%global _empty_manifest_terminate_build 0 Name: python-mosec Version: 0.7.1 Release: 1 Summary: Model Serving made Efficient in the Cloud License: Apache-2.0 URL: https://github.com/mosecorg/mosec Source0: https://mirrors.aliyun.com/pypi/web/packages/f4/53/af7e7efdcbd4f7ad9df5c5d6dc84235cf79feb1e48260dc39aef2562c1a1/mosec-0.7.1.tar.gz BuildArch: noarch Requires: python3-setuptools-scm Requires: python3-pytest Requires: python3-pytest-mock Requires: python3-mypy Requires: python3-pyright Requires: python3-pylint Requires: python3-pydocstyle Requires: python3-black Requires: python3-isort Requires: python3-autoflake Requires: python3-pre-commit Requires: python3-msgpack Requires: python3-numpy Requires: python3-httpx Requires: python3-sphinx Requires: python3-sphinxcontrib-programoutput Requires: python3-sphinxcontrib-napoleon Requires: python3-sphinx-copybutton Requires: python3-sphinx-autodoc-typehints Requires: python3-sphinxext-opengraph Requires: python3-myst-parser Requires: python3-furo Requires: python3-msgpack Requires: python3-msgspec Requires: python3-numbin Requires: python3-pyarrow Requires: python3-redis %description
Model Serving made Efficient in the Cloud.
## IntroductionMosec is a high-performance and flexible model serving framework for building ML model-enabled backend and microservices. It bridges the gap between any machine learning models you just trained and the efficient online service API. - **Highly performant**: web layer and task coordination built with Rust 🦀, which offers blazing speed in addition to efficient CPU utilization powered by async I/O - **Ease of use**: user interface purely in Python 🐍, by which users can serve their models in an ML framework-agnostic manner using the same code as they do for offline testing - **Dynamic batching**: aggregate requests from different users for batched inference and distribute results back - **Pipelined stages**: spawn multiple processes for pipelined stages to handle CPU/GPU/IO mixed workloads - **Cloud friendly**: designed to run in the cloud, with the model warmup, graceful shutdown, and Prometheus monitoring metrics, easily managed by Kubernetes or any container orchestration systems - **Do one thing well**: focus on the online serving part, users can pay attention to the model optimization and business logic ## Installation Mosec requires Python 3.7 or above. Install the latest [PyPI package](https://pypi.org/project/mosec/) with: ```shell pip install -U mosec ``` ## Usage We demonstrate how Mosec can help you easily host a pre-trained stable diffusion model as a service. You need to install [diffusers](https://github.com/huggingface/diffusers) and [transformers](https://github.com/huggingface/transformers) as prerequisites: ```shell pip install --upgrade diffusers[torch] transformers ``` ### Write the server Firstly, we import the libraries and set up a basic logger to better observe what happens. ```python from io import BytesIO from typing import List import torch # type: ignore from diffusers import StableDiffusionPipeline # type: ignore from mosec import Server, Worker, get_logger from mosec.mixin import MsgpackMixin logger = get_logger() ``` Then, we **build an API** for clients to query a text prompt and obtain an image based on the [stable-diffusion-v1-5 model](https://huggingface.co/runwayml/stable-diffusion-v1-5) in just 3 steps. 1) Define your service as a class which inherits `mosec.Worker`. Here we also inherit `MsgpackMixin` to employ the [msgpack](https://msgpack.org/index.html) serialization format(a). 2) Inside the `__init__` method, initialize your model and put it onto the corresponding device. Optionally you can assign `self.example` with some data to warm up(b) the model. Note that the data should be compatible with your handler's input format, which we detail next. 3) Override the `forward` method to write your service handler(c), with the signature `forward(self, data: Any | List[Any]) -> Any | List[Any]`. Receiving/returning a single item or a tuple depends on whether [dynamic batching](#configuration)(d) is configured. ```python class StableDiffusion(MsgpackMixin, Worker): def __init__(self): self.pipe = StableDiffusionPipeline.from_pretrained( "runwayml/stable-diffusion-v1-5", torch_dtype=torch.float16 ) device = "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu" self.pipe = self.pipe.to(device) self.example = ["useless example prompt"] * 4 # warmup (bs=4) def forward(self, data: List[str]) -> List[memoryview]: logger.debug("generate images for %s", data) res = self.pipe(data) logger.debug("NSFW: %s", res[1]) images = [] for img in res[0]: dummy_file = BytesIO() img.save(dummy_file, format="JPEG") images.append(dummy_file.getbuffer()) return