%global _empty_manifest_terminate_build 0 Name: python-telegram-news Version: 0.5.2 Release: 1 Summary: Python package for automatically fetching and pushing news by Telegram. License: MIT URL: https://github.com/ESWZY/telegram-news Source0: https://mirrors.aliyun.com/pypi/web/packages/39/ae/5c1e85c56df4986b057a1c2f285ad7e520e604c11dee7cab40ea6a02c77f/telegram-news-0.5.2.tar.gz BuildArch: noarch Requires: python3-requests Requires: python3-SQLAlchemy Requires: python3-beautifulsoup4 Requires: python3-psycopg2 Requires: python3-lxml Requires: python3-xmltodict %description


Python package for automatically fetching and pushing news by Telegram. [![PyPI](https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/telegram-news)](https://pypi.org/project/telegram-news/) ![PyPI - Python Version](https://img.shields.io/pypi/pyversions/telegram-news?logo=python) [![License](https://img.shields.io/github/license/ESWZY/telegram-news)](https://github.com/ESWZY/telegram-news/blob/master/LICENSE) ![PyPI - Downloads](https://img.shields.io/pypi/dm/telegram-news) [![Build Status](https://img.shields.io/travis/ESWZY/telegram-news/master?logo=travis)](https://travis-ci.org/ESWZY/telegram-news) [![Codacy Badge](https://api.codacy.com/project/badge/Grade/3c07fed525da42e89dd3d0376457b4d2)](https://app.codacy.com/manual/ESWZY/telegram-news?utm_source=github.com&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=ESWZY/telegram-news&utm_campaign=Badge_Grade_Dashboard) ![Last commit](https://img.shields.io/github/last-commit/ESWZY/telegram-news) [![https://t.me/eswzy](https://img.shields.io/badge/Telegram-ESWZY-blue.svg?logo=telegram)](https://t.me/eswzy)
## Introduction This is a easy-to-learn, flexible and standardized message fetching and pushing framework, especially for [Telegram](http://www.telegram.org) and [Telegram Bot](https://core.telegram.org/bots). The target news source can be HTML page, JSON and XML. We also provide customized process for unknown data format. Push the latest news to your channel or group once it happens! ## Install ```shell $ pip install telegram-news ``` Or, you can install by cloning this repository: ```shell $ git clone https://github.com/ESWZY/telegram-news.git $ cd telegram-news $ python setup.py install ``` ## Prepare It does not need much so that you can run your code anywhere. First, ask [@BotFather](https://t.me/botfather) for a bot and bot token. After that, create a public [channel](https://telegram.org/tour/channels) or [group](https://telegram.org/tour/groups), and remember chat id you just named. Do not forget to invite your bot into your channel or group and make it an admin. You also need a SQL database. Any SQL database is OK. Especially, I recommend [PostgreSQL](https://www.postgresql.org/). ## Quick deploy on Heroku Click 👇 button to deploy an example for free. Python environment and PostgreSQL database have been prepared. Deploy After deployment, start the worker in "Resources" tab, and then you can see the effect in your channel/group, which contains both SCMP news and Wiki news at same time. Also, you can have a look at the quick deployment source code of this project in [ESWZY/telegram-news-getting-started](https://github.com/ESWZY/telegram-news-getting-started). ## Usage Those are 3 examples for you to understand how to use the framework. ### Basic Example ```python import os from sqlalchemy import create_engine from sqlalchemy.orm import Session from telegram_news.template import InfoExtractor, NewsPostman # Three required fields: # Your bot token obtained from @BotFather bot_token = os.getenv("TOKEN") # Add your bots into a channel as an administrator channel = os.getenv("CHANNEL") # Your database to store old messages. DATABASE_URL = os.getenv("DATABASE_URL") # Create a database session engine = create_engine(DATABASE_URL) db = Session(bind=engine.connect()) # The news source url = "https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Main_Page" tag = "Wiki News" table_name = "wikinews" # Info extractor to process data format ie = InfoExtractor() # Select select element by CSS-based selector ie.set_list_selector('#MainPage_latest_news_text > ul > li') ie.set_title_selector('#firstHeading') ie.set_paragraph_selector('#mw-content-text > div > p:not(p:nth-child(1))') ie.set_time_selector('#mw-content-text > div > p:nth-child(1) > strong') ie.set_source_selector('span.sourceTemplate') # Set a max length for post, Max is 4096 ie.max_post_length = 2000 # News postman to manage sending affair np = NewsPostman(listURLs=[url, ], sendList=[channel, ], db=db, tag=tag) np.set_bot_token(bot_token) np.set_extractor(ie) np.set_table_name(table_name) # Start to work! np.poll() ``` Typical results:
Demo 1 Demo 2
### Advanced Example ```python import os from sqlalchemy import create_engine from sqlalchemy.orm import Session from telegram_news.template import InfoExtractor, NewsPostman bot_token = os.getenv("TOKEN") channel = os.getenv("CHANNEL") DATABASE_URL = os.getenv("DATABASE_URL") engine = create_engine(DATABASE_URL) db = Session(bind=engine.connect()) # Above code is as same as the basic example, you can reuse those code directly url_2 = "https://www.cnbeta.com/" tag_2 = "cnBeta" table_name_2 = "cnbetanews" ie_2 = InfoExtractor() ie_2.set_list_selector('.items-area > div > dl > dt > a') ie_2.set_title_selector('header > h1') # Select many target at same time ie_2.set_paragraph_selector('div.cnbeta-article-body > div.article-summary > p, ' # Summary only 'div.cnbeta-article-body > div.article-content > p') # Content only ie_2.set_time_selector('header > div > span:nth-child(1)') ie_2.set_source_selector('header > div > span.source') # Select image to display, then the max length is down to 1024 ie_2.set_image_selector('div.cnbeta-article-body > div.article-summary > p img, ' # From summary only 'div.cnbeta-article-body > div.article-content > p img') # From content only ie_2.max_post_length = 1000 np_2 = NewsPostman(listURLs=[url_2, ], sendList=[channel], tag=tag_2, db=db) np_2.set_extractor(ie_2) np_2.set_table_name(table_name_2) np_2.poll() ``` Typical results:
Demo 3 Demo 4
### Advanced Example for JSON and XML The handle for JSON and XML are quite similar. You can convert XML to JSON by function `telegram_news.utils.xml_to_json`, and use `NewsPostmanJSON` and `InfoExtractorJSON`. Or, you can use `NewsPostmanXML` and `InfoExtractorXML` directly. You should use key list to recursively route to the information you want. ```python import hashlib import json import os from sqlalchemy import create_engine from sqlalchemy.orm import Session from telegram_news.template import InfoExtractorJSON, NewsPostmanJSON from telegram_news.utils import xml_to_json bot_token = os.getenv("TOKEN") channel = os.getenv("CHANNEL") DATABASE_URL = os.getenv("DATABASE_URL") engine = create_engine(DATABASE_URL) db = Session(bind=engine.connect()) url_3 = "https://www.scmp.com/rss/91/feed" tag_3 = "SCMP" table_name_3 = "scmpnews" ie_3 = InfoExtractorJSON() # Pre-process the XML string, convert to JSON string def list_pre_process(text): text = json.loads(xml_to_json(text)) return json.dumps(text) ie_3.set_list_pre_process_policy(list_pre_process) # Route by key list ie_3.set_list_router(['rss', 'channel', 'item']) ie_3.set_link_router(['link']) ie_3.set_title_router(['title']) ie_3.set_paragraphs_router(['description']) ie_3.set_time_router(['pubDate']) ie_3.set_source_router(['author']) ie_3.set_image_router(['media:thumbnail', '@url']) # Customize ID for news item def id_policy(link): return hashlib.md5(link.encode("utf-8")).hexdigest() ie_3.set_id_policy(id_policy) np_3 = NewsPostmanJSON(listURLs=[url_3], sendList=[channel], db=db, tag=tag_3) np_3.set_extractor(ie_3) np_3.set_table_name(table_name_3) np_3.poll() ``` Typical results:
Demo 5 Demo 6
