%global _empty_manifest_terminate_build 0 Name: python-pigar Version: 2.0.6 Release: 1 Summary: A fantastic tool to generate requirements for your Python project, and more than that. License: The BSD 3-Clause License URL: https://github.com/damnever/pigar Source0: https://mirrors.nju.edu.cn/pypi/web/packages/64/4b/fb7d492598ded1b8f9d98d1c070fe92ee821d5d34d0f478d5fd31bf0e8c7/pigar-2.0.6.tar.gz BuildArch: noarch Requires: python3-click Requires: python3-nbformat Requires: python3-aiohttp %description - Generating requirements.txt for Python project. - Handling the difference between different Python versions. - Jupyter notebook (`*.ipynb`) support. - Including the import statements/magic from ``exec``/``eval``/``importlib``, doctest of docstring, etc. - Searching ditributions(packages) by the top level import/module names. - Checking the latest versions of requirements. Note that pigar is not a package management tool. You can find more information on [GitHub](https://github.com/damnever/pigar). ### Change Logs #### Version 2.0.6 (2023.03.06) See what’s changed in detail [between v2.0.5 and v2.0.6](https://github.com/damnever/pigar/compare/v2.0.5...v2.0.6). #### Version 2.0.5 (2023.01.12) See what’s changed in detail [between v2.0.4 and v2.0.5](https://github.com/damnever/pigar/compare/v2.0.4...v2.0.5). #### Version 2.0.4 (2022.12.22) See what’s changed in detail [between v2.0.3 and v2.0.4](https://github.com/damnever/pigar/compare/v2.0.3...v2.0.4). #### Version 2.0.3 (2022.12.15) - Bump certifi from 2022.9.24 to 2022.12.7 (ref: https://github.com/advisories/GHSA-43fp-rhv2-5gv8) - Fixed os.path.commonpath raises ValueError for different drives. See what’s changed in detail [between v2.0.2 and v2.0.3](https://github.com/damnever/pigar/compare/v2.0.2...v2.0.3). #### Version 2.0.2 (2022.12.04) - Ignore absolute path in [distributions' installed files](https://peps.python.org/pep-0627/#clarifications-in-the-record-file). - Ignore vcs exception when parsing information for EggInfoDistribution. - Sort searched results, print unknown if version not found. - Fix dirty records in the index database. #### Version 2.0.1 (2022.12.03) Make absolute import more reliable by searching parent directory as well. #### Version 2.0.0 (2022.12.02) This version has changed a lot of things, most of them are **BREAKING CHANGE**s! - **Dropped support for Python versions older than 3.7.** - **Redesigned the command line interface.** - `pigar generate` to generate requirements.txt. - `pigar search` to search packages/distributions by the top level module names. - `pigar check` to check the latest versions of requirements. - `pigar -h` to explore more. - `pigar` accepts a prefix for a command, such as `pigar gen`, `pigar c`. - **Refactored a lot of code and interfaces.** - [Vendoring](https://github.com/pradyunsg/vendoring) the [pip](https://github.com/pypa/pip) to access more sophisticated utilities(`pip` named it's module as `_internal` so vendoring technology is introduced). - Fixed a lot of issues when parsing the requirements file, e.g. [#113](https://github.com/damnever/pigar/issues/113). - Fixed the issues for editable requirements, e.g. [#60](https://github.com/damnever/pigar/issues/60). - Tweaked some default actions and introduced more options for better user experience. - `pigar` will ask user to choose the right packages/distributions if `pigar` has found multiple packages/distributions for the same module names. With `--auto-select` enabled, `pigar` will guess the best matched one or choose all possible packages/distributions automatically. - Added an option `--dry-run` which allows `pigar` to not write a requirements.txt file, just print it. - Added an option `--follow-symbolic-links/--dont-follow-symbolic-links` to let user decide whether to follow the symbolic links, fixed [#89](https://github.com/damnever/pigar/issues/89). - Added