%global _empty_manifest_terminate_build 0 Name: python-GraphicswithPython Version: 0.0.11 Release: 1 Summary: Graphic With Python (GWP) is a user-friendly and simpler way to practise and imply Computer Graphic Concept . It is better then graphics.h as GWP is faster & easy to implement. The Aim for this library is to make Computer Graphic Visualization easier and understandable by providing Fuction for each Method and support. License: Apache Software License URL: https://github.com/YameenV/graphicswithpython.git Source0: https://mirrors.aliyun.com/pypi/web/packages/bf/82/9ee8904914f22573c836aef63cd4b4f2ab5e0b5043e1c07fb76ea44a9c32/GraphicswithPython-0.0.11.tar.gz BuildArch: noarch Requires: python3-pygame %description # Graphics With Python [![AGPL License](https://img.shields.io/badge/python-3.6-yellowgreen)]() [![AGPL License]( https://img.shields.io/badge/licence-Apache%202.0-orange)]() ### A Computer Graphic Library for engineering in Python ## Overview > Graphic With Python (GWP) is a user-friendly and simpler way to practise and imply Computer Graphic Concept . It is better then graphics.h as GWP is faster & easy to implement. The Aim for this library is to make Computer Graphic Visualization easier and understandable by providing Fuction for each Method and support. ![output of floodfill algorith](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/AUTuh6XU-Ojo924X17CQoe467JMXD6GJ9R-wqdK0OfqC1tavQ71D2sz8GCm8sJQBW1V4GP7SwMLArfADKdrgu53bWP5KckgybXpgNVfIcG3ND3Z1rrEt36Le_OaNN40kxn5bwS8=w2400) ![output of midpoint algorith](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/zsKmDt1nJnVbC8tvw65MwTxFlETFHN1CjEipg1gP8rc8br_u7rZ-t4He-kQNOne6hr4e7M_co28XDiS1qBOHYkcm13nf4YMBSxa3vPYrKyNh2PM7D2De8_H3fQm9t4ySFC5xYtE=w2400) ![output of bresenhams algorith](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/oKS0O1HrHdMAOs2lrrmf8I2G-oofuaMXvV1rp1XwDdYTwHzaiascfGlyWkblxgqw_6OGq4X1yku6zd3QlbSgVWKtT05eo-St-pI4_eDfGMePVBiTCpDNdljGRXO7V5yNnea1njM=w2400) ![output of boundaryfill algorith](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/Rk1SjsMKObd2gHuwLosGbMpQS4sWGRBELAETM21RxvUWgZwQLJEEGSPLDHhs6vi_lrWdV6mzwW2_wFDeMfYJkHpFDvU3Z6rOQ48qrn_uVRW5pHTbNsylkFHekvFQDVgd2vkDVy4=w2400) # Installation #### Prerequisite > [Python 3.6 +](https://www.python.org/downloads/) > IDE / [Replit](https://replit.com) IDE's like ([VScode](https://code.visualstudio.com/download) , [Pycharm](https://www.jetbrains.com/pycharm/download) , etc) ## There are two methods to installation and using this library. For Local Machine / IDE's ### Step 1 ```python # Check wheather the python and pip are installed python --version pip --version ``` ### Step 2 ```python pip install GraphicswithPython ``` For Online IDE - Visit here www.replit.com - Make an account - Create a new repl for python - Go to shell and enter ```python pip install GraphicswithPython ``` # Usage/Examples >GraphicswithPython library support `manual` function as well as `pre-implemented` function for refrence. ## Manual - ### window() > It create a window for where your output is displayed. Every program must have a window ##### Parameter of Window window(width: int, height: int) ### Example ```python from GraphicswithPython import window window(700,700) ``` - ### color() > Graphicswithpython supports rgb color. So to make this easy just pass a string of color example `red` and it will return rgb tuple value ##### Parameter color("color") supported color for now are black, grey, red, white, blue, green, yellow, orange, purple ### Examples ```python from GraphicswithPython import color color("red") # return (255, 0, 0) color("blue") # return (0, 0, 255) color("black") # return (0,0,0) color("green") # return (0,255,0) ``` - ### putpixel() > It put specific pixel at given x , y coordinate ##### Parameter putpixel(xcordinates: int, ycordinates: int, color: str, intensity: int) # intensity is optional parameter ### Examples ```python from GraphicswithPython import putpixel,window window(700,700) putpixel(300,300,"black") ``` - ### getpixel() >It returns RBG color data of specific pixel at provided x ,y co-ordinate ##### Parament getpixel(xcordinates: int, ycordinates: int) -> return tuple color example (0,0,255) ### Examples ```python from GraphicswithPython import putpixel,window window(700,700) putpixel(300,300,"black") # Its return tuple color (0,0,225) print(getpixel(300,300)) # we printed getpixel to get output in terminal ``` - ### delay() >It delay the programe so you can see the animation ##### Parament delay(Milliseconds) ### Examples ```python from GraphicswithPython import delay delay(1000) # delay progaram for 1 sec ``` - ### circle() > It create a circle of given radius ##### parameter circle(xcordinates: int, ycordinates: int, radius: int, color: tuple) ### Examples ```python from graphicswithpython import circle , display , delay , color display(700, 700 ) circle(300,300,40,color("green")) delay(5000) # Used to make display visible for next 5 seconds after execution ``` - ### rectangle() > It create a Rectangle ##### parameter rectangle(left: int, top: int, width: int, height: int, color: tuple) ### Examples ```python from graphicswithpython import rectangle , display , delay , color display(700, 700 ) rectangle(300,300,100,100,color("green")) delay(5000) # Used to make display visible for next 5 seconds after execution ``` - ### elipse() > It create a Elipse ##### parameter elipse(left: int, top: int, width: int, height: int, color: tuple) ### Examples ```python from graphicswithpython import elipse , display , delay , color display(700, 700 ) ellipse(200,200,100,100,color("white")) delay(5000) # Used to make display visible for next 5 seconds after execution ``` - ### polygon() > It create a Polygon ##### parameter polygon(points: tuple, color: tuple) ### Examples ```python from graphicswithpython import polygon , window , delay ,color window(700,700) polygon(((300,300),(200,400),(300,500),(500,500),(300,400)),color("white")) delay(5000) # Used to make display visible for next 5 seconds after execution ``` - ### point_in_circle() >It check wheater the point is in circle or not. ##### parameter point_in_circle(centerx: int, centery: int, radius: int, x: int, y: int) ### Examples ```python from graphicswithpython import window , delay ,color, pointInCircle ,circle window(700,700) circle(300,300,40,color("red")) print(pointInCircle(300,300,40,500,500)) # it will return False , as point is outside circle print(pointInCircle(300,300,40,320,320)) # It will return True , as point is inside circle delay(5000) # Used to make display visible for next 5 seconds after execution ``` # PreImplemented >PreImplemented function are the `funtional Algorithm` which are already implemented. - ## DDA > DDA stands for Digital Differential Analyzer. It is an incremental method of scan conversion of line | Parameter | Explaination | | :-------: | :-----------------------------------------------------------------------: | | x1 | Integer varible of x-coordinate | | y1 | Interger variable for y-coordinate of | | x2 | Integer variable for x-coordinate for 2nd point of line | | y2 | Integer variable for y-coordinate for 2nd point of line | | DDA type | Any of dda types required => `Line` , `dash` ,`solid` , `dotted` . | | color | color() funtion is required to mention the color of dda needed | #### Parameter for DDA is dda(x1: int, y1: int, x2: int, y2: int, DDatype: str, color: tuple ### Examples ```python from graphicswithpython import dda, window, delay, color window(700, 700) # first make window to get output there # Line dda(100, 100, 200, 200, "line", color("blue")) # line Dash dda(200, 200, 300, 300, "dash", color("white")) # line Solid dda(300, 300,400,400, "solid", color("blue")) # line dotted dda(400,400,500,500, "dotted", color("blue")) delay(5000) # make window visible more 5 sec after execution completes ``` ![DDA](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/vY4fQxNnM2K7kUguXabht4_WVelgY_AUGt8YOCjXfDVN638zZlcsPTfLNPqDaX0YB3TF0NX8FB48AqD9yj64I2nUD-VIWxawzXr1saOj8deHnS0Jx7ihZ3M3jD7KnaZpdRSTy_o=w2400) - ## Breshham >Bresenham's line algorithm is a line drawing algorithm that determines the points of an n-dimensional raster that should be selected in order to form a close approximation to a straight line between two points. | Required | Explanation | | :------------: | :-----------------------------------------------------------: | | x1 | x-coordinate for 1st point of line | | y1 | y-coordinate for 1st point of line | | x2 | x-coordinate for 2nd point of line | | y2 | y-coordinate for 