%global _empty_manifest_terminate_build 0
Name: python-django-zen-queries
Version: 2.1.0
Release: 1
Summary: Explicit control over query execution in Django applications.
License: BSD
URL: https://github.com/dabapps/django-zen-queries
Source0: https://mirrors.aliyun.com/pypi/web/packages/88/87/03c327804113144d88cfa76bd4c7deebe565af656dddf0e29682bca4ecbd/django-zen-queries-2.1.0.tar.gz
BuildArch: noarch
Requires: python3-Django

Gives you control over which parts of your code are allowed to run queries, and which aren't.
Tested against Django 2.2 - 3.1 on Python 3.6 - 3.9.
### Motivation
> Explicit is better than implicit
(The [Zen Of Python](https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0020/))
The greatest strength of Django's ORM is also its greatest weakness. By freeing developers from having to think about when database queries are run, the ORM encourages developers to _not think about when database queries are run!_ This often has great benefits for quick development turnaround, but can have major performance implications in anything other than trivially simple systems.
Django's ORM makes queries _implicit_. The Zen of Python tells us that **explicit is better than implicit**, so let's be explicit about which parts of our code are allowed to run queries, and which aren't.
Check out [this blog post](https://www.dabapps.com/blog/performance-issues-caused-by-django-implicit-database-queries/) for more background.
### Example
Imagine a pizza restaurant website with the following models:
class Topping(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=100)
class Pizza(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=100)
toppings = models.ManyToManyField(Topping)
And here's the menu view:
def menu(request):
pizzas = Pizza.objects.all()
context = {'pizzas': pizzas}
return render(request, 'pizzas/menu.html', context)
Finally, the template:
Pizza Menu
{% for pizza in pizzas %}
- {{ pizza.name }}
{% endfor %}
How many queries are run here? Well, the answer is easy to see: it's just one! The query emitted by `Pizza.objects.all()` is all you need to get the information to show on the menu.
Now: imagine the client asks for each pizza on the menu to include a count of how many toppings are on the pizza. Easy! Just change the template:
Pizza Menu
{% for pizza in pizzas %}
- {{ pizza.name }} ({{ pizza.toppings.count }})
{% endfor %}
But how many queries are run now? Well, this is the classic _n queries problem_. We now have one query to get all our pizzas, and then another query _per pizza_ to get the toppings count. The more pizzas we have, the slower the app gets. **And we probably won't discover this until the website is in production**.
If you were reading a Django performance tutorial, the next step would be to tell you how to fix this problem (`.annotate` and `Count` etc). But that's not the point. The example above is just an illustration of how code in different parts of the codebase, at different levels of abstraction, even possibly (in larger projects) the responsibility of different developers, can interact to result in poor performance. Object-oriented design encourages black-box implementation hiding, but hiding the points at which queries are executed is the _worst_ thing you can do if your aim is to build high-performance web applications. So how do we fix this without breaking all our abstractions?
There are two tricks here:
1. Prevent developers from accidentally running queries without realising.
2. Encourage code design that separates _fetching data_ from _rendering data_.
This package provides three very simple things:
1. A context manager to allow developers to be explicit about where queries are run.
2. A utility to make querysets less lazy.
3. Some tools to make it easy to use the context manager with Django templates and Django REST framework serializers.
To be absolutely clear: this package does _not_ give you any tools to actually improve your query patterns. It just tells you when you need to do it!
### Instructions
To demonstrate how to use `django-zen-queries`, let's go back to our example. We want to make it impossible for changes to a template to trigger queries. So, we change our view as follows:
def menu(request):
pizzas = Pizza.objects.all()
context = {'pizzas': pizzas}
with queries_disabled():
return render(request, 'pizzas/menu.html', context)
The `queries_disabled` context manager here does one very simple thing: it stops any code inside it from running database queries. At all. If they try to run a query, the application will raise a `QueriesDisabledError` exception and blow up.