images ``` > **Note** > > (a) In this example we return an image in the binary format, which JSON does not support (unless encoded with base64 that makes it longer). Hence, msgpack suits our need better. If we do not inherit `MsgpackMixin`, JSON will be used by default. In other words, the protocol of the service request/response can either be msgpack or JSON. > > (b) Warm-up usually helps to allocate GPU memory in advance. If the warm-up example is specified, the service will only be ready after the example is forwarded through the handler. However, if no example is given, the first request's latency is expected to be longer. The `example` should be set as a single item or a tuple depending on what `forward` expects to receive. Moreover, in the case where you want to warm up with multiple different examples, you may set `multi_examples` (demo [here](https://mosecorg.github.io/mosec/examples/jax.html)). > > (c) This example shows a single-stage service, where the `StableDiffusion` worker directly takes in client's prompt request and responds the image. Thus the `forward` can be considered as a complete service handler. However, we can also design a multi-stage service with workers doing different jobs (e.g., downloading images, forward model, post-processing) in a pipeline. In this case, the whole pipeline is considered as the service handler, with the first worker taking in the request and the last worker sending out the response. The data flow between workers is done by inter-process communication. > > (d) Since dynamic batching is enabled in this example, the `forward` method will wishfully receive a _list_ of string, e.g., `['a cute cat playing with a red ball', 'a man sitting in front of a computer', ...]`, aggregated from different clients for _batch inference_, improving the system throughput. Finally, we append the worker to the server to construct a *single-stage* workflow (multiple stages can be [pipelined](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pipeline_(computing)) to further boost the throughput, see [this example](https://mosecorg.github.io/mosec/examples/pytorch.html#computer-vision)), and specify the number of processes we want it to run in parallel (`num=1`), and the maximum batch size (`max_batch_size=4`, the maximum number of requests dynamic batching will accumulate before timeout; timeout is defined with the flag `--wait` in milliseconds, meaning the longest time Mosec waits until sending the batch to the Worker). ```python if __name__ == "__main__": server = Server() # 1) `num` specifies the number of processes that will be spawned to run in parallel. # 2) By configuring the `max_batch_size` with the value > 1, the input data in your # `forward` function will be a list (batch); otherwise, it's a single item. server.append_worker(StableDiffusion, num=1, max_batch_size=4, max_wait_time=10) server.run() ``` ### Run the server The above snippets are merged in our example file. You may directly run at the project root level. We first have a look at the _command line arguments_ (explanations [here](https://mosecorg.github.io/mosec/reference/arguments.html)): ```shell python examples/stable_diffusion/server.py --help ``` Then let's start the server with debug logs: ```shell python examples/stable_diffusion/server.py --debug ``` And in another terminal, test it: ```shell python examples/stable_diffusion/client.py --prompt "a cute cat playing with a red ball" --output cat.jpg --port 8000 ``` You will get an image named "cat.jpg" in the current directory. You can check the metrics: ```shell curl ``` That's it! You have just hosted your **_stable-diffusion model_** as a service! 😉 ## Examples More ready-to-use examples can be found in the [Example](https://mosecorg.github.io/mosec/examples/index.html) section. It includes: - [Multi-stage workflow demo](https://mosecorg.github.io/mosec/examples/echo.html): a simple echo demo even without any ML model. - [Request validation](https://mosecorg.github.io/mosec/examples/validate.html): validate the request with type annotation. - [Shared memory IPC](https://mosecorg.github.io/mosec/examples/ipc.html): inter-process communication with shared memory. - [Customized GPU allocation](https://mosecorg.github.io/mosec/examples/env.html): deploy multiple replicas, each using different GPUs. - [Customized metrics](https://mosecorg.github.io/mosec/examples/metric.html): record your own metrics for monitoring. - [Jax jitted inference](https://mosecorg.github.io/mosec/examples/jax.html): just-in-time compilation speeds up the inference. - PyTorch deep learning models: - [sentiment