-files | grep -P PATTERN`. Arguments: - `PATTERN`: the [python regex](https://docs.python.org/3/library/re.html) to match. Options: - `--repos-with-matches`: only print repositories with matches. Sample invocations: - `all-repos-find-files setup.py`: find all `setup.py` files. - `all-repos-find-files --repos setup.py`: find all repositories containing a `setup.py`. ### `all-repos-grep [options] [GIT_GREP_OPTIONS]` Similar to a distributed `git grep ...`. Options: - `--repos-with-matches`: only print repositories with matches. - `GIT_GREP_OPTIONS`: additional arguments will be passed on to `git grep`. see `git grep --help` for available options. Sample invocations: - `all-repos-grep pre-commit -- 'requirements*.txt'`: find all repositories which have `pre-commit` listed in a requirements file. - `all-repos-grep -L six -- setup.py`: find setup.py files which do not contain `six`. ### `all-repos-list-repos [options]` List all cloned repository names. ### `all-repos-manual [options]` Interactively apply a manual change across repos. _note_: `all-repos-manual` will always run in `--interactive` autofixing mode. _note_: `all-repos-manual` _requires_ the `--repos` autofixer option. Options: - [autofix options](#all_reposautofix_libadd_fixer_args): `all-repos-manual` is an autofixer and supports all of the autofixer options. - `--branch-name BRANCH_NAME`: override the autofixer branch name (default `all-repos-manual`). - `--commit-msg COMMIT_MSG` (required): set the autofixer commit message. ### `all-repos-sed [options] EXPRESSION FILENAMES` Similar to a distributed `git ls-files -z -- FILENAMES | xargs -0 sed -i EXPRESSION`. _note_: this assumes GNU sed. If you're on macOS, install `gnu-sed` with Homebrew: ```bash brew install gnu-sed # Add to .bashrc / .zshrc export PATH="$(brew --prefix)/opt/gnu-sed/libexec/gnubin:$PATH" ``` Arguments: - `EXPRESSION`: sed program. For example: `s/hi/hello/g`. - `FILENAMES`: filenames glob (passed to `git ls-files`). Options: - [autofix options](#all_reposautofix_libadd_fixer_args): `all-repos-sed` is an autofixer and supports all of the autofixer options. - `-r` / `--regexp-extended`: use extended regular expressions in the script. See `man sed` for further details. - `--branch-name BRANCH_NAME` override the autofixer branch name (default `all-repos-sed`). - `--commit-msg COMMIT_MSG` override the autofixer commit message. (default `git ls-files -z -- FILENAMES | xargs -0 sed -i ... EXPRESSION`). Sample invocations: - `all-repos-sed 's/foo/bar/g' -- '*'`: replace `foo` with `bar` in all files. ## Configuring A configuration file looks roughly like this: ```json { "output_dir": "output", "source": "all_repos.source.github", "source_settings": { "api_key": "...", "username": "asottile" }, "push": "all_repos.push.github_pull_request", "push_settings": { "api_key": "...", "username": "asottile" } } ``` - `output_dir`: where repositories will be cloned to when `all-repos-clone` is run. - `source`: the module import path to a `source`, see below for builtin source modules as well as directions for writing your own. - `source_settings`: the source-type-specific settings, the source module's documentation will explain the various possible values. - `push`: the module import path to a `push`, see below for builtin push modules as well as directions for writing your own. - `push_settings`: the push-type-specific settings, the push module's documentation will explain the various possible values. - `include` (default `""`): python regex for selecting repositories. Only repository names which match this regex will be included. - `exclude` (default `"^$"`): python regex for excluding repositories. Repository names which match this regex will be excluded. - `all_branches` (default `false`): whether to clone all of the branches or just the default upstream branch. ## Source modules ### `all_repos.source.json_file` Clones all repositories listed in a file. The file must be formatted as follows: ```json { "example/repo1": "https://git.example.com/example/repo1", "repo2": "https://git.example.com/repo2" } ``` #### Required `source_settings` - `filename`: file containing repositories one-per-line. #### Directory location ``` output/ +--- repos.json +--- repos_filtered.json +--- {repo_key1}/ +--- {repo_key2}/ +--- {repo_key3}/ ``` ### `all_repos.source.github` Clones all repositories available to a user on github. #### Required `source_settings` - `api_key`: the api key which the user will log in as. - Use [the settings tab](//github.com/settings/tokens/new) to create a personal access token. - The minimum scope required to function is `public_repo`, though you'll need `repo` to access private repositories. - `api_key_env`: alternatively API key can also be passed via an environment variable - `username`: the github username you will log in as. #### Optional `source_settings` - `collaborator` (default `false`): whether to include repositories which are not owned but can be contributed to as a collaborator. - `forks` (default `false`): whether to include repositories which are forks. - `private` (default `false`): whether to include private repositories. - `archived` (default: `false`): whether to include archived repositories. - `base_url` (default: `https://api.github.com`) is the base URL to the Github API to use (for Github Enterprise support set this to `https://{your_domain}/api/v3`). #### Directory location ``` output/ +--- repos.json +--- repos_filtered.json +--- {username1}/ +--- {repo1}/ +--- {repo2}/ +--- {username2}/ +--- {repo3}/ ``` ### `all_repos.source.github_forks` Clones all repositories forked from a repository on github. #### Required `source_settings` - `api_key`: the api key which the user will log in as. - Use [the settings tab](//github.com/settings/tokens/new) to create a personal access token. - The minimum scope required to function is `public_repo`. - `api_key_env`: alternatively API key can also be passed via an environment variable - `repo`: the repo which has forks #### Optional `source_settings` - `collaborator` (default `true`): whether to include repositories which are not owned but can be contributed to as a collaborator. - `forks` (default `true`): whether to include repositories which are forks. - `private` (default `false`): whether to include private repositories. - `archived` (default: `false`): whether to include archived repositories. - `base_url` (default: `https://api.github.com`) is the base URL to the Github API to use (for Github Enterprise support set this to `https://{your_domain}/api/v3`). #### Directory location See the directory structure for [`all_repos.source.github`](#all_repossourcegithub). ### `all_repos.source.github_org` Clones all repositories from an organization on github. #### Required `source_settings` - `api_key`: the api key which the user will log in as. - Use [the settings tab](//github.com/settings/tokens/new) to create a personal access token. - The minimum scope required to function is `public_repo`, though you'll need `repo` to access private repositories. - `api_key_env`: alternatively API key can also be passed via an environment variable - `org`: the organization to clone from #### Optional `source_settings` - `collaborator` (default `true`): whether to include repositories which are not owned but can be contributed to as a collaborator. - `forks` (default `false`): whether to include repositories which are forks. - `private` (default `false`): whether to include private