%global _empty_manifest_terminate_build 0
Name: python-random-forest-mc
Version: 1.0.3
Release: 1
Summary: This project is about use Random Forest approach using a dynamic tree selection Monte Carlo based.
License: MIT
URL: https://github.com/ysraell/random-forest-mc
Source0: https://mirrors.aliyun.com/pypi/web/packages/59/a6/ab3063d395dcf2c0d39ed3d3d7ac44cfe09a63595833443c32212b49ac9b/random_forest_mc-1.0.3.tar.gz
BuildArch: noarch
Requires: python3-pandas
Requires: python3-numpy
Requires: python3-tqdm
# Random Forest with Tree Selection Monte Carlo Based (RF-TSMC)

This project is about use Random Forest approach for *multiclass classification* using a dynamic tree selection Monte Carlo based. The first implementation is found in [2] (using Common Lisp).
## Install:
Install using `pip`:
$ pip3 install random-forest-mc
Install from this repo:
$ git clone https://github.com/ysraell/random-forest-mc.git
$ cd random-forest-mc
$ pip3 install .
## Usage:
Example of a full cycle using `titanic.csv`:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from random_forest_mc.model import RandomForestMC
from random_forest_mc.utils import LoadDicts, load_file_json, dump_file_json
dicts = LoadDicts("tests/")
dataset_dict = dicts.datasets_metadata
ds_name = "titanic"
params = dataset_dict[ds_name]
target_col = params["target_col"]
dataset = (
pd.read_csv(params["csv_path"])[params["ds_cols"] + [params["target_col"]]]
dataset["Age"] = dataset["Age"].astype(np.uint8)
dataset["SibSp"] = dataset["SibSp"].astype(np.uint8)
dataset["Pclass"] = dataset["Pclass"].astype(str)
dataset["Fare"] = dataset["Fare"].astype(np.uint32)
cls = RandomForestMC(
n_trees=8, target_col=target_col, max_discard_trees=4
cls.fit() # or with cls.fitParallel(max_workers=8)
y_test = dataset[params["target_col"]].to_list()
cls.setWeightedTrees(True) # predictions weighted by survive scores
y_pred = cls.testForest(dataset)
accuracy_hard = sum([v == p for v, p in zip(y_test, y_pred)]) / len(y_pred)
cls.setSoftVoting(True) # for predicitons using soft voting strategy
y_pred = cls.testForest(dataset)
accuracy_soft = sum([v == p for v, p in zip(y_test, y_pred)]) / len(y_pred)
# Simply predictions:
# One row
row = dataset.loc[0]
{'0': 0.75, '1': 0.25}
# Multiple rows (dataset)
['0', '1', ...]
# Get the probabilities:
{'0': 0.75, '1': 0.25},
{'0': 1.0, '1': 0.0},
{'0': 0.625, '1': 0.375}
# Works with missing values:
cols = list(dataset.columns)
ds = dataset[cols[:10]+['Class']]
row = ds.loc[0]
{'0': 0.75, '1': 0.25}
['0', '1', ...]
# Saving model:
ModelDict = cls.model2dict()
dump_file_json(path_dict, ModelDict)
del ModelDict
# Loading model
ModelDict = load_file_json(path_dict)
cls = RandomForestMC()
# Before run fit again, load dataset. Check if the features are the same!
row = dataset.loc[0]
# Feature counting (how much features in each tree):
cls.featCount() # or cls.sampleClassFeatCount(row, row[target_col])
(3.5, 0.5, 3, 4), # (mean, std, min, max)
[3, 4, 3, 4, 3, 4] # List of counting of features in each tree.