an option `-i/--index-url` to allow the custom URL of the Python Package Index, fixed [#52](https://github.com/damnever/pigar/issues/52). - Removed the spaces from requirements specifier, fixed [#86](https://github.com/damnever/pigar/issues/86). - Added an option `--show-differences/--dont-show-differences` to enable or disable showing the differences when the requirements file is overwritten. - Introduced `asyncio` to synchronize distributions' metadata with the PyPI, the process is much faster now. - Refactored the code to make the index database more reliable. - Add unique contstraints to avoid duplicate records, fixed [#119](https://github.com/damnever/pigar/issues/119). - Store versions in the database to do incremental index synchronization. #### Version 1.0.2 (2022.11.12) - Fix requirements list in setup.py [#122](https://github.com/damnever/pigar/pull/122). #### Version 1.0.1 (2022.11.12) - Support `*.ipynb` magics and shell command, fixed [#87](https://github.com/damnever/pigar/issues/87). See [#102](https://github.com/damnever/pigar/pull/102), [#117](https://github.com/damnever/pigar/pull/117), [#118](https://github.com/damnever/pigar/pull/118) for details. - Parse requirements file with the more sophisticated utility, fixed [#48](https://github.com/damnever/pigar/issues/48), [#113](https://github.com/damnever/pigar/issues/113). See [#115](https://github.com/damnever/pigar/pull/115) for details. - Fixed [#99](https://github.com/damnever/pigar/issues/99), continue if a local package isn't exists. See [#107](https://github.com/damnever/pigar/pull/107) for details. - Fixed too many values to unpack error when parsing git config. See [#97](https://github.com/damnever/pigar/pull/97) for details. #### Version 1.0.0 (2022.06.22) - **BREAKING CHANGE:** Disable the comments which contain filenames and line numbers by default, use `--with-referenced-comments` to enable this feature. - Skip if local package (edit-mode project) not found, fixed [#99]((https://github.com/damnever/pigar/issues/61)). #### Version 0.10.0 (2020.03.14) - Refactored the main logic, **the interface has been changed**, be careful if you are using `pigar` as a library. - Handle the HTTP error, fixed [#61](https://github.com/damnever/pigar/issues/61). - Ignore local packages quietly, fixed [#47](https://github.com/damnever/pigar/issues/47), [#58](https://github.com/damnever/pigar/issues/58) and [#65](https://github.com/damnever/pigar/issues/65). Thank [@bganglia](https://github.com/bganglia) for the following contributions: - Add Jupyter notebook(`.ipynb`) support, refer to [#69](https://github.com/damnever/pigar/issues/69). - Option to turn off filenames and line numbers in requirements.txt, refer to [#65](https://github.com/damnever/pigar/issues/65). - Fix check path, refer to [#64](https://github.com/damnever/pigar/issues/64). - And [more](https://github.com/damnever/pigar/pulls?q=is%3Apr+author%3Abganglia). #### Version 0.9.2 (2019.04.11) - Make version comparison operator configurable, fixed [#37](https://github.com/damnever/pigar/issues/37) #### Version 0.9.1 (2019.02.17) - Fixed potential security vulnerabilities by updating requests. - Fixed [#49](https://github.com/damnever/pigar/issues/49) #### Version 0.9.0 (2018.08.12) - Reuse connections. - Update database. - Fixed [#44](https://github.com/damnever/pigar/issues/44) #### Version 0.7.2 (2018.04.24) - Use https://pypi.org/ - Fixed [#41](https://github.com/damnever/pigar/issues/41) #### Version 0.7.1 (2017.11.07) - Fixed [#34](https://github.com/damnever/pigar/issues/34) #### Version 0.7.0 (2017.07.03) - Fixed the .egg suffix which caused by sudo pip install ... on Ubuntu. - Workaround for special packages, such as [#29](https://github.com/damnever/pigar/issues/34) #### Version 0.6.10 (2016.06.17) - Fixed [#26](https://github.com/damnever/pigar/issues/26) - Fixed relative import issue. #### Version 0.6.9 (2016.05.08) - Fixed ImportError. #### Version 0.6.8 (2016.05.08) - Supported flask extension. - Sorted requirements. - Use gevent if possible. #### Version 0.6.7 (2015.12.13) - If modules in the `try...except...