analysis](https://mosecorg.github.io/mosec/examples/pytorch.html#natural-language-processing): infer the sentiment of a sentence. - [image recognition](https://mosecorg.github.io/mosec/examples/pytorch.html#computer-vision): categorize a given image. - [stable diffusion](https://mosecorg.github.io/mosec/examples/stable_diffusion.html): generate images based on texts, with msgpack serialization. ## Configuration - Dynamic batching - `max_batch_size` is configured when you `append_worker` (make sure inference with the max value won't cause the out-of-memory in GPU). - `--wait (default=10ms)` is configured through CLI arguments (this usually should <= one batch inference duration). - If enabled, it will collect a batch either when it reaches the `max_batch_size` or the `wait` time. - Check the [arguments doc](https://mosecorg.github.io/mosec/reference/arguments.html). ## Deployment - This may require some shared memory, remember to set the `--shm-size` flag if you are using docker. - This service doesn't require Gunicorn or NGINX, but you can certainly use the ingress controller. BTW, it should be the PID 1 process in the container since it controls multiple processes. - Remember to collect the **metrics**. - `mosec_service_batch_size_bucket` shows the batch size distribution. - `mosec_service_batch_duration_second_bucket` shows the duration of dynamic batching for each connection in each stage (starts from receiving the first task). - `mosec_service_process_duration_second_bucket` shows the duration of processing for each connection in each stage (including the IPC time but excluding the `mosec_service_batch_duration_second_bucket`). - `mosec_service_remaining_task` shows the number of currently processing tasks. - `mosec_service_throughput` shows the service throughput. - Stop the service with `SIGINT` or `SIGTERM` since it has the graceful shutdown logic. ## Adopters Here are some of the companies and individual users that are using Mosec: - [Modelz](https://modelz.ai): Serverless platform for ML inference. - [MOSS](https://github.com/OpenLMLab/MOSS/blob/main/README_en.md): An open sourced conversational language model like ChatGPT. - [TencentCloud](https://www.tencentcloud.com/document/product/1141/45261): Tencent Cloud Machine Learning Platform, using Mosec as the [core inference server framework](https://cloud.tencent.com/document/product/851/74148). - [TensorChord](https://github.com/tensorchord): Cloud native AI infrastructure company. ## Citation If you find this software useful for your research, please consider citing ``` @software{yang2021mosec, title = {{MOSEC: Model Serving made Efficient in the Cloud}}, author = {Yang, Keming and Liu, Zichen and Cheng, Philip}, url = {https://github.com/mosecorg/mosec}, year = {2021} } ``` ## Contributing We welcome any kind of contribution. Please give us feedback by [raising issues](https://github.com/mosecorg/mosec/issues/new/choose) or discussing on [Discord](https://discord.gg/Jq5vxuH69W). You could also directly [contribute](https://mosecorg.github.io/mosec/development/contributing.html) your code and pull request! To start develop, you can use [envd](https://github.com/tensorchord/envd) to create an isolated and clean Python & Rust environment. Check the [envd-docs](https://envd.tensorchord.ai/) or [build.envd](https://github.com/mosecorg/mosec/blob/main/build.envd) for more information. %package -n python3-mosec Summary: Model Serving made Efficient in the Cloud Provides: python-mosec BuildRequires: python3-devel BuildRequires: python3-setuptools BuildRequires: python3-pip %description -n python3-mosec
Model Serving made Efficient in the Cloud.
## IntroductionMosec is a high-performance and flexible model serving framework for building ML model-enabled backend and microservices. It bridges the gap between any machine learning models you just trained and the efficient online service API. - **Highly performant**: web layer and task coordination built with Rust 🦀, which offers blazing speed in addition to efficient CPU utilization powered by async I/O - **Ease of use**: user interface purely in Python 🐍, by which users can serve their models in an ML framework-agnostic manner using the same code as they do for offline testing - **Dynamic batching**: aggregate requests from different users for batched inference and distribute results back - **Pipelined stages**: spawn multiple processes for pipelined stages to handle CPU/GPU/IO mixed workloads - **Cloud friendly**: designed to run in the cloud, with the model warmup, graceful shutdown, and Prometheus monitoring metrics, easily managed by Kubernetes or any container orchestration systems - **Do one thing well**: focus on the online