%global _empty_manifest_terminate_build 0 Name: python-pydeequ Version: 1.0.1 Release: 1 Summary: PyDeequ - Unit Tests for Data License: Apache-2.0 URL: https://pydeequ.readthedocs.io Source0: https://mirrors.nju.edu.cn/pypi/web/packages/4e/80/904c35897312359b1f4119234de5979cd3772ed7e2a01bc9b5b059b68425/pydeequ-1.0.1.tar.gz BuildArch: noarch Requires: python3-numpy Requires: python3-pandas Requires: python3-pyspark %description # PyDeequ PyDeequ is a Python API for [Deequ](https://github.com/awslabs/deequ), a library built on top of Apache Spark for defining "unit tests for data", which measure data quality in large datasets. PyDeequ is written to support usage of Deequ in Python. [![License](https://img.shields.io/badge/License-Apache%202.0-blue.svg)](https://opensource.org/licenses/Apache-2.0) ![Coverage](https://img.shields.io/badge/coverage-90%25-green) There are 4 main components of Deequ, and they are: - Metrics Computation: - `Profiles` leverages Analyzers to analyze each column of a dataset. - `Analyzers` serve here as a foundational module that computes metrics for data profiling and validation at scale. - Constraint Suggestion: - Specify rules for various groups of Analyzers to be run over a dataset to return back a collection of constraints suggested to run in a Verification Suite. - Constraint Verification: - Perform data validation on a dataset with respect to various constraints set by you. - Metrics Repository - Allows for persistence and tracking of Deequ runs over time. ![](imgs/pydeequ_architecture.jpg) ## 🎉 Announcements 🎉 - With PyDeequ v0.1.8+, we now officially support Spark3 ! Just make sure you have an environment variable `SPARK_VERSION` to specify your Spark version! - We've release a blogpost on integrating PyDeequ onto AWS leveraging services such as AWS Glue, Athena, and SageMaker! Check it out: [Monitor data quality in your data lake using PyDeequ and AWS Glue](https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/monitor-data-quality-in-your-data-lake-using-pydeequ-and-aws-glue/). - Check out the [PyDeequ Release Announcement Blogpost](https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/testing-data-quality-at-scale-with-pydeequ/) with a tutorial walkthrough the Amazon Reviews dataset! - Join the PyDeequ community on [PyDeequ Slack](https://join.slack.com/t/pydeequ/shared_invite/zt-te6bntpu-yaqPy7bhiN8Lu0NxpZs47Q) to chat with the devs! ## Quickstart The following will quickstart you with some basic usage. For more in-depth examples, take a look in the [`tutorials/`](tutorials/) directory for executable Jupyter notebooks of each module. For documentation on supported interfaces, view the [`documentation`](https://pydeequ.readthedocs.io/). ### Installation You can install [PyDeequ via pip](https://pypi.org/project/pydeequ/). ``` pip install pydeequ ``` ### Set up a PySpark session ```python from pyspark.sql import SparkSession, Row import pydeequ spark = (SparkSession .builder .config("spark.jars.packages", pydeequ.deequ_maven_coord) .config("spark.jars.excludes", pydeequ.f2j_maven_coord) .getOrCreate()) df = spark.sparkContext.parallelize([ Row(a="foo", b=1, c=5), Row(a="bar", b=2, c=6), Row(a="baz", b=3, c=None)]).toDF() ``` ### Analyzers ```python from pydeequ.analyzers import * analysisResult = AnalysisRunner(spark) \ .onData(df) \ .addAnalyzer(Size()) \ .addAnalyzer(Completeness("b")) \ .run() analysisResult_df = AnalyzerContext.successMetricsAsDataFrame(spark, analysisResult) analysisResult_df.show() ``` ### Profile ```python from pydeequ.profiles import * result = ColumnProfilerRunner(spark) \ .onData(df) \ .run() for col, profile in result.profiles.items(): print(profile) ``` ### Constraint Suggestions ```python from pydeequ.suggestions import * suggestionResult = ConstraintSuggestionRunner(spark) \ .onData(df) \ .addConstraintRule(DEFAULT()) \ .run() # Constraint Suggestions in JSON format print(suggestionResult) ``` ### Constraint