2nd point of line | | bresenhamstype | Type of Bresenham needed => `line`,`dash`, `solid`, `dotted` | | color | color() funtion is required (rgb tuple ) | #### Parameter for Bresenham bresenham(x1: int, y1: int, x2: int, y2: int, bresenhamstype: str, color: tuple) ### Examples ```python from graphicswithpython import bresenhams, window,delay,color window(700,700) #first make window to get output there # Breshham Line bresenhams(200,200,300,300,"line",color("green")) #Breshham Line Dash bresenhams(300,300,400,400,"dash",color("yellow")) #Breshham Line Solid bresenhams(400,400,500,500,"solid",color("red")) #Breshham Line dotted bresenhams(500,500,600,600,"dotted",color("white")) delay(5000) # make window visible more 5 sec after execution completes ``` ![bresanhams](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/oKS0O1HrHdMAOs2lrrmf8I2G-oofuaMXvV1rp1XwDdYTwHzaiascfGlyWkblxgqw_6OGq4X1yku6zd3QlbSgVWKtT05eo-St-pI4_eDfGMePVBiTCpDNdljGRXO7V5yNnea1njM=w2400) - ## Midpointcircle > The midpoint circle algorithm is an algorithm used to determine the points needed for rasterizing a circle. | Required | Explaination | | :----------: | :-----------------------------------------------------------------------: | | radius | radius of circle | | xcenter | x-coordinate for center of circle | | ycenter | y-coordinate for center of circle | | midpointtype | type of midpoint circle needed => LINE , Dash, solid, Dotted, DashandLine | | color | color() function is required (rgb tuple ) | #### Parament for Midpointcircle midpoint(radius: int, xcenter: int, ycenter: int, midpointtype: str, color: tuple) ### Examples ```python from graphicswithpython import window, delay, color, midpointcircle window(700,700) #first make window to get output there # Midpoint Circle Line midpointcircle(70,200,200,"line",color("red")) # Midpoint Circle Dash midpointcircle(70,400,200,"dash",color("green")) # Midpoint Circle Dotted midpointcircle(70,200,400,"dotted",color("white")) # Midpoint Circle Solid midpointcircle(70,400,400,"solid",color("blue")) # Midpoint Circle Dash and Normal midpointcircle(60,300,300,"dottedandline",color("yellow")) delay(2000) # make window visible more 5 sec after execution completes ``` ![midpoint](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/zsKmDt1nJnVbC8tvw65MwTxFlETFHN1CjEipg1gP8rc8br_u7rZ-t4He-kQNOne6hr4e7M_co28XDiS1qBOHYkcm13nf4YMBSxa3vPYrKyNh2PM7D2De8_H3fQm9t4ySFC5xYtE=w2400) - ## FloodFill >Flood fill, also called seed fill, is an algorithm that determines and alters the area connected to a given node in a multi-dimensional array with some matching attribute. | Required | Explaination | | :-------------: | :---------------------------------------------------: | | xcenter | x-coordinate of center point | | ycenter | y-coordinate of center point | | backgroundcolor | exisiting backgroundcolor of window | | newcolor | color() funtion required for new color to be filled | | seed | number of seed you need for FloodFill | | radius | radius of object in which doing floodfill. (optional) | > Note : Radius tuple is required for 8 seed floodfill #### Parameter of FloodFill xcenter: int, ycenter: int, backgroundcolor: tuple, newcolor: tuple, seeds: int, radius: int | None = None ### Examples (for 4 seed ) ```python from graphicswithpython import floodfill, window,delay,color , circle ,rectangle,polygon window(700,700) #first make window to get output there # FloodFill 4 seed Circle circle(100,100,40,color("red")) floodfill(100,100,backgroundcolor=color("black"),newcolor=color("green"),seeds=4) #floodfill(xcenter,ycenter,backgroundcolor,newcolor,seed) # FloodFill 4 seed Square rectangle(200,300,100,100,color("blue")) floodfill(210,310,backgroundcolor=color("black"),newcolor=color("green"),seeds=4) # FloodFill 4 seed polygon polygon(points=((500,100),(500,200),(600,200),(630,150),(600,100)),color="red") floodfill(530,150,backgroundcolor=color("black"),newcolor=color("green"),seeds=4) # FloodFill 4 seed Rectangle rectangle(350,550,140,100,color("red")) floodfill(400,600,backgroundcolor=color("black"),newcolor=color("green"),seeds=4) delay(5000) # make window visible more 5 sec after execution completes ``` ### Examples (for 8 seed) ```python from graphicswithpython import floodfill, window, delay, color, circle, rectangle,triangle window(700,700) #first make window to get output there #first draw object circle(390,348,50,color("purple")) triangle(325,410,270,500,380,500,color("yellow")) rectangle(200,300,100,100,color("red")) rectangle(250,350,140,100,color("white")) #Flood Fill with 8 seed floodfill(210,310,backgroundcolor=color("black"),newcolor=color("green"),seeds=8) # upper rectangle floodfill(390,348,backgroundcolor=color("black"),newcolor=color("green"),seeds=8,radius=49) #circle *(MUST SPECIFY RADIUS IN CIRCLE ONLY) floodfill(315,380,backgroundcolor=color("black"),newcolor=color("green"),seeds=4) # middle Rectangle (Here 4 seed is done , as it consist of inner circle ) floodfill(325,470,backgroundcolor=color("black"),newcolor=color("green"),seeds=8) # triangle delay(5000) # make window visible more 5 sec after execution completes ``` ![floodfill](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/AUTuh6XU-Ojo924X17CQoe467JMXD6GJ9R-wqdK0OfqC1tavQ71D2sz8GCm8sJQBW1V4GP7SwMLArfADKdrgu53bWP5KckgybXpgNVfIcG3ND3Z1rrEt36Le_OaNN40kxn5bwS8=w2400) - ## Boundary Fill > Boundary fill is the algorithm used frequently in computer graphics to fill a desired color inside a closed polygon having the same boundary color for all of its sides. | Required | Explaination | | :---------: | :---------------------------------------------------: | | xcenter | x-coordinate of center point | | ycenter | y-coordinate of center point | | bordercolor | exisiting bordercolor of | | newcolor | color() funtion required for new color to be filled | | seed | number of seed you need for FloodFill | | radius | radius of object in which doing floodfill. (optional) | #### Parameter for Boundary FIll xcenter: int, ycenter: int, bordercolor: tuple, newcolor: tuple, seeds: int, radius: int | None = None ### Examples ( for 4 seed ) ```python from graphicswithpython import boundaryfill, window,delay,color , circle ,rectangle,polygon window(700,700) #first make window to get output there # boundaryfill 4 seed Rectangle rectangle(350,550,140,100,color("red")) boundaryfill(400,600,bordercolor=color("red"),newcolor=color("green"),seeds=4) # boundaryfill 4 seed Circle circle(100,100,40,color("red")) boundaryfill(100,100,bordercolor=color("red"),newcolor=color("green"),seeds=4) #boundaryfill(xcenter,ycenter,bordercolor,newcolor,seed) # boundaryfill 4 seed Square rectangle(200,300,100,100,color("blue")) boundaryfill(210,310,bordercolor=color("blue"),newcolor=color("green"),seeds=4) # boundaryfill 4 seed polygon polygon(points=((500,100),(500,200),(600,200),(630,150),(600,100)),color="red") boundaryfill(530,150,bordercolor=color("red"),newcolor=color("green"),seeds=4) delay(5000) # make window visible more 5 sec after execution completes ``` ### Examples (for 8 seed) ```python from graphicswithpython import boundaryfill, window, delay, color, circle, rectangle,triangle window(700,700) #first make window to get output there #first draw object rectangle(250,350,140,100,color("white")) circle(390,348,50,color("purple")) triangle(325,410,270,500,380,500,color("yellow")) rectangle(200,300,100,100,color("red")) # rectangle(250,350,140,100,color("white")) #Flood Fill with 8 seed boundaryfill(210,310,bordercolor=color("red"),newcolor=color("green"),seeds=8) # upper rectangle boundaryfill(390,348,bordercolor=color("purple"),newcolor=color("green"),seeds=8,radius=49) #circle *(MUST SPECIFY RADIUS IN CIRCLE ONLY) # boundaryfill(315,380,bordercolor=color("white"),newcolor=color("green"),seeds=4) # middle Rectangle (Here 4 seed is done , as it consist of inner circle ) boundaryfill(325,470,bordercolor=color("yellow"),newcolor=color("green"),seeds=8) # triangle delay(5000) # make window visible more 5 sec after execution completes ``` ![borderfill](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/Rk1SjsMKObd2gHuwLosGbMpQS4sWGRBELAETM21RxvUWgZwQLJEEGSPLDHhs6vi_lrWdV6mzwW2_wFDeMfYJkHpFDvU3Z6rOQ48qrn_uVRW5pHTbNsylkFHekvFQDVgd2vkDVy4=w2400) # Summary - ### Manual Method | Funtions | Description | Parameter | Examples | | :---------------- | :----------------------------------------------------------------------: | :--------------------------------------------------------------------------: | -------------------------------------------------: | | window() | It create a window for