%global _empty_manifest_terminate_build 0 Name: python-dexplot Version: 0.1.4 Release: 1 Summary: Powerful and intuitive data visualization library using matplotlib for both long and wide data License: BSD License URL: https://github.com/dexplo/dexplot Source0: https://mirrors.aliyun.com/pypi/web/packages/f5/3e/35df6082877882226989e0af2142f8dcb918d1c7f9e4d6c2c363b6459baf/dexplot-0.1.4.tar.gz BuildArch: noarch Requires: python3-numpy Requires: python3-scipy Requires: python3-pandas Requires: python3-ipywidgets %description # Dexplot [![](https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/dexplot)](https://pypi.org/project/dexplot) [![PyPI - License](https://img.shields.io/pypi/l/dexplot)](LICENSE) Dexplot is a Python library for delivering beautiful data visualizations with a simple and intuitive user experience. ## Goals The primary goals for dexplot are: * Maintain a very consistent API with as few functions as necessary to make the desired statistical plots * Allow the user tremendous power without using matplotlib ## Installation `pip install dexplot` ## Built for long and wide data Dexplot is primarily built for long data, which is a form of data where each row represents a single observation and each column represents a distinct quantity. It is often referred to as "tidy" data. Here, we have some long data. ![](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dexplo/dexplot/gh-pages/images/long.png) Dexplot also has the ability to handle wide data, where multiple columns may contain values that represent the same kind of quantity. The same data above has been aggregated to show the mean for each combination of neighborhood and property type. It is now wide data as each column contains the same quantity (price). ![](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dexplo/dexplot/gh-pages/images/wide.png) ## Usage Dexplot provides a small number of powerful functions that all work similarly. Most plotting functions have the following signature: ```python dxp.plotting_func(x, y, data, aggfunc, split, row, col, orientation, ...) ``` * `x` - Column name along the x-axis * `y` - Column name the y-axis * `data` - Pandas DataFrame * `aggfunc` - String of pandas aggregation function, 'min', 'max', 'mean', etc... * `split` - Column name to split data into distinct groups * `row` - Column name to split data into distinct subplots row-wise * `col` - Column name to split data into distinct subplots column-wise * `orientation` - Either vertical (`'v'`) or horizontal (`'h'`). Default for most plots is vertical. When `aggfunc` is provided, `x` will be the grouping variable and `y` will be aggregated when vertical and vice-versa when horizontal. The best way to learn how to use dexplot is with the examples below. ## Families of plots There are two primary families of plots, **aggregation** and **distribution**. Aggregation plots take a sequence of values and return a **single** value using the function provided to `aggfunc` to do so. Distribution plots take a sequence of values and depict the shape of the distribution in some manner. * Aggregation * bar * line * scatter * count * Distribution * box * violin * hist * kde ## Comparison with Seaborn If you have used the seaborn library, then you should notice a lot of similarities. Much of dexplot was inspired by Seaborn. Below is a list of the extra features in dexplot not found in seaborn * Ability to graph relative frequency and normalize over any number of variables * No need for multiple functions to do the same thing (far fewer public functions) * Ability to make grids with a single function instead of having to use a higher level function like `catplot` * Pandas `groupby` methods available as strings * Ability to sort by values * Ability to sort x/y labels lexicographically * Ability to select most/least frequent groups * x/y labels are wrapped so that they don't overlap * Figure size (plus several other options) and available to change without using matplotlib * A matplotlib figure object is returned ## Examples Most of the examples below use long data. ## Aggregating plots - bar, line and scatter We'll begin by covering the plots that **aggregate**. An aggregation is defined as a function that summarizes a sequence of numbers with a single value. The examples come from the Airbnb dataset, which contains many property rental listings from the Washington D.C. area. ```python import dexplot as dxp import pandas as pd airbnb = dxp.load_dataset('airbnb') airbnb.head() ```
neighborhood property_type accommodates bathrooms bedrooms price cleaning_fee rating superhost response_time latitude longitude
0 Shaw Townhouse 16 3.5 4 433 250 95.0 No within an hour 38.90982 -77.02016
1 Brightwood Park Townhouse 4 3.5 4 154 50 97.0 No NaN 38.95888 -77.02554
2 Capitol Hill House 2 1.5 1 83 35 97.0 Yes within an hour 38.88791 -76.99668
3 Shaw House 2 2.5 1 475 0 98.0 No NaN 38.91331 -77.02436
4 Kalorama Heights Apartment 3 1.0 1 118 15 91.0 No within an hour 38.91933 -77.04124
There are more than 4,000 listings in our dataset. We will use bar charts to aggregate the data. ```python airbnb.shape ``` (4581, 12) ### Vertical bar charts In order to performa an aggregation, you must supply a value for `aggfunc`. Here, we find the median price per neighborhood. Notice that the column names automatically wrap. ```python dxp.bar(x='neighborhood', y='price', data=airbnb, aggfunc='median') ``` ![png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dexplo/dexplot/gh-pages/images/output_7_0.png) Line and scatter plots can be created with the same command, just substituting the name of the function. They both are not good choices for the visualization since the grouping variable (neighborhood) has no meaningful order. ```python dxp.line(x='neighborhood', y='price', data=airbnb, aggfunc='median') ``` ![png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dexplo/dexplot/gh-pages/images/output_9_0.png) ```python dxp.scatter(x='neighborhood', y='price', data=airbnb, aggfunc='median') ``` ![png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dexplo/dexplot/gh-pages/images/output_10_0.png) ### Components of the groupby aggregation Anytime the `aggfunc` parameter is set, you have performed a groupby aggregation, which always consists of three components: * Grouping column - unique values of this column form independent groups (neighborhood) * Aggregating column - the column that will get summarized with a single value (price) * Aggregating function - a function that returns a single value (median) The general format for doing this in pandas is: ```python df.groupby('grouping column').agg({'aggregating column': 'aggregating function'}) ``` Specifically, the following code is executed within dexplot. ```python airbnb.groupby('neighborhood').agg({'price': 'median'}) ```
Brightwood Park 87.0
Capitol Hill 129.5
Columbia Heights 95.0
Dupont Circle 125.0
Edgewood 100.0
Kalorama Heights 118.0
Shaw 133.5
Union Station 120.0
### Number and percent of missing values with `'countna'` and `'percna'` In addition to all the common aggregating functions, you can use the strings `'countna'` and `'percna'` to get the number and percentage of missing values per group. ```python dxp.bar(x='neighborhood', y='response_time', data=airbnb, aggfunc='countna') ``` ![png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dexplo/dexplot/gh-pages/images/output_14_0.png) ### Sorting the bars by values By default, the bars will be sorted by the grouping column (x-axis here) in alphabetical order. Use the `sort_values` parameter to sort the bars by value. * None - sort x/y axis labels alphabetically (default) * `asc` - sort values from least to greatest * `desc` - sort values from greatest to least ```python dxp.bar(x='neighborhood', y='price', data=airbnb, aggfunc='median', sort_values='asc') ``` ![png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dexplo/dexplot/gh-pages/images/output_16_0.png) Here, we sort the values from greatest to least. ```python dxp.bar(x='neighborhood', y='price', data=airbnb, aggfunc='median', sort_values='desc') ``` ![png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dexplo/dexplot/gh-pages/images/output_18_0.png) ### Specify order with `x_order` Specify a specific order of the labels on the x-axis by passing a list of values to `x_order`. This can also act as a filter to limit the number of bars. ```python dxp.bar(x='neighborhood', y='price', data=airbnb, aggfunc='median', x_order=['Dupont Circle', 'Edgewood', 'Union Station']) ``` ![png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dexplo/dexplot/gh-pages/images/output_20_0.png) By default, `x_order` and all of the `_order` parameters are set to `'asc'` by default, which will order them alphabetically. Use the string `'desc'` to sort in the opposite direction. ```python dxp.bar(x='neighborhood', y='price', data=airbnb, aggfunc='median', x_order='desc') ``` ![png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dexplo/dexplot/gh-pages/images/output_22_0.png) ### Filter for the neighborhoods with most/least frequency of occurrence You can use `x_order` again to filter for the x-values that appear the most/least often by setting it to the string `'top n'` or `'bottom n'` where `n` is an integer. Here, we filter for the top 4 most frequently occurring neighborhoods. This option is useful when there are dozens of unique values in the grouping column. ```python dxp.bar(x='neighborhood', y='price', data=airbnb, aggfunc='median', x_order='top 4') ``` ![png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dexplo/dexplot/gh-pages/images/output_24_0.png) We