That's _almost_ enough to give us what we need, but not quite. The code above will _always_ raise a `QueriesDisabledError`, because the queryset (`Pizza.objects.all()`) is _lazy_. The database query doesn't actually get run until the queryset is iterated - which happens in the template! So, `django-zen-queries` provides a tiny helper function, `fetch`, which forces evaluation of a queryset:
def menu(request):
pizzas = Pizza.objects.all()
context = {'pizzas': fetch(pizzas)}
with queries_disabled():
return render(request, 'pizzas/menu.html', context)
Now we have exactly what we need: when a developer comes along and adds `{{ pizza.toppings.count }}` in the template, **it just _won't work_**. They will be forced to figure out how to use `annotate` and `Count` in order to get the data they need _up front_, rather than sometime in the future when customers are complaining that the website is getting slower and slower!
#### Decorator
You can also use `queries_disabled` as a decorator to prohibit database interactions for a whole function or method:
def validate_xyz(pizzas):
This also works with Django's [`method_decorator`](https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/3.0/topics/class-based-views/intro/#decorating-the-class) utility.
### Extra tools
As well as the context managers, the package provides some tools to make it easier to use in common situations:
#### Render shortcut
If you're using the Django `render` shortcut (as in the example above), to avoid having to add the context manager to every view, you can change your import `from django.shortcuts import render` to `from zen_queries import render`. All the views in that file will automatically be disallowed from running queries during template rendering.
#### TemplateResponse subclass
`TemplateResponse` (and `SimpleTemplateResponse`) objects are lazy, meaning that template rendering happens on the way "out" of the Django stack. `zen_queries.TemplateResponse` and `zen_queries.SimpleTemplateResponse` are subclasses of these with `queries_disabled` applied to the `render` method.
You can tell Django's class-based views to use these subclasses instead of the default `TemplateResponse` by setting the `response_class` attribute on the view to `zen_queries.TemplateResponse`.
#### Django REST framework Serializer and View mixins
Django REST framework serializers are another major source of unexpected queries. Adding a field to a serializer (perhaps deep within a tree of nested serializers) can very easily cause your application to suddenly start emitting hundreds of queries. `zen_queries.rest_framework.QueriesDisabledSerializerMixin` can be added to any serializer to wrap `queries_disabled` around the `.data` property, meaning that the serialization phase is not allowed to execute any queries.
You can add this mixin to an existing serializer *instance* with `zen_queries.rest_framework.disable_serializer_queries` like this: `serializer = disable_serializer_queries(serializer)`.
If you're using REST framework generic views, you can also add a view mixin, `zen_queries.rest_framework.QueriesDisabledViewMixin`, which overrides `get_serializer` to mix the `QueriesDisabledSerializerMixin` into your existing serializer. This is useful because you may want to use the same serializer class between multiple views but only disable queries in some contexts, such as in a list view. Remember that Python MRO is left-right, so the mixin must come before (to the left of) any base classes that implement `get_serializer`. The view mixin only disables queries on `GET` requests, so can safely be used with `ListCreateAPIView` and similar.
#### Escape hatch
If you absolutely definitely can't avoid running a query in a part of your codebase that's being executed under a `queries_disabled` block, there is another context manager called `queries_dangerously_enabled` which allows you to temporarily re-enable database queries.
#### Template Tags
Block tags for Django's template system are provided which allow you to enable or disable query execution directly in your templates.
**Important note: In order to use the template libary, you must add `"zen_queries"` to your `INSTALLED_APPS` setting.** Then, use `{% load zen_queries %}` at the top of your template to load the tag library.
The `{% queries_disabled}` tag is most useful if you wish to apply `django-zen-queries` patterns to a third-party library which provides customisation via overriding templates, such as the Django admin.
{% load zen_queries %}
{% queries_disabled %}
{% for pizza in pizzas %}
- {{ pizza.name }}
{% endfor %}
{% end_queries_disabled %}
The `{% queries_dangerously_enabled %}` tag is handy if you are using the `render` shortcut or `TemplateResponse` subclass (see above) but wish to allow particular parts of your templates to execute queries. This should be used with caution, and you should wrap only the smallest possible sections of your template: the precise line or lines that need to execute the queries.