repositories. - `archived` (default: `false`): whether to include archived repositories. - `base_url` (default: `https://api.github.com`) is the base URL to the Github API to use (for Github Enterprise support set this to `https://{your_domain}/api/v3`). #### Directory location See the directory structure for [`all_repos.source.github`](#all_repossourcegithub). ### `all_repos.source.gitolite` Clones all repositories available to a user on a [gitolite](http://gitolite.com/gitolite/index.html) host. #### Required `source_settings` - `username`: the user to SSH to the server as (usually `git`) - `hostname`: the hostname of your gitolite server (e.g. `git.mycompany.com`) The gitolite API is served over SSH. It is assumed that when `all-repos-clone` is called, it's possible to make SSH connections with the username and hostname configured here in order to query that API. #### Optional `source_settings` - `mirror_path` (default `None`): an optional mirror to clone repositories from. This is a Python format string, and can use the variable `repo_name`. This can be anything git understands, such as another remote server (e.g. `gitmirror.mycompany.com:{repo_name}`) or a local path (e.g. `/gitolite/git/{repo_name}.git`). #### Directory location ``` output/ +--- repos.json +--- repos_filtered.json +--- {repo_name1}.git/ +--- {repo_name2}.git/ +--- {repo_name3}.git/ ``` ### `all_repos.source.bitbucket` Clones all repositories available to a user on Bitbucket Cloud. #### Required `source_settings` - `username`: the Bitbucket username you will log in as. - `app_password`: the authentication method for the above user to login with - Create an application password within your [account settings](https://bitbucket.org/account/admin/app-passwords). - We need the scope: Repositories -> Read ### `all_repos.source.bitbucket_server` Clones all repositories available to a user on Bitbucket Server. #### Required `source_settings` - `base_url`: the bitbucket server URL (eg `bitbucket.domain.com`) - `username`: the Bitbucket username you will log in as. - `app_password`: the authentication method for the above user to login with - Create an application password within your [account settings](https://bitbucket.domain.com/plugins/servlet/access-tokens/manage). - We need the scope: Repositories -> Read #### Optional `source_settings` - `project` (default `None`): an optional project to restrict the search for repositories. #### Directory location ``` output/ +--- repos.json +--- repos_filtered.json +--- {username1}/ +--- {repo1}/ +--- {repo2}/ +--- {username2}/ +--- {repo3}/ ``` ### `all_repos.source.gitlab_org` Clones all repositories from an organization on gitlab. #### Required `source_settings` - `api_key`: the api key which the user will log in as. - Use the settings tab (eg https://{gitlab.domain.com}/-/profile/personal_access_tokens) to create a personal access token. - We need the scope: `read_api`, `read_repository`. - `api_key_env`: alternatively API key can also be passed via an environment variable - `org`: the organization to clone from #### Optional `source_settings` - `base_url`: (default `https://gitlab.com/api/v4`) the gitlab server URL - `archived` (default: `false`): whether to include archived repositories. #### Directory location ``` output/ +--- repos.json +--- repos_filtered.json +--- {org}/ +--- {subpgroup1}/ +--- {subpgroup2}/ +--- {repo1}/ +--- {repo2}/ +--- {repo3}/ +--- {repo4}/ ``` ## Writing your own source First create a module. This module must have the following api: ### A `Settings` class This class will receive keyword arguments for all values in the `source_settings` dictionary. An easy way to implement the `Settings` class is by using a `namedtuple`: ```python Settings = collections.namedtuple('Settings', ('required_thing', 'optional')) Settings.__new__.__defaults__ = ('optional default value',) ``` In this example, the `required_thing` setting is a **required** setting whereas `optional` may be omitted (and will get a default value of `'optional default value'`). ### `def list_repos(settings: Settings) -> Dict[str, str]:` callable This callable will be passed an instance of your `Settings` class. It must return a mapping from `{repo_name: repository_url}`. The `repo_name` is the directory name inside the `output_dir`. ## Push modules ### `all_repos.push.merge_to_master` Merges the branch directly to the default branch and pushes. The commands it runs look roughly like this: ```bash git checkout main git pull git merge --no-ff $BRANCH git push origin HEAD ``` #### Optional `push_settings` - `fast_forward` (default: `false`): if `true`, perform a fast-forward merge (`--ff-only`). If `false`, create a merge commit (`--no-ff`). ### `all_repos.push.github_pull_request` Pushes the branch to `origin` and then creates a github pull request for the branch. #### Required `push_settings` - `api_key`: the api key which the user will log in as. - Use [the settings tab](//github.com/settings/tokens/new) to create a personal access token. - The minimum scope required to function is `public_repo`, though you'll need `repo` to access private repositories. - `api_key_env`: alternatively API key can also be passed via an environment variable - `username`: the github username you will log in as. #### Optional `push_settings` - `fork` (default: `false`): (if applicable) a fork will be created and pushed to instead of the upstream repository. The pull request will then be made to the upstream repository. - `base_url` (default: `https://api.github.com`) is the base URL to the Github API to use (for Github Enterprise support set this to `https://{your_domain}/api/v3`). ### `all_repos.push.bitbucket_server_pull_request` Pushes the branch to `origin` and then creates a Bitbucket pull request for the branch. #### Required `push_settings` - `base_url`: the Bitbucket server URL (eg `bitbucket.domain.com`) - `username`: the Bitbucket username you will log in as. - `app_password`: the authentication method for the above user to login with - Create an application password within your [account settings](https://bitbucket.domain.com/plugins/servlet/access-tokens/manage). - We need the scope: Repositories -> Read ### `all_repos.push.gitlab_pull_request` Pushes the branch to `origin` and then creates a GitLab pull request for the branch. #### Required `push_settings` - `base_url`: the GitLab server URL (eg `https://{gitlab.domain.com}/api/v4`) - `api_key`: the api key which the user will log in as. - Use the settings tab (eg https://{gitlab.domain.com}/-/profile/personal_access_tokens) to create a personal access token. - We need the scope: `write_repository`. - `api_key_env`: alternatively API key can also be passed via an environment variable ### `all_repos.push.readonly` Does nothing. #### `push_settings` There are no configurable settings for `readonly`. ## Writing your own push module First create a module. This module must have the following api: ### A `Settings` class This class will receive keyword arguments for all values in the `push_settings` dictionary. ### `def push(settings: Settings, branch_name: str) -> None:` This callable will be passed an instance of your `Settings` class. It should deploy the branch. The function will be called with the root of the repository as the `cwd`. ## Writing an autofixer An autofixer applies a change over all repositories. `all-repos` provides several api functions to write your autofixers with: ### `all_repos.autofix_lib.add_fixer_args` ```python def add_fixer_args(parser): ``` Adds the autofixer cli options. Options: - `--dry-run`: show what would happen but do not push. - `-i` / `--interactive`: interactively approve / deny fixes. - `-j JOBS` / `--jobs JOBS`: how many concurrent jobs will be used to complete the operation. Specify 0 or -1 to match the number of cpus. (default `1`). - `--limit LIMIT`: maximum number of repos to process (default: unlimited). - `--author AUTHOR`: override commit author. This is passed directly to `git commit`. An example: `--author='Herp Derp '`. - `--repos [REPOS [REPOS ...]]