%global _empty_manifest_terminate_build 0 Name: python-mordl Version: 2.0.12 Release: 1 Summary: Morphological parser (POS, lemmata, NER etc.) License: BSD URL: https://github.com/fostroll/mordl Source0: https://mirrors.aliyun.com/pypi/web/packages/d5/23/a0c98ba2d3f8e6866ee1fca6cd8df73e7d3f8982223a0e215b201f7552d5/mordl-2.0.12.tar.gz BuildArch: noarch Requires: python3-corpuscula Requires: python3-gensim Requires: python3-junky Requires: python3-morra Requires: python3-numpy Requires: python3-Levenshtein Requires: python3-sklearn Requires: python3-torch Requires: python3-transformers %description

MorDL: Morphological Tagger (POS, lemmata, NER etc.)

[![PyPI Version](https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/mordl?color=blue)](https://pypi.org/project/mordl/) [![Python Version](https://img.shields.io/pypi/pyversions/mordl?color=blue)](https://www.python.org/) [![License: BSD-3](https://img.shields.io/badge/License-BSD-brightgreen.svg)](https://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause) ***MorDL*** is a tool to organize the pipeline for complete morphological sentence parsing (POS-tagging, lemmatization, morphological feature tagging) and Named-entity recognition. Scores (accuracy) on *SynTagRus* test dataset: UPOS: `99.35%`; FEATS: `98.87%` (tokens), `99.31%` (tags); LEMMA: `99.50%`. In all experiments, we used `seed=42`. Some other `seed` values may help to achive better results. Models' hyperparameters are also allowed to tune. The validation with the [official evaluation script](http://universaldependencies.org/conll18/conll18_ud_eval.py) of [CoNLL 2018 Shared Task](https://universaldependencies.org/conll18/results.html): * For the inference on the *SynTagRus* test corpus, when predicted fields were emptied and all other fields were stayed intact, the scores are the same as outlined above. * The inference of UPOS - FEATS - LEMMA taggers applied serially resulted with scores: UPOS: `99.35%`; UFeats: `98.36%`; AllTags: `98.21`; Lemmas: `98.88%`. For completeness, we included that script in our distribution, so you can use it for your model evaluation, too. To simplify it, we also made a wrapper [`mordl.conll18_ud_eval`](https://github.com/fostroll/mordl/blob/master/doc/README_SUPPLEMENTS.md#conll18) for it. ## Installation ### pip ***MorDL*** supports *Python 3.6* and *Transformers 4.3.3* or later. To install via *pip*, run: ```sh $ pip install mordl ``` If you currently have a previous version of ***MorDL*** installed, run: ```sh $ pip install mordl -U ``` ### From Source Alternatively, you can install ***MorDL*** from the source of this *git repository*: ```sh $ git clone https://github.com/fostroll/mordl.git $ cd mordl $ pip install -e . ``` This gives you access to examples that are not included in the *PyPI* package. ## Usage Our taggers use separate models, so they can be used independently. But to achieve best results FEATS tagger uses UPOS tags during training. And LEMMA and NER taggers use both UPOS and FEATS tags. Thus, for a fully untagged corpus, the tagging pipeline is serially applying the taggers, like shown below (assuming that our goal is NER and we already have trained taggers of all types): ```python from mordl import UposTagger, FeatsTagger, NeTagger tagger_u, tagger_f, tagger_n = UposTagger(), FeatsTagger(), NeTagger() tagger_u.load('upos_model') tagger_f.load('feats_model') tagger_n.load('misc-ne_model') tagger_n.predict( tagger_f.predict( tagger_u.predict('untagged.conllu') ), save_to='result.conllu' ) ``` Any tagger in our pipeline may be replaced with a better one if you have it. The weakness of separate taggers is that they take more space. If all models were created