### Parallel Program If you use the same database and send to the same channel, you can simply joint each part of code block, and call `poll()` function simultaneously. An example you can find in our Heroku deploy template repo: https://github.com/ESWZY/telegram-news-getting-started/blob/master/main.py ## Example Channel A Telegram channel of [basic example](https://github.com/ESWZY/telegram-news#basic-example) for English Wikinews: [~~@wikinews_en~~](https://t.me/joinchat/T7TbJUWpgUpGmarY) (in English) A Telegram channel for realtime earthquake warning powered by Telegram-news: [@earthquake_alert](https://t.me/s/earthquake_alert) (in Chinese) ## TODO - [x] HTML item list - [x] JSON item list - [x] XML item list - [x] Send Image - [x] Send Video - [x] Send media group - [ ] Send file - [ ] Send audio - [x] File sending retry - [ ] CC as e-mail - [ ] Webhook - [ ] Update message by message ID - [ ] Document - [ ] GUI ## Feedback Feel free to contact with me if you have any question. Also welcome any contribute. If you build a channel by this, don't forget to share that good news with us! ## License Licensed under the MIT License. %package -n python3-telegram-news Summary: Python package for automatically fetching and pushing news by Telegram. Provides: python-telegram-news BuildRequires: python3-devel BuildRequires: python3-setuptools BuildRequires: python3-pip %description -n python3-telegram-news


Python package for automatically fetching and pushing news by Telegram. [![PyPI](https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/telegram-news)](https://pypi.org/project/telegram-news/) ![PyPI - Python Version](https://img.shields.io/pypi/pyversions/telegram-news?logo=python) [![License](https://img.shields.io/github/license/ESWZY/telegram-news)](https://github.com/ESWZY/telegram-news/blob/master/LICENSE) ![PyPI - Downloads](https://img.shields.io/pypi/dm/telegram-news) [![Build Status](https://img.shields.io/travis/ESWZY/telegram-news/master?logo=travis)](https://travis-ci.org/ESWZY/telegram-news) [![Codacy Badge](https://api.codacy.com/project/badge/Grade/3c07fed525da42e89dd3d0376457b4d2)](https://app.codacy.com/manual/ESWZY/telegram-news?utm_source=github.com&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=ESWZY/telegram-news&utm_campaign=Badge_Grade_Dashboard) ![Last commit](https://img.shields.io/github/last-commit/ESWZY/telegram-news) [![https://t.me/eswzy](https://img.shields.io/badge/Telegram-ESWZY-blue.svg?logo=telegram)](https://t.me/eswzy)
## Introduction This is a easy-to-learn, flexible and standardized message fetching and pushing framework, especially for [Telegram](http://www.telegram.org) and [Telegram Bot](https://core.telegram.org/bots). The target news source can be HTML page, JSON and XML. We also provide customized process for unknown data format. Push the latest news to your channel or group once it happens! ## Install ```shell $ pip install telegram-news ``` Or, you can install by cloning this repository: ```shell $ git clone https://github.com/ESWZY/telegram-news.git $ cd telegram-news $ python setup.py install ``` ## Prepare It does not need much so that you can run your code anywhere. First, ask [@BotFather](https://t.me/botfather) for a bot and bot token. After that, create a public [channel](https://telegram.org/tour/channels) or [group](https://telegram.org/tour/groups), and remember chat id you just named. Do not forget to invite your bot into your channel or group and make it an admin. You also need a SQL database. Any SQL database is OK. Especially, I recommend [PostgreSQL](https://www.postgresql.org/). ## Quick deploy on Heroku Click 👇 button to deploy an example for free. Python environment and PostgreSQL database have been prepared. Deploy After deployment, start the worker in "Resources" tab, and then you can see the effect in your channel/group, which contains both SCMP news and Wiki news at same time. Also, you