# Feature importance:
cls.featImportance() # or cls.sampleClassFeatImportance(row, row[target_col])
'feat 1': 0.900000,
'feat 2': 0.804688,
'feat 3': 0.398438,
# Permutation feature importance:
cls.featPairImportance() # or cls.sampleClassFeatPairImportance(row, row[target_col])
('feat 1', 'feat 2'): 0.12,
('feat 1', 'feat 3'): 0.13,
('feat 2', 'feat 3'): 0.23,
# Permutation feature importance in matrix (dataframe):
cls.featCorrDataFrame() # or cls.sampleClassFeatCorrDataFrame(row, row[target_col])
feat 1 feat 2 feat 3
feat 1 0.900000 0.120000 0.130000
feat 2 0.120000 0.804688 0.230000
feat 3 0.130000 0.230000 0.398438
# For merge different models (forests):
# Simply add all trees from cls2 in cls.
# Merge all trees from both models and keep the trees with scores within the top N survived scores.
cls.mergeForest(cls2, N, 'score')
# Merge all trees from both models and keep N random trees.
cls.mergeForest(cls2, N, 'random')
### Notes:
- Classes values must be converted to `str` before make predicts.
- `fit` always add new trees (keep the trees generated before).
### LoadDicts:
LoadDicts works loading all `JSON` files inside a given path, creating an object helper to use this files as dictionaries.
For example:
>>> from random_forest_mc.utils import LoadDicts
>>> # JSONs: path/data.json, path/metdada.json
>>> dicts = LoadDicts("path/")
>>> # you have: dicts.data and dicts.metdada as dictionaries
>>> # And a list of dictionaries loaded in:
>>> dicts.List
["data", "metdada"]
## Fundamentals:
- Based on Random Forest method principles: ensemble of models (decision trees).
- In bootstrap process:
- the data sampled ensure the balance between classes, for training and validation;
- the list of features used are randomly sampled (with random number of features and order).
- For each tree:
- fallowing the sequence of a given list of features, the data is splited half/half based on meadian value;
- the splitting process ends when the samples have one only class;
- validation process based on dynamic threshold can discard the tree.
- For use the forest:
- all trees predictions are combined as a vote;
- it is possible to use soft or hard-voting.
- Positive side-effects:
- possible more generalization caused by the combination of overfitted trees, each tree is highly specialized in a smallest and different set of feature;
- robustness for unbalanced and missing data, in case of missing data, the feature could be skipped without degrade the optimization process;
- in prediction process, a missing value could be dealt with a tree replication considering the two possible paths;
- the survived trees have a potential information about feature importance.
- Robust for mssing values in categorical features during prediction process.
### References
[2] [Laboratory of Decision Tree and Random Forest (`github/ysraell/random-forest-lab`)](https://github.com/ysraell/random-forest-lab). GitHub repository.
[3] Credit Card Fraud Detection. Anonymized credit card transactions labeled as fraudulent or genuine. Kaggle. Access: .
### Development Framework (optional)
- [My data science Docker image](https://github.com/ysraell/my-ds).
With this image you can run all notebooks and scripts Python inside this repository.
### TO-DO list.
For TO-DO list see `TODO.md`.
%package -n python3-random-forest-mc
Summary: This project is about use Random Forest approach using a dynamic tree selection Monte Carlo based.
Provides: python-random-forest-mc
BuildRequires: python3-devel
BuildRequires: python3-setuptools
BuildRequires: python3-pip
%description -n python3-random-forest-mc
# Random Forest with Tree Selection Monte Carlo Based (RF-TSMC)

This project is about use Random Forest approach for *multiclass classification* using a dynamic tree selection Monte Carlo based. The first implementation is found in [2] (using Common Lisp).
## Install:
Install using `pip`:
$ pip3 install random-forest-mc
Install from this repo:
$ git clone https://github.com/ysraell/random-forest-mc.git
$ cd random-forest-mc
$ pip3 install .