can verify that the four neighborhoods are the most common. ```python airbnb['neighborhood'].value_counts() ``` Columbia Heights 773 Union Station 713 Capitol Hill 654 Edgewood 610 Dupont Circle 549 Shaw 514 Brightwood Park 406 Kalorama Heights 362 Name: neighborhood, dtype: int64 ### Horizontal bars Set `orientation` to `'h'` for horizontal bars. When you do this, you'll need to switch `x` and `y` since the grouping column (neighborhood) will be along the y-axis and the aggregating column (price) will be along the x-axis. ```python dxp.bar(x='price', y='neighborhood', data=airbnb, aggfunc='median', orientation='h', sort_values='desc') ``` ![png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dexplo/dexplot/gh-pages/images/output_28_0.png) Switching orientation is possible for most other plots. ```python dxp.line(x='price', y='neighborhood', data=airbnb, aggfunc='median', orientation='h') ``` ![png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dexplo/dexplot/gh-pages/images/output_30_0.png) ### Split bars into groups You can split each bar into further groups by setting the `split` parameter to another column. ```python dxp.bar(x='neighborhood', y='price', data=airbnb, aggfunc='median', split='superhost') ``` ![png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dexplo/dexplot/gh-pages/images/output_32_0.png) We can use the `pivot_table` method to verify the results in pandas. ```python airbnb.pivot_table(index='superhost', columns='neighborhood', values='price', aggfunc='median') ```
neighborhood Brightwood Park Capitol Hill Columbia Heights Dupont Circle Edgewood Kalorama Heights Shaw Union Station
No 85.0 129.0 90.5 120.0 100.0 110.0 130.0 120.0
Yes 90.0 130.0 103.0 135.0 100.0 124.0 135.0 125.0
Set the order of the unique split values with `split_order`, which can also act as a filter. ```python dxp.bar(x='neighborhood', y='price', data=airbnb, aggfunc='median', split='superhost', split_order=['Yes', 'No']) ``` ![png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dexplo/dexplot/gh-pages/images/output_36_0.png) Like all the `_order` parameters, `split_order` defaults to `'asc'` (alphabetical) order. Set it to `'desc'` for the opposite. ```python dxp.bar(x='neighborhood', y='price', data=airbnb, aggfunc='median', split='property_type', split_order='desc') ``` ![png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dexplo/dexplot/gh-pages/images/output_38_0.png) Filtering for the most/least frequent split categories is possible. ```python dxp.bar(x='neighborhood', y='price', data=airbnb, aggfunc='median', split='property_type', split_order='bottom 2') ``` ![png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dexplo/dexplot/gh-pages/images/output_40_0.png) Verifying that the least frequent property types are Townhouse and Condominium. ```python airbnb['property_type'].value_counts() ``` Apartment 2403 House 877 Townhouse 824 Condominium 477 Name: property_type, dtype: int64 ### Stacked bar charts Stack all the split groups one on top of the other by setting `stacked` to `True`. ```python dxp.bar(x='neighborhood', y='price', data=airbnb, aggfunc='median', split='superhost', split_order=['Yes', 'No'], stacked=True) ``` ![png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dexplo/dexplot/gh-pages/images/output_44_0.png) ### Split into multiple plots It's possible to split the data further into separate plots by the unique values in a different column with the `row` and `col` parameters. Here, each kind of `property_type` has its own plot. ```python dxp.bar(x='neighborhood', y='price', data=airbnb, aggfunc='median', split='superhost', col='property_type') ``` ![png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dexplo/dexplot/gh-pages/images/output_46_0.png) If there isn't room for all of the plots, set the `wrap` parameter to an integer to set the maximum number of plots per row/col. We also specify the `col_order` to be descending alphabetically. ```python dxp.bar(x='neighborhood', y='price', data=airbnb, aggfunc='median', split='superhost', col='property_type', wrap=2, col_order='desc') ``` ![png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dexplo/dexplot/gh-pages/images/output_48_0.png) Use `col_order` to both filter and set a specific order for the plots. ```python dxp.bar(x='neighborhood', y='price', data=airbnb, aggfunc='median', split='superhost', col='property_type', col_order=['House', 'Condominium']) ``` ![png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dexplo/dexplot/gh-pages/images/output_50_0.png) Splits can be made simultaneously along row and columns. ```python dxp.bar(x='neighborhood', y='price', data=airbnb, aggfunc='median', split='superhost', col='property_type', col_order=['House', 'Condominium', 'Apartment'], row='bedrooms', row_order=[1, 2, 3]) ``` ![png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dexplo/dexplot/gh-pages/images/output_52_0.png) By default, all axis limits are shared. Allow each plot to set its own limits by setting `sharex` and `sharey` to `False`. ```python dxp.bar(x='neighborhood', y='price', data=airbnb, aggfunc='median', split='superhost', col='property_type', col_order=['House', 'Condominium', 'Apartment'], row='bedrooms', row_order=[1, 2, 3], sharey=False) ``` ![png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dexplo/dexplot/gh-pages/images/output_54_0.png) ### Set the width of each bar with `size` The width (height when horizontal) of the bars is set with the `size` parameter. By default, this value is .9. Think of this number as the relative width of all the bars for a particular x/y value, where 1 is the distance between each x/y value. ```python dxp.bar(x='neighborhood', y='price', data=airbnb, aggfunc='median', split='property_type', split_order=['Apartment', 'House'], x_order=['Dupont Circle', 'Capitol Hill', 'Union Station'], size=.5) ``` ![png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dexplo/dexplot/gh-pages/images/output_56_0.png) ### Splitting line plots All the other aggregating plots work similarly. ```python dxp.line(x='neighborhood', y='price', data=airbnb, aggfunc='median', split='property_type', split_order=['Apartment', 'House'], x_order=['Dupont Circle', 'Capitol Hill', 'Union Station']) ``` ![png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dexplo/dexplot/gh-pages/images/output_58_0.png) ## Distribution plots - box, violin, histogram, kde Distribution plots work similarly, but do not have an `aggfunc` since they do not aggregate. They take their group of values and draw some kind of shape that gives information on how that variable is distributed. ### Box plots Box plots have colored boxes with ends at the first and third quartiles and a line at the median. The whiskers are placed at 1.5 times the difference between the third and first quartiles (Interquartile range (IQR)). Fliers are the points outside this range and plotted individually. By default, both box and violin plots are plotted horizontally. ```python dxp.box(x='price', y='neighborhood', data=airbnb) ``` ![png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dexplo/dexplot/gh-pages/images/output_60_0.png) Split the groups in the same manner as with the aggregation plots. ```python dxp.box(x='price', y='neighborhood', data=airbnb, split='superhost', split_order=['Yes', 'No']) ``` ![png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dexplo/dexplot/gh-pages/images/output_62_0.png) Order the appearance of the splits alphabetically (in descending order here). ```python dxp.box(x='price', y='neighborhood', data=airbnb, split='property_type', split_order='desc') ``` ![png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dexplo/dexplot/gh-pages/images/output_64_0.png) ### Filter range of values with `x_order` It's possible to filter the range of possible values by passing in a list of the minimum and maximum to `x_order`. ```python dxp.box(x='price', y='neighborhood', data=airbnb, split='superhost', x_order=[50, 250]) ``` ![png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dexplo/dexplot/gh-pages/images/output_66_0.png) Change the `x` and `y` while setting `orientation` to make vertical bar plots. ```python dxp.box(x='neighborhood', y='price', data=airbnb, orientation='v', split='property_type', split_order='top 2') ``` ![png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dexplo/dexplot/gh-pages/images/output_68_0.png) Violin plots work identically to box plots, but show "violins", kernel density plots duplicated on both sides of a line. ```python dxp.violin(x='price', y='neighborhood', data=airbnb, split='superhost', split_order=['Yes', 'No']) ``` ![png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dexplo/dexplot/gh-pages/images/output_70_0.png) Splitting by rows and columns is possible as well with distribution plots. ```python dxp.box(x='price', y='neighborhood', data=airbnb,split='superhost', col='property_type', col_order=['House', 'Condominium', 'Apartment'], row='bedrooms', row_order=[1, 2]) ``` ![png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dexplo/dexplot/gh-pages/images/output_72_0.png) ### Histograms Histograms work in a slightly different manner. Instead of passing both `x` and `y`, you give it a single numeric column. A vertical histogram with 20 bins of the counts is created by default. ```python dxp.hist(val='price', data=airbnb) ``` ![png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dexplo/dexplot/gh-pages/images/output_74_0.png) We can use `split` just like we did above and also create horizontal histograms. ```python