`: run against specific repositories instead. This is especially useful with `xargs autofixer ... --repos`. This can be used to specify repositories which are not managed by `all-repos`. ### `all_repos.autofix_lib.from_cli` ```python def from_cli(args, *, find_repos, msg, branch_name): ``` Parse cli arguments and produce `autofix_lib` primitives. Returns `(repos, config, commit, autofix_settings)`. This is handled separately from `fix` to allow for fixers to adjust arguments. - `find_repos`: callback taking `Config` as a positional argument. - `msg`: commit message. - `branch_name`: identifier used to construct the branch name. ### `all_repos.autofix_lib.fix` ```python def fix( repos, *, apply_fix, check_fix=_noop_check_fix, config: Config, commit: Commit, autofix_settings: AutofixSettings, ): ``` Apply the fix. - `apply_fix`: callback which will be called once per repository. The `cwd` when the function is called will be the root of the repository. ### `all_repos.autofix_lib.run` ```python def run(*cmd, **kwargs): ``` Wrapper around `subprocess.run` which prints the command it will run. Unlike `subprocess.run`, this defaults `check=True` unless explicitly disabled. ### Example autofixer The trivial autofixer is as follows: ```python import argparse from all_repos import autofix_lib def find_repos(config): return [] def apply_fix(): pass def main(argv=None): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() autofix_lib.add_fixer_args(parser) args = parser.parse_args(argv) repos, config, commit, autofix_settings = autofix_lib.from_cli( args, find_repos=find_repos, msg='msg', branch_name='branch-name', ) autofix_lib.fix( repos, apply_fix=apply_fix, config=config, commit=commit, autofix_settings=autofix_settings, ) if __name__ == '__main__': raise SystemExit(main()) ``` You can find some more involved examples in [all_repos/autofix](https://github.com/asottile/all-repos/tree/main/all_repos/autofix): - `all_repos.autofix.azure_pipelines_autoupdate`: upgrade pinned azure pipelines template repository references. - `all_repos.autofix.pre_commit_autoupdate`: runs `pre-commit autoupdate`. - `all_repos.autofix.pre_commit_autopep8_migrate`: migrates `autopep8-wrapper` from [pre-commit/pre-commit-hooks] to [mirrors-autopep8]. - `all_repos.autofix.pre_commit_cache_dir`: updates the cache directory for travis-ci / appveyor for pre-commit 1.x. - `all_repos.autofix.pre_commit_flake8_migrate`: migrates `flake8` from [pre-commit/pre-commit-hooks] to [pycqa/flake8]. - `all_repos.autofix.pre_commit_migrate_config`: runs `pre-commit migrate-config`. - `all_repos.autofix.setup_py_upgrade`: runs [setup-py-upgrade] and then [setup-cfg-fmt] to migrate `setup.py` to `setup.cfg`. [pre-commit/pre-commit-hooks]: https://github.com/pre-commit/pre-commit-hooks [mirrors-autopep8]: https://github.com/pre-commit/mirrors-autopep8 [pycqa/flake8]: https://gitlab.com/pycqa/flake8 [setup-py-upgrade]: https://github.com/asottile/setup-py-upgrade [setup-cfg-fmt]: https://github.com/asottile/setup-cfg-fmt %package -n python3-all-repos Summary: Clone all your repositories and apply sweeping changes. Provides: python-all-repos BuildRequires: python3-devel BuildRequires: python3-setuptools BuildRequires: python3-pip %description -n python3-all-repos Clone all your repositories and apply sweeping changes. ## Installation ```bash pip install all-repos ``` ## CLI All command line interfaces provided by `all-repos` provide the following options: - `-h` / `--help`: show usage information - `-C CONFIG_FILENAME` / `--config-filename CONFIG_FILENAME`: use a non-default config file (the default `all-repos.json` can be changed with the environment variable `ALL_REPOS_CONFIG_FILENAME`). - `--color {auto,always,never}`: use color in output (default `auto`). ### `all-repos-complete [options]` Add `git clone` tab completion for all-repos repositories. Requires [jq](https://stedolan.github.io/jq/) to function. Add to `.bash_profile`: ```bash eval "$(all-repos-complete -C ~/.../all-repos.json --bash)" ``` ### `all-repos-clone [options]` Clone all the repositories into the `output_dir`. If run again, this command will update existing repositories. Options: - `-j JOBS` / `--jobs JOBS`: how many concurrent jobs will be used to complete the operation. Specify 0 or -1 to match the number of cpus. (default `8`). Sample invocations: - `all-repos-clone`: clone the repositories specified in `all-repos.json` - `all-repos-clone -C all-repos2.json`: clone using a non-default config filename. ### `all-repos-find-files [options] PATTERN` Similar to a distributed `git ls-files | grep -P PATTERN`. Arguments: - `PATTERN`: the [python regex](https://docs.python.org/3/library/re.html) to match. Options: - `--repos-with-matches`: only print repositories with matches. Sample invocations: - `all-repos-find-files setup.py`: find all `setup.py` files. - `all-repos-find-files --repos setup.py`: find all repositories containing a `setup.py`. ### `all-repos-grep [options] [GIT_GREP_OPTIONS]` Similar to a distributed `git grep ...`. Options: - `--repos-with-matches`: only print repositories with matches. - `GIT_GREP_OPTIONS`: additional arguments will be passed on to `git grep`. see `git grep --help` for available options. Sample invocations: - `all-repos-grep pre-commit -- 'requirements*.txt'`: find all repositories which have `pre-commit` listed in a requirements file. - `all-repos-grep -L six -- setup.py`: find setup.py files which do not contain `six`. ### `all-repos-list-repos [options]` List all cloned repository names. ### `all-repos-manual [options]` Interactively apply a manual change across repos. _note_: `all-repos-manual` will always run in `--interactive` autofixing mode. _note_: `all-repos-manual` _requires_ the `--repos` autofixer option. Options: - [autofix options](#all_reposautofix_libadd_fixer_args): `all-repos-manual` is an autofixer and supports all of the autofixer options. - `--branch-name BRANCH_NAME`: override the autofixer branch name (default `all-repos-manual`). - `--commit-msg COMMIT_MSG` (required): set the autofixer commit message. ### `all-repos-sed [options] EXPRESSION FILENAMES` Similar to a distributed `git ls-files -z -- FILENAMES | xargs -0 sed -i EXPRESSION`. _note_: this assumes GNU sed. If you're on macOS, install `gnu-sed` with Homebrew: ```bash brew install gnu-sed # Add to .bashrc / .zshrc export PATH="$(brew --prefix)/opt/gnu-sed/libexec/gnubin:$PATH" ``` Arguments: - `EXPRESSION`: sed program. For example: `s/hi/hello/g`. - `FILENAMES`: filenames glob (passed to `git ls-files`). Options: - [autofix options](#all_reposautofix_libadd_fixer_args): `all-repos-sed` is an autofixer and supports all of the autofixer options. - `-r` / `--regexp-extended`: use extended regular expressions in the script. See `man sed` for further details. - `--branch-name BRANCH_NAME` override the autofixer branch name (default `all-repos-sed`). - `--commit-msg COMMIT_MSG` override