## Usage:
Example of a full cycle using `titanic.csv`:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from random_forest_mc.model import RandomForestMC
from random_forest_mc.utils import LoadDicts, load_file_json, dump_file_json
dicts = LoadDicts("tests/")
dataset_dict = dicts.datasets_metadata
ds_name = "titanic"
params = dataset_dict[ds_name]
target_col = params["target_col"]
dataset = (
pd.read_csv(params["csv_path"])[params["ds_cols"] + [params["target_col"]]]
dataset["Age"] = dataset["Age"].astype(np.uint8)
dataset["SibSp"] = dataset["SibSp"].astype(np.uint8)
dataset["Pclass"] = dataset["Pclass"].astype(str)
dataset["Fare"] = dataset["Fare"].astype(np.uint32)
cls = RandomForestMC(
n_trees=8, target_col=target_col, max_discard_trees=4
cls.fit() # or with cls.fitParallel(max_workers=8)
y_test = dataset[params["target_col"]].to_list()
cls.setWeightedTrees(True) # predictions weighted by survive scores
y_pred = cls.testForest(dataset)
accuracy_hard = sum([v == p for v, p in zip(y_test, y_pred)]) / len(y_pred)
cls.setSoftVoting(True) # for predicitons using soft voting strategy
y_pred = cls.testForest(dataset)
accuracy_soft = sum([v == p for v, p in zip(y_test, y_pred)]) / len(y_pred)
# Simply predictions:
# One row
row = dataset.loc[0]
{'0': 0.75, '1': 0.25}
# Multiple rows (dataset)
['0', '1', ...]
# Get the probabilities:
{'0': 0.75, '1': 0.25},
{'0': 1.0, '1': 0.0},
{'0': 0.625, '1': 0.375}
# Works with missing values:
cols = list(dataset.columns)
ds = dataset[cols[:10]+['Class']]
row = ds.loc[0]
{'0': 0.75, '1': 0.25}
['0', '1', ...]
# Saving model:
ModelDict = cls.model2dict()
dump_file_json(path_dict, ModelDict)
del ModelDict
# Loading model
ModelDict = load_file_json(path_dict)
cls = RandomForestMC()
# Before run fit again, load dataset. Check if the features are the same!
row = dataset.loc[0]
# Feature counting (how much features in each tree):
cls.featCount() # or cls.sampleClassFeatCount(row, row[target_col])
(3.5, 0.5, 3, 4), # (mean, std, min, max)
[3, 4, 3, 4, 3, 4] # List of counting of features in each tree.
# Feature importance:
cls.featImportance() # or cls.sampleClassFeatImportance(row, row[target_col])
'feat 1': 0.900000,
'feat 2': 0.804688,
'feat 3': 0.398438,
# Permutation feature importance:
cls.featPairImportance() # or cls.sampleClassFeatPairImportance(row, row[target_col])
('feat 1', 'feat 2'): 0.12,
('feat 1', 'feat 3'): 0.13,
('feat 2', 'feat 3'): 0.23,
# Permutation feature importance in matrix (dataframe):
cls.featCorrDataFrame() # or cls.sampleClassFeatCorrDataFrame(row, row[target_col])
feat 1 feat 2 feat 3
feat 1 0.900000 0.120000 0.130000
feat 2 0.120000 0.804688 0.230000
feat 3 0.130000 0.230000 0.398438
# For merge different models (forests):
# Simply add all trees from cls2 in cls.
# Merge all trees from both models and keep the trees with scores within the top N survived scores.
cls.mergeForest(cls2, N, 'score')
# Merge all trees from both models and keep N random trees.
cls.mergeForest(cls2, N, 'random')
### Notes:
- Classes values must be converted to `str` before make predicts.
- `fit` always add new trees (keep the trees generated before).
### LoadDicts:
LoadDicts works loading all `JSON` files inside a given path, creating an object helper to use this files as dictionaries.
For example:
>>> from random_forest_mc.utils import LoadDicts
>>> # JSONs: path/data.json, path/metdada.json
>>> dicts = LoadDicts("path/")
>>> # you have: dicts.data and dicts.metdada as dictionaries
>>> # And a list of dictionaries loaded in:
>>> dicts.List
["data", "metdada"]
## Fundamentals:
- Based on Random Forest method principles: ensemble of models (decision trees).