Verification ```python from pydeequ.checks import * from pydeequ.verification import * check = Check(spark, CheckLevel.Warning, "Review Check") checkResult = VerificationSuite(spark) \ .onData(df) \ .addCheck( check.hasSize(lambda x: x >= 3) \ .hasMin("b", lambda x: x == 0) \ .isComplete("c") \ .isUnique("a") \ .isContainedIn("a", ["foo", "bar", "baz"]) \ .isNonNegative("b")) \ .run() checkResult_df = VerificationResult.checkResultsAsDataFrame(spark, checkResult) checkResult_df.show() ``` ### Repository Save to a Metrics Repository by adding the `useRepository()` and `saveOrAppendResult()` calls to your Analysis Runner. ```python from pydeequ.repository import * from pydeequ.analyzers import * metrics_file = FileSystemMetricsRepository.helper_metrics_file(spark, 'metrics.json') repository = FileSystemMetricsRepository(spark, metrics_file) key_tags = {'tag': 'pydeequ hello world'} resultKey = ResultKey(spark, ResultKey.current_milli_time(), key_tags) analysisResult = AnalysisRunner(spark) \ .onData(df) \ .addAnalyzer(ApproxCountDistinct('b')) \ .useRepository(repository) \ .saveOrAppendResult(resultKey) \ .run() ``` To load previous runs, use the `repository` object to load previous results back in. ```python result_metrep_df = repository.load() \ .before(ResultKey.current_milli_time()) \ .forAnalyzers([ApproxCountDistinct('b')]) \ .getSuccessMetricsAsDataFrame() ``` ## [Contributing](https://github.com/awslabs/python-deequ/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md) Please refer to the [contributing doc](https://github.com/awslabs/python-deequ/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md) for how to contribute to PyDeequ. ## [License](https://github.com/awslabs/python-deequ/blob/master/LICENSE) This library is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License. ****** ## Contributing Developer Setup 1. Setup [SDKMAN](#setup-sdkman) 1. Setup [Java](#setup-java) 1. Setup [Apache Spark](#setup-apache-spark) 1. Install [Poetry](#poetry) 1. Run [tests locally](#running-tests-locally) ### Setup SDKMAN SDKMAN is a tool for managing parallel Versions of multiple Software Development Kits on any Unix based system. It provides a convenient command line interface for installing, switching, removing and listing Candidates. SDKMAN! installs smoothly on Mac OSX, Linux, WSL, Cygwin, etc... Support Bash and ZSH shells. See documentation on the [SDKMAN! website](https://sdkman.io). Open your favourite terminal and enter the following: ```bash $ curl -s https://get.sdkman.io | bash If the environment needs tweaking for SDKMAN to be installed, the installer will prompt you accordingly and ask you to restart. Next, open a new terminal or enter: $ source "$HOME/.sdkman/bin/sdkman-init.sh" Lastly, run the following code snippet to ensure that installation succeeded: $ sdk version ``` ### Setup Java Install Java Now open favourite terminal and enter the following: ```bash List the AdoptOpenJDK OpenJDK versions $ sdk list java To install For Java 11 $ sdk install java 11.0.10.hs-adpt To install For Java 11 $ sdk install java 8.0.292.hs-adpt ``` ### Setup Apache Spark Install Java Now open favourite terminal and enter the following: ```bash List the Apache Spark versions: $ sdk list spark To install For Spark 3 $ sdk install spark 3.0.2 ``` ### Poetry Poetry [Commands](https://python-poetry.org/docs/cli/#search) ```bash poetry install poetry update # --tree: List the dependencies as a tree. # --latest (-l): Show the latest version. # --outdated (-o): Show the latest version but only for packages that are outdated. poetry show -o ``` ## Running Tests Locally Take a look at tests in `tests/dataquality` and `tests/jobs` ```bash $ poetry run pytest ``` %package -n python3-pydeequ Summary: PyDeequ - Unit Tests for Data Provides: python-pydeequ BuildRequires: python3-devel BuildRequires: python3-setuptools BuildRequires: python3-pip %description -n python3-pydeequ # PyDeequ PyDeequ is a