serving part, users can pay attention to the model optimization and business logic ## Installation Mosec requires Python 3.7 or above. Install the latest [PyPI package](https://pypi.org/project/mosec/) with: ```shell pip install -U mosec ``` ## Usage We demonstrate how Mosec can help you easily host a pre-trained stable diffusion model as a service. You need to install [diffusers](https://github.com/huggingface/diffusers) and [transformers](https://github.com/huggingface/transformers) as prerequisites: ```shell pip install --upgrade diffusers[torch] transformers ``` ### Write the server Firstly, we import the libraries and set up a basic logger to better observe what happens. ```python from io import BytesIO from typing import List import torch # type: ignore from diffusers import StableDiffusionPipeline # type: ignore from mosec import Server, Worker, get_logger from mosec.mixin import MsgpackMixin logger = get_logger() ``` Then, we **build an API** for clients to query a text prompt and obtain an image based on the [stable-diffusion-v1-5 model](https://huggingface.co/runwayml/stable-diffusion-v1-5) in just 3 steps. 1) Define your service as a class which inherits `mosec.Worker`. Here we also inherit `MsgpackMixin` to employ the [msgpack](https://msgpack.org/index.html) serialization format(a). 2) Inside the `__init__` method, initialize your model and put it onto the corresponding device. Optionally you can assign `self.example` with some data to warm up(b) the model. Note that the data should be compatible with your handler's input format, which we detail next. 3) Override the `forward` method to write your service handler(c), with the signature `forward(self, data: Any | List[Any]) -> Any | List[Any]`. Receiving/returning a single item or a tuple depends on whether [dynamic batching](#configuration)(d) is configured. ```python class StableDiffusion(MsgpackMixin, Worker): def __init__(self): self.pipe = StableDiffusionPipeline.from_pretrained( "runwayml/stable-diffusion-v1-5", torch_dtype=torch.float16 ) device = "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu" self.pipe = self.pipe.to(device) self.example = ["useless example prompt"] * 4 # warmup (bs=4) def forward(self, data: List[str]) -> List[memoryview]: logger.debug("generate images for %s", data) res = self.pipe(data) logger.debug("NSFW: %s", res[1]) images = [] for img in res[0]: dummy_file = BytesIO() img.save(dummy_file, format="JPEG") images.append(dummy_file.getbuffer()) return images ``` > **Note** > > (a) In this example we return an image in the binary format, which JSON does not support (unless encoded with base64 that makes it longer). Hence, msgpack suits our need better. If we do not inherit `MsgpackMixin`, JSON will be used by default. In other words, the protocol of the service request/response can either be msgpack or JSON. > > (b) Warm-up usually helps to allocate GPU memory in advance. If the warm-up example is specified, the service will only be ready after the example is forwarded through the handler. However, if no example is given, the first request's latency is expected to be longer. The `example` should be set as a single item or a tuple depending on what `forward` expects to receive. Moreover, in the case where you want to warm up with multiple different examples, you may set `multi_examples` (demo [here](https://mosecorg.github.io/mosec/examples/jax.html)). > > (c) This example shows a single-stage service, where the `StableDiffusion` worker directly takes in client's prompt request and responds the image. Thus the `forward` can be considered as a complete service handler. However, we can also design a multi-stage service with workers doing different jobs (e.g., downloading images, forward model, post-processing) in a pipeline. In this case, the whole pipeline is considered as the service handler, with the first worker taking in the request and the last worker sending out the response. The data flow between workers is done by inter-process communication. > > (d) Since dynamic batching is enabled in this example, the `forward` method will wishfully receive a _list_ of string, e.g., `['a cute cat playing with a red ball', 'a man sitting in front of a computer', ...]