- In bootstrap process:
- the data sampled ensure the balance between classes, for training and validation;
- the list of features used are randomly sampled (with random number of features and order).
- For each tree:
- fallowing the sequence of a given list of features, the data is splited half/half based on meadian value;
- the splitting process ends when the samples have one only class;
- validation process based on dynamic threshold can discard the tree.
- For use the forest:
- all trees predictions are combined as a vote;
- it is possible to use soft or hard-voting.
- Positive side-effects:
- possible more generalization caused by the combination of overfitted trees, each tree is highly specialized in a smallest and different set of feature;
- robustness for unbalanced and missing data, in case of missing data, the feature could be skipped without degrade the optimization process;
- in prediction process, a missing value could be dealt with a tree replication considering the two possible paths;
- the survived trees have a potential information about feature importance.
- Robust for mssing values in categorical features during prediction process.
### References
[2] [Laboratory of Decision Tree and Random Forest (`github/ysraell/random-forest-lab`)](https://github.com/ysraell/random-forest-lab). GitHub repository.
[3] Credit Card Fraud Detection. Anonymized credit card transactions labeled as fraudulent or genuine. Kaggle. Access: .
### Development Framework (optional)
- [My data science Docker image](https://github.com/ysraell/my-ds).
With this image you can run all notebooks and scripts Python inside this repository.
### TO-DO list.
For TO-DO list see `TODO.md`.
%package help
Summary: Development documents and examples for random-forest-mc
Provides: python3-random-forest-mc-doc
%description help
# Random Forest with Tree Selection Monte Carlo Based (RF-TSMC)

This project is about use Random Forest approach for *multiclass classification* using a dynamic tree selection Monte Carlo based. The first implementation is found in [2] (using Common Lisp).
## Install:
Install using `pip`:
$ pip3 install random-forest-mc
Install from this repo:
$ git clone https://github.com/ysraell/random-forest-mc.git
$ cd random-forest-mc
$ pip3 install .
## Usage:
Example of a full cycle using `titanic.csv`:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from random_forest_mc.model import RandomForestMC
from random_forest_mc.utils import LoadDicts, load_file_json, dump_file_json
dicts = LoadDicts("tests/")
dataset_dict = dicts.datasets_metadata
ds_name = "titanic"
params = dataset_dict[ds_name]
target_col = params["target_col"]
dataset = (
pd.read_csv(params["csv_path"])[params["ds_cols"] + [params["target_col"]]]
dataset["Age"] = dataset["Age"].astype(np.uint8)
dataset["SibSp"] = dataset["SibSp"].astype(np.uint8)
dataset["Pclass"] = dataset["Pclass"].astype(str)
dataset["Fare"] = dataset["Fare"].astype(np.uint32)
cls = RandomForestMC(
n_trees=8, target_col=target_col, max_discard_trees=4
cls.fit() # or with cls.fitParallel(max_workers=8)
y_test = dataset[params["target_col"]].to_list()
cls.setWeightedTrees(True) # predictions weighted by survive scores
y_pred = cls.testForest(dataset)
accuracy_hard = sum([v == p for v, p in zip(y_test, y_pred)]) / len(y_pred)
cls.setSoftVoting(True) # for predicitons using soft voting strategy
y_pred = cls.testForest(dataset)
accuracy_soft = sum([v == p for v, p in zip(y_test, y_pred)]) / len(y_pred)
# Simply predictions:
# One row
row = dataset.loc[0]
{'0': 0.75, '1': 0.25}
# Multiple rows (dataset)
['0', '1', ...]
# Get the probabilities:
{'0': 0.75, '1': 0.25},
{'0': 1.0, '1': 0.0},
{'0': 0.625, '1': 0.375}
# Works with missing values:
cols = list(dataset.columns)
ds = dataset[cols[:10]+['Class']]
row = ds.loc[0]
{'0': 0.75, '1': 0.25}
['0', '1', ...]
