%global _empty_manifest_terminate_build 0
Name: python-PySparkIP
Version: 1.2.4
Release: 1
Summary: An API for working with IP addresses in Apache Spark.
License: Apache Software License
URL: https://github.com/jshalaby510/PySparkIP
Source0: https://mirrors.aliyun.com/pypi/web/packages/12/25/1c587c11b9316b8ecf13c8ec16ddd5c331071702ade401adda4f6b609aeb/PySparkIP-1.2.4.tar.gz
BuildArch: noarch
# PySparkIP
An API for working with IP addresses in Apache Spark. Built on top of [ipaddress](https://docs.python.org/3/library/ipaddress.html).
## Usage
* pip install PySparkIP
* from PySparkIP import *
## License
This project is licensed under the Apache License. Please see [LICENSE](LICENSE) file for more details.
## Tutorial
### Initialize
Before using in SparkSQL, initialize PySparkIP by passing `spark` to `PySparkIP`,
then define `IPAddressUDT()` in the schema.
Optionally pass the log level as well (if left unspecified, `PySparkIP` resets
the log level to "WARN" and gives a warning message).
NOTE: Values that are unsuccessfully converted to IP addresses will be converted to "::"
from PySparkIP import *
# Initialize for SparkSQL use (not needed for pure PySpark)
# or PySparkIP(spark, "DEBUG"), PySparkIP(spark, "FATAL"), etc if specifying a log level
schema = StructType([StructField("IPAddress", IPAddressUDT())])
ipDF = spark.read.json("ipFile.json", schema=schema)
### Functions
**Cast StringType() to IPAddressUDT()**
# PySpark
ipDF = ipDF.select(to_ip('ip_string'))
# SparkSQL
spark.sql("SELECT to_ip(ip_string) FROM IPAddresses")
**Check address type**
# Multicast
ipDF.select('*').withColumn("IPColumn", isMulticast("IPAddress"))
spark.sql("SELECT * FROM IPAddresses WHERE isMulticast(IPAddress)")
Other address types:
isPrivate, isGlobal, isUnspecified, isReserved,
isLoopback, isLinkLocal, isIPv4Mapped, is6to4,
isTeredo, isIPv4, isIPv6
**Output address in different formats**
# Exploded
spark.sql("SELECT explodedIP(IPAddress) FROM IPAddresses")
# Compressed
spark.sql("SELECT compressedIP(IPAddress) FROM IPAddresses")
**Sort IP Addresses**
# SparkSQL doesn't support values > LONG_MAX
# To sort IPv6 addresses, use ipAsBinary
# To sort IPv4 addresses, use either ipv4AsNum or ipAsBinary, but ipv4AsNum is more efficient
# Sort IPv4 and IPv6
spark.sql("SELECT * FROM IPAddresses SORT BY ipAsBinary(IPAddress)")
# Sort ONLY IPv4
spark.sql("SELECT * FROM IPv4 SORT BY ipv4AsNum(IPAddress)")
**IP network functions**
# Network contains
spark.sql("SELECT * FROM IPAddresses WHERE networkContains(IPAddress, '')")
ipDF.select('*').filter("networkContains(IPAddress, '')")
ipDF.select('*').withColumn("netCol", networkContains("")("IPAddress"))
# Or use ipaddress.ip_network objects
net1 = ipaddress.ip_network('::/10')
**IP Set**
#### Create IP Sets (Note: This functionality also works with add and remove):
# Strings
ipStr = ''
netStr = ''
# Tuples, lists, or sets
ip_net_mix = ('::5', '', '')
# ipaddress objects
ipAddr = ipaddress.ip_address('::')
# Dataframes
ipMulticastDF = spark.sql("SELECT IPAddress FROM IPAddresses WHERE isMulticast(IPAddress)")
Or use our predefined networks (multicastIPs, privateIPs,
publicIPs, reservedIPs, unspecifiedIPs, linkLocalIPs,
loopBackIPs, ipv4MappedIPs, ipv4TranslatedIPs, ipv4ipv6TranslatedIPs,
teredoIPs, sixToFourIPs, or siteLocalIPs)
# Mix them together
ipSet = IPSet(ipStr, '::/16', '2001::', netStr, ip_net_mix, privateIPs)
ipSet2 = IPSet("6::", "", ipAddr, ipMulticastDF)
# Use other IPSets
ipSet3 = IPSet(ipSet, ipSet2)
# Or just make an empty set
ipSet4 = IPSet()
#### Use IP Sets:
# Initialize an IP Set
setOfIPs = {"", "5422:6622:1dc6:366a:e728:84d4:257e:655a", "::"}
ipSet = IPSet(setOfIPs)