`, aggregated from different clients for _batch inference_, improving the system throughput. Finally, we append the worker to the server to construct a *single-stage* workflow (multiple stages can be [pipelined](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pipeline_(computing)) to further boost the throughput, see [this example](https://mosecorg.github.io/mosec/examples/pytorch.html#computer-vision)), and specify the number of processes we want it to run in parallel (`num=1`), and the maximum batch size (`max_batch_size=4`, the maximum number of requests dynamic batching will accumulate before timeout; timeout is defined with the flag `--wait` in milliseconds, meaning the longest time Mosec waits until sending the batch to the Worker). ```python if __name__ == "__main__": server = Server() # 1) `num` specifies the number of processes that will be spawned to run in parallel. # 2) By configuring the `max_batch_size` with the value > 1, the input data in your # `forward` function will be a list (batch); otherwise, it's a single item. server.append_worker(StableDiffusion, num=1, max_batch_size=4, max_wait_time=10) server.run() ``` ### Run the server The above snippets are merged in our example file. You may directly run at the project root level. We first have a look at the _command line arguments_ (explanations [here](https://mosecorg.github.io/mosec/reference/arguments.html)): ```shell python examples/stable_diffusion/server.py --help ``` Then let's start the server with debug logs: ```shell python examples/stable_diffusion/server.py --debug ``` And in another terminal, test it: ```shell python examples/stable_diffusion/client.py --prompt "a cute cat playing with a red ball" --output cat.jpg --port 8000 ``` You will get an image named "cat.jpg" in the current directory. You can check the metrics: ```shell curl ``` That's it! You have just hosted your **_stable-diffusion model_** as a service! 😉 ## Examples More ready-to-use examples can be found in the [Example](https://mosecorg.github.io/mosec/examples/index.html) section. It includes: - [Multi-stage workflow demo](https://mosecorg.github.io/mosec/examples/echo.html): a simple echo demo even without any ML model. - [Request validation](https://mosecorg.github.io/mosec/examples/validate.html): validate the request with type annotation. - [Shared memory IPC](https://mosecorg.github.io/mosec/examples/ipc.html): inter-process communication with shared memory. - [Customized GPU allocation](https://mosecorg.github.io/mosec/examples/env.html): deploy multiple replicas, each using different GPUs. - [Customized metrics](https://mosecorg.github.io/mosec/examples/metric.html): record your own metrics for monitoring. - [Jax jitted inference](https://mosecorg.github.io/mosec/examples/jax.html): just-in-time compilation speeds up the inference. - PyTorch deep learning models: - [sentiment analysis](https://mosecorg.github.io/mosec/examples/pytorch.html#natural-language-processing): infer the sentiment of a sentence. - [image recognition](https://mosecorg.github.io/mosec/examples/pytorch.html#computer-vision): categorize a given image. - [stable diffusion](https://mosecorg.github.io/mosec/examples/stable_diffusion.html): generate images based on texts, with msgpack serialization. ## Configuration - Dynamic batching - `max_batch_size` is configured when you `append_worker` (make sure inference with the max value won't cause the out-of-memory in GPU). - `--wait (default=10ms)` is configured through CLI arguments (this usually should <= one batch inference duration). - If enabled, it will collect a batch either when it reaches the `max_batch_size` or the `wait` time. - Check the [arguments doc](https://mosecorg.github.io/mosec/reference/arguments.html). ## Deployment - This may require some shared memory, remember to set the `--shm-size` flag if you are using docker. - This service doesn't require Gunicorn or NGINX, but you can certainly use the ingress controller. BTW, it should be the PID 1 process in the container since it controls multiple processes. - Remember to collect the **metrics**. - `mosec_service_batch_size_bucket` shows the batch size distribution. - `mosec_service_batch_duration_second_bucket` shows the duration of dynamic batching for each connection in each stage (starts from receiving the first task). - `mosec_service_process_duration_second_bucket` shows the duration of processing for each connection in each stage (including the IPC time but excluding the `mosec_service_batch_duration_second_bucket`). - `mosec_service_remaining_task` shows the number of currently processing tasks. - `mosec_service_throughput` shows the service throughput. - Stop the service with `SIGINT` or `SIGTERM` since it has the graceful shutdown logic. ## Adopters Here are some of the companies and individual users that are using Mosec: - [Modelz](https://modelz.ai): Serverless platform for ML inference. - [MOSS](https://github.com/OpenLMLab/MOSS/blob/main/README_en.md): An open sourced conversational language model like ChatGPT. - [TencentCloud](https://www.tencentcloud.com/document/product/1141/45261): Tencent Cloud Machine