# Saving model:
ModelDict = cls.model2dict()
dump_file_json(path_dict, ModelDict)
del ModelDict
# Loading model
ModelDict = load_file_json(path_dict)
cls = RandomForestMC()
# Before run fit again, load dataset. Check if the features are the same!
row = dataset.loc[0]
# Feature counting (how much features in each tree):
cls.featCount() # or cls.sampleClassFeatCount(row, row[target_col])
(3.5, 0.5, 3, 4), # (mean, std, min, max)
[3, 4, 3, 4, 3, 4] # List of counting of features in each tree.
# Feature importance:
cls.featImportance() # or cls.sampleClassFeatImportance(row, row[target_col])
'feat 1': 0.900000,
'feat 2': 0.804688,
'feat 3': 0.398438,
# Permutation feature importance:
cls.featPairImportance() # or cls.sampleClassFeatPairImportance(row, row[target_col])
('feat 1', 'feat 2'): 0.12,
('feat 1', 'feat 3'): 0.13,
('feat 2', 'feat 3'): 0.23,
# Permutation feature importance in matrix (dataframe):
cls.featCorrDataFrame() # or cls.sampleClassFeatCorrDataFrame(row, row[target_col])
feat 1 feat 2 feat 3
feat 1 0.900000 0.120000 0.130000
feat 2 0.120000 0.804688 0.230000
feat 3 0.130000 0.230000 0.398438
# For merge different models (forests):
# Simply add all trees from cls2 in cls.
# Merge all trees from both models and keep the trees with scores within the top N survived scores.
cls.mergeForest(cls2, N, 'score')
# Merge all trees from both models and keep N random trees.
cls.mergeForest(cls2, N, 'random')
### Notes:
- Classes values must be converted to `str` before make predicts.
- `fit` always add new trees (keep the trees generated before).
### LoadDicts:
LoadDicts works loading all `JSON` files inside a given path, creating an object helper to use this files as dictionaries.
For example:
>>> from random_forest_mc.utils import LoadDicts
>>> # JSONs: path/data.json, path/metdada.json
>>> dicts = LoadDicts("path/")
>>> # you have: dicts.data and dicts.metdada as dictionaries
>>> # And a list of dictionaries loaded in:
>>> dicts.List
["data", "metdada"]
## Fundamentals:
- Based on Random Forest method principles: ensemble of models (decision trees).
- In bootstrap process:
- the data sampled ensure the balance between classes, for training and validation;
- the list of features used are randomly sampled (with random number of features and order).
- For each tree:
- fallowing the sequence of a given list of features, the data is splited half/half based on meadian value;
- the splitting process ends when the samples have one only class;
- validation process based on dynamic threshold can discard the tree.
- For use the forest:
- all trees predictions are combined as a vote;
- it is possible to use soft or hard-voting.
- Positive side-effects:
- possible more generalization caused by the combination of overfitted trees, each tree is highly specialized in a smallest and different set of feature;
- robustness for unbalanced and missing data, in case of missing data, the feature could be skipped without degrade the optimization process;
- in prediction process, a missing value could be dealt with a tree replication considering the two possible paths;
- the survived trees have a potential information about feature importance.
- Robust for mssing values in categorical features during prediction process.
### References
[2] [Laboratory of Decision Tree and Random Forest (`github/ysraell/random-forest-lab`)](https://github.com/ysraell/random-forest-lab). GitHub repository.
[3] Credit Card Fraud Detection. Anonymized credit card transactions labeled as fraudulent or genuine. Kaggle. Access: .
### Development Framework (optional)
- [My data science Docker image](https://github.com/ysraell/my-ds).
With this image you can run all notebooks and scripts Python inside this repository.
### TO-DO list.
For TO-DO list see `TODO.md`.
%autosetup -n random_forest_mc-1.0.3
install -d -m755 %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}
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find usr/bin -type f -printf "\"/%h/%f\"\n" >> filelist.lst
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%files help -f doclist.lst
* Tue Jun 20 2023 Python_Bot - 1.0.3-1
- Package Spec generated