dxp.hist(val='price', data=airbnb, orientation='h', split='superhost', bins=15) ``` ![png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dexplo/dexplot/gh-pages/images/output_76_0.png) Here, we customize our histogram by plotting the cumulative density as opposed to the raw frequency count using the outline of the bars ('step'). ```python dxp.hist(val='price', data=airbnb, split='bedrooms', split_order=[1, 2, 3], bins=30, density=True, histtype='step', cumulative=True) ``` ![png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dexplo/dexplot/gh-pages/images/output_78_0.png) ### KDE Plots Kernel density estimates provide an estimate for the probability distribution of a continuous variable. Here, we examine how price is distributed by bedroom. ```python dxp.kde(x='price', data=airbnb, split='bedrooms', split_order=[1, 2, 3]) ``` ![png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dexplo/dexplot/gh-pages/images/output_80_0.png) Graph the cumulative distribution instead on multiple plots. ```python dxp.kde(x='price', data=airbnb, split='bedrooms', split_order=[1, 2, 3], cumulative=True, col='property_type', wrap=2) ``` ![png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dexplo/dexplot/gh-pages/images/output_82_0.png) ### Two-dimensional KDE's Provide two numeric columns to `x` and `y` to get a two dimensional KDE. ```python dxp.kde(x='price', y='cleaning_fee', data=airbnb) ``` ![png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dexplo/dexplot/gh-pages/images/output_84_0.png) Create a grid of two-dimensional KDE's. ```python dxp.kde(x='price', y='cleaning_fee', data=airbnb, row='neighborhood', wrap=3) ``` ![png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dexplo/dexplot/gh-pages/images/output_86_0.png) ## Count plots The `count` function graphs the frequency of unique values as bars. By default, it plots the values in descending order. ```python dxp.count(val='neighborhood', data=airbnb) ``` ![png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dexplo/dexplot/gh-pages/images/output_88_0.png) In pandas, this is a straightforward call to the `value_counts` method. ```python airbnb['neighborhood'].value_counts() ``` Columbia Heights 773 Union Station 713 Capitol Hill 654 Edgewood 610 Dupont Circle 549 Shaw 514 Brightwood Park 406 Kalorama Heights 362 Name: neighborhood, dtype: int64 ### Relative frequency with `normalize` Instead of the raw counts, get the relative frequency by setting normalize to `True`. ```python dxp.count(val='neighborhood', data=airbnb, normalize=True) ``` ![png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dexplo/dexplot/gh-pages/images/output_92_0.png) Here, we split by property type. ```python dxp.count(val='neighborhood', data=airbnb, split='property_type') ``` ![png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dexplo/dexplot/gh-pages/images/output_94_0.png) In pandas, this is done with the `crosstab` function. ```python pd.crosstab(index=airbnb['property_type'], columns=airbnb['neighborhood']) ```
neighborhood Brightwood Park Capitol Hill Columbia Heights Dupont Circle Edgewood Kalorama Heights Shaw Union Station
Apartment 167 299 374 397 244 284 315 323
Condominium 35 70 97 62 65 42 52 54
House 131 137 157 47 146 23 61 175
Townhouse 73 148 145 43 155 13 86 161
Horizontal stacked count plots. ```python dxp.count(val='neighborhood', data=airbnb, split='property_type', orientation='h', stacked=True, col='superhost') ``` ![png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dexplo/dexplot/gh-pages/images/output_98_0.png) ### Normalize over different variables Setting `normalize` to `True`, returns the relative frequency with respect to all of the data. You can normalize over any of the variables provided. ```python dxp.count(val='neighborhood', data=airbnb, split='property_type', normalize='neighborhood', title='Relative Frequency by Neighborhood') ``` ![png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dexplo/dexplot/gh-pages/images/output_100_0.png) Normalize over several variables at once with a list. ```python dxp.count(val='neighborhood', data=airbnb, split='superhost', row='property_type', col='bedrooms', col_order=[1, 2], normalize=['neighborhood', 'property_type', 'bedrooms'], stacked=True) ``` ![png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dexplo/dexplot/gh-pages/images/output_102_0.png) ## Wide data Dexplot can also plot wide data, or data where no aggregation happens. Here is a scatter plot of the location of each listing. ```python dxp.scatter(x='longitude', y='latitude', data=airbnb, split='neighborhood', col='bedrooms', col_order=[2, 3]) ``` ![png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dexplo/dexplot/gh-pages/images/output_104_0.png) If you've already aggregated your data, you can plot it directly without specifying `x` or `y`. ```python df = airbnb.pivot_table(index='neighborhood', columns='property_type', values='price', aggfunc='mean') df ```
property_type Apartment Condominium House Townhouse
Brightwood Park 96.119760 105.000000 121.671756 133.479452
Capitol Hill 141.210702 104.200000 170.153285 184.459459
Columbia Heights 114.676471 126.773196 135.292994 124.358621
Dupont Circle 146.858942 130.709677 179.574468 139.348837
Edgewood 108.508197 112.846154 156.335616 147.503226
Kalorama Heights 122.542254 155.928571 92.695652 158.230769
Shaw 153.888889 158.500000 202.114754 173.279070
Union Station 128.458204 133.833333 162.748571 162.167702
```python dxp.bar(data=df, orientation='h') ``` ![png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dexplo/dexplot/gh-pages/images/output_107_0.png) ### Time series ```python stocks = pd.read_csv('../data/stocks10.csv', parse_dates=['date'], index_col='date') stocks.head() ```
1999-10-25 29.84 2.32 17.02 82.75 NaN 21.45 38.99 16.78 NaN NaN
1999-10-26 29.82 2.34 16.65 81.25 NaN 20.89 37.11 17.28 NaN NaN
1999-10-27 29.33 2.38 16.52 75.94 NaN 20.80 36.94 18.27 NaN NaN
1999-10-28 29.01 2.43 16.59 71.00 NaN 21.19 38.85 19.79 NaN NaN
1999-10-29 29.88 2.50 17.21 70.62 NaN 21.47 39.25 20.00 NaN NaN
```python dxp.line(data=stocks.head(500)) ``` ![png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dexplo/dexplot/gh-pages/images/output_110_0.png) %package -n python3-dexplot Summary: Powerful and intuitive data visualization library using matplotlib for both long and wide data Provides: python-dexplot BuildRequires: python3-devel BuildRequires: python3-setuptools BuildRequires: python3-pip %description -n python3-dexplot # Dexplot [![](https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/dexplot)](https://pypi.org/project/dexplot) [![PyPI - License](https://img.shields.io/pypi/l/dexplot)](LICENSE) Dexplot is a Python library for delivering beautiful data visualizations with a simple and intuitive user experience. ## Goals The primary goals for dexplot are: * Maintain a very consistent API with as few functions as necessary to make the desired statistical plots * Allow the user tremendous power without using matplotlib ## Installation `pip install dexplot` ## Built for long and wide data Dexplot is primarily built for long data, which is a form of data where each row represents a single observation and each column represents a distinct quantity. It is often referred to as "tidy" data. Here, we have some long data. ![](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dexplo/dexplot/gh-pages/images/long.png) Dexplot also has the ability to handle wide data, where multiple columns may contain values that represent the same kind of quantity. The same data above has been aggregated to show the mean for each combination of neighborhood and property type. It is now wide data as each column contains the same quantity (price). ![](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dexplo/dexplot/gh-pages/images/wide.png) ## Usage Dexplot provides a small number of powerful functions that all work similarly. Most plotting functions have the following signature: ```python dxp.plotting_func(x, y, data, aggfunc, split, row, col, orientation, ...) ``` * `x` - Column name along the x-axis * `y` - Column name the y-axis * `data` - Pandas DataFrame * `aggfunc` - String of pandas aggregation function, 'min', 'max', 'mean', etc... * `split` - Column name to split data into distinct groups * `row` - Column name to split data into distinct subplots row-wise * `col` - Column name to split data into distinct subplots column-wise * `orientation` - Either vertical (`'v'`) or horizontal (`'h'`). Default for most plots is vertical. When `aggfunc` is provided, `x` will be the grouping variable and `y` will be aggregated when vertical and vice-versa when horizontal. The best way to learn how to use dexplot is with the examples below. ## Families of plots There are two primary families of plots, **aggregation** and **distribution**. Aggregation plots take a sequence of values and return a **single** value using the function provided to `aggfunc` to do so. Distribution plots take a sequence of values and depict the shape of the distribution in some manner. * Aggregation * bar * line * scatter * count * Distribution * box * violin * hist * kde ## Comparison with Seaborn If you have used the seaborn library, then you should notice a lot of similarities. Much of dexplot was inspired by Seaborn. Below is a list of the extra features in dexplot not found in seaborn * Ability to graph relative frequency and normalize over any number of variables * No need for multiple functions to do the same thing (far fewer public functions) * Ability to make grids with a single function instead of having to use a higher level function like `catplot` * Pandas `groupby` methods available as strings * Ability to sort by values * Ability to sort x/y labels lexicographically * Ability to select most/least frequent groups * x/y labels are wrapped so that they don't overlap * Figure size (plus several other options) and available to change without using matplotlib * A matplotlib figure object is returned ## Examples Most of the examples below use long data. ## Aggregating plots - bar, line and scatter We'll begin by covering the plots that **aggregate**. An aggregation is defined as a function that summarizes a sequence of numbers with a single value. The examples come from the Airbnb dataset, which contains many property rental listings from the Washington D.C. area. ```python import dexplot as dxp import pandas as pd airbnb = dxp.load_dataset('airbnb') airbnb.head() ```