the autofixer commit message. (default `git ls-files -z -- FILENAMES | xargs -0 sed -i ... EXPRESSION`). Sample invocations: - `all-repos-sed 's/foo/bar/g' -- '*'`: replace `foo` with `bar` in all files. ## Configuring A configuration file looks roughly like this: ```json { "output_dir": "output", "source": "all_repos.source.github", "source_settings": { "api_key": "...", "username": "asottile" }, "push": "all_repos.push.github_pull_request", "push_settings": { "api_key": "...", "username": "asottile" } } ``` - `output_dir`: where repositories will be cloned to when `all-repos-clone` is run. - `source`: the module import path to a `source`, see below for builtin source modules as well as directions for writing your own. - `source_settings`: the source-type-specific settings, the source module's documentation will explain the various possible values. - `push`: the module import path to a `push`, see below for builtin push modules as well as directions for writing your own. - `push_settings`: the push-type-specific settings, the push module's documentation will explain the various possible values. - `include` (default `""`): python regex for selecting repositories. Only repository names which match this regex will be included. - `exclude` (default `"^$"`): python regex for excluding repositories. Repository names which match this regex will be excluded. - `all_branches` (default `false`): whether to clone all of the branches or just the default upstream branch. ## Source modules ### `all_repos.source.json_file` Clones all repositories listed in a file. The file must be formatted as follows: ```json { "example/repo1": "https://git.example.com/example/repo1", "repo2": "https://git.example.com/repo2" } ``` #### Required `source_settings` - `filename`: file containing repositories one-per-line. #### Directory location ``` output/ +--- repos.json +--- repos_filtered.json +--- {repo_key1}/ +--- {repo_key2}/ +--- {repo_key3}/ ``` ### `all_repos.source.github` Clones all repositories available to a user on github. #### Required `source_settings` - `api_key`: the api key which the user will log in as. - Use [the settings tab](//github.com/settings/tokens/new) to create a personal access token. - The minimum scope required to function is `public_repo`, though you'll need `repo` to access private repositories. - `api_key_env`: alternatively API key can also be passed via an environment variable - `username`: the github username you will log in as. #### Optional `source_settings` - `collaborator` (default `false`): whether to include repositories which are not owned but can be contributed to as a collaborator. - `forks` (default `false`): whether to include repositories which are forks. - `private` (default `false`): whether to include private repositories. - `archived` (default: `false`): whether to include archived repositories. - `base_url` (default: `https://api.github.com`) is the base URL to the Github API to use (for Github Enterprise support set this to `https://{your_domain}/api/v3`). #### Directory location ``` output/ +--- repos.json +--- repos_filtered.json +--- {username1}/ +--- {repo1}/ +--- {repo2}/ +--- {username2}/ +--- {repo3}/ ``` ### `all_repos.source.github_forks` Clones all repositories forked from a repository on github. #### Required `source_settings` - `api_key`: the api key which the user will log in as. - Use [the settings tab](//github.com/settings/tokens/new) to create a personal access token. - The minimum scope required to function is `public_repo`. - `api_key_env`: alternatively API key can also be passed via an environment variable - `repo`: the repo which has forks #### Optional `source_settings` - `collaborator` (default `true`): whether to include repositories which are not owned but can be contributed to as a collaborator. - `forks` (default `true`): whether to include repositories which are forks. - `private` (default `false`): whether to include private repositories. - `archived` (default: `false`): whether to include archived repositories. - `base_url` (default: `https://api.github.com`) is the base URL to the Github API to use (for Github Enterprise support set this to `https://{your_domain}/api/v3`). #### Directory location See the directory structure for [`all_repos.source.github`](#all_repossourcegithub). ### `all_repos.source.github_org` Clones all repositories from an organization on github. #### Required `source_settings` - `api_key`: the api key which the user will log in as. - Use [the settings tab](//github.com/settings/tokens/new) to create a personal access token. - The minimum scope required to function is `public_repo`, though you'll need `repo` to access private repositories. - `api_key_env`: alternatively API key can also be passed via an environment variable - `org`: the organization to clone from #### Optional `source_settings` - `collaborator` (default `true`): whether to include repositories which are not owned but can be contributed to as a collaborator. - `forks` (default `false`): whether to include repositories which are forks. - `private` (default `false`): whether to include private repositories. - `archived` (default: `false`): whether to include archived repositories. - `base_url` (default: `https://api.github.com`) is the base URL to the Github API to use (for Github Enterprise support set this to `https://{your_domain}/api/v3`). #### Directory location See the directory structure for [`all_repos.source.github`](#all_repossourcegithub). ### `all_repos.source.gitolite` Clones all repositories available to a user on a [gitolite](http://gitolite.com/gitolite/index.html) host. #### Required `source_settings` - `username`: the user to SSH to the server as (usually `git`) - `hostname`: the hostname of your gitolite server (e.g. `git.mycompany.com`) The gitolite API is served over SSH. It is assumed that when `all-repos-clone` is called, it's possible to make SSH connections with the username and hostname configured here in order to query that API. #### Optional `source_settings` - `mirror_path` (default `None`): an optional mirror to clone repositories from. This is a Python format string, and can use the variable `repo_name`. This can be anything git understands, such as another remote server (e.g. `gitmirror.mycompany.com:{repo_name}`) or a local path (e.g. `/gitolite/git/{repo_name}.git`). #### Directory location ``` output/ +--- repos.json +--- repos_filtered.json +--- {repo_name1}.git/ +--- {repo_name2}.git/ +--- {repo_name3}.git/ ``` ### `all_repos.source.bitbucket` Clones all repositories available to a user on Bitbucket Cloud. #### Required `source_settings` - `username`: the Bitbucket username you will log in as. - `app_password`: the authentication method for the above user to login with - Create an application password within your [account settings](https://bitbucket.org/account/admin/app-passwords). - We need the scope: Repositories -> Read ### `all_repos.source.bitbucket_server` Clones all repositories available to a user on Bitbucket Server. #### Required `source_settings` - `base_url`: the bitbucket server URL (eg `bitbucket.domain.com`) - `username`: the Bitbucket username you will log in as. - `app_password`: the authentication method for the above user to login with - Create an application password within your [account settings](https://bitbucket.domain.com/plugins/servlet/access-tokens/manage). - We need the scope: Repositories -> Read #### Optional `source_settings` - `project` (default `None`): an