output visualization. | window(width: int, height: int) | window(700,700) | | putpixel() | It put specific pixel at given x , y coordinate | putpixel(xcordinates: int, ycordinates: int, color: str) | putpixel(300,300,"black") | | getpixel() | It returns RBG color data of specific pixel at provided x ,y co-ordinate | getpixel(xcordinates: int, ycordinates: int) | xcordinates:int, ycordinates:int | | circle() | It create a circle | circle(xcordinates: int, ycordinates: int, radius: int, color: tuple) | circle(300,300,40,color("green")) | | rectangle() | It create a Rectangle | rectangle(left: int, top: int, width: int, height: int, color: tuple) | rectangle(300,300,100,100,color("green")) | | elipse() | It create a Elipse | elipse(left: int, top: int, width: int, height: int, color: tuple) | ellipse(200,200,100,100,color("white")) | | polygon() | It create a Polygon | polygon(points: tuple, color: tuple) | unknown | | triangle() | It create a Triangle | triangle(x1: int, y1: int, x2: int, y2: int, x3: int, y3: int, color: tuple) | triangle(200,200,200,300,300,200,color("red")) | | frame_limiter() | Can specify number of frame per second (FPS) of window. | | | | point_in_circle() | It check wheater the point is in circle or not. | point_in_circle(centerx: int, centery: int, radius: int, x: int, y: int) | centerx:int, centery:int, radius:int, x:int, y:int | - ### PreImplemented Methods | Funtions | Description | | :------------------------------ | :-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | DDA Line | DDA stands for Digital Differential Analyzer. It is an incremental method of scan conversion of line | | DDA Dash | Draws a dashed line using DDA Algorithm. Takes the line co-ordinates from the user to plot the desired dashed line. | | DDA Solid | Draws a Solid line using DDA Algorithm. Takes the line co-ordinates from the user to plot the desired Solid line. | | DDA Dotted | Draws a dashed & line using DDA Algorithm. Takes the line co-ordinates from the user to plot the desired line. | | Breshham Line | This algorithm is used for scan converting a line. | | Breshham Line Dotted | This algorithm is used for scan converting a line. | | Midpoint Circle | This algorithm is used to draw Circle using Center point co-ordinate | | Midpoint Circle Dash | This algorithm is used to draw Circle with dash border using Center point co-ordinate | | Midpoint Circle Solid | This algorithm is used to draw Circle with solid Border using Center point co-ordinate | | Midpoint Circle Dotted | This algorithm is used to draw Circle with Dotted Borderusing Center point co-ordinate | | Midpoint Circle Dash and Normal | This algorithm is used to draw Circle with Oppsosite side Dashed using Center point co-ordinate | | FloodFill 4 seed | It flood the fill pattern and fill color in area bounded by color border with 4 seed point. | | FloodFill 4 seed polygon | It flood the fill pattern and fill color in area of Polygon bounded by color border with 4 seed point. | | FloodFill 4 seed Circle | It flood the fill pattern and fill color in area of Circle bounded by color border with 4 seed point. | | FloodFill 8 seed | It flood the fill pattern and fill color in area of polygon bounded by color border with 8 seed point. | | FloodFill 8 seed Square | It flood the fill pattern and fill color in area of Square bounded by color border with 8 seed point. | | FloodFill 8 seed Polygon | It flood the fill pattern and fill color in area of Polygon bounded by color border with 8 seed point. | | FloodFill 8 seed Rectangle | It flood the fill pattern and fill color in area of Rectangle bounded by color border with 8 seed point. | | FloodFill 8 seed Circle | It flood the fill pattern and fill color in area of Circle bounded by color border with 8 seed point. | | Boundary Fill 4 seed | It fill a desired color inside a closed Polygon having the same boundary color for all of its sides using 4 seeds. | | Boundary Fill 4 seed Square | It fill a desired color inside a closed Sqaure having the same boundary color for all of its sides using 4 seeds. | | Boundary Fill 4 seed Rectangle | It fill a desired color inside a closed Reactangle having the same boundary color for all of its sides using 4 seeds. | | Boundary Fill 4 seed Circle | It fill a desired color inside a closed Circle having the same boundary color for all of its sides using 4 seeds. | | Boundary Fill 8 seed | It fill a desired color inside a closed Polygon having the same boundary color for all of its sides using 8 seeds. | | Boundary Fill 8 seed Square | It fill a desired color inside a closed Square having the same boundary color for all of its sides using 8 seeds. | | Boundary Fill 8 seed Polygon | It fill a desired color inside a closed Polygon having the same boundary color for all of its sides using 8 seeds. | | Boundary Fill 8 seed Rectangle | It fill a desired color inside a closed Rectangle having the same boundary color for all of its sides using 8 seeds. | | Boundary Fill 8 seed Circle | It fill a desired color inside a closed Circle having the same boundary color for all of its sides using 8 seeds. | - # Author ## Maintainers : - ## [`Yameen Vinchu`](https://www.github.com/YameenV) connect me at [Linkedin](https://www.linkedin.com/in/yameen-vinchu-584085221/) - ## [`Ashutosh Upadhyay`](https://www.github.com/Ashutosh-upadhya) connect me at [Linkedin](https://www.linkedin.com/in/ashutoshupadhyay78) ## Contributer : [Yameen Vinchu](https://www.github.com/YameenV) [Ashutosh Upadhyay](https://www.github.com/Ashutosh-upadhya) %package -n python3-GraphicswithPython Summary: Graphic With Python (GWP) is a user-friendly and simpler way to practise and imply Computer Graphic Concept . It is better then graphics.h as GWP is faster & easy to implement. The Aim for this library is to make Computer Graphic Visualization easier and understandable by providing Fuction for each Method and support. Provides: python-GraphicswithPython BuildRequires: python3-devel BuildRequires: python3-setuptools BuildRequires: python3-pip %description -n python3-GraphicswithPython # Graphics With Python [![AGPL License](https://img.shields.io/badge/python-3.6-yellowgreen)]() [![AGPL License]( https://img.shields.io/badge/licence-Apache%202.0-orange)]() ### A Computer Graphic Library for engineering in Python ## Overview > Graphic With Python (GWP) is a user-friendly and simpler way to practise and imply Computer Graphic Concept . It is better then graphics.h as GWP is faster & easy to implement. The Aim for this library is to make Computer Graphic Visualization easier and understandable by providing Fuction for each Method and support. ![output of floodfill algorith](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/AUTuh6XU-Ojo924X17CQoe467JMXD6GJ9R-wqdK0OfqC1tavQ71D2sz8GCm8sJQBW1V4GP7SwMLArfADKdrgu53bWP5KckgybXpgNVfIcG3ND3Z1rrEt36Le_OaNN40kxn5bwS8=w2400) ![output of midpoint algorith](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/zsKmDt1nJnVbC8tvw65MwTxFlETFHN1CjEipg1gP8rc8br_u7rZ-t4He-kQNOne6hr4e7M_co28XDiS1qBOHYkcm13nf4YMBSxa3vPYrKyNh2PM7D2De8_H3fQm9t4ySFC5xYtE=w2400) ![output of bresenhams algorith](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/oKS0O1HrHdMAOs2lrrmf8I2G-oofuaMXvV1rp1XwDdYTwHzaiascfGlyWkblxgqw_6OGq4X1yku6zd3QlbSgVWKtT05eo-St-pI4_eDfGMePVBiTCpDNdljGRXO7V5yNnea1njM=w2400) ![output of boundaryfill algorith](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/Rk1SjsMKObd2gHuwLosGbMpQS4sWGRBELAETM21RxvUWgZwQLJEEGSPLDHhs6vi_lrWdV6mzwW2_wFDeMfYJkHpFDvU3Z6rOQ48qrn_uVRW5pHTbNsylkFHekvFQDVgd2vkDVy4=w2400) # Installation #### Prerequisite > [Python 3.6 +](https://www.python.org/downloads/) > IDE / [Replit](https://replit.com) IDE's like ([VScode](https://code.visualstudio.com/download) , [Pycharm](https://www.jetbrains.com/pycharm/download) , etc) ## There are two methods to installation and using this library. For Local Machine / IDE's ### Step 1 ```python # Check wheather the python and pip are installed python --version pip --version ``` ### Step 2 ```python pip install GraphicswithPython ``` For Online IDE - Visit here www.replit.com - Make an account - Create a new repl for python - Go to shell and enter ```python pip install GraphicswithPython ``` # Usage/Examples >GraphicswithPython library support `manual` function as well as `pre-implemented` function for refrence. ## Manual - ### window() > It create a window for where your output is displayed. Every program must have a window ##### Parameter of Window window(width: int, height: int) ### Example ```python from GraphicswithPython import