neighborhood property_type accommodates bathrooms bedrooms price cleaning_fee rating superhost response_time latitude longitude
0 Shaw Townhouse 16 3.5 4 433 250 95.0 No within an hour 38.90982 -77.02016
1 Brightwood Park Townhouse 4 3.5 4 154 50 97.0 No NaN 38.95888 -77.02554
2 Capitol Hill House 2 1.5 1 83 35 97.0 Yes within an hour 38.88791 -76.99668
3 Shaw House 2 2.5 1 475 0 98.0 No NaN 38.91331 -77.02436
4 Kalorama Heights Apartment 3 1.0 1 118 15 91.0 No within an hour 38.91933 -77.04124
There are more than 4,000 listings in our dataset. We will use bar charts to aggregate the data. ```python airbnb.shape ``` (4581, 12) ### Vertical bar charts In order to performa an aggregation, you must supply a value for `aggfunc`. Here, we find the median price per neighborhood. Notice that the column names automatically wrap. ```python dxp.bar(x='neighborhood', y='price', data=airbnb, aggfunc='median') ``` ![png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dexplo/dexplot/gh-pages/images/output_7_0.png) Line and scatter plots can be created with the same command, just substituting the name of the function. They both are not good choices for the visualization since the grouping variable (neighborhood) has no meaningful order. ```python dxp.line(x='neighborhood', y='price', data=airbnb, aggfunc='median') ``` ![png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dexplo/dexplot/gh-pages/images/output_9_0.png) ```python dxp.scatter(x='neighborhood', y='price', data=airbnb, aggfunc='median') ``` ![png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dexplo/dexplot/gh-pages/images/output_10_0.png) ### Components of the groupby aggregation Anytime the `aggfunc` parameter is set, you have performed a groupby aggregation, which always consists of three components: * Grouping column - unique values of this column form independent groups (neighborhood) * Aggregating column - the column that will get summarized with a single value (price) * Aggregating function - a function that returns a single value (median) The general format for doing this in pandas is: ```python df.groupby('grouping column').agg({'aggregating column': 'aggregating function'}) ``` Specifically, the following code is executed within dexplot. ```python airbnb.groupby('neighborhood').agg({'price': 'median'}) ```
Brightwood Park 87.0
Capitol Hill 129.5
Columbia Heights 95.0
Dupont Circle 125.0
Edgewood 100.0
Kalorama Heights 118.0
Shaw 133.5
Union Station 120.0
### Number and percent of missing values with `'countna'` and `'percna'` In addition to all the common aggregating functions, you can use the strings `'countna'` and `'percna'` to get the number and percentage of missing values per group. ```python dxp.bar(x='neighborhood', y='response_time', data=airbnb, aggfunc='countna') ``` ![png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dexplo/dexplot/gh-pages/images/output_14_0.png) ### Sorting the bars by values By default, the bars will be sorted by the grouping column (x-axis here) in alphabetical order. Use the `sort_values` parameter to sort the bars by value. * None - sort x/y axis labels alphabetically (default) * `asc` - sort values from least to greatest * `desc` - sort values from greatest to least ```python dxp.bar(x='neighborhood', y='price', data=airbnb, aggfunc='median', sort_values='asc') ``` ![png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dexplo/dexplot/gh-pages/images/output_16_0.png) Here, we sort the values from greatest to least. ```python dxp.bar(x='neighborhood', y='price', data=airbnb, aggfunc='median', sort_values='desc') ``` ![png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dexplo/dexplot/gh-pages/images/output_18_0.png) ### Specify order with `x_order` Specify a specific order of the labels on the x-axis by passing a list of values to `x_order`. This can also act as a filter to limit the number of bars. ```python dxp.bar(x='neighborhood', y='price', data=airbnb, aggfunc='median', x_order=['Dupont Circle', 'Edgewood', 'Union Station']) ``` ![png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dexplo/dexplot/gh-pages/images/output_20_0.png) By default, `x_order` and all of the `_order` parameters are set to `'asc'` by default, which will order them alphabetically. Use the string `'desc'` to sort in the opposite direction. ```python dxp.bar(x='neighborhood', y='price', data=airbnb, aggfunc='median', x_order='desc') ``` ![png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dexplo/dexplot/gh-pages/images/output_22_0.png) ### Filter for the neighborhoods with most/least frequency of occurrence You can use `x_order` again to filter for the x-values that appear the most/least often by setting it to the string `'top n'` or `'bottom n'` where `n` is an integer. Here, we filter for the top 4 most frequently occurring neighborhoods. This option is useful when there are dozens of unique values in the grouping column. ```python dxp.bar(x='neighborhood', y='price', data=airbnb, aggfunc='median', x_order='top 4') ``` ![png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dexplo/dexplot/gh-pages/images/output_24_0.png) We can verify that the four neighborhoods are the most common. ```python airbnb['neighborhood'].value_counts() ``` Columbia Heights 773 Union Station 713 Capitol Hill 654 Edgewood 610 Dupont Circle 549 Shaw 514 Brightwood Park 406 Kalorama Heights 362 Name: neighborhood, dtype: int64 ### Horizontal bars Set `orientation` to `'h'` for horizontal bars. When you do this, you'll need to switch `x` and `y` since the grouping column (neighborhood) will be along the y-axis and the aggregating column (price) will be along the x-axis. ```python dxp.bar(x='price', y='neighborhood', data=airbnb, aggfunc='median', orientation='h', sort_values='desc') ``` ![png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dexplo/dexplot/gh-pages/images/output_28_0.png) Switching orientation is possible for most other plots. ```python dxp.line(x='price', y='neighborhood', data=airbnb, aggfunc='median', orientation='h') ``` ![png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dexplo/dexplot/gh-pages/images/output_30_0.png) ### Split bars into groups You can split each bar into further groups by setting the `split` parameter to another column. ```python dxp.bar(x='neighborhood', y='price', data=airbnb, aggfunc='median', split='superhost') ``` ![png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dexplo/dexplot/gh-pages/images/output_32_0.png) We can use the `pivot_table` method to verify the results in pandas. ```python airbnb.pivot_table(index='superhost', columns='neighborhood', values='price', aggfunc='median') ```
neighborhood Brightwood Park Capitol Hill Columbia Heights Dupont Circle Edgewood Kalorama Heights Shaw Union Station
No 85.0 129.0 90.5 120.0 100.0 110.0 130.0 120.0
Yes 90.0 130.0 103.0 135.0 100.0 124.0 135.0 125.0
Set the order of the unique split values with `split_order`, which can also act as a filter. ```python dxp.bar(x='neighborhood', y='price', data=airbnb, aggfunc='median', split='superhost', split_order=['Yes', 'No']) ``` ![png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dexplo/dexplot/gh-pages/images/output_36_0.png) Like all the `_order` parameters, `split_order` defaults to `'asc'` (alphabetical) order. Set it to `'desc'` for the opposite. ```python dxp.bar(x='neighborhood', y='price', data=airbnb, aggfunc='median', split='property_type', split_order='desc') ``` ![png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dexplo/dexplot/gh-pages/images/output_38_0.png) Filtering for the most/least frequent split categories is possible. ```python dxp.bar(x='neighborhood', y='price', data=airbnb, aggfunc='median', split='property_type', split_order='bottom 2') ``` ![png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dexplo/dexplot/gh-pages/images/output_40_0.png) Verifying that the least frequent property types are Townhouse and Condominium. ```python airbnb['property_type'].value_counts() ``` Apartment 2403 House 877 Townhouse 824 Condominium 477 Name: property_type, dtype: int64 ### Stacked bar charts Stack all the split groups one on top of the other by setting `stacked` to `True`. ```python dxp.bar(x='neighborhood', y='price', data=airbnb, aggfunc='median', split='superhost', split_order=['Yes', 'No'], stacked=True) ``` ![png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dexplo/dexplot/gh-pages/images/output_44_0.png) ### Split into multiple plots It's possible to split the data further into separate plots by the unique values in a different column with the `row` and `col` parameters. Here, each kind of `property_type` has its own plot. ```python