can have a look at the quick deployment source code of this project in [ESWZY/telegram-news-getting-started](https://github.com/ESWZY/telegram-news-getting-started). ## Usage Those are 3 examples for you to understand how to use the framework. ### Basic Example ```python import os from sqlalchemy import create_engine from sqlalchemy.orm import Session from telegram_news.template import InfoExtractor, NewsPostman # Three required fields: # Your bot token obtained from @BotFather bot_token = os.getenv("TOKEN") # Add your bots into a channel as an administrator channel = os.getenv("CHANNEL") # Your database to store old messages. DATABASE_URL = os.getenv("DATABASE_URL") # Create a database session engine = create_engine(DATABASE_URL) db = Session(bind=engine.connect()) # The news source url = "https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Main_Page" tag = "Wiki News" table_name = "wikinews" # Info extractor to process data format ie = InfoExtractor() # Select select element by CSS-based selector ie.set_list_selector('#MainPage_latest_news_text > ul > li') ie.set_title_selector('#firstHeading') ie.set_paragraph_selector('#mw-content-text > div > p:not(p:nth-child(1))') ie.set_time_selector('#mw-content-text > div > p:nth-child(1) > strong') ie.set_source_selector('span.sourceTemplate') # Set a max length for post, Max is 4096 ie.max_post_length = 2000 # News postman to manage sending affair np = NewsPostman(listURLs=[url, ], sendList=[channel, ], db=db, tag=tag) np.set_bot_token(bot_token) np.set_extractor(ie) np.set_table_name(table_name) # Start to work! np.poll() ``` Typical results:
Demo 1 Demo 2
### Advanced Example ```python import os from sqlalchemy import create_engine from sqlalchemy.orm import Session from telegram_news.template import InfoExtractor, NewsPostman bot_token = os.getenv("TOKEN") channel = os.getenv("CHANNEL") DATABASE_URL = os.getenv("DATABASE_URL") engine = create_engine(DATABASE_URL) db = Session(bind=engine.connect()) # Above code is as same as the basic example, you can reuse those code directly url_2 = "https://www.cnbeta.com/" tag_2 = "cnBeta" table_name_2 = "cnbetanews" ie_2 = InfoExtractor() ie_2.set_list_selector('.items-area > div > dl > dt > a') ie_2.set_title_selector('header > h1') # Select many target at same time ie_2.set_paragraph_selector('div.cnbeta-article-body > div.article-summary > p, ' # Summary only 'div.cnbeta-article-body > div.article-content > p') # Content only ie_2.set_time_selector('header > div > span:nth-child(1)') ie_2.set_source_selector('header > div > span.source') # Select image to display, then the max length is down to 1024 ie_2.set_image_selector('div.cnbeta-article-body > div.article-summary > p img, ' # From summary only 'div.cnbeta-article-body > div.article-content > p img') # From content only ie_2.max_post_length = 1000 np_2 = NewsPostman(listURLs=[url_2, ], sendList=[channel], tag=tag_2, db=db) np_2.set_extractor(ie_2) np_2.set_table_name(table_name_2) np_2.poll() ``` Typical results:
Demo 3 Demo 4
### Advanced Example for JSON and XML The handle for JSON and XML are quite similar. You can convert XML to JSON by function `telegram_news.utils.xml_to_json`, and use `NewsPostmanJSON` and `InfoExtractorJSON`. Or, you can use `NewsPostmanXML` and `InfoExtractorXML` directly. You should use key list to recursively route to the information you want. ```python import hashlib import json import os from sqlalchemy import create_engine from sqlalchemy.orm import Session from telegram_news.template import InfoExtractorJSON, NewsPostmanJSON from telegram_news.utils import xml_to_json bot_token = os.getenv("TOKEN") channel = os.getenv("CHANNEL") DATABASE_URL = os.getenv("DATABASE_URL") engine = create_engine(DATABASE_URL) db = Session(bind=engine.connect()) url_3 = "https://www.scmp.com/rss/91/feed" tag_3 = "SCMP" table_name_3 = "scmpnews" ie_3 = InfoExtractorJSON() # Pre-process