Python API for [Deequ](https://github.com/awslabs/deequ), a library built on top of Apache Spark for defining "unit tests for data", which measure data quality in large datasets. PyDeequ is written to support usage of Deequ in Python. [![License](https://img.shields.io/badge/License-Apache%202.0-blue.svg)](https://opensource.org/licenses/Apache-2.0) ![Coverage](https://img.shields.io/badge/coverage-90%25-green) There are 4 main components of Deequ, and they are: - Metrics Computation: - `Profiles` leverages Analyzers to analyze each column of a dataset. - `Analyzers` serve here as a foundational module that computes metrics for data profiling and validation at scale. - Constraint Suggestion: - Specify rules for various groups of Analyzers to be run over a dataset to return back a collection of constraints suggested to run in a Verification Suite. - Constraint Verification: - Perform data validation on a dataset with respect to various constraints set by you. - Metrics Repository - Allows for persistence and tracking of Deequ runs over time. ![](imgs/pydeequ_architecture.jpg) ## 🎉 Announcements 🎉 - With PyDeequ v0.1.8+, we now officially support Spark3 ! Just make sure you have an environment variable `SPARK_VERSION` to specify your Spark version! - We've release a blogpost on integrating PyDeequ onto AWS leveraging services such as AWS Glue, Athena, and SageMaker! Check it out: [Monitor data quality in your data lake using PyDeequ and AWS Glue](https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/monitor-data-quality-in-your-data-lake-using-pydeequ-and-aws-glue/). - Check out the [PyDeequ Release Announcement Blogpost](https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/testing-data-quality-at-scale-with-pydeequ/) with a tutorial walkthrough the Amazon Reviews dataset! - Join the PyDeequ community on [PyDeequ Slack](https://join.slack.com/t/pydeequ/shared_invite/zt-te6bntpu-yaqPy7bhiN8Lu0NxpZs47Q) to chat with the devs! ## Quickstart The following will quickstart you with some basic usage. For more in-depth examples, take a look in the [`tutorials/`](tutorials/) directory for executable Jupyter notebooks of each module. For documentation on supported interfaces, view the [`documentation`](https://pydeequ.readthedocs.io/). ### Installation You can install [PyDeequ via pip](https://pypi.org/project/pydeequ/). ``` pip install pydeequ ``` ### Set up a PySpark session ```python from pyspark.sql import SparkSession, Row import pydeequ spark = (SparkSession .builder .config("spark.jars.packages", pydeequ.deequ_maven_coord) .config("spark.jars.excludes", pydeequ.f2j_maven_coord) .getOrCreate()) df = spark.sparkContext.parallelize([ Row(a="foo", b=1, c=5), Row(a="bar", b=2, c=6), Row(a="baz", b=3, c=None)]).toDF() ``` ### Analyzers ```python from pydeequ.analyzers import * analysisResult = AnalysisRunner(spark) \ .onData(df) \ .addAnalyzer(Size()) \ .addAnalyzer(Completeness("b")) \ .run() analysisResult_df = AnalyzerContext.successMetricsAsDataFrame(spark, analysisResult) analysisResult_df.show() ``` ### Profile ```python from pydeequ.profiles import * result = ColumnProfilerRunner(spark) \ .onData(df) \ .run() for col, profile in result.profiles.items(): print(profile) ``` ### Constraint Suggestions ```python from pydeequ.suggestions import * suggestionResult = ConstraintSuggestionRunner(spark) \ .onData(df) \ .addConstraintRule(DEFAULT()) \ .run() # Constraint Suggestions in JSON format print(suggestionResult) ``` ### Constraint Verification ```python from pydeequ.checks import * from pydeequ.verification import * check = Check(spark, CheckLevel.Warning, "Review Check") checkResult = VerificationSuite(spark) \ .onData(df) \ .addCheck( check.hasSize(lambda x: x >= 3) \ .hasMin("b", lambda x: x == 0) \ .isComplete("c") \ .isUnique("a") \ .isContainedIn("a", ["foo", "bar", "baz"]) \ .isNonNegative("b")) \ .run() checkResult_df = VerificationResult.checkResultsAsDataFrame(spark, checkResult) checkResult_df.show() ``` ### Repository