dxp.bar(x='neighborhood', y='price', data=airbnb, aggfunc='median', split='superhost', col='property_type') ``` ![png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dexplo/dexplot/gh-pages/images/output_46_0.png) If there isn't room for all of the plots, set the `wrap` parameter to an integer to set the maximum number of plots per row/col. We also specify the `col_order` to be descending alphabetically. ```python dxp.bar(x='neighborhood', y='price', data=airbnb, aggfunc='median', split='superhost', col='property_type', wrap=2, col_order='desc') ``` ![png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dexplo/dexplot/gh-pages/images/output_48_0.png) Use `col_order` to both filter and set a specific order for the plots. ```python dxp.bar(x='neighborhood', y='price', data=airbnb, aggfunc='median', split='superhost', col='property_type', col_order=['House', 'Condominium']) ``` ![png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dexplo/dexplot/gh-pages/images/output_50_0.png) Splits can be made simultaneously along row and columns. ```python dxp.bar(x='neighborhood', y='price', data=airbnb, aggfunc='median', split='superhost', col='property_type', col_order=['House', 'Condominium', 'Apartment'], row='bedrooms', row_order=[1, 2, 3]) ``` ![png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dexplo/dexplot/gh-pages/images/output_52_0.png) By default, all axis limits are shared. Allow each plot to set its own limits by setting `sharex` and `sharey` to `False`. ```python dxp.bar(x='neighborhood', y='price', data=airbnb, aggfunc='median', split='superhost', col='property_type', col_order=['House', 'Condominium', 'Apartment'], row='bedrooms', row_order=[1, 2, 3], sharey=False) ``` ![png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dexplo/dexplot/gh-pages/images/output_54_0.png) ### Set the width of each bar with `size` The width (height when horizontal) of the bars is set with the `size` parameter. By default, this value is .9. Think of this number as the relative width of all the bars for a particular x/y value, where 1 is the distance between each x/y value. ```python dxp.bar(x='neighborhood', y='price', data=airbnb, aggfunc='median', split='property_type', split_order=['Apartment', 'House'], x_order=['Dupont Circle', 'Capitol Hill', 'Union Station'], size=.5) ``` ![png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dexplo/dexplot/gh-pages/images/output_56_0.png) ### Splitting line plots All the other aggregating plots work similarly. ```python dxp.line(x='neighborhood', y='price', data=airbnb, aggfunc='median', split='property_type', split_order=['Apartment', 'House'], x_order=['Dupont Circle', 'Capitol Hill', 'Union Station']) ``` ![png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dexplo/dexplot/gh-pages/images/output_58_0.png) ## Distribution plots - box, violin, histogram, kde Distribution plots work similarly, but do not have an `aggfunc` since they do not aggregate. They take their group of values and draw some kind of shape that gives information on how that variable is distributed. ### Box plots Box plots have colored boxes with ends at the first and third quartiles and a line at the median. The whiskers are placed at 1.5 times the difference between the third and first quartiles (Interquartile range (IQR)). Fliers are the points outside this range and plotted individually. By default, both box and violin plots are plotted horizontally. ```python dxp.box(x='price', y='neighborhood', data=airbnb) ``` ![png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dexplo/dexplot/gh-pages/images/output_60_0.png) Split the groups in the same manner as with the aggregation plots. ```python dxp.box(x='price', y='neighborhood', data=airbnb, split='superhost', split_order=['Yes', 'No']) ``` ![png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dexplo/dexplot/gh-pages/images/output_62_0.png) Order the appearance of the splits alphabetically (in descending order here). ```python dxp.box(x='price', y='neighborhood', data=airbnb, split='property_type', split_order='desc') ``` ![png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dexplo/dexplot/gh-pages/images/output_64_0.png) ### Filter range of values with `x_order` It's possible to filter the range of possible values by passing in a list of the minimum and maximum to `x_order`. ```python dxp.box(x='price', y='neighborhood', data=airbnb, split='superhost', x_order=[50, 250]) ``` ![png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dexplo/dexplot/gh-pages/images/output_66_0.png) Change the `x` and `y` while setting `orientation` to make vertical bar plots. ```python dxp.box(x='neighborhood', y='price', data=airbnb, orientation='v', split='property_type', split_order='top 2') ``` ![png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dexplo/dexplot/gh-pages/images/output_68_0.png) Violin plots work identically to box plots, but show "violins", kernel density plots duplicated on both sides of a line. ```python dxp.violin(x='price', y='neighborhood', data=airbnb, split='superhost', split_order=['Yes', 'No']) ``` ![png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dexplo/dexplot/gh-pages/images/output_70_0.png) Splitting by rows and columns is possible as well with distribution plots. ```python dxp.box(x='price', y='neighborhood', data=airbnb,split='superhost', col='property_type', col_order=['House', 'Condominium', 'Apartment'], row='bedrooms', row_order=[1, 2]) ``` ![png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dexplo/dexplot/gh-pages/images/output_72_0.png) ### Histograms Histograms work in a slightly different manner. Instead of passing both `x` and `y`, you give it a single numeric column. A vertical histogram with 20 bins of the counts is created by default. ```python dxp.hist(val='price', data=airbnb) ``` ![png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dexplo/dexplot/gh-pages/images/output_74_0.png) We can use `split` just like we did above and also create horizontal histograms. ```python dxp.hist(val='price', data=airbnb, orientation='h', split='superhost', bins=15) ``` ![png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dexplo/dexplot/gh-pages/images/output_76_0.png) Here, we customize our histogram by plotting the cumulative density as opposed to the raw frequency count using the outline of the bars ('step'). ```python dxp.hist(val='price', data=airbnb, split='bedrooms', split_order=[1, 2, 3], bins=30, density=True, histtype='step', cumulative=True) ``` ![png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dexplo/dexplot/gh-pages/images/output_78_0.png) ### KDE Plots Kernel density estimates provide an estimate for the probability distribution of a continuous variable. Here, we examine how price is distributed by bedroom. ```python dxp.kde(x='price', data=airbnb, split='bedrooms', split_order=[1, 2, 3]) ``` ![png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dexplo/dexplot/gh-pages/images/output_80_0.png) Graph the cumulative distribution instead on multiple plots. ```python dxp.kde(x='price', data=airbnb, split='bedrooms', split_order=[1, 2, 3], cumulative=True, col='property_type', wrap=2) ``` ![png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dexplo/dexplot/gh-pages/images/output_82_0.png) ### Two-dimensional KDE's Provide two numeric columns to `x` and `y` to get a two dimensional KDE. ```python dxp.kde(x='price', y='cleaning_fee', data=airbnb) ``` ![png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dexplo/dexplot/gh-pages/images/output_84_0.png) Create a grid of two-dimensional KDE's. ```python dxp.kde(x='price', y='cleaning_fee', data=airbnb, row='neighborhood', wrap=3) ``` ![png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dexplo/dexplot/gh-pages/images/output_86_0.png) ## Count plots The `count` function graphs the frequency of unique values as bars. By default, it plots the values in descending order. ```python dxp.count(val='neighborhood', data=airbnb) ``` ![png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dexplo/dexplot/gh-pages/images/output_88_0.png) In pandas, this is a straightforward call to the `value_counts` method. ```python airbnb['neighborhood'].value_counts() ``` Columbia Heights 773 Union Station 713 Capitol Hill 654 Edgewood 610 Dupont Circle 549 Shaw 514 Brightwood Park 406 Kalorama Heights 362 Name: neighborhood, dtype: int64 ### Relative frequency with `normalize` Instead of the raw counts, get the relative frequency by setting normalize to `True`. ```python dxp.count(val='neighborhood', data=airbnb, normalize=True) ``` ![png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dexplo/dexplot/gh-pages/images/output_92_0.png) Here, we split by property type. ```python dxp.count(val='neighborhood', data=airbnb, split='property_type') ``` ![png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dexplo/dexplot/gh-pages/images/output_94_0.png) In pandas, this is done with the `crosstab` function. ```python pd.crosstab(index=airbnb['property_type'], columns=airbnb['neighborhood']) ```
neighborhood Brightwood Park Capitol Hill Columbia Heights Dupont Circle Edgewood Kalorama Heights Shaw Union Station
Apartment 167 299 374 397 244 284 315 323
Condominium 35 70 97 62 65 42 52 54
House 131 137 157 47 146 23 61 175
Townhouse 73 148 145 43 155 13 86 161