the XML string, convert to JSON string def list_pre_process(text): text = json.loads(xml_to_json(text)) return json.dumps(text) ie_3.set_list_pre_process_policy(list_pre_process) # Route by key list ie_3.set_list_router(['rss', 'channel', 'item']) ie_3.set_link_router(['link']) ie_3.set_title_router(['title']) ie_3.set_paragraphs_router(['description']) ie_3.set_time_router(['pubDate']) ie_3.set_source_router(['author']) ie_3.set_image_router(['media:thumbnail', '@url']) # Customize ID for news item def id_policy(link): return hashlib.md5(link.encode("utf-8")).hexdigest() ie_3.set_id_policy(id_policy) np_3 = NewsPostmanJSON(listURLs=[url_3], sendList=[channel], db=db, tag=tag_3) np_3.set_extractor(ie_3) np_3.set_table_name(table_name_3) np_3.poll() ``` Typical results:
Demo 5 Demo 6
### Parallel Program If you use the same database and send to the same channel, you can simply joint each part of code block, and call `poll()` function simultaneously. An example you can find in our Heroku deploy template repo: https://github.com/ESWZY/telegram-news-getting-started/blob/master/main.py ## Example Channel A Telegram channel of [basic example](https://github.com/ESWZY/telegram-news#basic-example) for English Wikinews: [~~@wikinews_en~~](https://t.me/joinchat/T7TbJUWpgUpGmarY) (in English) A Telegram channel for realtime earthquake warning powered by Telegram-news: [@earthquake_alert](https://t.me/s/earthquake_alert) (in Chinese) ## TODO - [x] HTML item list - [x] JSON item list - [x] XML item list - [x] Send Image - [x] Send Video - [x] Send media group - [ ] Send file - [ ] Send audio - [x] File sending retry - [ ] CC as e-mail - [ ] Webhook - [ ] Update message by message ID - [ ] Document - [ ] GUI ## Feedback Feel free to contact with me if you have any question. Also welcome any contribute. If you build a channel by this, don't forget to share that good news with us! ## License Licensed under the MIT License. %package help Summary: Development documents and examples for telegram-news Provides: python3-telegram-news-doc %description help


Python package for automatically fetching and pushing news by Telegram. [![PyPI](https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/telegram-news)](https://pypi.org/project/telegram-news/) ![PyPI - Python Version](https://img.shields.io/pypi/pyversions/telegram-news?logo=python) [![License](https://img.shields.io/github/license/ESWZY/telegram-news)](https://github.com/ESWZY/telegram-news/blob/master/LICENSE) ![PyPI - Downloads](https://img.shields.io/pypi/dm/telegram-news) [![Build Status](https://img.shields.io/travis/ESWZY/telegram-news/master?logo=travis)](https://travis-ci.org/ESWZY/telegram-news) [![Codacy Badge](https://api.codacy.com/project/badge/Grade/3c07fed525da42e89dd3d0376457b4d2)](https://app.codacy.com/manual/ESWZY/telegram-news?utm_source=github.com&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=ESWZY/telegram-news&utm_campaign=Badge_Grade_Dashboard) ![Last commit](https://img.shields.io/github/last-commit/ESWZY/telegram-news) [![https://t.me/eswzy](https://img.shields.io/badge/Telegram-ESWZY-blue.svg?logo=telegram)](https://t.me/eswzy)
## Introduction This is a easy-to-learn, flexible and standardized message fetching and pushing framework, especially for [Telegram](http://www.telegram.org) and [Telegram Bot](https://core.telegram.org/bots). The target news source can be HTML page, JSON and XML. We also provide customized process for unknown data format. Push the latest news to your channel or group once it happens! ## Install ```shell $ pip install telegram-news ``` Or, you can install by cloning this repository: ```shell $ git clone https://github.com/ESWZY/telegram-news.git $ cd telegram-news $ python setup.py install ``` ## Prepare It does not need much so that you can run your code anywhere. First, ask [@BotFather](https://t.me/botfather) for a bot and bot