%global _empty_manifest_terminate_build 0 Name: python-django-herald Version: 0.3.0 Release: 1 Summary: Django library for separating the message content from transmission method License: MIT URL: https://github.com/worthwhile/django-herald/ Source0: https://mirrors.aliyun.com/pypi/web/packages/17/a1/0670af75ee3d992b6406133c2960ffde4b072545d8f2bc784dd8c4d404d5/django-herald-0.3.0.tar.gz BuildArch: noarch Requires: python3-django Requires: python3-six Requires: python3-jsonpickle Requires: python3-django Requires: python3-six Requires: python3-jsonpickle Requires: python3-pytz Requires: python3-html2text Requires: python3-twilio %description # django-herald [![Latest PyPI version](https://badge.fury.io/py/django-herald.svg)](https://pypi.python.org/pypi/django-herald) [![Tests](https://github.com/worthwhile/django-herald/actions/workflows/ci.yml/badge.svg?branch=master)](https://github.com/worthwhile/django-herald/actions/workflows/ci.yml) [![Black](https://github.com/worthwhile/django-herald/actions/workflows/black.yml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/worthwhile/django-herald/actions/workflows/black.yml) [![Coverage Status](https://codecov.io/gh/worthwhile/django-herald/coverage.svg?branch=master)](https://app.codecov.io/gh/worthwhile/django-herald) [![Logo](https://github.com/worthwhile/django-herald/raw/master/logo.png)](https://github.com/worthwhile/django-herald) A Django messaging library that features: - Class-based declaration and registry approach, like Django Admin - Supports multiple transmission methods (Email, SMS, Slack, etc) per message - Browser-based previewing of messages - Maintains a history of messaging sending attempts and can view these messages - Disabling notifications per user # Python/Django Support We try to make herald support all versions of django that django supports + all versions in between. For python, herald supports all versions of python that the above versions of django support. So as of herald v0.3 we support django 3.2 and 4.x+, and python 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, and 3.10. # Installation 1. `pip install django-herald` 2. Add `herald` and `django.contrib.sites` to `INSTALLED_APPS`. 3. Add herald's URLS: ```python from django.conf import settings from django.conf.urls import url, include urlpatterns = [] if settings.DEBUG: urlpatterns = [ url(r'^herald/', include('herald.urls')), ] + urlpatterns ``` # Usage 1. Create a `notifications.py` file in any django app. This is where your notification classes will live. Add a class like this: ```python from herald import registry from herald.base import EmailNotification class WelcomeEmail(EmailNotification): # extend from EmailNotification for emails template_name = 'welcome_email' # name of template, without extension subject = 'Welcome' # subject of email def __init__(self, user): # optionally customize the initialization self.context = {'user': user} # set context for the template rendering self.to_emails = [user.email] # set list of emails to send to @staticmethod def get_demo_args(): # define a static method to return list of args needed to initialize class for testing from users.models import User return [User.objects.order_by('?')[0]] registry.register(WelcomeEmail) # finally, register your notification class # Alternatively, a class decorator can be used to register the notification: @registry.register_decorator() class WelcomeEmail(EmailNotification): ... ``` 2. Create templates for rendering the email using this file structure: templates/ herald/ text/ welcome_email.txt html/ welcome_email.html 3. Test how your email looks by navigating to `/herald/`. 4. Send your email wherever you need in your code: WelcomeEmail(user).send() 5. View the sent emails in django admin and even be able to resend it. ## Email options The following options can be set on the email notification class. For Example: ``` class WelcomeEmail(EmailNotification): cc = ['test@example.com'] ``` - `from_email`: (`str`, default: `settings.DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL`) email address of sender - `subject`: (`str`, default: ) email subject - `to_emails`: (`List[str]`, default: `None`) list of email strings to send to - `bcc`: (`List[str]`, default: `None`) list of email strings to send as bcc - `cc`: (`List[str]`, default: `None`) list of email strings to send as cc - `headers`: (`dict`, default: `None`) extra headers to be passed along to the `EmailMultiAlternatives` object - `reply_to`: (`List[str]`, default: `None`) list of email strings to send as the Reply-To emails - `attachments`: (`list`) list of attachments. See "Email Attachments" below for more info ## Automatically Deleting Old