# Use it!
ipDF.select('*').filter("setContains(IPAddress, 'ipSet')")
ipDF.select('*').withColumn("setCol", setContains(ipSet)("IPAddress"))
#### Register IP Sets for use in SparkSQL:
Before using IP Sets in SparkSQL, register it by passing it to `PySparkIPSets`
ipSet = IPSet('::')
ipSet2 = IPSet()
# Pass the set, then the set name
PySparkIPSets.add(ipSet, 'ipSet')
PySparkIPSets.add(ipSet2, 'ipSet2')
#### Remove IP Sets from registered sets in SparkSQL:
PySparkIPSets.remove('ipSet', 'ipSet2')
#### Use IP Sets in SparkSQL:
# Note you have to pass the variable name using SparkSQL, not the actual variable
# Initialize an IP Set
setOfIPs = {"", "5422:6622:1dc6:366a:e728:84d4:257e:655a", "::"}
ipSet = IPSet(setOfIPs)
# Register it
PySparkIPSets.add(ipSet, 'ipSet')
#Use it!
# Set Contains
spark.sql("SELECT * FROM IPAddresses WHERE setContains(IPAddress, 'ipSet')")
# Show sets available to use
# Remove a set
# Clear sets available
#### IP Set functions (outside Spark):
ipSet = IPSet()
# Add
ipSet.add('', '::/16')
# Remove
# Contains
# Clear
# Show all
# Union
ipSet2 = ('2001::', '::33', 'ffff::f')
# Intersection
# Diff
# Show All
# Return All
# Is empty
# Compare IPSets
ipSet2 = ('2001::', '::33', 'ffff::f')
ipSet == ipSet2
ipSet != ipSet2
# Return the # of elements in the set
#### Other operations (outside Spark):
# Nets intersect
net1 = ''
net2 = ''
# or ipaddress.ip_network('')
netsIntersect(net1, net2)
%package -n python3-PySparkIP
Summary: An API for working with IP addresses in Apache Spark.
Provides: python-PySparkIP
BuildRequires: python3-devel
BuildRequires: python3-setuptools
BuildRequires: python3-pip
%description -n python3-PySparkIP
# PySparkIP
An API for working with IP addresses in Apache Spark. Built on top of [ipaddress](https://docs.python.org/3/library/ipaddress.html).
## Usage
* pip install PySparkIP
* from PySparkIP import *
## License
This project is licensed under the Apache License. Please see [LICENSE](LICENSE) file for more details.
## Tutorial
### Initialize
Before using in SparkSQL, initialize PySparkIP by passing `spark` to `PySparkIP`,
then define `IPAddressUDT()` in the schema.
Optionally pass the log level as well (if left unspecified, `PySparkIP` resets
the log level to "WARN" and gives a warning message).
NOTE: Values that are unsuccessfully converted to IP addresses will be converted to "::"
from PySparkIP import *
# Initialize for SparkSQL use (not needed for pure PySpark)
# or PySparkIP(spark, "DEBUG"), PySparkIP(spark, "FATAL"), etc if specifying a log level
schema = StructType([StructField("IPAddress", IPAddressUDT())])
ipDF = spark.read.json("ipFile.json", schema=schema)
### Functions
**Cast StringType() to IPAddressUDT()**
# PySpark
ipDF = ipDF.select(to_ip('ip_string'))
# SparkSQL
spark.sql("SELECT to_ip(ip_string) FROM IPAddresses")
**Check address type**
# Multicast
ipDF.select('*').withColumn("IPColumn", isMulticast("IPAddress"))
spark.sql("SELECT * FROM IPAddresses WHERE isMulticast(IPAddress)")
Other address types:
isPrivate, isGlobal, isUnspecified, isReserved,
isLoopback, isLinkLocal, isIPv4Mapped, is6to4,
isTeredo, isIPv4, isIPv6
**Output address in different formats**
# Exploded
spark.sql("SELECT explodedIP(IPAddress) FROM IPAddresses")
# Compressed
spark.sql("SELECT compressedIP(IPAddress) FROM IPAddresses")
**Sort IP Addresses**
# SparkSQL doesn't support values > LONG_MAX
# To sort IPv6 addresses, use ipAsBinary
# To sort IPv4 addresses, use either ipv4AsNum or ipAsBinary, but ipv4AsNum is more efficient
# Sort IPv4 and IPv6
spark.sql("SELECT * FROM IPAddresses SORT BY ipAsBinary(IPAddress)")
# Sort ONLY IPv4
spark.sql("SELECT * FROM IPv4 SORT BY ipv4AsNum(IPAddress)")
**IP network functions**
# Network contains
spark.sql("SELECT * FROM IPAddresses WHERE networkContains(IPAddress, '')")
ipDF.select('*').filter("networkContains(IPAddress, '')")
ipDF.select('*').withColumn("netCol", networkContains("")("IPAddress"))
# Or use ipaddress.ip_network objects
net1 = ipaddress.ip_network('::/10')
**IP Set**
#### Create IP Sets (Note: This functionality also works with add and remove):
# Strings
ipStr = ''
netStr = ''
# Tuples, lists, or sets
ip_net_mix = ('::5', '', '')
# ipaddress objects
ipAddr = ipaddress.ip_address('::')
# Dataframes
ipMulticastDF = spark.sql("SELECT IPAddress FROM IPAddresses WHERE isMulticast(IPAddress)")
Or use our predefined networks (multicastIPs, privateIPs,
publicIPs, reservedIPs, unspecifiedIPs, linkLocalIPs,
loopBackIPs, ipv4MappedIPs, ipv4TranslatedIPs, ipv4ipv6TranslatedIPs,
teredoIPs, sixToFourIPs, or siteLocalIPs)
# Mix them together
ipSet = IPSet(ipStr, '::/16', '2001::', netStr, ip_net_mix, privateIPs)
ipSet2 = IPSet("6::", "", ipAddr, ipMulticastDF)
# Use other IPSets
ipSet3 = IPSet(ipSet, ipSet2)
# Or just make an empty set
ipSet4 = IPSet()
#### Use IP Sets:
# Initialize an IP Set
setOfIPs = {"", "5422:6622:1dc6:366a:e728:84d4:257e:655a", "::"}
ipSet = IPSet(setOfIPs)