Horizontal stacked count plots. ```python dxp.count(val='neighborhood', data=airbnb, split='property_type', orientation='h', stacked=True, col='superhost') ``` ![png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dexplo/dexplot/gh-pages/images/output_98_0.png) ### Normalize over different variables Setting `normalize` to `True`, returns the relative frequency with respect to all of the data. You can normalize over any of the variables provided. ```python dxp.count(val='neighborhood', data=airbnb, split='property_type', normalize='neighborhood', title='Relative Frequency by Neighborhood') ``` ![png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dexplo/dexplot/gh-pages/images/output_100_0.png) Normalize over several variables at once with a list. ```python dxp.count(val='neighborhood', data=airbnb, split='superhost', row='property_type', col='bedrooms', col_order=[1, 2], normalize=['neighborhood', 'property_type', 'bedrooms'], stacked=True) ``` ![png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dexplo/dexplot/gh-pages/images/output_102_0.png) ## Wide data Dexplot can also plot wide data, or data where no aggregation happens. Here is a scatter plot of the location of each listing. ```python dxp.scatter(x='longitude', y='latitude', data=airbnb, split='neighborhood', col='bedrooms', col_order=[2, 3]) ``` ![png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dexplo/dexplot/gh-pages/images/output_104_0.png) If you've already aggregated your data, you can plot it directly without specifying `x` or `y`. ```python df = airbnb.pivot_table(index='neighborhood', columns='property_type', values='price', aggfunc='mean') df ```
property_type Apartment Condominium House Townhouse
Brightwood Park 96.119760 105.000000 121.671756 133.479452
Capitol Hill 141.210702 104.200000 170.153285 184.459459
Columbia Heights 114.676471 126.773196 135.292994 124.358621
Dupont Circle 146.858942 130.709677 179.574468 139.348837
Edgewood 108.508197 112.846154 156.335616 147.503226
Kalorama Heights 122.542254 155.928571 92.695652 158.230769
Shaw 153.888889 158.500000 202.114754 173.279070
Union Station 128.458204 133.833333 162.748571 162.167702
```python dxp.bar(data=df, orientation='h') ``` ![png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dexplo/dexplot/gh-pages/images/output_107_0.png) ### Time series ```python stocks = pd.read_csv('../data/stocks10.csv', parse_dates=['date'], index_col='date') stocks.head() ```
1999-10-25 29.84 2.32 17.02 82.75 NaN 21.45 38.99 16.78 NaN NaN
1999-10-26 29.82 2.34 16.65 81.25 NaN 20.89 37.11 17.28 NaN NaN
1999-10-27 29.33 2.38 16.52 75.94 NaN 20.80 36.94 18.27 NaN NaN
1999-10-28 29.01 2.43 16.59 71.00 NaN 21.19 38.85 19.79 NaN NaN
1999-10-29 29.88 2.50 17.21 70.62 NaN 21.47 39.25 20.00 NaN NaN
```python dxp.line(data=stocks.head(500)) ``` ![png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dexplo/dexplot/gh-pages/images/output_110_0.png) %package help Summary: Development documents and examples for dexplot Provides: python3-dexplot-doc %description help # Dexplot [![](https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/dexplot)](https://pypi.org/project/dexplot) [![PyPI - License](https://img.shields.io/pypi/l/dexplot)](LICENSE) Dexplot is a Python library for delivering beautiful data visualizations with a simple and intuitive user experience. ## Goals The primary goals for dexplot are: * Maintain a very consistent API with as few functions as necessary to make the desired statistical plots * Allow the user tremendous power without using matplotlib ## Installation `pip install dexplot` ## Built for long and wide data Dexplot is primarily built for long data, which is a form of data where each row represents a single observation and each column represents a distinct quantity. It is often referred to as "tidy" data. Here, we have some long data. ![](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dexplo/dexplot/gh-pages/images/long.png) Dexplot also has the ability to handle wide data, where multiple columns may contain values that represent the same kind of quantity. The same data above has been aggregated to show the mean for each combination of neighborhood and property type. It is now wide data as each column contains the same quantity (price). ![](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dexplo/dexplot/gh-pages/images/wide.png) ## Usage Dexplot provides a small number of powerful functions that all work similarly. Most plotting functions have the following signature: ```python dxp.plotting_func(x, y, data, aggfunc, split, row, col, orientation, ...) ``` * `x` - Column name along the x-axis * `y` - Column name the y-axis * `data` - Pandas DataFrame * `aggfunc` - String of pandas aggregation function, 'min', 'max', 'mean', etc... * `split` - Column name to split data into distinct groups * `row` - Column name to split data into distinct subplots row-wise * `col` - Column name to split data into distinct subplots column-wise * `orientation` - Either vertical (`'v'`) or horizontal (`'h'`). Default for most plots is vertical. When `aggfunc` is provided, `x` will be the grouping variable and `y` will be aggregated when vertical and vice-versa when horizontal. The best way to learn how to use dexplot is with the examples below. ## Families of plots There are two primary families of plots, **aggregation** and **distribution**. Aggregation plots take a sequence of values and return a **single** value using the function provided to `aggfunc` to do so. Distribution plots take a sequence of values and depict the shape of the distribution in some manner. * Aggregation * bar * line * scatter * count * Distribution * box * violin * hist * kde ## Comparison with Seaborn If you have used the seaborn library, then you should notice a lot of similarities. Much of dexplot was inspired by Seaborn. Below is a list of the extra features in dexplot not found in seaborn * Ability to graph relative frequency and normalize over any number of variables * No need for multiple functions to do the same thing (far fewer public functions) * Ability to make grids with a single function instead of having to use a higher level function like `catplot` * Pandas `groupby` methods available as strings * Ability to sort by values * Ability to sort x/y labels lexicographically * Ability to select most/least frequent groups * x/y labels are wrapped so that they don't overlap * Figure size (plus several other options) and available to change without using matplotlib * A matplotlib figure object is returned ## Examples Most of the examples below use long data. ## Aggregating plots - bar, line and scatter We'll begin by covering the plots that **aggregate**. An aggregation is defined as a function that summarizes a sequence of numbers with a single value. The examples come from the Airbnb dataset, which contains many property rental listings from the Washington D.C. area. ```python import dexplot as dxp import pandas as pd airbnb = dxp.load_dataset('airbnb') airbnb.head() ```
neighborhood property_type accommodates bathrooms bedrooms price cleaning_fee rating superhost response_time latitude longitude
0 Shaw Townhouse 16 3.5 4 433 250 95.0 No within an hour 38.90982 -77.02016
1 Brightwood Park Townhouse 4 3.5 4 154 50 97.0 No NaN 38.95888 -77.02554
2 Capitol Hill House 2 1.5 1 83 35 97.0 Yes within an hour 38.88791 -76.99668
3 Shaw House 2 2.5 1 475 0 98.0 No NaN 38.91331 -77.02436
4 Kalorama Heights Apartment 3 1.0 1 118 15 91.0 No within an hour 38.91933 -77.04124
There are more than 4,000 listings in our dataset. We will use bar charts to aggregate the data. ```python airbnb.shape ``` (4581, 12) ### Vertical bar charts In order to performa an aggregation, you must supply a value for `aggfunc`. Here, we find the median price per neighborhood. Notice that the column names automatically wrap. ```python dxp.bar(x='neighborhood', y='price', data=airbnb, aggfunc='median') ``` ![png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dexplo/dexplot/gh-pages/images/output_7_0.png) Line and scatter plots can be created with the same command, just substituting the name of the function. They both are not good choices for the visualization since the grouping variable (neighborhood) has no meaningful order. ```python dxp.line(x='neighborhood', y='price', data=airbnb, aggfunc='median') ``` ![png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dexplo/dexplot/gh-pages/images/output_9_0.png) ```python dxp.scatter(x='neighborhood', y='price', data=airbnb, aggfunc='median') ``` ![png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dexplo/dexplot/gh-pages/images/output_10_0.png) ### Components of the groupby aggregation Anytime the `aggfunc` parameter is set, you have performed a groupby aggregation, which always consists of three components: * Grouping column - unique values of this column form independent groups (neighborhood) * Aggregating column - the column that will get summarized with a single value (price) * Aggregating function - a function that returns a single value (median) The general format for doing this in pandas is: ```python df.groupby('grouping column').agg({'aggregating column': 'aggregating function'}) ``` Specifically, the following code is executed within dexplot. ```python airbnb.groupby('neighborhood').agg({'price': 'median'}) ```
Brightwood Park 87.0
Capitol Hill 129.5
Columbia Heights 95.0
Dupont Circle 125.0
Edgewood 100.0
Kalorama Heights 118.0
Shaw 133.5
Union Station 120.0