Notifications Herald can automatically delete old notifications whenever a new notification is sent. To enable this, set the `HERALD_NOTIFICATION_RETENTION_TIME` setting to a timedelta instance. For example: ``` HERALD_NOTIFICATION_RETENTION_TIME = timedelta(weeks=8) ``` Will delete all notifications older than 8 weeks every time a new notification is sent. ## Manually Deleting Old Notifications The `delnotifs` command is useful for purging the notification history. The default usage will delete everything from sent during today: ```bash python manage.py delnotifs ``` However, you can also pass arguments for `start` or `end` dates. `end` is up to, but not including that date. - if only `end` is specified, delete anything sent before the end date. - if only `start` is specified, delete anything sent since the start date. - if both `start` and `end` are specified, delete anything sent in between, not including the end date. ```bash python manage.py delnotifs --start='2016-01-01' --end='2016-01-10' ``` ## Asynchronous Email Sending If you are sending slightly different emails to a large number of people, it might take quite a while to process. By default, Django will process this all synchronously. For asynchronous support, we recommend django-celery-email. It is very straightfoward to setup and integrate: https://github.com/pmclanahan/django-celery-email ## herald.contrib.auth Django has built-in support for sending password reset emails. If you would like to send those emails using herald, you can use the notification class in herald.contrib.auth. First, add `herald.contrib.auth` to `INSTALLED_APPS` (in addition to `herald`). Second, use the `HeraldPasswordResetForm` in place of django's built in `PasswordResetForm`. This step is entirely dependant on your project structure, but it essentially just involves changing the form class on the password reset view in some way: ```python # you may simply just need to override the password reset url like so: url(r'^password_reset/$', password_reset, name='password_reset', {'password_reset_form': HeraldPasswordResetForm}), # of if you are using something like django-authtools: url(r'^password_reset/$', PasswordResetView.as_view(form_class=HeraldPasswordResetForm), name='password_reset'), # or you may have a customized version of the password reset view: class MyPasswordResetView(FormView): form_class = HeraldPasswordResetForm # change the form class here # or, you may have a custom password reset form already. In that case, you will want to extend from the HeraldPasswordResetForm: class MyPasswordResetForm(HeraldPasswordResetForm): ... # alternatively, you could even just send the notification wherever you wish, seperate from the form: PasswordResetEmail(some_user).send() ``` Third, you may want to customize the templates for the email. By default, herald will use the `registration/password_reset_email.html` that is provided by django for both the html and text versions of the email. But you can simply override `herald/html/password_reset.html` and/or `herald/text/password_reset.txt` to suit your needs. ## User Disabled Notifications If you want to disable certain notifications per user, add a record to the UserNotification table and add notifications to the disabled_notifications many to many table. For example: ```python user = User.objects.get(id=user.id) notification = Notification.objects.get(notification_class=MyNotification.get_class_path()) # disable the notification user.usernotification.disabled_notifications.add(notification) ``` By default, notifications can be disabled. You can put can_disable = False in your notification class and the system will populate the database with this default. Your Notification class can also override the verbose_name by setting it in your inherited Notification class. Like this: ```python class MyNotification(EmailNotification): can_disable = False verbose_name = "My Required Notification" ``` ## Email Attachments To send attachments, assign a list of attachments to the attachments attribute of your EmailNotification instance, or override the get_attachments() method. Each attachment in the list can be one of the following: 1. A tuple which consists of the filename, the raw attachment data, and the mimetype. It is up to you to get the attachment data. Like this: ```python raw_data = get_pdf_data() email.attachments = [ ('Report.pdf', raw_data, 'application/pdf'), ('report.txt', 'text version of report', 'text/plain') ] email.send() ``` 2. A MIMEBase object. See the documentation for attachments under EmailMessage Objects/attachments in the Django documentation. 