with BERT embeddings, and you load them in memory simultaneously, they may eat up to 9Gb on GPU. If it does not fit to your GPU, during loading, you can use params **device** and **dataset_device** to distribute your models on various GPUs. Alternatively, if you need just to tag some corpus once, you may load models serially: ```python tagger = UposTagger() tagger.load('upos_model') tagger.predict('untagged.conllu', save_to='result_upos.conllu') del tagger # just for sure tagger = FeatsTagger() tagger.load('feats_model') tagger.predict('result_upos.conllu', save_to='result_feats.conllu') del tagger tagger = NeTagger() tagger_n.load('misc-ne_model') tagger.predict('result_feats.conllu', save_to='result.conllu') del tagger ``` Don't use identical names for input and output file names when you call the `.predict()` methods. Normally, there will be no problem, because the methods by default load all the input file in memory before tagging. But if the input file is large, you may want to use the **split** parameter for the methods handle the file by parts. In that case, saving of the first part of the tagging data occurs before loading next. So, identical names will entail data loss. The training process is also simple. If you have training corpora and you don't want any experiments, just run: ```python from mordl import UposTagger tagger = UposTagger() tagger.load_train_corpus(train_corpus) tagger.load_test_corpus(dev_corpus) stat = tagger.train('upos_model', device='cuda:0', stage3_params={'save_as': 'upos_bert_model'}) ``` It is a training pipeline for the UPOS tagger; pipelines for other taggers are identical. For a more complete understanding of ***MorDL*** toolkit usage, refer to the Python notebook with the pipeline example in the `examples` directory of the ***MorDL*** GitHub repository. Also, the detailed descriptions are available in the docs: [***MorDL*** Basics](https://github.com/fostroll/mordl/blob/master/doc/README_BASICS.md#start) [Part of Speech Tagging](https://github.com/fostroll/mordl/blob/master/doc/README_POS.md#start) [Single Feature Tagging](https://github.com/fostroll/mordl/blob/master/doc/README_FEAT.md#start) [Multiple Feature Tagging](https://github.com/fostroll/mordl/blob/master/doc/README_FEATS.md#start) [Lemmata Prediction](https://github.com/fostroll/mordl/blob/master/doc/README_LEMMA.md#start) [Named-entity Recognition](https://github.com/fostroll/mordl/blob/master/doc/README_NER.md#start) [Supplements](https://github.com/fostroll/mordl/blob/master/doc/README_SUPPLEMENTS.md#start) Also, you can find training pipelines for different taggers in our [example notebook](https://github.com/fostroll/mordl/blob/master/examples/mordl.ipynb). This project was developed with the focus on Russian language, but a few nuances we use for it are unlikely to worsen the quality of processing other languages. ***MorDL's*** supports [*CoNLL-U*](https://universaldependencies.org/format.html) (if input/output is a file), or [*Parsed CoNLL-U*](https://github.com/fostroll/corpuscula/blob/master/doc/README_PARSED_CONLLU.md) (if input/output is an object). Also, ***MorDL's*** allows [***Corpuscula***'s corpora wrappers](https://github.com/fostroll/corpuscula/blob/master/doc/README_CORPORA.md) as input. ## License ***MorDL*** is released under the BSD License. See the [LICENSE](https://github.com/fostroll/mordl/blob/master/LICENSE) file for more details. %package -n python3-mordl Summary: Morphological parser (POS, lemmata, NER etc.) Provides: python-mordl BuildRequires: python3-devel BuildRequires: python3-setuptools BuildRequires: python3-pip %description -n python3-mordl

MorDL: Morphological Tagger (POS, lemmata, NER etc.)