Save to a Metrics Repository by adding the `useRepository()` and `saveOrAppendResult()` calls to your Analysis Runner. ```python from pydeequ.repository import * from pydeequ.analyzers import * metrics_file = FileSystemMetricsRepository.helper_metrics_file(spark, 'metrics.json') repository = FileSystemMetricsRepository(spark, metrics_file) key_tags = {'tag': 'pydeequ hello world'} resultKey = ResultKey(spark, ResultKey.current_milli_time(), key_tags) analysisResult = AnalysisRunner(spark) \ .onData(df) \ .addAnalyzer(ApproxCountDistinct('b')) \ .useRepository(repository) \ .saveOrAppendResult(resultKey) \ .run() ``` To load previous runs, use the `repository` object to load previous results back in. ```python result_metrep_df = repository.load() \ .before(ResultKey.current_milli_time()) \ .forAnalyzers([ApproxCountDistinct('b')]) \ .getSuccessMetricsAsDataFrame() ``` ## [Contributing](https://github.com/awslabs/python-deequ/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md) Please refer to the [contributing doc](https://github.com/awslabs/python-deequ/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md) for how to contribute to PyDeequ. ## [License](https://github.com/awslabs/python-deequ/blob/master/LICENSE) This library is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License. ****** ## Contributing Developer Setup 1. Setup [SDKMAN](#setup-sdkman) 1. Setup [Java](#setup-java) 1. Setup [Apache Spark](#setup-apache-spark) 1. Install [Poetry](#poetry) 1. Run [tests locally](#running-tests-locally) ### Setup SDKMAN SDKMAN is a tool for managing parallel Versions of multiple Software Development Kits on any Unix based system. It provides a convenient command line interface for installing, switching, removing and listing Candidates. SDKMAN! installs smoothly on Mac OSX, Linux, WSL, Cygwin, etc... Support Bash and ZSH shells. See documentation on the [SDKMAN! website](https://sdkman.io). Open your favourite terminal and enter the following: ```bash $ curl -s https://get.sdkman.io | bash If the environment needs tweaking for SDKMAN to be installed, the installer will prompt you accordingly and ask you to restart. Next, open a new terminal or enter: $ source "$HOME/.sdkman/bin/sdkman-init.sh" Lastly, run the following code snippet to ensure that installation succeeded: $ sdk version ``` ### Setup Java Install Java Now open favourite terminal and enter the following: ```bash List the AdoptOpenJDK OpenJDK versions $ sdk list java To install For Java 11 $ sdk install java 11.0.10.hs-adpt To install For Java 11 $ sdk install java 8.0.292.hs-adpt ``` ### Setup Apache Spark Install Java Now open favourite terminal and enter the following: ```bash List the Apache Spark versions: $ sdk list spark To install For Spark 3 $ sdk install spark 3.0.2 ``` ### Poetry Poetry [Commands](https://python-poetry.org/docs/cli/#search) ```bash poetry install poetry update # --tree: List the dependencies as a tree. # --latest (-l): Show the latest version. # --outdated (-o): Show the latest version but only for packages that are outdated. poetry show -o ``` ## Running Tests Locally Take a look at tests in `tests/dataquality` and `tests/jobs` ```bash $ poetry run pytest ``` %package help Summary: Development documents and examples for pydeequ Provides: python3-pydeequ-doc %description help # PyDeequ PyDeequ is a Python API for [Deequ](https://github.com/awslabs/deequ), a library built on top of Apache Spark for defining "unit tests for data", which measure data quality in large datasets. PyDeequ is written to support usage of Deequ in Python. [![License](https://img.shields.io/badge/License-Apache%202.0-blue.svg)](https://opensource.org/licenses/Apache-2.0) ![Coverage](https://img.shields.io/badge/coverage-90%25-green) There are 4 main components of Deequ, and they are: - Metrics Computation: - `Profiles` leverages Analyzers to analyze each column of