3. A django `File` object. ### Inline Attachments Sometimes you want to embed an image directly into the email content. Do that by using a MIMEImage assigning a content id header to a MIMEImage, like this: ```python email = WelcomeEmail(user) im = get_thumbnail(image_file.name, '600x600', quality=95) my_image = MIMEImage(im.read()) # MIMEImage inherits from MIMEBase my_image.add_header('Content-ID', '<{}>'.format(image_file.name)) ``` You can refer to these images in your html email templates using the Content ID (cid) like this: ```html ``` You would of course need to add the "image_file" to your template context in the example above. You can also accomplish this using file operations. In this example we overrode the get_attachments method of an EmailNotification. ```python class MyNotification(EmailNotification): context = {'hello': 'world'} template_name = 'welcome_email' to_emails = ['somebody@example.com'] subject = "My email test" def get_attachments(self): fp = open('python.jpeg', 'rb') img = MIMEImage(fp.read()) img.add_header('Content-ID', '<{}>'.format('python.jpeg')) return [ img, ] ``` And in your template you would refer to it like this, and you would not need to add anything to the context: ```html ``` ### HTML2Text Support Django Herald can auto convert your HTML emails to plain text. Any email without a plain text version will be auto converted if you enable this feature. ``` # Install html2text pip install django-herald[html2text] ``` In your settings.py file: ``` HERALD_HTML2TEXT_ENABLED = True ``` You can customize the output of HTML2Text by setting a configuration dictionary. See [HTML2Text Configuration](https://github.com/Alir3z4/html2text/blob/master/docs/usage.md) for options ``` HERALD_HTML2TEXT_CONFIG = { # Key / value configuration of html2text 'ignore_images': True # Ignores images in conversion } ``` ``` HERALD_RAISE_MISSING_TEMPLATES = True ``` By default, Herald will raise an exception if a template is missing when true (default). ### Twilio ``` # Install twilio pip install django-herald[twilio] ``` You can retrieve these values on [Twilio Console](https://twilio.com/console). Once you have retrieve the necessary ids, you can place those to your `settings.py`. For reference, Twilio has some great tutorials for python. [Twilio Python Tutorial](https://www.twilio.com/docs/sms/quickstart/python) ``` # Twilio configurations # values taken from `twilio console` TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID = "your_account_sid" TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN = "your_auth_token" TWILIO_DEFAULT_FROM_NUMBER = "+1234567890" ``` ### Other MIME attachments You can also attach any MIMEBase objects as regular attachments, but you must add a content-disposition header, or they will be inaccessible: ```python my_image.add_header('Content-Disposition', 'attachment; filename="python.jpg"') ``` Attachments can cause your database to become quite large, so you should be sure to run the management commands to purge the database of old messages. # Running Tests ```bash python runtests.py ``` %package -n python3-django-herald Summary: Django library for separating the message content from transmission method Provides: python-django-herald BuildRequires: python3-devel BuildRequires: python3-setuptools BuildRequires: python3-pip %description -n python3-django-herald # django-herald [![Latest PyPI version](https://badge.fury.io/py/django-herald.svg)](https://pypi.python.org/pypi/django-herald) [![Tests](https://github.com/worthwhile/django-herald/actions/workflows/ci.yml/badge.svg?branch=master)](https://github.com/worthwhile/django-herald/actions/workflows/ci.yml) [![Black](https://github.com/worthwhile/django-herald/actions/workflows/black.yml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/worthwhile/django-herald/actions/workflows/black.yml) [![Coverage Status](https://codecov.io/gh/worthwhile/django-herald/coverage.svg?branch=master)](https://app.codecov.io/gh/worthwhile/django-herald) [![Logo](https://github.com/worthwhile/django-herald/raw/master/logo.png)](https://github.com/worthwhile/django-herald) A Django messaging library that features: - Class-based declaration and registry approach, like Django Admin - Supports multiple transmission methods (Email, SMS, Slack, etc) per message - Browser-based previewing of messages - Maintains a history of messaging sending attempts and can view these messages - Disabling notifications per user # Python/Django Support We try to make herald support all versions of django that django supports + all versions in between. For python, herald supports all versions of python that the above versions of django support. So as of herald v0.3 we support django 3.2 and 4.x+, and python 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, and 3.10. # Installation 1. `pip install django-herald` 2. Add `herald` and `django.contrib.sites` to `INSTALLED_APPS`. 