[![PyPI Version](https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/mordl?color=blue)](https://pypi.org/project/mordl/) [![Python Version](https://img.shields.io/pypi/pyversions/mordl?color=blue)](https://www.python.org/) [![License: BSD-3](https://img.shields.io/badge/License-BSD-brightgreen.svg)](https://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause) ***MorDL*** is a tool to organize the pipeline for complete morphological sentence parsing (POS-tagging, lemmatization, morphological feature tagging) and Named-entity recognition. Scores (accuracy) on *SynTagRus* test dataset: UPOS: `99.35%`; FEATS: `98.87%` (tokens), `99.31%` (tags); LEMMA: `99.50%`. In all experiments, we used `seed=42`. Some other `seed` values may help to achive better results. Models' hyperparameters are also allowed to tune. The validation with the [official evaluation script](http://universaldependencies.org/conll18/conll18_ud_eval.py) of [CoNLL 2018 Shared Task](https://universaldependencies.org/conll18/results.html): * For the inference on the *SynTagRus* test corpus, when predicted fields were emptied and all other fields were stayed intact, the scores are the same as outlined above. * The inference of UPOS - FEATS - LEMMA taggers applied serially resulted with scores: UPOS: `99.35%`; UFeats: `98.36%`; AllTags: `98.21`; Lemmas: `98.88%`. For completeness, we included that script in our distribution, so you can use it for your model evaluation, too. To simplify it, we also made a wrapper [`mordl.conll18_ud_eval`](https://github.com/fostroll/mordl/blob/master/doc/README_SUPPLEMENTS.md#conll18) for it. ## Installation ### pip ***MorDL*** supports *Python 3.6* and *Transformers 4.3.3* or later. To install via *pip*, run: ```sh $ pip install mordl ``` If you currently have a previous version of ***MorDL*** installed, run: ```sh $ pip install mordl -U ``` ### From Source Alternatively, you can install ***MorDL*** from the source of this *git repository*: ```sh $ git clone https://github.com/fostroll/mordl.git $ cd mordl $ pip install -e . ``` This gives you access to examples that are not included in the *PyPI* package. ## Usage Our taggers use separate models, so they can be used independently. But to achieve best results FEATS tagger uses UPOS tags during training. And LEMMA and NER taggers use both UPOS and FEATS tags. Thus, for a fully untagged corpus, the tagging pipeline is serially applying the taggers, like shown below (assuming that our goal is NER and we already have trained taggers of all types): ```python from mordl import UposTagger, FeatsTagger, NeTagger tagger_u, tagger_f, tagger_n = UposTagger(), FeatsTagger(), NeTagger() tagger_u.load('upos_model') tagger_f.load('feats_model') tagger_n.load('misc-ne_model') tagger_n.predict( tagger_f.predict( tagger_u.predict('untagged.conllu') ), save_to='result.conllu' ) ``` Any tagger in our pipeline may be replaced with a better one if you have it. The weakness of separate taggers is that they take more space. If all models were created with BERT embeddings, and you load them in memory simultaneously, they may eat up to 9Gb on GPU. If it does not fit to your GPU, during loading, you can use params **device** and **dataset_device** to distribute your models on various GPUs. Alternatively, if you need just to tag some corpus once, you may load models serially: ```python tagger = UposTagger() tagger.load('upos_model') tagger.predict('untagged.conllu', save_to='result_upos.conllu') del tagger # just for sure tagger = FeatsTagger() tagger.load('feats_model') tagger.predict('result_upos.conllu', save_to='result_feats.conllu') del tagger tagger = NeTagger() tagger_n.load('misc-ne_model') tagger.predict('result_feats.conllu', save_to='result.conllu') del tagger ``` Don't use identical names for input and output file names when you call the `.predict()` methods. Normally, there will be no problem, because the methods by default load all the input file in memory before tagging. But if the input file is large, you may want to use the **split** parameter for the methods handle the file by parts. In that case, saving of the first part of the tagging data occurs before loading next. So, identical names will entail data loss. The training process is also simple. If you have training corpora and you don't want any experiments, just run: ```python from mordl import UposTagger tagger = UposTagger() tagger.load_train_corpus(train_corpus) tagger.load_test_corpus(dev_corpus) stat = tagger.train('upos_model', device='cuda:0', stage3_params={'save_as': 'upos_bert_model'}) ``` It is a training pipeline for the UPOS tagger; pipelines for other taggers are identical. For a more complete understanding of ***MorDL*** toolkit usage, refer to the Python notebook with the pipeline example in the `examples` directory of the ***MorDL*** GitHub repository. Also, the detailed descriptions are available in the docs: [***MorDL*** Basics](https://github.com/fostroll/mordl/blob/master/doc/README_BASICS.md#start) [Part of Speech Tagging](https://github.com/fostroll/mordl/blob/master/doc/README_POS.md#start) [Single Feature Tagging](https://github.com/fostroll/mordl/blob/master/doc/README_FEAT.md#start) [Multiple Feature Tagging](https://github.com/fostroll/mordl/blob/master/doc/README_FEATS.md#start) [Lemmata Prediction](https://github.com/fostroll/mordl/blob/master/doc/README_LEMMA.md#start) [Named-entity Recognition](https://github.com/fostroll/mordl/blob/master/doc/README_NER.md#start) [Supplements](https://github.com/fostroll/mordl/blob/master/doc/README_SUPPLEMENTS.md#start) Also, you can find training pipelines for different taggers in our [example notebook](https://github.com/fostroll/mordl/blob/master/examples/mordl.ipynb). This project was developed with the focus on Russian language, but a few nuances we use for it are unlikely to worsen the quality of processing other languages. ***MorDL's*** supports [*CoNLL-U*](https://universaldependencies.org/format.html) (if input/output is a file), or [*Parsed CoNLL-U*](https://github.com/fostroll/corpuscula/blob/master/doc/README_PARSED_CONLLU.md) (if input/output is an object). Also, ***MorDL's*** allows [***Corpuscula***'s corpora wrappers](https://github.com/fostroll/corpuscula/blob/master/doc/README_CORPORA.md) as input. ## License ***MorDL*** is released under the BSD License. See the [LICENSE](https://github.com/fostroll/mordl/blob/master/LICENSE) file for more details. %package help Summary: Development documents and examples for mordl Provides: python3-mordl-doc %description help

MorDL: Morphological Tagger (POS, lemmata, NER etc.)