Learning Platform, using Mosec as the [core inference server framework](https://cloud.tencent.com/document/product/851/74148). - [TensorChord](https://github.com/tensorchord): Cloud native AI infrastructure company. ## Citation If you find this software useful for your research, please consider citing ``` @software{yang2021mosec, title = {{MOSEC: Model Serving made Efficient in the Cloud}}, author = {Yang, Keming and Liu, Zichen and Cheng, Philip}, url = {https://github.com/mosecorg/mosec}, year = {2021} } ``` ## Contributing We welcome any kind of contribution. Please give us feedback by [raising issues](https://github.com/mosecorg/mosec/issues/new/choose) or discussing on [Discord](https://discord.gg/Jq5vxuH69W). You could also directly [contribute](https://mosecorg.github.io/mosec/development/contributing.html) your code and pull request! To start develop, you can use [envd](https://github.com/tensorchord/envd) to create an isolated and clean Python & Rust environment. Check the [envd-docs](https://envd.tensorchord.ai/) or [build.envd](https://github.com/mosecorg/mosec/blob/main/build.envd) for more information. %package help Summary: Development documents and examples for mosec Provides: python3-mosec-doc %description help
Model Serving made Efficient in the Cloud.
## IntroductionMosec is a high-performance and flexible model serving framework for building ML model-enabled backend and microservices. It bridges the gap between any machine learning models you just trained and the efficient online service API. - **Highly performant**: web layer and task coordination built with Rust 🦀, which offers blazing speed in addition to efficient CPU utilization powered by async I/O - **Ease of use**: user interface purely in Python 🐍, by which users can serve their models in an ML framework-agnostic manner using the same code as they do for offline testing - **Dynamic batching**: aggregate requests from different users for batched inference and distribute results back - **Pipelined stages**: spawn multiple processes for pipelined stages to handle CPU/GPU/IO mixed workloads - **Cloud friendly**: designed to run in the cloud, with the model warmup, graceful shutdown, and Prometheus monitoring metrics, easily managed by Kubernetes or any container orchestration systems - **Do one thing well**: focus on the online serving part, users can pay attention to the model optimization and business logic ## Installation Mosec requires Python 3.7 or above. Install the latest [PyPI package](https://pypi.org/project/mosec/) with: ```shell pip install -U mosec ``` ## Usage We demonstrate how Mosec can help you easily host a pre-trained stable diffusion model as a service. You need to install [diffusers](https://github.com/huggingface/diffusers) and [transformers](https://github.com/huggingface/transformers) as prerequisites: ```shell pip install --upgrade diffusers[torch] transformers ``` ### Write the server Firstly, we import the libraries and set up a basic logger to better observe what happens. ```python from io import BytesIO from typing import List import torch # type: ignore from diffusers import StableDiffusionPipeline # type: ignore from mosec import Server, Worker, get_logger from mosec.mixin import MsgpackMixin logger = get_logger() ``` Then, we **build an API** for clients to query a text prompt and obtain an image based on the [stable-diffusion-v1-5 model](https://huggingface.co/runwayml/stable-diffusion-v1-5) in just 3 steps. 1) Define your service as a class which inherits `mosec.Worker`. Here we also inherit `MsgpackMixin` to employ the [msgpack](https://msgpack.org/index.html) serialization format(a). 2) Inside the `__init__` method, initialize your model and put it onto the corresponding device. Optionally you can assign `self.example` with some data to warm up(b) the model. Note that the data should be compatible with your handler's input format, which we detail next. 3) Override the `forward` method to write your service handler(c), with the signature `forward(self, data: Any | List[Any]) -> Any | List[Any]`. Receiving/returning a single item or a tuple depends on whether [dynamic batching](#configuration)(d) is configured. ```python class StableDiffusion(MsgpackMixin, Worker): def __init__(self): self.pipe = StableDiffusionPipeline.from_pretrained( "runwayml/stable-diffusion-v1-5", torch_dtype=torch.float16 ) device = "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu" self.pipe = self.pipe.to(device) self.example = ["useless example prompt"] * 4 # warmup (bs=4) def forward(self, data: List[str]) -> List[memoryview]: logger.debug("generate images for %s", data) res = self.pipe(data) logger.debug("NSFW: %s", res[1]) images = [] for img in res[0]: dummy_file = BytesIO() img.save(dummy_file, format="JPEG") images.append(dummy_file.getbuffer()) return images ``` > **Note** > > (a) In this example we return an image in the binary format, which JSON does not support (unless encoded with base64 that makes it longer). Hence, msgpack suits our need better. If we do not inherit `MsgpackMixin`, JSON will be used by default. In other words, the protocol of the service request/response can either be msgpack or JSON. > > (b) Warm-up usually helps to allocate GPU memory in advance. If the warm-up example is specified, the service will only be ready after the example is forwarded through the handler. However, if no example is given, the first request's latency is expected to be longer. The `example` should be set as a single item or a tuple depending on what `forward` expects to receive. Moreover, in the case where you want to warm up with multiple different examples, you may set `multi_examples` (demo [here](https://mosecorg.github.io/mosec/examples/jax.html)). > > (c) This example shows a single-stage service, where the `StableDiffusion` worker directly takes in client's prompt request and responds the image. Thus the `forward` can be considered as a complete service handler. However, we can also design a multi-stage service with workers doing different jobs (e.g., downloading images, forward model, post-processing) in a pipeline. In this case, the whole pipeline is considered as the service handler, with the first worker taking in the request and the last worker sending out the response. The data flow between workers is done by inter-process communication. > > (d) Since dynamic batching is enabled in this example, the `forward` method will wishfully receive a _list_ of string, e.g., `['a cute cat playing with a red ball', 'a man sitting in front of a computer', ...]`, aggregated from different clients for _batch inference_, improving the system throughput. Finally, we append the worker to the server to construct a *single-stage* workflow (multiple stages can be [pipelined](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pipeline_(computing)) to further boost the throughput, see [this example](https://mosecorg.github.io/mosec/examples/pytorch.html#computer-vision)), and specify the number of processes we want it to run in parallel (`num=1`), and the maximum batch size (`max_batch_size=4`, the maximum number of requests dynamic batching will accumulate before timeout; timeout is defined with the flag `--wait` in milliseconds, meaning the longest time Mosec waits until sending the batch to the Worker). ```python if __name__ == "__main__": server = Server() # 1) `num` specifies the number of processes that will be spawned to run in parallel. # 2) By configuring the `max_batch_size` with the value > 1, the input data in your # `forward` function will be a list (batch); otherwise, it's a single item. server.append_worker(StableDiffusion, num=1, max_batch_size=4, max_wait_time=10) server.run() ``` ### Run the server The above snippets are merged in our example file. You may directly run at the project root level. We first have a look at the _command line arguments_ (explanations [here](https://mosecorg.github.io/mosec/reference/arguments.html)): ```shell python examples/stable_diffusion/server.py --help ``` Then let's start the server with debug logs: ```shell python examples/stable_diffusion/server.py --debug ``` And in another terminal, test it: ```shell python examples/stable_diffusion/client.py --prompt "a cute cat playing with a red ball" --output cat.jpg --port 8000 ``` You will get an image named "cat.jpg" in the current directory. You can check the metrics: ```shell curl ``` That's it! You have just hosted your **_stable-diffusion model_** as a service! 😉 ## Examples More ready-to-use examples can be found in the [Example](https://mosecorg.github.io/mosec/examples/index.html) section. It includes: - [Multi-stage workflow demo](https://mosecorg.github.io/mosec/examples/echo.html): a simple echo demo even without any ML model. - [Request validation](https://mosecorg.github.io/mosec/examples/validate.html): validate the request with type annotation. - [Shared memory IPC](https://mosecorg.github.io/mosec/examples/ipc.html): inter-process communication with shared memory. - [Customized GPU allocation](https://mosecorg.github.io/mosec/examples/env.html): deploy multiple replicas, each using different GPUs. - [Customized metrics](https://mosecorg.github.io/mosec/examples/metric.html): record your own metrics for monitoring. - [Jax jitted inference](https://mosecorg.github.io/mosec/examples/jax.html): just-in-time compilation