3. Add herald's URLS: ```python from django.conf import settings from django.conf.urls import url, include urlpatterns = [] if settings.DEBUG: urlpatterns = [ url(r'^herald/', include('herald.urls')), ] + urlpatterns ``` # Usage 1. Create a `notifications.py` file in any django app. This is where your notification classes will live. Add a class like this: ```python from herald import registry from herald.base import EmailNotification class WelcomeEmail(EmailNotification): # extend from EmailNotification for emails template_name = 'welcome_email' # name of template, without extension subject = 'Welcome' # subject of email def __init__(self, user): # optionally customize the initialization self.context = {'user': user} # set context for the template rendering self.to_emails = [user.email] # set list of emails to send to @staticmethod def get_demo_args(): # define a static method to return list of args needed to initialize class for testing from users.models import User return [User.objects.order_by('?')[0]] registry.register(WelcomeEmail) # finally, register your notification class # Alternatively, a class decorator can be used to register the notification: @registry.register_decorator() class WelcomeEmail(EmailNotification): ... ``` 2. Create templates for rendering the email using this file structure: templates/ herald/ text/ welcome_email.txt html/ welcome_email.html 3. Test how your email looks by navigating to `/herald/`. 4. Send your email wherever you need in your code: WelcomeEmail(user).send() 5. View the sent emails in django admin and even be able to resend it. ## Email options The following options can be set on the email notification class. For Example: ``` class WelcomeEmail(EmailNotification): cc = ['test@example.com'] ``` - `from_email`: (`str`, default: `settings.DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL`) email address of sender - `subject`: (`str`, default: ) email subject - `to_emails`: (`List[str]`, default: `None`) list of email strings to send to - `bcc`: (`List[str]`, default: `None`) list of email strings to send as bcc - `cc`: (`List[str]`, default: `None`) list of email strings to send as cc - `headers`: (`dict`, default: `None`) extra headers to be passed along to the `EmailMultiAlternatives` object - `reply_to`: (`List[str]`, default: `None`) list of email strings to send as the Reply-To emails - `attachments`: (`list`) list of attachments. See "Email Attachments" below for more info ## Automatically Deleting Old Notifications Herald can automatically delete old notifications whenever a new notification is sent. To enable this, set the `HERALD_NOTIFICATION_RETENTION_TIME` setting to a timedelta instance. For example: ``` HERALD_NOTIFICATION_RETENTION_TIME = timedelta(weeks=8) ``` Will delete all notifications older than 8 weeks every time a new notification is sent. ## Manually Deleting Old Notifications The `delnotifs` command is useful for purging the notification history. The default usage will delete everything from sent during today: ```bash python manage.py delnotifs ``` However, you can also pass arguments for `start` or `end` dates. `end` is up to, but not including that date. - if only `end` is specified, delete anything sent before the end date. - if only `start` is specified, delete anything sent since the start date. - if both `start` and `end` are specified, delete anything sent in between, not including the end date. ```bash python manage.py delnotifs --start='2016-01-01' --end='2016-01-10' ``` ## Asynchronous Email Sending If you are sending slightly different emails to a large number of people, it might take quite a while to process. By default, Django will process this all synchronously. For asynchronous support, we recommend django-celery-email. It is very straightfoward to setup and integrate: https://github.com/pmclanahan/django-celery-email ## herald.contrib.auth Django has built-in support for sending password reset emails. If you would like to send those emails using herald, you can use the notification class in herald.contrib.auth. First, add `herald.contrib.auth` to `INSTALLED_APPS` (in addition to `herald`). Second, use the `HeraldPasswordResetForm` in place of django's built in `PasswordResetForm`. This step is entirely dependant on your project structure, but it essentially just involves changing the form class on the password reset view in some way: ```python # you may simply just need to override the password reset url like so: url(r'^password_reset/$', password_reset, name='password_reset', {'password_reset_form': HeraldPasswordResetForm}), # of