optional project to restrict the search for repositories. #### Directory location ``` output/ +--- repos.json +--- repos_filtered.json +--- {username1}/ +--- {repo1}/ +--- {repo2}/ +--- {username2}/ +--- {repo3}/ ``` ### `all_repos.source.gitlab_org` Clones all repositories from an organization on gitlab. #### Required `source_settings` - `api_key`: the api key which the user will log in as. - Use the settings tab (eg https://{gitlab.domain.com}/-/profile/personal_access_tokens) to create a personal access token. - We need the scope: `read_api`, `read_repository`. - `api_key_env`: alternatively API key can also be passed via an environment variable - `org`: the organization to clone from #### Optional `source_settings` - `base_url`: (default `https://gitlab.com/api/v4`) the gitlab server URL - `archived` (default: `false`): whether to include archived repositories. #### Directory location ``` output/ +--- repos.json +--- repos_filtered.json +--- {org}/ +--- {subpgroup1}/ +--- {subpgroup2}/ +--- {repo1}/ +--- {repo2}/ +--- {repo3}/ +--- {repo4}/ ``` ## Writing your own source First create a module. This module must have the following api: ### A `Settings` class This class will receive keyword arguments for all values in the `source_settings` dictionary. An easy way to implement the `Settings` class is by using a `namedtuple`: ```python Settings = collections.namedtuple('Settings', ('required_thing', 'optional')) Settings.__new__.__defaults__ = ('optional default value',) ``` In this example, the `required_thing` setting is a **required** setting whereas `optional` may be omitted (and will get a default value of `'optional default value'`). ### `def list_repos(settings: Settings) -> Dict[str, str]:` callable This callable will be passed an instance of your `Settings` class. It must return a mapping from `{repo_name: repository_url}`. The `repo_name` is the directory name inside the `output_dir`. ## Push modules ### `all_repos.push.merge_to_master` Merges the branch directly to the default branch and pushes. The commands it runs look roughly like this: ```bash git checkout main git pull git merge --no-ff $BRANCH git push origin HEAD ``` #### Optional `push_settings` - `fast_forward` (default: `false`): if `true`, perform a fast-forward merge (`--ff-only`). If `false`, create a merge commit (`--no-ff`). ### `all_repos.push.github_pull_request` Pushes the branch to `origin` and then creates a github pull request for the branch. #### Required `push_settings` - `api_key`: the api key which the user will log in as. - Use [the settings tab](//github.com/settings/tokens/new) to create a personal access token. - The minimum scope required to function is `public_repo`, though you'll need `repo` to access private repositories. - `api_key_env`: alternatively API key can also be passed via an environment variable - `username`: the github username you will log in as. #### Optional `push_settings` - `fork` (default: `false`): (if applicable) a fork will be created and pushed to instead of the upstream repository. The pull request will then be made to the upstream repository. - `base_url` (default: `https://api.github.com`) is the base URL to the Github API to use (for Github Enterprise support set this to `https://{your_domain}/api/v3`). ### `all_repos.push.bitbucket_server_pull_request` Pushes the branch to `origin` and then creates a Bitbucket pull request for the branch. #### Required `push_settings` - `base_url`: the Bitbucket server URL (eg `bitbucket.domain.com`) - `username`: the Bitbucket username you will log in as. - `app_password`: the authentication method for the above user to login with - Create an application password within your [account settings](https://bitbucket.domain.com/plugins/servlet/access-tokens/manage). - We need the scope: Repositories -> Read ### `all_repos.push.gitlab_pull_request` Pushes the branch to `origin` and then creates a GitLab pull request for the branch. #### Required `push_settings` - `base_url`: the GitLab server URL (eg `https://{gitlab.domain.com}/api/v4`) - `api_key`: the api key which the user will log in as. - Use the settings tab (eg https://{gitlab.domain.com}/-/profile/personal_access_tokens) to create a personal access token. - We need the scope: `write_repository`. - `api_key_env`: alternatively API key can also be passed via an environment variable ### `all_repos.push.readonly` Does nothing. #### `push_settings` There are no configurable settings for `readonly`. ## Writing your own push module First create a module. This module must have the following api: ### A `Settings` class This class will receive keyword arguments for all values in the `push_settings` dictionary. ### `def push(settings: Settings, branch_name: str) -> None:` This callable will be passed an instance of your `Settings` class. It should deploy the branch. The function will be called with the root of the repository as the `cwd`. ## Writing an autofixer An autofixer applies a change over all repositories. `all-repos` provides several api functions to write your autofixers with: ### `all_repos.autofix_lib.add_fixer_args` ```python def add_fixer_args(parser): ``` Adds the autofixer cli options. Options: - `--dry-run`: show what would happen but do not push. - `-i` / `--interactive`: interactively approve / deny fixes. - `-j JOBS` / `--jobs JOBS`: how many concurrent jobs will be used to complete the operation. Specify 0 or -1 to match the number of cpus. (default `1`). - `--limit LIMIT`: maximum number of repos to process (default: unlimited). - `--author AUTHOR`: override commit author. This is passed directly to `git commit`. An example: `--author='Herp Derp '`. - `--repos [REPOS [REPOS ...]]`: run against specific repositories instead. This is especially useful with `xargs autofixer ... --repos`. This can be used to specify repositories which are not managed by `all-repos`. ### `all_repos.autofix_lib.from_cli` ```python def from_cli(args, *, find_repos, msg, branch_name): ``` Parse cli arguments and produce `autofix_lib` primitives. Returns `(repos, config, commit, autofix_settings)`. This is handled separately from `fix` to allow for fixers to adjust arguments. - `find_repos`: callback taking `Config` as a positional argument. - `msg`: commit message. - `branch_name`: identifier used to construct the branch name. ### `all_repos.autofix_lib.fix` ```python def fix( repos, *, apply_fix, check_fix=_noop_check_fix, config: Config, commit: Commit, autofix_settings: AutofixSettings, ): ``` Apply the fix. - `apply_fix`: callback which will be called once per repository. The `cwd` when the function is called will be the root of the repository. ### `all_repos.autofix_lib.run` ```python def run(*cmd, **kwargs): ``` Wrapper around `subprocess.run` which prints the command it will run. Unlike `subprocess.run`, this defaults `check=True` unless explicitly disabled. ### Example autofixer The trivial autofixer is as follows: ```python import argparse from all_repos import autofix_lib def find_repos(config): return [] def apply_fix(): pass def main(argv=None): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() autofix_lib.add_fixer_args(parser) args = parser.parse_args(argv) repos, config, commit, autofix_settings = autofix_lib.from_cli( args, find_repos=find_repos, msg='msg', branch_name='branch-name', ) autofix_lib.fix( repos, apply_fix=apply_fix, config=config, commit=commit, autofix_settings=autofix_settings, ) if __name__ == '__main__': raise SystemExit(main()) ``` You