{% load zen_queries %}
{% queries_dangerously_enabled %}
There are {{ pizzas.count }} pizzas.
{% end_queries_dangerously_enabled %}
### Permissions gotcha
Accessing permissions in your templates (via the `{{ perms }}` template variable) can be a source of queries at template-render time. Fortunately, Django's permission checks are [cached by the `ModelBackend`](https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/2.2/topics/auth/default/#permission-caching), which can be pre-populated by calling `request.user.get_all_permissions()` in the view, before rendering the template.
### How does it work?
It uses the [Database Instrumentation](https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/2.2/topics/db/instrumentation/) features introduced in Django 2.0.
### Installation
Install from PyPI
pip install django-zen-queries
## Code of conduct
For guidelines regarding the code of conduct when contributing to this repository please review [https://www.dabapps.com/open-source/code-of-conduct/](https://www.dabapps.com/open-source/code-of-conduct/)
%package -n python3-django-zen-queries
Summary: Explicit control over query execution in Django applications.
Provides: python-django-zen-queries
BuildRequires: python3-devel
BuildRequires: python3-setuptools
BuildRequires: python3-pip
%description -n python3-django-zen-queries

Gives you control over which parts of your code are allowed to run queries, and which aren't.
Tested against Django 2.2 - 3.1 on Python 3.6 - 3.9.
### Motivation
> Explicit is better than implicit
(The [Zen Of Python](https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0020/))
The greatest strength of Django's ORM is also its greatest weakness. By freeing developers from having to think about when database queries are run, the ORM encourages developers to _not think about when database queries are run!_ This often has great benefits for quick development turnaround, but can have major performance implications in anything other than trivially simple systems.
Django's ORM makes queries _implicit_. The Zen of Python tells us that **explicit is better than implicit**, so let's be explicit about which parts of our code are allowed to run queries, and which aren't.
Check out [this blog post](https://www.dabapps.com/blog/performance-issues-caused-by-django-implicit-database-queries/) for more background.
### Example
Imagine a pizza restaurant website with the following models:
class Topping(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=100)
class Pizza(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=100)
toppings = models.ManyToManyField(Topping)
And here's the menu view:
def menu(request):
pizzas = Pizza.objects.all()
context = {'pizzas': pizzas}
return render(request, 'pizzas/menu.html', context)
Finally, the template:
Pizza Menu
{% for pizza in pizzas %}
- {{ pizza.name }}
{% endfor %}
How many queries are run here? Well, the answer is easy to see: it's just one! The query emitted by `Pizza.objects.all()` is all you need to get the information to show on the menu.
Now: imagine the client asks for each pizza on the menu to include a count of how many toppings are on the pizza. Easy! Just change the template:
Pizza Menu
{% for pizza in pizzas %}
- {{ pizza.name }} ({{ pizza.toppings.count }})
{% endfor %}
But how many queries are run now? Well, this is the classic _n queries problem_. We now have one query to get all our pizzas, and then another query _per pizza_ to get the toppings count. The more pizzas we have, the slower the app gets. **And we probably won't discover this until the website is in production**.
If you were reading a Django performance tutorial, the next step would be to tell you how to fix this problem (`.annotate` and `Count` etc). But that's not the point. The example above is just an illustration of how code in different parts of the codebase, at different levels of abstraction, even possibly (in larger projects) the responsibility of different developers, can interact to result in poor performance. Object-oriented design encourages black-box implementation hiding, but hiding the points at which queries are executed is the _worst_ thing you can do if your aim is to build high-performance web applications. So how do we fix this without breaking all our abstractions?