` block, assume they are optional. #### Version 0.6.6 (2015.11.22) - Fixed IndexError. #### Version 0.6.5 (2015.11.22) - Fixed AttributeError. - Fixed PEP8 warning. #### Version 0.6.4 (2015.11.22) - Removed useless code. - Cache modules, to avoid duplication of inspection. Thank [@spacewander](https://github.com/spacewander) for the following contributions: - Fixed error for Python 2.7.6. - Fixed error when using './xxx' as relative path. - Support `importlib.import_module` and `__import__`. #### Version 0.6.3 (2015.11.09) - Sort files, make comments more clearer. - Fixed grammar, to make the README clearer. Thank [@roryokane](https://github.com/roryokane) and [@flyingfisch](https://github.com/flyingfisch). - Make it work with `python -m pigar`. Thank [@lilydjwg](https://github.com/lilydjwg). - Fixed the pep8 warnings: [#15](https://github.com/damnever/pigar/pull/15). - Make output more clearer: [#12](https://github.com/damnever/pigar/issues/12). - Fixed UnicodeDecodeError for Python 3. #### Version 0.6.2 (2015.11.05) - If requirements file is overwritten over, show difference between old and new. - Adjust the structure of the code. #### Version 0.6.1 (2015.11.03) - Fixed typo. - Follow symlinks. #### Version 0.6.0 (2015.10.30) - Enhancement: issue [#7](https://github.com/damnever/pigar/issues/7), show imported module come from which files. - Consider package installed via Git. - Add command "-i", used to ignore a list of directory. #### Version 0.5.5 (2015.10.21) - Fixed issue [#2](https://github.com/damnever/pigar/issues/2) , [#3](https://github.com/damnever/pigar/issues/3) , [#4](https://github.com/damnever/pigar/issues/4) , [#5](https://github.com/damnever/pigar/issues/5). #### Version 0.5.2-0.5.4 (2015.10.6) - Fixed issue [#1](https://github.com/damnever/pigar/issues/1). - Make version compare more effective. - Removed useless code. #### Version 0.5.1 (2015.10.01) - Available in PyPI(https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pigar). - Generate requirements for Python project. - Can consider different for different Python versions. - Search package names by imported names. %package -n python3-pigar Summary: A fantastic tool to generate requirements for your Python project, and more than that. Provides: python-pigar BuildRequires: python3-devel BuildRequires: python3-setuptools BuildRequires: python3-pip %description -n python3-pigar - Generating requirements.txt for Python project. - Handling the difference between different Python versions. - Jupyter notebook (`*.ipynb`) support. - Including the import statements/magic from ``exec``/``eval``/``importlib``, doctest of docstring, etc. - Searching ditributions(packages) by the top level import/module names. - Checking the latest versions of requirements. Note that pigar is not a package management tool. You can find more information on [GitHub](https://github.com/damnever/pigar). ### Change Logs #### Version 2.0.6 (2023.03.06) See what’s changed in detail [between v2.0.5 and v2.0.6](https://github.com/damnever/pigar/compare/v2.0.5...v2.0.6). #### Version 2.0.5 (2023.01.12) See what’s changed in detail [between v2.0.4 and v2.0.5](https://github.com/damnever/pigar/compare/v2.0.4...v2.0.5). #### Version 2.0.4 (2022.12.22) See what’s changed in detail [between v2.0.3 and v2.0.4](https://github.com/damnever/pigar/compare/v2.0.3...v2.0.4). #### Version 2.0.3 (2022.12.15) - Bump certifi from 2022.9.24 to 2022.12.7 (ref: https://github.com/advisories/GHSA-43fp-rhv2-5gv8) - Fixed os.path.commonpath raises ValueError for different drives. See what’s changed in detail [between v2.0.2 and