window window(700,700) ``` - ### color() > Graphicswithpython supports rgb color. So to make this easy just pass a string of color example `red` and it will return rgb tuple value ##### Parameter color("color") supported color for now are black, grey, red, white, blue, green, yellow, orange, purple ### Examples ```python from GraphicswithPython import color color("red") # return (255, 0, 0) color("blue") # return (0, 0, 255) color("black") # return (0,0,0) color("green") # return (0,255,0) ``` - ### putpixel() > It put specific pixel at given x , y coordinate ##### Parameter putpixel(xcordinates: int, ycordinates: int, color: str, intensity: int) # intensity is optional parameter ### Examples ```python from GraphicswithPython import putpixel,window window(700,700) putpixel(300,300,"black") ``` - ### getpixel() >It returns RBG color data of specific pixel at provided x ,y co-ordinate ##### Parament getpixel(xcordinates: int, ycordinates: int) -> return tuple color example (0,0,255) ### Examples ```python from GraphicswithPython import putpixel,window window(700,700) putpixel(300,300,"black") # Its return tuple color (0,0,225) print(getpixel(300,300)) # we printed getpixel to get output in terminal ``` - ### delay() >It delay the programe so you can see the animation ##### Parament delay(Milliseconds) ### Examples ```python from GraphicswithPython import delay delay(1000) # delay progaram for 1 sec ``` - ### circle() > It create a circle of given radius ##### parameter circle(xcordinates: int, ycordinates: int, radius: int, color: tuple) ### Examples ```python from graphicswithpython import circle , display , delay , color display(700, 700 ) circle(300,300,40,color("green")) delay(5000) # Used to make display visible for next 5 seconds after execution ``` - ### rectangle() > It create a Rectangle ##### parameter rectangle(left: int, top: int, width: int, height: int, color: tuple) ### Examples ```python from graphicswithpython import rectangle , display , delay , color display(700, 700 ) rectangle(300,300,100,100,color("green")) delay(5000) # Used to make display visible for next 5 seconds after execution ``` - ### elipse() > It create a Elipse ##### parameter elipse(left: int, top: int, width: int, height: int, color: tuple) ### Examples ```python from graphicswithpython import elipse , display , delay , color display(700, 700 ) ellipse(200,200,100,100,color("white")) delay(5000) # Used to make display visible for next 5 seconds after execution ``` - ### polygon() > It create a Polygon ##### parameter polygon(points: tuple, color: tuple) ### Examples ```python from graphicswithpython import polygon , window , delay ,color window(700,700) polygon(((300,300),(200,400),(300,500),(500,500),(300,400)),color("white")) delay(5000) # Used to make display visible for next 5 seconds after execution ``` - ### point_in_circle() >It check wheater the point is in circle or not. ##### parameter point_in_circle(centerx: int, centery: int, radius: int, x: int, y: int) ### Examples ```python from graphicswithpython import window , delay ,color, pointInCircle ,circle window(700,700) circle(300,300,40,color("red")) print(pointInCircle(300,300,40,500,500)) # it will return False , as point is outside circle print(pointInCircle(300,300,40,320,320)) # It will return True , as point is inside circle delay(5000) # Used to make display visible for next 5 seconds after execution ``` # PreImplemented >PreImplemented function are the `funtional Algorithm` which are already implemented. - ## DDA > DDA stands for Digital Differential Analyzer. It is an incremental method of scan conversion of line | Parameter | Explaination | | :-------: | :-----------------------------------------------------------------------: | | x1 | Integer varible of x-coordinate | | y1 | Interger variable for y-coordinate of | | x2 | Integer variable for x-coordinate for 2nd point of line | | y2 | Integer variable for y-coordinate for 2nd point of line | | DDA type | Any of dda types required => `Line` , `dash` ,`solid` , `dotted` . | | color | color() funtion is required to mention the color of dda needed | #### Parameter for DDA is dda(x1: int, y1: int, x2: int, y2: int, DDatype: str, color: tuple ### Examples ```python from graphicswithpython import dda, window, delay, color window(700, 700) # first make window to get output there # Line dda(100, 100, 200, 200, "line", color("blue")) # line Dash dda(200, 200, 300, 300, "dash", color("white")) # line Solid dda(300, 300,400,400, "solid", color("blue")) # line dotted dda(400,400,500,500, "dotted", color("blue")) delay(5000) # make window visible more 5 sec after execution completes ``` ![DDA](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/vY4fQxNnM2K7kUguXabht4_WVelgY_AUGt8YOCjXfDVN638zZlcsPTfLNPqDaX0YB3TF0NX8FB48AqD9yj64I2nUD-VIWxawzXr1saOj8deHnS0Jx7ihZ3M3jD7KnaZpdRSTy_o=w2400) - ## Breshham >Bresenham's line algorithm is a line drawing algorithm that determines the points of an n-dimensional raster that should be selected in order to form a close approximation to a straight line between two points. | Required | Explanation | | :------------: | :-----------------------------------------------------------: | | x1 | x-coordinate for 1st point of line | | y1 | y-coordinate for 1st point of line | | x2 | x-coordinate for 2nd point of line | | y2 | y-coordinate for 2nd point of line | | bresenhamstype | Type of Bresenham needed => `line`,`dash`, `solid`, `dotted` | | color | color() funtion is required (rgb tuple ) | #### Parameter for Bresenham bresenham(x1: int, y1: int, x2: int, y2: int, bresenhamstype: str, color: tuple) ### Examples ```python from graphicswithpython import bresenhams, window,delay,color window(700,700) #first make window to get output there # Breshham Line bresenhams(200,200,300,300,"line",color("green")) #Breshham Line Dash bresenhams(300,300,400,400,"dash",color("yellow")) #Breshham Line Solid bresenhams(400,400,500,500,"solid",color("red")) #Breshham Line dotted bresenhams(500,500,600,600,"dotted",color("white")) delay(5000) # make window visible more 5 sec after execution completes ``` ![bresanhams](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/oKS0O1HrHdMAOs2lrrmf8I2G-oofuaMXvV1rp1XwDdYTwHzaiascfGlyWkblxgqw_6OGq4X1yku6zd3QlbSgVWKtT05eo-St-pI4_eDfGMePVBiTCpDNdljGRXO7V5yNnea1njM=w2400) - ## Midpointcircle > The midpoint circle algorithm is an algorithm used to determine the points needed for rasterizing a circle. | Required | Explaination | | :----------: | :-----------------------------------------------------------------------: | | radius | radius of circle | | xcenter | x-coordinate for center of circle | | ycenter | y-coordinate for center of circle | | midpointtype | type of midpoint circle needed => LINE , Dash, solid, Dotted, DashandLine | | color | color() function is required (rgb tuple ) | #### Parament for Midpointcircle midpoint(radius: int, xcenter: int, ycenter: int, midpointtype: str, color: tuple) ### Examples ```python from graphicswithpython import window, delay, color, midpointcircle window(700,700) #first make window to get output there # Midpoint Circle Line midpointcircle(70,200,200,"line",color("red")) # Midpoint Circle Dash midpointcircle(70,400,200,"dash",color("green")) # Midpoint Circle Dotted midpointcircle(70,200,400,"dotted",color("white")) # Midpoint Circle Solid midpointcircle(70,400,400,"solid",color("blue")) # Midpoint Circle Dash and Normal midpointcircle(60,300,300,"dottedandline",color("yellow")) delay(2000) # make window visible more 5 sec after execution completes ``` ![midpoint](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/zsKmDt1nJnVbC8tvw65MwTxFlETFHN1CjEipg1gP8rc8br_u7rZ-t4He-kQNOne6hr4e7M_co28XDiS1qBOHYkcm13nf4YMBSxa3vPYrKyNh2PM7D2De8_H3fQm9t4ySFC5xYtE=w2400) - ## FloodFill >Flood fill, also called seed fill, is an algorithm that determines and alters the area connected to a given node in a multi-dimensional array with some matching attribute. | Required | Explaination | | :-------------: | :---------------------------------------------------: | | xcenter | x-coordinate of center point | | ycenter | y-coordinate of center point | | backgroundcolor | exisiting backgroundcolor of window | | newcolor | color() funtion required for new color to be filled | | seed | number of seed you need for FloodFill | | radius | radius of object in which doing floodfill. (optional) | > Note : Radius tuple is required for 8 seed floodfill #### Parameter of FloodFill xcenter: int, ycenter: int, backgroundcolor: tuple, newcolor: tuple, seeds: int, radius: int | None = None ### Examples (for 4 seed ) ```python from graphicswithpython import floodfill, window,delay,color , circle ,rectangle,polygon window(700,700) #first make window to get output there # FloodFill 4 seed Circle circle(100,100,40,color("red")) floodfill(100,100,backgroundcolor=color("black"),newcolor=color("green"),seeds=4) #floodfill(xcenter,ycenter,backgroundcolor,newcolor,seed) # FloodFill 4 seed Square rectangle(200,300,100,100,color("blue")) floodfill(210,310,backgroundcolor=color("black"),newcolor=color("green"),seeds=4) # FloodFill 4 seed polygon polygon(points=((500,100),(500,200),(600,200),(630,150),(600,100)),color="red") floodfill(530,150,backgroundcolor=color("black"),newcolor=color("green"),seeds=4) # FloodFill 4 seed Rectangle rectangle(350,550,140,100,color("red")) floodfill(400,600,backgroundcolor=color("black"),newcolor=color("green"),seeds=4) delay(5000) # make window visible more 5 sec after execution completes ``` ### Examples (for 8 seed) ```python from graphicswithpython import floodfill, window, delay, color, circle, rectangle,triangle window(700,700) #first make window to get output there #first draw object circle(390,348,50,color("purple")) triangle(325,410,270,500,380,500,color("yellow")) rectangle(200,300,100,100,color("red")) rectangle(250,350,140,100,color("white")) #Flood Fill with 8 seed floodfill(210,310,backgroundcolor=color("black"),newcolor=color("green"),seeds=8) # upper rectangle floodfill(390,348,backgroundcolor=color("black"),newcolor=color("green"),seeds=8,radius=49) #circle *(MUST SPECIFY RADIUS IN CIRCLE ONLY) floodfill(315,380,backgroundcolor=color("black"),newcolor=color("green"),seeds=4) # middle Rectangle (Here 4 seed is done , as it consist of inner circle ) floodfill(325,470,backgroundcolor=color("black"),newcolor=color("green"),seeds=8) # triangle delay(5000) # make window visible more 5 sec after execution completes ``` ![floodfill](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/AUTuh6XU-Ojo924X17CQoe467JMXD6GJ9R-wqdK0OfqC1tavQ71D2sz8GCm8sJQBW1V4GP7SwMLArfADKdrgu53bWP5KckgybXpgNVfIcG3ND3Z1rrEt36Le_OaNN40kxn5bwS8=w2400) - ## Boundary Fill > Boundary fill is the algorithm used frequently in computer graphics to fill a desired color inside a closed polygon having the same boundary color for all of its sides. | Required | Explaination | | :---------: | :---------------------------------------------------: | | xcenter | x-coordinate of center point | | ycenter | y-coordinate of center point | | bordercolor | exisiting bordercolor of | | newcolor | color() funtion required for new color to be filled | | seed | number of seed you need for FloodFill | | radius | radius of object in which doing floodfill. (optional) | #### Parameter for Boundary FIll xcenter: int, ycenter: int, bordercolor: tuple, newcolor: tuple, seeds: int, radius: int | None = None ### Examples ( for 4 seed ) ```python from graphicswithpython import boundaryfill, window,delay,color , circle ,rectangle,polygon window(700,700) #first make window to get output there # boundaryfill 4 seed Rectangle rectangle(350,550,140,100,color("red")) boundaryfill(400,600,bordercolor=color("red"),newcolor=color("green"),seeds=4) # boundaryfill 4 seed Circle circle(100,100,40,color("red")) boundaryfill(100,100,bordercolor=color("red"),newcolor=color("green"),seeds=4) #boundaryfill(xcenter,ycenter,bordercolor,newcolor,seed) # boundaryfill 4 seed Square rectangle(200,300,100,100,color("blue")) boundaryfill(210,310,bordercolor=color("blue"),newcolor=color("green"),seeds=4) # boundaryfill 4 seed polygon polygon(points=((500,100),(500,200),(600,200),(630,150),(600,100)),color="red") boundaryfill(530,150,bordercolor=color("red"),newcolor=color("green"),seeds=4) delay(5000) # make window visible more 5 sec after execution completes ``` ### Examples (for 8 seed) ```python from graphicswithpython import boundaryfill, window, delay, color, circle, rectangle,triangle window(700,700) #first make window to get output there #first draw object rectangle(250,350,140,100,color("white")) circle(390,348,50,color("purple")) triangle(325,410,270,500,380,500,color("yellow")) rectangle(200,300,100,100,color("red")) # rectangle(250,350,140,100,color("white")) #Flood Fill with 8 seed boundaryfill(210,310,bordercolor=color("red"),newcolor=color("green"),seeds=8) # upper rectangle boundaryfill(390,348,bordercolor=color("purple"),newcolor=color("green"),seeds=8,radius=49) #circle *(MUST SPECIFY RADIUS IN CIRCLE ONLY) # boundaryfill(315,380,bordercolor=color("white"),newcolor=color("green"),seeds=4) # middle Rectangle (Here 4 seed is done , as it consist of inner circle ) boundaryfill(325,470,bordercolor=color("yellow"),newcolor=color("green"),seeds=8) # triangle delay(5000) # make window visible more 5 sec after execution completes ``` ![borderfill](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/Rk1SjsMKObd2gHuwLosGbMpQS4sWGRBELAETM21RxvUWgZwQLJEEGSPLDHhs6vi_lrWdV6mzwW2_wFDeMfYJkHpFDvU3Z6rOQ48qrn_uVRW5pHTbNsylkFHekvFQDVgd2vkDVy4=w2400) # Summary - ### Manual Method | Funtions | Description | Parameter | Examples | | :---------------- | :----------------------------------------------------------------------: | :--------------------------------------------------------------------------: | -------------------------------------------------: | | window() | It create a window for output visualization. | window(width: int, height: int) | window(700,700) | | putpixel() | It put specific pixel at given x , y coordinate | putpixel(xcordinates: int, ycordinates: int, color: str) | putpixel(300,300,"black") | | getpixel() | It returns RBG color data of specific pixel at provided x ,y co-ordinate | getpixel(xcordinates: int, ycordinates: int) | xcordinates:int, ycordinates:int | | circle() | It create a circle | circle(xcordinates: int, ycordinates: int, radius: int, color: tuple) | circle(300,300,40,color("green")) | | rectangle() | It create a Rectangle | rectangle(left: int, top: int, width: int, height: int, color: tuple) | rectangle(300,300,100,100,color("green")) | | elipse() | It create a Elipse | elipse(left: int, top: int, width: int, height: int, color: tuple) | ellipse(200,200,100,100,color("white")) | | polygon() | It create a Polygon | polygon(points: tuple, color: tuple) | unknown | | triangle() | It create a Triangle | triangle(x1: int, y1: int, x2: int, y2: int, x3: int, y3: int, color: tuple) | triangle(200,200,200,300,300,200,color("red")) | | frame_limiter() | Can specify number of frame per second (FPS) of window. | | | | point_in_circle() | It check wheater the point is in circle or not. | point_in_circle(centerx: int, centery: int, radius: int, x: int, y: int) | centerx:int, centery:int, radius:int, x:int, y:int | - ### PreImplemented Methods | Funtions | Description | | :------------------------------ | :-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | DDA Line | DDA stands for Digital Differential Analyzer. It is an incremental method of scan conversion of line | | DDA Dash | Draws a dashed line using DDA Algorithm. Takes the line co-ordinates from the user to plot the desired dashed line. | | DDA Solid | Draws a Solid line using DDA Algorithm. Takes the line co-ordinates from the user to plot the desired Solid line. | | DDA Dotted | Draws a dashed & line using DDA Algorithm. Takes the line co-ordinates from the user to plot the desired line. | | Breshham Line | This algorithm is used for scan converting a line. | | Breshham Line Dotted | This algorithm is used for scan converting a line. | | Midpoint Circle | This algorithm is used to draw Circle using Center point co-ordinate | | Midpoint Circle Dash | This algorithm is used to draw Circle with dash border using Center point co-ordinate | | Midpoint Circle Solid | This algorithm is used to draw Circle with solid Border using Center point co-ordinate | | Midpoint Circle Dotted | This algorithm is used to draw Circle with Dotted Borderusing Center point co-ordinate | | Midpoint Circle Dash and Normal | This algorithm is used to draw Circle with Oppsosite side Dashed using Center point co-ordinate | | FloodFill 4 seed | It flood the fill pattern and fill color in area bounded by color border with 4 seed point. | | FloodFill 4 seed polygon | It flood the fill pattern and fill color in area of Polygon bounded by color border with 4 seed point. | | FloodFill 4 seed Circle | It flood the fill pattern and fill color in area of Circle bounded by color border with 4 seed point. | | FloodFill 8 seed | It flood the fill pattern and fill color in area of polygon bounded by