There are two tricks here:
1. Prevent developers from accidentally running queries without realising.
2. Encourage code design that separates _fetching data_ from _rendering data_.
This package provides three very simple things:
1. A context manager to allow developers to be explicit about where queries are run.
2. A utility to make querysets less lazy.
3. Some tools to make it easy to use the context manager with Django templates and Django REST framework serializers.
To be absolutely clear: this package does _not_ give you any tools to actually improve your query patterns. It just tells you when you need to do it!
### Instructions
To demonstrate how to use `django-zen-queries`, let's go back to our example. We want to make it impossible for changes to a template to trigger queries. So, we change our view as follows:
def menu(request):
pizzas = Pizza.objects.all()
context = {'pizzas': pizzas}
with queries_disabled():
return render(request, 'pizzas/menu.html', context)
The `queries_disabled` context manager here does one very simple thing: it stops any code inside it from running database queries. At all. If they try to run a query, the application will raise a `QueriesDisabledError` exception and blow up.
That's _almost_ enough to give us what we need, but not quite. The code above will _always_ raise a `QueriesDisabledError`, because the queryset (`Pizza.objects.all()`) is _lazy_. The database query doesn't actually get run until the queryset is iterated - which happens in the template! So, `django-zen-queries` provides a tiny helper function, `fetch`, which forces evaluation of a queryset:
def menu(request):
pizzas = Pizza.objects.all()
context = {'pizzas': fetch(pizzas)}
with queries_disabled():
return render(request, 'pizzas/menu.html', context)
Now we have exactly what we need: when a developer comes along and adds `{{ pizza.toppings.count }}` in the template, **it just _won't work_**. They will be forced to figure out how to use `annotate` and `Count` in order to get the data they need _up front_, rather than sometime in the future when customers are complaining that the website is getting slower and slower!
#### Decorator
You can also use `queries_disabled` as a decorator to prohibit database interactions for a whole function or method:
def validate_xyz(pizzas):
This also works with Django's [`method_decorator`](https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/3.0/topics/class-based-views/intro/#decorating-the-class) utility.
### Extra tools
As well as the context managers, the package provides some tools to make it easier to use in common situations:
#### Render shortcut
If you're using the Django `render` shortcut (as in the example above), to avoid having to add the context manager to every view, you can change your import `from django.shortcuts import render` to `from zen_queries import render`. All the views in that file will automatically be disallowed from running queries during template rendering.
#### TemplateResponse subclass
`TemplateResponse` (and `SimpleTemplateResponse`) objects are lazy, meaning that template rendering happens on the way "out" of the Django stack. `zen_queries.TemplateResponse` and `zen_queries.SimpleTemplateResponse` are subclasses of these with `queries_disabled` applied to the `render` method.
You can tell Django's class-based views to use these subclasses instead of the default `TemplateResponse` by setting the `response_class` attribute on the view to `zen_queries.TemplateResponse`.
#### Django REST framework Serializer and View mixins
Django REST framework serializers are another major source of unexpected queries. Adding a field to a serializer (perhaps deep within a tree of nested serializers) can very easily cause your application to suddenly start emitting hundreds of queries. `zen_queries.rest_framework.QueriesDisabledSerializerMixin` can be added to any serializer to wrap `queries_disabled` around the `.data` property, meaning that the serialization phase is not allowed to execute any queries.
You can add this mixin to an existing serializer *instance* with `zen_queries.rest_framework.disable_serializer_queries` like this: `serializer = disable_serializer_queries(serializer)`.
If you're using REST framework generic views, you can also add a view mixin, `zen_queries.rest_framework.QueriesDisabledViewMixin`, which overrides `get_serializer` to mix the `QueriesDisabledSerializerMixin` into your existing serializer. This is useful because you may want to use the same serializer class between multiple views but only disable queries in some contexts, such as in a list view. Remember that Python MRO is left-right, so the mixin must come before (to the left of) any base classes that implement `get_serializer`. The view mixin only disables queries on `GET` requests, so can safely be used with `ListCreateAPIView` and similar.
#### Escape hatch
If you absolutely definitely can't avoid running a query in a part of your codebase that's being executed under a `queries_disabled` block, there is another context manager called `queries_dangerously_enabled` which allows you to temporarily re-enable database queries.