v2.0.3](https://github.com/damnever/pigar/compare/v2.0.2...v2.0.3). #### Version 2.0.2 (2022.12.04) - Ignore absolute path in [distributions' installed files](https://peps.python.org/pep-0627/#clarifications-in-the-record-file). - Ignore vcs exception when parsing information for EggInfoDistribution. - Sort searched results, print unknown if version not found. - Fix dirty records in the index database. #### Version 2.0.1 (2022.12.03) Make absolute import more reliable by searching parent directory as well. #### Version 2.0.0 (2022.12.02) This version has changed a lot of things, most of them are **BREAKING CHANGE**s! - **Dropped support for Python versions older than 3.7.** - **Redesigned the command line interface.** - `pigar generate` to generate requirements.txt. - `pigar search` to search packages/distributions by the top level module names. - `pigar check` to check the latest versions of requirements. - `pigar -h` to explore more. - `pigar` accepts a prefix for a command, such as `pigar gen`, `pigar c`. - **Refactored a lot of code and interfaces.** - [Vendoring](https://github.com/pradyunsg/vendoring) the [pip](https://github.com/pypa/pip) to access more sophisticated utilities(`pip` named it's module as `_internal` so vendoring technology is introduced). - Fixed a lot of issues when parsing the requirements file, e.g. [#113](https://github.com/damnever/pigar/issues/113). - Fixed the issues for editable requirements, e.g. [#60](https://github.com/damnever/pigar/issues/60). - Tweaked some default actions and introduced more options for better user experience. - `pigar` will ask user to choose the right packages/distributions if `pigar` has found multiple packages/distributions for the same module names. With `--auto-select` enabled, `pigar` will guess the best matched one or choose all possible packages/distributions automatically. - Added an option `--dry-run` which allows `pigar` to not write a requirements.txt file, just print it. - Added an option `--follow-symbolic-links/--dont-follow-symbolic-links` to let user decide whether to follow the symbolic links, fixed [#89](https://github.com/damnever/pigar/issues/89). - Added an option `-i/--index-url` to allow the custom URL of the Python Package Index, fixed [#52](https://github.com/damnever/pigar/issues/52). - Removed the spaces from requirements specifier, fixed [#86](https://github.com/damnever/pigar/issues/86). - Added an option `--show-differences/--dont-show-differences` to enable or disable showing the differences when the requirements file is overwritten. - Introduced `asyncio` to synchronize distributions' metadata with the PyPI, the process is much faster now. - Refactored the code to make the index database more reliable. - Add unique contstraints to avoid duplicate records, fixed [#119](https://github.com/damnever/pigar/issues/119). - Store versions in the database to do incremental index synchronization. #### Version 1.0.2 (2022.11.12) - Fix requirements list in setup.py [#122](https://github.com/damnever/pigar/pull/122). #### Version 1.0.1 (2022.11.12) - Support `*.ipynb` magics and shell command, fixed [#87](https://github.com/damnever/pigar/issues/87). See [#102](https://github.com/damnever/pigar/pull/102), [#117](https://github.com/damnever/pigar/pull/117), [#118](https://github.com/damnever/pigar/pull/118) for details. - Parse requirements file with the more sophisticated utility, fixed [#48](https://github.com/damnever/pigar/issues/48), [#113](https://github.com/damnever/pigar/issues/113). See [#115](https://github.com/damnever/pigar/pull/115) for details. - Fixed [#99](https://github.com/damnever/pigar/issues/99), continue if a local package isn't exists. See [#107](https://github.com/damnever/pigar/pull/107) for details. - Fixed too many values to unpack error when parsing git config. See [#97](https://github.com/damnever/pigar/pull/97) for