can find some more involved examples in [all_repos/autofix](https://github.com/asottile/all-repos/tree/main/all_repos/autofix): - `all_repos.autofix.azure_pipelines_autoupdate`: upgrade pinned azure pipelines template repository references. - `all_repos.autofix.pre_commit_autoupdate`: runs `pre-commit autoupdate`. - `all_repos.autofix.pre_commit_autopep8_migrate`: migrates `autopep8-wrapper` from [pre-commit/pre-commit-hooks] to [mirrors-autopep8]. - `all_repos.autofix.pre_commit_cache_dir`: updates the cache directory for travis-ci / appveyor for pre-commit 1.x. - `all_repos.autofix.pre_commit_flake8_migrate`: migrates `flake8` from [pre-commit/pre-commit-hooks] to [pycqa/flake8]. - `all_repos.autofix.pre_commit_migrate_config`: runs `pre-commit migrate-config`. - `all_repos.autofix.setup_py_upgrade`: runs [setup-py-upgrade] and then [setup-cfg-fmt] to migrate `setup.py` to `setup.cfg`. [pre-commit/pre-commit-hooks]: https://github.com/pre-commit/pre-commit-hooks [mirrors-autopep8]: https://github.com/pre-commit/mirrors-autopep8 [pycqa/flake8]: https://gitlab.com/pycqa/flake8 [setup-py-upgrade]: https://github.com/asottile/setup-py-upgrade [setup-cfg-fmt]: https://github.com/asottile/setup-cfg-fmt %package help Summary: Development documents and examples for all-repos Provides: python3-all-repos-doc %description help Clone all your repositories and apply sweeping changes. ## Installation ```bash pip install all-repos ``` ## CLI All command line interfaces provided by `all-repos` provide the following options: - `-h` / `--help`: show usage information - `-C CONFIG_FILENAME` / `--config-filename CONFIG_FILENAME`: use a non-default config file (the default `all-repos.json` can be changed with the environment variable `ALL_REPOS_CONFIG_FILENAME`). - `--color {auto,always,never}`: use color in output (default `auto`). ### `all-repos-complete [options]` Add `git clone` tab completion for all-repos repositories. Requires [jq](https://stedolan.github.io/jq/) to function. Add to `.bash_profile`: ```bash eval "$(all-repos-complete -C ~/.../all-repos.json --bash)" ``` ### `all-repos-clone [options]` Clone all the repositories into the `output_dir`. If run again, this command will update existing repositories. Options: - `-j JOBS` / `--jobs JOBS`: how many concurrent jobs will be used to complete the operation. Specify 0 or -1 to match the number of cpus. (default `8`). Sample invocations: - `all-repos-clone`: clone the repositories specified in `all-repos.json` - `all-repos-clone -C all-repos2.json`: clone using a non-default config filename. ### `all-repos-find-files [options] PATTERN` Similar to a distributed `git ls-files | grep -P PATTERN`. Arguments: - `PATTERN`: the [python regex](https://docs.python.org/3/library/re.html) to match. Options: - `--repos-with-matches`: only print repositories with matches. Sample invocations: - `all-repos-find-files setup.py`: find all `setup.py` files. - `all-repos-find-files --repos setup.py`: find all repositories containing a `setup.py`. ### `all-repos-grep [options] [GIT_GREP_OPTIONS]` Similar to a distributed `git grep ...`. Options: - `--repos-with-matches`: only print repositories with matches. - `GIT_GREP_OPTIONS`: additional arguments will be passed on to `git grep`. see `git grep --help` for available options. Sample invocations: - `all-repos-grep pre-commit -- 'requirements*.txt'`: find all repositories which have `pre-commit` listed in a requirements file. - `all-repos-grep -L six -- setup.py`: find setup.py files which do not contain `six`. ### `all-repos-list-repos [options]` List all cloned repository names. ### `all-repos-manual [options]` Interactively apply a manual change across repos. _note_: `all-repos-manual` will always run in `--interactive` autofixing mode. _note_: `all-repos-manual` _requires_ the `--repos` autofixer option. Options: - [autofix options](#all_reposautofix_libadd_fixer_args): `all-repos-manual` is an autofixer and supports all of the autofixer options. - `--branch-name BRANCH_NAME`: override the autofixer branch name (default `all-repos-manual`). - `--commit-msg COMMIT_MSG` (required): set the autofixer commit message. ### `all-repos-sed [options] EXPRESSION FILENAMES` Similar to a distributed `git ls-files -z -- FILENAMES | xargs -0 sed -i EXPRESSION`. _note_: this assumes GNU sed. If you're on macOS, install `gnu-sed` with Homebrew: ```bash brew install gnu-sed # Add to .bashrc / .zshrc export PATH="$(brew --prefix)/opt/gnu-sed/libexec/gnubin:$PATH" ``` Arguments: - `EXPRESSION`: sed program. For example: `s/hi/hello/g`. - `FILENAMES`: filenames glob (passed to `git ls-files`). Options: - [autofix options](#all_reposautofix_libadd_fixer_args): `all-repos-sed` is an autofixer and supports all of the autofixer options. - `-r` / `--regexp-extended`: use extended regular expressions in the script. See `man sed` for further details. - `--branch-name BRANCH_NAME` override the autofixer branch name (default `all-repos-sed`). - `--commit-msg COMMIT_MSG` override the autofixer commit message. (default `git ls-files -z -- FILENAMES | xargs -0 sed -i ... EXPRESSION`). Sample invocations: - `all-repos-sed 's/foo/bar/g' -- '*'`: replace `foo` with `bar` in all files. ## Configuring A configuration file looks roughly like this: ```json { "output_dir": "output", "source": "all_repos.source.github", "source_settings": { "api_key": "...", "username": "asottile" }, "push": "all_repos.push.github_pull_request", "push_settings": { "api_key": "...", "username": "asottile" } } ``` - `output_dir`: where repositories will be cloned to when `all-repos-clone` is run. - `source`: the module import path to a `source`, see below for builtin source modules as well as directions for writing your own. - `source_settings`: the source-type-specific settings, the source module's documentation will explain the various possible values. - `push`: the module import path to a `push`, see below for builtin push modules as well as directions for writing your own. - `push_settings`: the push-type-specific settings, the push module's documentation will explain the various possible values. - `include` (default `""`): python regex for selecting repositories. Only repository names which match this regex will be included. - `exclude` (default `"^$"`): python regex for excluding repositories. Repository names which match this regex will be excluded. - `all_branches` (default `false`): whether to clone all of the branches or just the default upstream branch. ## Source modules ### `all_repos.source.json_file` Clones all repositories listed in a file. The file must be formatted as follows: ```json { "example/repo1": "https://git.example.com/example/repo1", "repo2": "https://git.example.com/repo2" } ``` #### Required `source_settings` - `filename`: file containing repositories one-per-line. #### Directory location ``` output/ +--- repos.json +--- repos_filtered.json +--- {repo_key1}/ +--- {repo_key2}/ +--- {repo_key3}/ ``` ### `all_repos.source.github` Clones all repositories available to a user on github. #### Required `source_settings` - `api_key`: the api key which the user will log in as. - Use [the settings tab](//github.com/settings/tokens/new) to create a personal access token. - The minimum scope required to function is `public_repo`, though you'll need `repo` to access private repositories. - `api_key_env`: alternatively API key can also be passed via an environment variable - `username`: the github username you will log in as. #### Optional `source_settings` - `collaborator` (default `false`): whether to include repositories which are not owned but can be contributed to as a collaborator. - `forks` (default `false`): whether to include repositories which are forks. - `private` (default `false`): whether to include private repositories. - `archived` (default: `false`): whether to include archived repositories. - `base_url` (default: `https://api.github.com`) is the base URL to the Github API to use (for Github Enterprise support set this to `https://{your_domain}/api/v3`). #### Directory location ``` output/ +--- repos.json +--- repos_filtered.json +--- {username1}/ +--- {repo1}/ +--- {repo2}/ +--- {username2}/ +--- {repo3}/ ``` ### `all_repos.source.github_forks` Clones all repositories forked from a repository on github. #### Required `source_settings` - `api_key`: the api key which the user will log in as. - Use [the settings tab](//github.com/settings/tokens/new) to create a personal access token. - The minimum scope required to function is `public_repo`. - `api_key_env`: alternatively API key can also be passed via an environment variable - `repo`: the repo which has forks #### Optional `source_settings` - `collaborator` (default `true`): whether to include repositories which are not owned but can be contributed to as a collaborator. - `forks` (default `true`): whether to include repositories which are forks. - `private` (default `false`): whether to include private repositories. - `archived` (default: `false`): whether to include archived repositories. - `base_url` (default: `https://api.github.com`) is the base URL to the Github API to use (for Github Enterprise support set this to `https://{your_domain}/api/v3`). #### Directory location See the directory structure for [`all_repos.source.github`](#all_repossourcegithub). ### `all_repos.source.github_org` Clones all repositories from an organization on github. #### Required `source_settings` - `api_key`: the api key which the user will log in as. - Use [the settings tab](//github.com/settings/tokens/new) to create a personal access token. - The minimum scope required to function is `public_repo`, though you'll need `repo` to access private repositories. - `api_key_env`: alternatively API key can also be passed via an environment variable - `org`: the organization to clone from #### Optional `source_settings` - `collaborator` (default `true`): whether to include repositories which are not owned but can be contributed to as a collaborator. - `forks` (default `false`): whether to include repositories which are forks. - `private` (default `false`): whether to include private repositories. - `archived` (default: `false`): whether to include archived repositories. - `base_url` (default: `https://api.github.com`) is the base URL to the Github API to use (for Github Enterprise support set this to `https://{your_domain}/api/v3`). #### Directory location See the directory structure for [`all_repos.source.github`](#all_repossourcegithub). ### `all_repos.source.gitolite` Clones all repositories available to a user on a [gitolite](http://gitolite.com/gitolite/index.html) host. #### Required `source_settings` - `username`: the user to SSH to the server as (usually `git`) - `hostname`: the hostname of your gitolite server (e.g. `git.mycompany.com`) The gitolite API is served over SSH. It is assumed that when `all-repos-clone` is called, it's possible to make SSH connections with the username and hostname configured here in order to query that API. #### Optional `source_settings` - `mirror_path` (default `None`): an optional mirror to clone repositories from. This is a Python format string, and can use the variable `repo_name`. This can be anything git understands, such as another remote server (e.g. `gitmirror.mycompany.com:{repo_name}`) or a local path (e.g. `/gitolite/git/{repo_name}.git`). #### Directory location ``` output/ +--- repos.json +--- repos_filtered.json +--- {repo_name1}.git/ +--- {repo_name2}.git/ +--- {repo_name3}.git/ ``` ### `all_repos.source.bitbucket` Clones all repositories available to a user on Bitbucket Cloud. #### Required `source_settings` - `username`: the Bitbucket username you will log in as. - `app_password`: the authentication method for the above user to login with - Create an application password within your [account settings](https://bitbucket.org/account/admin/app-passwords). - We need the scope: Repositories -> Read ### `all_repos.source.bitbucket_server` Clones all repositories available to a user on Bitbucket Server. #### Required `source_settings` - `base_url`: the bitbucket server URL (eg `bitbucket.domain.com`) - `username`: the Bitbucket username you will log in as. - `app_password`: the authentication method for the above user to login with - Create an application password within your [account settings](https://bitbucket.domain.com/plugins/servlet/access-tokens/manage). - We need the scope: Repositories -> Read #### Optional `source_settings` - `project` (default `None`): an optional project to restrict the search for repositories. #### Directory location ``` output/ +--- repos.json +--- repos_filtered.json +--- {username1}/ +--- {repo1}/ +--- {repo2}/ +--- {username2}/ +--- {repo3}/ ``` ### `all_repos.source.gitlab_org` Clones all repositories from an organization on gitlab. #### Required `source_settings` - `api_key`: the api key which the user will log in as. - Use the settings tab (eg https://{gitlab.domain.com}/-/profile/personal_access_tokens) to create a personal access token. - We need the scope: `read_api`, `read_repository`. - `api_key_env`: alternatively API key can also be passed via an environment variable - `org`: the organization to clone from #### Optional `source_settings` - `base_url`: (default `https://gitlab.com/api/v4`) the gitlab server URL - `archived` (default: `false`): whether to include archived repositories. #### Directory location ``` output/ +--- repos.json +--- repos_filtered.json +--- {org}/ +--- {subpgroup1}/ +--- {subpgroup2}/ +--- {repo1}/ +--- {repo2}/ +--- {repo3}/ +--- {repo4}/ ``` ## Writing your own source First create a module. This module must have the following api: ### A `Settings` class This class will receive keyword arguments for all values in the `source_settings` dictionary. An easy way to implement the `Settings` class is by using a `namedtuple`: ```python Settings = collections.namedtuple('Settings', ('required_thing', 'optional')) Settings.__new__.