if you are using something like django-authtools: url(r'^password_reset/$', PasswordResetView.as_view(form_class=HeraldPasswordResetForm), name='password_reset'), # or you may have a customized version of the password reset view: class MyPasswordResetView(FormView): form_class = HeraldPasswordResetForm # change the form class here # or, you may have a custom password reset form already. In that case, you will want to extend from the HeraldPasswordResetForm: class MyPasswordResetForm(HeraldPasswordResetForm): ... # alternatively, you could even just send the notification wherever you wish, seperate from the form: PasswordResetEmail(some_user).send() ``` Third, you may want to customize the templates for the email. By default, herald will use the `registration/password_reset_email.html` that is provided by django for both the html and text versions of the email. But you can simply override `herald/html/password_reset.html` and/or `herald/text/password_reset.txt` to suit your needs. ## User Disabled Notifications If you want to disable certain notifications per user, add a record to the UserNotification table and add notifications to the disabled_notifications many to many table. For example: ```python user = User.objects.get(id=user.id) notification = Notification.objects.get(notification_class=MyNotification.get_class_path()) # disable the notification user.usernotification.disabled_notifications.add(notification) ``` By default, notifications can be disabled. You can put can_disable = False in your notification class and the system will populate the database with this default. Your Notification class can also override the verbose_name by setting it in your inherited Notification class. Like this: ```python class MyNotification(EmailNotification): can_disable = False verbose_name = "My Required Notification" ``` ## Email Attachments To send attachments, assign a list of attachments to the attachments attribute of your EmailNotification instance, or override the get_attachments() method. Each attachment in the list can be one of the following: 1. A tuple which consists of the filename, the raw attachment data, and the mimetype. It is up to you to get the attachment data. Like this: ```python raw_data = get_pdf_data() email.attachments = [ ('Report.pdf', raw_data, 'application/pdf'), ('report.txt', 'text version of report', 'text/plain') ] email.send() ``` 2. A MIMEBase object. See the documentation for attachments under EmailMessage Objects/attachments in the Django documentation. 3. A django `File` object. ### Inline Attachments Sometimes you want to embed an image directly into the email content. Do that by using a MIMEImage assigning a content id header to a MIMEImage, like this: ```python email = WelcomeEmail(user) im = get_thumbnail(image_file.name, '600x600', quality=95) my_image = MIMEImage(im.read()) # MIMEImage inherits from MIMEBase my_image.add_header('Content-ID', '<{}>'.format(image_file.name)) ``` You can refer to these images in your html email templates using the Content ID (cid) like this: ```html ``` You would of course need to add the "image_file" to your template context in the example above. You can also accomplish this using file operations. In this example we overrode the get_attachments method of an EmailNotification. ```python class MyNotification(EmailNotification): context = {'hello': 'world'} template_name = 'welcome_email' to_emails = ['somebody@example.com'] subject = "My email test" def get_attachments(self): fp = open('python.jpeg', 'rb') img = MIMEImage(fp.read()) img.add_header('Content-ID', '<{}>'.format('python.jpeg')) return [ img, ] ``` And in your template you would refer to it like this, and you would not need to add anything to the context: ```html ``` ### HTML2Text Support Django Herald can auto convert your HTML emails to plain text. Any email without a plain text version will be auto converted if you enable this feature. ``` # Install html2text pip install django-herald[html2text] ``` In your settings.py file: ``` HERALD_HTML2TEXT_ENABLED = True ``` You can customize the output of HTML2Text by setting a configuration dictionary. See [HTML2Text Configuration](https://github.com/Alir3z4/html2text/blob/master/docs/usage.md) for options ``` HERALD_HTML2TEXT_CONFIG = { # Key / value configuration of html2text 'ignore_images': True # Ignores images in conversion } ``` ``` HERALD_RAISE_MISSING_TEMPLATES = True ``` By default, Herald will raise an exception if a template is missing when true (default). ### Twilio ``` # Install twilio pip install django-herald[twilio] ``` You can retrieve these values on [Twilio Console](https://twilio.com/console). Once