details. #### Version 1.0.0 (2022.06.22) - **BREAKING CHANGE:** Disable the comments which contain filenames and line numbers by default, use `--with-referenced-comments` to enable this feature. - Skip if local package (edit-mode project) not found, fixed [#99]((https://github.com/damnever/pigar/issues/61)). #### Version 0.10.0 (2020.03.14) - Refactored the main logic, **the interface has been changed**, be careful if you are using `pigar` as a library. - Handle the HTTP error, fixed [#61](https://github.com/damnever/pigar/issues/61). - Ignore local packages quietly, fixed [#47](https://github.com/damnever/pigar/issues/47), [#58](https://github.com/damnever/pigar/issues/58) and [#65](https://github.com/damnever/pigar/issues/65). Thank [@bganglia](https://github.com/bganglia) for the following contributions: - Add Jupyter notebook(`.ipynb`) support, refer to [#69](https://github.com/damnever/pigar/issues/69). - Option to turn off filenames and line numbers in requirements.txt, refer to [#65](https://github.com/damnever/pigar/issues/65). - Fix check path, refer to [#64](https://github.com/damnever/pigar/issues/64). - And [more](https://github.com/damnever/pigar/pulls?q=is%3Apr+author%3Abganglia). #### Version 0.9.2 (2019.04.11) - Make version comparison operator configurable, fixed [#37](https://github.com/damnever/pigar/issues/37) #### Version 0.9.1 (2019.02.17) - Fixed potential security vulnerabilities by updating requests. - Fixed [#49](https://github.com/damnever/pigar/issues/49) #### Version 0.9.0 (2018.08.12) - Reuse connections. - Update database. - Fixed [#44](https://github.com/damnever/pigar/issues/44) #### Version 0.7.2 (2018.04.24) - Use https://pypi.org/ - Fixed [#41](https://github.com/damnever/pigar/issues/41) #### Version 0.7.1 (2017.11.07) - Fixed [#34](https://github.com/damnever/pigar/issues/34) #### Version 0.7.0 (2017.07.03) - Fixed the .egg suffix which caused by sudo pip install ... on Ubuntu. - Workaround for special packages, such as [#29](https://github.com/damnever/pigar/issues/34) #### Version 0.6.10 (2016.06.17) - Fixed [#26](https://github.com/damnever/pigar/issues/26) - Fixed relative import issue. #### Version 0.6.9 (2016.05.08) - Fixed ImportError. #### Version 0.6.8 (2016.05.08) - Supported flask extension. - Sorted requirements. - Use gevent if possible. #### Version 0.6.7 (2015.12.13) - If modules in the `try...except...` block, assume they are optional. #### Version 0.6.6 (2015.11.22) - Fixed IndexError. #### Version 0.6.5 (2015.11.22) - Fixed AttributeError. - Fixed PEP8 warning. #### Version 0.6.4 (2015.11.22) - Removed useless code. - Cache modules, to avoid duplication of inspection. Thank [@spacewander](https://github.com/spacewander) for the following contributions: - Fixed error for Python 2.7.6. - Fixed error when using './xxx' as relative path. - Support `importlib.import_module` and `__import__`. #### Version 0.6.3 (2015.11.09) - Sort files, make comments more clearer. - Fixed grammar, to make the README clearer. Thank [@roryokane](https://github.com/roryokane) and [@flyingfisch](https://github.com/flyingfisch). - Make it work with `python -m pigar`. Thank [@lilydjwg](https://github.com/lilydjwg). - Fixed the pep8 warnings: [#15](https://github.com/damnever/pigar/pull/15). - Make output more clearer: [#12](https://github.com/damnever/pigar/issues/12). - Fixed UnicodeDecodeError for Python 3. #### Version 0.6.2 (2015.11.05) - If requirements file is overwritten over, show difference between old and new. - Adjust the structure of the code. #### Version 0.6.1 (2015.11.03) - Fixed typo. - Follow symlinks. #### Version 0.6.0 (2015.10.30) - Enhancement: issue [#7](https://github.com/damnever/pigar/issues/7), show imported module come from which files. - Consider package installed via Git. - Add command "-i", used to ignore a list of directory. #### Version 