color border with 8 seed point. | | FloodFill 8 seed Square | It flood the fill pattern and fill color in area of Square bounded by color border with 8 seed point. | | FloodFill 8 seed Polygon | It flood the fill pattern and fill color in area of Polygon bounded by color border with 8 seed point. | | FloodFill 8 seed Rectangle | It flood the fill pattern and fill color in area of Rectangle bounded by color border with 8 seed point. | | FloodFill 8 seed Circle | It flood the fill pattern and fill color in area of Circle bounded by color border with 8 seed point. | | Boundary Fill 4 seed | It fill a desired color inside a closed Polygon having the same boundary color for all of its sides using 4 seeds. | | Boundary Fill 4 seed Square | It fill a desired color inside a closed Sqaure having the same boundary color for all of its sides using 4 seeds. | | Boundary Fill 4 seed Rectangle | It fill a desired color inside a closed Reactangle having the same boundary color for all of its sides using 4 seeds. | | Boundary Fill 4 seed Circle | It fill a desired color inside a closed Circle having the same boundary color for all of its sides using 4 seeds. | | Boundary Fill 8 seed | It fill a desired color inside a closed Polygon having the same boundary color for all of its sides using 8 seeds. | | Boundary Fill 8 seed Square | It fill a desired color inside a closed Square having the same boundary color for all of its sides using 8 seeds. | | Boundary Fill 8 seed Polygon | It fill a desired color inside a closed Polygon having the same boundary color for all of its sides using 8 seeds. | | Boundary Fill 8 seed Rectangle | It fill a desired color inside a closed Rectangle having the same boundary color for all of its sides using 8 seeds. | | Boundary Fill 8 seed Circle | It fill a desired color inside a closed Circle having the same boundary color for all of its sides using 8 seeds. | - # Author ## Maintainers : - ## [`Yameen Vinchu`](https://www.github.com/YameenV) connect me at [Linkedin](https://www.linkedin.com/in/yameen-vinchu-584085221/) - ## [`Ashutosh Upadhyay`](https://www.github.com/Ashutosh-upadhya) connect me at [Linkedin](https://www.linkedin.com/in/ashutoshupadhyay78) ## Contributer : [Yameen Vinchu](https://www.github.com/YameenV) [Ashutosh Upadhyay](https://www.github.com/Ashutosh-upadhya) %package help Summary: Development documents and examples for GraphicswithPython Provides: python3-GraphicswithPython-doc %description help # Graphics With Python [![AGPL License](https://img.shields.io/badge/python-3.6-yellowgreen)]() [![AGPL License]( https://img.shields.io/badge/licence-Apache%202.0-orange)]() ### A Computer Graphic Library for engineering in Python ## Overview > Graphic With Python (GWP) is a user-friendly and simpler way to practise and imply Computer Graphic Concept . It is better then graphics.h as GWP is faster & easy to implement. The Aim for this library is to make Computer Graphic Visualization easier and understandable by providing Fuction for each Method and support. ![output of floodfill algorith](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/AUTuh6XU-Ojo924X17CQoe467JMXD6GJ9R-wqdK0OfqC1tavQ71D2sz8GCm8sJQBW1V4GP7SwMLArfADKdrgu53bWP5KckgybXpgNVfIcG3ND3Z1rrEt36Le_OaNN40kxn5bwS8=w2400) ![output of midpoint algorith](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/zsKmDt1nJnVbC8tvw65MwTxFlETFHN1CjEipg1gP8rc8br_u7rZ-t4He-kQNOne6hr4e7M_co28XDiS1qBOHYkcm13nf4YMBSxa3vPYrKyNh2PM7D2De8_H3fQm9t4ySFC5xYtE=w2400) ![output of bresenhams algorith](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/oKS0O1HrHdMAOs2lrrmf8I2G-oofuaMXvV1rp1XwDdYTwHzaiascfGlyWkblxgqw_6OGq4X1yku6zd3QlbSgVWKtT05eo-St-pI4_eDfGMePVBiTCpDNdljGRXO7V5yNnea1njM=w2400) ![output of boundaryfill algorith](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/Rk1SjsMKObd2gHuwLosGbMpQS4sWGRBELAETM21RxvUWgZwQLJEEGSPLDHhs6vi_lrWdV6mzwW2_wFDeMfYJkHpFDvU3Z6rOQ48qrn_uVRW5pHTbNsylkFHekvFQDVgd2vkDVy4=w2400) # Installation #### Prerequisite > [Python 3.6 +](https://www.python.org/downloads/) > IDE / [Replit](https://replit.com) IDE's like ([VScode](https://code.visualstudio.com/download) , [Pycharm](https://www.jetbrains.com/pycharm/download) , etc) ## There are two methods to installation and using this library. For Local Machine / IDE's ### Step 1 ```python # Check wheather the python and pip are installed python --version pip --version ``` ### Step 2 ```python pip install GraphicswithPython ``` For Online IDE - Visit here www.replit.com - Make an account - Create a new repl for python - Go to shell and enter ```python pip install GraphicswithPython ``` # Usage/Examples >GraphicswithPython library support `manual` function as well as `pre-implemented` function for refrence. ## Manual - ### window() > It create a window for where your output is displayed. Every program must have a window ##### Parameter of Window window(width: int, height: int) ### Example ```python from GraphicswithPython import window window(700,700) ``` - ### color() > Graphicswithpython supports rgb color. So to make this easy just pass a string of color example `red` and it will return rgb tuple value ##### Parameter color("color") supported color for now are black, grey, red, white, blue, green, yellow, orange, purple ### Examples ```python from GraphicswithPython import color color("red") # return (255, 0, 0) color("blue") # return (0, 0, 255) color("black") # return (0,0,0) color("green") # return (0,255,0) ``` - ### putpixel() > It put specific pixel at given x , y coordinate ##### Parameter putpixel(xcordinates: int, ycordinates: int, color: str, intensity: int) # intensity is optional parameter ### Examples ```python from GraphicswithPython import putpixel,window window(700,700) putpixel(300,300,"black") ``` - ### getpixel() >It returns RBG color data of specific pixel at provided x ,y co-ordinate ##### Parament getpixel(xcordinates: int, ycordinates: int) -> return tuple color example (0,0,255) ### Examples ```python from GraphicswithPython import putpixel,window window(700,700) putpixel(300,300,"black") # Its return tuple color (0,0,225) print(getpixel(300,300)) # we printed getpixel to get output in terminal ``` - ### delay() >It delay the programe so you can see the animation ##### Parament delay(Milliseconds) ### Examples ```python from GraphicswithPython import delay delay(1000) # delay progaram for 1 sec ``` - ### circle() > It create a circle of given radius ##### parameter circle(xcordinates: int, ycordinates: int, radius: int, color: tuple) ### Examples ```python from graphicswithpython import circle , display , delay , color display(700, 700 ) circle(300,300,40,color("green")) delay(5000) # Used to make display visible for next 5 seconds after execution ``` - ### rectangle() > It create a Rectangle ##### parameter rectangle(left: int, top: int, width: int, height: int, color: tuple) ### Examples ```python from graphicswithpython import rectangle , display , delay , color display(700, 700 ) rectangle(300,300,100,100,color("green")) delay(5000) # Used to make display visible for next 5 seconds after execution ``` - ### elipse() > It create a Elipse ##### parameter elipse(left: int, top: int, width: int, height: int, color: tuple) ### Examples ```python from graphicswithpython import elipse , display , delay , color display(700, 700 ) ellipse(200,200,100,100,color("white")) delay(5000) # Used to make display visible for next 5 seconds after execution ``` - ### polygon() > It create a Polygon ##### parameter polygon(points: tuple, color: tuple) ### Examples ```python from graphicswithpython import polygon , window , delay ,color window(700,700) polygon(((300,300),(200,400),(300,500),(500,500),(300,400)),color("white")) delay(5000) # Used to make display visible for next 5 seconds after execution ``` - ### point_in_circle() >It check wheater the point is in circle or not. ##### parameter point_in_circle(centerx: int, centery: int, radius: int, x: int, y: int) ### Examples ```python from graphicswithpython import window , delay ,color, pointInCircle ,circle window(700,700) circle(300,300,40,color("red")) print(pointInCircle(300,300,40,500,500)) # it will return False , as point is outside circle print(pointInCircle(300,300,40,320,320)) # It will return True , as point is inside circle delay(5000) # Used to make display visible for next 5 seconds after execution ``` # PreImplemented >PreImplemented function are the `funtional Algorithm` which are already implemented. - ## DDA > DDA stands for Digital Differential Analyzer. It is an incremental method of scan