[![PyPI Version](https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/mordl?color=blue)](https://pypi.org/project/mordl/) [![Python Version](https://img.shields.io/pypi/pyversions/mordl?color=blue)](https://www.python.org/) [![License: BSD-3](https://img.shields.io/badge/License-BSD-brightgreen.svg)](https://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause) ***MorDL*** is a tool to organize the pipeline for complete morphological sentence parsing (POS-tagging, lemmatization, morphological feature tagging) and Named-entity recognition. Scores (accuracy) on *SynTagRus* test dataset: UPOS: `99.35%`; FEATS: `98.87%` (tokens), `99.31%` (tags); LEMMA: `99.50%`. In all experiments, we used `seed=42`. Some other `seed` values may help to achive better results. Models' hyperparameters are also allowed to tune. The validation with the [official evaluation script](http://universaldependencies.org/conll18/conll18_ud_eval.py) of [CoNLL 2018 Shared Task](https://universaldependencies.org/conll18/results.html): * For the inference on the *SynTagRus* test corpus, when predicted fields were emptied and all other fields were stayed intact, the scores are the same as outlined above. * The inference of UPOS - FEATS - LEMMA taggers applied serially resulted with scores: UPOS: `99.35%`; UFeats: `98.36%`; AllTags: `98.21`; Lemmas: `98.88%`. For completeness, we included that script in our distribution, so you can use it for your model evaluation, too. To simplify it, we also made a wrapper [`mordl.conll18_ud_eval`](https://github.com/fostroll/mordl/blob/master/doc/README_SUPPLEMENTS.md#conll18) for it. ## Installation ### pip ***MorDL*** supports *Python 3.6* and *Transformers 4.3.3* or later. To install via *pip*, run: ```sh $ pip install mordl ``` If you currently have a previous version of ***MorDL*** installed, run: ```sh $ pip install mordl -U ``` ### From Source Alternatively, you can install ***MorDL*** from the source of this *git repository*: ```sh $ git clone https://github.com/fostroll/mordl.git $ cd mordl $ pip install -e . ``` This gives you access to examples that are not included in the *PyPI* package. ## Usage Our taggers use separate models, so they can be used independently. But to achieve best results FEATS tagger uses UPOS tags during training. And LEMMA and NER taggers use both UPOS and FEATS tags. Thus, for a fully untagged corpus, the tagging pipeline is serially applying the taggers, like shown below (assuming that our goal is NER and we already have trained taggers of all types): ```python from mordl import UposTagger, FeatsTagger, NeTagger tagger_u, tagger_f, tagger_n = UposTagger(), FeatsTagger(), NeTagger() tagger_u.load('upos_model') tagger_f.load('feats_model') tagger_n.load('misc-ne_model') tagger_n.predict( tagger_f.predict( tagger_u.predict('untagged.conllu') ), save_to='result.conllu' ) ``` Any tagger in our pipeline may be replaced with a better one if you have it. The weakness of separate taggers is that they take more space. If all models were created with BERT embeddings, and you load them in memory simultaneously, they may eat up to 9Gb on GPU. If it does not fit to your GPU, during loading, you can use params **device** and **dataset_device** to distribute your models on various GPUs. Alternatively, if you need just to tag some corpus once, you may load models serially: ```python tagger = UposTagger() tagger.load('upos_model') tagger.predict('untagged.conllu', save_to='result_upos.conllu') del tagger # just for sure tagger = FeatsTagger() tagger.load('feats_model') tagger.predict('result_upos.conllu', save_to='result_feats.conllu') del tagger tagger = NeTagger() tagger_n.load('misc-ne_model') tagger.predict('result_feats.conllu', save_to='result.conllu') del tagger ``` Don't use identical names for input and output file names when you call the `.predict()` methods. Normally, there will be no problem, because the methods by default load all the input file in memory before tagging. But if the input file is large, you may want to use the **split** parameter for the methods handle the file by parts. In that case, saving of the first part of the tagging data occurs before loading next. So, identical names will entail data loss. The training process is also simple. If you have training corpora and you don't want any experiments, just run: ```python from mordl import UposTagger tagger = UposTagger() tagger.load_train_corpus(train_corpus) tagger.load_test_corpus(dev_corpus) stat = tagger.train('upos_model', device='cuda:0', stage3_params={'save_as': 'upos_bert_model'}) ``` It is a training pipeline for the UPOS tagger; pipelines for other taggers are identical. For a more complete understanding of ***MorDL*** toolkit usage, refer to the Python notebook with the pipeline example in the `examples` directory of the ***MorDL*** GitHub repository. Also, the detailed descriptions are available in the docs: [***MorDL*** Basics](https://github.com/fostroll/mordl/blob/master/doc/README_BASICS.md#start) [Part of Speech Tagging](https://github.com/fostroll/mordl/blob/master/doc/README_POS.md#start) [Single Feature Tagging](https://github.com/fostroll/mordl/blob/master/doc/README_FEAT.md#start) [Multiple Feature Tagging](https://github.com/fostroll/mordl/blob/master/doc/README_FEATS.md#start) [Lemmata Prediction](https://github.com/fostroll/mordl/blob/master/doc/README_LEMMA.md#start) [Named-entity Recognition](https://github.com/fostroll/mordl/blob/master/doc/README_NER.md#start) [Supplements](https://github.com/fostroll/mordl/blob/master/doc/README_SUPPLEMENTS.md#start) Also, you can find training pipelines for different taggers in our [example notebook](https://github.com/fostroll/mordl/blob/master/examples/mordl.ipynb). This project was developed with the focus on Russian language, but a few nuances we use for it are unlikely to worsen the quality of processing other languages. ***MorDL's*** supports [*CoNLL-U*](https://universaldependencies.org/format.html) (if input/output is a file), or [*Parsed CoNLL-U*](https://github.com/fostroll/corpuscula/blob/master/doc/README_PARSED_CONLLU.md) (if input/output is an object). Also, ***MorDL's*** allows [***Corpuscula***'s corpora wrappers](https://github.com/fostroll/corpuscula/blob/master/doc/README_CORPORA.md) as input. ## License ***MorDL*** is released under the BSD License. See the [LICENSE](https://github.com/fostroll/mordl/blob/master/LICENSE) file for more details. %prep %autosetup -n mordl-2.0.12 %build %py3_build %install %py3_install install -d -m755 %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir} if [ -d doc ]; then cp -arf doc %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi if [ -d docs ]; then cp -arf docs %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi if [ -d example ]; then cp -arf example %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi if [ -d examples ]; then cp -arf examples %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi pushd %{buildroot} if [ -d usr/lib ]; then find usr/lib -type f -printf "\"/%h/%f\"\n" >> filelist.lst fi if [ -d usr/lib64 ]; then find usr/lib64 -type f -printf "\"/%h/%f\"\n" >> filelist.lst fi if [ -d usr/bin ]; then find usr/bin -type f -printf "\"/%h/%f\"\n" >> filelist.lst fi if [ -d usr/sbin ]; then find usr/sbin -type f -printf "\"/%h/%f\"\n" >> filelist.lst fi touch doclist.lst if [ -d usr/share/man ]; then find usr/share/man -type f -printf "\"/%h/%f.gz\"\n" >> doclist.lst fi popd mv %{buildroot}/filelist.lst . mv %{buildroot}/doclist.lst . %files -n python3-mordl -f filelist.lst %dir %{python3_sitelib}/* %files help -f doclist.lst %{_docdir}/* %changelog * Thu Jun 08 2023 Python_Bot - 2.0.12-1 - Package Spec generated