0.5.5 (2015.10.21) - Fixed issue [#2](https://github.com/damnever/pigar/issues/2) , [#3](https://github.com/damnever/pigar/issues/3) , [#4](https://github.com/damnever/pigar/issues/4) , [#5](https://github.com/damnever/pigar/issues/5). #### Version 0.5.2-0.5.4 (2015.10.6) - Fixed issue [#1](https://github.com/damnever/pigar/issues/1). - Make version compare more effective. - Removed useless code. #### Version 0.5.1 (2015.10.01) - Available in PyPI(https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pigar). - Generate requirements for Python project. - Can consider different for different Python versions. - Search package names by imported names. %package help Summary: Development documents and examples for pigar Provides: python3-pigar-doc %description help - Generating requirements.txt for Python project. - Handling the difference between different Python versions. - Jupyter notebook (`*.ipynb`) support. - Including the import statements/magic from ``exec``/``eval``/``importlib``, doctest of docstring, etc. - Searching ditributions(packages) by the top level import/module names. - Checking the latest versions of requirements. Note that pigar is not a package management tool. You can find more information on [GitHub](https://github.com/damnever/pigar). ### Change Logs #### Version 2.0.6 (2023.03.06) See what’s changed in detail [between v2.0.5 and v2.0.6](https://github.com/damnever/pigar/compare/v2.0.5...v2.0.6). #### Version 2.0.5 (2023.01.12) See what’s changed in detail [between v2.0.4 and v2.0.5](https://github.com/damnever/pigar/compare/v2.0.4...v2.0.5). #### Version 2.0.4 (2022.12.22) See what’s changed in detail [between v2.0.3 and v2.0.4](https://github.com/damnever/pigar/compare/v2.0.3...v2.0.4). #### Version 2.0.3 (2022.12.15) - Bump certifi from 2022.9.24 to 2022.12.7 (ref: https://github.com/advisories/GHSA-43fp-rhv2-5gv8) - Fixed os.path.commonpath raises ValueError for different drives. See what’s changed in detail [between v2.0.2 and v2.0.3](https://github.com/damnever/pigar/compare/v2.0.2...v2.0.3). #### Version 2.0.2 (2022.12.04) - Ignore absolute path in [distributions' installed files](https://peps.python.org/pep-0627/#clarifications-in-the-record-file). - Ignore vcs exception when parsing information for EggInfoDistribution. - Sort searched results, print unknown if version not found. - Fix dirty records in the index database. #### Version 2.0.1 (2022.12.03) Make absolute import more reliable by searching parent directory as well. #### Version 2.0.0 (2022.12.02) This version has changed a lot of things, most of them are **BREAKING CHANGE**s! - **Dropped support for Python versions older than 3.7.** - **Redesigned the command line interface.** - `pigar generate` to generate requirements.txt. - `pigar search` to search packages/distributions by the top level module names. - `pigar check` to check the latest versions of requirements. - `pigar -h` to explore more. - `pigar` accepts a prefix for a command, such as `pigar gen`, `pigar c`. - **Refactored a lot of code and interfaces.** - [Vendoring](https://github.com/pradyunsg/vendoring) the [pip](https://github.com/pypa/pip) to access more sophisticated utilities(`pip` named it's module as `_internal` so vendoring technology is introduced). - Fixed a lot of issues when parsing the requirements file, e.g. [#113](https://github.com/damnever/pigar/issues/113). - Fixed the issues for editable requirements, e.g. [#60](https://github.com/damnever/pigar/issues/60). - Tweaked some default actions and introduced more options for better user experience. - `pigar` will ask user to choose the right packages/distributions if `pigar` has found multiple packages/distributions for the same module names. With `--auto-select` enabled, `pigar` will guess the best matched one or choose all possible packages/distributions automatically. - Added an