conversion of line | Parameter | Explaination | | :-------: | :-----------------------------------------------------------------------: | | x1 | Integer varible of x-coordinate | | y1 | Interger variable for y-coordinate of | | x2 | Integer variable for x-coordinate for 2nd point of line | | y2 | Integer variable for y-coordinate for 2nd point of line | | DDA type | Any of dda types required => `Line` , `dash` ,`solid` , `dotted` . | | color | color() funtion is required to mention the color of dda needed | #### Parameter for DDA is dda(x1: int, y1: int, x2: int, y2: int, DDatype: str, color: tuple ### Examples ```python from graphicswithpython import dda, window, delay, color window(700, 700) # first make window to get output there # Line dda(100, 100, 200, 200, "line", color("blue")) # line Dash dda(200, 200, 300, 300, "dash", color("white")) # line Solid dda(300, 300,400,400, "solid", color("blue")) # line dotted dda(400,400,500,500, "dotted", color("blue")) delay(5000) # make window visible more 5 sec after execution completes ``` ![DDA](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/vY4fQxNnM2K7kUguXabht4_WVelgY_AUGt8YOCjXfDVN638zZlcsPTfLNPqDaX0YB3TF0NX8FB48AqD9yj64I2nUD-VIWxawzXr1saOj8deHnS0Jx7ihZ3M3jD7KnaZpdRSTy_o=w2400) - ## Breshham >Bresenham's line algorithm is a line drawing algorithm that determines the points of an n-dimensional raster that should be selected in order to form a close approximation to a straight line between two points. | Required | Explanation | | :------------: | :-----------------------------------------------------------: | | x1 | x-coordinate for 1st point of line | | y1 | y-coordinate for 1st point of line | | x2 | x-coordinate for 2nd point of line | | y2 | y-coordinate for 2nd point of line | | bresenhamstype | Type of Bresenham needed => `line`,`dash`, `solid`, `dotted` | | color | color() funtion is required (rgb tuple ) | #### Parameter for Bresenham bresenham(x1: int, y1: int, x2: int, y2: int, bresenhamstype: str, color: tuple) ### Examples ```python from graphicswithpython import bresenhams, window,delay,color window(700,700) #first make window to get output there # Breshham Line bresenhams(200,200,300,300,"line",color("green")) #Breshham Line Dash bresenhams(300,300,400,400,"dash",color("yellow")) #Breshham Line Solid bresenhams(400,400,500,500,"solid",color("red")) #Breshham Line dotted bresenhams(500,500,600,600,"dotted",color("white")) delay(5000) # make window visible more 5 sec after execution completes ``` ![bresanhams](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/oKS0O1HrHdMAOs2lrrmf8I2G-oofuaMXvV1rp1XwDdYTwHzaiascfGlyWkblxgqw_6OGq4X1yku6zd3QlbSgVWKtT05eo-St-pI4_eDfGMePVBiTCpDNdljGRXO7V5yNnea1njM=w2400) - ## Midpointcircle > The midpoint circle algorithm is an algorithm used to determine the points needed for rasterizing a circle. | Required | Explaination | | :----------: | :-----------------------------------------------------------------------: | | radius | radius of circle | | xcenter | x-coordinate for center of circle | | ycenter | y-coordinate for center of circle | | midpointtype | type of midpoint circle needed => LINE , Dash, solid, Dotted, DashandLine | | color | color() function is required (rgb tuple ) | #### Parament for Midpointcircle midpoint(radius: int, xcenter: int, ycenter: int, midpointtype: str, color: tuple) ### Examples ```python from graphicswithpython import window, delay, color, midpointcircle window(700,700) #first make window to get output there # Midpoint Circle Line midpointcircle(70,200,200,"line",color("red")) # Midpoint Circle Dash midpointcircle(70,400,200,"dash",color("green")) # Midpoint Circle Dotted midpointcircle(70,200,400,"dotted",color("white")) # Midpoint Circle Solid midpointcircle(70,400,400,"solid",color("blue")) # Midpoint Circle Dash and Normal midpointcircle(60,300,300,"dottedandline",color("yellow")) delay(2000) # make window visible more 5 sec after execution completes ``` ![midpoint](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/zsKmDt1nJnVbC8tvw65MwTxFlETFHN1CjEipg1gP8rc8br_u7rZ-t4He-kQNOne6hr4e7M_co28XDiS1qBOHYkcm13nf4YMBSxa3vPYrKyNh2PM7D2De8_H3fQm9t4ySFC5xYtE=w2400) - ## FloodFill >Flood fill, also called seed fill, is an algorithm that determines and alters the area connected to a given node in a multi-dimensional array with some matching attribute. | Required | Explaination | | :-------------: | :---------------------------------------------------: | | xcenter | x-coordinate of center point | | ycenter | y-coordinate of center point | | backgroundcolor | exisiting backgroundcolor of window | | newcolor | color() funtion required for new color to be filled | | seed | number of seed you need for FloodFill | | radius | radius of object in which doing floodfill. (optional) | > Note : Radius tuple is required for 8 seed floodfill #### Parameter of FloodFill xcenter: int, ycenter: int, backgroundcolor: tuple, newcolor: tuple, seeds: int, radius: int | None = None ### Examples (for 4 seed ) ```python from graphicswithpython import floodfill, window,delay,color , circle ,rectangle,polygon window(700,700) #first make window to get output there # FloodFill 4 seed Circle circle(100,100,40,color("red")) floodfill(100,100,backgroundcolor=color("black"),newcolor=color("green"),seeds=4) #floodfill(xcenter,ycenter,backgroundcolor,newcolor,seed) # FloodFill 4 seed Square rectangle(200,300,100,100,color("blue")) floodfill(210,310,backgroundcolor=color("black"),newcolor=color("green"),seeds=4) # FloodFill 4 seed polygon polygon(points=((500,100),(500,200),(600,200),(630,150),(600,100)),color="red") floodfill(530,150,backgroundcolor=color("black"),newcolor=color("green"),seeds=4) # FloodFill 4 seed Rectangle rectangle(350,550,140,100,color("red")) floodfill(400,600,backgroundcolor=color("black"),newcolor=color("green"),seeds=4) delay(5000) # make window visible more 5 sec after execution completes ``` ### Examples (for 8 seed) ```python from graphicswithpython import floodfill, window, delay, color, circle, rectangle,triangle window(700,700) #first make window to get output there #first draw object circle(390,348,50,color("purple")) triangle(325,410,270,500,380,500,color("yellow")) rectangle(200,300,100,100,color("red")) rectangle(250,350,140,100,color("white")) #Flood Fill with 8 seed floodfill(210,310,backgroundcolor=color("black"),newcolor=color("green"),seeds=8) # upper rectangle floodfill(390,348,backgroundcolor=color("black"),newcolor=color("green"),seeds=8,radius=49) #circle *(MUST SPECIFY RADIUS IN CIRCLE ONLY) floodfill(315,380,backgroundcolor=color("black"),newcolor=color("green"),seeds=4) # middle Rectangle (Here 4 seed is done , as it consist of inner circle ) floodfill(325,470,backgroundcolor=color("black"),newcolor=color("green"),seeds=8) # triangle delay(5000) # make window visible more 5 sec after execution completes ``` ![floodfill](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/AUTuh6XU-Ojo924X17CQoe467JMXD6GJ9R-wqdK0OfqC1tavQ71D2sz8GCm8sJQBW1V4GP7SwMLArfADKdrgu53bWP5KckgybXpgNVfIcG3ND3Z1rrEt36Le_OaNN40kxn5bwS8=w2400) - ## Boundary Fill > Boundary fill is the algorithm used frequently in computer graphics to fill a desired color inside a closed polygon having the same boundary color for all of its sides. | Required | Explaination | | :---------: | :---------------------------------------------------: | | xcenter | x-coordinate of center point | | ycenter | y-coordinate of center point | | bordercolor | exisiting bordercolor of | | newcolor | color() funtion required for new color to be filled | | seed | number of seed you need for FloodFill | | radius | radius of object in which doing floodfill. (optional) | #### Parameter for Boundary FIll xcenter: int, ycenter: int, bordercolor: tuple, newcolor: tuple, seeds: int, radius: int | None = None ### Examples ( for 4 seed ) ```python from graphicswithpython import boundaryfill, window,delay,color , circle ,rectangle,polygon window(700,700) #first make window to get output there # boundaryfill 4 seed Rectangle rectangle(350,550,140,100,color("red")) boundaryfill(400,600,bordercolor=color("red"),newcolor=color("green"),seeds=4) # boundaryfill 4 seed Circle circle(100,100,40,color("red")) boundaryfill(100,100,bordercolor=color("red"),newcolor=color("green"),seeds=4) #boundaryfill(xcenter,ycenter,bordercolor,newcolor,seed) # boundaryfill 4 seed Square rectangle(200,300,100,100,color("blue")) boundaryfill(210,310,bordercolor=color("blue"),newcolor=color("green"),seeds=4) # boundaryfill 4 seed polygon