you have retrieve the necessary ids, you can place those to your `settings.py`. For reference, Twilio has some great tutorials for python. [Twilio Python Tutorial](https://www.twilio.com/docs/sms/quickstart/python) ``` # Twilio configurations # values taken from `twilio console` TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID = "your_account_sid" TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN = "your_auth_token" TWILIO_DEFAULT_FROM_NUMBER = "+1234567890" ``` ### Other MIME attachments You can also attach any MIMEBase objects as regular attachments, but you must add a content-disposition header, or they will be inaccessible: ```python my_image.add_header('Content-Disposition', 'attachment; filename="python.jpg"') ``` Attachments can cause your database to become quite large, so you should be sure to run the management commands to purge the database of old messages. # Running Tests ```bash python runtests.py ``` %package help Summary: Development documents and examples for django-herald Provides: python3-django-herald-doc %description help # django-herald [![Latest PyPI version](https://badge.fury.io/py/django-herald.svg)](https://pypi.python.org/pypi/django-herald) [![Tests](https://github.com/worthwhile/django-herald/actions/workflows/ci.yml/badge.svg?branch=master)](https://github.com/worthwhile/django-herald/actions/workflows/ci.yml) [![Black](https://github.com/worthwhile/django-herald/actions/workflows/black.yml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/worthwhile/django-herald/actions/workflows/black.yml) [![Coverage Status](https://codecov.io/gh/worthwhile/django-herald/coverage.svg?branch=master)](https://app.codecov.io/gh/worthwhile/django-herald) [![Logo](https://github.com/worthwhile/django-herald/raw/master/logo.png)](https://github.com/worthwhile/django-herald) A Django messaging library that features: - Class-based declaration and registry approach, like Django Admin - Supports multiple transmission methods (Email, SMS, Slack, etc) per message - Browser-based previewing of messages - Maintains a history of messaging sending attempts and can view these messages - Disabling notifications per user # Python/Django Support We try to make herald support all versions of django that django supports + all versions in between. For python, herald supports all versions of python that the above versions of django support. So as of herald v0.3 we support django 3.2 and 4.x+, and python 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, and 3.10. # Installation 1. `pip install django-herald` 2. Add `herald` and `django.contrib.sites` to `INSTALLED_APPS`. 3. Add herald's URLS: ```python from django.conf import settings from django.conf.urls import url, include urlpatterns = [] if settings.DEBUG: urlpatterns = [ url(r'^herald/', include('herald.urls')), ] + urlpatterns ``` # Usage 1. Create a `notifications.py` file in any django app. This is where your notification classes will live. Add a class like this: ```python from herald import registry from herald.base import EmailNotification class WelcomeEmail(EmailNotification): # extend from EmailNotification for emails template_name = 'welcome_email' # name of template, without extension subject = 'Welcome' # subject of email def __init__(self, user): # optionally customize the initialization self.context = {'user': user} # set context for the template rendering self.to_emails = [user.email] # set list of emails to send to @staticmethod def get_demo_args(): # define a static method to return list of args needed to initialize class for testing from users.models import User return [User.objects.order_by('?')[0]] registry.register(WelcomeEmail) # finally, register your notification class # Alternatively, a class decorator can be used to register the notification: @registry.register_decorator() class WelcomeEmail(EmailNotification): ... ``` 2. Create templates for rendering the email using this file structure: templates/ herald/ text/ welcome_email.txt html/ welcome_email.html 3. Test how your email looks by navigating to `/herald/`. 