# Use it!
ipDF.select('*').filter("setContains(IPAddress, 'ipSet')")
ipDF.select('*').withColumn("setCol", setContains(ipSet)("IPAddress"))
#### Register IP Sets for use in SparkSQL:
Before using IP Sets in SparkSQL, register it by passing it to `PySparkIPSets`
ipSet = IPSet('::')
ipSet2 = IPSet()
# Pass the set, then the set name
PySparkIPSets.add(ipSet, 'ipSet')
PySparkIPSets.add(ipSet2, 'ipSet2')
#### Remove IP Sets from registered sets in SparkSQL:
PySparkIPSets.remove('ipSet', 'ipSet2')
#### Use IP Sets in SparkSQL:
# Note you have to pass the variable name using SparkSQL, not the actual variable
# Initialize an IP Set
setOfIPs = {"", "5422:6622:1dc6:366a:e728:84d4:257e:655a", "::"}
ipSet = IPSet(setOfIPs)
# Register it
PySparkIPSets.add(ipSet, 'ipSet')
#Use it!
# Set Contains
spark.sql("SELECT * FROM IPAddresses WHERE setContains(IPAddress, 'ipSet')")
# Show sets available to use
# Remove a set
# Clear sets available
#### IP Set functions (outside Spark):
ipSet = IPSet()
# Add
ipSet.add('', '::/16')
# Remove
# Contains
# Clear
# Show all
# Union
ipSet2 = ('2001::', '::33', 'ffff::f')
# Intersection
# Diff
# Show All
# Return All
# Is empty
# Compare IPSets
ipSet2 = ('2001::', '::33', 'ffff::f')
ipSet == ipSet2
ipSet != ipSet2
# Return the # of elements in the set
#### Other operations (outside Spark):
# Nets intersect
net1 = ''
net2 = ''
# or ipaddress.ip_network('')
netsIntersect(net1, net2)
%package help
Summary: Development documents and examples for PySparkIP
Provides: python3-PySparkIP-doc
%description help
# PySparkIP
An API for working with IP addresses in Apache Spark. Built on top of [ipaddress](https://docs.python.org/3/library/ipaddress.html).
## Usage
* pip install PySparkIP
* from PySparkIP import *
## License
This project is licensed under the Apache License. Please see [LICENSE](LICENSE) file for more details.
## Tutorial
### Initialize
Before using in SparkSQL, initialize PySparkIP by passing `spark` to `PySparkIP`,
then define `IPAddressUDT()` in the schema.
Optionally pass the log level as well (if left unspecified, `PySparkIP` resets
the log level to "WARN" and gives a warning message).