#### Template Tags
Block tags for Django's template system are provided which allow you to enable or disable query execution directly in your templates.
**Important note: In order to use the template libary, you must add `"zen_queries"` to your `INSTALLED_APPS` setting.** Then, use `{% load zen_queries %}` at the top of your template to load the tag library.
The `{% queries_disabled}` tag is most useful if you wish to apply `django-zen-queries` patterns to a third-party library which provides customisation via overriding templates, such as the Django admin.
{% load zen_queries %}
{% queries_disabled %}
{% for pizza in pizzas %}
- {{ pizza.name }}
{% endfor %}
{% end_queries_disabled %}
The `{% queries_dangerously_enabled %}` tag is handy if you are using the `render` shortcut or `TemplateResponse` subclass (see above) but wish to allow particular parts of your templates to execute queries. This should be used with caution, and you should wrap only the smallest possible sections of your template: the precise line or lines that need to execute the queries.
{% load zen_queries %}
{% queries_dangerously_enabled %}
There are {{ pizzas.count }} pizzas.
{% end_queries_dangerously_enabled %}
### Permissions gotcha
Accessing permissions in your templates (via the `{{ perms }}` template variable) can be a source of queries at template-render time. Fortunately, Django's permission checks are [cached by the `ModelBackend`](https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/2.2/topics/auth/default/#permission-caching), which can be pre-populated by calling `request.user.get_all_permissions()` in the view, before rendering the template.
### How does it work?
It uses the [Database Instrumentation](https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/2.2/topics/db/instrumentation/) features introduced in Django 2.0.
### Installation
Install from PyPI
pip install django-zen-queries
## Code of conduct
For guidelines regarding the code of conduct when contributing to this repository please review [https://www.dabapps.com/open-source/code-of-conduct/](https://www.dabapps.com/open-source/code-of-conduct/)
%package help
Summary: Development documents and examples for django-zen-queries
Provides: python3-django-zen-queries-doc
%description help

Gives you control over which parts of your code are allowed to run queries, and which aren't.
Tested against Django 2.2 - 3.1 on Python 3.6 - 3.9.
### Motivation
> Explicit is better than implicit
(The [Zen Of Python](https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0020/))
The greatest strength of Django's ORM is also its greatest weakness. By freeing developers from having to think about when database queries are run, the ORM encourages developers to _not think about when database queries are run!_ This often has great benefits for quick development turnaround, but can have major performance implications in anything other than trivially simple systems.
Django's ORM makes queries _implicit_. The Zen of Python tells us that **explicit is better than implicit**, so let's be explicit about which parts of our code are allowed to run queries, and which aren't.
Check out [this blog post](https://www.dabapps.com/blog/performance-issues-caused-by-django-implicit-database-queries/) for more background.
### Example
Imagine a pizza restaurant website with the following models:
class Topping(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=100)
class Pizza(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=100)
toppings = models.ManyToManyField(Topping)
And here's the menu view:
def menu(request):
pizzas = Pizza.objects.all()
context = {'pizzas': pizzas}
return render(request, 'pizzas/menu.html', context)
Finally, the template:
Pizza Menu
{% for pizza in pizzas %}
- {{ pizza.name }}
{% endfor %}
How many queries are run here? Well, the answer is easy to see: it's just one! The query emitted by `Pizza.objects.all()` is all you need to get the information to show on the menu.
Now: imagine the client asks for each pizza on the menu to include a count of how many toppings are on the pizza. Easy! Just change the template:
Pizza Menu
{% for pizza in pizzas %}
- {{ pizza.name }} ({{ pizza.toppings.count }})
{% endfor %}
But how many queries are run now? Well, this is the classic _n queries problem_. We now have one query to get all our pizzas, and then another query _per pizza_ to get the toppings count. The more pizzas we have, the slower the app gets. **And we probably won't discover this until the website is in production**.