### Number and percent of missing values with `'countna'` and `'percna'` In addition to all the common aggregating functions, you can use the strings `'countna'` and `'percna'` to get the number and percentage of missing values per group. ```python dxp.bar(x='neighborhood', y='response_time', data=airbnb, aggfunc='countna') ``` ![png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dexplo/dexplot/gh-pages/images/output_14_0.png) ### Sorting the bars by values By default, the bars will be sorted by the grouping column (x-axis here) in alphabetical order. Use the `sort_values` parameter to sort the bars by value. * None - sort x/y axis labels alphabetically (default) * `asc` - sort values from least to greatest * `desc` - sort values from greatest to least ```python dxp.bar(x='neighborhood', y='price', data=airbnb, aggfunc='median', sort_values='asc') ``` ![png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dexplo/dexplot/gh-pages/images/output_16_0.png) Here, we sort the values from greatest to least. ```python dxp.bar(x='neighborhood', y='price', data=airbnb, aggfunc='median', sort_values='desc') ``` ![png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dexplo/dexplot/gh-pages/images/output_18_0.png) ### Specify order with `x_order` Specify a specific order of the labels on the x-axis by passing a list of values to `x_order`. This can also act as a filter to limit the number of bars. ```python dxp.bar(x='neighborhood', y='price', data=airbnb, aggfunc='median', x_order=['Dupont Circle', 'Edgewood', 'Union Station']) ``` ![png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dexplo/dexplot/gh-pages/images/output_20_0.png) By default, `x_order` and all of the `_order` parameters are set to `'asc'` by default, which will order them alphabetically. Use the string `'desc'` to sort in the opposite direction. ```python dxp.bar(x='neighborhood', y='price', data=airbnb, aggfunc='median', x_order='desc') ``` ![png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dexplo/dexplot/gh-pages/images/output_22_0.png) ### Filter for the neighborhoods with most/least frequency of occurrence You can use `x_order` again to filter for the x-values that appear the most/least often by setting it to the string `'top n'` or `'bottom n'` where `n` is an integer. Here, we filter for the top 4 most frequently occurring neighborhoods. This option is useful when there are dozens of unique values in the grouping column. ```python dxp.bar(x='neighborhood', y='price', data=airbnb, aggfunc='median', x_order='top 4') ``` ![png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dexplo/dexplot/gh-pages/images/output_24_0.png) We can verify that the four neighborhoods are the most common. ```python airbnb['neighborhood'].value_counts() ``` Columbia Heights 773 Union Station 713 Capitol Hill 654 Edgewood 610 Dupont Circle 549 Shaw 514 Brightwood Park 406 Kalorama Heights 362 Name: neighborhood, dtype: int64 ### Horizontal bars Set `orientation` to `'h'` for horizontal bars. When you do this, you'll need to switch `x` and `y` since the grouping column (neighborhood) will be along the y-axis and the aggregating column (price) will be along the x-axis. ```python dxp.bar(x='price', y='neighborhood', data=airbnb, aggfunc='median', orientation='h', sort_values='desc') ``` ![png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dexplo/dexplot/gh-pages/images/output_28_0.png) Switching orientation is possible for most other plots. ```python dxp.line(x='price', y='neighborhood', data=airbnb, aggfunc='median', orientation='h') ``` ![png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dexplo/dexplot/gh-pages/images/output_30_0.png) ### Split bars into groups You can split each bar into further groups by setting the `split` parameter to another column. ```python dxp.bar(x='neighborhood', y='price', data=airbnb, aggfunc='median', split='superhost') ``` ![png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dexplo/dexplot/gh-pages/images/output_32_0.png) We can use the `pivot_table` method to verify the results in pandas. ```python airbnb.pivot_table(index='superhost', columns='neighborhood', values='price', aggfunc='median') ```
neighborhood Brightwood Park Capitol Hill Columbia Heights Dupont Circle Edgewood Kalorama Heights Shaw Union Station
No 85.0 129.0 90.5 120.0 100.0 110.0 130.0 120.0
Yes 90.0 130.0 103.0 135.0 100.0 124.0 135.0 125.0
Set the order of the unique split values with `split_order`, which can also act as a filter. ```python dxp.bar(x='neighborhood', y='price', data=airbnb, aggfunc='median', split='superhost', split_order=['Yes', 'No']) ``` ![png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dexplo/dexplot/gh-pages/images/output_36_0.png) Like all the `_order` parameters, `split_order` defaults to `'asc'` (alphabetical) order. Set it to `'desc'` for the opposite. ```python dxp.bar(x='neighborhood', y='price', data=airbnb, aggfunc='median', split='property_type', split_order='desc') ``` ![png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dexplo/dexplot/gh-pages/images/output_38_0.png) Filtering for the most/least frequent split categories is possible. ```python dxp.bar(x='neighborhood', y='price', data=airbnb, aggfunc='median', split='property_type', split_order='bottom 2') ``` ![png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dexplo/dexplot/gh-pages/images/output_40_0.png) Verifying that the least frequent property types are Townhouse and Condominium. ```python airbnb['property_type'].value_counts() ``` Apartment 2403 House 877 Townhouse 824 Condominium 477 Name: property_type, dtype: int64 ### Stacked bar charts Stack all the split groups one on top of the other by setting `stacked` to `True`. ```python dxp.bar(x='neighborhood', y='price', data=airbnb, aggfunc='median', split='superhost', split_order=['Yes', 'No'], stacked=True) ``` ![png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dexplo/dexplot/gh-pages/images/output_44_0.png) ### Split into multiple plots It's possible to split the data further into separate plots by the unique values in a different column with the `row` and `col` parameters. Here, each kind of `property_type` has its own plot. ```python dxp.bar(x='neighborhood', y='price', data=airbnb, aggfunc='median', split='superhost', col='property_type') ``` ![png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dexplo/dexplot/gh-pages/images/output_46_0.png) If there isn't room for all of the plots, set the `wrap` parameter to an integer to set the maximum number of plots per row/col. We also specify the `col_order` to be descending alphabetically. ```python dxp.bar(x='neighborhood', y='price', data=airbnb, aggfunc='median', split='superhost', col='property_type', wrap=2, col_order='desc') ``` ![png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dexplo/dexplot/gh-pages/images/output_48_0.png) Use `col_order` to both filter and set a specific order for the plots. ```python dxp.bar(x='neighborhood', y='price', data=airbnb, aggfunc='median', split='superhost', col='property_type', col_order=['House', 'Condominium']) ``` ![png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dexplo/dexplot/gh-pages/images/output_50_0.png) Splits can be made simultaneously along row and columns. ```python dxp.bar(x='neighborhood', y='price', data=airbnb, aggfunc='median', split='superhost', col='property_type', col_order=['House', 'Condominium', 'Apartment'], row='bedrooms', row_order=[1, 2, 3]) ``` ![png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dexplo/dexplot/gh-pages/images/output_52_0.png) By default, all axis limits are shared. Allow each plot to set its own limits by setting `sharex` and `sharey` to `False`. ```python dxp.bar(x='neighborhood', y='price', data=airbnb, aggfunc='median', split='superhost', col='property_type', col_order=['House', 'Condominium', 'Apartment'], row='bedrooms', row_order=[1, 2, 3], sharey=False) ``` ![png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dexplo/dexplot/gh-pages/images/output_54_0.png) ### Set the width of each bar with `size` The width (height when horizontal) of the bars is set with the `size` parameter. By default, this value is .9. Think of this number as the relative width of all the bars for a particular x/y value, where 1 is the distance between each x/y value. ```python dxp.bar(x='neighborhood', y='price', data=airbnb, aggfunc='median', split='property_type', split_order=['Apartment', 'House'], x_order=['Dupont Circle', 'Capitol Hill', 'Union Station'], size=.5) ``` ![png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dexplo/dexplot/gh-pages/images/output_56_0.png) ### Splitting line plots All the other aggregating plots work similarly. ```python dxp.line(x='neighborhood', y='price', data=airbnb, aggfunc='median', split='property_type', split_order=['Apartment', 'House'], x_order=['Dupont Circle', 'Capitol Hill', 'Union Station']) ``` ![png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dexplo/dexplot/gh-pages/images/output_58_0.png) ## Distribution plots - box, violin, histogram, kde Distribution plots work similarly, but do not have an `aggfunc` since they do not aggregate. They take their group of values and draw some kind of shape that gives information on how that variable is distributed. ### Box plots Box plots have colored boxes with ends at the first and third quartiles and a line at the median. The whiskers are placed at 1.5 times the difference between the third and first quartiles (Interquartile range (IQR)). Fliers are the points outside this range and plotted individually. By default, both box and violin plots are plotted horizontally. ```python dxp.box(x='price', y='neighborhood', data=airbnb) ``` ![png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dexplo/dexplot/gh-pages/images/output_60_0.png) Split the groups in the same manner as with the aggregation plots. ```python dxp.box(x='price', y='neighborhood', data=airbnb, split='superhost', split_order=['Yes', 'No']) ``` ![png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dexplo/dexplot/gh-pages/images/output_62_0.png) Order