NOTE: Values that are unsuccessfully converted to IP addresses will be converted to "::"
from PySparkIP import *
# Initialize for SparkSQL use (not needed for pure PySpark)
# or PySparkIP(spark, "DEBUG"), PySparkIP(spark, "FATAL"), etc if specifying a log level
schema = StructType([StructField("IPAddress", IPAddressUDT())])
ipDF = spark.read.json("ipFile.json", schema=schema)
### Functions
**Cast StringType() to IPAddressUDT()**
# PySpark
ipDF = ipDF.select(to_ip('ip_string'))
# SparkSQL
spark.sql("SELECT to_ip(ip_string) FROM IPAddresses")
**Check address type**
# Multicast
ipDF.select('*').withColumn("IPColumn", isMulticast("IPAddress"))
spark.sql("SELECT * FROM IPAddresses WHERE isMulticast(IPAddress)")
Other address types:
isPrivate, isGlobal, isUnspecified, isReserved,
isLoopback, isLinkLocal, isIPv4Mapped, is6to4,
isTeredo, isIPv4, isIPv6
**Output address in different formats**
# Exploded
spark.sql("SELECT explodedIP(IPAddress) FROM IPAddresses")
# Compressed
spark.sql("SELECT compressedIP(IPAddress) FROM IPAddresses")
**Sort IP Addresses**
# SparkSQL doesn't support values > LONG_MAX
# To sort IPv6 addresses, use ipAsBinary
# To sort IPv4 addresses, use either ipv4AsNum or ipAsBinary, but ipv4AsNum is more efficient
# Sort IPv4 and IPv6
spark.sql("SELECT * FROM IPAddresses SORT BY ipAsBinary(IPAddress)")
# Sort ONLY IPv4
spark.sql("SELECT * FROM IPv4 SORT BY ipv4AsNum(IPAddress)")
**IP network functions**
# Network contains
spark.sql("SELECT * FROM IPAddresses WHERE networkContains(IPAddress, '')")
ipDF.select('*').filter("networkContains(IPAddress, '')")
ipDF.select('*').withColumn("netCol", networkContains("")("IPAddress"))
# Or use ipaddress.ip_network objects
net1 = ipaddress.ip_network('::/10')
**IP Set**
#### Create IP Sets (Note: This functionality also works with add and remove):
# Strings
ipStr = ''
netStr = ''
# Tuples, lists, or sets
ip_net_mix = ('::5', '', '')
# ipaddress objects
ipAddr = ipaddress.ip_address('::')
# Dataframes
ipMulticastDF = spark.sql("SELECT IPAddress FROM IPAddresses WHERE isMulticast(IPAddress)")
Or use our predefined networks (multicastIPs, privateIPs,
publicIPs, reservedIPs, unspecifiedIPs, linkLocalIPs,
loopBackIPs, ipv4MappedIPs, ipv4TranslatedIPs, ipv4ipv6TranslatedIPs,
teredoIPs, sixToFourIPs, or siteLocalIPs)
# Mix them together
ipSet = IPSet(ipStr, '::/16', '2001::', netStr, ip_net_mix, privateIPs)
ipSet2 = IPSet("6::", "", ipAddr, ipMulticastDF)
# Use other IPSets
ipSet3 = IPSet(ipSet, ipSet2)
# Or just make an empty set
ipSet4 = IPSet()
#### Use IP Sets:
# Initialize an IP Set
setOfIPs = {"", "5422:6622:1dc6:366a:e728:84d4:257e:655a", "::"}
ipSet = IPSet(setOfIPs)
# Use it!
ipDF.select('*').filter("setContains(IPAddress, 'ipSet')")
ipDF.select('*').withColumn("setCol", setContains(ipSet)("IPAddress"))
#### Register IP Sets for use in SparkSQL:
Before using IP Sets in SparkSQL, register it by passing it to `PySparkIPSets`
ipSet = IPSet('::')
ipSet2 = IPSet()
# Pass the set, then the set name
PySparkIPSets.add(ipSet, 'ipSet')
PySparkIPSets.add(ipSet2, 'ipSet2')
#### Remove IP Sets from registered sets in SparkSQL:
PySparkIPSets.remove('ipSet', 'ipSet2')
#### Use IP Sets in SparkSQL:
# Note you have to pass the variable name using SparkSQL, not the actual variable
# Initialize an IP Set
setOfIPs = {"", "5422:6622:1dc6:366a:e728:84d4:257e:655a", "::"}
ipSet = IPSet(setOfIPs)
# Register it
PySparkIPSets.add(ipSet, 'ipSet')
#Use it!
# Set Contains
spark.sql("SELECT * FROM IPAddresses WHERE setContains(IPAddress, 'ipSet')")
# Show sets available to use
# Remove a set
# Clear sets available
#### IP Set functions (outside Spark):
ipSet = IPSet()
# Add
ipSet.add('', '::/16')
# Remove
# Contains
# Clear
# Show all
# Union
ipSet2 = ('2001::', '::33', 'ffff::f')
# Intersection
# Diff
# Show All
# Return All
# Is empty
# Compare IPSets
ipSet2 = ('2001::', '::33', 'ffff::f')
ipSet == ipSet2
ipSet != ipSet2
# Return the # of elements in the set
#### Other operations (outside Spark):
# Nets intersect
net1 = ''
net2 = ''
# or ipaddress.ip_network('')
netsIntersect(net1, net2)
%autosetup -n PySparkIP-1.2.4
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if [ -d examples ]; then cp -arf examples %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi
pushd %{buildroot}
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%dir %{python3_sitelib}/*
%files help -f doclist.lst
* Tue Jun 20 2023 Python_Bot - 1.2.4-1
- Package Spec generated