option `--dry-run` which allows `pigar` to not write a requirements.txt file, just print it. - Added an option `--follow-symbolic-links/--dont-follow-symbolic-links` to let user decide whether to follow the symbolic links, fixed [#89](https://github.com/damnever/pigar/issues/89). - Added an option `-i/--index-url` to allow the custom URL of the Python Package Index, fixed [#52](https://github.com/damnever/pigar/issues/52). - Removed the spaces from requirements specifier, fixed [#86](https://github.com/damnever/pigar/issues/86). - Added an option `--show-differences/--dont-show-differences` to enable or disable showing the differences when the requirements file is overwritten. - Introduced `asyncio` to synchronize distributions' metadata with the PyPI, the process is much faster now. - Refactored the code to make the index database more reliable. - Add unique contstraints to avoid duplicate records, fixed [#119](https://github.com/damnever/pigar/issues/119). - Store versions in the database to do incremental index synchronization. #### Version 1.0.2 (2022.11.12) - Fix requirements list in setup.py [#122](https://github.com/damnever/pigar/pull/122). #### Version 1.0.1 (2022.11.12) - Support `*.ipynb` magics and shell command, fixed [#87](https://github.com/damnever/pigar/issues/87). See [#102](https://github.com/damnever/pigar/pull/102), [#117](https://github.com/damnever/pigar/pull/117), [#118](https://github.com/damnever/pigar/pull/118) for details. - Parse requirements file with the more sophisticated utility, fixed [#48](https://github.com/damnever/pigar/issues/48), [#113](https://github.com/damnever/pigar/issues/113). See [#115](https://github.com/damnever/pigar/pull/115) for details. - Fixed [#99](https://github.com/damnever/pigar/issues/99), continue if a local package isn't exists. See [#107](https://github.com/damnever/pigar/pull/107) for details. - Fixed too many values to unpack error when parsing git config. See [#97](https://github.com/damnever/pigar/pull/97) for details. #### Version 1.0.0 (2022.06.22) - **BREAKING CHANGE:** Disable the comments which contain filenames and line numbers by default, use `--with-referenced-comments` to enable this feature. - Skip if local package (edit-mode project) not found, fixed [#99]((https://github.com/damnever/pigar/issues/61)). #### Version 0.10.0 (2020.03.14) - Refactored the main logic, **the interface has been changed**, be careful if you are using `pigar` as a library. - Handle the HTTP error, fixed [#61](https://github.com/damnever/pigar/issues/61). - Ignore local packages quietly, fixed [#47](https://github.com/damnever/pigar/issues/47), [#58](https://github.com/damnever/pigar/issues/58) and [#65](https://github.com/damnever/pigar/issues/65). Thank [@bganglia](https://github.com/bganglia) for the following contributions: - Add Jupyter notebook(`.ipynb`) support, refer to [#69](https://github.com/damnever/pigar/issues/69). - Option to turn off filenames and line numbers in requirements.txt, refer to [#65](https://github.com/damnever/pigar/issues/65). - Fix check path, refer to [#64](https://github.com/damnever/pigar/issues/64). - And [more](https://github.com/damnever/pigar/pulls?q=is%3Apr+author%3Abganglia). #### Version 0.9.2 (2019.04.11) - Make version comparison operator configurable, fixed [#37](https://github.com/damnever/pigar/issues/37) #### Version 0.9.1 (2019.02.17) - Fixed potential security vulnerabilities by updating requests. - Fixed [#49](https://github.com/damnever/pigar/issues/49) #### Version 0.9.0 (2018.08.12) - Reuse connections. - Update database. - Fixed [#44](https://github.com/damnever/pigar/issues/44) #### Version 0.7.2 (2018.04.24) - Use https://pypi.org/ - Fixed [#41](https://github.com/damnever/pigar/issues/41) #### Version 0.7.1 (2017.11.07) - Fixed [#34](https://github.com/damnever/pigar/issues/34) #### Version 0.7.0 (2017.07.03) - Fixed the .egg suffix which caused by sudo pip install ... on Ubuntu. - Workaround for special packages, such as [#29](https://github.com/damnever/pigar/issues/34) #### Version 0.6.10 (2016.06.17) - Fixed [#26](https://github.com/damnever/pigar/issues/26) - Fixed relative import issue. #### Version 0.6.9 (2016.05.08) - Fixed ImportError. #### Version 0.6.8 (2016.05.08) - Supported flask extension. - Sorted requirements. - Use gevent if possible. #### Version 0.6.7 (2015.12.13) - If modules in the `try...except...