__defaults__ = ('optional default value',) ``` In this example, the `required_thing` setting is a **required** setting whereas `optional` may be omitted (and will get a default value of `'optional default value'`). ### `def list_repos(settings: Settings) -> Dict[str, str]:` callable This callable will be passed an instance of your `Settings` class. It must return a mapping from `{repo_name: repository_url}`. The `repo_name` is the directory name inside the `output_dir`. ## Push modules ### `all_repos.push.merge_to_master` Merges the branch directly to the default branch and pushes. The commands it runs look roughly like this: ```bash git checkout main git pull git merge --no-ff $BRANCH git push origin HEAD ``` #### Optional `push_settings` - `fast_forward` (default: `false`): if `true`, perform a fast-forward merge (`--ff-only`). If `false`, create a merge commit (`--no-ff`). ### `all_repos.push.github_pull_request` Pushes the branch to `origin` and then creates a github pull request for the branch. #### Required `push_settings` - `api_key`: the api key which the user will log in as. - Use [the settings tab](//github.com/settings/tokens/new) to create a personal access token. - The minimum scope required to function is `public_repo`, though you'll need `repo` to access private repositories. - `api_key_env`: alternatively API key can also be passed via an environment variable - `username`: the github username you will log in as. #### Optional `push_settings` - `fork` (default: `false`): (if applicable) a fork will be created and pushed to instead of the upstream repository. The pull request will then be made to the upstream repository. - `base_url` (default: `https://api.github.com`) is the base URL to the Github API to use (for Github Enterprise support set this to `https://{your_domain}/api/v3`). ### `all_repos.push.bitbucket_server_pull_request` Pushes the branch to `origin` and then creates a Bitbucket pull request for the branch. #### Required `push_settings` - `base_url`: the Bitbucket server URL (eg `bitbucket.domain.com`) - `username`: the Bitbucket username you will log in as. - `app_password`: the authentication method for the above user to login with - Create an application password within your [account settings](https://bitbucket.domain.com/plugins/servlet/access-tokens/manage). - We need the scope: Repositories -> Read ### `all_repos.push.gitlab_pull_request` Pushes the branch to `origin` and then creates a GitLab pull request for the branch. #### Required `push_settings` - `base_url`: the GitLab server URL (eg `https://{gitlab.domain.com}/api/v4`) - `api_key`: the api key which the user will log in as. - Use the settings tab (eg https://{gitlab.domain.com}/-/profile/personal_access_tokens) to create a personal access token. - We need the scope: `write_repository`. - `api_key_env`: alternatively API key can also be passed via an environment variable ### `all_repos.push.readonly` Does nothing. #### `push_settings` There are no configurable settings for `readonly`. ## Writing your own push module First create a module. This module must have the following api: ### A `Settings` class This class will receive keyword arguments for all values in the `push_settings` dictionary. ### `def push(settings: Settings, branch_name: str) -> None:` This callable will be passed an instance of your `Settings` class. It should deploy the branch. The function will be called with the root of the repository as the `cwd`. ## Writing an autofixer An autofixer applies a change over all repositories. `all-repos` provides several api functions to write your autofixers with: ### `all_repos.autofix_lib.add_fixer_args` ```python def add_fixer_args(parser): ``` Adds the autofixer cli options. Options: - `--dry-run`: show what would happen but do not push. - `-i` / `--interactive`: interactively approve / deny fixes. - `-j JOBS` / `--jobs JOBS`: how many concurrent jobs will be used to complete the operation. Specify 0 or -1 to match the number of cpus. (default `1`). - `--limit LIMIT`: maximum number of repos to process (default: unlimited). - `--author AUTHOR`: override commit author. This is passed directly to `git commit`. An example: `--author='Herp Derp '`. - `--repos [REPOS [REPOS ...]]`: run against specific repositories instead. This is especially useful with `xargs autofixer ... --repos`. This can be used to specify repositories which are not managed by `all-repos`. ### `all_repos.autofix_lib.from_cli` ```python def from_cli(args, *, find_repos, msg, branch_name): ``` Parse cli arguments and produce `autofix_lib` primitives. Returns `(repos, config, commit, autofix_settings)`. This is handled separately from `fix` to allow for fixers to adjust arguments. - `find_repos`: callback taking `Config` as a positional argument. - `msg`: commit message. - `branch_name`: identifier used to construct the branch name. ### `all_repos.autofix_lib.fix` ```python def fix( repos, *, apply_fix, check_fix=_noop_check_fix, config: Config, commit: Commit, autofix_settings: AutofixSettings, ): ``` Apply the fix. - `apply_fix`: callback which will be called once per repository. The `cwd` when the function is called will be the root of the repository. ### `all_repos.autofix_lib.run` ```python def run(*cmd, **kwargs): ``` Wrapper around `subprocess.run` which prints the command it will run. Unlike `subprocess.run`, this defaults `check=True` unless explicitly disabled. ### Example autofixer The trivial autofixer is as follows: ```python import argparse from all_repos import autofix_lib def find_repos(config): return [] def apply_fix(): pass def main(argv=None): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() autofix_lib.add_fixer_args(parser) args = parser.parse_args(argv) repos, config, commit, autofix_settings = autofix_lib.from_cli( args, find_repos=find_repos, msg='msg', branch_name='branch-name', ) autofix_lib.fix( repos, apply_fix=apply_fix, config=config, commit=commit, autofix_settings=autofix_settings, ) if __name__ == '__main__': raise SystemExit(main()) ``` You can find some more involved examples in [all_repos/autofix](https://github.com/asottile/all-repos/tree/main/all_repos/autofix): - `all_repos.autofix.azure_pipelines_autoupdate`: upgrade pinned azure pipelines template repository references. - `all_repos.autofix.pre_commit_autoupdate`: runs `pre-commit autoupdate`. - `all_repos.autofix.pre_commit_autopep8_migrate`: migrates `autopep8-wrapper` from [pre-commit/pre-commit-hooks] to [mirrors-autopep8]. - `all_repos.autofix.pre_commit_cache_dir`: updates the cache directory for travis-ci / appveyor for pre-commit 1.x. - `all_repos.autofix.pre_commit_flake8_migrate`: migrates `flake8` from [pre-commit/pre-commit-hooks] to [pycqa/flake8]. - `all_repos.autofix.pre_commit_migrate_config`: runs `pre-commit migrate-config`. - `all_repos.autofix.setup_py_upgrade`: runs [setup-py-upgrade] and then [setup-cfg-fmt] to migrate `setup.py` to `setup.cfg`. [pre-commit/pre-commit-hooks]: https://github.com/pre-commit/pre-commit-hooks [mirrors-autopep8]: https://github.com/pre-commit/mirrors-autopep8 [pycqa/flake8]: https://gitlab.com/pycqa/flake8 [setup-py-upgrade]: https://github.com/asottile/setup-py-upgrade [setup-cfg-fmt]: https://github.com/asottile/setup-cfg-fmt %prep %autosetup -n all_repos-1.25.0 %build %py3_build %install %py3_install install -d -m755 %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir} if [ -d doc ]; then cp -arf doc %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi if [ -d docs ]; then cp -arf docs %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi if [ -d example ]; then cp -arf example %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi if [ -d examples ]; then cp -arf examples %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi pushd %{buildroot} if [ -d usr/lib ]; then find usr/lib -type f -printf "\"/%h/%f\"\n" >> filelist.lst fi if [ -d usr/lib64 ]; then find usr/lib64 -type f -printf "\"/%h/%f\"\n" >> filelist.lst fi if [ -d usr/bin ]; then find usr/bin -type f -printf "\"/%h/%f\"\n" >> filelist.lst fi if [ -d usr/sbin ]; then find usr/sbin -type f -printf "\"/%h/%f\"\n" >> filelist.lst fi touch doclist.lst if [ -d usr/share/man ]; then find usr/share/man -type f -printf "\"/%h/%f.gz\"\n" >> doclist.lst fi popd mv %{buildroot}/filelist.lst . mv %{buildroot}/doclist.lst . %files -n python3-all-repos -f filelist.lst %dir %{python3_sitelib}/* %files help -f doclist.lst %{_docdir}/* %changelog * Thu Jun 08 2023 Python_Bot - 1.25.0-1 - Package Spec generated