speeds up the inference. - PyTorch deep learning models: - [sentiment analysis](https://mosecorg.github.io/mosec/examples/pytorch.html#natural-language-processing): infer the sentiment of a sentence. - [image recognition](https://mosecorg.github.io/mosec/examples/pytorch.html#computer-vision): categorize a given image. - [stable diffusion](https://mosecorg.github.io/mosec/examples/stable_diffusion.html): generate images based on texts, with msgpack serialization. ## Configuration - Dynamic batching - `max_batch_size` is configured when you `append_worker` (make sure inference with the max value won't cause the out-of-memory in GPU). - `--wait (default=10ms)` is configured through CLI arguments (this usually should <= one batch inference duration). - If enabled, it will collect a batch either when it reaches the `max_batch_size` or the `wait` time. - Check the [arguments doc](https://mosecorg.github.io/mosec/reference/arguments.html). ## Deployment - This may require some shared memory, remember to set the `--shm-size` flag if you are using docker. - This service doesn't require Gunicorn or NGINX, but you can certainly use the ingress controller. BTW, it should be the PID 1 process in the container since it controls multiple processes. - Remember to collect the **metrics**. - `mosec_service_batch_size_bucket` shows the batch size distribution. - `mosec_service_batch_duration_second_bucket` shows the duration of dynamic batching for each connection in each stage (starts from receiving the first task). - `mosec_service_process_duration_second_bucket` shows the duration of processing for each connection in each stage (including the IPC time but excluding the `mosec_service_batch_duration_second_bucket`). - `mosec_service_remaining_task` shows the number of currently processing tasks. - `mosec_service_throughput` shows the service throughput. - Stop the service with `SIGINT` or `SIGTERM` since it has the graceful shutdown logic. ## Adopters Here are some of the companies and individual users that are using Mosec: - [Modelz](https://modelz.ai): Serverless platform for ML inference. - [MOSS](https://github.com/OpenLMLab/MOSS/blob/main/README_en.md): An open sourced conversational language model like ChatGPT. - [TencentCloud](https://www.tencentcloud.com/document/product/1141/45261): Tencent Cloud Machine Learning Platform, using Mosec as the [core inference server framework](https://cloud.tencent.com/document/product/851/74148). - [TensorChord](https://github.com/tensorchord): Cloud native AI infrastructure company. ## Citation If you find this software useful for your research, please consider citing ``` @software{yang2021mosec, title = {{MOSEC: Model Serving made Efficient in the Cloud}}, author = {Yang, Keming and Liu, Zichen and Cheng, Philip}, url = {https://github.com/mosecorg/mosec}, year = {2021} } ``` ## Contributing We welcome any kind of contribution. Please give us feedback by [raising issues](https://github.com/mosecorg/mosec/issues/new/choose) or discussing on [Discord](https://discord.gg/Jq5vxuH69W). You could also directly [contribute](https://mosecorg.github.io/mosec/development/contributing.html) your code and pull request! To start develop, you can use [envd](https://github.com/tensorchord/envd) to create an isolated and clean Python & Rust environment. Check the [envd-docs](https://envd.tensorchord.ai/) or [build.envd](https://github.com/mosecorg/mosec/blob/main/build.envd) for more information. %prep %autosetup -n mosec-0.7.1 %build %py3_build %install %py3_install install -d -m755 %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir} if [ -d doc ]; then cp -arf doc %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi if [ -d docs ]; then cp -arf docs %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi if [ -d example ]; then cp -arf example %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi if [ -d examples ]; then cp -arf examples %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi pushd %{buildroot} if [ -d usr/lib ]; then find usr/lib -type f -printf "\"/%h/%f\"\n" >> filelist.lst fi if [ -d usr/lib64 ]; then find usr/lib64 -type f -printf "\"/%h/%f\"\n" >> filelist.lst fi if [ -d usr/bin ]; then find usr/bin -type f -printf "\"/%h/%f\"\n" >> filelist.lst fi if [ -d usr/sbin ]; then find usr/sbin -type f -printf "\"/%h/%f\"\n" >> filelist.lst fi touch doclist.lst if [ -d usr/share/man ]; then find usr/share/man -type f -printf "\"/%h/%f.gz\"\n" >> doclist.lst fi popd mv %{buildroot}/filelist.lst . mv %{buildroot}/doclist.lst . %files -n python3-mosec -f filelist.lst %dir %{python3_sitelib}/* %files help -f doclist.lst %{_docdir}/* %changelog * Fri Jun 09 2023 Python_Bot