If you were reading a Django performance tutorial, the next step would be to tell you how to fix this problem (`.annotate` and `Count` etc). But that's not the point. The example above is just an illustration of how code in different parts of the codebase, at different levels of abstraction, even possibly (in larger projects) the responsibility of different developers, can interact to result in poor performance. Object-oriented design encourages black-box implementation hiding, but hiding the points at which queries are executed is the _worst_ thing you can do if your aim is to build high-performance web applications. So how do we fix this without breaking all our abstractions?
There are two tricks here:
1. Prevent developers from accidentally running queries without realising.
2. Encourage code design that separates _fetching data_ from _rendering data_.
This package provides three very simple things:
1. A context manager to allow developers to be explicit about where queries are run.
2. A utility to make querysets less lazy.
3. Some tools to make it easy to use the context manager with Django templates and Django REST framework serializers.
To be absolutely clear: this package does _not_ give you any tools to actually improve your query patterns. It just tells you when you need to do it!
### Instructions
To demonstrate how to use `django-zen-queries`, let's go back to our example. We want to make it impossible for changes to a template to trigger queries. So, we change our view as follows:
def menu(request):
pizzas = Pizza.objects.all()
context = {'pizzas': pizzas}
with queries_disabled():
return render(request, 'pizzas/menu.html', context)
The `queries_disabled` context manager here does one very simple thing: it stops any code inside it from running database queries. At all. If they try to run a query, the application will raise a `QueriesDisabledError` exception and blow up.
That's _almost_ enough to give us what we need, but not quite. The code above will _always_ raise a `QueriesDisabledError`, because the queryset (`Pizza.objects.all()`) is _lazy_. The database query doesn't actually get run until the queryset is iterated - which happens in the template! So, `django-zen-queries` provides a tiny helper function, `fetch`, which forces evaluation of a queryset:
def menu(request):
pizzas = Pizza.objects.all()
context = {'pizzas': fetch(pizzas)}
with queries_disabled():
return render(request, 'pizzas/menu.html', context)
Now we have exactly what we need: when a developer comes along and adds `{{ pizza.toppings.count }}` in the template, **it just _won't work_**. They will be forced to figure out how to use `annotate` and `Count` in order to get the data they need _up front_, rather than sometime in the future when customers are complaining that the website is getting slower and slower!
#### Decorator
You can also use `queries_disabled` as a decorator to prohibit database interactions for a whole function or method:
def validate_xyz(pizzas):
This also works with Django's [`method_decorator`](https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/3.0/topics/class-based-views/intro/#decorating-the-class) utility.
### Extra tools
As well as the context managers, the package provides some tools to make it easier to use in common situations:
#### Render shortcut
If you're using the Django `render` shortcut (as in the example above), to avoid having to add the context manager to every view, you can change your import `from django.shortcuts import render` to `from zen_queries import render`. All the views in that file will automatically be disallowed from running queries during template rendering.
#### TemplateResponse subclass
`TemplateResponse` (and `SimpleTemplateResponse`) objects are lazy, meaning that template rendering happens on the way "out" of the Django stack. `zen_queries.TemplateResponse` and `zen_queries.SimpleTemplateResponse` are subclasses of these with `queries_disabled` applied to the `render` method.
You can tell Django's class-based views to use these subclasses instead of the default `TemplateResponse` by setting the `response_class` attribute on the view to `zen_queries.TemplateResponse`.
#### Django REST framework Serializer and View mixins
Django REST framework serializers are another major source of unexpected queries. Adding a field to a serializer (perhaps deep within a tree of nested serializers) can very easily cause your application to suddenly start emitting hundreds of queries. `zen_queries.rest_framework.QueriesDisabledSerializerMixin` can be added to any serializer to wrap `queries_disabled` around the `.data` property, meaning that the serialization phase is not allowed to execute any queries.
You can add this mixin to an existing serializer *instance* with `zen_queries.rest_framework.disable_serializer_queries` like this: `serializer = disable_serializer_queries(serializer)`.