4. Send your email wherever you need in your code: WelcomeEmail(user).send() 5. View the sent emails in django admin and even be able to resend it. ## Email options The following options can be set on the email notification class. For Example: ``` class WelcomeEmail(EmailNotification): cc = ['test@example.com'] ``` - `from_email`: (`str`, default: `settings.DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL`) email address of sender - `subject`: (`str`, default: ) email subject - `to_emails`: (`List[str]`, default: `None`) list of email strings to send to - `bcc`: (`List[str]`, default: `None`) list of email strings to send as bcc - `cc`: (`List[str]`, default: `None`) list of email strings to send as cc - `headers`: (`dict`, default: `None`) extra headers to be passed along to the `EmailMultiAlternatives` object - `reply_to`: (`List[str]`, default: `None`) list of email strings to send as the Reply-To emails - `attachments`: (`list`) list of attachments. See "Email Attachments" below for more info ## Automatically Deleting Old Notifications Herald can automatically delete old notifications whenever a new notification is sent. To enable this, set the `HERALD_NOTIFICATION_RETENTION_TIME` setting to a timedelta instance. For example: ``` HERALD_NOTIFICATION_RETENTION_TIME = timedelta(weeks=8) ``` Will delete all notifications older than 8 weeks every time a new notification is sent. ## Manually Deleting Old Notifications The `delnotifs` command is useful for purging the notification history. The default usage will delete everything from sent during today: ```bash python manage.py delnotifs ``` However, you can also pass arguments for `start` or `end` dates. `end` is up to, but not including that date. - if only `end` is specified, delete anything sent before the end date. - if only `start` is specified, delete anything sent since the start date. - if both `start` and `end` are specified, delete anything sent in between, not including the end date. ```bash python manage.py delnotifs --start='2016-01-01' --end='2016-01-10' ``` ## Asynchronous Email Sending If you are sending slightly different emails to a large number of people, it might take quite a while to process. By default, Django will process this all synchronously. For asynchronous support, we recommend django-celery-email. It is very straightfoward to setup and integrate: https://github.com/pmclanahan/django-celery-email ## herald.contrib.auth Django has built-in support for sending password reset emails. If you would like to send those emails using herald, you can use the notification class in herald.contrib.auth. First, add `herald.contrib.auth` to `INSTALLED_APPS` (in addition to `herald`). Second, use the `HeraldPasswordResetForm` in place of django's built in `PasswordResetForm`. This step is entirely dependant on your project structure, but it essentially just involves changing the form class on the password reset view in some way: ```python # you may simply just need to override the password reset url like so: url(r'^password_reset/$', password_reset, name='password_reset', {'password_reset_form': HeraldPasswordResetForm}), # of if you are using something like django-authtools: url(r'^password_reset/$', PasswordResetView.as_view(form_class=HeraldPasswordResetForm), name='password_reset'), # or you may have a customized version of the password reset view: class MyPasswordResetView(FormView): form_class = HeraldPasswordResetForm # change the form class here # or, you may have a custom password reset form already. In that case, you will want to extend from the HeraldPasswordResetForm: class MyPasswordResetForm(HeraldPasswordResetForm): ... # alternatively, you could even just send the notification wherever you wish, seperate from the form: PasswordResetEmail(some_user).send() ``` Third, you may want to customize the templates for the email. By default, herald will use the `registration/password_reset_email.html` that is provided by django for both the html and text versions of the email. But you can simply override `herald/html/password_reset.html` and/or `herald/text/password_reset.txt` to suit your needs. ## User Disabled Notifications If you want to disable certain notifications per user, add a record to the UserNotification table and add notifications to the disabled_notifications many to many table. For example: ```python user = User.objects.get(id=user.id) notification = Notification.objects.get(notification_class=MyNotification.get_class_path()) # disable the notification user.usernotification.disabled_notifications.add(notification) ``` By default, notifications can be disabled. You can put can_disable = False in your notification class and the system will populate the database with this default. Your Notification class can also override the verbose_name by setting it in your inherited Notification class. Like this: ```python class MyNotification(EmailNotification): can_disable = False verbose_name = "My Required Notification" ``` ## Email Attachments To send attachments, assign a list of attachments to the attachments attribute of your EmailNotification instance, or override the get_attachments() method. Each attachment in the list can be one of the following: 1. A tuple which consists of the filename, the raw attachment data, and the mimetype. It is up to you to get the attachment data. Like this: ```python raw_data = get_pdf_data() email.attachments = [ ('Report.pdf', raw_data, 'application/pdf'), ('report.txt', 'text version of report', 'text/plain') ] email.send() ``` 2. A MIMEBase object. See the documentation for attachments under EmailMessage Objects/attachments in the Django documentation. 