` block, assume they are optional. #### Version 0.6.6 (2015.11.22) - Fixed IndexError. #### Version 0.6.5 (2015.11.22) - Fixed AttributeError. - Fixed PEP8 warning. #### Version 0.6.4 (2015.11.22) - Removed useless code. - Cache modules, to avoid duplication of inspection. Thank [@spacewander](https://github.com/spacewander) for the following contributions: - Fixed error for Python 2.7.6. - Fixed error when using './xxx' as relative path. - Support `importlib.import_module` and `__import__`. #### Version 0.6.3 (2015.11.09) - Sort files, make comments more clearer. - Fixed grammar, to make the README clearer. Thank [@roryokane](https://github.com/roryokane) and [@flyingfisch](https://github.com/flyingfisch). - Make it work with `python -m pigar`. Thank [@lilydjwg](https://github.com/lilydjwg). - Fixed the pep8 warnings: [#15](https://github.com/damnever/pigar/pull/15). - Make output more clearer: [#12](https://github.com/damnever/pigar/issues/12). - Fixed UnicodeDecodeError for Python 3. #### Version 0.6.2 (2015.11.05) - If requirements file is overwritten over, show difference between old and new. - Adjust the structure of the code. #### Version 0.6.1 (2015.11.03) - Fixed typo. - Follow symlinks. #### Version 0.6.0 (2015.10.30) - Enhancement: issue [#7](https://github.com/damnever/pigar/issues/7), show imported module come from which files. - Consider package installed via Git. - Add command "-i", used to ignore a list of directory. #### Version 0.5.5 (2015.10.21) - Fixed issue [#2](https://github.com/damnever/pigar/issues/2) , [#3](https://github.com/damnever/pigar/issues/3) , [#4](https://github.com/damnever/pigar/issues/4) , [#5](https://github.com/damnever/pigar/issues/5). #### Version 0.5.2-0.5.4 (2015.10.6) - Fixed issue [#1](https://github.com/damnever/pigar/issues/1). - Make version compare more effective. - Removed useless code. #### Version 0.5.1 (2015.10.01) - Available in PyPI(https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pigar). - Generate requirements for Python project. - Can consider different for different Python versions. - Search package names by imported names. %prep %autosetup -n pigar-2.0.6 %build %py3_build %install %py3_install install -d -m755 %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir} if [ -d doc ]; then cp -arf doc %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi if [ -d docs ]; then cp -arf docs %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi if [ -d example ]; then cp -arf example %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi if [ -d examples ]; then cp -arf examples %{buildroot}/%{_pkgdocdir}; fi pushd %{buildroot} if [ -d usr/lib ]; then find usr/lib -type f -printf "/%h/%f\n" >> filelist.lst fi if [ -d usr/lib64 ]; then find usr/lib64 -type f -printf "/%h/%f\n" >> filelist.lst fi if [ -d usr/bin ]; then find usr/bin -type f -printf "/%h/%f\n" >> filelist.lst fi if [ -d usr/sbin ]; then find usr/sbin -type f -printf "/%h/%f\n" >> filelist.lst fi touch doclist.lst if [ -d usr/share/man ]; then find usr/share/man -type f -printf "/%h/%f.gz\n" >> doclist.lst fi popd mv %{buildroot}/filelist.lst . mv %{buildroot}/doclist.lst . %files -n python3-pigar -f filelist.lst %dir %{python3_sitelib}/* %files help -f doclist.lst %{_docdir}/* %changelog * Tue Apr 11 2023 Python_Bot - 2.0.6-1 - Package Spec generated