the appearance of the splits alphabetically (in descending order here). ```python dxp.box(x='price', y='neighborhood', data=airbnb, split='property_type', split_order='desc') ``` ![png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dexplo/dexplot/gh-pages/images/output_64_0.png) ### Filter range of values with `x_order` It's possible to filter the range of possible values by passing in a list of the minimum and maximum to `x_order`. ```python dxp.box(x='price', y='neighborhood', data=airbnb, split='superhost', x_order=[50, 250]) ``` ![png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dexplo/dexplot/gh-pages/images/output_66_0.png) Change the `x` and `y` while setting `orientation` to make vertical bar plots. ```python dxp.box(x='neighborhood', y='price', data=airbnb, orientation='v', split='property_type', split_order='top 2') ``` ![png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dexplo/dexplot/gh-pages/images/output_68_0.png) Violin plots work identically to box plots, but show "violins", kernel density plots duplicated on both sides of a line. ```python dxp.violin(x='price', y='neighborhood', data=airbnb, split='superhost', split_order=['Yes', 'No']) ``` ![png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dexplo/dexplot/gh-pages/images/output_70_0.png) Splitting by rows and columns is possible as well with distribution plots. ```python dxp.box(x='price', y='neighborhood', data=airbnb,split='superhost', col='property_type', col_order=['House', 'Condominium', 'Apartment'], row='bedrooms', row_order=[1, 2]) ``` ![png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dexplo/dexplot/gh-pages/images/output_72_0.png) ### Histograms Histograms work in a slightly different manner. Instead of passing both `x` and `y`, you give it a single numeric column. A vertical histogram with 20 bins of the counts is created by default. ```python dxp.hist(val='price', data=airbnb) ``` ![png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dexplo/dexplot/gh-pages/images/output_74_0.png) We can use `split` just like we did above and also create horizontal histograms. ```python dxp.hist(val='price', data=airbnb, orientation='h', split='superhost', bins=15) ``` ![png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dexplo/dexplot/gh-pages/images/output_76_0.png) Here, we customize our histogram by plotting the cumulative density as opposed to the raw frequency count using the outline of the bars ('step'). ```python dxp.hist(val='price', data=airbnb, split='bedrooms', split_order=[1, 2, 3], bins=30, density=True, histtype='step', cumulative=True) ``` ![png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dexplo/dexplot/gh-pages/images/output_78_0.png) ### KDE Plots Kernel density estimates provide an estimate for the probability distribution of a continuous variable. Here, we examine how price is distributed by bedroom. ```python dxp.kde(x='price', data=airbnb, split='bedrooms', split_order=[1, 2, 3]) ``` ![png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dexplo/dexplot/gh-pages/images/output_80_0.png) Graph the cumulative distribution instead on multiple plots. ```python dxp.kde(x='price', data=airbnb, split='bedrooms', split_order=[1, 2, 3], cumulative=True, col='property_type', wrap=2) ``` ![png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dexplo/dexplot/gh-pages/images/output_82_0.png) ### Two-dimensional KDE's Provide two numeric columns to `x` and `y` to get a two dimensional KDE. ```python dxp.kde(x='price', y='cleaning_fee', data=airbnb) ``` ![png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dexplo/dexplot/gh-pages/images/output_84_0.png) Create a grid of two-dimensional KDE's. ```python dxp.kde(x='price', y='cleaning_fee', data=airbnb, row='neighborhood', wrap=3) ``` ![png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dexplo/dexplot/gh-pages/images/output_86_0.png) ## Count plots The `count` function graphs the frequency of unique values as bars. By default, it plots the values in descending order. ```python dxp.count(val='neighborhood', data=airbnb) ``` ![png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dexplo/dexplot/gh-pages/images/output_88_0.png) In pandas, this is a straightforward call to the `value_counts` method. ```python airbnb['neighborhood'].value_counts() ``` Columbia Heights 773 Union Station 713 Capitol Hill 654 Edgewood 610 Dupont Circle 549 Shaw 514 Brightwood Park 406 Kalorama Heights 362 Name: neighborhood, dtype: int64 ### Relative frequency with `normalize` Instead of the raw counts, get the relative frequency by setting normalize to `True`. ```python dxp.count(val='neighborhood', data=airbnb, normalize=True) ``` ![png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dexplo/dexplot/gh-pages/images/output_92_0.png) Here, we split by property type. ```python dxp.count(val='neighborhood', data=airbnb, split='property_type') ``` ![png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dexplo/dexplot/gh-pages/images/output_94_0.png) In pandas, this is done with the `crosstab` function. ```python pd.crosstab(index=airbnb['property_type'], columns=airbnb['neighborhood']) ```
neighborhood Brightwood Park Capitol Hill Columbia Heights Dupont Circle Edgewood Kalorama Heights Shaw Union Station
Apartment 167 299 374 397 244 284 315 323
Condominium 35 70 97 62 65 42 52 54
House 131 137 157 47 146 23 61 175
Townhouse 73 148 145 43 155 13 86 161
Horizontal stacked count plots. ```python dxp.count(val='neighborhood', data=airbnb, split='property_type', orientation='h', stacked=True, col='superhost') ``` ![png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dexplo/dexplot/gh-pages/images/output_98_0.png) ### Normalize over different variables Setting `normalize` to `True`, returns the relative frequency with respect to all of the data. You can normalize over any of the variables provided. ```python dxp.count(val='neighborhood', data=airbnb, split='property_type', normalize='neighborhood', title='Relative Frequency by Neighborhood') ``` ![png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dexplo/dexplot/gh-pages/images/output_100_0.png) Normalize over several variables at once with a list. ```python dxp.count(val='neighborhood', data=airbnb, split='superhost', row='property_type', col='bedrooms', col_order=[1, 2], normalize=['neighborhood', 'property_type', 'bedrooms'], stacked=True) ``` ![png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dexplo/dexplot/gh-pages/images/output_102_0.png) ## Wide data Dexplot can also plot wide data, or data where no aggregation happens. Here is a scatter plot of the location of each listing. ```python dxp.scatter(x='longitude', y='latitude', data=airbnb, split='neighborhood', col='bedrooms', col_order=[2, 3]) ``` ![png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dexplo/dexplot/gh-pages/images/output_104_0.png) If you've already aggregated your data, you can plot it directly without specifying `x` or `y`. ```python df = airbnb.pivot_table(index='neighborhood', columns='property_type', values='price', aggfunc='mean') df ```
property_type Apartment Condominium House Townhouse
Brightwood Park 96.119760 105.000000 121.671756 133.479452
Capitol Hill 141.210702 104.200000 170.153285 184.459459
Columbia Heights 114.676471 126.773196 135.292994 124.358621
Dupont Circle 146.858942 130.709677 179.574468 139.348837
Edgewood 108.508197 112.846154 156.335616 147.503226
Kalorama Heights 122.542254 155.928571 92.695652 158.230769
Shaw 153.888889 158.500000 202.114754 173.279070
Union Station 128.458204 133.833333 162.748571 162.167702
```python dxp.bar(data=df, orientation='h') ``` ![png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dexplo/dexplot/gh-pages/images/output_107_0.png) ### Time series ```python stocks = pd.read_csv('../data/stocks10.csv', parse_dates=['date'], index_col='date') stocks.head() ```
1999-10-25 29.84 2.32 17.02 82.75 NaN 21.45 38.99 16.78 NaN NaN
1999-10-26 29.82 2.34 16.65 81.25 NaN 20.89 37.11 17.28 NaN NaN
1999-10-27 29.33 2.38 16.52 75.94 NaN 20.80 36.94 18.27 NaN NaN
1999-10-28 29.01 2.43 16.59 71.00 NaN 21.19 38.85 19.79 NaN NaN
1999-10-29 29.88 2.50 17.21 70.62 NaN 21.47 39.25 20.00 NaN NaN
```python dxp.line(data=stocks.head(500)) ``` ![png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dexplo/dexplot/gh-pages/images/output_110_0.png) %prep %autosetup -n dexplot-0.1.4 %build %py3_build %install %py3_install install -d -m755 %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir} if [ -d doc ]; then cp -arf doc %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi if [ -d docs ]; then cp -arf docs %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi if [ -d example ]; then cp -arf example %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi if [ -d examples ]; then cp -arf examples %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi pushd %{buildroot} if [ -d usr/lib ]; then find usr/lib -type f -printf "\"/%h/%f\"\n" >> filelist.lst fi if [ -d usr/lib64 ]; then find usr/lib64 -type f -printf "\"/%h/%f\"\n" >> filelist.lst fi if [ -d usr/bin ]; then find usr/bin -type f -printf "\"/%h/%f\"\n" >> filelist.lst fi if [ -d usr/sbin ]; then find usr/sbin -type f -printf "\"/%h/%f\"\n" >> filelist.lst fi touch doclist.lst if [ -d usr/share/man ]; then find usr/share/man -type f -printf "\"/%h/%f.gz\"\n" >> doclist.lst fi popd mv %{buildroot}/filelist.lst . mv %{buildroot}/doclist.lst . %files -n python3-dexplot -f filelist.lst %dir %{python3_sitelib}/* %files help -f doclist.lst %{_docdir}/* %changelog * Tue Jun 20 2023 Python_Bot - 0.1.4-1 - Package Spec generated