3. A django `File` object. ### Inline Attachments Sometimes you want to embed an image directly into the email content. Do that by using a MIMEImage assigning a content id header to a MIMEImage, like this: ```python email = WelcomeEmail(user) im = get_thumbnail(image_file.name, '600x600', quality=95) my_image = MIMEImage(im.read()) # MIMEImage inherits from MIMEBase my_image.add_header('Content-ID', '<{}>'.format(image_file.name)) ``` You can refer to these images in your html email templates using the Content ID (cid) like this: ```html ``` You would of course need to add the "image_file" to your template context in the example above. You can also accomplish this using file operations. In this example we overrode the get_attachments method of an EmailNotification. ```python class MyNotification(EmailNotification): context = {'hello': 'world'} template_name = 'welcome_email' to_emails = ['somebody@example.com'] subject = "My email test" def get_attachments(self): fp = open('python.jpeg', 'rb') img = MIMEImage(fp.read()) img.add_header('Content-ID', '<{}>'.format('python.jpeg')) return [ img, ] ``` And in your template you would refer to it like this, and you would not need to add anything to the context: ```html ``` ### HTML2Text Support Django Herald can auto convert your HTML emails to plain text. Any email without a plain text version will be auto converted if you enable this feature. ``` # Install html2text pip install django-herald[html2text] ``` In your settings.py file: ``` HERALD_HTML2TEXT_ENABLED = True ``` You can customize the output of HTML2Text by setting a configuration dictionary. See [HTML2Text Configuration](https://github.com/Alir3z4/html2text/blob/master/docs/usage.md) for options ``` HERALD_HTML2TEXT_CONFIG = { # Key / value configuration of html2text 'ignore_images': True # Ignores images in conversion } ``` ``` HERALD_RAISE_MISSING_TEMPLATES = True ``` By default, Herald will raise an exception if a template is missing when true (default). ### Twilio ``` # Install twilio pip install django-herald[twilio] ``` You can retrieve these values on [Twilio Console](https://twilio.com/console). Once you have retrieve the necessary ids, you can place those to your `settings.py`. For reference, Twilio has some great tutorials for python. [Twilio Python Tutorial](https://www.twilio.com/docs/sms/quickstart/python) ``` # Twilio configurations # values taken from `twilio console` TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID = "your_account_sid" TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN = "your_auth_token" TWILIO_DEFAULT_FROM_NUMBER = "+1234567890" ``` ### Other MIME attachments You can also attach any MIMEBase objects as regular attachments, but you must add a content-disposition header, or they will be inaccessible: ```python my_image.add_header('Content-Disposition', 'attachment; filename="python.jpg"') ``` Attachments can cause your database to become quite large, so you should be sure to run the management commands to purge the database of old messages. # Running Tests ```bash python runtests.py ``` %prep %autosetup -n django-herald-0.3.0 %build %py3_build %install %py3_install install -d -m755 %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir} if [ -d doc ]; then cp -arf doc %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi if [ -d docs ]; then cp -arf docs %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi if [ -d example ]; then cp -arf example %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi if [ -d examples ]; then cp -arf examples %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi pushd %{buildroot} if [ -d usr/lib ]; then find usr/lib -type f -printf "\"/%h/%f\"\n" >> filelist.lst fi if [ -d usr/lib64 ]; then find usr/lib64 -type f -printf "\"/%h/%f\"\n" >> filelist.lst fi if [ -d usr/bin ]; then find usr/bin -type f -printf "\"/%h/%f\"\n" >> filelist.lst fi if [ -d usr/sbin ]; then find usr/sbin -type f -printf "\"/%h/%f\"\n" >> filelist.lst fi touch doclist.lst if [ -d usr/share/man ]; then find usr/share/man -type f -printf "\"/%h/%f.gz\"\n" >> doclist.lst fi popd mv %{buildroot}/filelist.lst . mv %{buildroot}/doclist.lst . %files -n python3-django-herald -f filelist.lst %dir %{python3_sitelib}/* %files help -f doclist.lst %{_docdir}/* %changelog * Thu Jun 08 2023 Python_Bot - 0.3.0-1 - Package Spec generated