token. After that, create a public [channel](https://telegram.org/tour/channels) or [group](https://telegram.org/tour/groups), and remember chat id you just named. Do not forget to invite your bot into your channel or group and make it an admin. You also need a SQL database. Any SQL database is OK. Especially, I recommend [PostgreSQL](https://www.postgresql.org/). ## Quick deploy on Heroku Click 👇 button to deploy an example for free. Python environment and PostgreSQL database have been prepared. Deploy After deployment, start the worker in "Resources" tab, and then you can see the effect in your channel/group, which contains both SCMP news and Wiki news at same time. Also, you can have a look at the quick deployment source code of this project in [ESWZY/telegram-news-getting-started](https://github.com/ESWZY/telegram-news-getting-started). ## Usage Those are 3 examples for you to understand how to use the framework. ### Basic Example ```python import os from sqlalchemy import create_engine from sqlalchemy.orm import Session from telegram_news.template import InfoExtractor, NewsPostman # Three required fields: # Your bot token obtained from @BotFather bot_token = os.getenv("TOKEN") # Add your bots into a channel as an administrator channel = os.getenv("CHANNEL") # Your database to store old messages. DATABASE_URL = os.getenv("DATABASE_URL") # Create a database session engine = create_engine(DATABASE_URL) db = Session(bind=engine.connect()) # The news source url = "https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Main_Page" tag = "Wiki News" table_name = "wikinews" # Info extractor to process data format ie = InfoExtractor() # Select select element by CSS-based selector ie.set_list_selector('#MainPage_latest_news_text > ul > li') ie.set_title_selector('#firstHeading') ie.set_paragraph_selector('#mw-content-text > div > p:not(p:nth-child(1))') ie.set_time_selector('#mw-content-text > div > p:nth-child(1) > strong') ie.set_source_selector('span.sourceTemplate') # Set a max length for post, Max is 4096 ie.max_post_length = 2000 # News postman to manage sending affair np = NewsPostman(listURLs=[url, ], sendList=[channel, ], db=db, tag=tag) np.set_bot_token(bot_token) np.set_extractor(ie) np.set_table_name(table_name) # Start to work! np.poll() ``` Typical results:
Demo 1 Demo 2
### Advanced Example ```python import os from sqlalchemy import create_engine from sqlalchemy.orm import Session from telegram_news.template import InfoExtractor, NewsPostman bot_token = os.getenv("TOKEN") channel = os.getenv("CHANNEL") DATABASE_URL = os.getenv("DATABASE_URL") engine = create_engine(DATABASE_URL) db = Session(bind=engine.connect()) # Above code is as same as the basic example, you can reuse those code directly url_2 = "https://www.cnbeta.com/" tag_2 = "cnBeta" table_name_2 = "cnbetanews" ie_2 = InfoExtractor() ie_2.set_list_selector('.items-area > div > dl > dt > a') ie_2.set_title_selector('header > h1') # Select many target at same time ie_2.set_paragraph_selector('div.cnbeta-article-body > div.article-summary > p, ' # Summary only 'div.cnbeta-article-body > div.article-content > p') # Content only ie_2.set_time_selector('header > div > span:nth-child(1)') ie_2.set_source_selector('header > div > span.source') # Select image to display, then the max length is down to 1024 ie_2.set_image_selector('div.cnbeta-article-body > div.article-summary > p img, ' # From summary only 'div.cnbeta-article-body > div.article-content > p img') # From content only ie_2.max_post_length = 1000 np_2 = NewsPostman(listURLs=[url_2, ], sendList=[channel], tag=tag_2, db=db) np_2.set_extractor(ie_2) np_2.set_table_name(table_name_2) np_2.poll() ``` Typical results:
Demo 3 Demo 4