a dataset. - `Analyzers` serve here as a foundational module that computes metrics for data profiling and validation at scale. - Constraint Suggestion: - Specify rules for various groups of Analyzers to be run over a dataset to return back a collection of constraints suggested to run in a Verification Suite. - Constraint Verification: - Perform data validation on a dataset with respect to various constraints set by you. - Metrics Repository - Allows for persistence and tracking of Deequ runs over time. ![](imgs/pydeequ_architecture.jpg) ## 🎉 Announcements 🎉 - With PyDeequ v0.1.8+, we now officially support Spark3 ! Just make sure you have an environment variable `SPARK_VERSION` to specify your Spark version! - We've release a blogpost on integrating PyDeequ onto AWS leveraging services such as AWS Glue, Athena, and SageMaker! Check it out: [Monitor data quality in your data lake using PyDeequ and AWS Glue](https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/monitor-data-quality-in-your-data-lake-using-pydeequ-and-aws-glue/). - Check out the [PyDeequ Release Announcement Blogpost](https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/testing-data-quality-at-scale-with-pydeequ/) with a tutorial walkthrough the Amazon Reviews dataset! - Join the PyDeequ community on [PyDeequ Slack](https://join.slack.com/t/pydeequ/shared_invite/zt-te6bntpu-yaqPy7bhiN8Lu0NxpZs47Q) to chat with the devs! ## Quickstart The following will quickstart you with some basic usage. For more in-depth examples, take a look in the [`tutorials/`](tutorials/) directory for executable Jupyter notebooks of each module. For documentation on supported interfaces, view the [`documentation`](https://pydeequ.readthedocs.io/). ### Installation You can install [PyDeequ via pip](https://pypi.org/project/pydeequ/). ``` pip install pydeequ ``` ### Set up a PySpark session ```python from pyspark.sql import SparkSession, Row import pydeequ spark = (SparkSession .builder .config("spark.jars.packages", pydeequ.deequ_maven_coord) .config("spark.jars.excludes", pydeequ.f2j_maven_coord) .getOrCreate()) df = spark.sparkContext.parallelize([ Row(a="foo", b=1, c=5), Row(a="bar", b=2, c=6), Row(a="baz", b=3, c=None)]).toDF() ``` ### Analyzers ```python from pydeequ.analyzers import * analysisResult = AnalysisRunner(spark) \ .onData(df) \ .addAnalyzer(Size()) \ .addAnalyzer(Completeness("b")) \ .run() analysisResult_df = AnalyzerContext.successMetricsAsDataFrame(spark, analysisResult) analysisResult_df.show() ``` ### Profile ```python from pydeequ.profiles import * result = ColumnProfilerRunner(spark) \ .onData(df) \ .run() for col, profile in result.profiles.items(): print(profile) ``` ### Constraint Suggestions ```python from pydeequ.suggestions import * suggestionResult = ConstraintSuggestionRunner(spark) \ .onData(df) \ .addConstraintRule(DEFAULT()) \ .run() # Constraint Suggestions in JSON format print(suggestionResult) ``` ### Constraint Verification ```python from pydeequ.checks import * from pydeequ.verification import * check = Check(spark, CheckLevel.Warning, "Review Check") checkResult = VerificationSuite(spark) \ .onData(df) \ .addCheck( check.hasSize(lambda x: x >= 3) \ .hasMin("b", lambda x: x == 0) \ .isComplete("c") \ .isUnique("a") \ .isContainedIn("a", ["foo", "bar", "baz"]) \ .isNonNegative("b")) \ .run() checkResult_df = VerificationResult.checkResultsAsDataFrame(spark, checkResult) checkResult_df.show() ``` ### Repository Save to a Metrics Repository by adding the `useRepository()` and `saveOrAppendResult()` calls to your Analysis Runner. ```python from pydeequ.repository import * from pydeequ.analyzers import * metrics_file = FileSystemMetricsRepository.helper_metrics_file(spark, 'metrics.json') repository = FileSystemMetricsRepository(spark, metrics_file) key_tags = {'tag': 'pydeequ hello world'} resultKey = ResultKey(spark, ResultKey.current_milli_time(), key_tags) analysisResult = AnalysisRunner(spark) \ .onData(df) \ .addAnalyzer(ApproxCountDistinct('b')) \ .useRepository(repository) \ .saveOrAppendResult(resultKey) \ .run() ``` To load previous runs, use the `repository` object to load previous results back in. ```python result_metrep_df = repository.load() \ .before(ResultKey.current_milli_time()) \ .forAnalyzers([ApproxCountDistinct('b')]) \ .getSuccessMetricsAsDataFrame() ``` ## [Contributing](https://github.com/awslabs/python-deequ/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md) Please refer to the [contributing doc](https://github.com/awslabs/python-deequ/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md) for how to contribute to PyDeequ. ## [License](https://github.com/awslabs/python-deequ/blob/master/LICENSE) This library is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License. ****** ## Contributing Developer Setup 1. Setup [SDKMAN](#setup-sdkman) 1. Setup [Java](#setup-java) 1. Setup [Apache Spark](#setup-apache-spark) 1. Install [Poetry](#poetry) 1. Run [tests locally](#running-tests-locally) ### Setup SDKMAN SDKMAN is a tool for managing parallel Versions of multiple Software Development Kits on any Unix based system. It provides a convenient command line interface for installing, switching, removing and listing Candidates. SDKMAN! installs smoothly on Mac OSX, Linux, WSL, Cygwin, etc... Support Bash and ZSH shells. See documentation on the [SDKMAN! website](https://sdkman.io). Open your favourite terminal and enter the following: ```bash $ curl -s https://get.sdkman.io | bash If the environment needs tweaking for SDKMAN to be installed, the installer will prompt you accordingly and ask you to restart. Next, open a new terminal or enter: $ source "$HOME/.sdkman/bin/sdkman-init.sh" Lastly, run the following code snippet to ensure that installation succeeded: $ sdk version ``` ### Setup Java Install Java Now open favourite terminal and enter the following: ```bash List the AdoptOpenJDK OpenJDK versions $ sdk list java To install For Java 11 $ sdk install java 11.0.10.hs-adpt To install For Java 11 $ sdk install java 8.0.292.hs-adpt ``` ### Setup Apache Spark Install Java Now open favourite terminal and enter the following: ```bash List the Apache Spark versions: $ sdk list spark To install For Spark 3 $ sdk install spark 3.0.2 ``` ### Poetry Poetry [Commands](https://python-poetry.org/docs/cli/#search) ```bash poetry install poetry update # --tree: List the dependencies as a tree. # --latest (-l): Show the latest version. # --outdated (-o): Show the latest version but only for packages that are outdated. poetry show -o ``` ## Running Tests Locally Take a look at tests in `tests/dataquality` and `tests/jobs` ```bash $ poetry run pytest ``` %prep %autosetup -n pydeequ-1.0.1 %build %py3_build %install %py3_install install -d -m755 %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir} if [ -d doc ]; then cp -arf doc %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi if [ -d docs ]; then cp -arf docs %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi if [ -d example ]; then cp -arf example %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi if [ -d examples ]; then cp -arf examples %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi pushd %{buildroot} if [ -d usr/lib ]; then find usr/lib -type f -printf "/%h/%f\n" >> filelist.lst fi if [ -d usr/lib64 ]; then find usr/lib64 -type f -printf "/%h/%f\n" >> filelist.lst fi if [ -d usr/bin ]; then find usr/bin -type f -printf "/%h/%f\n" >> filelist.lst fi if [ -d usr/sbin ]; then find usr/sbin -type f -printf "/%h/%f\n" >> filelist.lst fi touch doclist.lst if [ -d usr/share/man ]; then find usr/share/man -type f -printf "/%h/%f.gz\n" >> doclist.lst fi popd mv %{buildroot}/filelist.lst . mv %{buildroot}/doclist.lst . %files -n python3-pydeequ -f filelist.lst %dir %{python3_sitelib}/* %files help -f doclist.lst %{_docdir}/* %changelog * Mon Apr 10 2023 Python_Bot - 1.0.1-1 - Package Spec generated