polygon(points=((500,100),(500,200),(600,200),(630,150),(600,100)),color="red") boundaryfill(530,150,bordercolor=color("red"),newcolor=color("green"),seeds=4) delay(5000) # make window visible more 5 sec after execution completes ``` ### Examples (for 8 seed) ```python from graphicswithpython import boundaryfill, window, delay, color, circle, rectangle,triangle window(700,700) #first make window to get output there #first draw object rectangle(250,350,140,100,color("white")) circle(390,348,50,color("purple")) triangle(325,410,270,500,380,500,color("yellow")) rectangle(200,300,100,100,color("red")) # rectangle(250,350,140,100,color("white")) #Flood Fill with 8 seed boundaryfill(210,310,bordercolor=color("red"),newcolor=color("green"),seeds=8) # upper rectangle boundaryfill(390,348,bordercolor=color("purple"),newcolor=color("green"),seeds=8,radius=49) #circle *(MUST SPECIFY RADIUS IN CIRCLE ONLY) # boundaryfill(315,380,bordercolor=color("white"),newcolor=color("green"),seeds=4) # middle Rectangle (Here 4 seed is done , as it consist of inner circle ) boundaryfill(325,470,bordercolor=color("yellow"),newcolor=color("green"),seeds=8) # triangle delay(5000) # make window visible more 5 sec after execution completes ``` ![borderfill](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/Rk1SjsMKObd2gHuwLosGbMpQS4sWGRBELAETM21RxvUWgZwQLJEEGSPLDHhs6vi_lrWdV6mzwW2_wFDeMfYJkHpFDvU3Z6rOQ48qrn_uVRW5pHTbNsylkFHekvFQDVgd2vkDVy4=w2400) # Summary - ### Manual Method | Funtions | Description | Parameter | Examples | | :---------------- | :----------------------------------------------------------------------: | :--------------------------------------------------------------------------: | -------------------------------------------------: | | window() | It create a window for output visualization. | window(width: int, height: int) | window(700,700) | | putpixel() | It put specific pixel at given x , y coordinate | putpixel(xcordinates: int, ycordinates: int, color: str) | putpixel(300,300,"black") | | getpixel() | It returns RBG color data of specific pixel at provided x ,y co-ordinate | getpixel(xcordinates: int, ycordinates: int) | xcordinates:int, ycordinates:int | | circle() | It create a circle | circle(xcordinates: int, ycordinates: int, radius: int, color: tuple) | circle(300,300,40,color("green")) | | rectangle() | It create a Rectangle | rectangle(left: int, top: int, width: int, height: int, color: tuple) | rectangle(300,300,100,100,color("green")) | | elipse() | It create a Elipse | elipse(left: int, top: int, width: int, height: int, color: tuple) | ellipse(200,200,100,100,color("white")) | | polygon() | It create a Polygon | polygon(points: tuple, color: tuple) | unknown | | triangle() | It create a Triangle | triangle(x1: int, y1: int, x2: int, y2: int, x3: int, y3: int, color: tuple) | triangle(200,200,200,300,300,200,color("red")) | | frame_limiter() | Can specify number of frame per second (FPS) of window. | | | | point_in_circle() | It check wheater the point is in circle or not. | point_in_circle(centerx: int, centery: int, radius: int, x: int, y: int) | centerx:int, centery:int, radius:int, x:int, y:int | - ### PreImplemented Methods | Funtions | Description | | :------------------------------ | :-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | DDA Line | DDA stands for Digital Differential Analyzer. It is an incremental method of scan conversion of line | | DDA Dash | Draws a dashed line using DDA Algorithm. Takes the line co-ordinates from the user to plot the desired dashed line. | | DDA Solid | Draws a Solid line using DDA Algorithm. Takes the line co-ordinates from the user to plot the desired Solid line. | | DDA Dotted | Draws a dashed & line using DDA Algorithm. Takes the line co-ordinates from the user to plot the desired line. | | Breshham Line | This algorithm is used for scan converting a line. | | Breshham Line Dotted | This algorithm is used for scan converting a line. | | Midpoint Circle | This algorithm is used to draw Circle using Center point co-ordinate | | Midpoint Circle Dash | This algorithm is used to draw Circle with dash border using Center point co-ordinate | | Midpoint Circle Solid | This algorithm is used to draw Circle with solid Border using Center point co-ordinate | | Midpoint Circle Dotted | This algorithm is used to draw Circle with Dotted Borderusing Center point co-ordinate | | Midpoint Circle Dash and Normal | This algorithm is used to draw Circle with Oppsosite side Dashed using Center point co-ordinate | | FloodFill 4 seed | It flood the fill pattern and fill color in area bounded by color border with 4 seed point. | | FloodFill 4 seed polygon | It flood the fill pattern and fill color in area of Polygon bounded by color border with 4 seed point. | | FloodFill 4 seed Circle | It flood the fill pattern and fill color in area of Circle bounded by color border with 4 seed point. | | FloodFill 8 seed | It flood the fill pattern and fill color in area of polygon bounded by color border with 8 seed point. | | FloodFill 8 seed Square | It flood the fill pattern and fill color in area of Square bounded by color border with 8 seed point. | | FloodFill 8 seed Polygon | It flood the fill pattern and fill color in area of Polygon bounded by color border with 8 seed point. | | FloodFill 8 seed Rectangle | It flood the fill pattern and fill color in area of Rectangle bounded by color border with 8 seed point. | | FloodFill 8 seed Circle | It flood the fill pattern and fill color in area of Circle bounded by color border with 8 seed point. | | Boundary Fill 4 seed | It fill a desired color inside a closed Polygon having the same boundary color for all of its sides using 4 seeds. | | Boundary Fill 4 seed Square | It fill a desired color inside a closed Sqaure having the same boundary color for all of its sides using 4 seeds. | | Boundary Fill 4 seed Rectangle | It fill a desired color inside a closed Reactangle having the same boundary color for all of its sides using 4 seeds. | | Boundary Fill 4 seed Circle | It fill a desired color inside a closed Circle having the same boundary color for all of its sides using 4 seeds. | | Boundary Fill 8 seed | It fill a desired color inside a closed Polygon having the same boundary color for all of its sides using 8 seeds. | | Boundary Fill 8 seed Square | It fill a desired color inside a closed Square having the same boundary color for all of its sides using 8 seeds. | | Boundary Fill 8 seed Polygon | It fill a desired color inside a closed Polygon having the same boundary color for all of its sides using 8 seeds. | | Boundary Fill 8 seed Rectangle | It fill a desired color inside a closed Rectangle having the same boundary color for all of its sides using 8 seeds. | | Boundary Fill 8 seed Circle | It fill a desired color inside a closed Circle having the same boundary color for all of its sides using 8 seeds. | - # Author ## Maintainers : - ## [`Yameen Vinchu`](https://www.github.com/YameenV) connect me at [Linkedin](https://www.linkedin.com/in/yameen-vinchu-584085221/) - ## [`Ashutosh Upadhyay`](https://www.github.com/Ashutosh-upadhya) connect me at [Linkedin](https://www.linkedin.com/in/ashutoshupadhyay78) ## Contributer : [Yameen Vinchu](https://www.github.com/YameenV) [Ashutosh Upadhyay](https://www.github.com/Ashutosh-upadhya) %prep %autosetup -n GraphicswithPython-0.0.11 %build %py3_build %install %py3_install install -d -m755 %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir} if [ -d doc ]; then cp -arf doc %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi if [ -d docs ]; then cp -arf docs %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi if [ -d example ]; then cp -arf example %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi if [ -d examples ]; then cp -arf examples %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi pushd %{buildroot} if [ -d usr/lib ]; then find usr/lib -type f -printf "\"/%h/%f\"\n" >> filelist.lst fi if [ -d usr/lib64 ]; then find usr/lib64 -type f -printf "\"/%h/%f\"\n" >> filelist.lst fi if [ -d usr/bin ]; then find usr/bin -type f -printf "\"/%h/%f\"\n" >> filelist.lst fi if [ -d usr/sbin ]; then find usr/sbin -type f -printf "\"/%h/%f\"\n" >> filelist.lst fi touch doclist.lst if [ -d usr/share/man ]; then find usr/share/man -type f -printf "\"/%h/%f.gz\"\n" >> doclist.lst fi popd mv %{buildroot}/filelist.lst . mv %{buildroot}/doclist.lst . %files -n python3-GraphicswithPython -f filelist.lst %dir %{python3_sitelib}/* %files help -f doclist.lst %{_docdir}/* %changelog * Fri Jun 09 2023 Python_Bot - 0.0.11-1 - Package Spec generated