### Advanced Example for JSON and XML The handle for JSON and XML are quite similar. You can convert XML to JSON by function `telegram_news.utils.xml_to_json`, and use `NewsPostmanJSON` and `InfoExtractorJSON`. Or, you can use `NewsPostmanXML` and `InfoExtractorXML` directly. You should use key list to recursively route to the information you want. ```python import hashlib import json import os from sqlalchemy import create_engine from sqlalchemy.orm import Session from telegram_news.template import InfoExtractorJSON, NewsPostmanJSON from telegram_news.utils import xml_to_json bot_token = os.getenv("TOKEN") channel = os.getenv("CHANNEL") DATABASE_URL = os.getenv("DATABASE_URL") engine = create_engine(DATABASE_URL) db = Session(bind=engine.connect()) url_3 = "https://www.scmp.com/rss/91/feed" tag_3 = "SCMP" table_name_3 = "scmpnews" ie_3 = InfoExtractorJSON() # Pre-process the XML string, convert to JSON string def list_pre_process(text): text = json.loads(xml_to_json(text)) return json.dumps(text) ie_3.set_list_pre_process_policy(list_pre_process) # Route by key list ie_3.set_list_router(['rss', 'channel', 'item']) ie_3.set_link_router(['link']) ie_3.set_title_router(['title']) ie_3.set_paragraphs_router(['description']) ie_3.set_time_router(['pubDate']) ie_3.set_source_router(['author']) ie_3.set_image_router(['media:thumbnail', '@url']) # Customize ID for news item def id_policy(link): return hashlib.md5(link.encode("utf-8")).hexdigest() ie_3.set_id_policy(id_policy) np_3 = NewsPostmanJSON(listURLs=[url_3], sendList=[channel], db=db, tag=tag_3) np_3.set_extractor(ie_3) np_3.set_table_name(table_name_3) np_3.poll() ``` Typical results:
Demo 5 Demo 6
### Parallel Program If you use the same database and send to the same channel, you can simply joint each part of code block, and call `poll()` function simultaneously. An example you can find in our Heroku deploy template repo: https://github.com/ESWZY/telegram-news-getting-started/blob/master/main.py ## Example Channel A Telegram channel of [basic example](https://github.com/ESWZY/telegram-news#basic-example) for English Wikinews: [~~@wikinews_en~~](https://t.me/joinchat/T7TbJUWpgUpGmarY) (in English) A Telegram channel for realtime earthquake warning powered by Telegram-news: [@earthquake_alert](https://t.me/s/earthquake_alert) (in Chinese) ## TODO - [x] HTML item list - [x] JSON item list - [x] XML item list - [x] Send Image - [x] Send Video - [x] Send media group - [ ] Send file - [ ] Send audio - [x] File sending retry - [ ] CC as e-mail - [ ] Webhook - [ ] Update message by message ID - [ ] Document - [ ] GUI ## Feedback Feel free to contact with me if you have any question. Also welcome any contribute. If you build a channel by this, don't forget to share that good news with us! ## License Licensed under the MIT License. %prep %autosetup -n telegram-news-0.5.2 %build %py3_build %install %py3_install install -d -m755 %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir} if [ -d doc ]; then cp -arf doc %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi if [ -d docs ]; then cp -arf docs %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi if [ -d example ]; then cp -arf example %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi if [ -d examples ]; then cp -arf examples %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi pushd %{buildroot} if [ -d usr/lib ]; then find usr/lib -type f -printf "\"/%h/%f\"\n" >> filelist.lst fi if [ -d usr/lib64 ]; then find usr/lib64 -type f -printf "\"/%h/%f\"\n" >> filelist.lst fi if [ -d usr/bin ]; then find usr/bin -type f -printf "\"/%h/%f\"\n" >> filelist.lst fi if [ -d usr/sbin ]; then find usr/sbin -type f -printf "\"/%h/%f\"\n" >> filelist.lst fi touch doclist.lst if [ -d usr/share/man ]; then find usr/share/man -type f -printf "\"/%h/%f.gz\"\n" >> doclist.lst fi popd mv %{buildroot}/filelist.lst . mv %{buildroot}/doclist.lst . %files -n python3-telegram-news -f filelist.lst %dir %{python3_sitelib}/* %files help -f doclist.lst %{_docdir}/* %changelog * Fri Jun 09 2023 Python_Bot - 0.5.2-1 - Package Spec generated