If you're using REST framework generic views, you can also add a view mixin, `zen_queries.rest_framework.QueriesDisabledViewMixin`, which overrides `get_serializer` to mix the `QueriesDisabledSerializerMixin` into your existing serializer. This is useful because you may want to use the same serializer class between multiple views but only disable queries in some contexts, such as in a list view. Remember that Python MRO is left-right, so the mixin must come before (to the left of) any base classes that implement `get_serializer`. The view mixin only disables queries on `GET` requests, so can safely be used with `ListCreateAPIView` and similar.
#### Escape hatch
If you absolutely definitely can't avoid running a query in a part of your codebase that's being executed under a `queries_disabled` block, there is another context manager called `queries_dangerously_enabled` which allows you to temporarily re-enable database queries.
#### Template Tags
Block tags for Django's template system are provided which allow you to enable or disable query execution directly in your templates.
**Important note: In order to use the template libary, you must add `"zen_queries"` to your `INSTALLED_APPS` setting.** Then, use `{% load zen_queries %}` at the top of your template to load the tag library.
The `{% queries_disabled}` tag is most useful if you wish to apply `django-zen-queries` patterns to a third-party library which provides customisation via overriding templates, such as the Django admin.
{% load zen_queries %}
{% queries_disabled %}
{% for pizza in pizzas %}
- {{ pizza.name }}
{% endfor %}
{% end_queries_disabled %}
The `{% queries_dangerously_enabled %}` tag is handy if you are using the `render` shortcut or `TemplateResponse` subclass (see above) but wish to allow particular parts of your templates to execute queries. This should be used with caution, and you should wrap only the smallest possible sections of your template: the precise line or lines that need to execute the queries.
{% load zen_queries %}
{% queries_dangerously_enabled %}
There are {{ pizzas.count }} pizzas.
{% end_queries_dangerously_enabled %}
### Permissions gotcha
Accessing permissions in your templates (via the `{{ perms }}` template variable) can be a source of queries at template-render time. Fortunately, Django's permission checks are [cached by the `ModelBackend`](https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/2.2/topics/auth/default/#permission-caching), which can be pre-populated by calling `request.user.get_all_permissions()` in the view, before rendering the template.
### How does it work?
It uses the [Database Instrumentation](https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/2.2/topics/db/instrumentation/) features introduced in Django 2.0.
### Installation
Install from PyPI
pip install django-zen-queries
## Code of conduct
For guidelines regarding the code of conduct when contributing to this repository please review [https://www.dabapps.com/open-source/code-of-conduct/](https://www.dabapps.com/open-source/code-of-conduct/)
%autosetup -n django-zen-queries-2.1.0
install -d -m755 %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}
if [ -d doc ]; then cp -arf doc %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi
if [ -d docs ]; then cp -arf docs %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi
if [ -d example ]; then cp -arf example %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi
if [ -d examples ]; then cp -arf examples %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi
pushd %{buildroot}
if [ -d usr/lib ]; then
find usr/lib -type f -printf "\"/%h/%f\"\n" >> filelist.lst
if [ -d usr/lib64 ]; then
find usr/lib64 -type f -printf "\"/%h/%f\"\n" >> filelist.lst
if [ -d usr/bin ]; then
find usr/bin -type f -printf "\"/%h/%f\"\n" >> filelist.lst
if [ -d usr/sbin ]; then
find usr/sbin -type f -printf "\"/%h/%f\"\n" >> filelist.lst
touch doclist.lst
if [ -d usr/share/man ]; then
find usr/share/man -type f -printf "\"/%h/%f.gz\"\n" >> doclist.lst
mv %{buildroot}/filelist.lst .
mv %{buildroot}/doclist.lst .
%files -n python3-django-zen-queries -f filelist.lst
%dir %{python3_sitelib}/*
%files help -f doclist.lst
* Fri Jun 09 2023 Python_Bot - 2.1.0-1
- Package Spec generated